Illegitimate HIS Access by Healthcare Professionals Detection System
Applying an Audit Trail-based Model
Liliana S
1 a
, Manuel E. Correia
2 b
and Ricardo Cruz-Correia
1,3 c
HLTSYS, HealthySystems, lda, Porto, Portugal
Faculdade de Ci
encias da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Center for Research in Health Technologies and Information Systems - CINTESIS, Porto, Portugal
Data Breach, Data Protection, Health Data Access, Illegitimate Access Detection.
Complex data management on healthcare institutions makes very hard to identify illegitimate accesses which
is a serious issue. We propose to develop a system to detect accesses with suspicious behavior for further
investigation. We modeled use cases (UC) and sequence diagrams (SD) showing the data flow between users
and systems. The algorithms represented by activity diagrams apply rules based on professionals’ routines,
use data from an audit trail (AT) and classify accesses as suspicious or normal. The algorithms were evaluated
between 23rd and 31st July 2019. The results were analyzed using absolute and relative frequencies and
dispersion measures. Access classification was in accordance to rules applied. “Check time of activity”
UC had 64,78% of suspicious classifications, being 55% of activity period shorter and 9,78% longer than
expected, “Check days of activity” presented 2,27% of suspicious access and “EHR read access” 79%, the
highest percentage of suspicious accesses. The results show the first picture of HIS accesses. Deeper analysis
to evaluate algorithms sensibility and specificity should be done. Lack of more detailed information about
professionals’ routines and systems, and low quality of systems logs are some limitations. Although we
believe this is an important step in this field.
Healthcare institutions typically imply complex data
management processes, where a professional can
have multiple roles during a certain period of time
(physician, researcher, head of department), leading
him or her to access many different patients’ Eletronic
Health Record (EHR), that in its turn are accessed by
many professionals for different reasons. This com-
plexity makes very hard distinguishing the legitimate
accesses from the non-legitimate ones and it is be-
coming a serious issue for healthcare institutions to
solve. Although audit trails (AT) are an important tool
for some General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
requirements’ complience (EU, 2016), like audit and
traceability (Gonc¸alves-Ferreira et al., 2018), we be-
live that they can have an important role on detec-
tion of suspicious actions on EHR that can be illegit-
imate access. Previous studies show that despite the
complex environment of data management on health-
care providers it is possible to create rules associated
to routines of healthcare professionals and to model
their access to Health Information Systems (HIS)
through use cases (UC). Taking advantage of infor-
mation collected on previous investigation (L.Correia
et al., 2019) we propose to implement algorithms for
detection of suspicious actions on HIS by healthcare
professionals giving clues for further investigation by
the Data Protection Officer (DPO) and to ensure the
patients data privacy.
Parting from previous studies (L.Correia et al., 2019)
in which were modeled UC for scenarios that de-
scribed situations of, or that could lead to, illegitimate
access, we selected three to implement algorithms for
detection of suspicious activity. The choice was based
on the available logs in the AT of a hospital from
North Portugal after an analysis of variables needed
Sá-Correia, L., Correia, M. and Cruz-Correia, R.
Illegitimate HIS Access by Healthcare Professionals Detection System Applying an Audit Trail-based Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0008991505390546
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 539-546
ISBN: 978-989-758-398-8; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
for each UC. Since we had logs just from the ap-
plicational system Obscare we excluded the UC that
depend other type of logs. The rules and tresholds
applyed to algorithms were based on the information
gathered on discussions with experts and interviews
to healthcare professionals (L.Correia et al., 2019).
We used the Unified Model Language (UML) to de-
sign the UC and activity diagrams (AD), and coded in
JAVA programming language. Tests were conducted
between 23rd and 31st of July 2019, with logs of one
applicational system - Obscare that were being col-
lect by the AT HS.REGISTER on an hospital from
North Portugal. We analysed the obtained datasets in
order to find erros on dates and calculations, incon-
sistencies and access misclassifications. For each, it
was removed duplicated records and it was analysed
the impact of N/A existence. For the dataset of UC
“Check time of activity” was produced a summary
table by professional category with the metrics: (1)
total of results, (2) number of professionals without
identification, (3) minimum time of activity, (4) 1st
and 3rd quartiles and median values of time of activ-
ity, (5) mean of time of activity, (6) maximum time
of activity; (7) standard deviation and (8) number of
results classified as “suspicious”. For the dataset of
UC “Check days of activity” we produced a summary
table by professional category with the metrics: (1)
total of results, (2) minimum days of activity, (3) 1st
and 3rd and median days of activity, (4) mean of days
of activity, (5) maximum of days of activity; (6) stan-
dard deviation and (7) number of results classified as
“suspicious”. For dataset of UC “EHR read access”
we produced a summary table by date with the met-
rics: (1) total of results, (2) total of results without
professional ID, (3) total of results with null patient
ID, (4) total of suspicious access classifications, (5)
total of suspicious access classifications without pro-
fessional ID and (6) total of suspicious access classi-
fications with null patient ID, and a table comparing
the accesses by professional category.
3.1 Use Case “Check Time of Activity”
First, we think of identifying professionals’ activity
periods that are longer or shorter than expected for
a work shift, since professionals have a schedule to
work and should not access to HIS when they are off
ario da Republica, 2005).
Scenario 1. A professional uses his credentials dur-
ing his shift to accomplish his tasks. In the end of his
shift, he goes home and he did not logout his session
on the computer. A colleague uses his open session to
access the HIS and take a look at a patient’s EHR that
he was curious about.
Figure 1: Use case “Check time of activity”.
For this UC we propose to track all activities of a
professional and monitor the consecutive time of ac-
tivity, checking if the total time of activity is normal
for a shift duration, or is shorter or longer insted, as
showed in the UC (figure 1) and on the SD (figure 2).
Figure 2: Sequence diagram “Check time of activity”.
Our algorithm requests the data to AT between
two dates, analyses the data and produces a report
with the classification of the results corresponding to
periods of consecutive time of activity. As we cannot
afirm that the result obtained is in fact an illegitimat
access, we classified the access as “suspicious” if it
is shorter or longer than expected for a work shift and
an alert is launched. The AD (figure 3) shows the pro-
posed algorithm. For each professional, the events are
ascending ordered by timestamp. It adds the time be-
tween two consecutive timestamps of event logs, if
the difference between them is less than six hours.
Other wise we consider that the professional is off and
it starts counting a new period of consecutive time of
actvity. If the total of added time is greater than thir-
teen hours or shorter than five hours it may indicate
that the user is not accessing only during the work
Evaluation. The algorithm was tested between 23rd
and 31st July 2019. The results for each professional
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 3: Activity diagram “Check time of activity”.
and classification as suspicious are shown in table 1.
If a professional accesses a period of time less than
five hours ( 299 minutes) and greater than thirteen
hours (781 minutes) it is classified as “suspicious”,
else the system classifies the access as normal. In
the referred period, which counts nine days, after re-
moving the duplicated ones, we got 276 results, of
which 176 were classified as suspicious. The data pre-
sented show two outliers with different behaviours.
For the category “No identified” all cases have a dura-
tion completely distinct from the others, but all 6 oc-
currences have the same behaviour. This happens be-
cause this category represent automatic processes that
run in system’s background, acording the provider of
Obscare system. Another outlier is in “Nurse” cat-
egory and is similar to “No identified” category, be-
cause there are some automatic processes associated
to “Nurse” category, as well. Categories associated to
management and research tasks have activities with
very short duration and few occurrences. Looking to
categories that are more related to healthcare delivery
and removing the automatic processes from “Nurse”
category we can see that the results presented, gen-
erally, do not exceed the superior limit fixed as sus-
picious access. However the categories “physician”
and “specialist phyisician” have some results that ex-
ceed that limit. It is also possible to see that there are
many accesses that do not go over the inferior limit
and those are responsible for most of the suspicious
access classifications.
3.2 Use Case “Check Days of Activity”
Secondly, we tried to identify professionals’ consecu-
tive days of activity that are longer than expected for a
week work, since professionals are off after a week of
work, that can be up to seven consecutive days and in
some exceptions even longer, and should not access
to HIS when they are off (Di
ario da Republica, 2005).
Scenario 2. A professional uses his credentials dur-
ing his shift to accomplish his tasks. In the end of
work week, when he is off, another user uses his cre-
dential to access a HIS, to take a look at a patient
Figure 4: Use case “Check days of activity”.
For this UC we propose to track all activities of a
professional and monitor the consecutive days of his
or her work, checking if the total consecutive days
of activity is normal for a work week, or longer, as
showed in the UC (figure 4). The SD (figure 5) shows
that for every activity in the system done by a profes-
sional, it is sent a event log for the AT which identifies
the professional, his profile, the timestamp, the patient
accessed, the action executed among other data. Our
algorithm requests the data to the AT between two
dates, analyses the data and produces a report with the
classification of the results corresponding to the num-
ber of consecutive days of activity. Also, as we cannot
afirm that the result obtained is in fact an illegitimate
access, we classified the accesses as “suspicious” if
it is longer than expected for a work week. For each
Illegitimate HIS Access by Healthcare Professionals Detection System Applying an Audit Trail-based Model
Table 1: Results for UC “Days of Activity”.
Professional Category Nr Professional nr of consecutive minutes worked Stsndard Suspicious
results identified Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. Deviation access
No identified 6 0 4305 4305 4305 4308 4305 4328 6.12 6 (100%)
Admin Sirai 5 5 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.40 8.00 10.00 2.60 5 (100%)
Admin VCOBSGYNV3,Create users 1 1 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0 1 (100%)
Administrative 56 56 1.00 96.75 338.00 307.54 364.25 713.00 210.83 24 (43%)
Nurse 108 105 0.00 50.25 210.50 335.45 361.75 4320.00 194.41 71 (66%)
Nurse,Admin VCInt,Physician, Development team 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1 (100%)
Nurse,Administrative,Admin Physician,Admin Sirai, Admin Backoffice 4 4 0.00 2.25 8.00 13.00 18.75 36.00 16.31 4 (100%)
Management, Admin, VCOBSGYNV3,Creat Users,Physician 1 1 137.00 137.00 137.00 137.00 137.00 137.00 0.00 1 (100%)
Indicators Sirai,Admin Sirai 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1 (100%)
Physician 28 28 0.00 74.5 230.00 314.60 399.00 1543.00 345.88 21 (75%)
Physician Specialist,Physician 65 65 0.00 124.00 338.00 436.40 669.00 1431.00 365.68 41 (63%)
276 267 0.00 67.00 266.00 422.80 448.50 4320.00 766.37 176 (63%)
Figure 5: Sequence diagram “Check Days of activity”.
classification as “suspicious” an email is sent to the
CIS and to the DPO.
The AD (figure 6) shows the proposed algorithm.
For each professional, the events are ascending or-
dered by timestamp and it counts consecutive days
using the timestamps of event logs. If the difference
between them is more than one day, we consider that
the professional was off and it starts counting a new
period of consecutive days of actvity. If the total of
added days is greater than eight days it may indicate
that the user is not accessing only during the work
Evaluation. The algorithm was tested between 23rd
and 31st July 2019. The results of days of activity for
each professional and classification as suspicious are
shown in table 2. If a professional accesses a period
of days greater than 8 days it is classified as “suspi-
cious”, else the system classifies the access as normal.
In the referred period, which counts nine days, we
got 213 results, of which 17 were classified as “sus-
picious”. The data presented shows two outliers with
different behaviours. For the category “No identified”
all the cases have a duration completely distinct from
the others, but all the 6 occurrences have the same be-
haviour. This happens because this category represent
automatic processes that run in system’s background.
Another outlier is in “Nurse” category and is similar
to “No identified” category, because there are some
automatic processes associated to “Nurse” category,
as well. Categories associated to management and re-
search tasks have activities with very short duration
Figure 6: Activity diagram “Check days of activity”.
and few occurrences. We can see that automatic pro-
cesses run every day having no associated category,
and there are accesses associated to management and
research accesses that occurs generally once or twice
a week. Observing the categories that are directly re-
lated to delivery of healthcare, such “Administrative”,
“Nurse”, “Phisician” and “Specialist Phisitian”, simi-
larly to what happens in the results of the UC “Check
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
time of activity”, the suspicious accesses are associ-
ated to “specialist physician” category.
3.3 Use Case “Check EHR Read
In this UC, we tried to identify accesses by profes-
sionals to read patients’ EHR and did not create or
update them. The lack of evidences that can justify
such access is already spotted as an issue to solve by
healthcare institutions. According to GDPR and Joint
Commission International (JCI) for hospitals certifi-
cation on Management of Information (MOI) 11.5
this type of access should be addressed to mitigate
problems related to data breaches (Joint Commission
International, 2017).
Scenario 3. A professional access to a patient EHR.
Why does he access? What are the evidences of the
healthcare delivering of that professional.
For this UC we propose to track all accesses of a
professional and monitor the patient accessed and the
type of action excuted between 72 hours (three con-
secutive days). A EHR may be updated after the end
of shift or in the begining of the shift and the infor-
mation updated may need to be checked in the end of
the shift. If between 72 hours there is an access to
read an EHR and there is any update or create action,
the access is classified as “suspicious”, else is classi-
fied as normal, as showed in the UC (figure 7). The
SD (figure 8) shows that for every activity in the sys-
tem done by a professional, it is sent an event log for
the AT which identifies the professional, his profile,
timestamp, patient accessed, action executed, among
other data. Our algorithm requests the data to the AT
between two dates, analyses the data and produces a
report with the read actions (yes or no), write actions
(yes or no) and results of access classification. Again,
as we cannot afirm that the result obtained is in fact an
illegitimate access, we classified the accesss as “sus-
picious” if there is any update or create actions. For
each classification as “suspicious” an email is sent to
the CIS and to the DPO.
Figure 7: Use case “Check EHR read access”.
Figure 8: Sequence diagram “EHR read access”.
Figure 9: Activity diagram “EHR read access”.
The AD (figure 9) shows the proposed algorithm.
For each professional, it is analysed the patient ac-
cessed, and, for each, verifies the action, counts the
number of readings and the number of writings. For
each patient, if the number of readings is greater than
zero and the number of writings are equal to zero the
Illegitimate HIS Access by Healthcare Professionals Detection System Applying an Audit Trail-based Model
Table 2: Results for UC “Days of Activity”.
Professional Category Nr nr of consecutive days Standard Suspicious
results Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. deviation access
No identified 9 11 11 11 11 11 11 0.00 9 (100%)
Admin Sirai 18 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.11 1.00 2.00 0.32 0
Admin VCOBSGYNV3,Create users 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.11 1.00 1.00 N/A 0
Administrative 61 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.18 3.00 7.00 1.46 0
Nurse 101 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.67 2.00 5.00 0.99 0
Nurse,Admin SIRAI 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.11 1.00 1.00 N/A 0
Nurse,Admin VCInt,Physician, Development team 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.11 1.00 1.00 0.00 0
Nurse,Administrative,Admin Physician,Admin Sirai, Admin Backoffice 5 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 2.00 3.00 0.89 0
Management, Admin, VCOBSGYNV3,Creat Users,Physician 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.11 1.00 1.00 N/A 0
Indicators Sirai,Admin Sirai 7 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.43 1.50 3.00 0.78 0
Physician 30 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.03 2.00 5.00 1.19 0
Physician Specialist,Physician 82 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.57 2.00 11.00 2.64 8 (9.7%)
318 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.93 2.00 11.00 2.25 17(5,3%)
access is classified as “suspicious”, else it is classified
as “normal”.
Evaluation. The algorithm was tested between 23rd
and 31st July 2019. The results for UC “EHR read
access” are shown in table 3. In the referred pe-
riod, which counts nine days, we obtained 378 results,
of which 300 (79%) were classified as “suspicious”.
This means that, during this period, there were 300
sets of professionals’ accesses to EHR’s patient with-
out any registry being made. Analysing the results we
can see that 32 accesses classified as “normal” do not
have professional ID and 28 others do not have patient
Table 3: Results for UC “EHR read access”.
Analysis Total of No Null Suspicious access classification by system
date results Prof. Id Patient Id Total Null Prof. Id Null Patient Id
2019-07-22 49 10 (20%) 11 (22%) 39 (80%) 4(10%) 9 (23%)
2019-07-23 38 6 (16%) 13 (34%) 30 (79%) 4 (13%) 8 (27%)
2019-07-24 49 7 (14%) 13 (27%) 44 (90%) 4 (9%) 12 (27%)
2019-07-25 59 9 (15%) 11 (19%) 43 (73%) 5 (12%) 7 (16%)
2019-07-26 31 11 (35%) 10 (32%) 24 (77%) 6 (25%) 8 (33%)
2019-07-27 31 10 (32%) 7 (23%) 24 (77%) 7 (29%) 4 (17%)
2019-07-28 29 6 (21%) 6 (21%) 22 (76%) 4 (18%) 2 (9%)
2019-07-29 44 10 (23%) 9 (20%) 34 (77%) 4 (12%) 7 (21%)
2019-07-30 48 8 (17%) 14 (29%) 40 (83%) 7 (18%) 9 (22%)
378 77 (20%) 94 (25%) 300 (79%) 45 (15%) 66 (0,22%)
The results show that 77 classifications (20%) do
not have the professional ID. Such occurrences are
related to automatic processes, that run in parallel, to
check, get and retrieve necessary data on EHR. The
results with N/A “patitents id” are 94 (25%), and they
are users’ processes that are not related with patients
but to other type of reports instead. So we adjusted the
values excluding the results of automatic processes
and we obtain the values on table 4, which shows that
the results classified as “suspicious” grow to 92%.
Analysing the results by catogories (table 5), we
have those that typically access data for management
and research tasks. All these accesses were con-
sidered suspicious because they are query actions.
Nonetheless all the other categories have a high per-
centage of access classified as “suspicious”. This in-
dicates that there are a several number of EHR ac-
cessed that did not had information updated, and were
just consulted.
Table 4: Adjusted results for UC “EHR read access”.
Date Total results Suspicious access
nr = 216 nr= 198 (92%)
2019-07-22 29 27 (93%)
2019-07-23 20 19 (95%)
2019-07-24 30 29 (97%)
2019-07-25 40 32 (80%)
2019-07-26 11 11 (100%)
2019-07-27 15 14 (93%)
2019-07-28 18 17 (94%)
2019-07-29 26 24 (92%)
2019-07-30 27 25 (93%)
Table 5: Results for UC “EHR read access” by professional
Professional Category Nr Accesses Nr Suspicious
nr=378 nr=300 (79,3%)
No identified 50 30 (60)
Admin Sirai 7 7 (100)
Admin VCOBSGYNV3,Creat User 2 2 (100)
Administrative 52 38 (73)
Nurse 117 93 (79,5)
Nurse,Admin VCInt,Physician, Development team 1 1 (100)
Nurse,Administrative,Admin Physician,Admin Sirai, Admin Backoffice 12 12 (100)
Management, Admin, VCOBSGYNV3,Creat Users,Physician 2 2 (100)
Indicators Sirai,Admin Sirai 2 2 (100)
Physician 25 18 (72)
Physician Specialist,Physician 108 95 (88)
The categories related to healthcare delivery like
Administrative”, “Nurse”, “Phisician” and “Special-
ist Physician” have a high percentage of suspicious
access classification, all above 70%.
Previous work showed that there are many reasons for
existig concerns about health data access on health-
care institutions (L.Correia et al., 2019) and the health
data flow complexity is such that turns very hard to
evaluate the ligitimacy of the accesses to EHR. How-
ever, despite the complexity of health data manage-
ment processes, it is possible to describe scenarios,
UC and the data flow of the access between users and
systems through SD. Based on this information we
could develop three algorithms for suspicious activ-
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics
ity dectection that used the data from AT, which has
the users and systems activity logs. However, at this
point, we just had available logs from one applica-
tional system (Obscare) that were being collected to
HS.Register in a hospital from North Portugal. So
we developed three algorithms for suspicious activ-
ity dectection that could be tested. The results im-
mediately show that there are some aspects in com-
mon to the three analysis. There are events that do not
have the professional identification or category. This
actions are automatic processes running in system’s
background and all of them are classified as suspi-
cious in “Check time of activity” and “Check days of
activity” UC, because of their continuous behaviour
that exceeds the time limits imposed by algorithm’s
rules. For UC “EHR read access”, as it depends on the
type of action of the automatic processes, not all are
suspicious. Some are just to check information and
others update the EHR. Being automatic processes
they probably do not represent a threat, nonetheless
they should be identified to make easier to spot and
interpret them. We can also see that there are various
professional categories of management responsibili-
ties, and they are not used regularly. So their accesses
appear classified as suspicious accesses due to their
pattern of very short usage, specially when comparing
with the expected duration for a shift. Even seeming
normal at a first glance, it would be recommendable
to track the behaviour of these accesses in particular,
once they provide confidencial data. We think that a
detailed analysis of the pattern of these accesses may
give further indication of their legitimacy.
By the point of view of the professional category
of the staff that access to HIS, the main categories
that access are administrative, nurses, physicians and
specialist physicians. In general, they present normal
activity in what concerns to activity longer than ex-
pected (780 minutes), 27 in 276 which represent
9,78% of the results. Physicians and Specialist physi-
cians are the categories that have more cases of this
type of activity, longer than expected. Some of these
suspicious accesses may be explained by the fact that
Obscare system is also used in emergency context,
and not only for consulting or hospital stay context.
In emergency context shifts may be longer than 12
hours, up to 24 hours (L.Correia et al., 2019). The
suspicious accesses detected are in most cases for ac-
tivities shorter than expected (300 minutes), 152 in
276 representing 55% of the results and it is common
to all categories. We supose that the consecutive time
of activity on HIS by professionals in general proba-
bly may be shorter than six hours.
In the case of consecutive days of work, exclud-
ing automatic processes which are 9 of 318 (2,83%),
only specialist physician category exceeds the ex-
pected number of consecutive days of activity, which
are 7 of 309(2,27%). The constraints of patient data
access to care delivery it is usually used the creden-
tials of physicians because most of the times they do
not have EHR access limitations. These occurrences
might explain the values obtained. In general, we see
that accesses that show the highest percentage of be-
ing suspicious are the ones associated to physicians
categories and are in line with our expectations. How-
ever a deeper analysis would be necessary to have fur-
ther conclusions about these results. Relatively to ac-
cesses made to read medical records, the mean of sus-
picious access is 79% of the total accesses, and when
analysing by category we can see that this high per-
centage is transversal to all categories. Even when
excluding the categories that normally access to get
reports, every type of management and research cat-
egories that access to extrat data and do not update
records, the percentage of suspicious access grows to
93%, which means that only 7% of the records are ac-
cessed and updated. For this UC we should evaluate
again the data that it is being analysed, test it during a
longer period of time and find out whether this num-
bers are correct, performing an analysis on the field.
The scope of this study is very complex and requires
a very thorough analysis. Although the difficulties we
found it was possible to create a proof of concept of a
system to detect suspicious accesses by professionals
from healthcare institutions.
Some limitations we have are the lack of detail
of the tasks performed by healthcare professionals to
create more precise rules for algorithms. An analy-
sis on the field, would be also very useful to better
understand the results and, probably, change the clas-
sification of some accesses. Another limitation is the
availability and quality of HIS logs. Obscare system
has already logs prepared for GDPR compliance, but
many systems have not and institutions need to make
a great effort on providers to have this information.
The period of test should be longer than nine days to
detect more patterns in the results obtained.
Nonetheless it was possible to model the scenar-
ios of undue access and create algorithms to detect
suspicious accesses. The results obtained gave a first
glance of what is happening at the level of HIS ac-
cess. A strength of using Obscare system was the fact
that it is used on hospital stay, consulting and emer-
gency context. It may explain some of the outliers
detected, as the emergency shifts may have different
Illegitimate HIS Access by Healthcare Professionals Detection System Applying an Audit Trail-based Model
durations. These results must be confirmed at an ini-
tial stage and, than, take advantage of this information
to create a knowledge base that will allow to apply Ar-
tificial Intelligence (AI) models.
Even at this stage, which is still in a very embry-
onic stadium, the project reveals to be very useful to
IS department and to DPO. They are having the first
picture of the accesses by professionals in the pre-
sented format. Having the results of access classifi-
cation based on the rules created according to staff
routines, the identification number of the professional
that made the access, the time the access was made
and the patient accessed, it gives clues for DPO and
CIS investigate whether the access was in fact ille-
gitimate. Further work must be performed to com-
pletely accomplish the main goal of this project, like
perform a more detailed analysis to verify the correct-
ness of classifications, determine its sensibility and
specificity and detect the suspicious accesses in al-
most real time. It would be very interesting and use-
ful althought the caracteristics of technology used in
hospitals may be a barrier. Finally, the production of
a knowledge base its recommended so that it will be
possible to apply AI models in the future.
This article is a result of the project HS.Register
Demonstrator, NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-033756,
supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational
Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL
2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
ario da Republica (2005). Informac¸
ao gen
etica pessoal
e informac¸
ao de sa
ude, Lei n.
12/2005 - Di
ario da
ublica n.
EU (2016). Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Par-
liament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the
protection of natural persons with regard to the pro-
cessing of personal data and on the free movement of
such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General
Data Protection Regulation).
Gonc¸alves-Ferreira, D., Leite, M., Santos-Pereira, C., Cor-
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HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics