A Systematic Approach toward Extracting Technically Enforceable
Policies from Data Usage Control Requirements
Arghavan Hosseinzadeh, Andreas Eitel and Christian Jung
Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Data Sovereignty, Data Usage Control, Industrial Data Space, MYDATA Control Technologies, Policy
Classes, ODRL Policy Templates, Policy Specification, Policy Transformation, Policy Negotiation.
Solutions for data sovereignty are in high demand as companies are willing to exchange their data in decen-
tralized infrastructures. Data sovereignty is tightly coupled with data security and therefore, with data usage
control policy specification. In this paper, we propose an approach to facilitate the processes of policy spec-
ification by data owners, policy transformation from a technology-independent to a technology-dependent
language, and policy negotiation between the parties who exchange their data. We extracted an enterprise-
relevant set of policy classes from the parties’ security requirements in order to implement an editor that sup-
ports users in creating their machine-readable policies. Then, we developed an algorithm that benefits from
the policy classes and constructs technology-dependent security policy instances. In addition, we proposed a
policy negotiation approach which is based on the parameters of the extracted policy classes.
The digital transformation affects many companies
that are striving for industry 4.0. According to (Pauer
et al., 2018), 79 percent of large enterprises and 70
percent of SMEs faced very strong changes due to
digitization over the past five years. The authors state
that data exchange between companies is an essen-
tial feature of digitization and data economy. Al-
though data exchange is nothing new, it becomes
more complex as companies are able to collect more
data records in their silos and as they are going to
link them. Data alone does not create any societal
or economic added value, but if data is turned into
information, they clearly bring an economic added
value. This transformation can be achieved, for ex-
ample, by enrichment, such as data analytics or by
adding context information to data. Besides, data an-
alytics enables companies to generate new informa-
tion out of their existing data. Due to these possi-
bilities, data have become an economic good in their
own right. These changes enable companies to de-
velop new business models and bring new products
to the market. With all these changes, challenges and
barriers arise during data exchange. Companies be-
gin to fear that sensitive information (e.g., core data
and business secrets) could be exposed (Pauer et al.,
2018). In addition, companies find it problematic that
they cannot control who will read their data (Pauer
et al., 2018) and how it will be used. In order to ad-
dress this issue, a joint committee of members from
business, politics and research launched the Indus-
trial Data Space (IDS) at the end of 2014 (Otto et al.,
One of the core concepts of the IDS architecture
is to provide a virtual data space for the secure decen-
tralized exchange of data. IDS is based on a common
governance model, thus provides data sovereignty for
data owners. Realizing data sovereignty in such an
architecture is a complex task and comes along with
many challenges such as proper description of data
access and usage restrictions and their technical en-
forcement on both data provider and data consumer
sides. In the IDS context, a data provider (data owner)
is an IDS party that offers his data on the IDS platform
together with the terms and conditions of using that
data; a data consumer is an IDS party that requests to
use the provided data.
In general, policy managers can specify the data
usage restrictions using various policy specification
languages. These languages primarily differ in their
degree of formalization. For instance, a policy may
be expressed in natural language (e.g., “use my data
only for billing and delete it after ten days”) or in
a more formal language (e.g., “purpose: billing, duty:
Hosseinzadeh, A., Eitel, A. and Jung, C.
A Systematic Approach toward Extracting Technically Enforceable Policies from Data Usage Control Requirements.
DOI: 10.5220/0008936003970405
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 397-405
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
delete after 10 days”). In fact, most organizations
have high-level requirement specification expressed
in natural language. Extracting the machine-readable
policies from their requirements is a considerable
challenge for them (Narouei et al., 2018). More-
over, the IDS Reference Architecture Model (Otto
et al., 2018) does not impose a specific usage con-
trol technology and therefore, the IDS customers may
use different technologies in order to enforce their
security demands. Therefore, there is a need to de-
scribe the data usage restrictions in a technology-
independent way. Besides, comparing policies is eas-
ier in a common machine-readable format than in nat-
ural language or in multiple technology-dependent
languages. Therefore, the IDS stakeholders agreed
on using the W3C standard Open Digital Rights Lan-
guage (ODRL) (Iannella and Villata, 2018) to specify
data usage restrictions in a technology-independent,
machine-readable way, hereinafter referred to as
“Specification Level Policy” (SLP). It is easily inter-
pretable by the parties as well as their systems, and
can later be translated to any technology-dependent
language and eventually be enforced within the IDS
parties’ systems. An IDS party may use a usage
control technology like MYDATA (Fraunhofer IESE,
2018a) that has its own expressive language (Fraun-
hofer IESE, 2018b). We call the policies that are
specified in such a technology-dependent language,
“Implementation-Level Policies” (ILP).
In a platform like IDS, a data provider speci-
fies the provider-side and consumer-side SLPs. The
provider-side policies are used to apply modifications
on the data before it is transferred, and they control
subsequent data access. The consumer-side policies
impose usage restrictions on the data consumer sys-
This paper describes an approach to enhance the
entire process of policy specification in a context such
as IDS. The idea is to extract a set of policy classes
from the stakeholders’ requirements and to build a
corresponding ODRL policy editor that assists stake-
holders in specifying their SLPs. Policy classes are
also used to derive the mapping rules that translate
ODRL policies into MYDATA policies in a policy
transformation service. As illustrated in Figure 1,
a data provider can use the policy transformation
service in order to semi-automatically translate his
provider-side SLP (ODRL policy) to ILP (e.g., MY-
DATA policy) and then, enforce the generated MY-
DATA policy within his system. A data consumer can
as well use the policy transformation service to trans-
form the consumer-side SLP into an ILP, succeeding
a policy negotiation process. This paper also explains
how the policy classes facilitate the policy negotiation
Figure 1: An ODRL policy editor is used to specify the
provider-side and consumer-side ODRL policies. A pol-
icy transformation service translates them to a technology-
dependent policy language such as MYDATA. A consumer-
side policy has to be negotiated and confirmed by both data
providers and data consumers before it is translated and en-
process between data providers and data consumers
by clarifying the policy negotiation parameters.
A policy editor can be used to facilitate the process
of specifying ODRL policies. ODRL experts pro-
vide an ODRL policy editor that supports users in
this task with a user-friendly interface (Lorenzo and
ıguez-Doncel, 2018). The advantage of using
such an editor is that the generated ODRL policies
are validated and that users do not need to deal with
the syntax of the language. However, this editor
does not ensure that the generated policies reflect the
user’s actual demands. Therefore, they need to verify
for themselves whether the generated policies express
their usage control restrictions as intended.
Besides, Rudolph et al. suggested to collect
Specification-Level Policy Templates (SLPTs), which
are the blueprints for the SLPs, to generate a suitable
security policy editor in natural language (Rudolph
et al., 2016). Persuing their framework, the specifi-
cation of ILPTs is a manual task that has to be per-
formed by technology experts. Our method adopted
this approach and extended it to enhance the specifi-
cation of ILPs as well as the policy negotiation pro-
According to (Pretschner and Walter, 2008), the
element of surprise is a part of a negotiation among
people and is unlikely to occur in an automated nego-
tiation. It introduces new dimensions and valuations
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
over the lifetime of the negotiation process. In this pa-
per, we refine the parameters that are negotiated with
respect to the requirements in order to approximate
our semi-automated negotiation process to a human-
like approach.
In the IDS context, policy specification is about defin-
ing security restrictions using the ODRL policy lan-
guage and transforming them into ILPs such as a MY-
DATA policy. In this paper, we propose an approach
to build an ODRL policy editor that not only vali-
dates the policies but also supports users by provid-
ing predefined templates that are specific to their re-
quirements. As shown in Figure 2, the first step is the
collection and refinement of all IDS use cases related
to Data Usage Control. In a second step, the usage
control requirements are derived and clustered as nat-
ural language constructs. Section 3.1 describes these
constructs, also called policy classes, which form the
basis to create ODRL policy templates. Next step is
about mapping the policy classes to their correspond-
ing ODRL policy templates. An exemplary ODRL
policy template is explained in Section 3.2. Finally,
the mapping rules from ODRL language to MYDATA
language are extracted by studying these policy lan-
guages and with respect to the existing policy classes
and consequently, a system that semi-automatically
translates an ODRL policy template to a MYDATA
policy template is developed. Overall, this approach
can be generalized and also used for other ILPs.
Figure 2: Policy specification approach.
3.1 Policy Classes
We collected Data Usage Control related use cases
from various application scenarios such as Digital
Supply Chain, Interconnected Enterprise Social Net-
works (ESN), Smart Urban Mobility, IDS Connectors
and Intelligent Sensors. Many of the collected use
cases reoccur (or can be applied) in different contexts.
We manually assigned each use case to a more ab-
stract class regardless of their context. Eventually, we
ended up with a list of fourteen elaborated classes of
1. Allow the usage of the data
2. Deny the usage of the data
3. Restrict the data usage for a group of users or sys-
4. Restrict the data usage for specific purposes
5. Restrict the data usage when a specific event has
6. Delete data immediately after (one) use
7. Modify data in transit
8. Modify data at rest
9. Allow data usage at most N times
10. Allow data usage only within a specific time in-
11. Log the data usage information
12. Notify a party when data is used
13. Share the data only under specific circumstances
14. Impose restrictions on the fine-grained actions
The use cases that only addressed the permission
or prohibition of data usage were assigned to the first
two policy classes. The use cases that restrict the us-
age of data to amount of usage or a specific time inter-
val or depending on the receiver systems, usage pur-
poses or occured events were assigned to the next dis-
tinguishable policy classes. Moreover, the use cases
that focus on deleting data, modifying data, sharing
data, logging information and notifying users were
assigned to their corresponding policy classes. Fi-
nally, the use cases that impose specific restrictions to
the fine-graned actions (e.g., restricting the resolution
when printing data) were categorized as last defined
policy class.
Although, these classes may be extended as IDS
requirements grow, we were satisfied for the time
being with supporting the policy classes mentioned
above and creating respective ODRL policy tem-
3.2 ODRL Policy Language
The ODRL information model is the foundational ba-
sis for the ODRL policy semantic and describes the
concepts, entities and their relationships (Iannella and
Villata, 2018). ODRL policies represent not only per-
missions and prohibitions of actions over a data as-
set (as ODRL rules) but also additional restrictions
A Systematic Approach toward Extracting Technically Enforceable Policies from Data Usage Control Requirements
Listing 1: Sample ODRL policy template.
1 {
2 @type : ? ,
3 u i d : ” h t t p : / / example . com / p o l i c y :
r e s t r i c t u s a g e ” ,
4 ” p e r m i s s i o n ” : [ {
5 ” t a r g e t ” : ? ,
6 ” a s s i g n e r ” : ? ,
7 ” a s s i g n e e ” : ? ,
8 ” a c t i o n ” : u se ,
9 ” c o n s t r a i n t : [ {
10 ” l e f t O p e r a n d ” : ” d a t e t i m e ” ,
11 ” o p e r a t o r ” : g t ,
12 r i g h t O p e r a n d ” : { @value : ? ,
13 @type : x s d : d a t eT i me }
14 } , {
15 ” l e f t O p e r a n d ” : ” d a t e t i m e ” ,
16 ” o p e r a t o r ” : l t ,
17 r i g h t O p e r a n d ” : { @value : ? ,
18 @type : x s d : d a t eT i me }
19 } ]
20 } ]
21 }
and obligations as ODRL constraints and duties, re-
spectively. The ODRL vocabulary describes the terms
and expressions used in ODRL as well as how to en-
code them (Iannella et al., 2018). Both, the ODRL
information model and the ODRL vocabulary serve
as the core framework and represent the minimally
supported expressiveness of ODRL language. ODRL
profiles extend the vocabulary by new terms in order
to enhance an ODRL policy with additional seman-
As a second step of our policy specification ap-
proach (shown in Figure 2), we manually created the
ODRL policy templates that represent the previously
mentioned policy classes. Obviously, there are some
values that need to be filled in by the policy manager.
For example, Listing 1 represents an ODRL policy
template for the policy class No. 10, ”Allow data us-
age only within a specific time interval”.
The type field of the template accepts the follow-
ing values: set, offer, request and agreement. A set
policy is defined by IDS infrastructure. An offer pol-
icy is offered by the assigner that denotes the data
provider in IDS. A request policy is proposed by the
assignee that denotes the data consumer in IDS, and
an agreement policy is a policy that has been con-
firmed by both data provider and data consumer af-
ter a preceding negotiation process. In the IDS con-
text, all ODRL rules of an agreement policy are de-
fined by exactly one assigner and address exactly one
specific assignee. After filling in the type, assigner
and assignee values in the template, a policy manager
only needs to add the target data asset for the policy as
well as the start and end dates for his demanded time
interval in order to instantiate the intended ODRL pol-
icy. The datetime left operand together with its corre-
sponding type, xsd:dateTime, forms the time interval
constraint placeholder. The given value for the start
and end time will be added as right operands of these
pre-defined constraints. In summary, the ODRL pol-
icy templates serve as a list of necessary ODRL ac-
tions, constraints and operators that are important in
the IDS context.
3.3 ODRL Editor
It is not sufficient to only create a set of ODRL pol-
icy templates, since users still need further support in
choosing the proper template and filling in the empty
fields. Therefore, an ODRL editor is required. Such
an ODRL editor is described in (Fraunhofer IESE,
2019). A policy manager only needs to choose a tem-
plate from the classes that are listed on the left side
of the editor, as shown in Figure 3, and fill in the re-
quired fields. The assigner field is automatically set
to the unique ID of the data provider and the editor
may provide more data, such as list of provided data
and consumers, to assist the data provider in specify-
ing the policy. Figure 3 also shows an instance of an
ODRL policy created in the editor.
In order to transform an ODRL policy into a MY-
DATA policy, a set of mapping rules need to be ap-
plied. However, extracting a complete set of mapping
rules is a rather complex task, yet we can use our pol-
icy classes to facilitate the derivation of the mapping
rules required to transform SLP into ILP. In this sec-
tion, we explain the MYDATA policy language and
the algorithm for policy transformation.
4.1 MYDATA Policy Language
According to (Otto et al., 2016), data sovereignty en-
ables the data owner to define the terms of use of
his data assets. The Data Usage Control concept
extends different approaches of policy enforcement,
such as traditional Access Control mechanisms or
Digital Rights and Trust Management, and in doing
so, it realizes the data sovereignty concept of the IDS.
Data Usage Control adds restrictions to data in or-
der to control their future usage (Jung et al., 2014),
(Kelbert and Pretschner, 2012), (Pretschner et al.,
2008). In fact, it ensures that the receiver–after ac-
quiring the data–utilizes the data as described in the
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
a b
Figure 3: ODRL policy editor.
terms of use (Bussard et al., 2010). MYDATA Con-
trol Technologies is a technical implementation of
Data Usage Control. It is based on the IND
framework (Fraunhofer IESE, 2018a) for Data Us-
age Control developed at Fraunhofer IESE. MYDATA
uses Policy Enforcement Points (PEPs) to implement
data sovereignty by monitoring or intercepting data
flows. PEPs communicate with a Policy Decision
Point (PDP) that utilizes policies and other compo-
nents to make decisions. In addition, MYDATA pro-
vides a Policy Management Point (PMP) to manage
all the components and policies. The ability to adapt
the policies at any time makes the implementation of
data sovereignty very flexible and adaptable to vari-
ous (also future) usage scenarios in the IDS.
The MYDATA policy language (Fraunhofer IESE,
2018b) is an XML-based language to express restric-
tions on data usage. It represents a policy as a set
of mechanisms that can describe the rules and actions
of an ODRL policy based on monitored, intercepted
or time triggered events. A MYDATA mechanism is
an if-then-else statement in which the conditions are
specified in the if-clause and the decision about allow-
ing or denying the data usage is specified in the then-
and else-clauses. The MYDATA policy language pro-
vides boolean and arithmetic logic as well as several
functions (e.g., date and time) to express the condi-
tions. In addition, it provides the connection to exter-
nal systems, called Policy Information Points (PIPs),
for information retrieval. It also provides execution of
actions using Policy Execution Points (PXPs) and en-
forcement of data modification using MYDATA mod-
ifiers (Fraunhofer IESE, 2018b).
4.2 Mapping Rules
We use the ODRL policy templates, which are based
on the policy classes, to create technology-dependent
MYDATA policies by mapping ODRL policy actions,
constraints and operators to MYDATA events, func-
tions and operators. Algorithm 1 implements the re-
quired mapping rules receiving an ODRL policy as
an input. In addition, it must be specified whether
the policy is a provider-side policy or a consumer-side
policy. This input will be given as a flag to later set
the enforcement scope of the MYDATA policy, called
MYDATA solution. By running the algorithm, a MY-
DATA policy is generated and a policy identifier is
assigned to it. For each ODRL rule that is specified
in the given ODRL policy, a corresponding MYDATA
mechanism is created. Then, for all refinements and
constraints of the given ODRL policy, a condition is
defined and finally, the rule type (permission or prohi-
bition) is specified as decision of the MYDATA pol-
We studied the policy classes to define the map-
ping rules for specifying the conditions. For each
ODRL duty or constraint, an equivalent function in
MYDATA policy language is used if available. Oth-
erwise, the algorithm creates a general condition that
is defined by a PIP. For example, in order to specify
the ODRL constraint shown in Listing 2, the algo-
rithm specifies a condition that uses a PIP to retrieve
the purpose of usage and is satisfied when the purpose
is ”marketing”.
A Systematic Approach toward Extracting Technically Enforceable Policies from Data Usage Control Requirements
Listing 2: ODRL Purpose Constraint.
1 c o n s t r a i n t ” : [ {
2 ” l e f t O p e r a n d ” : p u r p o s e ” ,
3 ” o p e r a t o r ” : eq ,
4 r i g h t O p e r a n d ” : { @value : M a r k e t i n g
, @type : x sd : s t r i n g ” }
5 } ]
Overall, in order to transform an ODRL policy
into a policy that is specified in any other ILP than
MYDATA, we can follow the same mapping rules and
update the algorithm, correspondingly.
A negotiation is a process that occurs between at least
two parties about a certain subject and is driven by
their demands (Bennicke et al., 2003). In a policy ne-
gotiation process in the IDS, the subject is the Data
Usage Control policy, and the demands reflect the
involved parties’ security and privacy requirements.
Thus, an agreed policy is the outcome of the process.
Data consumers may have different data us-
age preferences and system architectures than data
providers and use different policy enforcement tech-
nologies. Therefore, they may request changes on
the consumer-side policies that are published by the
data providers on the IDS platform. In the context
of the IDS, an offer policy addresses the usage policy
of a specific data asset. A data consumer evaluates
whether it is possible to technically enforce the offer
policy at the data consumer side and whether the pol-
icy complies with his demands. For example, when
the data consumer requires to use the data in a spe-
cific time interval, the policy needs to be evaluated to
check whether it is offering the usage of data within
that desired time slot. After the evaluation, either the
data consumer entirely agrees to the conditions spec-
ified in the offered policy, or it requires to slightly
change the policy. Consequently, the data consumer
creates a suitable request policy, attaches it to a re-
quest message and sends it to the data provider. The
policy negotiation process is initiated as soon as the
data consumer sends the request message to the data
provider as shown in the Figure 4. The data provider
evaluates the received request policy and creates a
corresponding new offer policy and send it back to the
data consumer. The parties may build their own pol-
icy evaluation components that automatically evalu-
ate the received policies and generate the correspond-
ing new offer or request policies. The policy nego-
tiation process continues until the data provider and
data consumer agree on a Data Usage Control policy
that addresses their needs and can be enforced within
their systems. When the request policy matches the
offer policy, the data provider creates an agreement
policy, and sends it to the data consumer as an agree-
ment message. Next, the data consumer has to ac-
knowledge the agreement policy. The data provider
can always send a reject message as a reply to a re-
quest message and thus require to terminate the policy
negotiation process.
It might be a drawback of an automated policy ne-
gotiation process that the data consumer can create
new request policies aiming to achieve an agreement
with the least restrictions. However, the policy nego-
tiation process is not necessarily about achieving an
agreement that minimizes the security restrictions of-
fered by the data provider, but it is about achieving
an agreement that fits best to both parties’ demands
and the technical feasibility of the enforcement tech-
nologies. In fact, the demands may have inverse cor-
relations. For example, a data provider may accept
that the data consumer uses the data in a different sys-
tem and for different purposes than originally offered,
but may in return insist on a shorter usage period.
However, the details of the policy negotiation process,
such as where the policy evaluation component is lo-
cated or the mode of operation of the time-out han-
dling mechanism, is not the focus of this paper, but
rather the policy negotiation approaches and their pa-
5.1 Policy Negotiation Approaches
In an ideal case, the negotiation process lasts only
for one round since the data consumer accepts an of-
fer policy as it is published and the data provider is-
sues the agreement policy accordingly. At most, a
data provider provides the possibility to choose N out
of M optional ODRL policy rules and the data con-
sumer then selects those rules that match his demands.
We call this approach a fully automated approach in
which no further modification of the offered policies
is accepted. On the other hand, in order to automate a
human-like interactive approach with no restrictions,
the parties need to build the policy evaluation com-
ponents that interpret and define the policies like hu-
mans. This is a very complex task. Therefore, we pro-
pose to build a policy evaluation component that ben-
efits from the extracted policy classes and evaluates
the received policies, accordingly. Also, it generates a
corresponding new policy with or without user inputs.
As listed in Table 1, the interactive approach with lim-
ited modifications provides a platform that uses such a
proposed policy evaluation component and allows the
parties to negotiate over predefined, known negotia-
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Algorithm 1: Transform ODRL Policy to a MYDATA Policy.
Input: ODRLPolicy op, bool provider-side
Output: MYDATAPolicy mp
1: MYDATAPolicy mp := NULL;
2: Mechanism mech := NULL;
3: function transformODRLtoMYDATA(op, provider-side)
4: mp := createMYDATAPolicy();
5: mp.pid := op.pid;
6: if provider-side = true then
7: mp.solution := op.rules[0].assigner;
8: else
9: mp.solution := op.rules[0].assignee;
10: end if
11: for all Rule rule in op.rules do
12: mech := createMechanism();
13: mech.event := rule.action;
14: mech.conditions.add(createPIPCondition(”target”, ”equal”, rule.target));
15: if rule.duty is not NULL then
16: if rule.duty 6= ”anonymize” then
17: mech.conditions.add(createPXP(rule.duty.action, rule.duty.refinement));
18: else
19: mech.conditions.add(createModifyFuntion(rule.duty.refinement));
20: end if
21: end if
22: //The same for refinements
23: if rule.constraints is not empty then
24: for all Constraint rc in rule.constraints do
25: if rc.leftOperand = ”event” then
26: mech.conditions.add(createCountCondition(rc.rightOperand, 1));
27: else if rc.leftOperand = ”count” then
28: mech.conditions.add(createCountCondition(rule.action, rc.rightOperand));
29: else if rc.leftOperand = ”dateTime” then
30: mech.conditions.add(createDateAndTimeCondition(rc.operator, rc.rightOperand));
31: else
32: mech.conditions.add(createPIPCondition(rc.leftOperand, rc.operator,
33: end if
34: end for
35: end if
36: if rule.rule = ”permission” then
37: mech.decision := ”allow”;
38: else if rule.rule = ”prohibition” then
39: mech.decision := ”inhibit”;
40: end if
41: mp.mechanisms.add(mech);
42: end for
43: return mp;
44: end function;
tion parameters. This approach does not support un-
limited adjustments and modifications, however, the
data provider and data consumer parties may collabo-
rate when the human interaction is needed. For exam-
ple, when a data consumer proposes a new time slot,
the policy evaluation component detects the changes
and can decide autonomously whether the request is
accepted or not by comparing the proposed time slot
with the defined demands (e.g., it can be demanded
that the proposed time slot does not cross the lim-
A Systematic Approach toward Extracting Technically Enforceable Policies from Data Usage Control Requirements
Table 1: The policy negotiation approaches.
Unlimited ad-
Further policy eval-
Applicable in IDS
Human-like approach 3 3 5
Fully automated approach 5 5 3
Interactive approach with limited
5 3 3
Figure 4: Policy Negotiation sequence diagram.
ited duration of one month). On the other hand, when
a data consumer requests to use the data for differ-
ent purposes than what has been offered, the approval
of the detected request may need the data provider’s
manual intervention.
5.2 Policy Negotiation Parameters
We extracted the parameters that can be modified and
thus negotiated during the policy negotiation process,
with respect to the policy classes. To this end, we cat-
egorized the policy negotiation parameters into five
groups: decision, condition left operand, condition
right operand, modification method and action.
Decision: In a first place, one can negotiate over
a decision that is proposed in a Data Usage Con-
trol policy. Although, the request to change the
decision of a policy (e.g., from prohibition to per-
mission) is not frequently demanded, it still is a
valid change. For example, a data provider pro-
vides an offer policy consisting of various rules,
one of which inhibits the data consumer to print
the data. In this case, it is worthwhile that the data
consumer requests printing permission while ac-
cepting the other rules.
Condition Left Operand: As described in Sec-
tion 3.1, the stakeholders control the usage of
data by restricting the usage to specific dates, time
slots, systems, purposes, roles or users as well as
on occurrences of specific events. In fact, one can
negotiate about the left operands of these condi-
tions. For example, a data provider may propose
an offer policy that restricts the usage of data to
marketing purposes. Here, a data consumer can
request to restrict the data usage to marketing sys-
tems instead.
Condition Right Operand: In most cases, the
parties negotiate not to change a condition left
operand, but to adjust the value, called right
operands, that is assigned to it. The right operands
and their corresponding value types must be cer-
tainly defined and known to the parties, since they
define under which circumstance a condition is
satisfied. Correspondingly, the policy evaluation
components can detect and evaluate the proposed
right operands and decide whether they accept it
or not.
Modification Method: Some policy classes de-
scribe that IDS use cases require data modifica-
tion and data anonymization (at rest or in tran-
sit). The modification method (e.g., aggregate or
delete sensitive information) is also a parameter
that is negotiable between data provider and data
Action: The policy action is another policy ne-
gotiation parameter. For example, a policy eval-
uation component on the data provider side may
automatically accept a data consumer’s request to
print the data on paper rather than displaying it
or to send a notification rather than sending the
entire usage logs. The data provider may config-
ure the policy evaluation component by setting the
exchangeable actions that are equally acceptable.
Using such a predefined table, the least interven-
tion of the data provider is required to obtain an
Overall, the policy negotiation parameters may
expand according to the updates on the policy classes.
In this paper, we used the policy classes that are
extracted from the IDS requirements specification
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
as a basis for a systematic approach to create the
technology-dependent policies. Since the companies’
requirements evolve over time, the extracted policy
classes must be updated or extended accordingly. The
policy templates, policy transformation rules and the
policy negotiation parameters will be updated as well
and therefore, the IDS platform can claim to support
users in their policy specification process. As a fu-
ture work, we plan to implement our proposed policy
negotiation platform and attach it to our policy editor.
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istry of Education and Research (BMBF) of Germany
in the project ”Architekturtopologien f
ur Datensou-
at in Gesch
okosystemen auf Basis des In-
dustrial Data Space” (grant agreement number FKZ
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A Systematic Approach toward Extracting Technically Enforceable Policies from Data Usage Control Requirements