Features of the Use of Software and Hardware of the Educational Process
in the Conditions of Blended Learning
Dmitriy O. Bukreiev
1 a
, Alona V. Chorna
1 b
, Iryna M. Serdiuk
1 c
and Vladimir N. Soloviev
2 d
Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 20 Hetmanska Str., Melitopol, 72300, Ukraine
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54 Gagarin Ave., Kryvyi Rih, 50086, Ukraine
Blended Learning, Complex, Innovations, Informatization, Quality of Education.
The paper reveals the results of a study of the feasibility of using software and hardware for the educational pro-
cess in a blended learning environment in secondary, higher and vocational education. The author conducted
an analysis of domestic and international research on distance learning (distance learning needs, requirements
for distance learning platforms, experience in implementing distance and blended learning). In the course of
the research, the author revealed the standard composition of modern software and hardware of the educa-
tional process in the conditions of blended learning and analyzed the market of Ukraine for the availability of
ready-made complexes of the company. Recommendations for approaches to teaching in each age group of
students and approaches to choosing a complex for implementation in a mixed and distance learning environ-
ment, taking into account the individual needs of each educational institution or educational organization. The
research is theoretical in nature and designed to create a basis for further research in a given vector.
2020 was a year of testing in all areas of human activ-
ity, a year of renewal and strengthening the level of in-
formatization of these areas (Fedorenko et al., 2019).
The reason was the global pandemic of the COVID-
19 virus (Semerikov et al., 2020), which served as
a catalyst for the informatization of life. Speaking
about the general informatization and problems of
COVID-19, we can emphasize that the greatest im-
pact was suffered by such areas of human activity
as: education, medicine and industry. As part of our
study, we will focus on identifying the problem of the
education sector, as well as methods for solving them
in full or partial quarantine.
Having conducted a preliminary analysis of the
problem, we can already emphasize the significant
tendency to increase the number of scientific papers
that focused their research on the development and
implementation of adaptive testing systems for stu-
dents, the use of automated learning systems and de-
velopment of quality learning environments (Osad-
cha et al., 2020; Pererva et al., 2020; Vlasenko et al.,
2020b). However, we can emphasize that the devel-
opment of such systems significantly improves the
worldview of people in the study of theoretical or in-
formational courses, but not in the context of teaching
higher education students or high school students in
subjects that require physical, creative or group work.
We can say that the learning process, especially in
secondary and vocational education requires closer
contact with the teacher and creating conditions for
full immersion in the educational process, which is
the task of our study: to analyze the specific learning
needs in blended learning and determine the appro-
priateness of the selected set techniques for creating a
blended learning environment in secondary and voca-
tional education.
The first stage of the work was the analysis of
current research in a particular area. The leading
tasks for the analysis were determined: in-depth anal-
ysis of modern needs of distance and blended learn-
ing processes; analysis of the experience of using
the means of creating a quality educational process
in terms of distance and blended learning. Defining
these tasks for analysis, we expected to get a com-
prehensive and comprehensive vision of distance and
blended learning and ways to solve it, as well as ana-
lyze the world and domestic experience of using tools
Bukreiev, D., Chorna, A., Serdiuk, I. and Soloviev, V.
Features of the Use of Software and Hardware of the Educational Process in the Conditions of Blended Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0010930400003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 2, pages 236-244
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to create a quality learning process in distance and
blended learning.
Bobyliev and Vihrova (Bobyliev and Vihrova,
2021), Bondarenko et al. (Bondarenko et al.,
2018), Gonchar (Gonchar, 2012), Osadchyi (Osad-
chyi, 2019), Osadchyi and Varina (Osadchyi and Va-
rina, 2020), Tkachuk et al. (Tkachuk et al., 2020),
Valko and Osadchyi (Valko and Osadchyi, 2020) fo-
cused on determining the fundamental foundations
of development and conducting distance or blended
learning. Important in the study was the analysis of
works on the experience of developing and conduct-
ing training during blended learning in general quar-
antine, among these works, important in our study
were noted works (Kruglyk et al., 2020; Lisachenko
et al., 2020; Tkachuk et al., 2020). Exploring the
world experience of using tools to create a quality
learning process in distance and blended learning, we
can note the works (Bliuc et al., 2012; O’Connor
et al., 2011), in which scientists have described in
detail the issues of blended learning, its problems
and needs. Comas-Quinn (Comas-Quinn, 2011) an-
alyzed in his work the experience of teachers in a
blended course using the means of synchronous and
asynchronous communication. Kirkley and Kirkley
(Kirkley and Kirkley, 2005) conducted a detailed
analysis of the processes of creating a mixed learn-
ing environment using mixed reality, video games and
modeling the results of production processes.
After the analysis, it was decided to check the fea-
sibility of use and develop recommendations for the
use of the complex identified in the study.
An important point in creating a system of learning in
distance and blended learning is the motivating factor.
In the modern psychological and pedagogical litera-
ture, the following elements of the motivating factor
are allocated: creation of the accurate target instal-
lation; an indication of the need for action to study
specific course topics and for professional activities;
selection of educational content in accordance with
the cognitive interests of students; providing profes-
sional orientation of this content; ensuring the optimal
level of requirements for each course. To activate the
cognitive processes of attention, perception, thinking,
there are a number of other requirements: to pro-
vide educational information with a high enough re-
dundancy; use technical teaching aids; use computer
technology; take into account the possibility of direct
control of perception; take into account the emotional
factor. According to scientists, the essence of cre-
ative psychological and pedagogical technology is a
creative approach to solving the problem of pedagog-
ical process, during which the interests and values of
the individual are one of the dominant components
of the organization and content of educational ac-
tivities (Gonchar, 2012; Osadchyi and Varina, 2020;
Lisachenko et al., 2020; Bliuc et al., 2012; Kirkley
and Kirkley, 2005; Bukreiev, 2020; Vlasenko et al.,
2020a). That is, we can say that creative psycholog-
ical and pedagogical technology actually speaks of a
paradigm shift in vocational education, where it will
be necessary not to solve ready-made didactic tasks,
but to generate, initiate, creatively formulate ideas,
plans. In order to solve this problem, there is a need
to analyze the existing software and hardware of the
educational process in terms of blended learning and
the development of methodological complexes for its
According to the current epidemiological situa-
tion, the needs of educational institutions and the
problems of blended learning, we can note that in gen-
eral the optimal performance of the blended learning
class can be represented in the form of such a struc-
ture (figure 1).
The need of educational institutions in partial or
complete quarantine leads to full or partial transfer
of the educational process to the Internet, which in
turn reduces the level of involvement, motivation and
concentration of students in the educational process.
The reason for this trend is, first of all, a decrease in
the level of perception of information and a change in
the classroom environment to a relaxing home atmo-
sphere. To solve this problem, it is advisable to turn
to the works of Kruglyk et al. (Kruglyk et al., 2020),
Osadchyi and Varina (Osadchyi and Varina, 2020),
Valko and Osadchyi (Valko and Osadchyi, 2020), who
emphasized the need to create conditions for quality
and in-depth communication between teacher and stu-
dent in a blended learning environment. Kruglyk et al.
(Kruglyk et al., 2020) conducted an experimental test
of the implementation of the remote communication
platform Discord and according to the results of the
experiment stressed the significant positive trend of
improving the quality of students’ knowledge, after
the introduction of a new platform for remote commu-
nication active synchronous communication, group
work and individualized consultation with the teacher.
Analyzing the results of the experiment, we can em-
Features of the Use of Software and Hardware of the Educational Process in the Conditions of Blended Learning
Figure 1: Class model of an interactive lesson in the conditions of blended learning.
phasize that creating conditions for partial immersion
of students in the initial process in distance education,
by creating virtual classrooms, significantly increases
the quality of information perception, by interacting
with almost all organs of student information percep-
tion. Thus, the need to create conditions for expand-
ing the reality of the educational process in terms of
blended and distance learning is confirmed.
To create conditions for expanding the reality of
the educational process in mixed and distance learn-
ing, between full-time and distance students, we ana-
lyzed the modern software and hardware of the educa-
tional process in mixed learning and the possibility of
its implementation in the educational process. First of
all, we analyzed the experience of conducting classes
in quarantine on the basis of various educational or-
ganizations. It is worth noting three main approaches
that were analyzed during the study, namely: full dis-
tance education on the basis of Bogdan Khmelnitsky
Melitopol State Pedagogical University, mixed form
of education on the basis of schools in Melitopol,
full-time education on the basis of robotics class for
students primary school and direct education of pri-
mary school students. In terms of age gradation, only
within the study, we can conditionally divide students
into three groups, respectively: junior students (full-
time), middle school (mixed form of education) and
senior students (distance learning). Accordingly, this
distribution is quite logical and determined by current
trends and experience of teachers, which we observed
during 2019-2020 during the quarantine caused by
Having divided into groups of levels of education
and age category, we can determine the main needs of
each group, and analyze the experience of their satis-
The first group was selected to conduct an analysis
of younger students, due to the low level of changes
that have been introduced into the educational process
after the introduction of global quarantine. We can
note that the main problem was and remains the low
level of ability of primary school students to concen-
trate on the learning process, the need for constant ac-
tive interaction and the use of game approaches. The
current measures to increase the level of concentration
are the use of animation and game interaction of stu-
dents with the object of study. By solving this prob-
lem, we can note the special information and peda-
gogical tools of the New Ukrainian School. Based on
the analyzed experience, we can note the active intro-
duction into the educational process: interactive pan-
els, electronic tablets, projectors with the ability to re-
motely control and combine into a single network and
other means of game learning. Teachers, through the
use of visualization technologies and interaction of
the student with the object of study, create conditions
for full deepening and concentration of the student’s
attention in learning, allowing the disclosure of all
cognitive styles of the student through comprehensive
interaction. In this case, the teacher acts as a moder-
ator of the game and a judge on the quality of its per-
formance, students act as players or observers, which
significantly increases their concentration on learning
and motivation to participate in the “learning game”.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
If we analyze the experience of robotics classes, we
can note a number of specific needs caused by the pe-
culiarities of the club, to them we can note the need
for mobility (conducting classes on the basis of var-
ious educational institutions) and the availability of
low-load mobile software to solve problems of insuf-
ficient capabilities of computers on the basis of small
schools in the city. The solution to this problem may
be to use a set of software and hardware, which con-
sists of: a set of mobile computer tools (laptops or
tablets) with software installed on them for robotics,
sets of constructors for robots and means of display-
ing information (multimedia panel with fixed mobile
rack or projector with screen).
The second group focuses its work on creating
conditions for expanding the reality of students in
blended learning. The reason for the problem is the
practice of Ukrainian schools to conduct classes in
the format of dividing the group into two parts that
gradually replace each other. Summarizing the model
of the lesson of this group, it is expedient to display
it as a model of a spiral of two rays, in which the
rays are constantly changing their position. This cre-
ates the conditions for reducing the number of stu-
dents who are in the classroom at the same time and
conducting classes for half of the students in a dis-
tance format. Each week the groups change places
and the process moves from full-time and distance
learning formats to general blended learning. This
approach is highly appropriate in terms of maintain-
ing the health of children, but imposes a significant
reduction in the level of concentration of students in
the learning process, which leads to a decrease in the
level of knowledge of students in general. In order
to solve this problem, we analyzed the possibilities of
modern software and hardware in combination with
the experience of Ukrainian schools. According to
the analysis, we can emphasize the insufficient level
of elaboration of a particular issue and the lack of a
clear solution to the problem. One of the leading rea-
sons, in our opinion, is the low level of motivation
of students to learn. Constant work at home creates
conditions for reducing the concentration of students,
which leads to a complete lack of motivation and fa-
tigue from tasks. To address the root cause, there is a
need to fully modernize learning and create a compre-
hensive learning platform. In our opinion, it is advis-
able to use the means of augmenting reality and the
introduction of a single face-to-face learning space,
which is achieved through the use of: a single infor-
mation platform with educational and methodologi-
cal complex, permanent webcams for students study-
ing at home, the introduction of constant intensifica-
tion of their work over group projects with students in
the classroom. This approach significantly activates
the cognitive processes of students and requires them
to fully concentrate in order to achieve positive re-
sults of the group. However, the problem of a certain
approach is a significant increase in the role of the
teacher during classes, students will be able to fully
unleash their potential only if the quality of devel-
opment of teaching materials. In our opinion, teach-
ing materials for blended learning should be based on
three main postulates: dynamism, ease of understand-
ing and group interaction. Thus, the software and
hardware component of training must meet the con-
ditions of dynamic visualization of information and
the possibility of active interaction with it (the use of
dynamic 3D models, learning animations, the ability
to add and change control factors, etc.), examples of
such existing initial software can be considered such
programs as: ActivInspire, ClassFlow, mozaBook and
As part of the work of the third group, we can
note a significant change in the format of the edu-
cational process with the transfer of the entire edu-
cational process to distance learning. This approach
fully protects students from the possibility of further
spread of the virus, but creates significant problems
for the quality of education. The cause of these prob-
lems is the complete isolation of students from teach-
ers, which creates conditions for emotional isolation
of students, which leads to a complete or partial re-
duction in the level of concentration of students in the
learning process. To a large extent, these processes
are based on the insufficient level of development of
students’ self-awareness and their motivation for the
process of acquiring knowledge. Unfortunately, we
can say that there is no possibility of a complete solu-
tion to the problem due to the large age of students,
while the process of self-awareness should develop
from an early age, however, analyzing the experience
of classes at the Department of Informatics and Cy-
bernetics Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Peda-
gogical University, we can emphasize the existence
of a number of methods to improve the quality of
knowledge and motivation of students to learn. In our
opinion, the priority is to create conditions for qual-
ity and open communication between teacher and stu-
dents during training and the possibility of simultane-
ous work (virtual classroom, platform or server) with
a large number of information flows (desktop of each
student), so in work (Kruglyk et al., 2020) reveals the
features of the Discord platform implemented on the
basis of the above mentioned department. Based on
the results of the study, we can note that the main
need for distance work is to create conditions for syn-
chronous communication using a single database of
Features of the Use of Software and Hardware of the Educational Process in the Conditions of Blended Learning
teaching materials (for example, the site of distance
learning https://dfn.mdpu.org.ua), the availability of
remote assessment and the ability to dynamically dis-
play the results of work. To increase the level of in-
formation visualization, it is advisable to use broad-
casts of 3D models and examples of problem solving
during lectures. For this purpose, on the basis of the
Department of Informatics and Cybernetics, a multi-
media panel with the mozaBook application installed
on it was used, from which the broadcast for all stu-
dents of the study group took place. The task of the
teacher in terms of distance learning is the function
of the developer of educational and methodological
support and the lecturer during lectures. The main
problem is the need to develop standardized tasks that
would be interesting for “strong” students and with a
sufficient level of complexity for “weak” students. It
is important to take into account the cognitive styles
of different groups of students, to create conditions
for high-quality perception of information by all stu-
dents and to solve problems in different ways. A sep-
arate problem is the problem of low level of techni-
cal support of students and problems with the Internet
(Kruglyk et al., 2020). The solution to the problem is
the use of the teacher, in the educational process em-
bedded learning servers with the ability to teach learn-
ing materials for asynchronous interaction and per-
form or test tasks at a convenient time for the student
and teacher. However, as we emphasized the need for
synchronous interaction between teacher and student
to improve the level of information perception and
interaction with the cognitive styles of each student.
This in turn creates a contradiction between the syn-
chronous and asynchronous approach to learning. To
resolve this contradiction, there is a need to combine
both approaches and their parallel implementation in
the educational process. This decision increases the
requirements for the teacher in terms of psychologi-
cal and pedagogical training, development of univer-
sal methodological complexes and the introduction of
innovative pedagogical tools in the educational pro-
cess. An additional problem is the need to determine
the cognitive characteristics of students and adjust the
learning process in accordance with the results of this
definition, which has been studied by Sender (Sender,
Therefore, summing up the requirements of all ap-
proaches to learning in a mixed distance learning en-
vironment, we can say a partial or complete exclu-
sion of methods and means of face-to-face interac-
tion, in order to reduce the possibility of infection
with the virus. The methodical work of the teacher
should be focused on the issues of psychological and
pedagogical preparation for the educational process,
development of universal methodical complexes and
introduction of innovative pedagogical means in the
educational process. When trying to determine the
form of the general complex of software and hardware
of the educational process in the conditions of mixed
learning, it includes: means of information visual-
ization (physical board in combination with a web-
cam, multimedia board, projector), means of training
and control unit (laptop, computer computer, tablet,
training server), means and methods of synchroniza-
tion of the educational process (online testing, use
of the general training server, screen demonstration),
platform of synchronous and asynchronous commu-
nication (Discord, Zoom, Google Meet and others),
educational and methodical complexes, training pro-
grams with Internet access (distance learning site, Ac-
tivInspire, ClassFlow, mozaBook and others). We can
note that a certain set of software and hardware in
different combinations of the composition in general
solves the problem in the study. We have developed
models of three sets of software and hardware for
each of the approaches studied in the work. Each of
their complexes aims to create conditions for a quality
learning process in a blended learning environment,
but each of them has a unique and narrow link of use
and should be selected according to the unique needs
of each type of educational activity.
Thus, the interactive multimedia complex for the
younger group, which includes an interactive panel,
laptop, webcam and training software, allows you
to easily perform the lecture load in a distance and
blended learning environment. However, determining
the needs of professional education, which are noted
in (Gonchar, 2012; Malchenko et al., 2021; Tkachuk,
2018; Valko and Osadchyi, 2020), the defined com-
plex does not fully realize the possibilities of mobil-
ity and creative immersion in the educational process
by the students themselves, which in turn significantly
reduces the possibilities of its use. The use of a cer-
tain complex will require the teacher to develop more
in-depth methodological materials in order to solve
a certain problem, create conditions for group work
and artificially expand the worldview of students dur-
ing their studies. However, such a complex provides
the minimum necessary functions that fully meet the
needs of the younger group of students.
Interactive multimedia complex for the middle
group, which includes an interactive panel, laptop,
webcam, document camera, 4G modem, unlimited
internet and training software. We can emphasize
the high level of capabilities in the vector of classes
in mixed or remote mode, provided that there is a
static laboratory or office for classes. The presence
of 4G Internet units and two types of cameras, create
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
conditions for partial immersion in the learning pro-
cess, the student has the impression of actual presence
in the classroom as close as possible to real events,
which fully meets the needs of vocational education
and solves the main problems of blended and distance
learning, indicated in (Bliuc et al., 2012; O’Connor
et al., 2011). Therefore, we can emphasize the fea-
sibility of using a certain complex during the edu-
cational process of secondary, higher and vocational
education in blended and distance learning. The in-
troduction of a certain complex in higher education
institutions in order to intensify learning, by increas-
ing the level of visualization and direct immersion in
the work process is a productive and promising area.
We believe that the implementation of the complex
will increase the level of motivation of students to
learn and intensify their educational activities, which
in turn will confirm the positive impact of reality on
the quality of students’ knowledge while studying in
distance and blended learning.
Interactive multimedia complex for blended learn-
ing for the senior group, which includes an interac-
tive panel, a stand on wheels, means of remote in-
put of information, a virtual classroom, a separate op-
erating system, means of screen demonstration. In
a certain complex, we have the opportunity to note
the high level of mobility and technical capabilities.
A modern multimedia panel in combination with a
computer module will create the conditions of a high-
tech mobile learning station without the need for the
physical presence of some participants in the learn-
ing process in a static audience. This, in turn, ex-
pands the opportunities for teachers and students and
creates conditions for field trips, classes in conditions
of constant partial lack of information, classes in the
format of electives, after classes, training groups and
more. This in turn will expand the age range of stu-
dents and the range of approaches to learning, which
is especially important for institutions of higher and
non-formal education.
However, along with the problem of insufficient
software and hardware base of modern educational
institutions in Ukraine, there is a problem of insuf-
ficient funding. In this regard, we analyzed the most
common ready-made complexes for blended learning,
in order to determine the possibilities of solving the
main problem of research through their use, which
are freely distributed in Ukraine. The analysis high-
lighted that Promethean and EdPro are the leading
companies. Thus, we marked the four most optimal
educational complexes:
1. Interactive multimedia complex for blended learn-
ing 5 in 1 Promethean: interactive panel, laptop,
webcam, ActivInspire, ClassFlow (96936 UAH)
(figure 2).
2. Interactive multimedia complex for blended learn-
ing 7 in 1 4G Promethean: interactive panel, lap-
top, webcam, document camera, 4G modem and
unlimited internet, ActivInspire, ClassFlow (UAH
170,000) (figure 3).
3. Kit for blended learning 7 in 1 Mobile
Promethean (UAH 175,000) (figure 4).
4. Interactive panel EdPro ETP65L52568 (UAH
132,444): Screen 65 4K, 20 Touch, Intel®
i5 8gen, 256 GB SSD, 8 GB RAM, stand on
wheels, wireless combo keyboard, MozaBook
Classroom, Windows 10 Pro UKR, Note & Con-
nect & ScreenShare Pro (figure 5).
We emphasize that the complexes were developed
by companies with the aim of maximum standardiza-
tion, which can significantly affect the quality of ed-
ucation in each area of education. However, we can
emphasize the expediency of using these complexes
in the conditions of mixed and distance learning, only
if the individual needs of each educational institution
or educational organization are taken into account in
advance. This creates a need for further study of a
particular problem, in order to generalize a single pro-
ductive complex within each of these approaches to
learning in blended and distance learning.
According to the results of the study, we can say
that the analysis of scientific sources in combina-
tion with the subsequent analysis of the capabilities
identified in the work of interactive multimedia sys-
tems for blended learning gave us the opportunity
to say that all identified systems are appropriate for
implementation in the learning process training tak-
ing into account the individual needs of each edu-
cational institution or educational organization. As
part of the study, students were divided into 3 con-
ditional groups: junior students (full-time), middle
school (mixed form of education) and senior students
(distance learning) and developed recommendations
and described the experience of learning in each of
the identified groups. Then the standard structure of
the software and hardware complex necessary for cre-
ation of conditions of qualitative training was ana-
lyzed and complexes for each of the certain groups
were developed. In our opinion, the use of such com-
plexes in higher education institutions in order to in-
tensify learning will significantly improve the quality
of students’ knowledge through visualization and di-
rect immersion in the work process. We believe that
Features of the Use of Software and Hardware of the Educational Process in the Conditions of Blended Learning
Figure 2: Interactive multimedia complex for blended learning 5 in 1 Promethean.
Figure 3: Interactive multimedia complex for blended learning 7 in 1 4G Promethean.
Figure 4: Kit for blended learning 7 in 1 Mobile Prometheang.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 5: Interactive panel EdPro ETP65L52568.
the implementation of the complex will increase the
level of motivation of students and intensify their edu-
cational activities, which in turn will confirm the posi-
tive impact of augmented reality on the quality of stu-
dents’ knowledge during distance and blended learn-
ing. However, in the future a detailed study of the
specific needs of each branch of education is needed
in order to determine the optimal use of the analyzed
complexes or the development of a new complex in
order to maximize learning productivity. Thus, a sys-
tem of full immersion of students in the educational
process will be created and all the needs of educa-
tors will be covered to create a quality educational
environment in the conditions of long-term blended
or distance learning.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology