Conversational Scaffolding: An Analogy-based Approach to Response
Prioritization in Open-domain Dialogs
Will Myers
, Tyler Etchart
and Nancy Fulda
Perception, Control and Cognition Laboratory, Brigham Young University, 3361 TMCB, Provo, Utah, U.S.A.
DRAGN Labs, Brigham Young University, 3361 TMCB, Provo, Utah, U.S.A.
Response Prioritization, Utterance Retrieval, Dialog Modeling, Natural Language Processing, Vector Space
Models, Word Embeddings, Conversational AI, Sentence Representations, Analogical Reasoning.
We present Conversational Scaffolding, a response-prioritization technique that capitalizes on the structural
properties of existing linguistic embedding spaces. Vector offset operations within the embedding space are
used to identify an ‘ideal’ response for each set of inputs. Candidate utterances are scored based on their co-
sine distance from this ideal response, and the top-scoring candidate is selected as conversational output. We
apply our method in an open-domain dialog setting and show that the most effective analogy-based strategy
outperforms both an Approximate Nearest-Neighbor approach and a naive nearest neighbor baseline. We also
demonstrate the method’s ability to retrieve relevant dialog responses from a repository containing 19,665 ran-
dom sentences. As an additional contribution we present the Chit-Chat dataset, a high-quality conversational
dataset containing 483,112 lines of friendly, respectful chat exchanges between university students.
High-quality conversational data is a scarce resource
even in the modern internet era. Unmoderated on-
line interactions, while plentiful and easy to harvest,
fail to exhibit the verbal patterns, topical continuity,
and social restraint that one would like to see in a
personal assistant or other conversational agent. The
prevalence of trolls in online chat forums and social
media platforms is particularly problematic (Buckels
et al., 2014) (Rainie and Anderson, 2017), especially
when anonymous or pseudonymous commenting is
possible (Cho and Acquisti, 2013). Even in heav-
ily moderated contexts or in datasets that have been
hand-curated to filter out derogatory posts, the length
and content of comments may differ drastically from
natural conversation (Schneider et al., 2002). Data
harvested from recordings or phone conversations is
subject to transcription errors, rambling thoughts, and
incomplete sentences, while dialogs extracted from
novels or movie scripts run the risk of being melo-
dramatic and inauthentic. (It would seem odd indeed
if a personal assistant trained using such data were to
profess undying love toward its conversation partner.)
Given this data scarcity, researchers face the ques-
tion: How shall automated systems mimic human be-
havior when so little source information is available?
We address this question by first observing that,
while language is combinatorial in nature and thus
able to represent a nearly infinite span of ideas, the
patterns of language are far more tractable. Certain
types of statements encourage certain types of re-
sponses, regardless of the specific conversation topic.
These patterns can be detected and imitated via the
use of analogical relations within a pre-trained em-
bedding space. Thus, a relatively small corpus of ex-
emplars can be used to guide the response ranking
system of a conversational agent.
The basic concept is simple: We begin by encod-
ing a reference corpus, called our scaffold, using one
of many available pre-trained embedding models. In-
coming utterances are matched against the scaffold
corpus based on the embedded concatenation of the
utterances in the dialog history, and the top n con-
textual matches are used to calculate an analogically
coherent response, or target point within the embed-
ding space. The candidate utterance with the lowest
cosine distance from the target point is selected as the
agent’s dialog response.
We examine the effectiveness of our algorithm on
a response prediction task and show that the most
effective vector offset method outperforms both an
Approximate Nearest Neighbor classifier and a naive
nearest-neighbor approach. We then apply our scaf-
Myers, W., Etchart, T. and Fulda, N.
Conversational Scaffolding: An Analogy-based Approach to Response Prioritization in Open-domain Dialogs.
DOI: 10.5220/0008939900690078
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 2, pages 69-78
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
folding technique to a real-time conversational sce-
nario using a new, high-quality conversational corpus
called the Chit-Chat dataset. We show that the result-
ing automated responses, while not perfect, neverthe-
less mimic the style and flow of human conversation.
Retrieval systems for conversational AI have his-
torically relied on statistical models such as Term
Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)
(Salton and McGill, 1986) (Gandhe and Traum, 2013)
(Charras et al., 2016) or token-level vector space
models (Banchs and Li, 2012) (Dubuisson Duplessis
et al., 2017) (Charras et al., 2016), with cosine dis-
tance used to score candidate utterances. More re-
cently, a variety of neural models for information re-
trieval have been explored, including a paraphrase
matching algorithm utilizing recursive auto-encoders
(Nio et al., 2016), models based on LSTMs and other
recurrent units (Lowe et al., 2017) (Nio et al., 2016),
and sequential matching networks that use an RNN to
accumulate vectors representing the relationship be-
tween each response and the utterances in the context
(Wu et al., 2017). The potential effectiveness of such
methods is limited, however, by the relative scarcity
of high-quality conversational training data.
2.1 Semantic Comparisons
The recent availability of general purpose pre-trained
linguistic embedding spaces opens new possibilities
for utterance retrieval. Sentence-level embedding
spaces such as skip-thought vectors (Kiros et al.,
2015), quick-thought vectors (Logeswaran and Lee,
2018), InferSent (Conneau et al., 2017), and Google’s
Universal Sentence Encoder (Cer et al., 2018), as well
as task-specific embeddings extracted from popular
generative models such as HRED (Serban et al., 2016)
and GPT-2 (Radford et al., ), are often used to approx-
imate the semantic distance between two sentences.
For example, Bartl et al. use conversational contexts
extracted from HRED embeddings to retrieve a set
of n candidate sentences via an Approximate Near-
est Neighbor (ANN) algorithm (Bartl and Spanakis,
2017). Each candidate is then scored based on its co-
sine similarity to each of the other candidates in the
retrieved set.
Alas, linguistic embedding models do not strictly
encode semantic structure (Thalenberg, 2016) (Dou
et al., 2018) (Kim et al., 2016), and the use of cosine
distance as an approximation of semantic similarity is
only partially successful (Fu et al., 2018) (Patro et al.,
2018). The development of embedding spaces with
improved semantic structure is an active area of re-
search (Zhu et al., 2018) (Conneau et al., 2018), how-
ever, we circumvent this limitation by relying on the
cosine distances between vector offsets, rather than
between the embeddings themselves, in order to cal-
culate our target point.
2.2 The Analogical Structure of
Embedding Spaces
Our dialog response ranking algorithm leverages the
analogical structure inherent in language, and by ex-
tension also inherent in linguistic embedding spaces,
to improve response selection. In many computer
science communities it is commonly known that
word embeddings such as word2vec (Mikolov et al.,
2013a), GLoVE (Pennington et al., 2014), and Fast-
Text (Bojanowski et al., 2016) can be used to solve
linguistic analogies of the form a:b::c:d. This is
generally accomplished using vector offsets such as
[Madrid - Spain + France Paris] or [walking -
walked + swimming swam] (Mikolov et al., 2013b)
(Gladkova et al., 2016). Query accuracy can be fur-
ther improved by averaging multiple vector offsets
(Drozd et al., 2016) (Fulda et al., 2017a) or by ex-
tending the length of the offset vector (Fulda et al.,
Our research extends this notion of analogical re-
lationships into the realm of multi-word embeddings.
We postulate (and show via our results) that sentence-
level embedding spaces can contain similar analogi-
cal relationships, and that these relationships can be
utilized to select plausible responses in open-domain
dialogs. Thus, rather than evaluating candidate re-
sponses based on their strict distance to exemplars in
the scaffold corpus, we instead rely on the relative dis-
tance between pairs of sentences in order to locate an
idealized response vector which corresponds to point
d in the classic a:b::c:d analogical form. Candidate
responses are scored based on their cosine distance
from this target point.
Our conversational scaffolding algorithm, first intro-
duced as an experimental sub-component of (Fulda
et al., 2018), is expanded and refined in this work
by clarifying the localization technique and by per-
forming a structured evaluation of response accuracy
across a variety of scoring algorithms, including new
baselines. We also provide an example of the algo-
rithm in action, showing its ability to retrieve relevant
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Workflow diagram: The dialog context is con-
verted to an array of sentence embeddings using Google’s
Universal Sentence Encoder, then passed to an embedded
concatenation localization function to determine the best
contextual match(es). The matched utterances (orange)
along with their direct successors (red) are then passed to
the Response Scoring Algorithm, which assigns a numeri-
cal value to each candidate response.
responses from a set of ca. 20,000 randomly-selected
Figure 1 gives an overview of our methodology.
Given a dialog context of variable length, our al-
gorithm first locates a set of high-quality contextual
matches within the scaffold corpus. These contex-
tual matches, along with the utterance directly fol-
lowing each context match, are then passed to one
of several scoring algorithms. All utterances are en-
coded using Google’s Universal Sentence Encoder
Lite (USE Lite) (Cer et al., 2018), a lightweight
but impressively robust embedding model. We se-
lected this model based on its unusually high per-
formance as a heuristic for semantic distance. Pre-
liminary experiments in our laboratory revealed that
USE Lite was able to achieve a Pearson’s r score of
0.752 on the 2013 Semantic Textual Similarity bench-
mark, the highest score of any model we tried. Other
model scores were: InferSent (0.718), FastText bag-
of-words (0.547), BERT (0.495), GloVe bag-of-words
(0.404), skip-thought vectors (0.214), and GPT-2 (-
3.1 Contextual Alignment
Contextual alignment refers to the process of match-
ing incoming utterances against similar utterance pat-
terns within a scaffold corpus. This can be done
naively by using an Approximate Nearest Neighbor
algorithm based on a simple Euclidean distance met-
. In this paradigm, for a dialog history of length n,
the optimal contextual match can be identified using
the expression
|| (1)
where {v
} are the vector embeddings of the
n most recent utterances in the current dialog and
} represent the vectors located within a
sliding window of length n beginning at element z of
the pre-embedded scaffold corpus. The notation ||x||
represents the Euclidean norm of vector x.
This Euclidean distance approach is easy to calcu-
late, but it ignores the powerful analogical structure
inherent within the embedding space. For example,
assume we have the following dialog history coupled
with two potential contextual matches in the scaffold
dialog history
1. Did you watch the basketball game?
2. Yeah, that slam dunk at the end was really
contextual match A
1. Did you watch the football game?
2. Yeah, that touchdown at the end was really
contextual match B
1. Did you watch the basketball game?
2. Yeah, that was an impressive game.
Using the example text, a Euclidean distance ap-
proach using Google’s Universal Sentence Encoder
Lite and Eq. 1 above will select contextual match B
(with a summed distance of 0.884) over A (which has
a summed distance of 1.191). And yet in many ways,
contextual match A is a closer semantic parallel to the
actual dialog history. In particular, the conversational
pattern exhibited in A is an almost perfect match for
the dialog, even though the specific topic differs.
In order to capture such subtleties, we propose an
alternate method of contextual alignment: Embedded
Concatenation. Embedded Concatenation leverages
the structure of the embedding space by concatenating
the input sentences prior to encoding them via Univer-
sal Sentence Encoder Lite (Cer et al., 2018). A naive
Approximate approaches, rather than a more rigorous
K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm, are used in order to improve
computation speed.
Any valid distance metric, such as cosine distance, can
be used. We tested both cosine and Euclidean distance, but
found the latter to be empirically better.
Conversational Scaffolding: An Analogy-based Approach to Response Prioritization in Open-domain Dialogs
Figure 2: Naive Analogy, where: c (green) represents the embedded input utterance, a
(blue) represent the nearest embedded
utterances from the scaffold corpus, b
(red) represent the embedded successors to a
in the scaffold corpus, d
= c + b
(yellow) represents the ‘ideal’ response, and g
(grey and black) represent embedded candidate responses with g
representing the response selected by the naive-analogy scoring algorithm. Image originally from (Fulda et al., 2018).
Figure 3: Scattershot Method, where: c (green) represents the embedded input utterance, a
(blue) represent the nearest
embedded utterances from the scaffold corpus, b
(red) represent the associated embedded successors to a
in the scaffold,
= c + (b
) (yellow) represent the ‘ideal’ responses, and g
(grey and black) represent embedded candidate responses
with g
(black) representing the response selected by the scattershot scoring algorithm. Image originally from (Fulda et al.,
Euclidean distance metric is then used to match the
embedded concatenation against each element in the
pre-embedded scaffold corpus. The optimal contex-
tual match is:
+ ... + h
) s
|| (2)
where {h
} are the plain text (i.e. unembedded)
utterances in the dialog history, the + symbol rep-
resents string concatenation (with an extra space in-
serted between sentences), s
is an arbitrary vector lo-
cated within the pre-embedded scaffold corpus, and
embed(x) denotes the process of embedding a plain
text utterance x to obtain its corresponding vector rep-
Note that the described localization method as-
sumes that only a single, optimal, contextual match is
desired. This was done for simplicity. In reality, it is
often beneficial to take the k best matches, and in fact
many of the scoring algorithms in section 3.2 require
k > 1. The diagrams in Section 3.2 assume a value
of k = 3 for clarity. In our empirical experiments, a
value of k = 5 was used.
3.2 Candidate Response Scoring
Once the top k contextual matches for the dialog his-
tory have been identified, the candidate responses can
be scored. Candidate responses may come from a
repository of pre-selected utterances, or they may be
produced dynamically via generative models, scripted
templates, or other text generation methods. For ease
of representation, the algorithm descriptions in Fig-
ures 2-4 assume a conversation history of length 1
combined with a Euclidean distance approach to con-
versational localization. Extensions to longer conver-
sation histories and to the embedded concatenation
localization method are straightforward and easy to
In Figs 2-4, the use of the letters a
, b
, c, and d
corresponds to the classic linguistic analogy structure
a:b::c:d (‘a is to b as c is to d’), which can be solved
using vector offsets of the form c + b - a = d.
1. Naive Analogy (Fig 2). This scoring algo-
rithm represents the simplest possible use of analogi-
cal structure when scoring candidate responses, and
is an extension at the sentence level of the classic
a:b::c:d analogies used in conjunction with word em-
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 4: Flow Vectors Method, where: c (green) represents the embedded input utterance, a
(blue) represent the nearest
embedded utterances from the scaffold corpus, b
(red) represent the associated embedded successors to a
in the scaffold
corpus, d
= c+1/n
) (yellow) represents the ‘ideal’ response, and g
(grey and black) represent embedded candidate
responses with g
(black) representing the response selected by the flow vectors scoring algorithm. Image originally from
(Fulda et al., 2018).
beddings (Mikolov et al., 2013b) (Gladkova et al.,
2016). Using a value of k = 1, the naive analogy lo-
cates the single best context match within the scaffold
corpus, along with its (pre-embedded) successor. The
vector difference between the successor and the last
sentence in the context window is then added to the
embedded vector representation of the most recent ut-
terance in the dialog history. Candidate utterances are
scored based on their distance from the resulting point
in vector space.
2. Scattershot (Fig 3). The scattershot scoring
algorithm takes the non-deterministic nature of lan-
guage into account by assuming that there are many
valid responses. It therefore searches for a candidate
response that matches any of several high-scoring
context matches. In this method, the vector differ-
ences between each context match and its respective
successor are calculated separately, and then added to
the vector embedding of the most recent utterance in
the dialog history. The result is a set of k target points,
each of which represents a possible valid conversa-
tional response. The candidate located nearest to any
one of these points receives the highest score.
3. Flow Vectors (Fig 4). Lastly, the flow vec-
tors algorithm presumes that there is some manifold
of acceptable responses within the embedding space,
and seeks to calculate the centroid of that manifold
by averaging the differences between multiple context
matches and their successors. The candidate response
nearest to this averaged centroid receives the highest
To be effective, our algorithmic approach requires a
high-quality conversational dataset to be used as a
scaffold. The scaffold dataset will define the style
and feel of the human-computer interaction, so its
contents should mimic genuine, in-person conversa-
tions as much as possible. It should also cover a wide
range of topics, be free from offensive or trollish be-
havior, include fluid and natural-sounding sentences,
and not be unduly cluttered with web-links, marketing
material, or emoticons. Unsatisfied with the dataset
options available at the time we commenced our re-
search, we elected to construct our own.
The Chit-Chat dataset (
PCCL/chitchat-dataset) is a novel dataset generated
using a university-wide conversational competition
launched in 2018. Working in conjunction with a
marketing team, we created a website that would ran-
domly pair students together and let them chat via
a simple text-message interface. Participants’ chats
were scored based on the number of words used per
turn, number of turns, absence of incendiary lan-
guage, use of correct grammar, and so forth. The
highest scoring chatters received prizes.
The resulting dataset contains 482,112 dialog
turns from over 1200 users, with a vocabulary size
of 85,952. A key element of the Chit-Chat dataset is
the commitment, made by each participant when sign-
ing up for the competition, that they would abstain
from mean-spirited or offensive behaviors. While this
is difficult to police algorithmically, post-competition
examinations of the chat data reveal that by and large,
the students held to their agreement. They tried to
seek common ground rather than points of discord,
and when they disagreed with each other, they did
so in a respectful and non-inflammatory manner. We
have found the Chit-Chat conversations highly useful,
and are releasing the dataset publicly in hopes that it
will help other researchers.
Conversational Scaffolding: An Analogy-based Approach to Response Prioritization in Open-domain Dialogs
In current state-of-the-art conversational systems,
candidate utterances may be obtained via generative
models (Sutskever et al., 2014) (Vaswani et al., 2017),
template-based algorithms (Fulda et al., 2018), or
pre-built language repositories (Wu et al., 2017) (Al-
Zubaide and Issa, 2011). Our experimental setup is
based on the latter case, although the same algorithms
could easily be used to prioritize over utterances pro-
duced by hand-coded scripts or by an ensemble of
neural generators.
We structure our empirical evaluation as a clas-
sification task with six candidate responses. One of
the responses is the actual next sentence in the dia-
log. The other five candidates are randomly-chosen
distractors drawn from the same dialog corpus as the
conversation history. The task of the agent is to lever-
age the dialog patterns in the scaffold corpus to iden-
tify the correct response. All experiments in this sec-
tion used a context length n = 2 and considered the
k = 5 best matches for each scaffolding algorithm.
5.1 Text Corpora
To simulate an open-domain dialog setting, we
needed candidate utterances with a broad spread of
conversation topics and dialog styles. To achieve this,
we merged data from four different sources:
1. Chit-Chat
2. Daily Dialog
(Li et al., 2017)
3. A 33 million word subset of Reddit
4. Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus
(Lowe et al., 2015)
The Chit-Chat dataset, collected locally via a uni-
versity competition, contains 483,112 dialog turns be-
tween university students using an informal online
chat framework. The Daily Dialog dataset simulates
common, real-life interactions such as shopping or
ordering food at a restaurant. Reddit
covers an ar-
ray of general topics, with copious instances of web
links, internet acronyms, and active debate. Finally,
the Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus contains 966,400 dialog
turns taken from the Ubuntu Chat Logs, with a heavy
emphasis on troubleshooting and technical support.
Due to the massive size of Reddit, we only used a sub-
set of the comments and posts from June 2014 to November
5.2 Evaluation Task
To evaluate our scaffolding algorithms, we began by
splitting the combined dataset into two blocks: (1) a
scaffold corpus, and (2) an evaluation corpus. The
agent’s task was to predict the correct follow-on sen-
tence for each dialog in the evaluation corpus.
Table 1: Dataset Statistics.
Number of Words 8,433,086
Number of Turns 483,112
Average Length of Turns 88.86
Vocabulary Size 85,952
Daily Dialog
Number of Words 3,449,782
Number of Turns 243,520
Average Length of Turns 62.85
Vocabulary Size 26,116
Number of Words 33,847,503
Number of Turns 966,400
Average Length of Turns 194.73
Vocabulary Size 434,539
Number of Words 15,696,635
Number of Turns 966,400
Average Length of Turns 88.33
Vocabulary Size 145,594
To set up this task, we first needed to standardize
the formats of the datasets. Chit-Chat, Daily Dialog,
and the Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus are all two-partner
conversations. The Reddit data has a tree-like struc-
ture with an original post at the top, initial comments
responding to the original post, more comments re-
sponding to the initial comments, and so forth. These
threads of comments are not necessarily conversa-
tions between the same two users, as any user could
post a comment in any thread. In standardizing the
data, we chose to ignore distinctions between actual
users and flatten the tree so that any Reddit thread was
treated as a two-partner conversation between some
speaker A and another speaker B.
Because some datasets, like Chit-Chat and the
Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus, had many turns per con-
versation, we windowed our original data to create
a sequence of shorter conversations with smaller di-
alog contexts. We chose a window size of four and a
stride of one. Hence, if our original conversation had
six turns, the windowed data would have three new
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
conversations with four turns each. We then set aside
3,311 conversations (about 5% of the smallest corpus)
from each dataset to create the evaluation corpus, with
the rest used as scaffolding.
Finally, the evaluation corpus was used to create a
sequence of 13,244 windowed conversations. Each
dialog from this evaluation set was paired with six
candidate responses: (a) the correct follow-on sen-
tence for the given dialog history, and (b) five distrac-
tors randomly chosen from the same text corpus as the
correct answer. The scaffolding algorithms in Section
3.2, along with several baselines described in Section
5.3, were tasked with identifying the true response.
5.3 Baselines
We selected three baselines to compare against our
candidate response scoring algorithms, our objective
being to determine whether performance improves
when the analogical structure of the embedding space
is taken into consideration.
Naive Nearest
This algorithm is a non-analogical companion to the
Naive Analogy algorithm depicted in Figure 2. Rather
than calculating the ideal response as d
= c +b
the naive-nearest algorithm calculates d
= b
. In
other words, the Naive Nearest algorithm ignores the
analogical nature of language by assuming that the
successor to the best context match represents an op-
timal response, even if the contexts do not match ex-
Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN)
This algorithm implements an Approximate Nearest
Neighbor scoring strategy. Its ideal target point is cal-
culated in the same way as the flow vectors algorithm,
but with d
= 1/n
. The analogical structure of
the embedding space is ignored, and the algorithm in-
stead orients itself based on the successor utterances
extracted from the scaffold corpus.
This baseline randomly selects one of the candidate
responses without reference to the dialog history.
5.4 Results
Experimental results are shown in Table 2. Since no
data was available on the relative ranking of the dis-
tractor sentences, we chose to evaluate our experi-
mental results via response accuracy rather than via
mean reciprocal rank or other metrics.
With a response accuracy of 68.07%, the scat-
tershot algorithm shows a clear advantage over all
other variants, outperforming the nearest baseline by
Table 2: Algorithm accuracy on a response prioritization
task with 13,244 distinct conversations. These experiments
used a context length n = 2 and considered the k = 5 best
context matches when calculating target point locations.
scoring method accuracy
our algorithms
flow vectors 62.47%
scattershot 68.07%
naive-analogy 62.29%
naive-nearest 58.97%
ANN classifier 64.96%
random 16.06%
3.11%. We hypothesize that this is because scatter-
shot takes the nondeterministic nature of language
into account, allowing the scaffolding algorithm to
select a candidate that most closely matches one of
many possible valid responses.
It is also useful to compare the naive-analogy al-
gorithm with the naive-nearest baseline. These two
algorithms are identical except for their analogical
content. Our results show that leveraging the inherent
analogical properties of the embedding space results
in an overall accuracy improvement of 3.32%.
5.5 Analysis
A key insight to be taken from our results is the ob-
servation that the average of several valid responses
cannot be assumed to also represent a valid response.
This amounts to taking the centroid of a (possibly
oddly-shaped) manifold, resulting in a vector that
might easily represent a nonsense sentence.
For example, the question “Have you seen any
good movies lately?” can be appropriately answered
by statements including “Yes”, “No”, “I saw Iron Man
last night”, and Are you crazy? You know I’m afraid
of theaters. These disparate responses, all valid with
respect to the dialog context, nevertheless vary widely
in terms of sentence length, sentiment, vocabulary,
and dialog mode. There is no reason to assume that
a sentence which represents the average of all those
factors will have any relevance to the dialog history,
or that it will even be grammatically correct.
This observation explains the empirical success of
the scattershot algorithm over its competitors. The
naive-nearest and naive-analogy algorithms take only
a single context match into consideration, and there-
fore function on limited information. The scattershot,
flow vector and ANN algorithms all take many con-
text matches into consideration, but while the flow
vector and ANN algorithms operate by averaging
multiple ‘ideal’ responses, the scattershot algorithm
Conversational Scaffolding: An Analogy-based Approach to Response Prioritization in Open-domain Dialogs
> Hello.
> How are you doing today?
How are you?
> I am good. How has your day been so far?
I’ve been pretty good, I was sick earlier, but better now.
> Oh man, that stinks. What were you sick with? I am glad
you are feeling better though!
I had like ten servings of it.
> Uh oh. That sounds like a lot. Was it good food?
I had such tasty food too.
> Yum. What is your favorite food?
yum sounds so good right now haha! I love every fruit! I
like rice and pickles too haha. but like you I like just
about everything
> I love fruit too. So, have you seen any good movies
Black panther is so good!!!
> Yeah I really liked it too. I think that or, Thor
Ragnarok might be my favorite Marvel movie.
No , I haven’t . This is my first time to watch it .
> Oh yeah?
*It flips him off.*
> What are some of your favorite books?
It’s a little bit of romance and comedy.
> Cool. Well, I have to go. It has been nice talking to
Okay ! Bye !
Figure 5: Conversation generated using the scattershot
scaffolding algorithm and Euclidean distance localization
method, and distance threshold τ = 0.5. Human-generated
text is preceded by the > symbol. In this example, the agent
is able to maintain several fairly coherent dialog turns, then
pivots appropriately to the topic of movies in response to
user cues. It also successfully detects and responds to an
indication that the conversation is over.
seeks a response that lies close to any one of the scaf-
fold examples. This enables it to select the correct
response candidate a higher percentage of the time.
To explore the types of conversations produced by our
system, we allowed a human to type the opening line
of dialog with an agent executing the scattershot algo-
rithm. The objective was to see whether a dialog agent
choosing from among ca. 10,000 candidate responses
could leverage the analogical structure of language in
order to create a plausible conversation.
Typical conversations generated using this method
are shown in Figures 5 and 6. Interestingly, although
the 19,665 randomly-selected candidate utterances
> Hey. What’s up?
Hey, whats up?
> Not much. How is your day going so far?
Hi, it’s good!
> Good to hear. What are you working on?
I’m figuring out my budget .
> Oh that sounds fun. What are you going to do after you
Well I plan to get into the accounting program
> Oh cool! Do you like accounting?
I’ve thought about going into cardiology, that seems
interesting, but also I’m considering anesthesiology.
> Oh wow. Those are both very different from accounting.
Are they hard?
semester for you and me. Is your next semester seeming to
look like its going to be a little easier?
> I think this semester will be fun but a little
That it does! Even though you may not be getting
everything out of your classes now but oh well...;)
> Do you think you will have any time to go to see a movie
this semester?
That it does! Even though you may not be getting
everything out of your classes now but oh well...;)
> So, where are you from originally?
Haha well I’m from Arkansas
> Oh cool. I have never been there. Do you like it?
Ya actually I did enjoy the shreveport one when I lived
there last year (2012 Mardi gras) but you’re right, it’s
almost nothing Compared to most of the NO ones. Still very
enjoyable. My of my friends lives right on the route so it
was nice having somewhere to go for it lol
> haha fun. Do you like it here then?
> If you could vacation anywhere, where would it be?
well,its like 1 am here,i should get to bed, it was nice
talking to you, have a great day.
> Oh wow. Goodnight. Talk to you later.
Thanks. You too!
Figure 6: Conversation generated using the scattershot scaf-
folding algorithm, the embedded concatenation localization
method, and distance threshhold τ = 0.6. Human-generated
text is preceded by the > symbol. In this example, even
the τ threshhold is not sufficient to keep the agent from get-
ting caught in a sentence repetition, however, it successfully
switches to a new topic on the next utterance.
were drawn from all four conversational datasets, al-
most all of the ones chosen by the scattershot algo-
rithm came from the Chit-Chat dataset. This suggests
that the Chit-Chat dataset was an unusually good
stylistic match for the informal conversation patterns
used by the human chatter.
We permitted one augmentation to our algorithms
for this experiment: Candidate responses that were
too similar to the most recent statement in the dialog
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
history were excluded from consideration.
This con-
stitutes an extension at the sentence level of the tra-
ditional exclusion of source words when solving ana-
logical queries via word embeddings (Mikolov et al.,
2013b) (Gladkova et al., 2016). Without it, the scaf-
folding algorithm tends to select sentences that parrot
or reflect the content of the dialog history rather than
progressing to new topics.
As automated personal assistants become more preva-
lent, developers will need to strike a balance between
control and spontaneity. It is important for automated
agents to behave in unexpected, even surprising ways;
otherwise they could not generalize from past experi-
ence in order to respond to unique queries from their
users. At the same time, we do not want assistants
who insult their users, make broadly offensive state-
ments, or give inaccurate information.
The methods outlined in this paper provide a pos-
sible middle ground, allowing a scaffold corpus to de-
fine an overall personality or conversational style for
the agent without directly restricting its possible ut-
terances. In this paper, we have presented a scaffold-
ing algorithm that uses pre-trained sentence embed-
dings to (a) leverage the inherent analogical proper-
ties of the embedding space and (b) account for the
frequently non-deterministic nature of language while
(c) encouraging responses that closely align with the
scaffold corpus. Our scattershot algorithm is able to
predict the correct follow-on sentence for a given dia-
log history with nearly 70% accuracy, outperforming
both ANN and naive nearest-neighbor baselines.
Going forward, we imagine a possible future agent
which generates responses via a neural architecture,
but which has been trained to adhere as closely as
possible to a scaffold corpus in its utterance patterns.
Future work in this area should explore the possibility
of neural dialog models that utilize a scaffold corpus
during loss calculations, as well as the development
of decoders that can render the target point directly
into text. A comprehensive study of distance metrics
should also be undertaken, as it is not certain that the
de facto standards of Euclidean and cosine distance
are the best possible heuristics for semantic similar-
ity; L1 distance or correlation coefficients might be
more effective.
Similarity was defined as Euclidean distance < τ,
where τ is a hand-selected threshhold value.
We thank David Wingate and his students in the BYU
Perception, Control and Cognition laboratory for their
role in creating and hosting the Chit-Chat dataset.
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ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence