Securing IoT Devices using Geographic and Continuous Login Blocking:
A Honeypot Study
Fredrik Heiding
, Mohammad-Ali Omer, Andreas Wallstr
om and Robert Lagerstr
Division of Network and Systems Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
IoT, GeoIP, Fail2ban, Honeypot, Cowrie, p0f, Conpot, Snort, Suricata, Geographic Blocking.
IoT (Internet of Things) devices have grown exponentially in the last years, both in the sheer number of devices
and concerning areas of applications being introduced. Together with this rapid development we are faced with
an increased need for IoT Security. Devices that have previously been analogue, such as refrigerators, door
locks, and cars are now turning digital and are exposed to the threats posed by an Internet connection. This
paper investigates how two existing security features (geographic IP Blocking with GeoIP and rate-limited
connections with fail2ban) can be used to enhance the security of IoT devices. We analyze the success of each
method by comparing units with and without the security features, collecting and comparing data about the
received attacks for both kinds. The result shows that the GeoIP security feature can reduce attacks by roughly
93% and fail2ban by up to 99%. Further work in the field is encouraged to validate our findings, create better
GeoIP tools, and to better understand the potential of the security techniques at a larger scale. The security
features are implemented in aws instances made to simulate IoT devices, and measured with honeypots and
IDSs (Intrusion Detection Systems) that collect data from the received attacks. The research is made as a
fundamental work to later be extended by implementing the security features in more devices, such as single
board computers that will simulate IoT devies even more accurately.
Internet of Things is an exploding field. The Mozilla
Foundation estimates the number of IoT devices will
be 30 billion in 2020
. As they increase in numbers,
IoT devices are likely to become an integral part of
our everyday lives. The number of innovations and
updates come at a striking pace and concepts that re-
cently seemed futuristic are becoming everyday tech-
nology. Smart devices, smart homes, and even smart
cities, are gaining momentum, such as the recently
proclaimed Alphabet powered smart city in Toronto
The increase of IoT devices requires an equal increase
of IoT Security. Devices such as door locks, baby
monitors and even IIoT (Industrial IoT) present even
more pressing security risks (Atzori et al., 2010; Sha
et al., 2018).
Unfortunately, new security vulnerabilities are
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found at a rapid pace. In 2018 almost 1400 new vul-
nerabilities were reported every month and in 2016
one of the world’s largest DDoS (Distributed Denial-
of-Service) attacks was executed from an IoT botnet
(Kolias et al., 2017). The number of found security
breaches are likely to keep growing with the increase
of IoT.
Brute-force attacks (systematically trying differ-
ent login/password combinations to enter a system)
are the most common type of attacks towards IoT de-
vices. 87% of all compromised IoT devices are at-
tacked by a brute-force attack targeting the Telnet or
SSH password
. Furthermore, according to a study
by Kaspersky lab, 60% of all attacks targeting IoT
devices originate from only ve countries: Brazil,
China, Japan, Russia, and the US
This article investigates two security features: one
to protect them against brute-force attacks (fail2ban)
and one to protect them against attacks originating
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Source: Kaspersky lab,
trends-in-the-world-of-iot-threats/87991/ accessed 2019-
Heiding, F., Omer, M., Wallström, A. and Lagerström, R.
Securing IoT Devices using Geographic and Continuous Login Blocking: A Honeypot Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0008954704240431
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 424-431
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
form foreign countries (GeoIP). The security features
are implemented in aws instances made to simulate
IoT devices, as a first step to analyze the potential of
the features. Since the results proved successful to
enhance our defences against the given attacks, and
the given attacks are the most common towards IoT
devices, further work will aim to implement the tech-
niques in single board computers and real IoT devices
to continue the work
In total 16 honeypots were launched, eight with
the security features and eight without. The honey-
pots with security features received a large reduction
in received attacks. For the GeoIP module, the reduc-
tion was up to 93% and for fail2ban the reduction was
up to 99%.
Gupta et al. (2017) created a firewall for IoT devices
and A. K. Simpson (2017) looked at simplifying IoT
Security for household appliances by creating a home
manager . Altolini et al. (2013) researched encryption
for IoT devices and S. Raza (2013) created a new way
of intrusion detection for IoT systems, focusing on
information spoofing attacks.
Watson (2015) presents potentially negative side
effects of IoT devices in smart homes, discussing
downsides such as isolation and incapacity if a dis-
connection occurs. He also proposes an increased risk
of crime such as burglary as a consequence of moni-
toring user experiences. However, little focus is made
on the prevention of attacks or hardening of IoT de-
Implementation of honeypots to test IoT Security
has been done in some studies. For example by mod-
eling and clustering hostile activities towards IoT ma-
chines using the Multivariate Hawkes Process (Sun
et al., 2018). Oliveri and Lauria (2018) used honey-
pots to identify IoT botnets and Sohal et al. (2018)
focus on securing IoT devices using both honeypots
and a Hidden Markow model to identify harmful de-
vices within the network and Cloud-of-Things envi-
The analyzed articles often fail to address rea-
sonable countermeasures to harden IoT devices, but
rather focus on exposing a vulnerability or developing
a way to detect vulnerabilities. The purpose of our ar-
ticle is to confirm the potential of security techniques
that can protect against the attacks most common to-
wards IoT devices, while at the same time simulating
devices with a similar nature as IoT devices, to gain
an idea of how these would be hardened by the imple-
Some research has been done regarding specific
networking services. Pa et al. (2015) found a large
increase in Telnet attacks and analyzed them using a
custom-built honeypot for IoT devices, the IoTPOT.
They claim previous honeypots are insufficient at an-
alyzing Telnet based attacks towards IoT devices due
to an incapacity of handling different incoming com-
mands. Once again, focus is on capturing the attacks
rather than preventing them. Geo-based blocking or
rate-limited connections are not used.
Similar studies were made for SSH attacks against
IoT devices, for example by Dowling et al. (2017)
to assess SSH attacks against ZigBee honeypots and
Valli et al. (2013) who assess SSH attacks using
Kippo honeypots.
Some studies use or briefly mention the fail2ban
software but they do not focus on its implementation
towards IoT devices, such as Yu (2016) and Florin
B. Manolache (2014).
GeopIP has been investigated or briefly mentioned
in some general studies relating to IoT security, for
example Shrivastava et al. (2019) investigating attacks
towards IoT devices with a Cowrie honeypot. How-
ever, the mention of geo-blocking is brief and the ar-
ticle focus on classification of attack types rather than
prevention of them.
In this section we clarify the terms used in the article,
such as honeypots, GeoIP, and fail2ban.
3.1 Rate Limiting and Fail2ban
Rate limiting connections restrict the amount of in-
coming traffic based on a criterion. In this article we
use the Failban software to block IP addresses that
make three failed login attempts within 24 hours
Rate limiting can increase protection against brute-
force attacks that attempts to break a password by sys-
tematically generating and trying a large amount of
potential combinations (characters, letters and num-
3.2 GeoIP and Iptables
Geographic blocking is to exclude traffic from certain
geographic areas. In this article we use GeoIP to im-
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Source: kaspersky lab,
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Securing IoT Devices using Geographic and Continuous Login Blocking: A Honeypot Study
plement a geographic blocking where we reject all IP
connections from other countries
Iptables is a utility program to set up, maintain and
inspect IP filtering rules in the Linux Kernel. Using
iptables GeoIP add-on, we can add rules to block IP
addresses based on geographic location
3.3 Honeypot
A honeypot is a resource set up to monitor unau-
thorized activity. When an attacker enters the hon-
eypot, the honeypot collects information about secu-
rity holes in its own system as well as information
about the intruder. Honeypots used in this article are
Cowrie, Conpot, p0f, Snort, and Suricata.
The Cowrie honeypot logs all SSH and Telnet con-
nection attempts to the server
. Cowrie does not log
attacks such as trying to exploit a known vulnerability
on the server.
The Conpot honeypot logs all attacks directed at
Industrial Control Systems (ICS). ICS is an umbrella
term used to describe different control and monitor
systems in industrial complexes. Conpot uses com-
mon industrial control protocols to emulate large and
intricate infrastructures, aimed to convince a hacker
they entered a real industrial complex
. The Conpot
honeypot is interesting since Industrial IoT (IIoT) is
gaining momentum. Smart devices are being imple-
mented in both ICS’s and other parts of the industrial
infrastructure, some of which is critical and require
extra security like nuclear and electrical power plants
Ungurean et al. (2014).
The p0f honeypot logs all types of connections to
the server
. p0f will therefore also log what the other
honeypots in this paper logs. However, p0f does not
log detailed information such as what user name and
passwords attackers use to try logging in to the sys-
tem. Neither does p0f log the type of attack.
Snort and Suricata are similar as they both log
events based on specific rules. They are both techni-
cally defined as IDSs (Intrusion Detection Systems)
rather then Honeypots, meaning they are more ori-
ented to monitor a system for intrusion than trying
to lure attackers in and pretending to be a real system.
They can be used as honeypots however, as done in
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this article. The rules used in our paper are the de-
fault rules, checking for attackers trying to exploit a
wide range of different security vulnerabilities, such
as web specific exploits, malware, trojans, DNS and
SQL attacks
With the data from Snort and Suricata it is possi-
ble to see the number of hacking attempts targeted at
the machine. One problem with Snort and Suricata is
that they only log attacks that match a rule. An at-
tacker using a new type of exploit not listed as one of
the rules would not get logged. Because of this Snort
and Suricata might report fewer attacks than were re-
Here we describe how the honeypots with and without
security features were launched, the security settings
of each honeypot and how they were configured.
4.1 Launching Honeypots without
Security Features
We launched eight honeypots of five different types,
each type logging different attacks. Table 1 shows
which types and how many implementations of each
type we used. To launch and manage the honeypots
Modern Honey Network was used
. The honeypots
were active for five days before taken down, more
specifically between 2019-04-08 6pm and 2019-04-
13 5pm UTC. The honeypots were launched in AWS’
data center ”US East (N. Virginia)” and each one was
assigned a public IPv4 address from that region. The
machines were not assigned IPv6 addresses. The fire-
wall was configured to allow connections from every-
where and to all ports. The different types of honey-
pots used were Cowrie, Conpot, p0f, Snort, and Suri-
cata, all launched on VPS’s with a clean Ubuntu 16.04
LTS installation. For all the stated honeypots the al-
lowed ports where derived from the default rulesets,
as found in each honeypot’s documentation.
4.2 Launching Honeypots with Security
Another version of each honeypot listed in table 1 was
launched with added security features. GeoIP was
set to block all incoming connections from outside
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ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Honeypots launched without security features.
Honeypot type Number
Conpot 2
Cowrie 2
p0f 2
Snort 1
Suricata 1
the United States. The Maxmind GeoLite2 Country
database was used to translate IP addresses to coun-
try codes
. Fail2ban was used to block all IP ad-
dresses that unsuccessfully tried to connect via SSH
three times within 24 hours
Fail2ban was installed on the second Cowrie hon-
eypot. Cowrie is the only honeypot we launched that
monitors SSH login attempts specifically and there-
fore, fail2ban was only installed on the Cowrie hon-
eypot. Table 2 shows which honeypots were given
which security features.
In this section, we compare the number of received at-
tacks for the honeypots with and without security fea-
tures. The different country of origin for the attacks
are presented, as well as a difference in the frequency
of attacks towards certain honeypots. Lastly, the av-
erage attacks per IP address are displayed.
5.1 Honeypots without Security
The honeypots without security features received a
combined total of 100,274 attacks (between 2019-04-
08 6pm and 2019-04-13 5pm UTC). A breakdown of
the attacks can be seen in table 3.
Of the three honeypot types that had two instances
running (Conpot, p0f and Cowrie), Conpot and p0f re-
ceived a similar amount of attacks for both instances
but the Cowrie honeypots had a slight difference, one
instance receiving roughly 25% fewer attacks than
the other. One of the Cowrie instances had a sim-
ilar amount of attacks (20,156) as the p0f instances
(19,134 and 18,986) even though Cowrie specifically
targets SSH attacks and p0f detects all connections as
attacks. The other Cowrie sensor had a significantly
higher amount of attacks than all other honeypots.
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16 accessed 2019-07-30.
5.2 Honeypots with Security Features
The honeypots with security features received a com-
bined total of 6,184 attacks (between 2019-04-24 6pm
and 2019-04-29 5pm UTC). This means a reduction
of attacks by 94 %. A breakdown of the attacks can
be seen in table 4.
5.3 Comparison
A direct comparison of the results with and without
security features is presented in table 5 and table 6. In
table 5 Conpot and p0f display the average received
attacks between the types’ two instances with and
without security features. Cowrie display the aver-
age received attacks for the two instances without se-
curity features and the specific amount of attacks for
the Cowrie honeypot with GeoIP and the Cowrie hon-
eypot with fail2ban. For all honeypots, the received
attacks decreased by at least 87%, sometimes up to
99%. Note that the Cowrie honeypot with the enabled
GeoIP security feature received significantly fewer at-
tacks than any other honeypot.
We can see that the honeypots with the most at-
tacks per IP address also has the biggest reduction in
attacks per IP address.
5.4 Origin of Attacks
As seen in figure 1 most attacks originate from Ire-
land (23.5%), followed by the Netherlands (14.7%)
and Germany (13.8%). In total, these countries con-
tributed to more than 50 % of the attacks. However,
most of these attacks were targeting the Cowrie hon-
eypots. If we analyze the origin of attack for all hon-
eypots but the Cowrie the results differ, as seen in fig-
ure 2. Excluding Cowrie most attacks come from the
US (23.6%) followed by Russia (17.9%) and China
(17.6%). In total there were 53,048 attacks against all
honeypots except Cowrie. For the industrial system
honeypot Conpot more than 50 % of the attacks orig-
inated from China, as seen in figure 3. The Conpot
honeypots received 6,719 attacks in total.
6.1 Geographic Blocking
The results show that GeoIP has a potential to heav-
ily reduce the number of received attacks, in our case
between 87.0% - 99.8%. p0f received the lowest re-
duction, 87.0%, and Cowrie received the highest at
Securing IoT Devices using Geographic and Continuous Login Blocking: A Honeypot Study
Table 2: Honeypots launched with security features.
Honeypot Type Number Security Feature
Conpot 2 GeoIP
Cowrie 1 GeoIP
Cowrie 1 Fail2ban
p0f 2 GeoIP
Snort 1 GeoIP
Suricata 1 GeoIP
Table 3: Attacks against honeypots without security features.
Honeypot Attacks Attacks / hour
Conpot-1 3,073 25.8
Conpot-2 3,509 29.5
Cowrie-1 27,060 227.4
Cowrie-2 20,156 169.4
p0f-1 19,134 160.8
p0f-2 18,986 159.5
Snort-1 3,905 32.8
suricata-1 4,235 35.6
Table 4: Attacks against honeypots with security features.
Honeypot Security Feature Attacks Attacks / hour
Conpot-1 GeoIP 269 2.3
Conpot-2 GeoIP 152 1.3
Cowrie-1 GeoIP 36 0.3
Cowrie-2 fail2ban 189 1.6
p0f-1 GeoIP 2,301 19.3
p0f-2 GeoIP 2,647 22.3
Snort-1 GeoIP 301 2.5
suricata-1 GeoIP 289 2.4
Table 5: Comparison of attacks for honeypots with and without security features.
Attacks without
Security Features
Attacks with
Security Features Attack Reduction
Conpot (GeoIP) 3,291 210 93.6%
Cowrie (GeoIP) 23,608 36 99.8%
Cowrie (fail2ban) 23,608 189 99.2%
p0f (GeoIP) 19,060 2,474 87.0%
Snort (GeoIP) 3,905 301 92.2%
suricata (GeoIP) 4,235 289 93.2%
Table 6: Average number of attacks per IP against each honeypot type.
Avg number of
attacks per IP (without)
Avg number of
attacks per IP (with)
Conpot 17.4 12.8
Cowrie (GeoIP) 101.1 1.7
Cowrie (fail2ban) 101.1 4.6
p0f 6.5 6.5
Snort 6.5 1.8
suricata 7.3 1.9
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 1: Origin of attacks, all honeypots.
Figure 2: Origin of attacks, all honeypots but Cowrie.
Figure 3: Origin of attacks targeting the Conpot honeypots.
99.8%. This makes sense since p0f logs all incom-
ing connections to the machine and all incoming con-
nections are not hostile. Some could for example be
search engines trying to index the Internet. However,
note that web search engines such as Google and Bing
would not crawl our honeypots since our server does
not host a web server, neither are the IP’s to our hon-
eypots listed anywhere on the web.
Geographic blocking is not a novel technique in
itself, but the interesting thing to note is that it cur-
rently has a very limited implementation in IoT de-
vices. Since the results of its implementation in this
study where highly successful, and its application in
IoT devices makes sense as stated below, it is a good
indicator that more work should be continued in this
The implementation of geographic blocking
makes sense for IoT devices since they often work in-
side a specific context, with the end-user nearby. For
example, smart lights, smart TVs, and smart refriger-
ators are all located within the home of a user. Most
of the users will be relatively close to, or at least in
the same country as these devices. When the user is
abroad, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) can be used
to access the devices when needed Shrivastava et al.
It is also worth to mention, once more, that geo-
graphic blocking should be used as a complementary
security feature, not the sole means of protection. A
VPN can be used to spoof an attackers location from
a foreign country to bypass the geo-blocking, mak-
ing it vulnerable to specific, targeted attacks and since
the geographical blocking allows connection from the
same country (or county, city etc.), we must imple-
ment security features to protect against attacks from
6.2 Fail2ban and Cowrie
The average attack per IP address for Cowrie was
notably higher than for any other honeypot. This
makes sense since Cowrie logs SSH brute-force at-
tacks where the attacker repeatedly tries to log in to a
device, resulting in a large number of connection at-
tempts. The fail2ban rules blocking IP addresses af-
ter three unsuccessful login attempts within 24-hours
was successful. It reduced attacks by 99.2% and re-
duced the average attacks per IP address from 101.1
to 4.6. The average number of attacks after the reduc-
tion, 4.6, is higher than the ban threshold of three.
This can happen since there is a delay between an
SSH connection is made and the actual ban happens.
This delay can allow some IP addresses to make more
than three login-attempts before the ban takes place.
6.3 Whitelisting
Given the high reduction in attacks obtained by im-
plementing the security mechanisms, we could also
consider a complement to fail2ban and GeoIP, namely
to whitelist allowed IP addresses and strictly ban all
others. This could make sense for IoT devices since
they are often used by a limited amount of IP ad-
dresses. The downside of this approach is that it re-
quires the user to fill in the allowed IP addresses man-
ually, which may be tedious for a non technical user.
But given a good graphical interface it could be a solid
option for increased security.
6.4 Method
The honeypots were deployed using VPSs hosted by
AWS. The IP-ranges for AWS is public information
Securing IoT Devices using Geographic and Continuous Login Blocking: A Honeypot Study
easily accessible on their website. This could the-
oretically lead to flawed results compared to an IoT
device within a hidden IP address. However, in prac-
tice the results should be valid since the devices were
assigned IPv4 addresses and all IPv4 addresses can
be pinged within 10 hours at a 50Mbit/sec bandwidth
(there are 2
or roughly 4.29 billion IPv4 addresses)
. So even if an IPv4 address is not public it can
get detected and attacked by automated bots. Further-
more, both the honeypots with and without security
features were deployed in the same manner meaning
the percentage attack reduction should still be accu-
In this paper, it is assumed that the AWS VPSs are
equivalent to IoT devices. By using our earlier def-
inition IoT-devices are physical devices connected to
the Internet. The used security features did not try
to protect against hardware attacks but focused on at-
tacks done via Internet. Therefore VPSs connected
to Internet would face similar attacks. The operating
system used on the VPSs was Ubuntu 16.04 which is
common among IoT-devices together with other, sim-
ilar Linux based operating systems.
6.5 Origin of Attacks
Our results aligned with the Kaspersky study in the
sense that a majority of attacks came from a small
number of countries. However, the most significant
countries of origin differed from our study and that of
Kaspersky. In our case, most attacks (74.5%) came
from Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, the US, and
China, while the study by Kaspersky found most at-
tacks (60%) came from Brazil, China, Japan, Russia,
and the US. When looking at the origin of attacks
for all our honeypots but Cowrie, a majority of at-
tacks (74.8%) came from the US, Russia, China, the
Netherlands, and the UK. The origin of attacks is not
the focus point of this article, more than to note that a
large number of attacks originate from a small number
of countries. However, the specific countries of ori-
gin for the attackers is an interesting topic and could
prove good material for future research, as discussed
6.6 Implementation
An important point of discussion is how the secu-
rity mechanisms should be implemented to the IoT
devices in practice. Two reasonable methods can be
much-does-it-take-to-ping-the-whole-Internet-12/ accessed
suggested, a central governing entity that regulate se-
curity implementation of all IoT devices, or the com-
panies developing IoT hardware/software are respon-
sible for implementing the security themselves. For
the second alternative to be efficient, customers of IoT
devices must prioritize security enough to pay an in-
creased price for the products, since the added fea-
tures are likely to come with a cost. This may speak
in favor of the first alternative, to have a central gov-
erning entity, either recommending or demanding that
certain security standards are met. A solid compro-
mise could be to have a central entity conducting a
list of best practices and recommendations that the
manufacturers are encouraged but not enforced to fol-
low. An example could be a scoring system that gives
a higher rank if security principles are implemented,
but needless to say this area is outside the scope of
this article and will hopefully be treated in a future
article of its own.
6.7 Future Work
Given the findings in this article we intend to con-
tinue the work by implementing the security features
in a number of single board computers and actual IoT
We also encourage further research to validate the
findings and launch a larger set of honeypots run-
ning for a longer time. It would also be relevant to
do more detailed research regarding the various areas
of the honeypots, such as an in depth study of smart
devices in industrial control systems, like those simu-
lated by Conpot. A more focused study of implement-
ing geographic blocking and rate-limited connections
for IIoT devices in general would also be relevant.
In addition, it would be good to make an in depth
study of the country of origin for the attackers. Future
research could launch a larger number of honeypot at
different times to distinguish the composition of at-
tack origins at different dates, and/or for honeypots
hosted at different locations. It would be interesting
to find a pattern or better understanding of this, since
there was a difference between our results and that of
the Kaspersky study.
As stated in the previous section, it would also be
relevant to research the best way of ensuring that se-
curity features are implemented in IoT devices. Com-
paring governmental legislations with company re-
sponsibilities and other methods.
In our long term research we aim to create a threat
modeling and attack simulation language for IoT in-
frastructures (Johnson et al., 2018). This type of em-
pirical work can feed the probability engine of such a
language (Ekstedt et al., 2015).
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
It seems like both geographic blocking and rate-
limiting connections can increase the security of IoT
devices significantly, but more work is needed to ver-
ify our findings and tailor the results towards IoT de-
vices. In our tests, GeoIP lowered the probability of
getting attacked by roughly 90% and fail2ban by up
to 99%.
This work has received funding from the Swedish
Centre for Smart Grids and Energy Storage (Swe-
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ble home iot devices with an in-hub security manager.
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