Sentiment Analysis of Serious Suicide References in Twitter Social
Wael Korani
and Malek Mouhoub
Department of Computer Science, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Sentiment Analysis, Twitter, Suicide Thoughts, Artificial Intelligence.
Sentiment analysis analyzes people emotions, attitudes, and opinion towards organizations, services, issues,
and individuals. Opinions are the core of almost all human activities because they consider a significant
influencers of our behaviors. With the growing popularity of social media applications (micro-blogs, twitter,
comments, etc), users of these platforms express their emotions through their posts and comments. Suicide is
one of these dangerous emotions that threaten the public health of Canadians, and mortality form suicide is the
third leading cause of death in teenage. In this paper, we propose a suicide classifier system called Auto Twitter
Suicide Detector System (ATSDS) that provides support to authorities to take appropriate actions in order to
protect communities from such kind of thoughts. The proposed twitter suicide detector system is a classifier
system using data gathered from twitter to detect those related to suicide. Our system is built using deep neural
network on multi-purpose cluster computing system called spark. In order to asses the system performance,
in terms of accuracy, we have conducted several experiments and tuned neural network parameters to achieve
higher performance. The results returned are very promising.
The International Statistical Classification of Diseases
and Related Health Problems (ISCDRHP) refers to
suicide related behavior as ”intentional self-harm”.
Suicide-related behavior includes thoughts, behav-
iors, and communications related to suicide. In (Yip
et al., 2003), Yip et al. defined suicide related ideation
as thoughts of ending one’s life or a wish to be dead.
A suicide attempt is one form of self-injury whereby
the attempt is to end one’s life. There are two types of
suicides: active and passive suicide. Active suicide is
an effective way of suicide and gives a slim chance of
interruption, such as hanging, shooting, and jumping
(Glass Jr and Reed, 1993). However, passive suicide
is a less violent way of suicide that allows interven-
tion, such as overdose, poisoning, and international
malnutrition, which is called indirect self destructive
behaviors (ISDBs). In (Conwell et al., 1996), Con-
well defined ISDBs as ”an act of omission or com-
mission that causes self-harm leading indirectly, over
time, to the patient’s death”. ISDBs are common
among older adults who have suicide signs, such as
refusing to eat or drink and failing to take medications
(Brown et al., 2004).
Canadian Vital Statistics Death (CVSD) is re-
sponsible for reporting the cause of death in Canada,
which is an effective mechanism for monitoring the
death by suicide in Canada. In 2005, Public Health
Agency of Canadian Suicide reported on their web-
site that suicide was the eighth leading cause of death
for adults between (55-64) years (13.0 per 100,000).
In (Buchanan et al., 2006), Canadian Coalition for
Seniors Mental Health reported that older adults have
the highest rate of death by suicide across all age
groups. In (Navaneelan, 2012), Navaneelan reported
that the suicide rate in Canada declined from 12.7 per
100,000 between 1989 and 1992, down to 11.5 per
100,000 in 2009.
In the last couple of decade, social media plays a
crucial role in our social life. Most people want to be
in groups, where they can share ideas, experiences,
emotions, etc. Social media applications help people
share their ideas, problems, get solutions from other
like-minded people. In (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010),
Kaplan and Haenlein defined social media as ”a group
of internet-based applications that are built on the ide-
ological and technological foundation of Web 2.0 and
that allow the creating and exchange of user gener-
Korani, W. and Mouhoub, M.
Sentiment Analysis of Serious Suicide References in Twitter Social Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0008894003390346
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 2, pages 339-346
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ated content”. Users interact and share negative and
positive experience and learn from each other though
social media. Social media is available for any user
at any time. There is no limit in time and space on
social media, and users can share information at any
time and spread it in a second.
In 2006, Twitter was developed in a different way
of Facebook (Carlson, 2011). Twitter is another pop-
ular, widespread, and limited social network. It is
a micro-blogging that gives only 140 characters for
each message. An instance twitter message is called
tweet, and twitter friends are called followers. Posted
tweets from users’ friends will be shown on user’s
profile page. Users on Facebook and Twitter can post
text, photo, link, or video. Twitter gives a user the
ability to create an instance message that introduces
an idea without any barriers. As the third quarter of
2016, the number of active Twitter users was grow-
ing each month, which was estimated to be around
317 million active users each month. Twitter becomes
more popular and has around 500 million instance
message every day.
Sentiment analysis can be performed using differ-
ent machine learning approaches. Pang suggested that
the current research on sentiment analysis focuses on
two major things: to identify the given text whether
it is subjective or objective. In addition, it may iden-
tify the polarity of the subjective texts (Pang et al.,
2008). Sentiment analysis has been used for range
of topics, such as movie review, products or services
reviews, political opinion, and emotions. In this pa-
per, we focus on sentiment analysis related to sui-
cide thoughts. Sentiment analysis was conducted on
suicide thoughts that have been reported using writ-
ten communication of suicide on the Web via bulletin
boards (Ikunaga et al., 2013). In (Matykiewicz et al.,
2009), unsupervised machine learning was also im-
plemented to distinguish between actual suicide notes
and newsgroups. Suicide thoughts are also released in
chat rooms with no restrictions (Becker and Schmidt,
Social media, specially twitter, along with senti-
ment analysis play a significant role in improving the
suicide research by analyzing individuals activities
through their posts. In this paper, twitter social me-
dia is used to build a classifier system, which is called
Auto Twitter Suicide Detector System (ATSDS). The
proposed system, TSDS, is capable of detecting twit-
ter users who have suicide thoughts or interested in
the suicide topic. The proposed system is built on
multi-purpose cluster computing system called spark
along with deep neural network. The accuracy of dif-
ferent models are evaluated to choose the best param-
eter for the neural network.
Few studies were conducted to use classification
approaches to automatically identify suicide-related
communications in twitter and other social media.
Studies showed a strong positive correlation between
suicide rates and the volume of social media posts and
comments that related to suicide thoughts (Won et al.,
2013). In (Won et al., 2013), Won et al. concluded
that the social media data may help in national sui-
cide forecasting and preventing. Jashinsky suggested
that there is a relationship between suicide risk and
twitter conversation (Jashinsky et al., 2014). John et
al. analyzed twitter posts the 24 hours prior to the
death by suicide (Gunn and Lester, 2015). The results
showed that persons who committed suicide have pos-
itive emotions over the last 24 hours and a change in
focus from the self to others. Although the study con-
ducted over one case study, the authors later on used
more cases. The authors used the Linguistic Inquiry
and Word Count (LIWC) software to identify emo-
tional words (Pennebaker et al., 2001).
In (Poulin et al., 2014), Poulin et al. conducted an
experiment on a group of US war veterans who shared
their Twitter and Facebook over time. The authors
proposed a suicide prediction system based on clini-
cal notes of US war veterans, and the system showed
high performance (60% accuracy). In addition, the
authors concluded that persons who recorded fear, ag-
itation, and delusion behaviors had committed sui-
cide. In (Sueki, 2015), Sueki conduced an experiment
using posts of Twitter users to find the relationship
between suicide-related tweets and suicidal behavior.
The results showed that some particular phrases such
as “want to commit suicide” was strongly associated
with lifetime suicide attempts. However, phrases that
suggest suicide intent, such as “want to die” have less
strong association with suicide, because such phrases
could be used when a person had a bad day. In (Ab-
boute et al., 2014), Abboute et al. proposed a sys-
tem to classify “risky” and “non risky” tweets with
accuracy 60%. The authors concluded a number of
emotions related to suicide, such as hurt, bulling, and
insults in the “risky” category.
Although a few studies were conducted to predict sui-
cide thoughts using machine learning models, there
is no reliable dataset was publicly published. Reli-
able dataset is one of the challenges in creating a ma-
chine learning model. The main reason that there is
no existing reliable dataset is that there is no agree-
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ment about specific features to characterize suicide
notes. Thus, our dataset is pulled from Twitter and
distributed in files. The dataset has 1719 files that
contain 815871 tweets from different regions spe-
cially Canada. Tweets in our dataset are raw data that
we should firstly clean.
Our dataset has attributes, such as username,
country, time, location, posted message, etc. Tweets,
country, and city are all attributes that we need to cre-
ate our system. Tweets are filtered based on the con-
tent of “suicide” word, and the resulted tweets are di-
vided into two classes “suicide” and “non suicide”.
The results show that the dataset includes 368 tweets
in suicide class. We then extended the filter using
some extra words that might have relationship with
the suicide thoughts in literature, such as killing my-
self, hate myself, hate this life, want to die, and hate
people. The results show more tweets belongs to sui-
cide class, which has 469 tweets. Finally, we mix the
suicide tweets with a new class of non suicide class
that has 1407 tweets. The entire dataset includes 1876
tweets. Figure 1 shows the histogram of the suicide
and non suicide classes. Figure 2 and 3 are two sam-
ples tweets of each class of these classes: suicide and
non suicide.
Figure 1: Histogram of suicide and non suicide tweets.
Figure 2: Sample of non suicide tweets.
Figure 4 and 5 show top regions in our dataset.
Figure 4 shows the top seven regions in the sui-
cide class. It shows that Regina/Canada, Saska-
toon/Canada, and Saskatchewan/Canada are the top
three regions in our dataset. However, Fig-
Figure 3: Sample of suicide tweets.
ure 5 shows the top eight regions in the non sui-
cide class. Regina/Canada, Saskatoon/Canada, and
Saskatchewan/Canada represent big share in our
dataset. In addition, the dataset contains significant
number of tweets from Malta and Philadelphia/USA
in both classes.
The entire dataset will be used in training and
testing processes of creating the model, which causes
a bias in the model. We expect to get high accuracy
using this method. Then, the dataset will be divided
into two parts: training and testing dataset. The
training dataset represents 75% of the total dataset.
The training dataset will be used to create the model.
The rest of the dataset that represents 25% will be
used in testing the accuracy of the model. The testing
dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the
model. The accuracy of the neural network model
is used to evaluate the performance of our proposed
Figure 4: Top seven regions of suicide class.
Second stage, 10-fold cross validation approach
is used, which is a recommended technique to avoid
producing a bias model. In this stage, the dataset is
divided into 10 parts where nine parts is used in train-
ing a model and one part is used in testing the created
model. This process is repeated for all combinations
of train-test splits. Figure 6 shows the process of five
folds cross validation. The cross validation process is
better than dividing the dataset into specific training
and testing data as shown in first stage.
Sentiment Analysis of Serious Suicide References in Twitter Social Network
Figure 5: Top ten regions for the non related suicide tweets.
Figure 6: 5-fold Cross Validation Example.
Our model is created using deep forward neural net-
work on Spark platform using Scala language as
shown in Figure 11. Spark is presented in this paper
for sentimental analysis of Twitter suicide posts. It
is an open source engine multi-purpose cluster com-
puting system for data processing. Spark is used in
many applications and among them machine learn-
ing applications. It has MLlip library that provides
a machine learning functionality, such as classifica-
tion, clustering, regression, and prediction. MLlib has
two packages mllip (built on the top fo RDD) and ml
(built on the top of the dataframes). Spark is used for
all the operations that were implemented in this pa-
per such as training, cross validation, pipelines, clas-
sifying, and computing classifier performance. These
operations reveal better understanding of the created
model. Parameters of the created model should be
tuned to find the best values that improve the accu-
racy of the model.
4.1 Spark Core
Spark is an open source cluster computing developed
by UC Berkely AMPLap. In 2010, Spark is adopted
by Apache Software Foundation. Apache Spark is
an open source engine multi-purpose cluster comput-
ing system for data processing on a large scale. It
provides fast memory computing, and it consists of
high level tools such as Spark streaming, data frames,
SQL, MLlip for machine learning and GraphX for
graph processing as shown in Figure 7. The core en-
gine of Spark provides monitoring, scheduling, and
distributing of application across the computing clus-
ter. Spark is implemented in Scala language, which
runs on (JVM) Java Virtual Machine.
Spark has some great features: Spark API is
available in different languages, such as Scala, Java,
Python, and R. It runs on a web user interface for
checking, monitoring, results, and Spark jobs (Karau
et al., 2015). In the last few years, Spark becomes
very popular among the companies, such as eBay, Ya-
hoo, Amazon, Databrickes, Baidu, TripAdvisor, and
Apatche Spark
Figure 7: Spark Stack.
4.2 Artificial Neural Network
In 1943, McCulloch proposed the first mathematical
model of a neuron (McCulloch and Pitts, 1943). In
1958, Rosenblatt proposed the first neural network
known as perceptron (Rosenblatt, 1958). In 2002, Yu
Hen proposed a mathematical computing paradigm
called artificial neural network that models the oper-
ations of biological neural system (Hwang and Hu,
2001). The building block of any neural network
model is the neuron. The neuron model that proposed
by McCulloch is the most widely used neuron, and the
multilayer perceptron is the most widely neural net-
work, which consists of several sequential connected
layers of perceptrons.
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
There are several types of neural network, such
as feed-forward and recurrent networks. In the feed-
forward networks, the output signal of a neuron has
no influence on its inputs. However, the recurrent
networks, the output signals of neurons are feedback
given as their input signals. The multilayer perceptron
that has been used in our project is the feed-forward
4.2.1 Neuron Model
A neuron consists of net function and activation func-
tion (transfer function). Figure 9 shows few activation
functions that have been used in literature. However,
the net function is used to determine how the input
signals are combined inside the neuron. The formula
for net function is:
u =
where w is the weight, and w
is the threshold and its
corresponding input x
is always equal one. In addi-
tion, the input x
does not form a connection between
two neurons as others do. The output of neuron is de-
noted by Y , which is the output of the net function u
by one of the activation function list in Figure 9.
Figure 8: Neuron Model.
Figure 9: Commonly used transfer functions a - hyperbolic
tangent , b - logistic sigmoid , c - threshold.
4.2.2 Multilayer Perceptron Model
A single layer perceptron is able to classify only lin-
early separable data. A multilayer perceptron (MLP)
is a network that includes two or three layers of neu-
rons as shown in Figure 10. MLP consists of one input
layer and one output layer, and one or more hidden
layers. The MLP network is considered a fully con-
nected if every node in a given layer is connected to
every node in the next layer. It is used in many ap-
plications, because it has the ability to solve problems
that do not have an algorithmic solution or their solu-
tions are too complex to be found. Currently, artificial
neural network is used to solve problems that are un-
solvable using logical systems. Our model has one
input layer, two hidden layers, and one output layer
as shown in Figure 10. The weights of the layers are
optimized using an optimization technique during the
training process of the weights.
Input layer
Hidden layers
Output layer
Figure 10: Deep forward neural network.
4.3 Auto Twitter Suicide Detector
System (ATSDS)
The Limited-Memory BFGS (L-BFGS) is an op-
timization algorithm that approximates the Broy-
den–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) algorithms
using limited memory. The basic idea of L-BFGS
is that it approximates a given objective function lo-
cally as a quadratic without calculating the second
partial derivatives of the objective function. Thus, L-
BFGS achieves faster convergence compared to the
first-order optimization. It is a built in optimization
algorithm in MLlib, and it has several parameters,
such as Gradient, updater, numCorrections, maxNu-
mIterations, regParam, and convergence tolerance .
ATSDS is built using L-BFGS and DFNN as
shown in Figure 11. We study the effect of conver-
gence tolerance on the performance in terms of accu-
racy of our proposed system. The convergence tol-
erance controls how much change is allowed when
L-BFGS considered to converge. In our experiments,
convergence tolerance is tuned to achieve the best ac-
curacy of our proposed model.
Sentiment Analysis of Serious Suicide References in Twitter Social Network
Apatche Spark
MLlib Machine Learning
Figure 11: Auto Twitter Suicide Detector System (ATSDS).
In our model, the DFNN is set to have four layers:
input layer, two hidden layer, and output layer. It is
represented as DFNN (input layer, first hidden layer,
second hidden layer, output layer). The input layer
of the DFNN represents the number of features of
the model, and it is set to 100 features. Each of the
two hidden layers has 15 neurons. The output layer
has two neurons, because the model has two output
classes: suicide and non-suicide. The number of neu-
ron in each layer is chosen after conducting prelim-
inary experiments. In our experiments, we consider
tuning the convergence tolerance as an important pa-
rameter in our optimization algorithm (L-BFGS).
The convergence tolerance is changed in the rec-
ommended range [0.001 : 0.15] when the number of
neurons is fixed to 15 in each of the hidden layers.
Then, we choose the best three convergence tolerance
values (0.001, 0.01, 0.015) to study along with differ-
ent number of neurons in hidden layers. The number
of neurons in each hidden layer is changed in range
[1 : 20] to achieve the best performance of our model.
The maximum number of iterations in each case is set
to 100,000 to create our ATSDS. The seed generator
is set to 1234 in all experiments so that the results will
be reproducible.
In order to evaluate the performance of our pro-
posed system, we conducted several experiments that
we report in this section. The accuracy is used to eval-
uate our system performance. The accuracy is the ra-
tio of the number of correctly predicted instances to
the total number of instances in the dataset. In our
experiments, we study the effect of the convergence
tolerance for L-BFGS and the number of neurons in
the hidden layers over the accuracy of our proposed
5.1 Results and Discussion
In our experiments, the class label is whether it is
suicide related tweet or non-related suicide tweet.
Firstly, the model is trained on the entire dataset us-
ing two hidden layers of 15 neurons each, and then
the model is tested on the same entire dataset. The
result shows that the proposed model has high ac-
curacy (96.7%). However, this system has bias be-
cause the dataset for training and testing are the same.
Secondly, the dataset is then divided into two parts
75% training dataset and 25% testing dataset. The
results show that the proposed model has relatively
high accuracy 93.25%, but it is lower than the first
case. In the second case, the model does not know
any information about the testing dataset. However,
when the train dataset is decreased to 25% and testing
dataset is increased to 75%, the accuracy of the pro-
posed model is decreased. In the third case, the cross
validation technique is implemented for building our
ATSDS, which is the most recommended technique
to avoid bias in the model. The number of neurons in
each hidden layer is tuned to achieve higher accuracy.
The results show that the convergence tolerance of our
optimization algorithm (L-BFGS) and the number of
neurons in the hidden layers have significant effect on
the performance of our proposed model.
The effect of convergence tolerance and the num-
ber of neurons in each hidden layer are tested to pro-
duce a high accuracy model. The result shows that
number of hidden layers do not have that much effect
on the accuracy of the model. The best number of
neuron in the hidden layers is 15 as shown in Figure
12 and Table 1. Figure 12 shows the DFNN (100, 15,
15, 2), which has four layers. The input layer has 100
features; output layer has two classes suicide and non
suicide; each of the two hidden layers has 15 neurons.
The model has been tested on different convergence
tolerance values. The results show that the best value
of the convergence tolerance is 0.015.
Convergence tolerance
Figure 12: Accuracy vs convergence tolerance.
Figure 13 shows three different convergence val-
ues along with different number of neurons in the hid-
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Number of neurons
tol = 0.01
tol = 0.015
tol = 0.001
Figure 13: Accuracy vs number of neurons.
den layers in range [1 : 20]. The results show that the
best convergence value is 0.015 along with different
number of neurons. However, decreasing the number
of neurons in both hidden layers below four neurons
or increasing the number of neurons above 18 neurons
deteriorates the accuracy of the model as shown the
red line in Figure 13. Thus, when convergence toler-
ance is set to 0.015 and the number of neurons of both
hidden layers are selected (5, 10, or 15) neurons, the
ATSDS achieves better accuracy. The results show
that when the convergence tolerance is increased to
(0.1 or 0.15), the accuracy of the system is deterio-
rated as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: The accuracy and Convergence tolerance.
DFNN Conv. tolerance Accuracy
(100,15,15,2) 0.001 0.9356235
(100,15,15,2) 0.015 0.9442099
(100,15,15,2) 0.01 0.9429968
(100,15,15,2) 0.1 0.7482279
(100,15,15,2) 0.15 0.7482279
Table 1 shows that the best convergence tolerance
values are (0.001, 0.015, and 0.01). Table 2 shows the
accuracy of our proposed model along with chang-
ing those best convergence tolerance values and the
number of neurons in both hidden layers. The out-
put systems have high accuracy between 93.31% and
94.42% regardless of the number of neurons in the
hidden layers.
The paper introduces a high accuracy Auto Twitter
Suicide Detector (ATSD) system to auto detect users
who are in danger with such kind of destructive sui-
cide thoughts. ATSD is built on multi-purpose cluster
computing system (Spark) using deep feed forward
neural network and L-BFGS. The ATSD system is
analyzed to choose the optimal parameters in terms of
Table 2: The accuracy and Convergence tolerance.
DFNN Conv. tolerance Accuracy
(100,1,1,2) 0.001 0.940160
(100,1,1,2) 0.015 0.935562
(100,1,1,2) 0.01 0.940536
(100,5,5,2) 0.001 0.939008
(100,5,5,2) 0.015 0.941045
(100,5,5,2) 0.01 0.937366
(100,10,10,2) 0.001 0.939207
(100,10,10,2) 0.015 0.940205
(100,10,10,2) 0.01 0.938012
(100,15,15,2) 0.001 0.935623
(100,15,15,2) 0.015 0.944209
(100,15,15,2) 0.01 0.942996
(100,20,20,2) 0.001 0.936995
(100,20,20,2) 0.015 0.935451
(100,20,20,2) 0.01 0.933187
the number of neurons and convergence tolerance val-
ues that increase the accuracy of the system. The pro-
posed system is evaluated using Twitter dataset and
achieved high accuracy (94.42%). We anticipate that
our auto detector system can produce reliable results
for Twitter posts, allowing authorities to mitigate the
risk of suicide thoughts the threat our society. As
future work, we intend to run more experiments on
different datasets using different classifier to compare
their accuracy.
We thank Dr Nathaniel Osgood, University of
Saskatchewan, Canada for his support with the Twit-
ter dataset.
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ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence