Comparing Business Process Ontologies for Task Monitoring
Amina Annane, Mouna Kamel and Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles
IRIT - Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France
Business Process Monitoring, Business Process Modeling, Ontology, Industry 4.0.
Business process (BP) modelling is an active area of research due to its multiple applications. For systems that
support/monitor operators to perform their tasks (i.e., tasks of a given BP), a formal representation is essential.
Various BP ontologies are available to formally represent BP. In this paper, we review and compare a set of
nine BP ontologies according to their ability to represent process specification and process execution in a fine-
grained way to enable task monitoring. The comparison shows that, on the one hand, ontologies developed
from scratch establish a clear distinction between process specification and process execution, but do not allow
to represent workflow constraints required for process execution. On the other hand, most of the ontologies,
that are ontological versions of existing BP modeling languages, focus only on process specifications but do
not represent process execution, or mix the representation of BP specification and execution.
A business process (BP) is a set of related tasks that
have to be performed in a specific order, by some or-
ganization units and actors, to reach well defined busi-
ness goals (Dumas et al., 2013). To maintain a com-
petitive position, industrial companies look perma-
nently for improving their BPs. A research area has
emerged from this need, known as Business Process
Modeling (BPM) (van der Aalst, 2013). It aims at
providing models and tools to analyze, improve, sim-
ulate and automate business processes (BPs). Busi-
ness Process Models provide a more precise defini-
tion of BPs by representing the enterprise activities
and work-flows at an abstract level, including the de-
scription of the roles and responsibilities of its organi-
zation units for different tasks as well as task depen-
dencies and used resources (goods, data and knowl-
edge). In order to better evaluate BPs, and to assist
their execution and management, information tech-
nologies require formal representations of BP models.
More recently, the Industry 4.0 vision assumes an ef-
fective and high-quality communication between sys-
tems (interoperability), which also relies on a formal
representation of BPs (Vogel-Heuser and Hess, 2016).
In this context, ontologies, defined as formal repre-
sentation of domain knowledge at a conceptual level,
are a good means to provide standard and formal rep-
resentations, and by this way, to reinforce interop-
erability and communication between systems (hu-
mans and machines) that use these BP models. More-
over, ontology formal languages allow to perform au-
tomatic reasoning on the knowledge that they repre-
sent. This capability contributes to check knowledge
integrity and consistency (Rospocher et al., 2014). A
deeper discussion about the benefits of representing
BPs using ontologies is available in (Lautenbacher
et al., 2008).
Beyond BP description, another perspective can
be to check BP execution and to perform reasoning on
this execution, for instance to diagnose failures and to
capture recovery procedures. This requires additional
concepts that can keep track of each process run. In
this paper, we examine the needs to be satisfied by an
ontology that would support the execution of BPs and
keep track of their executions.
By definition, ontologies should be shared and
easily reusable models that facilitate knowledge mod-
elling and to increase model interoperability (R. Gru-
ber, 1995). So we examine the literature in order to
find reusable ontologies that could contribute to de-
fine a relevant BP ontology that would support the
representation of both process specifications and pro-
cess executions. We propose a review of nine of the
most popular BP ontologies, and we evaluate their
ability to explicitly represent BPs’ specification and
their execution. The goal of this analysis is to guide
us in selecting the most relevant ontologies among the
existing ones.
This work is motivated by our participation in the
Annane, A., Kamel, M. and Aussenac-Gilles, N.
Comparing Business Process Ontologies for Task Monitoring.
DOI: 10.5220/0008978706340643
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 2, pages 634-643
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
AVIREX project that fits in Industry 4.0. AVIREX
partners aim at developing an intelligent virtual as-
sistant that should: (i) assist/monitor operators in the
step-by-step execution of BPs; (ii) answer the opera-
tor’s questions about the process execution; (iii) keep
all related details to process execution, included the
context in which an anomaly (i.e., unexpected event)
may occur (so as to support the diagnosis process);
(iv) save the solution if the operator succeeds in solv-
ing the anomaly. To accomplish its mission, the vir-
tual assistant relies on a formal and a fine-grained rep-
resentation of the whole BP, hence the need for an
ontology that enables such a representation. Further-
more, the ontology should be generic to be specified
and instantiated with the BPs of any company. In the
two use cases given by the project industrial partner,
the BPs describe how to assemble electronic, digital
and physical components.
The following of the paper is organized as such:
Section 2 identifies key concepts that should be cov-
ered by an ontology to represent BP execution and
specification; they will serve as comparison criteria
of the nine studied ontologies sketched in Section 3.
From this comparison and requirements, we selected
several modelling options and discuss them in Section
4 before we conclude in Section 5.
We studied several knowledge sources: (i) research
papers and technical documents, and (ii) competency
questions, to identify the key concepts that should be
covered by a core BP ontology.
2.1 Knowledge Sources
Research Papers and Technical Documents: We
studied a set of research paper that we cite and dis-
cuss throughout this article. Moreover, we analyzed
two corpora provided by AVIREX industrial partners
with the help of their experts. One corpus includes
20 documents describing real BPs, and the other one
contains 28 documents describing anomalies (or feed-
back experiences) with/without their solutions.
We are interested in internal and executable BPs
of industrial companies. They are imperative pro-
cesses to be performed by human agents (i.e., oper-
ators). The role of the virtual assistant is to monitor
and support operators to improve their efficiency and
effectiveness when performing these processes.
Figure 1 shows a sub-process (made anonymous
for confidentiality reasons) to give an idea of what a
BP looks like. As we can observe, the instructions ask
On the MMA station:
1. Execute the script MUXF.exe
2. Using the software SOFT, verify
whether the script execution has
generated an alarm
3. If the execution have generated an
alarm, note the error code
Figure 1: Excerpt of a real Business Process.
the operator to perform a set of specific activities (”ex-
ecute”, ”verify”, ”note”), on a specific place (”MMA
station”), in a sequential order. Moreover, some ac-
tivities are controlled by conditions (”if the execution
has generated an alarm”), and require some resources
(”the software SOFT”).
Competency Questions: Competency questions are
recognized to be a good means to identify ontology
specifications (Gr
uninger and Fox, 1995). Thanks to
our meetings with experts and related works (Hepp
and Roman, 2007), (Abdalla et al., 2014), we col-
lected a set of 26 competency questions: ”What are
the sub-activities of a given process?”, ”Which ac-
tivities must precede a given activity?”, ”Which re-
sources are required for/produced by a given task?”,
”Who can perform/has performed a given activity?”,
”What is the context (i.e., task\agent\resource\..) of
a given anomaly?”, etc.
2.2 Key Concepts
Based on the studied knowledge sources, we identi-
fied the following key concepts:
Process Specification refers to the model that de-
scribes the process and how it should be performed.
It includes the following items:
a. Activity Decomposition: Processes are complex
procedures that are usually decomposed into atomic
activities and complex activities (i.e., sub-processes).
b. Workflow: It specifies the order (sequential or
parallel) in which the activities should be performed.
c. Preconditions/Postconditions (PP): Beginning
or ending some activities may be subject to condi-
tions. Preconditions control the beginning of activi-
ties, while Postconditions control their ending. Post-
conditions usually are the preconditions of the next
activities. PP depend on the availability of (i) data or
(ii) resources (agents, machines, raw materials, etc.),
(iii) the execution of other activities, (iv) time con-
straints, or (v) the occurrence of events. An Event
is something that ”happens” during process execution
e.g., a call phone or the arrival of an e-mail.
d. Place: It specifies where an activity should be
performed: manufacturing facilities and the resources
located at each of them.
Comparing Business Process Ontologies for Task Monitoring
e. Anomaly: Unexpected values or/and errors
may occur during process execution, giving rise to an
anomaly to be tracked in the ontology. At the specifi-
cation level, expected anomalies are represented with
their repair activities.
Process Execution is about representing the actual
execution of a given process specification (or process
model), the activities actually performed, who (i.e.,
actual agent) performed them, and in which place.
It also represents the events that triggered the execu-
tion of activities, and the actual resources involved,
consumed or produced during this execution. Hu-
man agents may perform some activities that are not
specified in the process model and which it is essen-
tial to keep a trace of. A process specification may
correspond to several executions. Process/Activity
execution is mainly characterized by different states
(e.g., ready, completed, aborted, ...) and time in-
tervals (i.e., execution-start-time and execution-end-
time). To help experts in diagnosing anomalies, ev-
ery piece of information related to the anomaly oc-
currence context should be saved. Moreover, if the
operator succeeds in solving it, the solution should
also be saved for re-use when the same anomaly ap-
pears again.
Organizational Model and Resources define the hi-
erarchy of professional roles and their relations, in
other words, it defines who is subordinated by whom
in the organization. This is important in validation
workflows for example. Since both activity specifi-
cation and execution refer to resources, it is essential
to represent the different types of organizational re-
sources held by the enterprise, and that are involved
in BPs.
In this section, we briefly introduce a set of nine on-
tologies that deal with the semantic representation of
BPs. Here, we try to give the reader a clear idea about
the origin, the context of development, and the repre-
sentation of the key concepts. If some key concepts
(see Section 2) are not discussed for a given ontology,
it means that they are not covered by this ontology.
This is to avoid redundancy, and keep the overview of
each ontology short.
To select relevant ontologies, we searched the
Google Scholar database with various combinations
of the key words: ”ontology”, ”business process”,
”formal model”, ”formal representation”. The search
results were checked through a title and abstract
screening to identify relevant works. Only publica-
tions with a number of citations higher than 20 (see
Tab. 1), and that explicitly mention the development
of an ontology for representing BPs were considered
as relevant. We used the number of citations to as-
sess the popularity of ontologies. The search in the
database was aborted when we noticed a significant
amount of repetitions and loss of precision. In addi-
tion, we performed a cross reference search. An on-
Table 1: Number of citations of the studied ontologies ac-
cording to google scholar.
Ontology Citations
EO 1353
PSL 210
SMPO 104
Petri-Net ontology 109
EPC ontology 69
BPMN 2.0 ontology 70
BPMO ontology 65
tology is mainly composed of a set of concepts (i.e.,
class of things), a set of relations among these con-
cepts, and a set of axioms that are used to formalize
domain knowledge. For the sake of readability, we
use the SMALL CAPITAL LETTERS font when we re-
fer to the actual concepts of an ontology.
Among the studied ontologies, we distinguish
(i) ontologies developed from scratch, and (ii) ontolo-
gies that formalize BPM languages.
3.1 Ontologies Developed from Scratch
The Enterprise Ontology (EO). The enterprise on-
tology (Uschold et al., 1998) was developed within
the Enterprise Project that aimed at designing a mod-
eling framework that uses executable process models
to help users perform their tasks. EO is composed of
five sub-ontologies: (1) Meta-ontology and Time, (2)
Activities and processes, (3) Organization, (4) Strat-
egy, and (5) Marketing. In this paper, we consider
only the three first sub-ontologies since they are re-
lated to the key concepts that we have identified.
The sub-ontology of activities and processes is
concerned with the representation of process speci-
fication and execution; the central concepts are AC-
Process specification is limited to the representa-
tion of the process decomposition, but the workflow
is not represented: neither concepts, nor relationships
are provided to represent the order in which the activ-
ities should be performed.
Organization sub-ontology is concerned with the
representation of agents (human or software), and
their organizational hierarchy.
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Organization sub-ontology is linked to the activity
concepts. On one hand, EO represents the capabilities
and authorities of each agent. On the other hand, it
represents the capabilities and authorities required for
performing each activity.
An ACTIVITY is an execution of an ACTIVITY
SPECIFICATION. It is performed by a DOER in a
use/consume RESOURCES, be decomposed into SUB-
(i.e., outcomes). EVENTS are considered as a specific
type of ACTIVITY.
EO is formalized in Ontolingua which is an old
formal language and is available at https://tinyurl.
Process Specification Language Ontology (PSL).
PSL (Gruninger and Menzel, 2003) is an ISO standard
for representing manufacturing processes (Pouchard
et al., 2005) that was created at the National Insti-
tute of Standards and Technology (NIST
). It was de-
signed to facilitate correct and complete exchange of
process information among manufacturing systems.
ACTIVITY concept denotes a specification of an ac-
tivity. ACTIVITY-OCCURRENCE denotes the actual
execution of one ACTIVITY. Except the decompo-
sition of an activity into sub-activities, the repre-
sentation of process specifications is made by ap-
plying constraints on the instances of ACTIVITY-
uninger, 2009). Indeed, using
PSL, it is not possible to define process specifica-
tions (e.g., order constraints, events, activity precon-
ditions/postconditions) independently of process exe-
cution (i.e., activity occurrences).
PSL offers a set of concepts and relations to rep-
resent for a given activity-occurrence (i.e., at the ex-
ecution level) : sub-activity occurrences, beginning
and ending time, states, preconditions and postcon-
ditions, and the resources involved in its execution.
There is no elaborated representation of anomalies,
but the concept ATTEMPT (i.e., an activity occurrence
that has been interrupted for some reason) may be a
good starting point for adding an extension.
PSL is formalized in OWL and is available at In (Gr
uninger, 2009),
the authors explain how to represent process specifi-
cations using PSL with first order logic sentences.
Core Ontology for Business pRocess Analysis (CO-
BRA). The SUPER (Semantics Utilized for Pro-
cess management within and between EnteRprises)
is a European research project aimed at defin-
ing a set of ontologies for Semantic Business Process
Management (SBPM). In the context of this project,
Hepp et al. (Hepp and Roman, 2007) have proposed
eight ontologies (e.g., Upper-level Process Ontology
(UPO)) and clarified their scopes with competency
questions. Unfortunately, we were not able to ac-
cess the SUPER ontologies except for COBRA and
BPMO. COBRA (Pedrinaci et al., 2008) is a core on-
tology that aimed at enhancing BP analysis. The core
concepts of COBRA are BUSINESS ACTIVITY and
process specification and process execution, respec-
tively. COBRA represents the composition of activ-
ities at the specification and execution levels. Fur-
thermore, it reuses the time ontology
to represent the
beginning and ending time-points of BUSINESS AC-
TIVITY REALIZATIONS. A taxonomy of monitoring
events has been defined to capture the different events
related to process execution. These events change
process or activity states (e.g., started, aborted, com-
pleted, etc.). However, at the specification level,
events are not represented. COBRA allows to spec-
ify AGENTS or ROLES responsible for the execution
of each BUSINESS ACTIVITY, as well as the actual
AGENT that has performed a given BUSINESS AC-
TIVITY REALIZATION. Different relations are pro-
vided by COBRA to represent the resource/data re-
quirements and produced of a given BUSINESS AC-
as uses, consumes, produces and provides. These rela-
tions link activities to PERSISTENT ENTITY that may
TITY. The categorization of these entities is inline
with top level ontologies such as DOLCE (Masolo
et al., 2003). COBRA has been formalized in OCML
but it has no accessible link.
Software Maintenance Project Ontologies
(SMPO). To decrease the efforts and costs of
the software maintenance projects, an extended
software engineering environment MANTIS has been
implemented including the semi-formal ontology
(SMPO) (Ruiz et al., 2003). This ontology deals
with the representation of the static and dynamic
aspects of software maintenance projects. SMPO is
composed of three sub-ontologies: (1) Maintenance,
(2) Workflow, and (3) Measurement. We do not
discuss the measurement ontology since it represents
metrics for assessing the quality of products and
processes, which is out the scope of this paper.
Maintenance sub-ontology (i.e., the static aspect
of the maintenance process) in turn includes four sub-
ontologies describing: (i) PRODUCT and their com-
position; (ii) AGENTs, their ROLEs and their orga-
Comparing Business Process Ontologies for Task Monitoring
nizational model; (iii) ACTIVITY, its sub-types (i.e.,
puts/outputs, and the used RESOURCEs; and (iv)
PROCESS ORGANIZATION allows to represent pro-
cedures (activity specification) that may be used by
activities. The content of these procedures is not
represented. A maintenance Activity is triggered by
a MAINTENANCE REQUEST (i.e., an internal docu-
ment that describes the anomaly) communicated by
an AGENT. Then, the maintenance request is man-
ually studied by experts that produce an INVESTI-
GATION REPORT that points out the CAUSE of the
anomaly. The corrective actions are included in the
maintenance request report, but are not represented.
Workflow sub-ontology (i.e., the dynamic aspect)
deals with the representation of activity decomposi-
tion, temporal constraints between activities and their
execution order. It is surprising to observe that spec-
ifications such as temporal constraints between activ-
ities are represented at the execution level and not
at the specification level, in the process organization
sub-ontology. SMPO does not establish a clear dis-
tinction between process specification and process ex-
ecution. The same concept ACTIVITY is used to rep-
resent both of them. Indeed, ACTIVITY is defined
as the description of the work to be performed. At
the same time, it comprises the STATE attribute that
refers to execution states (e.g., not started, in execu-
tion, etc.). SMPO has been semi-formalized in UML.
Industrial MAintenance Management Ontology
(IMAMO). IMAMO (Karray et al., 2012) has been
developed within the scope of the SMAC (Semantic
MAintenance and lifeCycle) project in collaboration
between academic and industrial organizations from
France and Switzerland. The SMAC project aimed
at providing a semantic platform of industrial mainte-
nance ensuring the capitalization and reuse of knowl-
edge. Hence, it was essential to represent mainte-
nance process and its related concepts.
Process specification is represented mainly with
the PROCESS PATTERN concept that is composed of
a set of STEPs. A process workflow is described
through several concepts (e.g., STEP, TRANSITION,
etc.) and relations (e.g., has first step, next step, next
transition, etc.). For more details, see the processes
view in (Karray et al., 2012).
RESOURCEs are well covered in IMAMO since
they are the central element in an industrial main-
tenance process, especially material resources. In-
deed, many details about material resources are rep-
resented such as their composition, their functional
requirements, etc. In addition, IMAMO provides a
rich taxonomy of industrial resources. However, for a
given activity specification (i.e., PROCESS PATTERN
or STEP), the required resources are not represented
except agents who should perform the activity.
Key concepts for process execution are PROCESS
and ACTIVITY. They are characterized by the at-
tribute ”State”, related to a PERIOD (start and end
dates), and an ACTOR who performs the activity. A
PROCESS refers to a PROCESS PATTERN and com-
posed of a set of ACTIVITY. An ACTIVITY is the exe-
cution either an ACTION or a STEP. ACTION denotes
a task specification that aims at resolving a TROU-
BLE. TROUBLE concept refers to the Anomaly con-
cept. IMAMO represents different types of anoma-
lies, their causes, and the actions that may be per-
formed to resolve them. Only the events triggering
anomalies are represented.
IMAMO has been formalized in OWl and is ac-
cessible at
3.2 Ontologies Developed from BP
Modeling Languages
A process modeling language provides appropriate
syntax and semantics to precisely specify BP require-
ments, in order to support automated process veri-
fication, validation, simulation and process automa-
tion (Lu and Sadiq, 2007). To take advantage of an
ontological representation of BPs, formal ontological
descriptions of some BP languages have been pro-
Petri-Net Ontology. In (Koschmider and Oberweis,
2005), the authors have proposed an ontology that
formalizes Petri-Net elements for BP representation.
Petri-Net is a mathematical and graphical modeling
language that is utilized for modelling workflows and
simulating/analyzing their enactments. A Petri-Net is
a directed graph that mainly consists of two different
sent states, while TRANSITIONS represent events and
activities. The abstract concept ”token” is used to
simulate the move of the execution flow through the
process graph. It is possible to represent the different
workflow patterns (e.g., AND-Split, OR-Split, Loops,
etc.) (van der Aalst et al., 2003) with Petri-Net. Time
constraints, data and resource requirements are not
supported naively, but they may be represented with
additional or customized tokens (e.g., colored tokens)
(van der Aalst, 2015). Although this solution can be
handled by computers, it requires a high expertise and
generates complex Petri-Net graphs. Petri-Net on-
tology does not offer more elements, hence it offers
the same representation characteristics as Petri-Net.
Moreover, petri-Net ontology does not offer a vocab-
ulary for the domain of BP, which is a key element for
a BP ontology. This is explained by the fact that BP
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
representation is just an application for Petri-Nets. Its
strength is its mathematical model that has clear exe-
cution semantics. In addition, several process analysis
algorithms exist (e.g. detecting deadlocks, reachabil-
ity, etc.) and may be reused. The Petri-Net Ontology
has been formalized in OWL, but we were not able to
find its OWL file.
Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) Ontology. EPC
has been developed in a joint effort between SAP
the Institute of Information Systems of Saarbr
in the context of the Architecture of Integrated In-
formation Systems (ARIS) framework (Keller et al.,
1992). EPC is a graphical BP modeling language;
its major strength is its simplicity and easy-to-
understand notation. Originally, EPC does not in-
clude a formal definition, but several works have pro-
posed formalized ontologies with or without exten-
sion over time (van der Aalst, 1999),(Thomas and
Fellmann, 2007). EPC has been developed to rep-
resent enterprise workflows. It has five key con-
cepts (Scheer et al., 2005): (i) FUNCTION that rep-
resents an activity specification, (ii) EVENT to repre-
sent preconditions and post-conditions of FUNCTION,
(iii) CONTROL-FLOW that refers to a transition from
one EPC element to another, (iv) LOGICAL CONNEC-
TOR, such as OR, AND, and XOR, that connects at
least three FUNCTIONs, and finally (v) RESOURCE. A
LOGICAL CONNECTOR can either join or split FUNC-
TIONs. EPC does not support process execution. EPC
is formalized in OWL but it is not available.
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
Ontology. BPMN is a standard
widely adopted by
companies that has been developed by the Object
Management Group (OMG)
. BPMN has two main
versions BPMN 1.0 and BPMN 2.0 (OMG, 2011).
The first version has been published in 2008 while
the second one in 2011. An ontology has been de-
veloped from each version in (Rospocher et al., 2014)
and (Natschl
ager, 2011), respectively. In the follow-
ing, we consider only the BPMN 2.0 version since it
is the most recent and complete one. Indeed, it offers
an execution logic for its elements and a mapping to
the BP execution language (BPEL
BPMN meta-model offers a fine grained represen-
tation of process specification. A PROCESS is repre-
sented as a container that includes four types of el-
ements (or FLOW ELEMENTS): (i) ACTIVITY: an
Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing
(SAP): a German multinational software corporation that
makes enterprise software to manage business operations
and customer relations.
activity specification that may be atomic (TASK) or
complex (SUB-PROCESS), (ii) EVENT: something
that happens, (iii) GATEWAY: a flow control for
synchronization, and (iv) SEQUENCE FLOW: transi-
tions between the previous elements to complete the
representation of the workflow. Transitions may be
controlled with conditions. BPMN supports almost
all workflow patterns (e.g., Simple Merge, Exclusive
choice, loop) (van der Aalst et al., 2003), and repre-
sents advanced BP modeling paradigms like excep-
tion handling, transactions, and compensation. In ad-
dition, it allows to represent data requirements (i.e.,
DATA INPUT and DATA OUTPUT), and the agents or
roles that are responsible of a given activity. However,
it is not possible to define organizational or resource
models with BPMN.
BPMN offers specific events to deal with anoma-
lies such as the ERROR EVENT for interrupting errors
and ESCALATION EVENT for non interrupting errors.
In both cases, BPMN allows to represent the process
to be performed when these events occur.
Process execution is represented only through a
set of additional attributes for instances of process-
specification concepts such as State (e.g., ”ready”,
”completed”, ”aborted”, etc.) for PROCESS, AC-
TUALOWNER the actual actor that is performing
the activity for ACTIVITY, etc. Thus, no ac-
tual distinction is made between process specifica-
tion and process execution. Nevertheless, BPMN de-
fines the life-cycle model of activity instances, with
the events enabling transitions between them (OMG,
2011) (pp.428). To the best of our knowledge, the
OWL version of BPMN2.0 (Natschl
ager, 2011) is not
available to the community. However, BPMN meta-
model is available in BPMN specification (a docu-
ment with more than 500 pages) as UML class dia-
grams (OMG, 2011). An XML version of this meta-
model is also available. However, BPMN specifica-
tion includes a number of constraints (or specifica-
tions) in natural language, that are represented neither
in the UML diagrams, nor in the XML file.
Business Process Modeling Ontology (BPMO).
BPMO was developed in the context of the SUPER
project to represent highlevel BP workflow models,
abstracting from existing BP notations and languages
(Cabral et al., 2009). BPMO supports only the rep-
resentation of process specification. A PROCESS
has a WORKFLOW composed of WORKFLOW EL-
spired from BPEL, and GRAPH PATTERNS inspired
PATTERNS are both control flows representing work-
flow decision points (van der Aalst et al., 2003).
Block-structured control flows are defined similar
Comparing Business Process Ontologies for Task Monitoring
to existing programming languages by using block-
structures such as ”if” or ”while”. Conversely, graph-
oriented language defines control flows through ex-
plicit links between activities. For more details about
the difference between BP graphical and block lan-
guages, please refer to (Kopp et al., 2009). BPMO
has no graphical language of its own. BPMO is for-
malized in WSML-Flight which is an old formal lan-
guage. We did not find an accessible link for BPMO.
Table 2 sums up the previous descriptions where
the symbols +, , have the following meanings:
(i) +: the ontology supports the element represen-
tation, (ii) : the ontology does not support the el-
ement representation, and (iii) : the key concept
is partially represented e.g., (agent) means among
resources only agents are represented. Furthermore,
for anomaly specification, we used the symbol for
Petri-Net, EPC and BPMO because it is possible to
represent anomalies as events and activities, but there
is no specific concepts/relations for representing them
in these models. On the Data values line, (as PP)
means that data values can be represented as precon-
ditions/ postconditions but not with a specific concept.
These ontologies and the project requirements guided
our modeling choices, in particular for the represen-
tation of process specification and execution.
4.1 Process Specification
As we can observe in Tab. 2, among the ontologies
developed from scratch, PSL is the one that covers
the most BP specification elements. However, as ex-
plained earlier, in PSL, the definition of specifications
depends on the execution occurrences.
Ontologies obtained from existing BP languages
offer a richer representation of process specifications.
This may be explained by the maturity of BP lan-
guages and their evolution over the years, in particular
BPMN, the most recent and complete BP language.
Indeed, even if Petri-Net, EPC, BPMO, and BPMN
cover almost the same elements, BPMN stands out for
its expressiveness. Compared to Petri-Net and EPC,
BPMN offers much more concepts and relations to
represent the BP domain. For instance, while ”event”
is represented in EPC by a single general concept with
no formal semantic other than its annotation with a
term, BPMN offers a set of 48 concepts represent-
ing different event types with specific attributes and
clear semantics (e.g., timer event, start event, error
event, message event, etc.) that are classified into: (i)
catching/throwing events, and (ii) interrupting/non-
interrupting events.
4.2 Process Execution
Ontologies developed from scratch (except SMPO)
establish a clear distinction between process specifi-
cation and process execution. As we can see in Tab 2,
the time perspective is covered by these ontologies,
which allows to keep trace of the different executions.
COBRA is distinguished by the fine grained repre-
sentation of monitoring events, the different states
and possible transitions between them within the life-
cycle of processes/activities.
Ontologies extracted from BPM languages either
do not represent process execution such as EPC and
BPMO, or mix between process execution and pro-
cess specification (i.e, no clear distinction) like Petri-
Net and BPMN. Indeed, Petri-Net execution con-
sists on the movement of the token over the net
(i.e., the graph representing the process). Hence,
the represented activities are considered as activity-
specification and activity-execution at the same time.
The BPMN developers propose to instantiate the pro-
cess model than to add some attributes such as state
to the instances (activity instance, process instance,
etc.) without considering the time interval of any in-
stance. Process-specification is an informational en-
tity that describes what and how to do, while process-
execution is a temporal entity that has a time interval
(start-date; end-date). Thus, we believe it is semanti-
cally more correct to differentiate these two concepts.
4.3 Vocabulary
One promising role of ontologies was to provide, for
each domain, a shared vocabulary with precise and
formal definitions that should improve the communi-
cation between different actors of these domains (ei-
ther humans or machines) (Gruber, 1991). However,
we observed a high terminological heterogeneity in
the studied ontologies. On the one hand, different
terms are used to label the same concepts. For in-
stance, the main concept denoting activity-execution
is labeled differently from one ontology to another:
(EO: ”Activity”), (PSL: ”Activity occurence”), (CO-
BRA: ”Process instance”), and (IMAMO: ”Process”).
Another example is the terms used to label the con-
cept representing the move of the execution flow
from one element to another: (IMAMO: ”Tran-
sition”), (BPMN: ”Sequence flow”), and (BPMO:
”Control flow connector”), etc. On the other hand,
the same terms are used to label non-equivalent con-
cepts e.g., the term ”Process” is used to label activity-
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: BP ontologies vs. key concepts.
Key concepts Comparison criteria
Ontologies from scratch Ontologies from BPM languages
Process decomposition + + + + + + + + +
workflow - - + + + + + +
PP - Data - + + - + + +
PP - Resource (agent) + + (agent) + ( agent) -
PP - Activity dependency - - - + - - - -
PP - Time constraints - - - - + + +
PP - Event - - - - + + +
Anomaly description - - - - - +
Anomaly solution - - - - - +
Place - - - - - - - - -
Activities + + + + + - - -
Time + + + + + - - - -
State - + + + - + - + -
Events + + + - (anomaly) + - -
Data values (as PP) + + + - - -
Involved resources + + + + (agent) - (agent) -
Place - - - - - - - - -
Anomaly description - - - + + - - -
Anomaly solution - - - - + - - -
Organizational resources - - - - + - - - -
Organizational model + - - + - - - - -
Formal language Ontolingua OWL OCML UML OWL OWL OWL OWL/UML WSML
Accessibility of the formal version + + - - + - - -/+ -
Comparing Business Process Ontologies for Task Monitoring
specification in COBRA, but activity-execution in
IMAMO. Such a high terminological heterogeneity
reflects the conceptual differences and makes it not
feasible to automatically align these ontologies us-
ing tools such as AML (Faria et al., 2013). Reusing
and combining these ontologies requires to manually
study the ontologies one by one in order to estab-
lish correspondences between equivalent/related con-
cepts. In the future, it would be interesting to define
a standard vocabulary that could be used as a pivot to
interconnect existing BP ontologies.
4.4 Synthesis
Based on the elements discussed previously, none of
the studied ontologies covers all the requirements of
the core ontology that we need, but as we may no-
tice they have common and complementary fragments
(see Tab.2). BPMN seems to be the most relevant
one for our project. In particular, because of its ex-
pressiveness that allows to capture the most of details
related to process specification, which is essential in
our case since we aim at monitoring process execu-
tion step by step. Unfortunately, BPMN ontology is
not available. Hence, we will start by translating the
BPMN meta-model into an ontological model using
(OMG, 2011) and (Natschl
ager, 2011) .
Despite the richness of BPMN, it has some lim-
itations: (i) It does not represent the organizational
model and resources. Furthermore, it does not al-
low to specify the resource requirements (other than
agents) of an activity. (ii) There is no way to rep-
resent the place where the activities should be per-
formed (absent in all models). (iii) There is no ex-
plicit concept to represent process execution. To over-
come these limitations, we decided to reuse fragments
from the other ontologies such as the resource taxon-
omy of IMAMO, relations that represent the resource
requirements such as consumes, uses from COBRA
and the organizational model from EO (with the def-
inition of agent authorities and capabilities). Reusing
together BPMN and these fragments is harder than
expected due to (i) terminological heterogeneity and
differences in the formal languages, and (ii) the lack
of availability of the reused ontologies.
Furthermore, we will add concepts to represent
process execution such as ”Activity instance”, ”Pro-
cess instance” and ”time:interval” (from the Time on-
tology) as shown in Fig 2. This enrichment is inspired
from the COBRA ontology.
Figure 2: Example of enrichment with new concepts (those
with dashed line).
In this paper, we highlighted the main concepts that
should be covered by a BP core ontology, then we pre-
sented and compared nine popular business-process
ontologies. In particular, we focused on how these on-
tologies deal with the representation of process spec-
ification and process execution.
Regarding our project, BPMN seems the best can-
didate to start with. However, BPMN alone does not
cover all the requirements, which leads us to reuse
fragments from the other ontologies.
This work within the AVI-REX project is funded
by a grant from region Occitanie, the FEDER-FSE
ees and Garonne 2014-2020 program un-
der the label 2017-AVI-REX-IRIT-READYNOV IN-
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Comparing Business Process Ontologies for Task Monitoring