Web-based Support of a Higher School Teacher
Vitaliy V. Achkan
1 a
, Kateryna V. Vlasenko
2,3 b
, Iryna V. Lovianova
4 c
, Olha H. Rovenska
5 d
Iryna V. Sitak
6 e
, Olena O. Chumak
7 f
and Serhiy O. Semerikov
4,8,9,10 g
Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, 4 Shmidta Str., Berdyansk, 71100, Ukraine
Department of Mathematics, National University of “Kyiv Mohyla Academy”, 2 Hryhoriya Skovorody Str., Kyiv, 04655,
Technical University “Metinvest Polytechnic” LLC, 71A Sechenov Str., Mariupol, 87524, Ukraine
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54 Gagarin Ave., Kryvyi Rih, 50086, Ukraine
Donbass State Engineering Academy, 72 Academychna Str., Kramatorsk, 84313, Ukraine
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, 59A Tsentralnyi Ave., Severodonetsk, 93400, Ukraine
Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 14 Heroyv Nebesnoy Sotni Str., Kramatorsk, 84333,
Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, 9 M. Berlynskoho
Str., Kyiv, 04060, Ukraine
Kryvyi Rih National University, 11 Vitalii Matusevych Str., Kryvyi Rih, 50027, Ukraine
University of Educational Management, 52A Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine
Mathematics Teachers, Types of Activities, Web-Tools, a Personal E-Learning Environment Model.
The article looks into the issue of theoretical aspects of using Web 2.0 technology in higher education. This
paper describes the answers of 87 respondents who have helped to find out the types of activities that higher
school teaches carry out and determine such Web 2.0 tools that can make this activity full. The authors carry
out a theoretical analysis of researches and resources that consider the development of theoretical aspects of
using Web tools in higher education. The research presents the characteristics common to online courses,
principles of providing a functioning and physical placement of online systems in Web space. It is reasonable
to make a conclusion about the feasibility of promoting online courses, the aim of which is to get Mathematics
teachers acquainted with the technical capabilities of creating educational content developed using Web 2.0
With the emergence of Web education, scientists have
faced an important task which is to create a perspec-
tive new system of education. The use of teach-
ing aids in the educational process, based on using
Web 2.0 tools, has enabled it. Rosen and Nelson
(Rosen and Nelson, 2008) have stated that these tools
have a great potential for education providing a new
quality of students’ self–study.
Yadav and Patwardhan (Yadav and Patwardhan,
2016) have stated the actuality of Web 2.0 technology
during education, while analyzing an economically
profitable solution to the integration of their tools.
University Mathematics teachers are not an excep-
tion, since their professional activity comprises not
only teaching students, but also doing research, anal-
ysis, and statistical processing of the information, do-
ing calculations, publishing research papers, popular
science materials, presenting reports and materials,
communication and collaboration, etc. but, accord-
ing to (Bennett et al., 2012; Yadav and Patwardhan,
2016), teachers mostly are not familiar with social
media and other useful resources of Web 2.0. Livotov
(Livotov, 2015) has raised issues connected with the
pedagogical use of Web 2.0 technology. In the scien-
Achkan, V., Vlasenko, K., Lovianova, I., Rovenska, O., Sitak, I., Chumak, O. and Semerikov, S.
Web-based Support of a Higher School Teacher.
DOI: 10.5220/0010930500003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 2, pages 245-252
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tist’s opinion, despite all the barriers of involving such
services, Web-oriented education is a rapidly grow-
ing educational area. With the help of these services,
we can offer a bright educational environment cre-
ated with the use of different strategies and technolo-
gies of education. While making a selection of Web-
resources, every person has an opportunity to design
Personal Learning Environments (PLE) according to
their line of work. All things considered, master-
ing new resources and designing their PLE calls forth
timeliness of developing methods and ways to help
and support Mathematics teachers.
We have investigated the experience of scientists
who have contributed to the implementation of Web
technologies in higher education. Carrying out such
analysis we have studied recommendations by Kom-
pen et al. (Kompen et al., 2009) who point out the
importance of describing Web 2.0 tools and services
that may be chosen to collect and process the informa-
tion. Tautkevi
e and Dubosas (Tautkevi
e and
Dubosas, 2014) have emphasized the need to develop
such Web 2.0 tools that will encourage students’ de-
sire for publishing and sharing the knowledge created
by them.
Among studies on the methods for designing Per-
sonal Learning Environments, the ones focused on de-
signing PLE for schoolers and students prevail. Their
goal is e-learning, remote, or non-formal learning.
Thus, Kompen et al. (Kompen et al., 2019) drafted
general guidelines for the implementation and use of
the personal learning environment by students in a
formal format in higher education (University level).
Alharbi et al. (Alharbi et al., 2013) tried to allow
students to design their technologies of PLE, such
as blogs, websites, and Web 2.0 services. The re-
searchers offered a model for designing PLE, which
covers both traditional formal (in Universities), and
informal (private) academic learning.
Shaikh and Khoja (Shaikh and Khoja, 2012) em-
phasize the necessity to study the role, which a
teacher plays in the learning process. The researchers
outline the competencies, necessary for teachers who
help students plan or design Personal Learning En-
vironments. Couros (Couros, 2006) holds the same
opinion and states that a teacher can provide online
learning better if they designed their PLE model.
Building a teacher’s PLE model requires under-
standing the essence of the term Personal Learning
Environments. There are different approaches to de-
termine it given in (Attwell, 2007; Drexler, 2010; van
Harmelen, 2006; Kompen et al., 2019; Segura and
Quintero, 2010; Shaikh and Khoja, 2012), but there
is no general definition of the term PLE.
The authors of this article will follow a definition,
suggested by Kompen et al. (Kompen et al., 2019),
who consider PLE to be a set of Web-technologies
having a different level of integration and which help
users manage the flows of information on education,
knowledge creation, and skills development. Such an
approach, according to Perikos et al. (Perikos et al.,
2015) will help to identify the most suitable tools to
create content for PLE. Moreover, scholars firmly be-
lieve, that such research will contribute to the devel-
opment of educational online courses on how to use
Web 2.0 tools. Following the conclusions made by
scientists, we can see the use of such an approach to
develop online courses with the purpose to prepare
higher school Mathematics teachers. Relevance and
timeliness of the issue to design PLE for Mathematics
teachers was discussed during the International Con-
ference on Sustainable Future: Environmental, Tech-
nological, Social and Economic Matters (ICSF 2020)
(Vlasenko et al., 2020b), the participants of which
concluded the necessity to develop and implement on-
line support for Mathematics teachers in designing
According to the research conducted by Vlasenko
et al. (Vlasenko et al., 2020a), first of all, designing
PLE requires finding out the types of activities that
the teacher carries out, and, secondly, determination
of those Web 2.0 tools that can make this activity full.
This article is aimed at the presentation of a
Mathematics teacher’s PLE model and description of
Web 2.0 tools that support the teacher during their ac-
Applying deductive content analysis of research pa-
pers (Couros, 2006; Kadle, 2010; Morrison, 2013;
Quinn, 2009), the authors of the present paper con-
cluded the necessity to structure PLE of University
Mathematics teachers, based on the types of their ac-
tivities. When singling out the types of such activi-
ties, the authors also took into consideration the sur-
vey results. The survey, which had 16 questions, was
designed with the help of an open online service and
uploaded to the platform “Higher school Mathematics
teacher” (Vlasenko, 2019).
87 respondents were involved in the survey, of
which 70% have more than 15 years of experience in
higher education. 56.5% of respondents hold the po-
sition of associate professor, and 30.4% professor.
At the same time, 87% of respondents have a doctoral
The questions were aimed at defining the aware-
ness level of the academic staff about using Web-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
resources for various types of teaching activity
(Vlasenko and Chumak, 2020):
1) arranging the learning process;
2) searching for information;
3) doing research, analysis, and statistical processing
of the information;
4) doing the calculation;
5) publishing research papers;
6) publishing popular science materials;
7) designing presentations;
8) collaborating and communicating;
9) saving data.
We analyzed the data from the Web-resources
Statcounter (gs.statcounter.com, 2020), Free Maths
The Geek Page (thegeekpage.com, 2019), Top
Tools for Personal & Professional Learning
(www.toptools4learning.com, 2020), Emergin-
gEdTech (Walsh, 2014), the blog eLearning industry
(Pappas, 2013), where ranking of Web-tools takes
place according to their demand, popularity, and
spreading. This data allowed us to create a PLE
model for higher school Mathematics teachers
(figure 1) (Vlasenko et al., 2020a).
We offer a short review of Web 2.0 tools that can
support the teacher’s activities.
Arranging the learning process. Prometheus
(courses.prometheus.org.ua, 2021), Coursera
(www.coursera.org, 2021), edX (www.edx.org,
2021), LinkedIn Learning (www.linkedin.com,
2021), Khan Academy (khanacademy.org, 2021) help
a teacher to choose the courses that will encourage
the improvement of teaching subjects. The teacher
can take such courses to enlarge their experience
and get knowledge and skills that do not concern
teaching. Moreover, they can recommend some
courses to their students to ensure mixed learning of
the subject. It is also important that choosing and
taking most courses will encourage the improvement
of teacher’s training in a different language.
Searching for information. Google Search, Ya-
hoo!, Yandex will help a teacher to find the necessary
information to write a scientific article or prepare for
the lesson. The teacher can find and select for ac-
quaintance and analysis some modern scientific arti-
cles on different subjects in peer-reviewed European
and American online journals using, for instance, the
service Google Scholar. The fact that search is sup-
ported in documents of different formats allows the
teacher to learn how to work with such formats as
PDF, RTF, PostScript, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Ex-
cel, Microsoft PowerPoint. Also, for instance, Google
Maps allows the teacher to find the locations neces-
sary for work. Editing these locations enables the cre-
ation of interactive tasks for students.
Doing research, analysis, and statistical pro-
cessing of the information. The teacher will be glad
to software and cloud calculations for carrying out re-
searches, analysis and statistical information process-
ing. A full set of business and scientific graphics of
software STADIA, MS Excel will allow the Mathe-
matics teacher to visualize the results of solving prob-
lems by graphic illustrations. Using MATLAB the
teacher can organize the visualization of research data
through building 3D graphics and the creation of ani-
mated videos and demonstrate them to students while
teaching a subject. More than 250 statistical functions
of the pack STATISTICA the teacher can use to carry
out statistical research of any complexity to show the
results of their scientific researches. Using SYSTAT
and QtiPlot the teacher can represent analytical infor-
mation of reports in form of graphics, conduct para-
metric and non-parametric data analysis. Also, the
teacher can offer this software to students to carry
out statistical information processing in course and
diploma projects.
Doing the calculation. The systems of computer
Mathematics MATLAB, Maple, MathCAD and on-
line calculators Math Editor, Cantor, KAlgebra allow
optimizing the solution of many mathematical prob-
lems. Mathematics teachers’ use of these programs
in their professional activities allow using a complex
mathematical machine without learning algorithms at
the professional level, in particular, while training
specialists in engineering, and during the implemen-
tation of a project method while learning Mathemat-
ics (Bobyliev and Vihrova, 2021). Modern systems
of computer Mathematics that are equipped with text
editors allow teachers to use them while preparing sci-
entific publications.
Publishing popular scientific materials. The
presentation of your achievements is the most com-
mon type of activity among Internet users all over the
world. The teacher can post video lessons, video lec-
tures, practical classes using the platforms YouTube,
and TED Talks. Teachers can popularize their expe-
rience having a personal blog on Blogger, in Google
applications or mathematical pages on Instagram.
Publishing research papers. Using Open Sci-
ence in Ukraine (openscience.in.ua, 2021) helps the
teacher, would-be scientist, postgraduate students,
and Master students to find sites with the list of
specialized editions of Ukraine and Ukrainian edi-
tions that are indexed in Scopus and Web of Sci-
ence. If the teacher has publications in the edi-
tions that are indexed in Scopus and Web of Sci-
Web-based Support of a Higher School Teacher
Figure 1: PLE model of University Mathematics teachers.
ence, then the registration in the world database Sco-
pus (www.scopus.com, 2021) and database Publons
(publons.com, 2021) will allow the teacher to get a
h-index in Scopus and h-index in Web of Science,
accordingly. Being registered in Google Scholar the
teacher can monitor the citation of their publications
in the editions of another level. Having a personal
identifier ORCID iD (orcid.org, 2021) the teacher
identifies himself / herself as a scientist and author
of researches. The identifier ORCID iD guarantees
the scientist: correct citation of their articles, the pos-
sibility to publish articles in prestigious international
scientific editions, possibility to form a personal rat-
ing in Ukrainian scientific citation index, a possibility
to take part in international ratings, a possibility to
apply for grants.
Designing presentations. The teacher’s learning
of at least one of the programs PowerPoint, Keynote,
Google Slides, Prezi, Quick Slide Show, Zoho Show,
Google Presentation to work out stream presentations
will allow supporting a speech with a presentation to
visualize materials of a lecture or a practical class.
The presentation and its demonstration to students es-
pecially during online education encourage a more ef-
ficient understanding of the material presented by the
Collaboration. Learning such tools as CoCalc,
Google Drive, Evernote, OneNote, Blackboard Col-
laborate, Wikipedia will allow the teacher to cre-
ate notes, have an event calendar, discuss new ideas
with colleagues, use possibilities of common docu-
ment editing by several users, organize communica-
tion with students (Popel et al., 2017).
Communication. Services of online communica-
tion such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yammer, e-
mail, Skype are better in the teacher’s communication
with colleagues and students. Using the service Zoom
will allow the teacher to hold classes in form of video
conferences and online meetings with colleagues and
students. Using WhatsApp allows users an immediate
exchange of text messages via voice and video con-
Storing data. Services Microsoft HDInsight,
Skydrive, Google Drive, Dropbox will help the
teacher to organize efficiently data storing. The use
of these services enables the teacher to store files in
the cloud, synchronize on several devices, easily ex-
change big files, and cooperate using them with col-
leagues and students.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Creating a selection of Web-tools that support the
teacher’s activities we considered the respondents’
answers to the survey questions.
From the offered types of activities of a higher
school teacher’s PLE model, the respondents consider
the organization of learning activities the most im-
portant (78.3% of respondents). The second place
is given to such types of activities as carrying out
researches, analysis, and statistical information pro-
cessing, and publication of scientific materials. Co-
operation is in the third place (60.9%), and the fourth
is given to communication (52.2%).
Let’s show the division of teachers’ opinions re-
garding the use of Web-tools according to the types
of their activities.
To the question: what tools for the organization of
learning activities do you use most often the respon-
dent in 80.4% of cases answered Moodle, the plat-
form Coursera took the second place 23.9% (fig-
ure 2).
Figure 2: Tools for the organization of learning activities.
Google is most often used during the searching ac-
tivities – 89.1% (figure 3).
Figure 3: Tools for searching activities.
In order to carry out research, analysis, and sta-
tistical information processing respondents use differ-
ent software, in particular, 87% choose QtiPlot, Sta-
tistica, StatGraphics, SYSTAT, MS Excel, STADIA;
21.7% mainly use online-calculators (figure 4).
Figure 4: Tools to carry out research, analysis, and statisti-
cal information processing.
In order to carry out calculations, 73.9% of re-
spondents use different software such as MathCad,
Maple, MATLAB, Cantor, KAlgebra, Mathomatic,
Scilab, Maxima, Octave, FreeCAD, PythonCAD,
QCAD, Varkon, Linuxcad, Varicad, Cycas, Tomcad,
Thancad, Fandango, Lignumcad (figure 5).
Figure 5: Calculation tools.
More than half of respondents don’t use any tools
for publishing scientific–popular materials; others
prefer YouTube (21.7%) (figure 6).
95.7% of the participants publish scientific articles
in specialized publications, 80.4% publish in publica-
tions indexed in Scopus and Web of Science; 89.1%
of the respondents participate in conferences and pub-
lish theses (figure 7).
80% of the teachers choose PowerPoint among the
tools to create presentations of speeches and materi-
als, only 31.1% of the participants search for its alter-
Figure 6: Tools for publishing scientific-popular materials.
Web-based Support of a Higher School Teacher
Figure 7: Publication level for publishing scientific articles.
natives (figure 8). 67.4% of the teachers use Google
Docs for cooperation, notes, common work over the
documents (figure 9). 93.5% of the surveyed teachers
use email for communication, 89.3 % of respondents
use communication tools messages WhatsApp, Viber
80.4% of respondents use Facebook (figure 10).
Figure 8: Tools for creating presentations.
Figure 9: Tools for cooperation organization.
Google Drive is popular for storing data among
the majority of respondents (84.8%) (figure 11).
Thus, this survey has shown that university Math-
ematics teachers are not knowledgeable enough in us-
ing PLE tools for different types of activities. In most
cases, teachers use the same means for years. It is
also proved by the fact that 39.1% of the respondents
agreed to take a test according to the program “Survey
of Adult Skills” (PIAAC, 2019) that assesses adults’
knowledge in key skills of processing information, in
particular, the use of their skills at home, at work and
in public (figure 12).
The survey shows that university Mathematics
teachers require support in using PLE tools for dif-
Figure 10: Communication tools.
Figure 11: Tools for storing data.
ferent types of activities.
Identifying the activities of University Mathematics
teachers, the researchers in this study also consider
the opinions of Shaikh and Khoja (Shaikh and Khoja,
2012), who believe that the teacher’s professional ac-
tivity is so various, as it comprises a lot of roles, for
instance, Instructive Role, Cognitive Role, Designing
Role, Planning Role, Social Role, Managerial Role.
Analyzing the results of (Yadav and Patwardhan,
2016; Bennett et al., 2012; Perikos et al., 2015), as
well as responses of Ukrainian University Mathemat-
ics teachers, the authors of this paper concluded the
deficient level of awareness of Ukrainian University
Mathematics teachers about Web 2.0 tools usage.
Taking into account the conclusions of the
e and Dubosas, 2014; Scherer Bassani
and Ferrari Barbosa, 2018) about the limited involve-
ment of Web 2.0 tools by teachers, we completely
agree with Alhassan (Alhassan, 2017) that teachers’
acquaintance with the involvement of technical tools
to create educational content for its integration to
pages of online courses has to be carried out grad-
ually. The research by Yadav and Patwardhan (Ya-
dav and Patwardhan, 2016) has proved our idea about
the necessity to carry out a theoretical analysis of the
technical capabilities of Web 2.0 technology, the use
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 12: Teachers’ distribution according to their agree-
ment to take a PIAAC test (in%).
of which can interest teachers.
Ranking Web 2.0 services and their distribution
following the types of activities carried out by a Math-
ematics teacher ensures the development of a useful
personal environment that will enable the teacher to
use different learning strategies and technologies dur-
ing students’ training. Searching for a solution to this
problem, Perikos et al. (Perikos et al., 2015) proposed
developing online courses for non-formal teachers’
education. The idea of developing online courses
aligns with the conclusions by Lovianova et al. (Lo-
vianova et al., 2020) that studied the matter of devel-
oping online courses.
The analysis of the resources and research papers sup-
ported the assumption, made by the authors of the
present study concerning the necessity to use a wide
range of Web 2.0 tools for carrying out various types
of activities by teachers and students. Relevance and
timeliness of designing a PLE model of a Univer-
sity Mathematics teacher result from specificities of
a Mathematics teacher’s professional activities, and
from the necessity to constantly improve their ability
to use new resources.
Using deductive content analysis and taking into
consideration the results of the survey, conducted
among the Ukrainian teachers made it possible to
identify the types of activities carried out by a Uni-
versity Mathematics teacher. With the help of the in-
ductive content analysis method, the authors of the
present paper processed the data on ranking Web-
tools by demand, popularity, and prevalence. The re-
spondents’ answers to the survey questions and iden-
tifying awareness of Ukrainian teachers about the use
of Web-resources for each type of activity became de-
termining in designing a PLE model.
The authors of the present study are concerned
that the solution to this problem lies in developing
an online course for University Mathematics teach-
ers to show them the advantages of using a personal
e-learning environment and methods for designing it.
The course can also be used by Master students ma-
joring in Mathematics and all those who are interested
in designing a personal e-learning environment.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology