EdTech Landscape in Ukraine: Smart Education Future in Digital Age
Maryna V. Nehrey
1 a
, Larysa M. Zomchak
2 b
and Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem
3 c
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15 Heroyiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 1 Universytetska Str., Lviv, 79001, Ukraine
Ain Shams University, El-Khalyfa El-Mamoun Str., Abbasia, 11566, Cairo, Egypt
Digital Education, EdTech, Technological Innovation, Startup, Efficiency.
The digitalization of education is much slower than in other areas, due to the high cost of digital solutions
and their complex functionality. Recently, the situation is changing, and now education can get real benefits
from technology with simple software solutions. Analysis of the effectiveness of education has shown that the
countries of Europe and Central Asia have significant potential for the development of education. Technologies
used in education used in Tutoring, Language learning, MOOC, School Education (K-12), STEM & coding,
Robotics, Information platforms, for teachers, LMS (learning management system), IT Education, Upskilling,
Tools, and Talent. These technologies provide an opportunity to improve learning processes and increase
its efficiency. In 2020, the EdTech startup ecosystem of Ukraine has more than 80 startups that have been
used for education. SWOT-analysis indicate that the EdTech startup ecosystem is characterized by more
weaknesses and threats than strengths and opportunities. Ukrainian education has significant potential for
increasing efficiency and development.
The modern world is a world of technology, digital-
ization, and rapid change. The digitalization of educa-
tion is much slower than in other areas due to the high
cost of digital solutions and their complex functional-
ity. However, COVID-19 and the lockdown caused by
it significantly changed the situation in education (Na-
garaju et al., 2020; Polhun et al., 2021). The growth
rate of education digitalization during the pandemic
has only accelerated and education can benefit signif-
icantly from technology through simple software so-
lutions. All this contributes to the intensification of
cooperation between universities, business, and sci-
ence. Universities have a need for modern technolo-
gies that will promote effective communication be-
tween all participants in the educational process. Ac-
cordingly, the niche of digital solutions for education
and science has grown, to which business responds
by offering new products and services. The devel-
opment scenarios dictated by the pandemic include a
further increase in the share of online education in in-
vestment, audience reach, and the absolute number of
professionals employed in it.
EdTech research and digitization in education
have become widespread in recent years. Education
innovation in digital era is studied in (Abad-Segura
et al., 2020; Hashim, 2018; Haywood, 2018; Salem
and Voskoglou, 2020; Yuliati and Lelawati, 2019).
Some directions of use of innovative approaches in
education are covered in (Abdel-Basset et al., 2019;
Babenko et al., 2021; Dimitrov et al., 2019; Hariha-
rasudan and Kot, 2018; Pinchuk et al., 2020; Salem,
2019; Sousa et al., 2019; Syvyi et al., 2020; Tkachuk
et al., 2020; Volkova et al., 2019). Discussion on
the analysis of the impact of innovations on the ed-
ucational process is presented in (Kholiavko et al.,
2020; Kuzminska et al., 2020; Savchenko et al., 2018;
Vlasenko et al., 2021; Zhilenkova et al., 2019).
In recent years, educational services are increasingly
in demand. The concept of lifelong learning, which
is implemented through personal and corporate edu-
cation, has become widespread. In particular, compa-
nies understand that it is much cheaper to teach new
Nehrey, M., Zomchak, L. and Salem, A.
EdTech Landscape in Ukraine: Smart Education Future in Digital Age.
DOI: 10.5220/0010932500003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 2, pages 434-443
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
employees than to look for a specialist who has new
skills and knowledge. However, there are significant
differences in the effectiveness of education in differ-
ent countries. We evaluate the effectiveness of edu-
cation in different countries using Data Envelopment
Analysis (DEA).
According to the concept of Farrell‘s economic ef-
ficiency (Farrell, 1957), each set of resources (market
inputs) is characterized by a maximum of production,
and the actual values of market products represent the
degree of achievement of this maximum. Productions
that provide the maximum market output per unit of
market introduction, acquire the status of “standard”
and form a “productivity limit”. The task of the analy-
sis is to compare objects in terms of efficiency of their
resource base and determine the distance between the
enterprise and the “productivity limit”. To do this, the
following methods are used:
parametric involves the formation of the produc-
tion function for production standards by meth-
ods of mathematical statistics (construction of the
stochastic limit of production capacity; adjusted
least squares);
non-parametric determine the limits of produc-
tion capacity (maximum profitability in the mar-
ket) for any combination of resources (Data En-
velopment Analysis – DEA).
The data analysis model (DEA) was developed by
Michael Farrell in 1957. Farrell (Farrell, 1957) evalu-
ated the effectiveness of one unit of the final product
with one input and one output. The advantage of the
DEA method is that it allows you to define a remote
function for a multi-production system and does not
require specification of the type of production func-
tion or cost function (which is necessary when using
parametric methods).
The criteria of efficiency in the DEA methodology
are the achievement of the Pareto optimum (Pareto
et al., 2007), which is determined by the maximum
possible volume of production at the existing tech-
nological level and resource provision. The DEA
method allows: to determine the aggregate indicator
for each studied object in the framework of the use
of market inputs to market issues; take into account
environmental factors; not be limited to the func-
tional form of dependence between inputs and out-
puts; identify priority areas for productivity growth;
assess the necessary changes in market input/output
indicators, which would bring the object to the limit
of efficiency.
The first DEA model was developed by Charnes
et al. (Charnes et al., 1978) in 1978. Further develop-
ment of DEA-models is characterized by two-vector
in accordance with the influence of the scale of pro-
Formally, this algorithm involves solving the opti-
mization problem:
, (1)
, m 1, n, (2)
, v
, . . . , v
0, (3)
, u
, . . . , u
0, (4)
where e
is the efficiency of the researched enterprise;
n is the number of studied objects; r is the number
of objects included in the comparison range; s is the
number of objects that were selected for the latter af-
ter comparison; x
the value of the i-th market range
of the studied object; y
– the j-th market type of the
studied object; x
the i-th input factor of the m-th
object; y
the j-th output of the m-th object; v
the value of the range of different objects; u
is a sig-
nificant number of analyzed objects j.
The target function is aimed at proportionally in-
creasing the market outputs of the studied objects
to the limits of efficiency, a variant of this model is
called the output-oriented model.
3.1 Analysis of Education Efficiency
The evaluation of the effectiveness of education in
Europe and Central Asia by the DEA method, where
the input Expenditure on education, output GDP
per capita (figure 1).
The results of the analysis showed that effective
education (efficiency coefficient equal 1) in Greece,
Italy, Ireland, and Switzerland. Norway, France, Aus-
tria, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, and Iceland
are close to the efficiency curve. That is, European
countries, in general, have experience in the effective
expenditure on education. As for Ukraine, the expen-
diture on education is extremely inefficient, a simi-
lar situation in Georgia, the Russian Federation, and
Moldova (ie in the countries of the former USSR).
Employee education is the key to a company’s
success. That is why companies try to get highly ed-
ucated employees and maintain their qualifications at
EdTech Landscape in Ukraine: Smart Education Future in Digital Age
Figure 1: Data Envelopment Analysis of expenditure on education.
a high level. To assess the effectiveness of education
in Europe and Central Asia, built a model of DEA,
where inputs GDP per capita, Internet users (per 100
people), Expenditure on education as (% School-age
population, output Labor force with advanced ed-
ucation (% of the total labor force). The simulation
results are shown in the table 1.
DEA model analyzing efficiencies by VRS tech-
nology and input orientated efficiency. A number of
countries with efficiency equal 1 are 21 out of 44,
mean efficiency: 0.922.
The results show that efficiency is lower in those
countries that incur significant expenditures on edu-
cation. Conversely, countries with low spending on
education have shown high efficiency. For example,
Ukraine has an efficiency of 1, Labor force with ad-
vanced education – 72.15, GDP per capita - 3095.17,
Internet users (per 100 people) 89.74, Expenditure
on education 13.05, School-age population 3.9
million. Germany, the efficiency of which is 0.72, has
Labor force with advanced education 73.56, GDP
per capita 47603, Internet users (per 100 people)
71.13, Expenditure on education 11.04, School-age
population – 2.5 mln.
Analysis of education efficiency in different coun-
tries has shown that there is great potential for pro-
ductivity increases. Therefore, the implementation of
innovations in education is promising.
3.2 Investing in Educational Startups
Holon IQ is an international analytical agency
founded in 2018 (HolonIQ, 2018). Initially, the com-
pany invested in educational startups but switched to
market analysis to help more projects. According to
the Holon IQ estimates (figure 2), global education
venture capital funding in 2020 increased to $16.1 bil-
lion, which is more than twice that in 2019. Logically,
this is a direct consequence of the COVID-19 pan-
demic and the quarantine that forced everyone around
the world to go online. In the context of expected
changes in the structure of the labor market, EdTech
tools will continue to be in demand for the acquisition
of new skills and retraining of employees. Note that
China invests the most in educational programs, for
example, US funding is 2 times less than China, and
European funding is 10 times less (in total for the last
10 years).
Global EdTech started the last decade with $500m
of Venture Capital invested in 2010 and finished 32x
higher at $16.1B in 2020, nearly 2x the previous in-
vestment record in 2018.
If we talk about the structure of venture financ-
ing of educational projects, the largest share falls on
corporate education, slightly less on school, and only
16% on higher education (figure 3).
HolonIQ listed the 100 best EdTech companies in
Eastern Europe, where 11 projects from Ukraine are
included. The rating is based in:
companies market positions;
demand and quality of products;
financial stability;
attractiveness for investment;
development progress and dynamics;
project team.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Table 1: Data Envelopment Analysis of education effectiveness.
Efficiencies range Number of % Countries
0.7 E < 0.8 5 11.4 Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands,
United Kingdom
0.8 E < 0.9 10 22.7 Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Ireland,
Norway, Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
0.9 E < 1 8 18.2 Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy,
Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia
E = 1 21 47.7 Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Iceland,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova,
Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine
Figure 2: Global education venture capital funding, 2010–2020 in USD Billions (HolonIQ, 2021).
Ukrainian EdTech projects listed in the HolonIQ
Basenji Apps – applications for English learning;
EnglishDom – online school of English learning;
Enguide – service for choosing English courses in
Speechyard service for learning English by
Besmart preparation courses for final exams at
SkillUp – training courses for IT specialists;
Skyworker – service for finding IT vacancies;
Jooble – job search service;
Parta – educational portal;
Studway – media about education;
Vseosvita – service for continuing education.
As we can see, the most popular are services for
learning English. But there are nearly 80 digital ed-
ucation projects in the Ukrainian EdTech landscape.
EdTech Landscape map of Ukraine (figure 4) was pro-
posed by Vadym Synzheretskyi (CEO and co-founder
of BUKI online platform for tutors).
3.3 Ukraine EdTech Ecosystems
Synzheretskyi (Synzheretskyi, 2020) proposed to
cluster EdTech ecosystem of Ukraine in such a way:
Tutoring; Language learning; MOOC; School Edu-
cation (K-12); STEM & coding, Robotics; Informa-
tion platforms; For teachers; LMS (learning manage-
ment system); IT Education; Upskilling; Tools; Tal-
EdTech Landscape in Ukraine: Smart Education Future in Digital Age
Figure 3: EdTech Venture capital deals by Segment (HolonIQ, 2021).
ent. Let’s look at the examples from each group.
Preply (Preply, 2021) is an online educational
platform that connects tutors and teachers (from
185 countries) with students, locally or virtually via
Skype. In March 2020, the Ukrainian EdTech mar-
ketplace for the study of foreign languages Preply got
$ 10 million, almost twice the amount of all previ-
ous investments ($ 5.6 million). The service uses ma-
chine learning algorithms to match tutors. The com-
pany plans to launch new tools for teachers that will
help assess homework, monitor progress, and help
students more effectively. The company also plans
to develop a mobile application for Android and iOS.
EnglishDom (EnglishDom, 2021) is an online
English school and at the same time an IT company
that inspires to learn English through technology. The
company is one of the leaders in the field of EdTech
in Eastern Europe. The EnglishDom platform in-
cludes 5 innovative services for learning English, in-
cluding mobile applications and an interactive digital
textbook. The service unites more than 500 English
teachers and 50,000 users.
Prometheus (Prometheus, 2021) is a mass online
courses platform called “Ukrainian Coursera”. The
main goal of the project is to provide free online ac-
cess to university-level courses to anyone, as well as
to provide opportunities to publish and distribute such
courses to leading professors, universities, and com-
panies. Upon completion of the course, the student
receives a certificate signed by the best teachers of
Ukrainian universities. Today the platform has more
than 300 thousand active users. Prometheus has or-
ganized its free online in-service training courses for
educators in accordance with the requirements of the
Procedure for in-service training of pedagogical and
research and teaching staff. Prometheus online course
certificates for educators can be officially credited as
advanced training.
EdPro (EdPro, 2021) is one of the few Edtech so-
lutions for school education. This interactive panel
can replace several objects in the classroom at once
– a blackboard, a projector, an interactive screen, and
a computer. In such panels, teachers can show stu-
dents presentations, videos, graphics, or images dur-
ing lessons. Instead, students can solve learning tasks,
count, or edit texts right away. Along with the board,
they also developed an interactive software solution
for education with illustrations and animations. Ap-
parently, the next interesting area of EdTech will be
the use of augmented and virtual reality technologies.
The development of this area will lead to the fact that
students will increasingly move from passive to active
learning and will be able to interact in real-time with
educational material, which will stimulate their moti-
vation and increase the level of interest. This opens
up exciting prospects for teaching new generations.
Osvitoria (osvitoria.org, 2021) propose interest-
ing and up-to-date news about modern education and
stories on how to change the system of education in
any conditions and become a better version of your-
self every day. They create a user-friendly platform
for teachers and parents to help them find answers to
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 4: EdTech Landscape of Ukraine (Gritcyk, 2020).
their children’s education and upbringing and to in-
volve parents in the learning process. They try to
give teachers effective tools for communication, the
opportunity to learn about the best practices of teach-
ing abroad, the latest news on education reform.
In addition to quality analytics, there are many dif-
ferent selections, articles about the needs of students
and teachers with options for proposals that can be
done in a particular situation. Teachers can take great
advice to improve their work, and parents to im-
prove the well-being or performance of their children.
The educational project Na Urok (naurok.com.ua,
2021) aims to objectively cover the modern educa-
tional process and bring it to a qualitatively new level.
This became possible due to the implementation of
versatile and thorough work: writing informative ar-
ticles related to school and extracurricular life; con-
ducting thematic webinars; introduction of various
educational competitions; attracting the best develop-
ments in school subjects from teachers from all over
Ukraine. The project aims to help teachers feel their
own significance because each teacher in the project
EdTech Landscape in Ukraine: Smart Education Future in Digital Age
Table 2: Comparative study of the EdTech projects.
EdTech project Type Advantages Disadvantages
Preply Tutoring Reaching a large audience. Communication local or
The use of machine learning Skype. Absents of mobile
in management. applications.
EnglishDom Language Use innovative services and Lack of offline support.
learning mobile applications. Reaching
a large audience.
Prometheus MOOC Use mobile applications. The audience is limited to
Reaching a large audience. Ukrainian-speaking users.
EdPro School Use innovation technologies. High cost of the product
Education Good motivation for students.
Opportunities for different
Osvitoria. LMS A large amount of information Lack of mobile application
Media about various aspects of
the educational process
Na Urok Information A good motivational No mobile application.
platforms approach. Coverage of a large A small audience of parents
number of educational topics. and students.
eTutorium For A successful solution for Having strong competitors
teachers organizing online learning. with free solutions.
Great prospects for further
Mate academy IT Opportunities to expand Risks of non-payment for
Education the audience. Large set of training.
programming courses.
Grammarly Tools Ease of use. Wide audience of English spelling only.
users. Constant demand for
will be able to publish their own professional achieve-
ments or use the work of colleagues. The project is
set up to work closely with educators who want to
share their experiences on the Internet. The Na Urok
team makes a significant effort to ensure that teachers,
parents, and students can find the maximum amount
of useful theoretical and practical materials for the
school on the portal.
The eTutorium (eTutorium, 2021) project aims
to organize distance learning through the implemen-
tation of effective IT solutions. The project arose
in 2008 from attempts to create their own webinar
platform to conduct online events. After analyzing
the needs of the eLearning market, in 2010 the team
moved on to developing solutions for online tutors.
Today, the platform hosts between 3,200 and 5,000
webinars per month. In 2015, we launched the eTuto-
rium project, combining an updated platform for eTu-
torium Webinars and eTutor Academy – the Academy
of Tutors, where we share our experience and knowl-
edge in the field of online learning. In 2019, they cre-
ated eTutorium LMS a system of distance learning,
with which you can not only collect courses but also
fully organize the learning process online.
Mate academy (Mate academy, 2021) is an on-
line platform for learning programming and finding
your first job in IT. The training lasts 4-5 months
and takes place online. Now in the portfolio of Mate
academy courses includes Java, Front-end, Full Stack
Web, UI / UX Design. The peculiarity of the plat-
form is that students pay for their studies only in case
of employment, giving a percentage of the new salary.
During the existence of Mate academy, more than 200
students got jobs. In 2020 the company was planning
to open a business in new markets; They looked at the
country, where there is a great demand for engineers
and the road, for no worse than the knowledge. The
aim of the company in 2022 there were a number of
thousands of engineers in Ukraine and the English re-
gions – for example, Great Britain and India.
Grammarly (Grammarly, 2021) is one of the
most famous Ukrainian startups. This is a service for
checking written texts. It helps to correct grammati-
cal and stylistic errors. A free version is available, as
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Table 3: SWOT analysis on EdTech system.
Strengths Weakness
The government starts to implement digital The high cost of innovative technologies.
technology in education. Problems with finding financing.
There is a demand for digital education and The delayed effect of digital technologies
innovative technologies in education from both implementation can decrease the effect of its
business and private. realization.
Effective solutions that promise an increase in Unreadiness for change. The established habits
productivity of teachers and the lack of new skills and
Bureaucratic hurdles for starting a business.
Underdeveloped IT infrastructure
Lack of information on the effectiveness of
Opportunities Threats
Education is a big area with a lot of students and If the EdTech is not reliable enough and accessible
pupils, which can demand many EdTech projects. to attackers, the danger may arise for education.
The application of EdTech produces a lot of data The probability of different EdTech results in
that can be used for agriculture development. different conditions.
EdTech can significantly reduce the need for Access to data can increase inequalities, impede
teachers and administrated staff. competition, and create economic barriers.
well as Premium, which expands access to additional
features. The company’s head office is now located in
Silicon Valley, and the service was founded by three
Ukrainians. In 2019, it became known that the total
amount of investment in Grammarly is about $ 200
million (5 billion hryvnias). This funding has raised
the company’s total value to more than $ 1 billion. So
from now on the Ukrainian startup can be officially
called a “unicorn”. Grammarly services are now used
by millions of regular users around the world. We are
talking only about English-speaking users, the devel-
opers do not plan to expand the number of languages
for testing yet. As of 2020, 30 million people use
Grammarly services every day.
3.4 SWOT Analysis on EdTech System
of Ukraine
The key task of education in modern conditions is to
change, adapt to new conditions, and develop. The
analog world is becoming increasingly fragile, and
the digital world is becoming antifragile. COVID-19
not only posed threats to agriculture but also opened
up new opportunities, in particular in digitalization
and the introduction of innovative technologies. In
our opinion, education in Ukraine needs the introduc-
tion of a significant number of EdTech, which will
accelerate the development of education and increase
its efficiency. SWOT analysis of the EdTech startup
ecosystem is presented in table 3.
Nowadays education needs to improve and increase
efficiency. EdTech can become exactly the direction
that will promote the active development of educa-
tion, increase its accessibility and improve its quality.
Analysis of the effectiveness of education has shown
that the countries of Europe and Central Asia have
significant potential for the development of education.
The EdTech startup ecosystem is characterized by
more weaknesses and threats than strengths and op-
portunities. Ukrainian education has significant po-
tential for increasing efficiency and development. To
ensure the realization of this potential, it is necessary
to do the following:
increase government spending on education, in
particular on the development of innovative tech-
ensure access of EdTech to financing;
accelerate the process of digitalization of educa-
tion, in particular, to promote the spread of afford-
able ICT and introduce e-government;
increase the interest of non-governmental organi-
zations in the introduction of innovative technolo-
EdTech Landscape in Ukraine: Smart Education Future in Digital Age
gies in education;
create favorable conditions for the development of
EdTech ecosystems.
Further development of the EdTech startup
ecosystem can be a key solution for the development
not only in Ukraine but also around the world.
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EdTech Landscape in Ukraine: Smart Education Future in Digital Age