Japanese Cursive Character Recognition for Efficient Transcription
Kazuya Ueki and Tomoka Kojima
School of Information Science, Meisei University, Tokyo, Japan
Character Recognition, Japanese Cursive Character, Kuzushiji, Convolutional Neural Network.
We conducted detailed experiments of Japanese cursive character recognition to promote Japanese historical
document transcription and digitization by using a publicly available kuzushiji dataset released by the Cen-
ter for Open Data in the Humanities (CODH). Using deep learning, we analyzed the causes of recognition
difficulties through a recognition experiment of over 1,500-class of kuzushiji characters. Furthermore, assu-
ming actual transcription conditions, we introduced a method to automatically determine which characters
should be held for judgment by identifying difficult-to-recognize characters or characters that were not used
during training. As a result, we confirmed that a classification rate of more than 90% could be achieved by
narrowing down the characters to be classified even when a recognition model with a classification rate of
73.10% was used. This function could improve transcribers’ ability to judge correctness from context in the
post-process—namely, the previous and subsequent characters.
As Japanese characters have changed considerably
over time, it has become difficult for non-experts
to read classical Japanese literature. By transcri-
bing historical documents, we are able to understand
the events of past eras. Therefore, research on the
transcription and digitization of historical documents
has been conducted. However, a vast number of li-
terary works have not yet been digitized. One of the
considerable barriers to this digitization is that Japa-
nese classical literature was written in a cursive style
using kuzushiji characters that are very difficult to
read compared with the contemporary style.
The primary difficulty that arises in kuzushiji cha-
racter recognition is rooted in the fact that most
kuzushiji characters are very difficult to distinguish
clearly from other characters because the writing style
varied among different eras and authors. Therefore, in
this study, assuming the actual transcription process,
we considered a method that could automatically de-
tect which characters were difficult to classify using
deep learning and mark them as unknown characters
without making the final decision.
Currently, handwritten characters can be recognized
with high accuracy by using convolutional neural ne-
tworks (CNNs). This trend has been highly motivated
by a CNN called LeNet with a convolution and po-
oling structure that was proposed by (LeCun et al.,
1989)(Lecun et al., 1998); this network successfully
recognized handwritten digits. CNNs have also been
widely used for recognizing kuzushiji characters in
classical literature and achieved relatively high accu-
racy (Hayasaka et al., 2016)(Ueda et al., 2018). These
studies on kuzushiji recognition have only focused on
classifications of less than 50 hiragana character cla-
sses. However, classical documents are not limited
to hiragana, as they also include katakana and kanji
characters. To create electronic texts of classical li-
terature or documents, it is necessary to recognize a
wide range of characters and improve the accuracy
with which they are transcribed. Based on this, we
focused on recognizing not only hiragana characters
but also katakana and kanji characters using the publi-
cly available kuzushiji dataset (Clanuwat et al., 2018).
When a text includes many character classes, we
need to address data imbalance problems. Yang et
al. conducted experiments of hand-written characters
from documents recorded by the government-general
of Taiwan from 1895 to 1945 (Yang et al., 2019). The
data imbalance problem was solved by applying data
augmentation when training deep learning models.
Reducing the labor load on transcribers was also
considered an important issue. Thus, a new type of
OCR technology was proposed by (Yamamoto and
Osawa, 2016) to reduce labor in high-load reprint
work. It was deemed important to divide reprinting
work among experts, non-experts, and an automated
Ueki, K. and Kojima, T.
Japanese Cursive Character Recognition for Efficient Transcription.
DOI: 10.5220/0008913204020406
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2020), pages 402-406
ISBN: 978-989-758-397-1; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figura 1: The number of images in each class in the ku-
zushiji dataset
Figura 2: Left: Examples of different characters with si-
milar shapes. Center: Examples of identical characters
with separate deformations caused by different jibo. Ri-
ght: Examples of differences in deformation despite being
linked to the same jibo depending on the work or writer.
process rather than relying on automating processing
entirely. The objective was not to achieve a deco-
ding accuracy of 100% with OCR automatic proces-
sing alone; rather, ambiguous letters were marked as
(geta)” and passed on to the expert in charge
of post-processing to make a decision. As a result,
it was possible to achieve rapid and high-precision
reprinting. We conducted an experiment to confirm
whether it was possible to automatically eliminate er-
roneously classified characters or characters that were
not used in the training.
3.1 Kuzushiji Image Dataset
We used the Japanese cursive kuzushiji character
image dataset (Clanuwat et al., 2018) released by the
Center for Open Data in the Humanities (CODH).
This kuzushiji database includes cropped images of
three different sets of characters—namely, hiragana,
katakana, and kanji. In total, 684,165 images with
4,645 character classes were included. These images
were cropped from 28 literary works written in the
Edo period (i.e., 1603–1868 AD). The number of ima-
ges in each class is heavily unbalanced. For example,
the classes with the largest and second largest num-
ber of images are (Unicode: U+306B) and
Figura 3: Neural Network Structure.
(Unicode: U+306E), which have 24,710 and
24,171 images, respectively. In contrast, many clas-
ses only have a few images, and 882 classes only have
one image. This data bias complicates recognition.
As we checked images in the dataset, many
characters were difficult to distinguish clearly from
others due to the variation in their shape, as indicated
on the left in Fig. 2. There were also identical cha-
racters whose appearances differ greatly, as shown in
the center of Fig. 2. This is because hiragana and ka-
takana characters were originally derived from kanji
characters called jibo (maternal glyph), and identi-
cal hiragana and katakana characters were derived
from different jibo. Moreover, identical characters
may have the same jibo but be represented differen-
tly depending on the literary work or writer, as shown
on the right of Fig. 2.
3.2 Dividing the Data Used in the
In this study, kuzushiji character images from 28 lite-
rary works were divided into training, validation, and
test datasets. The training data was used to train a
recognition model, and the validation data was used
to select the optimal model by evaluating the data
for each epoch. Test data was evaluated using the
trained model, and the model’s performance was mea-
sured. Specifically, character images from two bo-
oks (“Oraga Haru” and “Ugetsu Monogatari”) were
used as test data, and the remaining 26 literary works
were used as training or validation data. The number
of images in the 26 literary works was 628,136 with
4,493 character classes.
3.3 Neural Network Structure
In our experiments, we used the CNN architecture
of LeNet as shown in Fig. 3, which consists of two
convolution layers—including pooling layers and one
fully-connected layer with a softmax function—to ou-
tput probabilities for each character class. With regard
to the other layers, a rectified linear unit (ReLU) ac-
tivation function was used. Models were trained with
the AdaDelta algorithm.
Japanese Cursive Character Recognition for Efficient Transcription
Figura 4: Classification rate for each character class.
In this section, we show how well various types of
characters can be recognized using deep learning and
analyze the causes of character misclassification.
4.1 Data Used in the Experiments
As the number of images in each class was unbalan-
ced, we only used character classes with more than
20 images in the training set. The number of clas-
ses used in our experiments was 1,506. Because the
classification rates tend to deteriorate for classes with
a limited number of training samples, training data
were augmented to ensure that the number of ima-
ges in each class was over one a hundred using the
following transformations: rotation ( 3 degrees),
width shift ( 0.03 × image_width), height shift (
0.03 × image_height), RGB channel shift ( 50),
shear transformation ( π/4), and zoom ([1 0.03 ×
image_size,1 + 0.03 × image_size]). After the data
augmentation, the number of images was 664,840.
We divided these images into training data (80%:
531,872 images) and validation data (20%: 132,968
The total number of test data is 56,029 with 2,249
character classes. In the test data, many character cla-
sses were not included in the 26 literary works and
character classes that were excluded during training
because of the limited number of samples (less than
20 images in the class). By eliminating these charac-
ter classes, the number of images that could be recog-
nized was changed to 53,026.
Figura 5: Example images of the character (Uni-
code: U+5922) in the test data. Two images on the left
were misclassified as “ ”. Two images on the right were
misclassified as “ ”.
Figura 6: Top: Example images of the character
(Unicode: U+5922) in the training data. Middle: Example
images of the character (Unicode: U+85E4) in the
training data. Bottom: Example images of the character
” (Unicode: U+7FA9) in the training data.
4.2 Experimental Results
The classification rate for the test data was 73.10%
(= 40,952 / 56,029). When considering the character
classes in the training data only, the classification ac-
curacy was 77.23% (= 40,952 / 53,026). However, the
average accuracy of each class was as low as 37.22%.
The classification rate for each class is shown in Fig.
4. It is clear that many character classes could not be
correctly classified at all.
4.3 Error Analysis
By analyzing instances in which performance was
poor for specific characters, we were able to identify
certain root causes. Here, we show some typical mis-
classified examples.
The classification rate of the character
(Unicode: U+5922), which is displayed in Fig. 5,
was very low at 8.8% (=3/34). As shown in the top
of Fig. 6, this character trained many variations in
shape. When this character was tested, most images
were misclassified as the character ” (Unicode:
U+85E4), which is shown in the middle of Fig. 6, or
the character (Unicode: U+7FA9), which is
shown in the bottom of Fig. 6. The left two images
of Fig. 5 were misclassified as the character ”,
and the right two images of Fig. 5 were misclassified
as the character “ ”.
Other examples are shown in Fig. 7. The cla-
ssification rate for the character (Unicode:
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figura 7: Example images of the character (Uni-
code: U+8336) in the test data.
Figura 8: Example images of the character (Uni-
code: U+8336) in the training data.
U+8336) was 4.2% (= 2 / 48). Corresponding trai-
ning data, which are shown in Fig. 8, include many
types of literary works and characters that were sty-
led differently by authors. Furthermore, as kuzushiji
characters were handwritten by different authors, the
character shape greatly differed in between training
and testing. Thus, kuzushiji character classification
was notably difficult.
4.4 Elimination of
Difficult-to-Recognize Characters
In the test data derived from “Oraga Haru” and
“Ugetsu Monogatari,” there were characters that were
not included in the training data (26 literary works).
Furthermore, character classes with less than 20 ima-
ges in the training data were not trained. In the testing
process, it is difficult to know whether there are unk-
nown characters that have not been trained. Thus, a
function that automatically eliminates such characters
is necessary. In this experiment, 3,003 of 56,029 ima-
ges in the test data were character classes that were
not trained.
The character recognition rate using the experi-
mental training model was 73.10%, which will lead
to a reduction in work efficiency when actually per-
forming transcription work. Therefore, it is important
to eliminate false recognition as much as possible and
leave only the correct recognition results.
Based on the error analysis described in the previ-
ous section, we found that the maximum output pro-
bability values from the softmax function tended to be
low if character images that were not correctly clas-
sified were input to CNN. Thus, we confirmed whe-
ther it was possible to eliminate erroneously classified
characters with low maximum output probability va-
lues (hereinafter referred to as confidence values) by
using characters with high confidence values. Spe-
cifically, confidence values were used as a threshold,
and characters below the threshold were reserved as
unknown characters. As shown in the paper (Yama-
moto and Osawa, 2016), efficient transcription will
be achieved by marking low-confidence characters as
Figura 9: Relationship between the number of images that
can be classified and the classification accuracy according
to the confidence values. Horizontal axis: the threshold of
confidence values. Vertical axis: the number of images that
can be classified (red), and the classification rates (blue)
(geta), and asking experts in the post-process
to make a final judgment.
Figure 9 illustrates the relationship between the
classification rates and the number of images that can
be classified when the threshold of confidence values
is changed. For example, if tested images were limi-
ted to the confidence value of 50% or more, the num-
ber of characters that could be classified was reduced
to 40,209. Among them, the number of correctly cla-
ssified images was 36,544, and the recognition rate
improved to 90.89% (= 36,544 / 40,209). When we
confirmed the result of 3,003 images of the charac-
ter class not used for training, we found that 2,917
images (97.14%) could be eliminated, which was ex-
Figure 10 provides an example of the recognition
results of one page from “Ugetsu Monogatari. When
the recognition results of the original book are dis-
played in typographical form, it is necessary to tell
transcribers in the post-process which characters have
low confidence values. In this experiment, we displa-
yed characters with low confidence values in the red
rectangles as shown in the center and on the right of
Fig. 10. If the confidence value threshold is less than
50%, too many characters remained to be judged by
humans, so it was necessary to reduce the number of
characters to be eliminated in order to improve the
efficiency of transcription. However, if the threshold
of confidence values was set to less than 10%, the nu-
mber of characters to be eliminated would be reduced.
Thus, it would be easier to predict characters with low
confidence values from the previous and subsequent
characters with high confidence values.
Japanese Cursive Character Recognition for Efficient Transcription
Figura 10: Example of the recognition result of one page from “Ugetsu Monogatari. Left: Original image of one page from
“Ugetsu Monogatari. Center and right: Images showing the recognition results in print. Red rectangles indicate characters
with confidence values of less than 50% and 10%, respectively.
This study aims to improve the efficiency of transcri-
bing Japanese classical literature. We conducted the
experiments using deep learning to recognize Japa-
nese cursive kuzushiji characters with over 1,500 cla-
sses from a large-scale dataset. By augmenting the
data for classes with a small number of images, we
achieved a classification rate of 73.10% for 1,506-
class character classification, but the average classifi-
cation rate over all classes was very low at 37.22%.
As this was not sufficient to contribute to efficient
transcription, we considered a method for automati-
cally eliminating images of characters that may be
erroneous or those that were not used for training.
We attempted to automatically eliminate such charac-
ters by focusing on the confidence values from CNNs
and confirmed that a recognition rate of 90% or more
could be achieved by changing the confidence value
However, future studies must consider characters
with low confidence values. We also plan to imple-
ment the following measures to improve the transcrip-
tion process:
We will implement a transcription system for
transcribers in the post-process and obtain the fe-
edback to improve the system. The system will
likely have to provide some candidate characters
for images with low confidence values to improve
their ability to identify the correct character.
We will incorporate rules based on expertise in ku-
zushiji characters in addition to improving recog-
nition technologies such as deep learning.
We will incorporate character recognition beyond
the character-level, focusing on deriving informa-
tion from context—namely, word-, phrase-, and
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ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods