Immediate Parcel to Vehicle Assignment for Cross Docking in City
Logistics: A Dynamic Assignment Vehicle Routing Problem
F. Phillipson
and S. E. de Koff
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Den Haag, The Netherlands
Parcel Distribution, Cross Docking, Assignment, Dynamic Assignment Vehicle Routing Problem.
In this paper we present the Dynamic Assignment Vehicle Routing Problem. This problem arises in parcel
to vehicle assignment where the destination of the parcels is not known up to the assignment of the parcel
to a delivering vehicle. The assignment has to be done immediately without the possibility of re-assignment
afterwards. The problem is defined and various methods are proposed to come to an efficient solution method.
Three cases are presented to test this efficiency. An approach using minimum cost insertion with penalty
performs best.
City logistics focuses on the efficient and effec-
tive transportation of goods in urban areas while
taking into account the negative effects on con-
gestion, safety, and environment (Savelsbergh and
Van Woensel, 2016). In city logistics two main
transport strategies are used: full truckload or less-
than-truckload (Cattaruzza et al., 2017). Less-than-
truckload examples are found typically in parcel de-
livery services, express services and supermarkets
distribution. Here, consolidation and transshipment
ask for satellite locations with cross docking, redis-
tributing the incoming freight into other, possibly
smaller vehicles to serve customers. This results in
2 echelon distribution and vehicle routing problems
(2E-VRP), which are described in the survey of (Cuda
et al., 2015). The authors of this survey consider
strategic planning decisions, including decisions con-
cerning the infrastructure of the network, and tactical
planning decisions, including the routing of freight
through the network and the allocation of customers
to the intermediate facilities. At the tactical level, the
customer locations are considered known.
In the case the customer locations are not known
before operations, we come in the range of dynamic
vehicle routing problems. The review of (Pillac et al.,
2013) gives a separation of those problems between
static and dynamic on one axis and deterministic and
stochastic on the other axis. In ‘static and determinis-
tic’ problems, all input is known beforehand and ve-
hicle routes do not change once they are in execution,
see for an overview of these classic vehicle routing
problems (VRP) (Baldacci et al., 2007). ‘Static and
stochastic’ problems are characterised by input par-
tially known as random variables, which realisations
are only revealed during the execution of the routes,
see for example (Bertsimas and Simchi-Levi, 1996).
Here also clustering techniques for stochastic data can
be used (Ngai et al., 2006).
In ‘dynamic and deterministic’ problems, part or
all of the input is unknown and revealed dynamically
during the design or execution of the routes. These are
also called online VRP problems (Bjelde et al., 2017;
Jaillet and Wagner, 2008). Similarly, ‘dynamic and
stochastic’ problems have part or all of their input un-
known. This input is revealed dynamically during the
execution of the routes, but in contrast with the latter
category, exploitable stochastic knowledge is avail-
able on the dynamically revealed information. See for
a survey (Ritzinger et al., 2016). In addition, methods
based on anticipation can be used (Ulmer et al., 2015).
In this paper, we look at a satellite location where
the incoming parcels have to be distributed over a
number of vehicles to deliver them to the customers.
The satellite location has no, or a rather small, space
for storage. This means that the parcels have to be
assigned directly, after unloading and scanning, to an
outgoing vehicle. There is no possibility to reassign
on a later moment in time. The parcels are delivered
to the assigned vehicle instantaneously. The destina-
tion of the parcels is not known beforehand and is re-
Phillipson, F. and E. de Koff, S.
Immediate Parcel to Vehicle Assignment for Cross Docking in City Logistics: A Dynamic Assignment Vehicle Routing Problem.
DOI: 10.5220/0008871801380142
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2020), pages 138-142
ISBN: 978-989-758-396-4; ISSN: 2184-4372
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
vealed only at arrival at the satellite location. This
gives a problem that is, to the author’s knowledge, not
studied earlier. We call it the Dynamic Assignment
Vehicle Routing Problem (DA-VRP). This looks like
a ‘dynamic deterministic’ VRP, however, the assign-
ment of the parcels is done at the same time the des-
tination is revealed. This means that the planning is
done dynamically, but in contrast to the common dy-
namic case, it is done in upfront, where the route is not
being executed yet, giving the possibility to change
the order per vehicle, but not to interchange between
the vehicles. We will present and compare approaches
for this problem.
Furthermore, we will extend this problem with the
possibility to reveal the destination of a certain per-
centage (x%) of the parcels beforehand. This can be
revealed by using an information system or by the
possibility to store a certain percentage after reveal-
ing the destination, before the assignment has to be
fixed. Also for this extension we will compare vari-
ous approaches.
The remaining of this paper is organised as fol-
lows. First, in Section 2 the problem will be de-
fined. Next, in Section 3, we will present approaches
to come to a dynamic assignment of the parcels to the
vehicle and we will discuss the assumptions under-
lying the model. In Section 4, we will elaborate on
the cases we use to show the performance of the var-
ious approaches, followed by the results in Section
5. Conclusions and recommendations can be found in
Section 6.
We assume a situation where parcels have to be
delivered, called ‘the demand’, to customers in a
certain region. In the methodology and the example
cases, we assume a homogeneous distribution of the
demand over all potential customers, characterised
by a group of houses, for example a postal code
area. Parcels are delivered at a satellite location from
various directions, where the destination of each
parcel is revealed at arrival by scanning the parcel.
In the base case, the parcel is, simultaneously with
revealing its destination, assigned to an outgoing
Definition: DA-VRP - In a Dynamic Assign-
ment Vehicle Routing Problem (DA-VRP) k parcels
arrive at a location in a specific order. In that specific
order, each of the parcels reveal their destination
and have to be assigned immediately to one of the m
vehicles, that will deliver the parcel to its destination.
In the basic version of this problem, each parcel
requires one capacity unit of the vehicles and all
vehicles have capacity C. When assigning the jth
parcel, vehicle i can only be regarded iff n
< C,
where n
equals the load of vehicle i at that current
In the extended case, a certain percentage, ran-
domly drawn from all parcels, reveals its destination
earlier, for example coming from an other distribu-
tion point, or can be stored some time, after which
the stored parcels can be assigned in one step to the
empty vehicles.
In this section we indicate some approaches that can
be used to assign the parcels to the vehicles. We dis-
tinguish two steps in our approach:
1. Initial assignment of direction to vehicles;
2. Dynamic assignment of arriving parcels;
The first step gives a potential direction to each of the
vehicles, or none if empty vehicles are used, by as-
signing a base load, a certain region or some initial
direction. The second step assigns directly the incom-
ing parcels to the vehicles. Both the initial assignment
and the dynamic assignment will be discussed in the
next section in more detail. In Section 3.2 the math-
ematical solution techniques that are used in the as-
signment steps are presented. After these two steps
the load of all vehicles is known and for each vehicle
a regular TSP can be solved.
3.1 Detailed Steps
It might be helpful to give an initial load or assign-
ment of a certain area to each of the available vehicles.
This is done in step 1 of the approach, the initial as-
signment of direction to vehicles. Here we distinguish
four basic methods:
1. No load the vehicles stay empty until the first
dynamic assignment.
2. Basic load In the case that a certain percent-
age (x%) of the parcels reveal their destination
before assignment, we will assign these parcels to
the available vehicles evenly using a VRP solution
method. We assume that the revealed parcels are
randomly distributed over all potential customers.
3. Separation by dummy location - We perform a
k-Means clustering over all potential customers
Immediate Parcel to Vehicle Assignment for Cross Docking in City Logistics: A Dynamic Assignment Vehicle Routing Problem
and assign a dummy parcel with one of the clus-
ter means to each vehicle. K-means clustering
(James et al., 2013) aims to partition observations
into k clusters, in which each observation belongs
to the cluster with the nearest mean.
4. Total geographical separation - Again we per-
form a (k-Means) clustering over all potential cus-
tomers (postal codes) and assign each of those
(postal codes) clusters to a vehicle.
Next, three methods for the second step, the dynamic
assignment of arriving parcels, are proposed:
1. Based on smallest distance to cluster mean for
all vehicles we can calculate the geographical
mean of all assigned parcel destinations. We as-
sign the arriving parcel to that vehicle for which
the distance from the parcel destination to the ge-
ographical mean is minimal.
2. Based on minimal insertion costs for all vehi-
cles we calculate the minimal cost of inserting the
arriving parcel destination to the route. As we as-
sume that the assigned parcels are ordered in the
routing of the vehicle, we can calculate the cost
by trying to insert the parcel between each pair of
consecutive parcels in the vehicle. The insertion
that is cheapest will be selected.
3. Based on fixed clusters – here the parcel is simply
assigned to the cluster it belongs to, using the total
geographical separation of the initial stage, based
on customer or postal code of the customer.
When, by one of these methods, the assignment is de-
termined, the parcel is inserted on the right place in
the route of the selected vehicle, meeting the assump-
tion of ordering.
If the vehicles have a fixed capacity, there are two
aspects we have to consider. First is what to do when
a vehicle is loaded to its capacity. In assignment strat-
egy one and two, this means that this vehicle cannot
be selected anymore for assignment. The cost of as-
signment to a fully loaded vehicle will be set to infin-
ity. For the third assignment strategy, we propose to
switch to the second strategy if the vehicle that was
selected is full.
The second aspect is asymmetry in loading. If the
vehicles start empty, it is likely that the first two ve-
hicles will be loaded until one reaches its maximum
capacity. Then a new vehicle is started. This strat-
egy does not account for a more even distribution of
the parcels over the vehicles, giving the possibility to
each get a (relatively) restricted area and it does not
account for the possibility that parcels will show up
that clearly should have been assigned to a vehicle,
but cannot, due to capacity restrictions. For these rea-
sons we add a fourth dynamic assignment strategy, as
alternative to the second, where the price of insertion
increases when the vehicle has more load. Precise de-
tails follow in the next section.
4. Based on minimal insertion costs for all vehi-
cles we calculate the minimal cost of inserting the
arriving parcel destination to the route. As we as-
sume that the assigned parcels are ordered in the
routing of the vehicle, we can calculate the cost
by trying to insert the parcel between each pair
of consecutive parcels in the vehicle. The cost is
multiplied by a penalty factor, depending on the
load of the vehicle. The insertion that is cheapest
will be selected.
If we assume no initial load, this leads to 12 combi-
nation of methods, of which 7 are sound and will be
1. Empty trucks (1) – filled by cluster approach (1)
2. Separation (3) – filled by cluster approach (1)
3. Empty trucks (1) filled by insertion approach (2)
4. Separation (3) – filled by insertion approach (2)
5. Empty trucks (1) filled by insertion approach
with penalty (4)
6. Separation (3) – filled by insertion approach with
penalty (4)
7. Total Separation (4) filled based on fixed clus-
ters (3)
If there is initial load, in the extended case, we use
the second method for the initial assignment (2. Ba-
sic load) and we could use methods 2-4 at the dynamic
assignment phase. Next to these scenarios we use for
comparison a ’full information solution’. Here all in-
formation is known beforehand and a VRP method
can be used for solving this.
3.2 Solution Techniques
We use four mathematical solution techniques within
our approaches: VRP solution method, k-Means clus-
tering method, Insertion method and a Dynamic clus-
tering method. The two former are used from other
sources, the two latter are described in more detail.
For the VRP method, which will be used for
’Basic load’ and for the ’Full information’ solution
we used a VRP solver, based on a Simulated An-
nealing method, implemented in Matlab by Yarpiz
( We use this implementation with
the following parameters: number of iterations 2500;
number of inner iterations: 250. For the k-Means
clustering method in the Separation methods we use
the basic Matlab implementation, ’kmeans(X,k)
ICORES 2020 - 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
The Insertion method works as follows. We as-
sume that already each vehicle i has a tour indicated
by the (x,y) coordinates of the destination of the
parcels, starting and ending at the satellite location
with coordinates (x
) = (x
),. ..,(x
Now, a parcel with coordinates (x,y) has to be as-
signed to a cluster. For each vehicle i, determine the
pair of consecutive points k, l such that
= min
),(x, y)) + d((x,y), (x
is minimal for all pairs k,l, where d((x
denotes the distance between two destinations, noted
by their (x, y) coordinates. The parcel will now be
inserted, on the spot between k
and l
, in the tour
i that minimises d
for all i. In case of the Insertion
method with penalty, this distance is multiplied by a
penalty factor (1 + p
) where
= P · n
where P is the chosen penalty value, n
the current
load of vehicle i and C the capacity of the vehicle. The
value of P is case dependent. In all cases used later,
we use the first 10 problem instances for learning the
optimal value of P for that case.
The Dynamic Clustering methods works as fol-
lows. Again a parcel with coordinates (x,y) has to
be assigned to a cluster. Cluster i consists of parcels
with coordinates (x
),. .. ,(x
) and a clus-
ter point (
), where x
and y
. Now assign the parcel to cluster i such
that d((x, y),(x
)) is minimised.
The cases are all situated in the city of The Hague,
The Netherlands. The city has circa 530,000 inhabi-
tants and circa 255,000 houses. The total area of the
city consists of 98 square kilometres. The houses are
divided into 13,297 postal code areas. For each case
we draw a number of destination, uniformly over all
postal codes and assume that a parcel has to be deliv-
ered to that location. The number of parcels and the
available number of trucks vary in the three cases:
Case 1: 350 parcels, 10 vehicles;
Case 2: 350 parcels, 5 vehicles;
Case 3: 200 parcels 5 vehicles.
For each case we sampled 100 days or instances, in-
dependently. We assume that the only costs are the
variable costs based on the total distance driven by the
vehicles. A parcel is assumed to have capacity 1 and
the capacity of the vehicles is in number of parcels.
As defined earlier we have seven scenarios if there is
no initial load assigned to the vehicles. These scenar-
ios are used on the three cases. A ’full information
solution’ is used as reference point, where all parcels
are known and the tours are constructed using the
VRP solver. This is not a guaranteed optimal solution,
where the used method is a meta-heuristic. We see in
Table 1 that methods 1, 2 and 3 give an overall bad
solution. The average scores over all 100 instances
are all more than double the VRP solution. These are
both the clustering approaches and the insertion ap-
proach without penalty using empty vehicles. Meth-
ods 4 and 7 work reasonably on the two cases with
5 vehicles. These are the insertion approaches with-
out penalty and an initial separation and the method
with strict separation, fixed areas of delivery. Best
performing are the methods 5 and 6 based on the in-
sertion approach with penalty. Resulting in a 14-17%
higher cost that the VRP solution.
Table 1: Performance of the 7 combinations of methods
compared to the VRP solution.
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
1 282% 229% 230%
2 286% 231% 233%
3 283% 229% 230%
4 237% 146% 146%
5 115% 117% 115%
6 117% 115% 114%
7 224% 130% 127%
VRP 100% 100% 100%
If we assume the possibility to reveal the destina-
tion of a certain percentage, e.g., 50%, of the parcels
beforehand, we can compare this with the situation
where there is no information about the destination of
the parcels, and with the situation with full informa-
tion. We use case 2 in this example. For the situation
with no information we use methods 6 and 7 as ref-
erence, for the full information situation we use the
VRP solution. The information can be revealed by the
use of an information system or by the possibility to
store a certain percentage after revealing the destina-
tion and before the assignment. We assume here that
for this part the VRP approach can be used, using the
number of vehicles (here 5) and 50% of the capacity.
Immediate Parcel to Vehicle Assignment for Cross Docking in City Logistics: A Dynamic Assignment Vehicle Routing Problem
Now an evenly distributed base load for all vehicles
is known. Next the insertion method with penalty is
used for the dynamic assignment of the next 50% of
the parcels. Starting with the average solution of the
VRP approach over all 100 instances and calling this
100%, we see that the fixed areas of delivery gives a
30% increase in costs and the insertion with penalty
15%. Revealing 50% of the destinations leads to de-
crease of costs of 9%-point, compared to the 0% so-
lution, and is 6% higher that the 100% information
VRP solution. The results are summarised in Table 2.
Table 2: Results.
Method Score
Fixed clusters 0% 130%
Insertion 0% 115%
Insertion 50% 106%
VRP 100% 100%
In this paper we discussed a problem in parcel dis-
tribution where the destination of the parcels is re-
vealed only after arrival at the satellite location: the
Dynamic Assignment Vehicle Routing Problem. In
the case that there is no, or limited, space for storage,
the parcels have to be assigned directly and moved to
one of the available distribution vehicles. We showed
that use of an insertion method, with an increasing
penalty function with the occupancy rate, gives the
best results. The initial assignment to trucks has no or
low effect on this result.
If an initial load is assumed, which is distributed
equally over the vehicles using the VRP solver, fur-
ther assigning using the insertion method leads to a
decrease in cost. From this we can conclude that as-
signing incoming parcels dynamically, using the in-
sertion method is preferable to fixed clusters. Using
information for even a part of the parcels improves the
solution even more in the direction of a full informa-
tion based solution.
For further research we propose to look at the ef-
fect of higher capacities, more dense demand distri-
butions and variable demand, leading to an unknown
number of required vehicles per day. Also a more de-
tailed definition of capacity, in volume, and time re-
strictions at customers side can be added.
This work has been carried out within the project
‘Self-Organising Logistics in Distribution (SOLiD)’,
supported by NWO (the Netherlands Organisation for
Scientific Research).
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ICORES 2020 - 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems