Stereoscopic Text-based CAPTCHA on Head-Mounted Displays
Tadaaki Hosaka and Shinnosuke Furuya
School of Management, Tokyo University of Science, Chiyoda-city, Tokyo, Japan
CAPTCHA, Image Authentication, 3D Vision, Stereo Matching, Virtual Reality.
Text-based CAPTCHAs (completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart) are
widely used to prevent unauthorized access by bots. However, there have been advancements in image seg-
mentation and character recognition techniques, which can be used for bot access; therefore, distorted char-
acters that are difficult even for humans to recognize are often utilized. Thus, a new text-based CAPTCHA
technology with anti-segmentation properties is required. In this study, we propose CAPTCHA that uses
stereoscopy based on binocular disparity. Generating a character area and its background with the identical
color patterns, it becomes impossible to extract the character regions if the left and right images are analyzed
separately, which is a huge advantage of our method. However, character regions can be extracted by using
disparity estimation or subtraction processing using both images; thus, to prevent such attacks, we intention-
ally add noise to the image. The parameters characterizing the amount of added noise are adjusted based on
experiments with subjects wearing a head-mounted display to realize stereo vision. With optimal parameters,
the recognition rate reaches 0.84; moreover, sufficient robustness against bot attacks is achieved.
Various types of CAPTCHA (completely automated
public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart)
have been proposed (Roshanbin and Miller, 2013;
Hasan, 2016), all of which present a task, which is
easy for humans but highly difficult for machines to
perform, to the user requesting authentication. In typ-
ical text-based CAPTCHAs, some distorted letters or
digits are displayed, which must be input into the re-
sponse field by the user.
However, there have been advances in image seg-
mentation and character recognition techniques to
break CAPTCHAs (Bursztein et al., 2014; Gao et al.,
2016; Chen et al., 2017); therefore, it was necessary
to present characters with a large degree of shape dis-
tortion. Consequently, such authentication sometimes
became difficult even for humans to pass. Further-
more, recent developments in machine learning are
remarkable and most CAPTCHAs can be broken if
segmentation is correctly performed (George et al.,
2017; Ye et al., 2018); thus, it is important to re-
alize anti-segmentation. Therefore, new text-based
CAPTCHA that does not overly deform characters
and has anti-segmentation properties is required.
In this study, we propose text-based CAPTCHA
that uses binocular-vision-based stereoscopy, which
has not been previously considered in this research
field, for technologies that use three-dimensional
(3D) applications. The proposed method uses stereo
images that contain a character in front of a wall-like
background. By using the same color pattern for the
character and background, segmentation of either left
or right image into these two regions becomes impos-
sible, which is a major advantage of our method over
conventional CAPTCHA methods. In plain stereo im-
ages that enable stereoscopic viewing based on binoc-
ular disparity, character regions can be extracted us-
ing disparity estimation or background subtraction;
the proposed method intentionally adds noise to in-
capacitate such image processing. The validity of our
proposed method is confirmed by experiments with
subjects wearing a head-mounted display (HMD) to
realize stereo vision.
Extensive research has been conducted on text-based
CAPTCHA. Large IT enterprises such as Microsoft
(Chellapilla et al., 2005) and Google (Kluever and
Zanibbi, 2009) have actively conducted research
on CAPTCHAs. In particular, reCAPTCHA, cur-
rently provided by Google, has been introduced
Hosaka, T. and Furuya, S.
Stereoscopic Text-based CAPTCHA on Head-Mounted Displays.
DOI: 10.5220/0008893407670774
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-402-2; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
on many websites. Although the latest version of
reCAPTCHA, i.e., reCAPTCHA v3, evaluates the
user’s behavior on the website as a score and deter-
mines whether the user is a bot, traditional text-based
CAPTCHAs are still used on numerous websites.
Most traditional text-based CAPTCHA methods
enhance robustness against bot attacks by using tech-
niques such as character distortion, rotation, twist-
ing, and overlap (Roshanbin and Miller, 2013; Hasan,
2016). However, as characters are increasingly
transformed, it becomes more difficult for humans
to recognize them. To solve this problem, three-
dimensional (3D) text-based CAPTCHAs have been
proposed (Macias and Izquierdo, 2009; Imsamai and
Phimoltares, 2010; Ye et al., 2014). In these methods,
characters as 3D objects are deformed by operations
such as rotation and projected onto a two-dimensional
(2D) plane corresponding to the user’s monitor. The
validity of these methods is based on the fact that hu-
mans can perceive 3D space even in a 2D image.
Research on methods to break CAPTCHAs has
also been actively conducted (Bursztein et al., 2014;
Gao et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2017). Typical break-
ing techniques for text-based CAPTCHA consist of
three parts: preprocessing, segmentation, and recog-
nition. Preprocessing is performed to facilitate the
subsequent segmentation or recognition process; typ-
ical methods include binarization, noise removal, and
thinning. Segmentation aims to detect the bound-
aries of the presented characters by measuring the
size of the connected regions, performing vertical pro-
jection, and so on. Representative techniques of the
recognition process include template matching, clus-
tering, and machine learning such as support vector
machines (Starostenko et al., 2015) and deep learning
(Stark et al., 2015).
With regards to machine learning, recent devel-
opments in the techniques have been remarkable.
George et al. proposed the recursive cortical network
(RCN), inspired by the human brain having the ability
to learn and generalize from a few examples (George
et al., 2017). RCN is a hierarchical model that rep-
resents the contours and surfaces of characters, and
allows character recognition without requiring much
learning data. Their results showed that the recogni-
tion rate for reCAPTCHA database is 0.943 for letters
and 0.666 for words. Ye et al. proposed a method to
break CAPTCHAs using generative adversarial net-
work (GAN) which is a method of generating data
necessary to train deep neural networks (Ye et al.,
2018). Their method firstly trains two competing net-
works corresponding to a generator and discrimina-
tor. The generator tries to create a CAPTCHA, which
is visually similar to the target CAPTCHA. The dis-
criminator then tries to determine if the synthesized
CAPTCHAs are genuine. After the learning of the
two networks has progressed sufficiently, the gener-
ator can synthesize a CAPTCHA indistinguishable
from real ones and the deep neural networks can be
trained using these images. Chen et al. proposed a
method to further improve the recognition accuracy
of deep convolutional neural network for confusion
classes (Chen et al., 2019).
The development of such techniques to break
CAPTCHAs defeats most methods when character
and background segmentation is potentially possible.
3D CAPTCHAs can also be broken with high prob-
ability along with traditional text-based CAPTCHAs
(Ye et al., 2014; Bursztein et al., 2014; Gao et al.,
2016; Chen et al., 2017). Therefore, it is im-
portant to realize new text-based CAPTCHA that
does not overly deform the characters and has anti-
segmentation properties.
In this study, we propose text-based CAPTCHA
that uses binocular-vision-based stereoscopy. By us-
ing the same color pattern for the character and back-
ground, it becomes impossible to segment either the
left or right image into character and background re-
gions. In our study, HMDs are used to make it eas-
ier for the subject to view the image stereoscopically,
which may seem to narrow the applicability of the
proposed method. However, most conventional text-
based CAPTCHAs are intended for use on personal
computers with a large screen and a keyboard and are
not always useful in VR or MR environments where
users have an HMD and/or handheld controllers (Bhat
et al., 2015; Singh and Singh, 2017). It is worthwhile
to propose a secure authentication method that can be
used even when the user wears devices specialized
for VR or MR environments. As an example, Yang
et al. proposed a CAPTCHA method by letting the
user play a game on a handset that had only a small
screen without a keyboard (Yang et al., 2015). By in-
vestigating the behavior during the game, it was pos-
sible to determine whether the user is a human or a
bot. Similar to their proposed CAPTCHA that takes
advantage of the characteristics of a handset, we real-
ize new CAPTCHA by effectively using stereovision
provided by an HMD.
To realize a new kind of text-based CAPTCHA, we
utilize stereo images in which the characters have the
same color pattern as that of the background. Further-
more, noise is intentionally added to the stereo im-
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Example of background image. This image con-
sists of only eight colors (each RGB component is either 0
or 255). In this research, this image is utilized as the back-
ground for both the left and right images, creating a wall at
infinite distance.
ages to enhance robustness against supposed attacks
by bots.
The procedure of the proposed stereo image gen-
eration is as follows:
1. Generate background
2. Draw characters in front of the background
3. Add noise for robustness against stereo matching
4. Add noise for robustness against background sub-
The details of each process are described below.
3.1 Generating Background
We first generate two identical images of size 285 ×
241. For each pixel, each RGB component is ran-
domly determined to be either 0 or 255. These im-
ages are composed of eight colors, as shown in fig-
ure 1. These two images are arranged horizontally
as a stereo image pair, creating a wall as background
at infinite distance. Even though the background has
zero disparity in this research, the following argument
holds even for general cases of non-zero disparity.
3.2 Drawing Characters in Front of
To place a character in front of the background, we
add a letter with disparity k to the stereo image pair.
RGB combinations of each pixel in the character re-
gion are randomly selected to have one of the eight
colors used for the background. Therefore, it is in
principle impossible to recognize the character by
viewing a left or right image alone. The character
can be recognized only as a perception of depth us-
ing binocular vision, as shown in figure 2.
Figure 2: Diagram of how humans can see embedded char-
acter. In stereo images, the character region has disparity k
and the background has zero disparity. By looking at the left
and right images with the left and right eyes, respectively,
the character appears to float above the background to a hu-
man even though it cannot be recognized when viewing the
left or right image alone.
It is in principle possible to present multiple char-
acters for the CAPTCHA. However, in this research,
stereovision using an HMD is considered and only
one character is displayed because the size of the
monitor on an HMD is limited. By performing mul-
tiple tests, identification with an accuracy same as
when presenting multiple characters simultaneously
can be realized.
3.3 Adding Noise for Robustness
against Stereo Matching
Although it is not possible to segment each image into
the character region and background, several possible
attacks on the proposed method are considered.
One possible attack on the above method is to ex-
tract the character region using disparity estimation
via stereo matching. Therefore, to make disparity
estimation difficult, every pixel in each row of the
right image is shifted by +1 or 1 in the x direction
with probability a/2. With this operation, for a pixel
whose RGB values become indefinite at the left or
right end in each row, we randomly define the color
again. However, this operation is ineffective against
m × 1 (m N )-sized block matching. Therefore, a
similar operation is applied to the y-axis; every pixel
in each column of the right image is shifted by +1
or 1 in the y direction with probability b/2. As the
parameters a and b increase, the robustness to stereo
matching increases but stereoscopic viewing becomes
more difficult for humans. It is thus necessary to op-
timize these parameters.
3.4 Adding Noise for Robustness
against Background Subtraction
The other possible attack on the proposed method is
to extract the character region by shifting the left or
right image by the amount of the background dispar-
ity (zero in the present case, but a non-zero value in
Stereoscopic Text-based CAPTCHA on Head-Mounted Displays
general) and taking the difference of the two images.
An example of a difference image for a stereo image
pair in which the character “3” is embedded is shown
in figure 3(a). This subtraction operation can extract
the character part as the region with a non-zero differ-
ence (depicted as white pixels).
To prevent this, one of the RGB values of each
pixel in the stereo image pair is redetermined as 0 or
255 with probability c. The difference image for the
stereo image pair after this process is shown in fig-
ure 3(b). This process generally increases the number
of pixels with differences and is thus not useful for
hiding the character region, which indicates that ero-
sion and dilation processing can be used to extract the
character region from the background.
Therefore, we add further noise to the stereo im-
age pair to disturb the character region of the dif-
ference image. To achieve this, the RGB values of
each pixel in the character region of the left image
are copied to the identical coordinates in the right im-
age with probability d. The aim of this operation is
to intentionally set the difference value in the charac-
ter region of the left image to zero. An example of a
difference image after this process is shown in figure
3(c), which indicates that this process can work well.
3.5 Parameter Adjustments
The four parameters a, b,c, and d need to be adjusted
so that stereoscopic viewing by a human is possible
and character recognition by a machine cannot be eas-
ily performed. Furthermore, the four parameters need
to be properly balanced because if even one of them
is too large, binocular vision by a human becomes
highly difficult. In contrast, if one of the parame-
ters is close to 0 with the other parameters kept not
too large, extraction of the character regions by image
processing becomes easy. Although it is necessary to
moderately increase all parameters, it is difficult to
theoretically obtain the optimal values. The optimal
combination of parameters was thus determined us-
ing experiments with subjects.
In this study, experiments were conducted in a
situation where the subject could view the image
stereoscopically by wearing an HMD. The proposed
method is also applicable to other devices that enable
stereoscopic vision, which include polarized or ac-
tive shutter glasses (used in cinemas, etc.), lenticular
lenses or parallax barriers (used in naked-eye 3D sys-
tems), and traditional anaglyph glasses. In addition,
with a little training, some people can see the right
image with their right eye and left image with their
left eye without using a special device. For such peo-
ple, the proposed method can be used as an alternative
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3: Character extraction by background subtraction.
White pixels represent non-zero difference and black pixels
represent zero difference. (a) Difference image for a stereo
image pair not subjected to any processing; the character
region can be easily extracted. (b) Difference image for the
stereo image pair processed with c = 0.5 (other parameters
set to zero); although the background is contaminated by
noise, simple erosion and dilation operations can be used to
extract the character region. (c) Difference image for the
stereo image pair processed with d = 0.7 (other parameters
set to zero); noise is added to the character region. Ad-
justing both c and d is necessary for enhancing robustness
against background subtraction.
to typical 2D CAPTCHAs.
4.1 Experimental Settings
Evaluation experiments were conducted with a total
of 20 participants. Stereo image pairs correspond-
ing to the seven sets of parameters shown in table
1 were presented and viewed through an HMD de-
signed for VR headsets. As the value of each param-
eter increases, the difficulty level of stereoscopic vi-
sion rises and robustness against stereo matching and
background subtraction is enhanced. Therefore, im-
ages with parameter set 1 were the easiest to perceive
and least resistant to attacks, and images with param-
eter set 7 were the most difficult to perceive and most
resistant to attacks. Since parameter b more strongly
and negatively influences the stereoscopic view than
parameter a in most cases, the value of parameter b is
set smaller than that of a.
In each stereo image pair, a digit from 0 to 9
was embedded using the method described in the pre-
vious section with disparity k = 10. Examples of
stereo image pairs for some parameter sets are shown
in figure 4. Subjects viewed these images through
an HMD having a divider at the center (figure 5)
and were asked to state the number they perceived
by stereopsis. Subjects first optimized their viewing
setup in terms of visibility of targets by adjusting the
focal length and the distance between lenses using
plain stereo images corresponding to the parameter
set (a,b,c,d) = (0,0,0,0). With the optimized setup,
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Parameter sets in our experiments.
No. a b c d
1 0 0 0 0
2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1
4 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.15
5 0.3 0.2 0.15 0.15
6 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2
7 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
the subject sequentially viewed images with various
Some people could not stereoscopically view the
numbers even under parameter set 1; they were ex-
cluded from the evaluation because the proposed
CAPTCHA is expected to be utilized in VR or MR
applications and it is reasonable to assume that such
users have at least plain stereoscopic vision.
For each subject, two tests each for parameter sets
1-5 and four tests each for parameter sets 6 and 7 were
conducted. For each test, correct/incorrect, response
time, and confidence of answer were recorded. The
degree of confidence was self-assessed by subjects ac-
cording to the following criteria:
3: Subjects can clearly perceive the whole character
as if it were floating on the background.
2: Subjects can recognize the character without re-
lying on estimation, but the clarity of the stereo-
scopic vision is inferior to that at level 3.
1: Subjects can estimate the character from some per-
ceivable information such as piecewise contours.
The key point of levels 2 and 3 is that the subject does
not rely on estimation. Subjects learned the degree of
level 3 by stereoscopically viewing the image gener-
ated with parameter set 0; this degree was used as a
reference for level 2. When the subject gave an in-
correct digit or could not even estimate the digit, the
degree of confidence was not recorded.
4.2 Experimental Results for Human
The accuracy rates for the seven parameter sets are
shown in figure 6. For parameter sets 1-4, which
make it relatively easy to recognize the character, the
correct answer rate was 1. In practical applications,
considering that another image can be presented if an
incorrect answer is given, an accuracy rate of 0.8 or
more, as obtained for parameter sets 5 and 6, seems
sufficient. For parameter set 7, with (a,b, c,d) =
(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3), the correct answer rate sharply de-
(a) Parameter set 1: “9”
(b) Parameter set 6: “8”
(c) Parameter set 7: “2”
Figure 4: Examples of stereo image pairs. The left and right
images were concatenated for subjects to view through an
HMD designed for VR headsets. By adjusting their view-
ing setup so that the vertical red lines drawn at the center
of the left and right images overlap, the subjects could eas-
ily perform binocular vision with the parallel-eyed stereo
method. The character (digit) embedded in each stereo im-
age is given in the caption.
Figure 5: Head-mounted displays utilized in our experi-
ments. (Right) This HMD device has a divider between two
lenses, so subjects could easily perform the parallel-eyed
stereo method.
creased to 0.45. Each parameter value should thus be
less than 0.3.
Figure 7 shows the average response time for sub-
jects who responded correctly. To eliminate the influ-
ence of extremely rapidly or slowly responding sub-
jects, the top and bottom 20% of response times were
Stereoscopic Text-based CAPTCHA on Head-Mounted Displays
Correct answer rate
Parameter set
Figure 6: Correct answer rate (recognition rate). For param-
eter sets 1-4, every subject gave the correct answer for all
tests. The recognition rate slightly decreased for parameter
sets 5 and 6, and dropped sharply (under 0.5) for parameter
set 7.
omitted from the average calculation. The experimen-
tal results show that as the values of parameters a, b, c,
and d increase, the response time tends to increase.
In future versions of the proposed method, present-
ing multiple characters is conceivable, and thus the
recognition speed per character should be high. From
this viewpoint, the stereo image pairs generated with
parameter set 7 are too stressful for users in practical
Figure 8 shows the average confidence level for
subjects who responded correctly. The confidence de-
gree for parameter sets 1-6 exceeds level 2 (characters
are perceptible without estimation). For parameter set
7, the confidence level is lower than 2, confirming that
this set is unsuitable for practical applications.
The above results indicate that parameter sets 1-6
are appropriate from the viewpoint of human recogni-
tion performance.
4.3 Robustness against Bot Attacks
Robustness against possible attacks using stereo
matching and background subtraction was investi-
Disparity maps for parameter sets 5-7 obtained us-
ing stereo matching with 5 × 5 blocks are shown in
figure 9. To generate a binary image representing the
foreground and background, pixels with an estimated
disparity of 0 or ±1 are black and pixels with an esti-
mated disparity of more than 1 are white in consider-
ation of the fact that the correct disparity of the back-
ground is zero and that a shift of one pixel may occur
in relation to parameter a. To extract the character
region from this binary image, we performed erosion
and dilation operations, in which the order and num-
Average response time (sec)
Parameter set
Figure 7: Average response time. Some subjects could im-
mediately give an answer and some took more than one
minute to answer. To mitigate the influence of these extreme
cases, the top and bottom 20% of response times were ex-
cluded from the average calculation of each parameter set.
As the difficulty of recognition increases, response time in-
Average confidence level
Parameter set
Figure 8: Average confidence degree for answers. For pa-
rameter sets 1-5, a high degree of confidence was observed.
The confidence level dropped sharply, but remained above
2, for parameter set 6, indicating that recognition was made
without estimation.
ber of erosion and dilation processes were manually
tuned based on the grid search method. The follow-
ing two types of results are shown in figure 10:
(Left) As many pixels as possible belonging to the
character region are retained as white pixels.
(Right) As many pixels as possible belonging to
the background region are retained as black pix-
These results qualitatively show that parameter sets 6
and 7 have sufficient robustness against character re-
gion extraction; when we try to retain the character
region as the foreground, approximately the same or
more mispredicted white pixels appear in the back-
ground and when we attempt to eliminate these back-
ground noise, the character part cannot be recognized.
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Param. set 5 (b) Param. set 6 (c) Param. set 7
Figure 9: Disparity maps estimated using stereo matching
with 5 × 5 blocks. The true disparity values are 10 in the
character region and 0 in the background region. Estimated
disparity values are amplified by a factor of 10, and their
absolute values are expressed as brightness in these maps.
As the values of parameters increase, more noisy disparity
maps are obtained.
Robustness can be increased in future work by adap-
tively varying the disparity of the background.
Figure 11 shows the binarized subtraction images
for parameter sets 5-7, where pixels with identical
RGB values for the left and right images are black,
and pixels that are different in any one RGB compo-
nent are white. We attempted to extract the charac-
ter region by performing erosion and dilation opera-
tions, as done above. The results are shown in fig-
ure 12. The images generated with parameter sets 6
and 7 have significant tolerance against attacks, which
may be further enhanced by making the character and
background structures more complicated. For param-
eter set 5, it is speculated that recognizing the charac-
ter by machines is possible.
The above results indicate that parameter sets
6 and 7 are appropriate from the viewpoint of ro-
bustness against bots attacks. Furthermore, together
with the results of human recognition performance
described in the previous subsection, we conclude
that parameter values of approximately (a,b,c,d) =
(0.3,0.2,0.3,0.2) are suitable for practical use.
This paper proposed a text-based CAPTCHA that
uses stereopsis based on binocular vision. To enhance
robustness against supposed bot attacks using stereo
matching and image subtraction, we manipulated the
pixel values, which correspond to artificial noise addi-
tion. In evaluation experiments with subjects wearing
an HMD, users achieved a recognition rate of more
than 0.8 without resorting to speculation for images
that were resistant to attacks. It is speculated that by
making the scene depth structure more complicated,
the proposed stereo images can become even more ro-
bust against bot attacks.
Future work will include verification of our
method with incorporation of traditional text-based
(a) Parameter set 5
(b) Parameter set 6
(c) Parameter set 7
Figure 10: Extraction of the character region from bina-
rized disparity maps using erosion and dilation operations.
(Left) The order and number of erosion and dilation pro-
cesses were adjusted so that many pixels in the actual char-
acter region were maintained as the foreground. (Right)
These parameters were adjusted so that as many mispre-
dicted white pixels as possible in the actual background re-
gion was removed. It seems possible for machines to rec-
ognize the character with parameter set 5 because most of
the predicted foreground (white) pixels are concentrated in
the true character region. With parameter sets 6 and 7, it
seems difficult for machines to recognize the character be-
cause collecting white pixels only in the character region
seems difficult.
(a) Param. set 5 (b) Param. set 6 (c) Param. set 7
Figure 11: Binarized subtraction images. Pixels with
matching RGB values are shown in black, and pixels that
are different in any one RGB component are shown in
white. As in the disparity maps, the degree of noise is in-
creased in order, which means that extracting the character
region using image subtraction becomes more difficult as
the values of parameters increase.
CAPTCHA techniques, such as multiple letters, mul-
tiple strings, overlap, distortion, and adhesion. As
another direction, robustness against breaking tech-
niques based on sophisticated machine learning such
Stereoscopic Text-based CAPTCHA on Head-Mounted Displays
(a) Parameter set 5
(b) Parameter set 6
(c) Parameter set 7
Figure 12: Extraction of the character region from subtrac-
tion images using erosion and dilation operations. (Left)
The order and number of erosion and dilation processes
were adjusted so that many pixels in the actual character re-
gion were maintained as the foreground. (Right) These pa-
rameters were adjusted so that as many mispredicted white
pixels as possible in the actual background region was re-
moved. As in the disparity maps, with parameter set 5,
it seems possible for machines to extract the character re-
gion by adjusting the erosion and dilation parameters. This
seems difficult with parameter sets 6 and 7, for which the
digits in the results are highly difficult to recognize, even
for humans.
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VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications