Using Automatic Features for Text-image Classification in Amharic
Birhanu Belay
, Tewodros Habtegebrial
, Gebeyehu Belay
and Didier Stricker
Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
DFKI, Augmented Vision Department, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Amharic Document Image, Automatic Feature, Binary SVM, CNN, Handwritten, Machine Printed, OCR,
Pattern Recognition.
In many documents, ranging from historical to modern archived documents, handwritten and machine printed
texts may coexist in the same document image, raising significant issues within the recognition process and
affects the performance of OCR application. It is, therefore, necessary to discriminate the two types of texts
so that it becomes possible to apply the desired recognition techniques. Inspired by the recent successes CNN
based features on pattern recognition, in this paper, we propose a method that can discriminate handwritten
from machine printed text-lines in Amharic document image. In addition, we also demonstrate the effect of
replacing the last fully connected layer with a binary support vector machine which minimizes a margin-based
loss instead of the cross-entropy loss. Based on the results observed during experimentation, using Binary
SVM gives significant discrimination performance compared to the fully connected layers.
Nowadays, there are may documents that contain
mixed handwritten and machine printed texts in the
same page image. In most modern and historical
printed documents, writers may add handwritten texts
due to multiple reasons such as text correction, in-
clusion of notes and instruction while others may ex-
ist for the purpose of bank cheque processing, appli-
cation forms, questionnaire, examination correction,
mailing address and receipts (Sahare, 2018; Kaval-
lieratou et al., 2004).
In document image analysis and Optical character
recognition (OCR) applications, separation between
machine printed and handwritten texts is an impor-
tant task because recognition process are different in
both contexts (Mozaffari and Bahar, 2012; Peng et al.,
2009). In addition, we may be interested in either of
the text documents for further processing. For exam-
ple, in case of bank cheque processing and handwrit-
ten recognition system the handwritten parts are inter-
esting while the machine printed texts are important
for other document processing tasks.
Therefore, to facilitate and enhance the overall ef-
ficiency of document processing and OCR applica-
tion, separation between machine printed and hand-
written texts is necessary (Peng et al., 2009; Xiao-
Hui Li and Liu, 2018).
Multiple intensive works, for multiple scripts,
have been done in the area of document image pro-
cessing and several of them are available in the market
with a better recognition accuracy of both handwritten
and machine printed text images. However, there are
underprivileged scripts in the area of document anal-
ysis and Natural Language Processing (NLP), such as
Amharic, which are still untouched and open applica-
tion area for research.
In both historical and modern printed document
images, separation of handwritten from machine
printed texts can be at line, word (Mozaffari and Ba-
har, 2012; Guo and Ma, 2001) and character (Fan
et al., 1998) level.
Discrimination of handwritten and machine
printed texts has been done for most Non-Latin
(Mozaffari and Bahar, 2012; Echi et al., 2014) and
Latin (Peng et al., 2009; Medhat and et al., 2018)
scripts. Due to the complexity of structural layout in
various scripts, different researchers use different sta-
tistical methods to find best representative features for
text separation and recognition (Sahare, 2018).
Several attempts have been done for Amharic
script recognition (Teferi, 1999; Meshesha, 2008;
Belay, B., Habtegebrial, T., Belay, G. and Stricker, D.
Using Automatic Features for Text-image Classification in Amharic Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0008940704400445
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2020), pages 440-445
ISBN: 978-989-758-397-1; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Assabie and Bigun, 2008; Belay et al., 2019b; Belay
et al., 2019a) considering different contexts including
handwritten, machine printed, character and text line
recognition. To the best of our knowledge, no attempt
has been done to discriminate handwritten from ma-
chine printed for Amharic documents.
In this regard, we propose two classifiers which
use the same feature. A fully connected network with
soft-max and binary SVM are the proposed classifica-
tion algorithms for the discrimination of handwritten
texts from machine printed Amharic texts based on
automatic feature extracted by Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) (Banerjee and Chaudhuri, 2012).
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: In section 2 the review of related works. Our
proposed method and dataset preparation techniques
is presented in Section 3. Experimental results are
discussed in section 4. Finally, section 5, summarizes
the conclusions drawn from this study and presents
future work directions.
For discrimination of handwritten from machine
printed document, various methods have been pro-
posed and reported the discrimination accuracy for
different scripts including English (Kavallieratou
et al., 2004; Peng et al., 2013), Kannada (Pardeshi
et al., 2016), Devnagari and Bangael (Pal and Chaud-
huri, 2001), Faris/Arabic (Mozaffari and Bahar,
2012), Hindi (Srivastava et al., 2015; Shalini Puri,
2019) and Bangla (Banerjee and Chaudhuri, 2012).
Since there are multiple effective OCR application for
most Latin and non-Latin scripts, many researchers
think as OCR is a solved research area. However, still
there are multiple indigenous scripts, like Amharic,
that needs better and workable OCR technologies.
Researchers attempted to address the problems of
Amharic script OCR including both machine printed
(Teferi, 1999; Meshesha, 2008) and handwritten
(Assabie and Bigun, 2008) character recognition and
tried to show how to improve the recognition accu-
racy and noted the challenges in developing the OCR
of Amharic Script.
A binary morphological filtering algorithm was
proposed by (Teferi, 1999) for OCR of Amharic
typewritten Text and he recommended that adopting
recognition algorithms which are not very sensitive to
the features of the writing styles of characters helps
to enhance recognition rate of Amharic OCR. The
other work done by (Belay et al., 2019b), employed
a CNN based method called factored convolutional
neural network so as to recognize basic Amharic char-
acters in terms of rows and column arrangement in
”Fidel gebeta” and reported a state-of-the-art char-
acter recognition accuracy. An adaptive segmenta-
tion technique proposed by (Kassa and Hagras, 2018)
for ancient Ethiopian handwritten manuscripts called
Geez and reported a promising segmentation accu-
In a separate line of research works, attempts
are done to discriminate handwritten and machine
printed texts written with different scripts. Based
on textual appearance and geometrical features that
are extracted by wavelet transform has been proposed
(Sahare, 2018) for English documents discrimina-
tion in to three classes (handwritten, machine printed
and noise text) using Tobacco-800 and IFN-ENIT
datasets. Handwritten and machine printed text dis-
crimination has been also done using horizontal his-
togram on height distribution of characters in text-
line of English document images from IAM-DB and
GRUHD datasets (Kavallieratou et al., 2004).
A Markov Random Field (MRF) based method
(Medhat and et al., 2018) was presented to classify
texts in to machine printed, handwritten and noise.
Initially they use a modified K-means clustering al-
gorithm to cluster each class individually and then
those centers are used as hidden nodes of MRF. They
also done a transcription of handwritten and machine
printed text using different evaluation metrics based
on character and word level on IAM database and
achieved about 80% recognition accuracy. Finally,
they recommended that enhancing the preprocessing
stages of an input image and further optimization is
needed for the models which are going to be used for
machine printed and or handwritten text line image
The same techniques were employed to classify
image documents in three class as handwritten, ma-
chine printed and noise using a dataset collected from
tobacco archive (Zheng et al., 2004). The other re-
searchers (Mozaffari and Bahar, 2012) proposed a
new feature, based on the properties of Arabic lan-
guage, called baseline profile feature and separate
handwritten from machine printed Arabic document
at word block level.
The work of (Banerjee and Chaudhuri, 2012), pre-
sented an SVM based approach to separate hand-
written from machine printed Bangal texts. The re-
searchers noted that handwritten and machine printed
document discrimination is a useful application in
deleting unnecessary parts and cleaning the document
images as well. Similar work presented by (Pathak
and Tewari, 2015) using structural feature and thresh-
old value to discriminate handwritten from machine
printed Bangal text line images. An Other model pro-
Using Automatic Features for Text-image Classification in Amharic Documents
posed by (Trieu and Lee, 2016) called bag of words,
that uses SURF for the identification of Korean ma-
chine printed and handwritten texts that co-exist in
the same document image and achieved better results
compared with methods employed based on structural
features of Korean documents.
Most document image analysis and pattern recogni-
tion systems start from dataset preparation, prepos-
sessing, model training and then followed by model
performance evaluation. The proposed system pro-
cesses an Amharic document image based on three
main stages. The first stage is the preprocessing mod-
ule where, for a given document image, a set of text
areas are localized, segmented and resulting a series
of text-lines images. The second stage is the feature
extraction module where a vector of automatic char-
acteristics that represents the character and or text-
line image properties are assigned to each text-line
and finally the classification module for separating the
handwritten from the machine printed Amharic text-
lines images. An overview of the system is shown in
Fig. 1.
Machine Printed
Figure 1: An overview of the proposed system.
3.1 Dataset
This study is concerned to develop a model that can
separate a handwritten from machine printed Amharic
text-line image. Since there is no any ready-made
dataset for our experiment, we have also prepared
our own dataset which contains about 1150 pages
of Amharic document images. In each page of the
document, both the handwritten and machine printed
text-lines are co-exist with a random distribution. A
sample scanned page of Amharic document from our
dataset is shown in Fig. 2.
During dataset preparation, we have collected
Amharic texts from different books, newspapers,
magazines and websites. We compile the collected
text documents by leaving some free space in be-
tween random lines of texts per each page. Then
we gave each page of the printed document for dif-
ferent groups of university students to rewrite each
Figure 2: Sample scanned page of Amharic document, that
contains a mixed handwritten and machine printed docu-
ments, from our data set.
printed text-line on the free space under it. Since
the documents are distributed randomly, the students
used pens with different level of color degradation and
Finally, we collect the documents and scanned
each page of the document that contains both the
handwritten and machine printed texts together.
These scanned page documents are segmented into
lines using, OCRopus, the open source OCR frame-
work (Thomas, 2008).
Once line segmentation process is completed, we
labeled each segmented text-line image manually.
Since the images have not exactly the same size, con-
sidering the state-of-the-art works and the nature of
image, each segmented text-line images were resized
with the width of 128 and height of 64 pixel. A typical
diagram of OCRopus text-line segmentation engine is
shown in Fig. 3
Figure 3: A Typical diagram of OCRopus for text-line seg-
mentation. The scanned page of a mixed handwritten and
machine printed Amharic document image is feed to the
ocropus-gpageseg engine.The Engine is responsible for seg-
menting each page of the scanned document in to text-line
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
To develop and evaluate the effectiveness of the
model, we have prepared the training and testing
database which contains a total of 41,718 Amharic
text-line images. The training set included 33374
text-line images while the remaining text-line images
are the test set. The distribution of handwritten and
machine printed texts, in the whole data, are dis-
tributed about equally while the training, validation
and test datasets are randomly selected using Scikit-
learn library (Garreta and Moncecchi, 2013).
A sample segmented handwritten and machine
printed Amharic text-line images shown in Fig 4. All
these images are normalized and in binary format.
Figure 4: Sample segmented and normalized Amharic text-
line images. (a) handwritten and (b) machine printed.
3.2 The Proposed Method
After the preprocessing stage, already discussed in
section ”3.1”, completed; the feature extraction and
classification stage were followed to extract struc-
tural characteristics of text lines and to distinguish
the handwritten from the machine printed text lines of
Amharic document image respectively. An overview
of the proposed system architecture is shown in (see
Fig. 5).
The proposed architecture has two classifiers. The
first classifier is Fully connected network (FCN) with
the soft-max and motivated with its success on binary
classification we employee a binary Support Vector
Machine (SVM) as second classifier. Both classifiers
use automatic feature extracted using CNN.
In the case of fully connected network based clas-
sification, we use seven convolutional layers with a
2 x 2 max-pooling at each two blocks of convolu-
tion with rectifier linear unit as an activation function.
On top of the seventh single convolutional layer, after
applying a 2 × 2 max-pooling, we stacked two fully
connected layers followed by the soft-max function
(Zhao et al., 2017) and then we train the network end-
During an end-to-end training, the dimension of
output features in each convolutional layer can be
computed by equation ”(1)”.
M = (
N K + 2 P
) + 1 (1)
where N is the dimension of input size, K is the kernel
size S is the stride in the convolution, P is padding,
and M refers the dimension of output size.
Figure 5: A proposed model architecture. This method has
two classifiers. The first classifier is fully connected layer
with soft-max which is trained with an end-to-end scenario
while the second classifier is a binary SVM classifier which
is stacked on top by removing the last fully connected and
soft-max layer. The binary SVM classifier uses the features
extracted by the CNN layers, once reshaped and passed
through the first fully connected layer, as an input. There-
fore, classification has been done using fully connected net-
work with a soft-max function first and then SVM latter.
The number of learnable parameters is very im-
portant criteria to measure the complexity of network
architecture and also it can be used to make compari-
son between different network architectures. Parame-
ter at each subsuming layer is zero while the number
of parameters for a single convolutional layer is com-
puted using equation ”(2)”.
= (Kh × Kw × F
+ 1) × F
) (2)
where P
is the total number of parameters in the i
layer , Kh is the size of height kernel, Kw the size of
width kernel at i
convolutional layer, F
and F
are the number of feature maps at the previous layer
and current layer respectively. While the number of
parameters for each fully connected layer can is cal-
culated as ((n
+ 1) × n
) where n
and n
are the
number of neurons at the previous layer and current
layer respectively. The added value 1, here, is the bias
term for each filter.
Once, an end-to-end training completed, we just
remove the last fully connected network with the soft-
max layer and then the binary SVM becomes in place
to discriminate the features extracted by the Convo-
lutional layers into handwritten and machine printed
The final output of the network, in an end-to-end
training, is determined by a Soft-max function, which
Using Automatic Features for Text-image Classification in Amharic Documents
tells the probability that either of the classes are true,
is computed using equation ”(3)”.
f (z
) =
Where z is input vector for output layer, j is the in-
dexes which runs from 1 to k and k is the number of
At training time, the fully connected network tried
to minimize the cross entropy loss while the support
vector machine minimizes margin-based loss.
Unlike the soft-max, which predicts the probabil-
ity of the class, the SVM classifier will directly pre-
dicts classes by finding the best hyperplane, which
leaves the maximum margin between classes, to sep-
arate the two classes (Hastie et al., 2001). For a set
of training point x
along with the class y
and some
dimension d, in which x
and y
=±1 then the hy-
perplane can be defined by equation ”(4)”
f (x) = x
β + b = 0 (4)
where β R
and b is real number. Then the best
separating hyperplane is a boundary with the value of
β and b that minimize ||β|| such that all data points
, y
), y
f (x
) 1
Experiments are done following the network architec-
tures and classification settings introduced in section
“3.2” and figure ”5” using an Amharic text-line im-
age database which are, our own dataset, annotated
manually. We develop a model using Keras applica-
tion program interface, an open source deep neural
network library, on a tensorflow backend with python
programming. To select a suitable parameters for both
the FCN and SVM model, different values of the pa-
rameters were considered and tuned during experi-
We conduct two experiments. The first experi-
ment was conducted using convolutional neural net-
work as feature extractor and fully connected network
with soft-max as a classifier. Adam optimizer were
used during training and the network converges after
15 epochs. The second experiment was used a binary
SVM as classifier. This experiment uses the output of
the late CNN layers, from the first experimental setup,
as a feature and train a separate SVM. In case of bi-
nary SVM, the best result is recorded with the param-
eter; radial basis function kernel, 0.0001 gamma value
and penalty weight (C) value of 10 which were se-
lected using Grid search algorithm explained in (Gas-
par et al., 2012).
In both experimental setups, all text-line images
are resized to a width of 128 and height of 64 pix-
els. A CNN based features were used for model de-
velopment in both classifiers. For training and test-
ing the proposed model, we created our own database
of 41,718 text line images from 1150 page of mixed
handwritten and machine printed Amharic document
The performance of the proposed model is mea-
sured using accuracy which is computed as the ra-
tio of correctly classified Amharic text-line images
and total number of Amharic text-line images. Ac-
cording to experimental result, 93.45% and 95.35%
discrimination performance were obtained using fully
connected with soft-max and support vector machine
respectively. The result shows that, our proposed
system can discriminate handwritten and machine
printed text-lines with an overall recognition accuracy
of 95.35% using binary SVM classifier which outper-
forms the fully connected network.
In addition, the model requires enough mixed
handwritten and machine printed text-line image data
so as to perform better on a varieties of test data. In
general, the performance of the proposed method ob-
tained a promising results and this work will used as
benchmark for future works on Amharic document
image analysis.
Amharic is an official and working language of
Ethiopia that has it own indigenous script and rich in
a bulk of mixed historically printed and handwritten
documents dated back 12
century. However, it is
underprivileged group of scripts in Natural language
Processing due to lack of extensive research in the
area and lack of annotated dataset. Therefore, in this
paper, we present a method to discriminate handwrit-
ten from machine printed text-line images in Amharic
documents by employing a FCN with soft-max and
binary SVM. We evaluated our model with unseen
mixed, hand written and machine printed, Amharic
text-line images and achieved state-of-the-art results.
A better classification accuracy were recorded with
the Binary SVM classifier.
The proposed model can be used during handwrit-
ten dataset preparation from a mixed Amharic docu-
ment image and also used as preprocessing stage for
OCR application in the area of signature verification,
application form and bill processing. As future work,
we plan to enhance the performance of the model and
integrate it with a system that can transcribe mixed
handwritten and machine printed document images.
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Using Automatic Features for Text-image Classification in Amharic Documents