Privacy-preserving Measures in Smart City Video Surveillance
Shizra Sultan
and Christian D. Jensen
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Keywords: Mass-scale Video Surveillance Systems, Smart City, Privacy, Information Security.
Abstract: Smart city video surveillance systems collect data from all around the city, and this aggregated data is used
by several entities for achieving different city administrative tasks such as ensuring public safety and traffic
management, to provide citizens with better services. This data, when combined with other smart city data
sources, can reveal sensitive information about individuals, which if not used carefully can spawn grave
privacy breach. In order to extract useful information from surveillance data without causing privacy invasion,
it is important to see how, where and what information is collected about individuals, and how it is further
used for said purposes.
Smart cities (SC) signify the concept of information
convergence from diverse data sources to provide
well-informed services for both city administration
and citizens. One of the key SC data contributors is
mass-scale Video Surveillance Systems (VSS), which
record public activities via video cameras, deployed
all over the city. Major countries around the globe are
investing heavily in SC video surveillance systems
for accomplishing several administrative tasks such
as ensuring public safety, traffic and infrastructure
management, weather monitoring, etc. (Thom, 2018).
During the past two decades, VSS has evolved
from simple video acquisition and display systems
into intelligent (semi)autonomous systems. The
development of digital video CCTV cameras and
recorders have led to the latest generation of
sophisticated video surveillance systems, with wide-
area surveillance, reliable network-centric
transmission, and enriched data analysis (Banu,
2017). Traditionally, humans (designated observers)
viewed this data to observe events of interest,
however, in past few years, due to the drastic increase
in surveillance data; it has become a challenging and
cumbersome job. Modern VSS can integrate some of
the most sophisticated image and video analysis
algorithms to investigate the recorded data. These
systems can perform various tasks such as object
detection and tracking, face recognition, event
detection, and prediction, behavior recognition, video
summarization, etc., effectively. This is helpful in
understanding the content of the surveillance data so
that observers can take appropriate actions.
SC-VSS can process huge volumes of data, and
retrieve the finest and meticulous information from it.
The point of concern is the nature of the information
that can be derived from it. On the one hand, it can
provide valuable information in performing different
administrative tasks of local authorities with greater
efficiency and less response time. On the other hand,
personal information about citizens can be obtained
from it, which can be used to hurt them, personally
and socially, by invading their privacy. The extracted
information not being used for the purpose it is
collected for is a privacy breach. The right to privacy
is protected by different legislations in several parts
of the world. According to recent European
legislation, the General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR), surveillance data should be used for targeted
purposes thus minimizing the collection and analysis
of irrelevant personal data. It also states that poorly
designed VSS not only portray a false sense of
security but also violates the fundamental privacy
right of individuals (GDPR, 2016). If smart cities fail
Sultan, S. and Jensen, C.
Privacy-preserving Measures in Smart City Video Surveillance Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0008964205060514
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 506-514
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to preserve the privacy of their citizens then it will
become a smart Panopticon rather than a (technology-
equipped) user-centric city.
Smart cities require an efficient but privacy-aware
VSS, which allows access to essential information for
authorized observers without violating the privacy of
individuals. Therefore, it is important to know who
collects and owns the VSS data, what kind of
information can be extracted from it, who has the
authority to designate its access rights, and how it will
be used. In order to achieve that, we will look at
different aspects and modules of SC-VSS with the
help of a general model in the first section, and the
next section will discuss the privacy-preserving
measures to implement a secure and privacy-aware
In this section, we use a general model to represent
the different functional units that make up a
traditional VSS. This model has four basic modules:
Capture, Transport, Monitoring, and Storage, as
shown in Figure 1. In the first module, depending
upon the purpose of surveillance, one or multiple
cameras are deployed at different locations to cover
the desired area. Each camera is assigned a unique
identity in order to be recognized and generates a
recording (video stream/file) of activities in a
designated location. In the transport module, these
recordings are transported to the monitoring room, or
directly sent to the storage servers for archiving. In
the monitoring module, humans or (semi)automated
systems observe the live recordings/streams for
events of interest. The storage module manages long-
term storage of all the recorded video files. Each
recording is of a particular duration and is archived so
it can be retrieved later. The archived files and live
streams can be requested from the monitoring room,
where designated observers (human or systems) can
view them. Monitoring room can be either a specific
place where different stream/recordings can be
viewed or it can be distributed to different
rooms/observation-points (including hand-held
devices) (Zhang, 2013). The recordings captured by
VSS are called surveillance data and a lot of
information can be extracted from its content, such as
different types of objects, activities, physical location,
time of the day, nearby objects and landmarks, etc.
Generally, the surveillance data is accessible to the
VSS owners, and they can further assign access rights
to different observers. These recordings can also be
given as input to an intelligent system for automatic
alert generation based on pre-defined events.
Figure 1: Video Surveillance System Model.
The model described above can be extended to
any scale given the right hardware and software
infrastructure. Conventionally, the VSS is
centralized, and data from all the cameras is analyzed
at a central processing and storage server. However,
in mass-scale and real-time environments, many VSS
are now deployed as a distributed network
architecture, i.e. different functional units perform
independent computational operations on
given/assigned data and either take a decision upon it
or forward it to the central node for further
A smart city VSS is built on the traditional model
and is deployed in a large environment, managed by
the local administration. Thousands of video cameras
may be deployed all around the city at various public
places roads, parks, stations, town squares, etc. for
several purposes. These cameras (Capture) are then
connected via different wired and wireless networks
(Transport) with several distributed storage and
computational servers (Storage), and different
observers can access any of the cameras live
(Monitoring) or an archived recording (via Storage),
from anywhere given they are connected to the
system network (Perera, 2014). The objective of this
paper is to understand how data is collected (Capture)
and used (Monitoring) in SC-VSS in order to preserve
the privacy of people recorded in data; therefore, we
will focus more on three relevant data aspects:
Surveillance Data (What is it, and what type of
information it contain)
Data Owners (Who (entities/systems) has the
authority to collect, access, and distribute data)
Data Observers (Who can access this data, and
what are they supposed to do with it)
2.1 Surveillance Data
The most critical asset of any video surveillance sys-
Privacy-preserving Measures in Smart City Video Surveillance Systems
tem (irrespective of its scale) is its data, mostly
obtained from its primary data source i.e. video
camera. Surveillance video cameras have different
types such as unidirectional or omnidirectional field
of vision, low light vision, or high-definition vision,
infrared, etc. Choosing what type of cameras to be
used at any location is dependent upon the purpose of
surveillance (Limna, 2015). The surveillance data
may also include other auxiliary data, such as the
location of the camera, camera type, lens resolution,
timestamp, and data from other sensors (microphone,
GPS, etc.). Video data, combined with any other
supporting data, increase the validity of the combined
data with different contextual information and help
observers make informed decisions.
In SC-VSS, surveillance data coming from all
over the city is being collectively processed and
evaluated with data from various public information
systems that generate a lot of value. For example,
cameras deployed over a highway may record the
license plate of vehicles going too fast, which may
then be compared against the vehicle registration
database to issue a speeding fine to the vehicle owner.
Conversely, data aggregation at such a large scale will
also increase the privacy invasion threat as it contains
sensitive information about citizens and if not
managed properly raises serious concerns. For
example, video surveillance data of informal public
gatherings can be used to extract human faces, which
can then be recognized from the national citizen
database and can be used against the choice of the
individual i.e. for racial profiling, or illegal
surveillance, or spying on their personal life, etc. The
use of surveillance data containing personal
information in any way (without the consent of the
individual) is a privacy breach. Though mass-scale
VSS cannot obtain the explicit consent of every
person being recorded all the time, general
acceptance by the public must be ensured, i,e. that
recordings will be used for public safety and law
enforcement. In a real-world scenario, mass-scale
surveillance data is used for multiple purposes that
are often not explicitly consented by the public.
2.2 Data Owners
A data owner is an entity that has a legal authority to
collect data at a certain location, store it or delegate
its access to other observers (of choice). In city-scale
surveillance systems, many data owners are
collecting data, all around the city, for different
purposes. Most countries have laws that require data
owners to inform individuals that they are under
video surveillance (e.g. through a display sign).
Based on their contribution to city surveillance data,
VSS owners are categorized into four categories as
shown in the Surveillance Area v/s Ownership matrix
in Figure 2. There are several possibilities based on
the nature of the surveillance area (private or public)
and ownership of the surveillance area. Public owners
can only collect data from public areas, while private
owners can deploy VSS in private areas for property
protection, as well as privately owned areas that are
accessible to the public. VSS deployed in private
areas cannot have public ownership, because this
would be considered a violation of the citizen's
privacy. The main three categories are:
Public-Public Ownership: public area
surveillance under public ownership
Public-Private Ownership: public area
surveillance under private ownership
Private-Private Ownership: private area
surveillance under private ownership
Figure 2: Surveillance Area v/s Ownership matrix.
1st Quadrant: Public area-Public Ownership
2nd Quadrant: Public area-Private Ownership
3rd Quadrant: Private area-Public Ownership
4th Quadrant: Private area-Private Ownership
2.2.1 Public-public Ownership
Public places such as parks, streets, bus stops, railway
stations, airports, public offices, hospitals, etc. are
generally under surveillance by public owners, i.e.
national or local governments, and the VSS is
managed in compliance with domestic surveillance
policies. This includes both large open-space VSS by
Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and small-scale
indoor VSS managed by other local departments. The
main deployment purpose at these places is to
monitor suspicious people, objects and activities to
protect individuals, property and other personal or
public belongings at those locations, to avoid crimes,
harassment, vandalism, etc.
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
2.2.2 Public-private Ownership
The second most common VSS ownership is semi-
public i.e. privately owned spaces concerning public
areas such as banks, hotels, shops, malls, etc. The
common purpose of surveillance here is property
protection and facility management. Every owner has
his own set of policies about cameras specifications,
access and storage devices, etc., which generally
complies with local surveillance guidelines, as they
are recording citizens at a semi-public place.
2.2.3 Private-private Ownership
Third VSS ownership is private; individuals have
deployed cameras inside their houses or private
offices/property, to have proof if there was an outside
intrusion. Footage from this surveillance is only of
interest to the private owner, as it does not concern
any other entity. Some of the privately-owned
cameras are deployed (in private premises) in a way
that records outside activities, e.g. public space, such
as a nearby alley or road. The video recording of these
places is owned by the owner/s of the property, but
should not be used for any other purpose or else it
would be voyeurism and against the law.
Figure 3: Traditional and SC-VSS model comparison.
Traditionally, each owner (public or private) uses
his own data for a particular purpose and does not
share or use data of any other owner. While in SC-
VSS the data is being contributed by different owners
(from different locations), which is aggregated and
processed together, and then it is made available for
all authorized applications and observers which can
retrieve information relevant to their purposes as
shown in figure 3. For example, earlier, the VSS
deployed for ensuring public safety used the data to
look for events that were related to human safety. In
SC-VSS, various owners can retrieve different
information from the same data, i.e. surveillance data
regarding human safety will be used by law
enforcement authorities, data regarding traffic
patterns by the traffic management department, and
data about occupancy may be used by street sweepers
and waste management services.
2.3 Data Observers
Once different owners record data at various places,
the next step is to use that (aggregated) data for
different purposes so they authorize usage rights to
different observers. Data observers are authorized to
extract information from surveillance data manually
or via some application, i.e. they can be human or
automated systems. Different local departments, such
as LEAs, various emergency services, infrastructure
& planning departments are interested in information
that is relevant or helpful to their business operations.
To achieve that, they designate skilled observers with
different roles/responsibilities that they need to
perform; based on the information they obtain from
this data. Once it is decided who the observer is, the
next step is to decide what type of information and
how much of that information should be made
available to them. In traditional and small-scale VSS,
observers are mostly humans (guards or other
employees) that monitor the real-time data to look for
unusual activities. In the SC-VSS, there are a large
number of observers, both humans, and semi-
automated systems to observe data for unusual events
as well as pre-defined activities (Khan, 2018). Data
observers have a legal, social, and moral
responsibility not to use data in any way that invades
the privacy of an individual.
Access to all the required information in a timely
manner help observers performs their duties in an
efficient manner. Long-term analysis of such data can
also prove to be very useful to make future decisions
about city resources. For example, if the traffic
management department is using the surveillance
data, it can obtain information about mobility
patterns, such as how many people travel from Point
A to Point B, at what time of the day, and how long
they spend on their commute. This information helps
to decide which routes are busiest, which areas are
visited most, but also the source and destination
location of different citizens, which allows them to
infer the location of their homes and work. The data
can be used with another perspective to know how
many people from a certain area visit certain places
such as a bar, rehabilitation center, church, etc., or
who are they going with (other humans), what are
they carrying (objects), etc. The surveillance data of
a rally in protest against a government can be used to
Privacy-preserving Measures in Smart City Video Surveillance Systems
link protestors with their other routine activities, in
order to intimidate them, or if the local authorities are
using personal information (color, ethnicity, religious
or gender bias) to stop them from certain activities.
From the above example, it is evident that every piece
of data, when seen with specific background
information, reveals certain information to an
observer (about an individual or a group of
individuals). Data observers with the right intentions
can use this information to provide better services,
while biased observers can use this to harm or profile
people. In order to preserve data privacy while
offering utility in SC-VSS, we use our model
presented to identify privacy requirements.
Video cameras capture everything happening in its
line of sight, without any bias or prejudice (usually).
It records the activities of the general public (passing
the road, entering a building, boarding a train, etc.),
objects associated with them (other people, vehicle,
and luggage) and all the visible information present
in the surroundings. Data collected at such a large-
scale contains substantial information about any
individual, so it is becoming critical to preserving an
individual’s privacy in mass-scale video surveillance,
where several data sources are gathering and using
surveillance data for multiple purposes (Farooq,
2015). Personal data needs to be protected from
unauthorized use and privacy-preserving measures
must be proactive instead of reactive, i.e. privacy
issues must be anticipated in advance before it affects
an individual.
Figure 4: Security Aspects of SC-VSS.
When it comes to privacy-preserving measures, it
is not an independent concept, rather a specific notion
that involves (mostly) the personal information
extracted from data. Privacy is a subset of data
security, while data security is a subset of system
security (Kandah, 2013).
To explain it, let us look at Figure 4, as discussed
earlier, VSS has four basic modules. The first two
modules (Capture & Transport) do not process data
(at least to a large extent) and only capture and
transfer it, hence these have the least idea about the
content of the data. These modules focus more on
physical infrastructure rather than software
components, i.e. cameras, recorders, wires, networks,
monitoring and storage devices, etc. Therefore, the
outermost layer to ensure data privacy is system
security, which deals with ways to protect the basic
infrastructure and operations/processes of the system
irrespective of the nature of the data.
The central module of VSS is Storage with all the
archived (processed) data. Different external and
internal attacks (due to system and protocols
vulnerabilities) tend to compromise the CIA triad
(Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability) of data.
Hence, the middle layer to data privacy is data
security, which refers to the preservation of received
data (from Transport module) and should only be
allowed to authorized observers (via Monitoring
module) so the CIA of data is not compromised.
The module specifically related to data privacy is
Monitoring. It deals with what can be made available
to the observers. Here observers have the choice to
search for a particular recording as information
(content) from either directly from Transport or from
Storage. Data privacy measures ensure that
information or content available to authorized
observers complies with access control policies,
which should be in accordance with the legal data
protection regulations.
3.1 Privacy-preserving Measures
Any system or service that involves personal data
should have built-in essential privacy features and not
be left as an add-on. In the smart city VSS, privacy by
design refers to the implementation of all the required
system security, data security and privacy-preserving
measures at applicable modules. Every process such
as data collection, aggregation, distribution, access,
should be carefully checked for vulnerabilities and
leakage. All system and data requirements must be
transparent and documented, observable and
independently verifiable i.e. what data is being
recorded, where and how it is stored, for which
purposes will it be used and how will it be presented
to observers (Hynes, 2010). If all the information
about the individuals is kept private then it defies the
purpose of surveillance, and if all is made public, it
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
will be a privacy invasion catastrophe. For example,
in case a camera captured a violent attack and the
identity of the perpetrator is not being revealed (to
preserve his privacy), then it negates the purpose of
surveillance i.e. public safety. Alternatively, if the
employees (working for local authorities) are
accessing the surveillance data to view the personal
activities of individuals, which has nothing to do with
the said purpose, then it is a privacy breach. The
owners collecting all this data and designating access
rights to different observers are responsible for
preserving data privacy and keeping it out of harm’s
way. Some of the important privacy-preserving
measures in SC-VSS are:
3.1.1 Privacy and Utility Trade-off
The balance between utility and privacy is key to an
efficient and secure SC-VSS. Observers need to
access different types of information from the
aggregated surveillance data to perform their duties.
Often the information they require contains personal
data (location or identity of people involved in an
event, or present around an event, etc.), and it is
important for a system to evaluate their requirements
suitably such as whether an observer really needs to
access that part of data or not. Does the required
observer need all the information that may be
extracted from the data? Does revealing personal
information to the observer conform to the
requirements of the observer’s responsibilities? If the
information is not provided, will it cause any
inconvenience for the observers in completing their
assigned task etc? Answers to these questions for a
data access request will help to maintain a balance
between utility and privacy (Jensen, 2014). For
example, if strict privacy measures do not let
emergency services obtain surveillance data of a
person who needs medical attention, then it is an
interruption in service provision. On the other hand,
if anyone with slight knowledge about SC-VSS can
create a scenario in which personal information is
made accessible to them, then it is not so good either.
There should be a balance between privacy and utility
based on careful situation evaluation.
3.1.2 Public Consensus and Information
Public consensus about disclosing personal
information (in given scenarios) should be ensured
before access to resources (recordings) is authorized.
The public should be notified in detail about all the
possible use cases in which surveillance data will be
observed by any application or observer, either
independently or in collaboration with other data
sources. There should be a feedback platform to
register complaints from individuals if they have a
case of a privacy breach when the data is being used
for other than the mentioned use-cases. For example,
in case a speeding violation is caught on camera; this
and similar type of events are categorized as a ‘traffic
violation’ by the system and will be shared with
traffic management observers (a system in this
particular case). The traffic observer can detect the
vehicle’s license plate (particular information about
an object) and via that information, it can know about
the vehicle owner and issue a ticket to that individual.
This is often acceptable to the public, but if the same
system tries to extract information about individuals
for profiling and advertisement purposes, then it is a
privacy breach, as the system is obtaining information
from surveillance data that is not used for predefined
purposes or use-cases (Ambrosin, 2018). There may
be authorized observers that have permission to
access a part of personal data, but how they use that
data is important.
3.1.3 Situation-aware Access Control
Privacy requirements vary dynamically with the
observer’s demands and situational changes in the
data content (Wagner, 2015). Ideally, SC-VSS should
adequately control information flow based on the
requirements of the observer and the situation of the
individuals. For example, in case of an emergency, if
an individual’s situation requires a particular service
(say a fire engine), and observers (of the fire
department) request access to the data at the location
where the event happened. The data will have
personal information that is related to that event
(number of affected people, gender and estimated age
of the people, the extent of the injuries of each
individual, etc.) and should be made available to the
observers so they can evaluate the situation clearly. In
ordinary scenarios, it will be preferred that an
observer does not have access to any data that has
personal information about any individual (S.Oni,
An access control mechanism is a necessary tool
for SC-VSS applications. Any observer should only
be allowed to obtain personal information in case of
precise conditions or events, which are defined in
terms of quantifiable attributes of observers,
recordings and real-time situations. Once all
(observer’s, recording’s and situational) attributes are
satisfied, only then can the observer access the data
(Rajpoot, 2015). Each owner/stakeholder must
clearly state all the potential observers who will have
Privacy-preserving Measures in Smart City Video Surveillance Systems
access to their information and in what role. Different
levels of privacy should be available for different
roles i.e. personal information (faces, identities,
associated information such as vehicles, current
location, residential area, and work area) should not
be made visible to the observer if it is not required by
the offered SC-VSS service, specifically related to his
role. Data transformations like sanitization,
generalization, anonymization, etc. must be properly
assessed and observers should be allowed to access
personal information at a minimum level of
requirement. Situation-aware access control
mechanisms will provide robust yet flexible control
in information flow to the observers.
3.1.4 Metadata and Digital Rights
The large-scale systems have huge data volume and
variety (content and supporting data), which is
categorized under different labels and is called
metadata. Metadata describes data; it categorizes
information (extracted from data) into different
classifications, by arranging them in a structured and
organized manner, which makes it easier to index and
search for observers (Eckhoff, 2011). VSS metadata
management enables to store semantic information
(data content) with its related non-semantic
information (device and network data) such as the
location of the camera, timestamp of the recording,
assigned observer, etc. In many cases, observers do
not have access to the whole data but a certain part of
it, i.e. auxiliary data or less-sensitive metadata, can
still infer useful information without looking at the
actual content (data that is not available). For
example, an observer can deduce the location of the
camera, by looking at the less-sensitive region
(background of an image/recording) or by knowing
the location and timestamp of a past event. Thus,
metadata needs to be managed with the same care as
the surveillance data is, otherwise, it can cause a
privacy breach.
3.1.5 Forward and Backward Privacy
Forward secrecy or privacy refers to the concept that
if a certain observer or service had access to certain
data in certain situations (in the past) and now that
those conditions are not available, then they should
not be able to access them. Backward secrecy or
privacy means that if an observer accesses a recording
in the present time, then he should not be able to
access previous information when he did not have the
present situation (
Hoang,2019). For example, if a
police officer was given access to surveillance
footage that detected an accident, then he should only
be allowed to access the footage during the time of
the accident (within a reasonable and sufficient time
window), and not before the accident and not after the
situation is resolved. If the observer needs to access
more information, regarding a particular incident then
the request should be evaluated with additional
conclusive attributes.
3.1.6 Modular Privacy Framework
If several entities are contributing and accessing data
via central SC-VSS, then there can be many
differences in terms of physical infrastructure,
systems and security requirements, data capturing and
storage formats, metadata characteristics, access
control policies, privacy requirements and many more
(Simion, 2015). In this scenario, as all the services are
offered based on aggregated data, the security and
privacy needs of different departments (observers)
may overlap with each other. As data is collected
from different locations with different purposes, and
privacy requirements of locations, individuals,
assigned observers could be different. Utility (based
on information from data) of one observer might
surpass the need for the privacy of another observer,
which poses grave privacy risks. Modular and central
security concept both needs to be implemented here,
in modular architecture, all observers ( departments
offering services) should implement privacy
measures according to their specific needs (at their
end) and centralized VSS should have an integrated
privacy-aware approach, keeping in mind the privacy
needs of the general public. This will provide two-tier
security; if anything is missed in the modular
architecture then the central architecture will manage
it. For example, in case a surveillance camera
registers a traffic violation, it requests the vehicle
registration database to reveal the information about
the specific vehicle that performed a violation and
share this with another system that will issue the fine.
No involved entities will share data in any other
scenario unless the specified conditions are met. All
systems have their own security measures that will
not allow unauthorized observers to access the private
information of any user, though in specific conditions
they may share the private information of an
3.1.7 Legislation
There are different data protection legislations
followed around the world, which standardize how
personal information should be collected and
processed, so the privacy of an individual is not
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
compromised (Cranor, 2002). These standards reduce
the trust issues between individuals and different
applications. Systematic auditing and accountability
by regulatory authorities will provide checks and
balances for observers as well as for individuals.
When it comes to SC-VSS, privacy-preserving
measures should show compliance with these
legislations especially the ones they are obligated to
legally (regional, federal or international law). Some
countries have fewer restrictions on surveillance
systems when LEAs are using them, sometimes there
is privacy intrusion, but they are not considered
illegal. Other countries have strict surveillance
regulations, for instance, Canada and Denmark do not
allow obtaining personal information from
surveillance data, unless it is legally authorized for a
specific purpose, and even then, the authorization has
a short time window (Rajpoot, 2014). In the USA,
surveillance systems must abide by both national and
federal laws while obtaining personal information for
any purpose.
Due to the unceasing data gathering in smart city
video surveillance systems, citizens expect local
administrations to offer real-time and informed
services in different areas such as public safety and
traffic management, without violating their privacy.
This paper analyses an SC-VSS model, and inspects
its different modules and data aspects to look for
privacy concerns, and suggests essential privacy-
preserving measures. It concludes that the flow of
information to observers should be looked upon
critically as most of the privacy breaches happens at
their end i.e. how they use it for different purposes.
Therefore, it is essential to know how surveillance
data is collected and distributed, who has access to
this data, and whether they pose any threat to the
privacy of individuals whose information is part of
the data. To preserve privacy, it is important to limit
observers' access to information for authorized
purposes with situation-aware access control
mechanisms made in accordance with applicable
L. Cranor, M. Langheinrich, M. Marchiori, M. Presler-
Marshall, and J. Reagle. The Platform for Privacy
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy