Taking Inventory Changes into Account While Negotiating in Supply
Chain Management
Celal Ozan Berk Yavuz
1 a
, C¸ a
gıl S
and Reyhan Aydo
1,2 b
Department of Computer Science,
gin University, Istanbul, Turkey
Interactive Intelligence Group, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Agent-based Negotiation, Bidding Strategy, Supply Chain Management.
In a supply chain environment, supply chain entities need to make joint decisions on the transaction of goods
under the issues quantity, delivery time and unit price in order to procure/sell goods at right quantities and time
while minimizing the transaction costs. This paper presents our negotiating agent designed for Supply Chain
Management League (SCML) in the International Automated Negotiation Agents Competition (ANAC). Ba-
sically, the proposed approach relies on determining reservation value by taking the changes in the inventory
stock into account. We have tested the performance of our bidding strategy in the competition simulation
environment and compared it with the performance of the winner strategies in ANAC SCML 2019. Our
experimental results showed that the proposed strategy outperformed the winner strategies in overall.
A supply chain is a network in which suppliers, manu-
facturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers inter-
act with each other by procuring and processing inter-
mediate products or distributing goods in order to pro-
vide final products to end customers (Mbang, 2011).
The main goals of supply chain are increasing effi-
ciency by prognosticating demand, decreasing overall
cost, strengthening communication between entities,
dealing with the dynamic nature of the environment
and so forth. To achieve those goals, supply chain
entities must be in cooperation in order to operate ef-
fectively (Lin and Lin, 2004). One of the main as-
pects of cooperation requires joint decision making in
transactions, where sellers and buyers mutually deter-
mine the unit cost and amount of the goods to be sold
as well as their delivery time. By and large, there is
a conflict of interests among those stakeholders. For
instance, a buyer prefers to buy a product at a low cost
while a seller would like to sell the product at a high
cost. In such cases, they need to negotiate to resolve
their conflicts and come up with an agreement. Nego-
tiations for supply chain management has a number
of challenges due to the fact that supply chain enti-
ties form a complex ecosystem. First, stakeholders
are uncertain about supply and demand because of the
stochastic nature of market. They do not know what
is acceptable or unacceptable for other side. Learning
other side’s interests and preferences over their inter-
action can help them make well-targeted offers, which
are most likely to be accepted by their opponent (Hin-
driks et al., 2009; Aydo
gan and Yolum, 2012). Sec-
ond, the supply chain has a dynamic structure where
new entities may join or leave the environment. In
such a dynamic and open environment, they need to
choose whom to negotiate to minimize the risks aris-
ing from contract violations. Furthermore, there are
multiple concurrent negotiations between sellers and
buyers and they are not independent at all. It is impor-
tant to establish a coordination among multiple ongo-
ing negotiations in order to procure and sell goods at
right quantities.
In the last decades, researchers work on develop-
ing agent-based negotiation technologies to automate
this process (Ito et al., 2007; Fujita, 2014; Sanchez-
Anguix et al., 2014; Fatima et al., 2014; de Jonge
et al., 2019; Mell et al., 2018). To address the afore-
mentioned issues, the International Automated Ne-
gotiating Agents Competition (ANAC), introduced a
new league called Supply Chain Management League
(SCML) in which the participants are asked to de-
velop a factory manager agent for a supply chain sim-
ulation environment to maximize the agent’s profits.
In the environment, the factory manager agents need
Yavuz, C., Süslü, Ç. and Aydo
gan, R.
Taking Inventory Changes into Account While Negotiating in Supply Chain Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0008976900940103
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 1, pages 94-103
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to decide on what agents to negotiate, build a dy-
namic endogenous utility function for negotiations,
which remains robust by adjusting itself as the sup-
ply chain environment state changes, deal with the
concurrent negotiations, determine bidding and ac-
ceptance strategies, decide on reservation value, man-
age a production schedule to decide the level of pro-
duction with respect to simulation steps and so on. In
this paper, we present our factory manager agent de-
veloped for the SCML. The novel aspects of our agent
are reservation value adjustment strategy based on the
average inventory change, and procuring all types of
products, apart from the products which can be pro-
cessed in factory, so as to maximize the negotiation
opportunities. We have tested our agent by running
simulations with the top performing factory manager
agents developed by participants in SCML 2019 and
found that in overall, our agent outperformed the ex-
isting agents under the performance metrics average
profit, number of simulation runs in which the agents
went bankrupt, and have more profit than its oppo-
The rest of the paper is organised as follows: sec-
tion 2 briefly describes the supply chain environment,
section 3 introduces the strategy of the factory agent,
section 4 explains the experiment setup and interprets
the results, section 5 expresses the existing studies in
the literature, and section 6 presents conclusion.
The International Automated Negotiating Agents
Competition (ANAC) has been organized since 2010
to facilitate agent-based negotiation research and in-
troduces new research challenges every year (Jonker
et al., 2017). In 2019, the challenge of design-
ing negotiating agents for supply chain management
has been introduced by the organizers under Supply
Chain Management League (SCML) in cooperation
with NEC-AIST.
In the given environment, there are a variety of
agents such as factories, miners, and consumers. The
main aim is develop a factory manager agent maxi-
mizing its profit. The factory manager agents need
some raw materials and intermediate products pro-
vided by miners and other factories respectively in
order to produce their products which will be sold
to the consumers and other factory manager agents.
Consumer agents specify what products they want to
buy on a bulletin board. Factory manager agents can
see those requests and initiate a negotiation with con-
sumer agents in a bilateral fashion on the unit price
of their product, delivery time, grace period, quantity,
and negotiated penalty. Note that grace period and
negotiation penalty are optional. Furthermore, In or-
der to produce their products, factory manager agents
may also need to negotiate with miners and other fac-
tories to supply their needs.
Here, the main challenge is to design a factory
agent, which decides with whom to negotiate and
when to negotiate in a supply chain environment so as
to maximize its profits. There are a number of chal-
lenges for designing such an agent. First, agents need
to make their decisions across multiple concurrent ne-
gotiations. Second, they are not given a predefined
utility function as in other negotiation environment
such as Genius (Lin et al., 2014). An endogenous
utility function, which dynamically estimates utilities
of given offers based on environment states, should be
defined by agent designers.
In the competition, the NEGMAS framework
(Mohammad et al., 2019) is used to simulate the
aforementioned negotiation environment. In the fol-
lowing part, we provide the details of this environ-
2.1 Environment Settings
In SCML environment, there is a publicly available
bulletin board where agents post call for proposals
(CFP) specifying what materials/products they want
to buy and their constraints on the negotiation is-
sues such as the limits for price and so on. In addi-
tion to call for proposals, the bulletin board also con-
tains some public information such as the list of the
bankrupted agents, breaches.
Based on the CFPs, other agents may initiate ne-
gotiation request. If the publisher of the underlying
CFP accepts the request, negotiation starts. Each CFP
is represented as a tuple as follows:
CFP = (p, j,q,d,c,g) (1)
where p denotes the product type to be bought, j
denotes the price interval (e.g.[0, 4]), q denotes the
quantity interval, d denotes the delivery time interval,
c denotes the negotiated penalty interval in case of
contract violation, and g denotes the grace period in-
terval, which states the time of signing contract.
Figure 1 depicts how the agents interact with the
bulletin board. As seen below, customer agents only
post CFPs to the bulletin board and factory man-
ager agents may request for negotiation, if a customer
agent accepts a negotiation request, a negotiation be-
tween these agents begin. Similar to customer agents,
factory manager agents post CFPs but they can also
read miners’ and factory manager agents’ CFPs and
Taking Inventory Changes into Account While Negotiating in Supply Chain Management
request for negotiations for those they are interested
in. Miners on the other hand, only read CFPs and re-
quest negotiations for them.
Figure 1: Agent Interactions with the bulletin board.
During the negotiation, they exchange offers
based on a variant of Rubinstein’s alternating offer
protocol (Aydo
gan et al., 2017). Different from the
alternating offer protocol, both agents propose an ini-
tial offer and one of them is arbitrarily chosen as the
opening offer (Mohammed et al., 2019). Afterwards,
the agent receiving the offer can accept the offer, re-
ject the offer by making a counter offer, or end the
negotiation without an agreement. This process is re-
peated until the negotiation deadline is reached or an
agreement is achieved. If an agreement is reached, the
agreed offer becomes contract to be signed at the end
of the grace period which as a default value of 1 step,
if not negotiated. Note that agents can also refuse to
sign the contract without incurring any penalty.
In order for a contract to be successfully exe-
cuted, the seller party must transfer the products to the
buyer’s inventory and the buyer must pay the price for
the products. In case of failure to execute the contract,
either a breach report is imposed on the perpetrator
or penalty cost should be paid. The breach informa-
tion consisting of the breach type and breach level,
a metric for the severity of the breach, is reported to
the bulletin board. The breach types along with the
breach level calculations are described below.
Insufficient Funds: Reported for the buyer party
failing to pay the cost of buying the products. The
level of the insufficient funds breach is calculated
in the following way:
s =
a b
a : Cost of the contract for the buyer
b : Buyer’s balance
Insufficient Products: Reported for the seller
party failing to transfer products to the buyer’s
inventory. The level of the insufficient products
breach is calculated in the following way:
s =
f h
f : Amount of products to be transferred to the
buyer’s inventory.
h : Amount of products in seller’s inventory.
Insufficient Funds for the Penalty: Reported
for the seller party when after getting an insuffi-
cient products breach, it fails to pay the negotiated
penalty in case of breach. The level of the insuffi-
cient funds for penalty breach is calculated in the
following way:
s =
z b
z : Amount of negotiated penalty to be paid by
the buyer.
Refusal to Execute: May be reported for either
party which dishonors the contract by a refusal to
execute. The breach level of refusal to execute is
always 1.
In case of insufficient funds breach, the agents are
given an opportunity to renegotiate, if both parties ac-
cept the renegotiate the breach may be avoided; oth-
erwise, the opportunity is lost. If insufficient prod-
ucts breach is occurred, the perpetrator is required to
pay the global penalty, which is 2% of the money the
buyer would supposed to pay to the seller.
In the simulation environment, the production
graph states the kinds of available products in the sim-
ulation environment, and manufacturing processes
showing how products are processed to generate other
products. The production graph is generated ran-
domly at the beginning of the simulation and dis-
closed to all agents.
Each product in the production graph is classi-
fied as raw materials, intermediate products and final
products. A product is said to be a raw material if it
is not an output of any manufacturing process, an in-
termediate product if it can be both an input and out-
put of manufacturing processes, a final product if it
is not an an input to any manufacturing processes but
merely an output of manufacturing processes. While
the types of products and manufacturing processes
available in the simulation is a public information, the
agents cannot access other agents’ inventory and pro-
duction profile (e.g. the quantity and the type of prod-
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2.2 Simulation Entities
The simulation environment consists of miners, fac-
tory managers and consumers forming a supply chain
in which miners supply raw materials and sell those
to factory managers, which process the raw materials
to produce intermediate and final products. Consumer
agents drive demand for the final products and acquire
them from the factory managers.
2.2.1 Miner Agents
Miner agents sell raw materials for the factory man-
agers through negotiations. During a negotiation,
they aim to maximize the quantity of raw materials
supplied with a high unit price in a short amount
of delivery time in order to maximize the supply
chain throughput. The miners can request negotia-
tions based on the CFPs posted by factory managers.
2.2.2 Factory Manager Agents
Factory manager agents process raw materials or in-
termediate products to produce another intermediate
products or final materials. They have warehouses
in which the products are stored and factories where
there are production lines which run specific manu-
facturing processes. The factory manager agents have
random private manufacturing process profile (i.e., in-
put/output products, cost of processing, processing
The factory manager agents can post CFP to buy
intermediate products or raw materials. They can ne-
gotiate with buyers by responding to the CFP posted
by buyers on the bulletin board. For each negotiation
threads, they introduce a utility function in order to
maximize their final score, which is calculated as fol-
where B
and B
denote the final balance and initial
balance respectively.
2.2.3 Consumer Agents
Consumer agents has a consumption schedule and
they purchase final products from the factory man-
ager agents by posting buy CFPs to the bulletin board.
For each negotiation thread, the utility function is de-
termined by taking into account the deviation in the
consumption schedule and unit price.
We present a new factory manager agent, namely
Adaptive Reservation Value Agent (ARV Agent),
which evaluates the offers with respect to inventory
changes and negotiate accordingly. This agent con-
sists of the following decision modules:
Deciding which Negotiations to Enter: Our
agent checks all CFPs irrespective of the required
materials for its manufacturing process, and its
final products and requests/accepts negotiations
with the non-bankrupted agents. The main mo-
tivation for negotiating materials apart from the
ones the agent can process in its factory is that our
agent can enter additional negotiations and resell
those to maximize profit.
Deciding Unit Cost of the Product to be
Bought: Unit cost of a product is the cost incurred
by obtaining/producing a unit of product. Note
that for the rest of the paper we refer “selling ne-
gotiation” when our agent is negotiating in order
to sell the other party its products. Similarly, we
refer “buying negotiation” when our agent is ne-
gotiating in order to buy products/materials from
the other party. The unit cost of product p is used
in utility value calculations during selling negoti-
ations as follows:
= β
= 0
6= 0) (η
= 0)
6= 0) (η
6= 0)
where V
denotes the unit cost of product p while
denotes the unit cost of input product, which is
needed to produce p.
When the factory manager has not produced
= 0) or bought (β
= 0) any product p since
the beginning of the simulation, the unit cost of p
is equal to the catalog price of p (c
When the factory manager produced some prod-
uct p (η
6= 0) but not bought any product p
= 0) since the beginning of the simulation, the
unit cost of p is equal to average cost of buying the
product p through former negotiations (κ
When some p is produced in factory (η
6= 0) and
obtained through negotiations (β
6= 0), the unit
cost of p is equal to the weighted average of the
total production cost of p ((V
+ φ
) η
) where
i is the input product to produce p and φ
is the
processing cost of the input product and total cost
Taking Inventory Changes into Account While Negotiating in Supply Chain Management
of buying product p through former negotiations
Determining the Utility Function for Evaluat-
ing the Given Offers: Different utility functions
are defined with respect to the agent’s role in the
negotiation. When our agent is selling a product,
the utility of an offer o is calculated as follows:
(o) = max(((o[s
] V
) o[q
]),0) (7)
where o[s
] denotes the unit price of the product
specified in the offer and o[q
] denotes the quan-
tity of the product in the offer. The utility of the
offer o is equal to the difference between the total
price specified in the offer and the total cost of the
underlying product calculated by our agent. The
utilities of the offers are normalized during nego-
When our agent is buying product p, the utility
of the offer during the negotiation is calculated as
(o) =
k o[q
] c
= o[s
]) o[q
] otherwise
where o[s
] denotes the unit price of the product
as stated in the offer, c
catalog price of the
underlying product and o[q
] denotes the quantity
of the product as stated in the offer. Here, k is a
coefficient equals to 0.01 in order to assign a non
zero utility for the offers equal to the catalog price
of the underlying product. The motivation behind
this is the fact that no storing cost of products in-
curred by the agent and there is no inventory stor-
age capacity, hence it is not undesirable to buy
products equal to catalog price.
Preparing CFP: At each simulation step, our
agent posts CFPs on the bulletin board to buy
products. Thus, other factory managers or miners
interested in our agent’s CFP can request negotia-
tion. The CFPs are constructed as follows:
Algorithm 1.
1 α 16
2 θ 10
3 c 10.5
4 for p in products do
5 for s in range(θ) do
6 q (1,s + α)
7 d min(c
+ s,max steps)
8 j (0.5,cprices[p])
9 post(CFP(p, j,q,d,c))
10 end
11 end
In this procedure q and j denote the lower and
upper boundaries for the quantity of the product
(e.g., (1, 3) shows the negotiable quantities are be-
tween 1 and 3.) and for the price of the product
respectively. d is the delivery time of the prod-
uct, c
is the current time step of the simulation,
max steps is the length of the simulation in terms
of simulation steps, p is the product to be bought
and c is the penalty incurred per product in case of
insufficient products breach is committed by the
Determining Reservation Value for Negotia-
tion Strategy:
During negotiations, the reservation value is the
minimum acceptable utility for an offer. For
selling negotiations, the reservation value of a
particular product is updated based on the average
inventory change of the product per simulation
step. At the end of simulation step, when our
agent acts as a seller, the reservation value of the
product is updated as denoted in Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2: Reservation value when our agent acts as
the seller during negotiations.
1 δ 0.01
2 for p in products do
3 avg supplies[p] avg demands[p]
4 if 6= 0 then
5 if < 0 and |amount[p]/|> r
6 r[p] min(r[p] δ ,0)
7 end
8 else
9 r[p] max(r[p]+ δ , 1)
10 end
11 end
12 end
where for a product p, denotes the difference
between the average inflow and outflow of prod-
uct p per step, which is equal to the average in-
ventory change. In line 5, it is checked if the
amount of product p in inventory is in decrease
and is expected to be depleted before the end
of the simulation (i.e when |amount[p]/|> r
where amount[p] is the amount of product p in in-
ventory and r
is the remaining simulation steps
left to the end of the simulation). The reserva-
tion value of product p (r[p]) for selling negotia-
tions is decreased by δ if the condition in line
5 is satisfied; otherwise it is increased (Line 9).
The motivation behind decreasing the reservation
value is to allow agents to concede more in order
to increase the number of successful selling ne-
gotiations (i.e. minimizing the scrap products at
the end of the negotiation). If there are no prod-
ucts expected to remain at the end of the negotia-
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
tion, the reservation value is increased. Hence, the
agent can maximize the utility by making more
profit, at a reasonable risk of more negotiation
The reservation value for buying negotiations for
product p is determined as follows:
+ γ Failure
θ Otherwise
where r
, and r
denote the updated and for-
mer reservation value respectively. In case a ne-
gotiation fails, the reservation value is increased
by γ = 0.01; otherwise, decreased by θ = 0.001.
The adaptive structure of the reservation value
prevents the agent to act too greedy or generous
during the negotiations.
Making an Offer (Offering Strategy): Our
agent adopts a time-based concession strategy
(Faratin et al., 1998) to make its offers during the
negotiation. According to the time based conces-
sion strategy, the agent monotonically concedes
over time. The target utility of the current offer is
calculated as follows:
= 1 + (r 1) t
: Target utility
r : Reservation value
t : Normalized timeline. It takes a value between
0 and 1, where 0 represents the beginning time
and 1 denotes the timeline reaching the dead-
z : Concession coefficient, z=10 for our agent
When our agent makes an offer, it first calculates
the target utility. Among all possible offers, the
offer with the smallest absolute value difference
between the utility of the offer and target utility,
is offered.
Deciding whether or not to Accept Opponent’s
Offer: During the negotiation, our agent adopts
acceptance strategy (Baarslag et al., 2014).
If the utility value of the given offer is greater than
or equal to utility of its next offer, opponent’s offer
is accepted; otherwise, it is rejected.
Scheduling Production: At each simulation step,
all idle production lines are scheduled to pro-
duce output products when there are enough input
products in the inventory. When there are less in-
put products than the number of idle production
lines, all input products in the inventory is used
for production.
In the experiment, we have evaluated the performance
of our agent based on the score (see Equation 5)
gained at the end of simulations. The performance
of our agent is compared with the performance of
the SCML league winner agents in ANAC namely
SAHA, F2J, IFFM, and the greedy factory manager
agent provided by the ANAC organizers. In the simu-
lation environments, there are multiple factory agents.
In the current set up, we can specify agents strate-
gies to be compared for only two factory agents and
the rest of the factory agents by default are played
by the greedy factory agents whose score is not taken
into account. In our evaluation, we use the same sim-
ulation parameters with the ANAC setup except the
number of simulation. We set the number of simula-
tion steps as 150 in order to analyse more interactions
while it is a random number between 50 and 100 in
the competition.
4.1 Simulation Parameters
The simulation parameters determine the initial setup
of the supply chain environment. The values of the
simulation parameters in the experiments are speci-
fied below:
Type of raw materials : 1
Number of intermediate products : uniform(1,4)
Number of final products : 1
Number of miners : 5
Number of consumers : 5
Starting balance : 1000
Production line count : 10
Production cost : uniform(1,4)
Amount of manufacturing process inputs : 1
Amount of manufacturing process outputs : 1
Time required for manufacturing process : 1 step
4.2 World Parameters
The world parameters determine the rules for negotia-
tions, simulation length and several other rules for the
simulation. The parameters for the simulation in our
experiments is shown below:
Number of simulation steps : 150
Simulation time limit : 7200 Secs
Negotiation time limit : 120 Secs
Negotiation rounds limit : 20
Taking Inventory Changes into Account While Negotiating in Supply Chain Management
Negotiation time limit for each round : 10 Secs
Negotiation speed multiplier : 21
Immediate negotiations : No
Default grace period for contract signing : 1
Transportation delay : 0
Negotiable penalties : Yes
Allow breach renegotiations : Yes
Global breach penalty : 0.02
Base insurance premium : 0.1
4.3 Experiment Results
As we mentioned before, we have tested the perfor-
mance of our agent by running simulations with the
agent provided by the organizing committee namely,
greedy factory manager agent (GFM), and top per-
forming agents in the competition specifically, SAHA
agent, IFFM agent, and F2J agent.
To evaluate the performance of our agent, we have
compared the mean scores of each agent, the number
of times they outperformed their opponents, and the
number of times each agent bankrupted at the end of
the negotiation. For each agent pairs, we ran 10 dif-
ferent simulations (e.g. different product costs, cata-
logue costs, and number of intermediate products etc.)
and calculate the mean score for each agent. Fur-
thermore, we applied statistical significance test on
the score data to check whether the medians of data
are significantly different. It is worth noting that we
applied the Smirnov-Kolmogorov test to see whether
the data follows a normal distribution - which is a re-
quirement for t test. Since our data is not distributed
normally, we adopt a non-parametric statistical signif-
icance test namely Wilcoxon signed-rank test with a
significance level of 0.01.
Table 1 shows the average scores of each agent
with their standard deviations, and the number of
times they won and bankrupted for each agent pair
out of 10 simulations. It can be obviously observed
that SAHA agent outperforms IFFM and F2J signifi-
cantly according to the average score although its per-
formance varies a lot (high standard deviation). It also
outperformed our agent in pairwise comparison but
the performance difference is not as much as others.
As far as the number of wins are concerned, our agent
outperformed SAHA agent (7 versus 3). When we
analyzed the results in a detailed way, we observed
that SAHA performed better with respect to the aver-
age score because when it beats our agent, the score
difference is tremendous compared to ours. That is
why it has a higher average score although we won
more negotiations. It earns a lot due to its strate-
gic pricing approach aiming at exploiting consumers
while we stick on the catalogue price and aim to earn
from the demand.
In pairwise comparison, our agent outperformed
all other agents except SAHA agent according to av-
erage scores. It is seen that we are the winner when
we negotiate with them (10 wins out of 10 runs). In
the following sections, we elaborately presents the re-
sults of 10 negotiations in which our agent negotiate
with each agent separately.
4.3.1 Greedy Factory Manager Agent
Our agent against greedy factory manager agent
(GFM) achieved a mean score around 13.5 meaning
that our agent’s funds at the end of simulation was on
average 13.5 times higher than the initial, while the
greedy factory manager agent has an average score of
-1, which is the possible lowest score in the simula-
tion. Figure 2 shows the score of each agent per each
simulation runs. As seen from the bar chart, our agent
outperformed the opponent in all simulation runs. It
is not a surprising outcome since that agent is not very
sophisticated agent.
Figure 2: Scores of ARV and GFM for 10 negotiations.
When we apply the statistical tests, p value is
0.00512 and w value is 0. Because the p value is less
than the significance level 0.01 and w score is less
than the critical w score 5, the null hypothesis is re-
jected. That means the medians of the distributions
differ significantly under the significance level 0.01.
4.3.2 SAHA Agent
The average score of our agent against SAHA agent
was 10.94 while the SAHA agent got the average
score of 22.24. Figure 3 depicts the score of each
agent per simulation runs. We can observe that our
agent outperformed the SAHA agent 7 times out of
10 runs. We have found out that the cases SAHA
agent outperformed our agent when the SAHA agent
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Performance Comparison of Each Agent Pairs.
Agents Avg Score St dev Bankrupts Wins
SAHA/IFFM 183.37 / 0 296.43 / 0.12 0/0 5/5
SAHA vs F2J 32.94 / -0.02 95.36 / 0.07 0/0 4/6
F2J/IFFM 0.76 / -0.06 0.19 / 0.88 0/0 3/7
ARV/GFM 13.5/-1 2.27/0 0/10 10/0
ARV/SAHA 10.94/22.24 5.26/53.49 0/5 7/3
ARV/IFFM 8.85/-0.06 2.48/0.04 0/0 10/0
ARV/F2J 10.65/-1 4.01/0 0/10 10/0
could run the manufacturing process for producing fi-
nal products to sell to the consumers. SAHA agent
exploited consumers to sell many products at a high
price while our agent charged consumers at the cat-
alog price of products at most even when the selling
negotiation success rate was high, SAHA agent per-
formed better in this scenario.
Figure 3: Scores of ARV and SAHA in 10 negotiations.
When we apply a statistical test, we see p =
0.44726 and w=20. Because the p value is greater
than the significance level 0.01, the null hypothesis is
failed to be rejected.
4.3.3 IFFM Agent
Our agent got an average score of 8.85 while the in-
surance fraud agent got an average of -0.06. Figure
4 depicts the score of each agent per simulation runs.
For all of the simulation runs, our agent got higher
score compared to the opponent.
Unlike SAHA agent, IFFM agent did not bankrupt
at all. The test statistic values of Wilcoxon signed-
ranks test is p = 0.00512 and w = 0 with a critical w
value 5. Since p value is less than the significance
level 0.01, the null hypothesis is rejected.
4.3.4 F2J Agent
Our agent got an average score of 10.65 while F2J
agent got -1 and bankrupted in all of the simulation.
Figure 5 shows the score of each agent per simulation
Figure 4: Scores of ARV and IFFM in 10 negotiations.
Figure 5: Scores of ARV and F2J in 10 negotiations.
runs. As seen from the chart, our agent beats in all
The test statistic scores for the final scores was
p=0.00512 and w=0 where the critical value of w is
5. Because p value is smaller than the significance
level 0.01 and w is smaller than the critical value, the
null hypothesis is rejected.
In the recent years, plenty of researches have been
conducted for concurrent bilateral negotiations in
supply chain management. To do so, researchers have
worked on various supply chain models which have
some similarities and differences with our study.
A negotiation-based multi-agentsystem for sup-
Taking Inventory Changes into Account While Negotiating in Supply Chain Management
ply chain managementForget et al. developed a sys-
tem that can coordinate agents in complex supply
chain management environments with multi-behavior
agents (Forget and CIRRELT., 2008). In their study,
agents can negotiate on quantity, price, and deliv-
ery time similar to the SCML. To simulate the sup-
ply chain environment, they developed an agent based
platform by emulating a lumber supply chain. In their
study, different types of negotiations namely collab-
orative one-to-one, collaborative one-to-many, adver-
sarial one-to-one, and adversarial one-to-many are an-
alyzed. In the collaborative negotiation case, the mu-
tual benefit of both parties is the concern while in
adversarial case (i.e. the individual utility case), the
agents try to maximize their own utility only. In our
case, all negotiations in the simulation are one-to-one
negotiations where agents have the discretion to act
adversarial or collaborative by defining utility func-
tions and negotiation strategies accordingly. We de-
signed utility functions for buying and selling negoti-
ations which remain robust because they are adjusted
based on the inventory changes and negotiation re-
sults (i.e success or failure of the negotiations).
Lin et al. developed a Multi-Agent system to im-
prove the order fulfillment process (OFP) in the Sup-
ply Chain System (Lin and Lin, 2004). An OFP is
the process of receiving the order, producing it, and
delivering the product to the customer. The OFPs are
assumed to be given in their study while in our study,
OFPs arise after the agents reach agreements through
negotiations and then sign contracts. They modelled
the order fulfillment process (OFP) as a distributed
constraint satisfaction problem (DCSP) in which the
constraints are distributed in all agents and to solve
DCSP. Their contribution was combining DCSP with
peer to peer negotiation approach in which the agents
negotiated on the constraints in order to find a solu-
tion for their inter-agent constraints. In other words,
peer to peer negotiation is the approach they used to
solve the DCSP which represents the OFP in supply
chain. In our study, peer to peer negotiations are used
to sell/buy goods while maximizing at the profits at
the end of the simulation. To test the performance of
their system, they used performance metrics such or-
der fulfillment rate and cycle time, which are the main
concerns of OFP. While in our study, we evaluated the
performance based on the final profits.
Chen et al. designed a negotiation based dynamic
multi-agent system for supply chain environments in
which the entities, represented as agents, can join
or leave the environment and there are multiple fi-
nal products where agents do negotiations for trans-
actions (Chen et al., 1999). The agents have con-
straints such as delivery time, quantity and price and
constraint resolution forms their acceptance strategy
during one-to-many negotiations, where the agent ne-
gotiates for buying goods from many suppliers in the
same thread and offer(s) of other party is accepted if
the constraints are satisfied. In our study on the other
hand there is one final product which are obtained by
processing input products, the factory managers don’t
have constraints but has the aim to maximize their
profit and therefore design their utility function dy-
namic to changes in market to make smart transac-
Fink developed a multi agent collaboration system
in supply chain management (Fink, 2004). In their
work, a set of potential contracts between both parties
are assumed to be given and during negotiations a me-
diator agent generates candidate contracts transparent
to both parties which can accept or reject the medi-
ator’s offer and the agreement is reached when both
parties accept the offer. The motivation behind this
study is to reach mutual agreements for both agents
while in our study the parties do bilateral negotiations
to exchange offers where the main concern is maxi-
mizing the individual benefit.
Williams et al. introduced a novel strategy that
enables agents to negotiate concurrently with multi-
ple unknown opponents (Williams et al., 2012). In
their work, they implement a coordinator entity which
records the observations of ongoing negotiations and
define a concurrent negotiation strategy based on the
opponents’ probabilistic actions. In our work, instead
of coordinating multiple negotiations, we update the
reservation values for the further negotiations based
on the negotiation results and inventory changes in
order to define a robust strategy in supply chain en-
We developed a factory manager agent for Supply
Chain Management League in ANAC where suppli-
ers, factories and consumers interact with each other
through negotiations. The proposed agent adopts
adaptive adjustment of reservation value with respect
to changes in its inventory and negotiates accordingly.
Moreover, it seeks more negotiation opportunities to
make some profits. To do so, it buys some products
which are not processed in its manufacturing lines and
sells them to customers with profit. We have evalu-
ated the performance of the proposed agent by com-
paring it with the top performing agents in ANAC
with respect to a number metrics. The experimental
results showed that our agent outperformed them.
In the current work, we have not designed strate-
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
gic pricing approaches; instead stick on the catalog
price of products and aimed to gain from demands.
As for future work, we are planning to incorporate
strategic pricing as SAHA agent did. Furthermore, it
would be interesting to predict consumer’s demand in
advance based on the past interactions. In the current
set up, there is only one production line in which one
input material is processed to produce a single prod-
uct. It would be more challenging if the factory agent
had production lines producing different products and
decided on which products it should invest more.
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Taking Inventory Changes into Account While Negotiating in Supply Chain Management