The Use of Serverless Technologies to Support Data Processing within the
Open Learning and Research Systems
Ihor A. Bezverbnyi
1 a
and Mariya P. Shyshkina
2,3 b
V. M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 40 Academician Glushkov Ave.,
Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine
Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, 9 M. Berlynskoho
Str., Kyiv, 04060, Ukraine
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15 Heroyiv Oborony Str., 03041, Ukraine
Cloud Computing, Serverless Technologies, Open Science.
The article highlights the promising ways of providing access to cloud-based tools using serverless solutions
to support data processing within the open learning and research environment. It is emphasized that the
implementation of serverless technologies is a current trend in the development of modern ICT open learning
and research systems. The concept of the hybrid serverless cloud is considered. The analysis and evaluation
of the existing experience of using different types of cloud-based solutions to data processing support are
considered and evaluated. The example of the wave files processing using the lambda-function is examined.
The issues of integration of different services within the open systems of learning and research are covered.
A concept of the cloud-based open learning and research university environment involving the use of the
serverless cloud-based components is considered. The reasonable ways of tools selection are evaluated and
the prospects for their use within the cloud-based open learning and research environment are described.
The formation and development of a cloud-based
learning and research environment, taking into ac-
count the principles of open science is an impor-
tant area of modernization of the educational pro-
cess in higher education, the leading trend in the de-
velopment of pedagogical systems of open educa-
tion within the European Research Area (ERA, 2015).
Thanks to the use of cloud technologies there is an
opportunity to build more convenient, flexible, scal-
able systems for access to electronic resources and
services in the process of learning and research, cre-
ating conditions for teamwork with software applica-
tions along with the removal of geographical and time
constraints, providing mobility of all subjects (Bon-
darenko et al., 2019; Bykov and Shyshkina, 2018;
Bykov et al., 2020). This creates a basis for the imple-
mentation of the principles and technologies of open
science for a wider range of users, the creation and
operation of virtual research teams, improving sci-
entific communication processes, access to data in
the research process, implementation of their results,
interaction with society (,
2019). Cloud computing tools and services form
an information technology platform of the modern
educational and scientific environment, becoming a
network tool for the formation of this environment
(Bargmann, 2018; Hevko et al., 2021; Markova et al.,
2015; Mazorchuk et al., 2020; Munk et al., 2020;
Roberts and Chapin, 2017). Thus, it becomes rele-
vant to analyze trends in the implementation of cloud
data processing services into the activities of a scien-
tist and also the research or educational institution.
2.1 The Background Issues
Cloud computing in several kinds of available mod-
els, such as IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, plays an important
role in facilitating learning and research data process-
ing. Providing abstraction of resources and simple
automation tools, modern cloud platforms simplify
most routine tasks such as installation, maintenance,
Bezverbnyi, I. and Shyshkina, M.
The Use of Serverless Technologies to Support Data Processing within the Open Learning and Research Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0010933200003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 2, pages 489-494
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
backup, security, and more (Bykov et al., 2020; Svet-
sky et al., 2017). Moreover, today, the concept of
open science deals with open data and big data pro-
cessing. To fit the requirements of open science sys-
tems design large amounts of data are to be avail-
able for users access and joint processing. Thus the
cloud computing platforms may serve as a reasonable
framework to support open learning and research pro-
cesses both in terms of maintaining and processing a
large amount of data and also to make it available for
the community of scientists for joint processing, re-
trieving and evaluation (Bykov et al., 2020).
The computing capacity becomes crucial for large
amounts of data processing and retrieval, as this kind
of activity is needed at most stages the research pro-
cess, such as data collecting, representation, visual-
ization, analysis, interpretation and discussion. The
possible way to save resources and to provide flexible
use of the cloud-based infrastructure is using lambda-
function within the serverless settings. This leads
to the notion of Function-As-A-Service (FAAS) as a
promising available cloud-based model (Roberts and
Chapin, 2017; Bargmann, 2018; Jonas et al., 2019;
van Eyk et al., 2018).
The serverless computing applications in different
areas and their estimation are among the most cur-
rent issues considered nowadays, for example for ma-
chine learning (Kurz, 2021), network functions vir-
tualization (Aditya et al., 2019), geospatial architec-
tures (Bebortta et al., 2020). Casale et al. (Casale
et al., 2020) propose the platform for decomposi-
tion and orchestration for serverless computing. Or-
tiz (Ortiz, 2019) present architecting serverless mi-
croservices on the cloud with AWS and also issues
of instructors training to use these technologies. Still
the area of educational application of serverless tech-
nologies to provide better use and implementation for
learning and research within the university sector is
poorly investigated and needs further research. There
is a need to consider methodological issues and possi-
ble ways of serverless technology application within
the open learning and research university environ-
The article aims to consider and evaluate a hy-
brid cloud-based serverless architecture as the pos-
sible open learning and research platform to sup-
port data processing and research collaboration. The
main idea is that design and development of learn-
ing and research environment due to the proposed ap-
proach will result in more efficient use of the cloud-
based resources, better access to learning and research
data and collaboration support. The case study of
the sound signal processing as possible example of
serverless approach application for learning and re-
search is considered.
2.2 The Conceptual Basis
The conceptual and terminological body of investiga-
tion and the main principles of designing and develop-
ing university cloud-based learning and research envi-
ronment such as the principles of open science, open
education, as well as the specific principles inherent
in cloud-oriented systems are considered by Bykov
and Shyshkina (Bykov and Shyshkina, 2018).
The cloud-based learning and research environ-
ment (LRE) of a higher education institution is
the environment in which the virtualized computer-
technological (corporate or hybrid-based) infras-
tructure is purposefully built for the realization
of computer-procedural functions (such as content-
technological and information-communication func-
tions) (Bykov and Shyshkina, 2018).
Serverless technologies are used to build ap-
plications that are hardly predictable as for the
amount of the computer capacities necessary for
their processing. The serverless hybrid cloud archi-
tecture is designed to deploy the lambda-functions
(, 2019).
The lambda-function is a cloud-based service
model when the computing is fulfilled within the
cloud-based infrastructure of a provider on user de-
mand and the user needn’t create and manage the
server architecture.
2.3 The Model and Approach
In figure 1, the configuration of the serverless appli-
cation architecture is shown.
The overall approach is to access Lambda-
function trough API Gateway, avoiding server man-
agement as Lambda-function returns the values into
the static HTML format, the data retrieved on S3-
basket, that may be outputted and processed.
In this case, a user refers to certain electronic re-
sources and a computing capacity set on a hybrid
serverless architecture from any device using the In-
ternet connection.
The advantage of the proposed approach is that, in
learning or research processes, it is necessary to use
computing capacities for special purposes that may
appear eventually due to the current need. In par-
ticular, in the course of the experimental research,
big data processing may be needed that require much
computer capacity for a short period. It may be re-
dundant to maintain and manage the cloud server for
these purposes. At the same time, there is a possi-
bility of designing special lambda functions so the
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 1: The serverless application architecture (retrieved from
learner or researcher can access them via the Internet
and use the server with the powerful processing capa-
bilities without deploying it any time as the function
is needed. The necessary resources can be supplied
more flexibly on demand.
2.4 Current Developments and
The cloud-based LRE was implemented at the In-
stitute for Digitalisation of Education of the Na-
tional Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
in the course of research projects and pedagogical
experiments conducted during 2012–2017. During
that period, cloud-based services for open education
and open science support were introduced in the re-
search and educational process (Bykov and Shyshk-
ina, 2018).
In 2018 the V4+ Academic Research Consortium
Integrating Databases, Robotics and Language Tech-
nologies was established, which aimed to address
regional issues related to EU ICT research priori-
ties. The BOX Cloud shared work-space – the shared
work-space for all partners was built on the IBM BOX
Cloud for storage and transfer of documents that net-
worked researchers’ computers. Virtual machine with
Windows 10 – this virtual machine is simply a shared
computer with Windows 10 in the form of a remote
desktop was used to support open learning and re-
search collaboration (Bykov et al., 2020).
The cloud-based components that had been elabo-
rated and tested within this period of research were
implemented in the learning process. The learning
course “Cloud Computing Technologies” was devel-
oped and introduced in National University of Life
and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine for train-
The Use of Serverless Technologies to Support Data Processing within the Open Learning and Research Systems
Figure 2: The result of the lambda-function processing the wave file.
ing computer science bachelors. The students were
trained to build cloud-based components on virtual
machines using AWS and Azure platforms. The
methodology of open learning and research platform
implementation proved to be useful.
The next step of the research was the creation
of the serverless hybrid cloud architecture to support
collaborative research with Kyiv Glushkov Institute
of Cybernetics of NAN of Ukraine. The script was
used for uploading and output of the sound signal os-
cillogram using Python programming language with
the library Matplotlib within the framework Flask.
The lambda-function was used to build the sound sig-
nal oscillogram and make the image (figure 2).
The serverless environment was used for the solv-
ing of tasks of wave rows analysis:
1. A Python-based Internet application tested on lo-
calhost using the Flask framework was created.
2. In the AWS console, a user account with nec-
essary permissions to protect future applications
was created. On this user account, an S3 bucket
and an EC2 server were created. On S3 the work-
ing folder with the script in Python (or another
working language for AWS Lambda might be
used) was upload.
3. To provide the processing, it was necessary to at-
tach one or more layers with the environment li-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
braries installed. The virtual environment with the
libraries was installed on the EC2 server. An ad-
ditional layer was formed from this environment.
Also, AWS Lambda may contain additional freely
distributable layers. They can also be included in
future applications.
4. The electronic table of available resources in the
YAML format was formed using CloudFormation
tool. The YAML script creates a separate role for
working with the future application.
4.1. Using the role, a Lambda-function was cre-
ated, its codes were downloaded from the zip
file created on the previous step in S3.
4.2. Using this role a Gateway API was created
allowing to call the Lambda-function from a
5. Debugging was fulfilled.
Using this sequence of steps the hybrid environ-
ment with lambda-function was created and tested.
Using the proposed architecture the problem of sound
signal processing was solved.
Pedagogically balanced and expedient introduction of
cloud technologies in the educational and research
process of higher education institutions, formation
and development of the learning and research envi-
ronment on this basis are factors of expanding ac-
cess to electronic educational resources, increasing
the effectiveness of ICT infrastructure. The use of
serverless technologies to provide cloud services of
data processing, visualization and retrieve is a rele-
vant and promising area of development and modern-
ization of the university open learning and research
This experience can be used for the development
of new cloud-based components for educational and
scientific purposes based on the proposed architecture
of the hybrid cloud-based environment with Lambda-
This approach still needs further implementation
and evaluation.
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