Hair Shading Style Transfer for Manga with cGAN
Masashi Aizawa, Ryohei Orihara
, Yuichi Sei
, Yasuyuki Tahara
and Akihiko Ohsuga
The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Line Drawing, cGAN, Shading, Style Transfer.
Coloring line drawings is an important process in creating artwork. In coloring, a shading style is where an
artist’s style is the most noticeable. Artists spend a great deal of time and effort creating art. It is thus difficult
for beginners to draw specific shading styles, and even experienced people have a hard time trying to draw
many different styles. Features of a shading styles appear prominently in the hair region of human characters.
In many cases, hair is drawn using a combination of the base color, the highlights, and the shadows. In this
study, we propose a method for transferring the shading style used on hair in one drawing to another drawing.
This method uses a single reference image for training and does not need a large data set. This paper describes
the framework, transfer results, and discussions. The transfer results show the following: when transferring
the shading style to the line drawing by the same artist, the method can detect the hair region relatively well,
and the transfer result is indistinguishable from the transfer target in some shading styles. In addition, the
evaluation results show that our method has higher scores than an existing automatic colorizing service.
Coloring line drawings is an important process in cre-
ating artwork. Many artists uniquely express shading
and texture when coloring. This process requires spe-
cial skills, experience, and knowledge, which makes
such work difficult for beginners to imitate, and pro-
ficient artists spend considerable time and effort cre-
ating these pieces of art.
In particular, there are many types of styles for
shading hair, as shown in figure 1. Highlight and
shadow textures overlaid on the base color are ex-
pressed in various shapes, positions, and sizes. Their
combination greatly influences the impression the art
gives. The hair shading styles differ not only by artist
but by character and even by scene. However, artists
tend to use a particular style defined by a set of com-
mon features to draw an original character. The im-
ages in figure 1(a) show the character Seri drawn by
Miki Ueda. In these images, the base color and the
highlights represent the shading style used for this
character’s hair: the base color is gray with a screen
tone, and the highlights are wide white areas with
jagged outlines. The images in (b) show Satori Sen-
juin, drawn by Minene Sakurano. In these images, the
Figure 1: Examples of various hair shading styles.
Ueda (a), Minene Sakurano (b), Kaori Saki (c).
base color and the shadows represent the style used
for the character: the base color is white, and the
Aizawa, M., Orihara, R., Sei, Y., Tahara, Y. and Ohsuga, A.
Hair Shading Style Transfer for Manga with cGAN.
DOI: 10.5220/0008961405870594
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 2, pages 587-594
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
shadows are shaped following the tufts of hair. The
images in (c) show Nadeshiko Toba, drawn by Kaori
Saki. In these images, the artist shades using the base
color and the shadows: the base color is white, and
the back of the head is shaded. In an automatic draw-
ing, a reference shading style is expected to enable
beginners to learn how to draw in that style, as well as
skilled artists to easily try combinations of line draw-
ings and shading styles. As a result, a transfer method
for a specific hair shading style has significant mar-
ket demand. Although many researches on automated
line drawing colorization, most of them did recently
conducted, were not consider transferring a hair shad-
ing style (figure 2).
In this paper, we propose a method to transfer
the hair shading style of the training data (transfer
source) to another line drawing (transfer target). We
perform deep learning using a pair of images: an im-
age with hair shading and another whose entire hair
region is painted white. We also adopt a machine
learning method using a single pair of images due to
the difficulty of collecting data sets. The model is
based on the conditional generative adversarial net-
work (cGAN). This paper describes the framework
for transferring a hair shading style and the discus-
sions on the transfer results. The framework consists
of three parts: data set creation (figure 3), the training
model (figure 4), and transfer.
2.1 Manga and Sketch Processing
Studies on manga object detection have been con-
ducted. Tolle and Arai (Tolle and Arai, 2011) pro-
posed a method for text extraction from balloons in
an e-comic. Sun et al. (Sun et al., 2013) detected
comic characters from comic panels using local fea-
ture matching. These object detection methods did
not directly focus on to draw shading textures, while
we aimed to transfer the texture of hair shading styles
to line drawings. Although not yet applied, these
methods help to improve the accuracy of our method
in detecting a hair region. In addition to object de-
tection, studies on semantic manga understanding,
screen pattern analyzing, sketch simplification have
been conducted. Chu and Li (Chu and Li, 2017) pro-
posed a method for detecting the bounding box of a
manga character’s face; this method used a deep neu-
ral network model. A study of comic style analysis
(Chu and Cheng, 2016) categorized manga by con-
sidering screen pattern, panel shape, and size as po-
tential manga styles. Those studies aiming at seman-
tic understanding of a line drawing in a manga were
dealing with a challengingissue. Yao et al. (Yao et al.,
2017) vectorized manga by detecting screen tone re-
gions and classifying screen patterns. This method
handled specific patterns such as dots, stripes, and
grids. Li et al. (Li et al., 2017) extracted struc-
tural lines from manga pasted with screen tones. The
methods based on the screen pattern analysis hardly
lead to semantically understanding of line drawings.
A study of sketch simplification (Simo-Serra et al.,
2016) generated a simple line drawing from a com-
plex rough sketch in a raster image. This method con-
sumed heavy cost for creating a data set. Further stud-
ies of sketch simplification proposed a discriminator
model that offered unsupervised training data (Simo-
Serra et al., 2018a) and suggested a user interaction
method (Simo-Serra et al., 2018b).
2.2 Line Drawing Colorization
Many studies have been conducted on line drawing
colorization. Qu et al. (Qu et al., 2006) proposed
a manga colorization method based on segmenta-
tion. This method extracted similar pattern regions
from grayscale textures. Lazybrush (S´ykora et al.,
2009) proposed a region-based colorizing method
with smart segmentation based on edge extraction. In
these optimization-based approaches that propagate
colors based on regions, the shading style cannot be
transferred because the output depends on the input
line drawing.
Machine-learning-basedapproaches also achieved
line drawing colorization. Scribbler (Sangkloy
et al., 2017) generated various realistic scenes from
sketches and color hints. The sketches range from
bedrooms to human faces. Auto-painter (Liu et al.,
2017) proposed the new training model that adjusts
the adversarial loss to adapt color collocations. Frans
(Frans, 2017) generated color and shading predictions
and synthesized them for line drawing colorization.
In the study, colorization is carried out based on the
line drawing, and shading is done based on both the
line drawing and color scheme. These studies could
hardly generate authentic illustrations. Aizawa et al.
(Aizawa et al., 2019) generated a colorized image
considering a body part. Their study detected the
sclera regions of a human character using semantic
segmentation and synthesized it with an automated
colorization result. However, in subjectiveevaluation,
most results of colorizing sclera were indistinguish-
able from not colorizing. Ci et al. (Ci et al., 2018)
achieved high-quality colorizing using semantic fea-
ture maps from a line drawing. The study of two-stage
training (Zhang et al., 2018) prevented color bleed-
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ing and blurring. This framework had two separate
training phases: the rough colorization stage and the
elaborate colorization stage. The user could hardly
handle shading styles of colorization results, while
these methods produced more plausible colorization
results. PaintsChainer (Taizan, 2016) is an online ser-
vice that automates line drawing colorization. Al-
though a user can colorize the three predefined shad-
ing style versions, the shape and position of highlights
and shadows are untruthful.
2.3 Style Transfer
Comicolorization (Furusawa et al., 2017) proposed a
method of painting each character in a manga with
a distinct color. Their study transferred the color
of a reference image to a manga page. Although
the method performed the transfer across the entire
manga page, it was difficult to produce precise col-
orization for small regions. This approach generated
colorization results affected by textures of manga,
while our method aimed to transfer the texture of
hair shading styles to line drawings without explic-
itly providing texture. The shading style transfer ap-
proach (Zhang et al., 2017) colorized and shaded an
anime character line drawing with a color reference
image. Their study was aimed at a color image, not a
manga. Their study also used a large data set, while
our method works with a single-pair data set. Further-
more, their study could hardly preserve the shading
style of the reference image.
2.4 Single-pair Training
Hensman and Aizawa (Hensman and Aizawa, 2017)
colorized a grayscale manga. They combined a learn-
ing method and a segmentation approach. Because
manga images are protected by copyright as artwork
and it is difficult to collect data sets, they used a sin-
gle pair for training. The study used a deep learn-
ing network similar to our method, but it differed
from our method in that it was colorized with refer-
ence to the grayscale texture of the target image. Our
method is aimed at generating an image with a hair
shading style transferred from another image with-
out explicitly providing a hair shading style. Their
study also generated segmentation-based colorization
results, while our method performedno segmentation.
SinGAN (Shaham et al., 2019) proposed a method
that could be trained from a single natural image. This
method could be applied to various tasks. It was not
confirmed whether this method could be applied to
our method.
Figure 2: An example of the existing colorization approach
(Taizan, 2016). A user can not transfer specific shading
Figure 3: Data set creation.
Miki Ueda.
Figure 4: An example of training cGAN to map an image
from a line drawing in which the hair region is painted white
into an image with shaded hair.
Miki Ueda.
This study consists of three parts: data set creation,
the training model, and hair shading style transfer.
Figure 5 shows our framework.
Hair Shading Style Transfer for Manga with cGAN
Figure 5: Our framework.
Miki Ueda.
3.1 Data Set Creation
We used Manga109 (Matsui et al., 2017) to create the
data set. The Manga109 data set consists of manga
works of various genres and of varying release dates.
An image in Manga109 represents a facing-page of a
manga book. In data set creation, first, we cut out a
human characters face from the Manga109 data set.
The shading style of this image is the transfer source
style in our method. Manga109 had several types
of annotations, and the facial area is marked by its
bounding box. However, this rectangle often misses
out the hair region. Therefore, in this study, it was
cut out manually. Next, we filled the hair region of
the face image with white. As a result, we created a
pair of images; one with shading and the other with-
out shading. Figure 3 shows an example of a created
data set. In filling a hair region when creating the
data set, an experienced illustrator manually masked
it using a paint software and a pen tablet. We used
Clip Studio Paint EX (CELSYS, Inc., Tokyo, Japan),
a professional illustration software package optimized
for pen tablets, and an Intuos comic medium CTH-
680/S3 pen tablet (Wacom Co., Ltd., Saitama, Japan).
3.2 Training
For training, we used the pix2pix network (Isola et al.,
2016). Pix2pix is a cGAN-based image-generation
neural network technology. The cGAN is a frame-
work consisting of two networks: a generator and a
discriminator network. The loss function is a com-
bination of adversarial loss and task-dependent label
data. Pix2pix learns the relationship between two im-
age pairs. This makes it possible to generate an image
belonging to one domain from an image belonging
to another domain; for example, it can generate map
images from aerial photos, a colorized image from a
black and white image, and so on.
In this study, we used a pair of images; one with
a hair shading style and another whose entire hair re-
gion was painted white, as a data set. Because we
manually prepared masked images, it was difficult
to collect a large-scale data set. Therefore, we per-
formed training with a single pair. We expanded the
data set by rotating and flipping it.
3.3 Transfer
In transfer, a style used in the transfer source was
transferred to the transfer result using the trained
model. Style transfer results are shown in the next
Figures 6, 7, 8 and 9 show examples of hair shading
style transfer results. In (a) of each figure, the image
before masking the hair region of the transfer source
(top), and the transfer source (bottom) are shown. In
(b) to (f) of each figure, the transfer targets (top), the
transfer results (middle), and the images before mask-
ing the hair region of the transfer targets (bottom) are
Figures 6 and 7 show Seri’s style transfer: the
style is defined by a large region filled with screen
tone. Figures 8 and 9 show Satori’s and Nadeshiko’s
style transfer: the style is defined by a large white
Figure 6 shows the results of a style transfer for
the characters in the manga book, including the same
characters as the transfer sources.
In many cases, the hair regions roughly filled with
a screen pattern, which characterizes the artist’s style
used in the drawings of the same and other characters,
are transferred.
Figure 7 shows the results of transferring to a
piece of line artwork drawn by a different artist. A
hair shading style in the training data is transferred to
a hair region of another image. However, it is also
transferred to a background and a face. It is difficult
to detect a complete hair region using a single-pair
data set.
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 6: Examples of transferring hair shading styles with
screen pattern base color (Seri’s style). (a) Training data.
(b) Transfer result for the target by the same character as
training data. (c) to (f) Transfer results for the target by the
other characters drawn by the same artist.
Miki Ueda.
In figures 8 and 9, the results are relatively consis-
tent when transferring between the same characters.
In the other cases, there is no significant difference
between the transfer targets and transfer results.
We evaluated the hair region shading style transfer.
We performed evaluations in the following method.
Extracting two faces of the same character from
the same manga work. Choosing two similar hair
shading styles.
Painting the hair region of a face image white and
(b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 7: Examples of Seri’s style transfer for the target by
various artists. (a) Training data. (b) to (e) Transfer results
for the targets by various artists.
Miki Ueda (a), Minene
Sakurano (b) to (d), Kaori Saki (e), (f).
training using the proposed method.
Filling the hair region of the other face image in
with white and transferring the hair shading style
using the trained model.
Assuming the transfer target before painting the
hair region to be the ground truth and calculat-
ing the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and
the structural similarity index (SSIM) between the
transfer result and the ground truth.
We calculated the scores for two regions: the entire
image and the hair region only. For this procedure,
two face images were extracted from each of the two
manga works in Manga109, and the training data and
target were swapped. That is, we evaluated a total
of four combinations. All the image sizes were 256
Hair Shading Style Transfer for Manga with cGAN
(b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 8: Examples of transferring hair shading styles with
a white base (Satori’s style). (a) Training data. (b), (c)
Transfer results for the same character. (d) Transfer re-
sult for another character drawn by the same artist. (e), (f)
Transfer results for the target by various artists.
Sakurano (a) to (d), Miki Ueda (e), Kaori Saki (f).
x 256 pixels, and each pixel was assigned a grayscale
value from 0 to 255 in 256 steps. In training, an epoch
was 500, and a batch size was 1.
Although the hair shading styles of the transfer
source and the ground truth have similar shapes, it
is unclear whether the author drew two styles in the
same position and size. Figure 10 shows the im-
ages used for evaluation. In addition, for comparison
with the existing automatic colorization service, we
evaluated the automatic colorization results by using
PaintsChainer. The method follows:
Automatically colorizing the transfer target with
Calculating PSNR and SSIM of the hair region
(b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 9: Examples of transferring hair shading styles with
a white base (Nadeshiko’s style). (a) Training data. (b),
(c) Transfer results for the same character. (d) Transfer re-
sult for another character drawn by the same artist. (e), (f)
Transfer results for the target by various artists.
Saki (a) to (d), Miki Ueda (e), Minene Sakurano (f).
between the colorization results and the ground
PaintsChainer has three colorization versions: Tan-
popo (watercolor-like colorization), Satsuki (slightly
sharper colorization), and Canna (somewhat clearer
highlight and shadow colorization). We evaluated
each version. Table 1 shows the evaluation results.
The values of our method show the average of ten
trials. The headers (a) to (d) correspond to those
in the figure 10. PC T, S and C stand for each
PaintsChainer version: Tanpopo, Satsuki and Canna,
respectively. For two metrics, the higher the values
are, the more accurate the transfer results are. Our
method achieves the best accuracy in most cases. Ta-
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 10: Images for evaluation. From left to right; trans-
fer targets, transfer sources, transfer results, and images be-
fore masking the hair region of the transfer targets.
Ueda (a), (b), Kaori Saki (c), (d).
ble 2 shows the values of the population standard de-
viation of the PSNR and SSIM score of iterating our
training method 10 times.
We proposed a hair shading style transfer method us-
ing a single-pair data set. Based on the transfer re-
sults, the transfer to line drawings with similar fea-
tures, such as works by the same artist, managed to
draw screen patterns approximately in the hair re-
gion. In styles with large white areas, such as the case
where the base color was white, there was not much
difference between images before and after the trans-
fer. In the evaluation using PSNR and SSIM metrics,
our method showed more accurate results than exist-
ing automatic colorization applications in both styles
with a large screen pattern region and with a large
white region.
There are two future works. The first is shading
style classification. There are various shading styles,
and analyzing the indicators that classify them helps
researchers improve the appropriate visual evaluation
and framework to be used. The next is framework im-
provement. Our method could not fully express hair
shading styles: the jagged highlight in Seri’s style, the
shadow along the hair tufts in Satori’s style and the
Table 1: Evaluation results in PSNR and SSIM.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Ours (entire image) 18.130 18.260 21.348 19.337
Ours (hair region) 17.344 15.707 18.731 15.074
PC T (hair region) 14.849 16.253 14.789 13.625
PC S (hair region) 15.131 14.432 15.170 13.414
PC C (hair region) 15.507 15.577 15.442 13.728
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Ours (entire image) 0.6901 0.7510 0.9162 0.8888
Ours (hair region) 0.4366 0.4412 0.6270 0.5752
PC T (hair region) 0.4451 0.3183 0.3910 0.3339
PC S (hair region) 0.4648 0.3326 0.4238 0.4915
PC C (hair region) 0.4564 0.3432 0.4828 0.5031
Table 2: The values of the population standard deviation of
(a) (b) (c) (d)
PSNR (entire image) 0.2165 0.1671 0.2324 0.1975
PSNR (hair region) 0.5393 0.2998 0.1051 0.2284
SSIM (entire region) 0.0197 0.0154 0.0028 0.0032
SSIM (hair region) 0.0078 0.0084 0.0089 0.0117
shadow at the back of the head as seen in Nadeshiko’s
style are not properly transferred. Such features were
unclear although the shape of highlight and shadow
should not be blurred. Trying to apply the object de-
tection methods and the other model, for example, the
latest single image training network SinGAN (Sha-
ham et al., 2019), should help us find a suitable frame-
work for our goal.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Numbers JP17H04705, JP18H03229, JP18H03340,
18K19835, JP19H04113, JP19K12107.
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ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence