Hate Speech Detection using Word Embedding and Deep Learning in the
Arabic Language Context
Hossam Faris
, Ibrahim Aljarah
Maria Habib
and Pedro A. Castillo
Department of Information Technology, King Abdullah II School for Information Technology,
The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Department of Computer Architecture and Technology, ETSIIT - CITIC, University of Granada, Spain
Hate Speech, Classification, Word Embedding, Machine Learning.
Hate speech over online social networks is a worldwide problem that leads for diminishing the cohesion of
civil societies. The rapid spread of social media websites is accompanied with an increasing number of social
media users which showed a higher rate of hate speech, as well. The objective of this paper is to propose a
smart deep learning approach for the automatic detection of cyber hate speech. Particularly, the detection of
hate speech on Twitter on the Arabic region. Hence, a dataset is collected from Twitter that captures the hate
expressions in different topics at the Arabic region. A set of features extracted from the dataset based on a word
embedding mechanism. The word embeddings fed into a deep learning framework. The implemented deep
learning approach is a hybrid of convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM)
network. The proposed approach achieved good results in classifying tweets as Hate or Normal regarding
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 measure.
Hate speech is the use of offensive, abusive, or insult-
ing language towards an individual or a minority of
people. The objective of hate speech is disseminat-
ing hatred and discrimination based on the grounds of
race, sex, religion, or disability. The European Court
of Human Rights (ECHR) identifies the concept of
hate speech as any use of the language expressions
that spread, encourage, or incite hatred based on race
or xenophobia, and any form of intolerance towards
immigrants or minorities (Court, ).
Twitter is a social networking site and a micro-
blogging service. Social networking sites facilitate
the ability of freely communicating ideas and opin-
ions among end users. The immense use of social net-
working sites results in a large amount of data that can
be analyzed by smart machine learning algorithms.
The use of machine learning and data mining for in-
terpreting such big data provides the ability to capture
the hidden pattern of information. Hence, a higher po-
tential for detecting the hatred patterns of data.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is concerned
with applying different statistical preprocessing tech-
niques. The purpose of NLP techniques is transform-
ing the textual datasets into datasets that are feasible
by machine learning algorithms. Such NLP processes
are data normalization, stemming, tokenization, and
features extractions. However, NLP processes face
several obstacles when handling complex languages.
The Arabic language is the fourth used language
on the Internet and ranked as the sixth used language
on Twitter (Inc., ). Arabic is rich and complex mor-
phological language that exposes the Arabic text clas-
sification problem to many challenges. In essence,
different factors made the Arabic NLP techniques rel-
atively hard to implement. For instance, Arabic lan-
guage has different forms such as the dialectical Ara-
bic. The dialectical colloquial Arabic is the most used
form of Arabic on social media networks. Yet, each
Arabic country has different dialect, which makes the
text preprocessing more difficult than the processing
of simple languages. Further, the colloquial Arabic
has many misspellings that differs morphologically
and phonologically. Also, Arabic has complex or-
thography and morphosyntactic rules. All these fac-
tors made the Arabic preprocessing techniques much
complex (Badaro et al., 2019; Alrefai et al., 2018).
In this paper, a dataset is created that is target-
ing the problem of hate speech on Twitter at the Ara-
bic countries. The data was collected using several
keywords such as racism, sport, and Islam. Mainly,
Faris, H., Aljarah, I., Habib, M. and Castillo, P.
Hate Speech Detection using Word Embedding and Deep Learning in the Arabic Language Context.
DOI: 10.5220/0008954004530460
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2020), pages 453-460
ISBN: 978-989-758-397-1; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the dataset contains two classes; the Hate class and
the Normal class. The word embedding technique is
used for extracting a set of words features that can
capture the hidden relations of words of the dataset.
The utilized word embeddings are the Word2Vec and
the AraVec implementations. Keras (Gulli and Pal,
2017) is a deep learning framework used for the im-
plementation of the deep learning model. The pro-
posed deep learning model is a recurrent convolu-
tional network, which is a combination of convolu-
tional network layer and LSTM network. The pro-
posed methodology is evaluated based on different
performance evaluation measures including the accu-
racy, precision, recall, and F1 measure. The results of
detecting hate tweets based on deep learning frame-
work were very good. Yet promising for further re-
search as the problem of cyber hate speech detection
over Arabic countries is poorly investigated.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 gives a review of related works of cyber hate
speech detection. Section 3 is the proposed method-
ology including a description of the dataset, the word
embedding and deep learning frameworks, in addition
to the evaluation performance metrics. Section 4 is a
discussion of the conducted experiment and obtained
results. Finally, Section 5 is the concluding remarks
and potential future works.
Recently, Arabic natural language processing has
been sparsely studied. Yet, cyber hate speech detec-
tion in Arabic context is poorly investigated. How-
ever, this section reviews previous research studies for
cyber hate speech detection in Arabic context.
Authors in (Al-Hassan and Al-Dossari, 2019)
presented the main challenges for articulating hate
speech over Arabic online social networks. Where
they stated that the colloquial Arabic has many gram-
matical and spelling mistakes. Also, in some Arabic
countries there are words considered hate, while in
other Arabic countries they are normal. Further, au-
thors claimed that all conducted studies in this area
suffer of low recall and precision values. One of
the early attempts for detecting hate speech of Ara-
bic tweets can be found in (Abozinadah et al., 2015),
in which, three types of features were extracted that
are profile-based features, tweet-based features repre-
sented by Term Frequency (TF) and Term Frequency-
Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) models, and
social graph features. Their proposed approach im-
plemented traditional machine learning algorithms in-
cluding Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machine
(SVM), and decision tree (DT), where it achieved
very good performance in terms of recall, precision,
and f-measure.
In (Mubarak et al., 2017), authors created a corpus
of cyberbullying words, which used for abusive lan-
guage detection over Arabic social media. Whereas,
(Alakrot et al., 2018) constructed a dataset for of-
fensive speech detection on YouTube, covering sev-
eral Arabic dialects. The constructed dataset encom-
passes three classes; offensive, inoffensive, and neu-
tral. Additionally, (Albadi et al., 2018) constructed a
dataset for religious hate speech detection over Arabic
Twitter environment. In the proposed approach, au-
thors developed an Arabic lexicon that contains com-
monly used religious terms with their polarities. Also,
the constructed dataset is applied into different clas-
sification models involving a lexicon-based, N-gram-
based, and a deep learning-based approach. Where
the implementation of a Recurrent Neural Network
with Gated Recurrent Unit and a pre-trained word em-
bedding model achieved (84%) in terms of Area Un-
der Curve measure (AUC).
Nonetheless, (Mulki et al., 2019) collected a Twit-
ter dataset for hate speech and abusive language de-
tection in Arabic context. The created dataset is a
benchmark dataset known as (L-HSAB). The pro-
posed dataset is classified into three classes; normal,
abusive, and hate. However, authors applied the N-
gram and TF word representation models into SVM
and NB classifiers, where the results were very good
in terms of accuracy, recall, precision, and f-measure.
Similarly, (Haddad et al., 2019) designed a dataset for
hate speech detection for Tunisian dialect, which aims
for an automatic prevention of any toxic language.
While (Bleiweiss, ), presented an LSTM approach
based transfer learning for abusive speech detection
on Twitter, which accomplished very good results in
regard to F-measure.
To the best of our knowledge, very few studies in-
vestigated cyber hate speech detection on Arabic on-
line context. Even that, cyber hate speech detection is
also presented in other different languages such as En-
glish, Italian, and Indonesian. For instance, (Watan-
abe et al., 2018) proposed an approach for hate speech
detection on Twitter, in which, unigram and senti-
ment features were extracted and fed into SVM, DT,
and Random forest (RF), achieving good performance
regarding accuracy, recall, precision, and f-measure.
While (Pitsilis et al., 2018) presented an ensemble
approach of recurrent neural networks, for the detec-
tion of racism and sexism on Twitter. In (Del Vi-
gna12 et al., 2017), authors introduced an approach
for Italian hate speech detection on Facebook, where
several syntactical, sentimental, and word embedding
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
features were extracted and adopted into SVM and re-
current neural networks. As a result, the proposed ap-
proach showed promising performance. In addition,
(Polignano and Basile, 2018) presented an ensemble
of deep neural networks for Italian hate speech detec-
The authors in (Fauzi and Yuniarti, 2018) pre-
sented the application of hate speech detection in In-
donesia. Where the collected dataset is applied into
various machine learning algorithms such as SVM,
NB, and k-nearest neighbors. Nonetheless, there are
other efforts in other languages including the Span-
ish (Ortiz et al., 2019), Turkish ( ¸Sahi et al., 2018),
German (Jaki and De Smedt, 2018), and Sri Lanka
(Wijeratne, 2018).
In order to develop an intelligent approach for cy-
ber hate speech detection, a methodology is designed.
First step is collecting and preparing the dataset. Sec-
ond is transforming the texts (tweets) into features
that are comprehensible by the machine learning algo-
rithms. Third is building the smart prediction model
that is a deep learning model. Finally, is the evalu-
ation of the model in detecting Hate tweets. Fig. 1
shows a summary of the designed methodology.
Figure 1: An overview flowchart of the methodology.
3.1 Dataset
The dataset is collected from Twitter using Twitter
streaming Application Programming Interface (API)
and “rtweet” library
. The collection of data covers
different critical and debatable areas including sport,
religion, racism, and journalism. Table 1 shows the
rtweet: https://rtweet.info/
used keywords for collecting the tweets. The total
number of collected tweets after removing duplicates
and irrelevant tweets is 3696.
The collected tweets were annotated based on the
overall perceived meaning of the tweet into Hate or
Normal. The total number of Hate tweets is 843,
while the number of Normal tweets is 791. The rest
of the tweets accounts for 2062 and were annotated
as Neutral, which does not exhibit neither Hate nor
Normal orientations. The dataset is a combination of
merely Hate and Normal classes, where the positive
class is the Hate and the negative class is the Nor-
mal class. Table 1 shows the count of the tweets and
the distribution of the classes per each used keyword.
From Table 1, it is obvious that the rate of Hate tweets
is the largest in case of religion and terrorist, as well
as in case of immigrants and journalism even they are
slightly less.
Primarily, the process of preparing the data is de-
scribed in Fig. 2. It starts by collecting the tweets us-
ing R language and Twitter APIs, annotating the data
by two volunteers, cleaning the data from any irrele-
vant or redundant tweets, normalizing the tweets, tok-
enizing tweets, and text vectorization for the objective
of features representation.
Figure 2: The steps of data collection and preprocessing.
In data cleaning, all non-Arabic characters, num-
bers, symbols, punctuation, hashtags, web addresses,
diacritics, and the Arabic stop words were filtered
out. Whereas, tweets normalization is the process of
converting the Arabic characters from the standard-
writing way into the colloquial-writing way. For in-
stance, the Alef Arabic character is transformed from
, , Á, Â into . Another example is transforming © into
Tweets tokenization is concerned with dividing
the tweets into set of words based on the white-space
delimiter. Herein, the tokenization process is imple-
mented using the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)
library (Loper and Bird, 2002) within Python devel-
opment framework. Text vectorization is the pro-
Hate Speech Detection using Word Embedding and Deep Learning in the Arabic Language Context
Table 1: Description of used keywords for collecting tweets and the percentage of hate and normal classes.
Keyword Translated Keyword Tweets# Positive (%) Negative(%)
dw Alwahadat sport club 14 28.6% 71.4%
¨ C¯ ©C¤d The Jordanian league 44 13.6% 86.4%
 C¯ ¨lOyf Faisaly Jordan 24 41.7% 58.3%
®F¯ ryd ,A¡C¯¤ ®F¯ Islam and terrorism, damage Islam 100 82.0% 18.0%
T§rOn` Racism 1193 46.8% 53.2%
w·¯ ,¸¯ Refugees 240 70.0% 30.0%
,rÌt {¡A ,Vw ,®¯ ,T§r
rWt ©CAs§
Freedom, media, homeland, Nahed
Hattar, extreme
19 78.9% 21.1%
cess of transforming the raw textual data into a col-
lection of numerical features. Mainly, the numeri-
cal features express statistical measurements of the
words. The collections of features are represented
like vectors; thus, it is called text vectorization. In
literature, there are diverse models for text vectoriza-
tion. The most popular models are the Bag-of-Words,
Term Frequency, and Term Frequency-Inverse Docu-
ment Frequency. However, these models cannot cap-
ture the underlying semantic of the words. Therefore,
a more resilient approach for understanding the im-
plicit relationships between words is required which
is the word embedding. In this article, the Word2Vec
word embedding model is utilized.
3.2 Word Representation
Recently, several representations have been proposed
for representing texts in a way that is understandable
by machine or deep learning algorithms. Taking an
example is the one-hot encoding approach. In the
one-hot encoding, all unique words are extracted and
represented in a vector. Then each word is encoded
into a numerical vector of a length equals to the num-
ber of unique words. Where the numerical vector is
a vector of zeros except at the index of the respec-
tive word is set to one. This model is inefficient as it
cannot grasp the implicit meaning of words, while the
words are mainly represented as vectors of zeros.
A more robust approach is the word embedding
mechanism. In word embedding approach, all words
of similar meaning have an analogous encoding. Em-
bedding means a dense vector, where the length of
the vector is a parameter that is set previously. Also,
the components of the dense vector are parameters
that are learned during the training process. A higher
dimension of the embedding corresponds to a better
ability for learning the semantic meaning of words,
but also the need for more large training data.
One of the models that is developed by the word
embedding approach is the Word2Vec (Goldberg and
Levy, 2014). Word2Vec is a neural network of three-
layers, the input layer, the hidden layer, and the out-
put layer. However, this architecture of neural net-
works is merely used to learn the weights of the hid-
den layer that are the words embeddings. Mainly,
Word2Vec has two structures of implementations;
the Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBoW) and the Skip-
Gram (SG) models. The CBoW model depends on
several neighboring words to predict a certain mid-
dle word. Whereas, SG model is the opposite, that is
used to predict the neighboring words for a single de-
termined word. Fig. 3 depicts the main principle of
CBoW and SG models. In which, the CBoW model
takes a set of input words, where the number of words
is determined by a window size. When the window
size is two; four words are considered to predict the
corresponding word (w(t)). The four words are two
preceding words w(t-1), w(t-2) and another two fol-
lowing words w(t+1), w(t+2). While in the SG model,
a single word is considered to predict the neighboring
words. Predicting the neighboring words is accom-
plished by finding the highest probability words that
are the most similar to the corresponding word.
In this paper a pre-trained word embedding model
is utilized. AraVec is an open source implementation
of word embedding for the Arabic NLP processes.
AraVec created 12 different models based on Arabic
content from Twitter, Wikipedia, and general Arabic
websites, in which, the total number of used vocabu-
laries is 3,300,000,000, all integrated within SG and
CBoW models (Soliman et al., 2017). The word em-
bedding inside the deep learning framework is rep-
resented by an embedding layer. Each embedding
layer is also known as a lookup table that has an in-
put length and a dimension length. The input length
is the size of the unique vocabulary of the respective
dataset. While, the dimension length is a parameter
specifies the length of the embedding. The dimension
length should be fit to suite the problem and the size
of the dataset.
3.3 Recurrent Convolutional Network
This subsection presents the proposed approach for
detecting the hate orientation of tweets. A general ar-
chitecture of the proposed deep learning approach is
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 3: An illustration of continuous bag-of-words and skip gram word embedding models.
presented in Fig. 4, which is a sequential layered steps
start by the embedding layer, the dropout layer, the
convolutional layer, the max pooling layer, the LSTM
layer, the dense layer, and the output layer. The em-
bedding layer is constructed using a word embedding
approach which is the Word2Vec, as discussed in the
previous sub-section. The need of the dropout layer is
for avoiding the tendency of overfitting.
Even that the embedding layer encoded each word
into a unique vector. But now the objective is how
to propose a model that understands a textual sen-
tence to decide if it carries Hate or Normal expres-
sions. Given that the sentence is a sequence of words.
One of the approaches to represent a variable length
sentences (sequences) is the convolutional approach.
The convolutional layer takes a sequence of embed-
ding vectors as an input and produce a compressed
tensor as an output. The convolutional layer has a col-
lection of filters that take a group of words of variable
window-sized in order to predict new potential fea-
tures (words). Fig.5 represents a convolutional layer.
The aim of the max-pooling layer is to reduce the di-
mension of the produced tensor by applying a max
LSTM is a kind of artificial Recurrent Neural Net-
works (RNN). An LSTM unit acts like a memory cell.
The structure of the cell includes input and output ac-
tivation layers in addition to three gates. The input
gate, the output gate, and the forget gate. The ob-
jective of LSTM network is to solve the problem of
the vanishing gradient of neural networks (Gers et al.,
1999). In addition, LSTM is very efficient for han-
dling sequences of data, or sequences of words in case
of textual data (Collobert et al., 2011).
The fully connected layer (the dense layer) takes
the output of the LSTM and converts it into class la-
bels or probabilities. The output of the dense layer
goes through an output layer with Sigmoid activation,
since the problem is a binary classification.
3.4 Evaluation Measures
The used performance evaluation measures are accu-
racy, precision, recall, and F1 measure. The accuracy
is the ratio of correctly classified Hate and Normal
tweets over all the correct and the incorrect number of
classified tweets. Where the accuracy is formulated in
Eq. 1 (Han et al., 2011).
Accuracy =
T P + T N
T P + T N + FP + FN
The precision metric is identified as the ratio of tweets
that correctly identified as Hate over the total number
of Hate tweets, which is represented in Eq. 2.
Precision =
FP + T P
Whereas, the recall (known as sensitivity) quantifies
how much the classifier can recognize Hate tweets
that is given by Eq. 3.
Recall =
FN + T P
The F1 measure is a metric for indicating the balance
between precision and recall measures, represented
by Eq. 4.
F1 = 2 x
Precision x Recall
Precision + Recall
This section presents the experimental settings for ap-
plying the collected hate speech dataset into a deep
learning framework. Keras is used as a deep learning
framework, and utilized using Spyder platform (Ray-
baut, 2009) and Python version 3.7.
The dataset is divided into (80%) for training and
(20%) for testing. The dataset is approximately bal-
anced at the class level, since the positive class ac-
counts for 52%, whereas the negative class is 48%.
Hate Speech Detection using Word Embedding and Deep Learning in the Arabic Language Context
Input(Tweets) Embeddinglayer
LSTMlayer Maxpoolinglayer
Figure 4: Proposed deep learning architecture.
Figure 5: A mapping between the embedding layer, the convolutional layer, and the max-pooling layer.
The problem of detecting hate speech is formulated as
binary classification problem; where the “1” labeled
class is the Hate and “0” is the Normal.
The unique tokens of the dataset were stemmed
using ISRI Arabic stemmer from NLTK library
(Loper and Bird, 2002). ISRI stemmer is a light
stemmer for filtering out the affixes of words. Thus,
the stemmed dataset is adopted into two different
implementations of pre-trained word embedding ap-
proaches. The used embedding approaches are the
Word2Vec and the AraVec. The Word2Vec is an im-
plementation from Gensim library (Rehurek and So-
jka, 2011). In which, the window size is set to 5,
the number of workers is 4, and the minimum count
of word occurrences is 1. For the AraVec approach,
two models were used. The full N-gram with SG
model and the full N-gram with CBoW model. The
two models are pre-trained using Twitter with embed-
ding dimension (100). In consequence, using either
the Word2Vec or the AraVec the embedding layer is
A sequential model of deep learning is designed.
The sequential deep learning model is a layered ap-
proach, which means that the model is created of
stacked layers. Where each layer has different func-
tion. All tweets sequences before entering the deep
learning model were padded to the maximum length
of the tweets. Hence, the first layer is the previously
constructed embedding layer. Next is the dropout
layer with a rate of 25%. Then is the one-dimensional
convolutional layer (conv1D). The conv1D layer con-
volves with the input in one dimensional space in or-
der to create the output tensor. The number of filters
of the conv1D layer is set to 64, the kernel size is 5,
the used activation is “relu”, and the number of strides
is 1. For the max-pooling layer, the pool size is set to
4, while the LSTM output size is set to 70. The output
layer is designed of one unit with Sigmoid activation
The model is compiled with the Adam” opti-
mizer which is an adaptive learning optimization al-
gorithm. The loss parameter of the optimizer is
set to “binary-crossentropy” that is recommended for
binary classification problems. Table 2 shows the
performance evaluation results of the proposed deep
learning model.
The recurrent convolutional model is tested over
different number of epochs as shown in Table 2.
Obviously, by comparing the performance of the
Word2Vec and the AraVec, AraVec accomplishes su-
perior results in terms of all metrics. Hence, achieved
best accuracy of (66.564%), best recall of (79.768%),
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 2: The performance results of the recurrent convolutional network based on the accuracy, precision, recall, and F1
Epochs Word embedding structure Embedding dimension Accuracy Recall Precision F1-score
25 word2vec(cbow) 100 52.760 68.072 52.803 59.473
50 word2vec(cbow) 100 58.282 70.700 55.223 62.011
25 Aravec(N_grams & cbow) 100 64.110 65.142 67.058 66.086
50 Aravec(N_grams & cbow) 100 60.429 64.935 57.124 60.790
25 Aravec(N_grams & SG) 100 65.337 59.523 68.965 63.897
50 Aravec(N_grams & SG) 100 66.564 79.768 65.094 71.688
best precision of (68.965%), and best F1 measure of
(71.688%). Even that Word2Vec achieved relatively
close performance regarding the recall and F1 mea-
sure, but AraVec still superior.
The result of comparing the two AraVec mod-
els shows that the SG model obtained better results
than the CBoW model. For instance, when the num-
ber of epochs was 25, the SG model achieved bet-
ter accuracy and precision by holding percentages of
(65.337%) and (68.965%), respectively. Even that
they were performing slightly close. Whereas, com-
paring the SG and CBoW models at 50 epochs shows
that the SG model outperformed the CBoW regarding
all metrics. Where it achieved 66.564%, 79.768%,
68.965%, and 71.688% for the accuracy, recall, pre-
cision, and F1 measure, respectively.
Cyber hate speech is a critical serious problem not
only over the Arabic region, but also worldwide.
Very few studies have investigated the problem of
hate speech detection over online networks. Nonethe-
less, much fewer targeted the Arabic language since
it is highly rich complex language. This paper in-
terpreted the hate speech detection on Twitter, where
a dataset is collected and processed using NLTK li-
brary. The detection approach is a deep learning ap-
proach that takes the word embeddings features as an
input. While the deep learning model is a hybrid of
convolutional and LSTM networks. The results of
the AraVec word embedding approach with the re-
current convolutional networks were very good and
competent. This research disclosed such uncharted
challenges for further exploration. For example, the
need for more standard and large benchmark datasets
for hate speech, the need of more comprehensive lex-
ical resource of abusive offensive Arabic expressions,
as well as, to more deeply dive into deep learning ap-
proaches, yet investigate the evolutionary optimiza-
tion within the deep learning.
This research is funded by the Deanship of Scientific
Research in the University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
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ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods