DLT-based Tokens Classification towards Accounting Regulation
Luz Parrondo
UPF Barcelona School of Management, Bames 132, Barcelona, Spain
Pompeu Fabra University, Ramon Trias Fargas 18, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: DLT, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Crypto-assets, Tokens, Stablecoin, Accounting Regulation.
Abstract: Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) are distributed, secured and immutable ledgers that allow technology
to intermediate and empower new ecosystem-based business models. DLT-based tokens digitally represent a
wide variety of assets from securities to commodities or merely as means of payment within a DLT network.
However, DLT-tokens may (alternatively or jointly) grant digital access to a DLT platform, serve as
incentivation system or as a right for future consumption of goods or services. The aim of this paper is to
provide a first definition, classification and guidance for accounting treatment of the DLT-based tokens. The
paper proposes four factors as determinants to classify digital tokens as payment tokens, utility tokens and
security tokens. Factor number one is the existence of a legal right against a counterparty; second, the
existence of value stability; third, the existence of intrinsic value; and forth, existence of investment risk for
the token-holder. First, the analysis suggests that tokens failing to comply with the first and second condition
classify as payment tokens. These payment tokens subdivide into stablecoins and cryptocurrencies if
alternatively satisfy the third (value stability) or fourth condition (investment risk). Second, tokens that satisfy
the first, second and third condition classify as utility tokens. And finally, tokens satisfying the first, third and
fourth condition classify as security tokens. Furthermore, the paper provides with initial guidance for
accounting treatment in each category
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), is distributed
system is a distributed, secured and immutable ledger
that has allowed technology to intermediate and entrust
transactions (Lemieux, 2016; Klaus, 2017; Smit,
Buekens, & Plessis, 2016; Swan, 2017; Chen, 2018). It
originally allowed Bitcoin to become a “peer-to-peer
electronic cash system” (Nakamoto, 2008) and since
then hundreds of new projects have emerged that use
blockchains in a variety new and innovative ways.
Business implementation of DLT such as Blockchain,
Tempo or Dag, are still at their early stage.
We are increasingly living in digital networks,
spending an average of 11 hours a day on screens in the
US with over half of that on internet connected devices,
and growing 11% each year (Forbes, 2019). However,
in the current model, most of the decision power and
value of a network concentrates in one institution or
company (e.g. Facebook, Amazon, Alibaba). DLTs are
emerging as the new global digital infrastructure
allowing the opportunity to create vastly different
power structures (Ehrsam, 2017) McKnight et al.
(2017). Distributed technologies represent an
opportunity for regulators and policymakers to shape
the development of disruptive innovation.
Token economies have been used for centuries
and have evolved notably to systems used today.
These incentives-based structures were created and
sustained in a variety of cultures and as part of many
institutions within those cultures. Governments used
the influencing abilities of rewards to shape behaviors
in battle and throughout society. Modern research
peaked in the 1970s where there was substantial study
surrounding psychiatry, clinical psychology,
education, and mental health fields (Kazdin, 1977).
Winkler (1972) suggest the similarities between
token and national economies as “in both token
economies and national economies, consumption
schedules show that expenditures typically rises with
income and that expenditure approximates a linear
function of income over most income ranges”. As
digital economies develop, they are integrating the
concept of token economy as the engine fuel. The
Token-economics, however go one step further as it
refers to the system of incentives based on digital
tokens that reinforce and build desirable behaviours
the in a DLT-based ecosystem. Completing
Parrondo, L.
DLT-based Tokens Classification towards Accounting Regulation.
DOI: 10.5220/0008937600150026
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2020), pages 15-26
ISBN: 978-989-758-422-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
consensus in a DLT platform requires for example
miners to provide validation service for transactions.
Token-economics is the mechanism to incentivize
miners to provide better service on the network.
Academic research on this field is almost
inexistent, and we lack the basic definition for DLT-
based tokens, description of their characteristics and
functionalities, classification determinants and how
these features affect the rights and protection of token-
holders. Growing in this body of research will largely
contribute to accounting and financial literature.
A token can represent the development of a
network, secure unforgeable coupons, and even token
systems with no ties to conventional value at all, used
as point systems for incentivization. Given the wide
variety of tokens and token-sale set-ups, it is not
possible to generalize. Circumstances must be
considered in each individual case. The technical
layer, purpose, underlying asset, functionality and
legal status of the tokens determines their
classification (Euler, 2018). Regulation and
accounting treatment should depend on the properties
and rights that each token entitles based on ifs
functionality and intrinsic nature.
The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory
Authority (FINMA) has provided initial guidelines to
classify and regulate digital tokens. FINMA’s
classification of tokens into payment, securities and
utilities is becoming widely accepted among early
regulators and techno-practitioners around the world.
Based on the legal status, tokens may act as means of
payment (payment tokens), as means to exchange
value in an ecosystem providing access to products,
services, or incentives (utility tokens) or as means to
represent financial assets such as participations in
companies entitled of earnings streams, such as
dividends or interest payments (security tokens).
First, payment tokens act as store of value and
medium of exchange. Currently, these payment
tokens are not regarded as legal tender; however, they
act as means of payment. Second, security tokens
provide token-holders rights to a share of specific
revenue stream, such as dividends (equity tokens) or
interests (debt tokens), and which value derives from
an external, tradable asset, and they are subject to
federal securities regulations. If a company meets all
the regulatory obligations, the security token
classification creates the potential for a wide variety
of applications, the most promising of which is the
ability to issue tokens that represent shares of
company stock. Third, utility tokens accredits token-
holders future access to the products or services in the
issuing network or ecosystem. Some of these tokens
also grant purchasers the right to access a given
technology or to participate in an organization
providing governance rights, such as the right to vote.
The defining characteristic of a utility token is a token
not designed as an investment or a source of funding;
if properly structured, this feature exempts utility
tokens from federal laws governing securities. By
creating utility tokens, a company can sell ‘digital
coupons’ for the developing service. For example,
Filecoin, raised $257 million by selling tokens that
will provide users with access to its decentralized
cloud storage platform. Note that utility token
creators usually refer to these crowdsales as token
generation events (TGEs) or token distribution events
(TDEs) to avoid the appearance that they are
engaging in a securities offering. The confusion
however arises when these tokens can be traded in the
exchangers and provide with relevant capital gains or
losses to the token holders due to the high volatility
of the token prices in the secondary markets. In
practice, these TGEs or TDEs can be perceived as a
mean to circumvent securities governing regulations
reducing the quality of investor’s rights.
Due to the lack of homogeneity, the status of
tokens under regulatory framework is ambiguous.
This paper contributes to define and classify DLT-
based tokens, to be the first to identify four key
aspects or determinants to classify tokens as payment,
utility or security tokens; and to be the first to
articulate the correspondent accounting treatment.
This study suggests four factors as classifying
determinants (see Table 1): (1) existence of a legal
right against a counterparty; (2) existence of intrinsic
value; (3) token-value stability; and (4) the existence
of investment risk for the token-holder . We define
the existence of a legal right against a counterparty
(1) as a claim recognizable and enforceable at law
against an entity on a given agreement. Intrinsic value
(2) is defined as the value of the underlying project
captured by a token, which is also what ensures that
the price of the token grows alongside
adoption/success of such underlying project. A token
lacking utility will see its price supported only by
speculation. Token-value stability (3) refers to a
sufficiently stable value of the token to allow its use
as means of payment or exchange of value within an
ecosystem without significant gains or losses for the
token-holder. Finally, investment risk (4) refers to the
speculative nature of the token as the token holder is
subject to uncertainty on expected profits (losses)
from the effort of others, uncertainty on future
performance, uncertainty on the possibility of
exchanging the token for fiat money or promised
goods or services.
FEMIB 2020 - 2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Table 1: Determinants for token classification.
Payment token
Legal right
against a
Intrinsic value NO NO YES YES
Investment Risk YES NO NO YES
First, the lack of any legal right against a
counterparty, absence of intrinsic value and lack of
investment risk classifies a token as a payment token,
enabling these tokens as store of value and as a means
of payment. However, for payment tokens to perform
as efficient means of payment volatility should be
relatively low. We find certain highly volatile tokens,
such as Bitcoin, which are not efficient means of
payment. Although they can be use as such, high
volatility disqualifies them to effectively perform,
and introduces investment risk. We propose to divide
payment tokens into two sub-categories, stablecoins
and cryptocurrencies. Second, utility tokens provide
legal rights for the holder against the DLT-network
issuer; they have intrinsic value (due to its
functionality) and value stability, which qualifies
them as means of value exchange within a DLT
ecosystem. Functionality is by definition the purpose
of a utility token, investment risk should therefore be
absent from these type of tokens. Finally, security
tokens have contractual claims, have intrinsic and
speculative value, waiving out value stability and
introducing investment risk.
The above individual token classifications are not
mutually exclusive. Security and utility tokens can
also be classified as payment tokens (referred to as
hybrid tokens). In these cases, the requirements are
cumulative; in other words, the tokens are deemed
both securities and means of payment.
Blockchain has been referred to as a Distributed
Ledger Technology where the terms have been used
interchangeably, however, blockchain is a subset of
DLTs that is under the umbrella of distributed
databases. Distributed systems are a computing
paradigm whereby two or more nodes work with each
other in a coordinated fashion to achieve a common
outcome. It is modelled in such a way that end users
see it as a single logical platform. For example,
Google's search engine is based on a large distributed
system, but to a user, it looks like a single, coherent
platform (Bashir, 2018). These systems are designed
to be fault tolerant in case of the failure of some nodes
where information is duplicated and stored in
multiple physical locations. Furthermore, nodes on
distributed systems have to validate information
individually and create the entire transactions history
independently to ensure honesty where trust is not
considered. DLTs are based on Byzantine-fault
tolerance (Lamport, Shostak, & Pease, 1982) where
the system will still run and function regardless of the
failure, dishonesty or the suspicion of malicious
nodes. DLTs depends on transparency, replicating
data across all the interconnected nodes to compare,
validate and vote/agree to secure the accuracy of data
and records
Transactions are stored in order by time in a single
ledger on the blockchain. Having a transaction history
has multiple benefits in terms of increased regulatory
compliance and being able to recourse to the system
to at any point in time. The use of digital signature
makes it impossible for any “outsider” (i.e. hacker) of
gaining access into the system. Moreover, the
fundamental feature that makes this system attractive
and stand out from other technologies is the
immutability and trust lessness of this system, where
data cannot be forged once it has been recorded on the
ledger, nor fabricated. Miners cannot transfer assets
or records without the consent (i.e. digital signature)
of the owner/participant, manipulation or other nodes
can detect fraud immediately.
Technologist and practitioners in general have
entered the debate whether centralized platforms fit
into the blockchain definition. This debate falls out of
the scope of this paper and this is why we use the
broader concept of DLT instead of blockchain.
DLTs could have serious implications for the future
of business. From accounting to operations, the
growing consensus among industry leaders and
researchers is that blockchain and other similar DLTs
are likely to affect every major area of society. The
blockchain initially became very popular in finance
where transparency, trust, and security in transactions
are vital (Economist, 2015). This technology does not
require (however may have) any intermediary such as
a central bank to ensure trust and security in
transactions (Buterin, 2013, Economist, 2015,
Nakamoto, 2008) and are also more cost-efficient in
micro-transactions compared to traditional
DLT-based Tokens Classification towards Accounting Regulation
mechanisms (Buterin, 2014b). Radiating
trustworthiness through third parties is replaced by
understanding the blockchain technology and seeing
what the status of the transaction is. In other words,
instead of trusting that a transaction will be conducted
as agreed upon, now one can see the status of the
transaction and knows what is going on. However, the
DLTs does not only support financial transactions, they
can support all kinds of tokens units of value. Digital
assets such as shares, contracts, and stock options have
been traded on the blockchain as well. Thus, all kinds
of economic systems or more specifically, trading of
property rights, benefit from such a trust-free, secure,
and transparent transaction system (Beck, Stenum
Czepluch, Lollike, & Malone, 2016).
The previous analysis suggests that DLTs
(blockchain included) may grant more efficient to
existing business structures and processes, however
the most promising disruption may rise from the
tokenization of value in the DLT-embedded structure
of token economics.
Definition of DLT-based token is not trivial. Most
research has focused on the definition of Bitcoin, or
Blockchain (Fosso Wamba, Kala Kamdjoug, Epie
Bawack, & Keogh, 2018), with a lack of consensus in
its definition. The extended definition of digital
tokens is even more scant. Pakrou and Amir (2016)
define Bitcoin as ‘a virtual and crypto-currency based
on a peer-to-peer network, digital signatures and zero
knowledge proof that allows the users to do
irreversible money transfer without any
intermediate’. Furthermore, Meiklejohn et al. (2016)
define Bitcoin as ‘a purely online virtual currency,
unbacked by either physical commodities or
sovereign obligation; instead, it relies on a
combination of cryptographic protection and a peer-
to-peer protocol for witnessing settlements’.
Macedo’s (2018) wider approach defines a token as a
crypto-economic unit of account that represents or
interacts with an underlying value-generating asset. A
token’s value is made up of its intrinsic value and its
speculative value. The intrinsic value is the
percentage of the token’s value that derives from
demand for the underlying asset. The speculative
value is the percentage of the value of the token that
derives from demand due to an expectation of future
price increases. A token’s intrinsic value is dependent
on two factors: the value created by the underlying
asset and the percentage of this value that is captured
by the token. The token economic model is what
determines the latter how much of the value
created by the platform is captured by the token.
However, DLT-based tokens are broader than this
definition. Tokens may simply provide access to a
specific application or business platform and
essentially function like an alternative password
alternatively, the tokens may include any form of a
relative right against a third party. The relative right
might be a (legal) right to use the token generator’s
goods or services, a right to receive a financial
payment, a right to receive an asset or a bundle of
shareholder’s right, or provides technical ownership
rights in assets (MME Legal | Tax | Compliance,
Following these definitions, this paper suggests a
broader definition for tokens, as a crypto-economic
unit of account based on a DLT network that
represents or interacts with an underlying value-
generating right. The value transfer can range from
simple payments to property, financial assets, or any
type of right or obligation likely to be tokenized and
transferred through a DLT network.
Bitcoin, and bitcoin protocol (Nakamoto, 2008)
was the birth of Blockchain technology. The primary
use of tokens in the bitcoin protocol was as a means
of compensating parties for the consensus
mechanism. As now, in some public blockchains, a
valid hash for a block must have a predefined number
of leading zeroes, which can only be generated
through a computationally power consumer guessing
game called proof of work. The process involves
scanning for a value that when hashed, (such as with
SHA-256), the hash begins with a number of zero
bits. The average work required is exponential in the
number of zero bits required and can be verified by
executing a single hash. In simple words, Proof of
work is an expensive computation done by all miners
to compete to find a number that, when added to the
block of transactions, causes this block to hash to a
code with certain rare properties. Finding such a rare
number is hard (based on the cryptographic features
of the hash function used in this process) however
verifying its validity is relatively easy. Miners engage
in this game in exchange of tokens. However, the use
of the token goes further than a reward system in the
bitcoin protocol, it serves as the unifying purpose of
the whole network. The network exists to create and
transfer these tokens after they are forged from the
computer hardware and the electricity needed to
facilitate bitcoin transactions. The Bitcoin token
serves as a rough approximation of the expected value
and total support for the bitcoin network as a whole.
FEMIB 2020 - 2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
The more miners that choose to support the network,
the harder and more expensive it becomes to create a
Bitcoin, thus providing a basis for a Bitcoin’s value,
as mining costs and time impact demand and supply,
thus value (Xu, y otros, 2016). Bitcoin was the first
cryptocurrency, and the system on which its tokens
work serves only for this type of tokens.
After Bitcoin, the universe of digital tokens
increased. With the introduction of Ethereum in 2015
came the concept of SC. The Ethereum blockchain
not only provided the infrastructure for transacting
primitive digital tokens, but also provided the
capability for easily creating and autonomously
managing other digital tokens of value over the open
public network without trusted intermediaries.
Ethereum and similar, can be considered a second-
generation blockchain. These platforms like Bitcoin,
enable its members to store information in a tamper
resistant, highly resilient, and non-repudiable manner
and have a native protocol token ether that reward
miners for generating valid blocks for the Ethereum
blockchain. Ethereum, however, intends to
implement a more energy efficient protocol of
consensus then proof of work, called proof of stake
(announced for implementation in January 2020).
Moreover, Ethereum goes one-step further
implementing ‘smart’ contracts capable of being self-
executed and self-enforced autonomously and
automatically, without intermediaries or mediators.
SC are ‘scripts’ (computer codes) written with
programming languages whereby the terms of the
contract are sentences and commands emulating the
logic of contractual clauses which enables anyone on
the network to execute actions. Ethereum requires
that users of the network seeking to execute a SC pay
miners a fee (called ‘gas’) for each computational
step in the SC. These fees are necessary for Ethereum
to run SC programs because, without them, members
of the network could choke the network with spurious
requests that would prevent SCs from executing. The
token, therefore, serves as a form of ‘crypto fuel’
needed for the network to operate. We can program
the creation of a token and associate its effects with
(1) the creation of new tokens or (2) specific rights
and obligations raised due to then SCs. Using this
concept of SCs, which are effectively applications
running on top a decentralized network, tokens can be
created and allocated to users, and made to be easily
Initially, classification of tokens was unclear and
the process of issuing any type of token and
distributing them to users was called Initial Coin
Offering (ICO). Later, as most of the tokens offered
were classify by financial authorities as securities a
new term emerged, Security Token Offering, or an
STO. An STO is the proper term to refer to a token
crowd sale, in which consumers purchase blockchain-
based crypto tokens. Whereas ICO remains in use, it
is a dubious term referring to the sale of tokens, with
no clear distinction on the legal nature of the
underlying tokens, on the other hand, STOs make
clear reference to the sale of digital securities. Tokens
may be issued similarly to the issuance of financial
instruments. A security or financial instrument is a
contract, which represents an asset to the holder and
a liability to the issuer. The stocks, bonds, loans,
derivatives (options, swaps, futures ...) or even money
are financial instruments and tokens analogous to
these instruments are already being issued daily on
the internet and they are being financed (‘bought’)
mostly with Bitcoin and Ether. However, tokens may
be created to seed network effects tokenizing values
such as the user’s reputation within a system (e.g.
augur reference), an incentive to increase storage
space (e.g. Filecoin) or use tokens for on-chain voting
as a decision mechanism. Most applications or SCs
operate with tokens as means of governance. For
example, the decision-making process may rely on
having token holders vote according to the amount of
owned tokens (Ruiz, 2017), tokens such as Ethers,
ICONs or EOS may provide access to enhanced
functionality infrastructure. Thus, a token can fulfil
either one, or several of the following functions: (1)
A digital currency, (2) a digital right within a
blockchain ecosystem and (3) a digital security.
It is relevant for analysts, regulators and investors
to clearly separate and differentiate functionality and
rights when referring to tokens. As stated, we can
classify tokens into three main groups, payment
tokens, security tokens and utility tokens.
3.1 Payment Tokens
There are several attempts to define Payment tokens
across recent literature. Tu and Meredith (2015)
define Bitcoin, the as ‘a medium of exchange that is
electronically created and stored, and lacks the
backing of a government authority, central bank, or a
commodity like gold’. Sklaroff (2017) defines it as ‘‘a
cryptocurrency built using distributed ledger
technology (DLT) protocols to enable participants to
create, store, and exchange money itself’’. FinCEN
has stated that a ‘virtual currency is an exchange
mechanism that exists in electronic form and acts like
currency in some environments (such as electronic
transactions)’. However, payment tokens do not have
the attributes of legal tender in any jurisdiction
(Fisher & Kaplinsky, 2013; Goodwin Procter, 2014).
DLT-based Tokens Classification towards Accounting Regulation
Governmental institutions across countries have
officially accepted that virtual currencies such as
Bitcoin can be a ‘legal means of exchange’. Examples
of Payment tokens are Bitcoin (BTC) with is a purely
transactional currency, Zcash (ZEC), Monero (XMR)
or Litcoin (LTC). Christopher (2014) describes the
main characteristics of these tokens as: (1) they act
as a store of value and medium of exchange; (2) no
central authority issuance; (3) currently they are not
considered legal tender; (4) they have no legal
counterparty and (5) they are not regulated under
money laws although they have to comply with
rules. Interestingly, already in 2013, the
US Department of Treasury issued an interpretive
guidance to address the applicability of AML rules to
persons creating, obtaining, distributing, exchanging,
accepting, or transmitting virtual currency. The
guidance provided information to help taxpayers
determine whether their activities with virtual
currencies classify them as a money services
business, which are types of nonbank financial
institutions that are regulated by the Bank Secrecy
Act (BSA).
Currently, Payment tokens are an inefficient
medium of exchange due first to technological
limitations on the trading and validation process
which affect the daily volume of transactions that are
significantly lower than traditional currencies.
Second, high volatility makes it impossible for users
to rely on the virtual currencies as a means of
maintaining value. In 2013, the volatility of Bitcoin
was substantially higher than both currency and stock
volatility (Swartz, 2014). The value of a token has
two components, the speculative value and the
intrinsic value. The intrinsic value of a token is a
mechanism through which the value of the token can
be realistically evaluated. By linking it with the value
of the legal tender, it is possible to give intrinsic value
to tokens. Recently Facebook has released the Libra
White Paper. Libra is backed by real world assets.
This reserve of assets is a collection of low-volatility
assets, including cash and government securities from
stable and reputable central banks, giving a security
of rewards to users (The Libra Blockchain, 2019).
These types of DLT-based tokens are called
stablecoins. Stablecoins may be divided into two
main stability mechanism categories: algorithmic and
asset backed. A recent report from Blockcahin.com
(The State of Stablecoins, 2019) finds that 54% of
asset-backed stablecoins, utilize on-chain collaterals
(i.e., digital currencies like ether) and 46% use off-
chain collaterals (i.e., US dollars held in escrow). US
dollar is the most common stability benchmark or
‘peg’ and is utilized by 66% of stablecoins; other
benchmarks include other fiat currencies (e.g., euro,
yen), commodities (e.g., gold), and inflation (e.g.,
G10 average country inflation). Other requirements to
maintain value stability is to work with a competitive
group of exchanges and other liquidity providers, to
secure that users can be able to sell the stablecoin at
or close to the expected value at any time. This
provides the coin intrinsic value reducing volatility
and protects the coin against the speculative swings
of other cryptocurrencies.
Payment token’s volatility has prevented them to
be used as medium of exchange for short-term use.
Therefore, pegging them to commodities facilitates
their use as global currency regardless of being issued
by a central bank. Stablecoins might be the initial
solution to incentivize trust in payment tokens as
means of payment as the gold standard provided trust
in the 19th and beginning of the 20
century. USD
coin (USDC) is an example of a stablecoin that is a
digital token built on the bitcoin blockchain fully
backed by fiat currency, the US Dollar. USDC
enables fiat currencies existence on the public
blockchain in a tokenized form that adheres to
governmental laws and regulations. The conversion
rate of USDC to fiat currency is 1:1 making it
equivalent to the underlying currency it represents
and redeemable for cash that equals of the value the
underlying assets holds. USDC and similar, act as
bridge to satisfy the crypto world to creating a more
stable currency, this does, however, raise the question
of the continuous need for trust as it still relying on a
centralized financial system to guarantee their
stability and coexistence on the platform.
Technologists have open an interesting debate
whether stablecoins (such as Theter) fall into de
definition of cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin. The
relevant difference between both cryptocurrencies
and stablecoins is volatility. Previous analysis
suggests that both are payment tokens, however
Bitcoin’s high volatility affects its effectiveness as
means of exchange. This article suggests opening a
sub-division within the payment tokens as
cryptocurrencies, for high volatility payment tokens,
and stablecoins for tokens which anchor their value
to avoid undesired volatility.
In general terms, the two determinants that
discriminates payment tokens from utility and
security tokens are: (1) absence of counterpart; and
(3) absence of intrinsic value. We propose the
following definition for payment tokens: Payment
tokens a crypto-economic unit of account, with no
legal counterparty, and no intrinsic value which
acts as means of exchange, unit of account and
store of value providing access to an underlying
FEMIB 2020 - 2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
DLT platform. Payment tokens subdivide in two
subcategories depending on (2) value stability and (4)
investment risk.
3.1.1 Subcategory of Cryptocurrencies
Following these requirements, Yemark (2015)
suggests that Bitcoin somewhat meets the first of
these criteria, because a growing number of
merchants, especially in online markets, appear
willing to accept it as a form of payment. However,
the worldwide commercial use of bitcoin remains
minuscule, indicating that few people use it widely as
a medium of exchange. Further the author argues that
bitcoin performs poorly as a unit of account and as a
store of value. Bitcoin requires merchants to quote the
prices of common retail goods out to four or five
decimal places with leading zeros, a practice rarely
seen in consumer marketing and likely to confuse
both sellers and buyers in the marketplace. Bitcoin
exhibits very high time series volatility and trades for
different prices on different exchanges without the
possibility of arbitrage, and failing to provide the
expected risk-free returns (Bordo & Levin, 2017). All
of these characteristics tend to undermine bitcoin’s
usefulness as a unit of account. As a store of value,
bitcoin faces great challenges due to rampant hacking
attacks, thefts, and other security-related problems.
Bitcoin’s daily exchange rate with the U.S. dollar
exhibits virtually zero correlation with the dollar’s
exchange rates against other prominent currencies
such as the euro, yen, Swiss franc, or British pound,
and also against gold. Therefore, bitcoin’s value is
almost completely untethered to that of other
currencies, which makes its risk nearly impossible to
hedge for businesses and customers and renders it
more or less useless as a tool for risk management.
A report from the Bank of International
Settlements (BIS, 2018) forewarns about the energy
and scalability limitations of cryptocurrencies, which
adds to the poor performance of cryptocurrencies on
these functions. First, the enormous cost of generating
decentralized trust. One would expect miners to
compete to add new blocks to the ledger through the
proof-of-work until their anticipated profits fall to
zero. Individual facilities operated by miners can host
computing power equivalent to that of millions of
personal computers. The total electricity use of
bitcoin mining equalled that of mid-sized economies
such as Switzerland, and other cryptocurrencies also
use ample electricity. Put in the simplest terms, the
quest for decentralized trust has quickly become an
environmental disaster. Second, cryptocurrencies
simply do not scale like sovereign moneys. At the
most basic level, to live up to their promise of
decentralized trust cryptocurrencies require each and
every user to download and verify the history of all
transactions ever made, including amount paid, payer,
payee and other details. With every transaction
adding a few hundred bytes, the ledger grows
substantially over time.
Although both constrains suggest of
cryptocurrencies not fully adequate as an everyday
means of payment, technology might eventually
overcome both limitations. BIS highlights that the
shortcomings of cryptocurrencies in this respect lie in
the volatility of its value, which arises from the
absence of a central issuer with a mandate to
guarantee the currency's stability. Well run central
banks succeed in stabilizing the domestic value of
their sovereign currency by adjusting the supply of
the means of payment in line with transaction
demand. They do so at high frequency, in particular
during times of market stress but also during normal
times. This contrasts with a cryptocurrency, where
generating some confidence in its value requires that
supply be predetermined by a protocol. This prevents
it from being supplied elastically. Therefore, any
fluctuation in demand translates into changes in
valuation. This means that cryptocurrencies'
valuations are extremely volatile.
Despite the poor performance of cryptocurrencies
as means of exchange, unit of account and store of
value digital tokens such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash,
Litecoin, Monero or ZCash behave as such. Poor
performance arises from three main factors, energy
consumption, scalability and lack of value stability.
However, historically technology has proven to
overcome most of its limitations which would present
lack of value stability as the main characteristic and
drawback of these subset of payment tokens. I
propose cryptocurrencies to be defined as simple
mediums of exchange, characterized by the absence
of (1) a legal right against a counterparty, lack of (2)
value stability and lack of (3) intrinsic value and
subject to (4) investment risk. Simply, I define a
cryptocurrency as a volatile payment token subject
to investment risk.
3.1.2 Subcategory of Stablecoins
A number "stablecoin" initiatives, backed by large
technology or financial firms and built on DLT
technology, are designed to address at least one of the
traditional payment system challenges: access to all
adult population to the payment system and cross-
border retail payments. An example of such
initiatives is Facebook’s Libra. Although private
DLT-based Tokens Classification towards Accounting Regulation
digital forms of money have been around for decades,
these new initiatives have access to large networks of
existing users and customers, which suggests that
they could be the first to have a truly global footprint.
Similarly to cryptocurrencies, these initiatives raise
formidable challenges across a broad range of policy
domains. Of particular concern are the risks related to
anti-money laundering and countering the financing
of terrorism, as well as consumer and data protection,
cyber resilience, fair competition and tax compliance.
Partly in response to these concerns, a working group
has been mandated by G7 finance ministers and
central bank governors to examine global
"stablecoins" in more detail.
If "stablecoins" become widely used, they could
also give rise to issues related to monetary policy
transmission and financial stability (Cœuré, 2019b).
Where a "stablecoin" acts as a substitute for fiat
currency, there may be the risk of the monetary
sovereignty of countries being infringed.
Furthermore, the transmission of monetary policy
could be affected if "stablecoin"-denominated credit
or overdraft extensions are provided. Finally,
financial stability will be affected if the assets
underlying "stablecoin" arrangements are not
managed in a sufficiently safe and prudent manner to
ensure that coin holders have confidence that their
coins are redeemable at par, in good times and in bad.
From a legal point of view, many but not all
stablecoins confer a contractual claim against the
issuer on the underlying assets (so-called redemption
claim) or confer direct ownership rights (FINMA, 16
February 2018). Value stability is granted as the token
is linked to currencies, to commodities, to real state
or to securities (FINMA, 16 February 2018).
Stablecoins linked to a single currency with a
fixed exchange rate (e.g. 1 token = 1€) classify as
payment tokens as they entitle no other legal right
than the redemption claims against the issuer.
stablecoins linked to a several currencies where there
is a redemption claim dependent on price
developments of the basket, classify as payment
tokens as long as all opportunities and risks from the
management of the underlying assets, (be they in the
form of profits or losses, from interest, fluctuations in
the value of financial instruments, counterparty or
operational risks), must be borne by the issuer of the
stablecoin (indicative of a bank deposit) and not the
holder (indicative of a collective investment scheme),
which classifies as security token.
Stablecoins are defined in this paper as tokens
with stable value, which may or may not have legal
rights against a counterparty. The absence of these
legal rights classifies the stablecoin as payment token,
whereas the existence of contractual claims classifies
the stablecoin as utility token or security token.
Payment Stablecoins characterize by the absence
of (1) a legal right against a counterparty, (2) value
stability, lack of (3) intrinsic value and lack of (4)
investment risk. Therefore we define stablecoins as
stable payment tokens not subject to investment
3.2 Utility Tokens (Digital Right)
A token can be created to define the value per unit of
service provided within a DLT platform. For
example, in a supply-chain management system, the
tokens can be assigned to be the value of the total
network divided by the total supply. It can also be
used to transfer data and amount ubiquitously across
the network. Hence, tracking, shipping details and
product details etc. can be recorded on the DLT
platform and updated continuously. They may act as
the internal network currency, which not necessarily
attempts to be a means of payment, it normally grants
owners the right to actively contribute to the system
(versus the passive investors’ role) and does not have
security features. These tokens can be compared to
API keys
used to access an online service. FINMA
defines utility tokens as they intend to provide digital
access to an application or service based on
blockchain. The purchase of a utility token gives a
user ability to gain access to an ecosystem. The
tokens, as API’s, may operate as service keys,
providing access to platforms infrastructure and main
functions. For example, when you buy an API key
from Amazon Web Services for dollars, you can
redeem that API key for time on Amazon’s cloud.
The purchase of a token like Ether (ETH) is similar,
in that you can redeem ETH for compute time on the
decentralized Ethereum compute network. This
redemption value gives tokens inherent utility
(Srinivasan, May 27, 2017). Specifically, tokens
either have a certain use case in the protocol (i.e.
Steemit’s token, Steem Dollar, used to stake in order
to be able to work for the network) or otherwise serve
as medium of exchange in the project’s ecosystem
(i.e. Powerledger’s POWR token used to buy and sell
energy on the platform). An example of a medium of
exchange token is casino chips which are used as
currency which can only be used to pay for gambling
at the casino. Store credit such as Sainsbury’s nectar
points is another example of a utility token which can
only be used to pay for goods at Sainsbury’s.
Moreover, these tokens are built-in transactional
value. Holders can transfer them to another party or
trade them on the appropriate token exchanges or
FEMIB 2020 - 2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
inside the system. This mechanism in its core helps
increase the whole value of the service and provides
tokens with potential market liquidity and inherent
utility. These types of tokens have been called utility
Since a utility token represents utility or currency
in the protocol, token valuation must be based on the
supply and demand for that particular protocol.
However, this alone is not enough. Unlike an equity,
a token does not entitle its owner to any legal
ownership of the underlying protocol and the protocol
itself may not even generate cash flow. Macedo
(2018) suggest that utility token’s value depends on
the degree of correlation between demand for the
protocol and demand for the token itself. The token
value depends on its own demand and supply, which
may or may not be linked to the demand of the
protocol. As demand of the protocol increases, value
of the company increases and the value of the equity
increases. If demand of the platform and demand of
the token are correlated the value of the token
increases, if they are not correlated, the value will not
likely increase.
Two questions arise from the previous analysis:
(1) how investors capitalize the increase of the
company’s value, and (2) how this increase has no
relevant impact on the utility token volatility. The
two-fold approach suggests the existence of investors
and users, and consequently two different tokens.
Investors purchase tokens as means of funding the
platform and to obtain a return, while protocol users
purchase tokens to secure utility. Investor’s tokens
are different from user’s tokens. These tokens grant
different rights from utility tokens. They may provide
ownership, stream of cash flows, or other rights
similar to equity-like instruments. The tokens hold by
investors, which capture the increase of decrease in
the platform’s value are classified as security tokens
and the relationship structure between the value of the
ecosystem, the utility token and the security token is
the token economy.
Regulation therefore faces the challenge as to
determine whether a token is a security following
security-governing law or not. The Debevoise &
Plimpton report (December 5 2016) proposes an
analysis of the individual facts and circumstances of
each relevant token to appropriately determine
whether it would constitute a security and fall under
the securities laws or a utility token. They understand
that utility tokens entitle one or more of the following
rights: (1) to program, develop or create features for
the system or to ‘mine’ things that are embedded in
the system; (2) to access or license the system; (3) to
contribute labour or effort to the system; (4) to use the
system and its outputs; (5) to sell the products of the
system; and (6) to vote on additions to or deletions
from the system in terms of features and functionality.
Alternatively, we may draw the line between
security and utility tokens by means of the Howey
test. The test considers that an investment contract,
consequently a security, is a contract, transaction or
scheme whereby [1] there is an investment of money;
[2] there is an expectation of profit; [3] in a common
enterprise; and [4] is led to expect profits solely from
the efforts of the promoter or a third party.’ Rohr and
Wright (2017) analyse the compliance of these four
conditions. While the first condition is likely fulfilled,
the other three are muddled. The distinction between
consumption and profit in utility tokens often
becomes complex. Although public may purchase
tokens due to its functionality and consumption
potential, the speculative potential most likely plays
also a role in purchasing decision. It might be unclear
a priori the intentions of purchasers as they might be
unsure whether they will consume the product or
service or trade the token in the exchanger. This will
depend whether the price exceeds the value of the
consumption. We may expect that a token can be
considered a security if the expectation of profit
dominates any expectation of consumption. In the
same context, the CNMV, the SEC and other
financial supervisors are aware of the difficulty of
defining and distinguishing utility tokens from
regulated securities. These institutions have
attempted to stablish certain regulatory framework.
The CNMV (February 8, 2018) considers that a large
part of the tokens should be treated as negotiable
‘As factors to assess if a token is considered a
security, the following are considered relevant:
A token would be considered a security if
attributes rights or expectations of participation
in the potential revaluation or profitability of
businesses or projects or, in general, that present
or grant rights equivalent or similar to those of
the shares, obligations or other financial
A ‘functional’ token, that is granting access to
services or products, would be considered
security if carries an explicit or implicit
expectation for the purchaser to benefit from the
token revaluation, has any revenue associated or
recognizes its liquidity or possible trading in an
equivalent or similar market to the regulated
securities market.‘
The threefold approach suggests that developers
must first stablish the utility token functionality, and
DLT-based Tokens Classification towards Accounting Regulation
second the value of the token should not be linked to
speculation. Utility tokens should have a strong and
clear connection to some established form of value
(intrinsic value) to ensure price stability, thus provide
clearer basis to the project’s value. They should
behave as stablecoins. Functionality and traditional
anchors should become the link between the DLT-
based tokens and a widely recognized and established
form of value. Whilst the true usefulness (and
therefore ‘justifiable’ long term value) of a token
remains uncertain, these functionality aspects are
especially important. Utility token purchasers must
only intend to use the token on the functional level
limiting undesired speculative intentions. This ‘long-
term justifiable’ value of the utility token needs to be
detailed in the technical description and business
model of the Whitepaper.
On May 4, 2018, the Anguilla House of Assembly
enacted the Anguilla Utility Token Offering Act,
which provides for the first government approved
registration process for issuers of utility token
offerings. The Anguilla Utility Token Act or ‘AUTO
Act,’ is designed to facilitate clearly defined utility
tokens that do not have a feature of a security.
Firstly, a Utility Token is defined as any token
that (a) does not, directly or indirectly, provide the
holder(s), individually or collectively with other
holder(s), any of the following contractual or legal
rights (..) (b) has or will have in the future, upon
launch of the issuer’s Utility Token Platform, one or
more Utility Token Features.
Secondly, Utility Token Features means the
contractual right for a holder to utilize a token to –
(a) have access to, become a member of, or become a
user of a Utility Token Platform developed and
managed, or proposed in the issuer’s white paper to
be developed and managed, by the issuer,
(b) use as the sole or preferred (by economic
discount, preferred access, preferred use or
otherwise) purchase, lease or rental price for the
products and/or services provided or proposed to be
provided by or in the Utility Token Platform, or
(c) use as a means of voting on matters relating to the
governance, management or operation of the Utility
Token Platform developed and managed, or proposed
in the issuer’s white paper to be developed and
managed, by the issuer;
This four-approach analysis suggests that a token
classifies as utility token when following determinant
factors concur: (1) existence of legal right against a
counterparty, (2) token-value stability, (3) existence
of intrinsic value and (4) absence of investment risk.
A utility tokens is defined as a crypto-economic
unit of account with stable intrinsic value that
records or performs a specific function on a DLT
network, against legal counterparty, entailing no
investment risk.
3.3 Security Tokens
A security is a broad classification that refers to any
kind of tradable asset. Through initial offerings,
investors have access to a wide variety of security
tokens, ranging from coins redeemable for precious
metals to, tokens backed by real estate or equity-
based tokens. The latter show equity-like features,
such as decisions regarding the issue entity’s
dividends, ownership rights or profit shares. FINMA
defines such tokens are defined as blockchain-based
units’ which represent ‘participations in real physical
underlying, companies, or earnings streams, or an
entitlement to dividends or interest payments’ and are
‘standardized and suitable for mass standardized
Following FINMA guidelines (11 September
2019), depending on the specific purpose and
characteristics of the underlying right or asset, the
token will classify as utility or security. First, where
the underlying assets are a basket of currencies which
are managed for the account and risk of the token
holder (indicative of a collective investment scheme)
or for the account and risk of the issuer (indicative of
a deposit under banking law). For the former
categorization to apply, all opportunities and risks
from the management of the underlying assets, be
they in the form of profits or losses, from interest,
fluctuations in the value of financial instruments,
counterparty or operational risks, must be borne by
the holder of the token, the token classifies as
security. Second, where a token is linked to
commodities, the exact nature of the claim on the
assets as well as the type of commodity (in particular
whether "bank precious metals" or other commodities
are involved) are of particular significance. Where the
token merely evidences an ownership right of the
token holder, it generally does not qualify as a
security. However, where there is a contractual claim
on other commodities, the token will generally
qualify as a security and possibly as a derivative.
Third, where the underlying assets are individual
properties or a real estate portfolio, the normal third-
party management of the real estate portfolio is in
itself an indication of a collective investment scheme.
Finally, a token that is linked to an individual security
by way of a contractual right for delivery to the token
holder would normally also constitute a security.
In the US, tokens would classify as securities
when complying with the first requirement of the
FEMIB 2020 - 2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Howey test. In order for a financial instrument to be
classified a security and fall under the purview of the
SEC, the instrument must meet these four criteria:
whereby [1] there is an investment of money; [2]
there is an expectation of profit; [3] in a common
enterprise; and [4] is led to expect profits solely from
the efforts of the promoter or a third party.’ That
former condition is most relevant. The key criteria to
classify a token as relates to whether the token-holder
may affect the existence of a profit or loss. Purchasers
of tokens should be perceived as investors and the
issuance of tokens as equity or liability for the
company. Investors have an expectation of profit in a
common enterprise and they are led to expect profits
solely from the efforts of the issuer or a third party.
The European Securities and Markets Authority
(ESMA), a European Union (EU) financial regulatory
body and European Supervisory Authority located in
Paris, issued in November 2017 a Statement on Initial
Coin Offerings (ICOs), on the rules applicable to
firms involved in ICOs. In this Statement, ESMA
reminds firms involved in STOs of their obligations
under EU regulations. The Statement informs that if
‘…tokens qualify as financial instruments it is likely
that the firms involved in initial offerings conduct
regulated investment activities, such as placing,
dealing in or advising on financial instruments or
managing or marketing collective investment
schemes. Moreover, they may be involved in offering
transferable securities to the public. The key EU rules
listed below are then likely to apply’.
According to the financial market Spanish
regulator (CNMV) a token should be considered a
security: ‘(1) whenever the ‘tokens’ provide rights or
expectations of participation in the potential
business/projects revaluation or profitability or,
whenever, they present or grant rights equivalent or
similar to those of the shares, obligations or other
financial instruments included in the article 2 of the
TRLMV (2) whenever the tokens grant the purchaser
the right to access services or receive goods or
products, which are offered by referring, explicitly or
implicitly, to the expectation of obtaining by the
buyer or investor a benefit as a result of its revaluation
or any remuneration associated with the instrument or
mentioning its liquidity or possibility of trading in
equivalent or similar markets to the securities markets
subject to the regulation’.
The new generation of tokens can provide an
array of financial rights to an investor such as equity,
dividends, profit share rights, voting rights or buy-
back rights. Often these tokens represent a right to an
underlying asset such as a pool of real estate, cash
flow, or holdings in another fund. The main
difference to traditional securities lies in the fact that
these rights are written into a SC and the tokens are
traded on a blockchain-powered exchange.
A relevant feature of security tokens is its higher
dependence on the speculative value. Previous
sections have explained that value of DLT-based
tokens depends on the intrinsic and the speculative
value. Equity-like tokens incorporate higher
speculative value as the purpose of the token is to
capture variation of value for investors return. Token
economic models combine function-based tokens
(utility tokens) and equity-like tokens (security
tokens) as for the former to provide price stability for
the network user, and the later to allow price volatility
for the investor.
Previous analysis suggests security token to be
defined as a crypto-unit of account on a DLT
platform with legal counterparty, intrinsic value
and speculative value which incorporate risk in
the expected cash flows associated with the token
as it is being held.
Over the last few years, the prevalence of digital
currencies has increased. However, the emergence of
the token-economy and the DLT-based tokens as
disruptive elements of business models, have
evidenced the urgent need to define, classify and
regulate these digital tokens, which cove more than
digital currencies. In this paper we provide initial
guidance to define, classify and regulate digital
tokens within the accounting sphere. Voices have
raised urging to clearly distinguish the different
natures and functionalities of crypto-assets. Not all
tokens issued from a distributed ledger technology
(DLT) are to be considered similarly. Julio Faura (8
Feb 2018), head of the blockchain development at
Banco Santander urged ‘... that it would be a good
idea to clearly separate functionality from funding.
Mixing those together ends up producing transaction
costs that are artificially high, since access to
functionality is subject to speculation. I always
understood the role of ether as a mechanism to pay
for the use of a network that implements a shared
supercomputer, which is a truly amazing construct
that can change the world for good. But its dual role
as an access token and a currency to store value is
making the construct expensive and difficult to use in
practice ‘.
Following the FINMA classification scheme, this
paper provides a systematic and clear guidance to
classify tokens into payment tokens (with the
DLT-based Tokens Classification towards Accounting Regulation
subcategories of cryptocurrenies and stablecoins),
utility tokens and security tokens as to reduce
uncertainty on the financial and accounting
regulatory framework. The previous analysis
suggests four factors as basic criteria to classify the
DLT-based tokens: (1) the existence of a legal right
against a counterparty; (2) the existence of token-
value stability; (3) the existence of intrinsic value;
and (4) the existence of investment risk.
First, the lack of any legal right against a counterparty
and the lack of intrinsic value classifies a token as a
payment token, which solely serves as store of value
and as a means of payment. Where payment tokens
present value volatility and investment risk they
classify as the subcategory of cryptocurrencies.
Where payment tokens present value stability and
non-investment risk, classify as the subcategory of
stablecoins. Second, utility tokens provide a legal
right for the holder against the DLT-network issuer,
deliver value stability and intrinsic value. The
intrinsic value arises from the functional nature of
these tokens which are created to capture and
exchange value across a DLT-based ecosystem.
Value stability is key to allow the functionality treat
to dominate any speculative incentives to profit from
exchanger trading. Finally, security tokens present
legal rights against a counterparty and intrinsic value
which stems from the right, obligation or asset linked
to the crypto-token. Unlike utility tokens, these
security-like tokens lack price stability and the
speculative value of the token competes with its
functional intrinsic value. This suggests the presence
of underlying expectations on gains which classifies
the token as a security. These DLT-based tokens
might have equity-like qualities, they might represent
a liability or an asset, which could resemble
traditional regulated securities. However, DLT-based
tokens might be utility-like tokens, for example,
tokens providing access to future consumption of
goods or services, that fail to comply with conditions
(2) existence of value stability or (4) absence of
investment risk. Regulators need to acknowledge that
underlying nature of the token is not sufficient
condition to classify as utility, the existence of
investment risk invalidates this classification and
requires the token to follow the financial regulations.
Consequently, utility-structured tokens may also
qualify as securities thus the definition of security
token becomes complex due to the broad scope of
their nature. Future research is required to better
understand the heterogeneous characteristics of
security tokens.
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