The Problem of the Limitations of the Educational Model Experiment on
Population Genetics and Its Solution
Elena V. Komarova
1 a
and Arnold E. Kiv
2 b
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, 14 Aleksandra Nevskogo Str., Kaliningrad, 236041, Russia
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O.B. 653, Beer Sheva, 8410501, Israel
Population Genetics, Repeatability of the Experiment, Massiveness of the Experiment, Ideal Population,
Hardy-Weinberg’s Law.
The difficulty of conducting an educational model experiment on population genetics is in meeting the re-
quirements of mass and replication. The evolution of a model experiment to study the Hardy-Weinberg law
according to the methods proposed by the authors is considered from the use of material models and man-
ual counting of alleles and genotypes to the transition to automatic random distribution of elements of the
genotypic structure of the population and automatic calculation of the resulting indicators. The technique of
fully automated modeling of the genetic structure of the population allows to increase the size of the model
sample by orders of magnitude. When using the technique in group work of students, it becomes possible to
demonstrate the essence and differences of technical and biological replication as requirements for organizing
a biological experiment. The technique is currently developed to work only with very large ideal populations.
The academic subject “Biology” is a didactically
adapted system of scientific biological knowledge. In
the natural sciences, and biology is undoubtedly one
of them, experiment is one of the main methods of
research (Nechypurenko et al., 2021). This is what
makes it possible, on the basis of the various factual
material obtained, to make broad generalizations, to
proceed to the establishment of connections, patterns
that allow deeper penetration into the essence of the
phenomena under study. Much has already been said
about the experiment in biological science, about its
types, methods, requirements for organization, limi-
tations and difficulties of application. A huge number
of scientific works are devoted to the history of the
experimental method in biology. However, we were
and are interested at the moment in the experimental
method from the point of view of the possibilities of
its use in biological education. In addition, narrow-
ing down the subject area of interest to us, it is worth
noting that the model experiment occupies a special
place in high school. This allows you to create models
of real objects and prototype the processes that occur
with them in reality. In previous works, the authors
has covered some aspects of this issue (Komarova and
Azaryan, 2018; Komarova and Starova, 2020).
Modern course of biology in high school is based
on the fundamental theoretical generalizations of ba-
sic biological science scientific theories and laws.
Fundamental genetic laws, classically studied by high
school students, are laws of heredity of Mendel.
Given the trends of development of modern biolog-
ical sciences, namely, the development of theoretical
biology, the main issues which are problems of ge-
netics, ecology, evolution, law of genetic equilibrium
concentrations (the law of Hardy-Weinberg) is con-
sidered as a fundamental law, the disclosure of which
to high school students is aimed at understanding by
them of the mechanism of evolution in general. This
law reveals the regularities of functioning of living at
the population – species level, including time frames.
Students’ mastering of the patterns of popula-
tion genetics and associated evolutionary theory is
one of the most complex issues in biology course
in high school. Studies (Hammersmith and Mertens,
1990; Mertens, 1992; Moore, 1994; Maret and Riss-
ing, 1998; Mukhopadhyay et al., 2014; Pongsophon
et al., 2007) confirm this.
We have conducted a survey among 52 high
school students to ascertain their level of knowledge
Komarova, E. and Kiv, A.
The Problem of the Limitations of the Educational Model Experiment on Population Genetics and Its Solution.
DOI: 10.5220/0010923700003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 1, pages 272-286
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
about the essence of law of genetic equilibrium con-
centrations, its value for the understanding of the fac-
tors and directions of the evolutionary process.
The tasks were as following:
1. Specify the mathematical equation of the law of
Hardy–Weinberg (multiple answers are allowed):
(a) p +q = 1;
(b) (p + q)
= 1;
(c) p
+ 2pq + q
= 1;
(d) p
+ pq + q
= 1;
(e) p +2pq + q = 1.
2. Specify an equation describing the genotypic
structure of the population (multiple answers are
allowed): (see the answers to the assignment 1).
3. Specify the equation describing allelic population
structure: (see answers to the assignment 1).
4. What are the conditions of validity of the law of
equilibrium gene concentrations. Students were
asked to solve three problems for the application
of the law of equilibrium of gene concentrations.
The results of the survey are presented in fig-
ures 1–3.
Conditions of validity of the law, according to the
student, were as following: population sizes are large
29% of respondents, mating occurs at random
24%, new mutations do not occur 18%, all geno-
types are equally fertile 12%, generations do not
overlap 12%, there is no exchange of genes with
other populations 18%, the genes are in the auto-
somes and not in sex chromosomes - 18%, individuals
of different genotypes are equally viable – 12%.
The obtained results allow to formulate the fol-
lowing conclusions: students insufficiently under-
stood the description of the essence of the law of
Hardy-Weinberg with two equations, namely, the def-
inition of allelic and genotype structure of the popu-
lation; the students are confused about variables in-
cluded in the equations; knowledge about the condi-
tions of the law is fragmentary. None of the respon-
dents began to address two of the proposed problems,
three of the respondents solved the third task incor-
The results of the survey suggest the presence of
formalism in high school students’ knowledge about
the law of genetic equilibrium concentrations. For-
mal approach to training lies in the mechanical mem-
orization of educational material without enough un-
derstanding of its content. The low level of develop-
ment of knowledge about the law of genetic equilib-
rium concentrations is one of the reasons for the dif-
ficulties of the students in understanding of the evo-
lutionary content for the understanding of population
genetics and population human genetics in particular.
Simulation, particularly computer simulation is
one of the most effective training methods for demon-
strating to students of the essence of complex biologi-
cal processes, including genetic and evolutionary pro-
cesses in natural populations.
In the process of studying the topic of the dis-
play of experimental method at the level of school
biological education, transformation of ideas about
how it is possible to implement the experimentation
with complex biological systems, including those in-
accessible to the student for direct study, we initially
started out from the following. An educational bi-
ological experiment should maximally meet the re-
quirements that are put forward for scientific biologi-
cal experimentation. These, in particular, are the reli-
ability in essence, the rule of single difference, repli-
cation, mass nature. From the mid-XXth century, a
lot of attention has been paid to the organization of a
school biological experiment, moreover to its various
types, differing both in the object of research (botan-
ical, zoological, physiological tests, functional tests,
etc.), and in the form of carrying out under the con-
ditions of school laboratory, class (demonstrational,
laboratorial, mental) (Binas et al., 1990; Voronin and
Mash, 1983; Shamrai and Zadorozhnyi, 2003; Frolov,
2007; Brunovt et al., 1973; Bazykin, 1988; Borodin,
1987; Bulaeva, 1977; Sidorova, 2009). Regardless of
the type and form of carrying out, all various types
of educational biological experiment must meet the
abovementioned requirements in order that the results
obtained were maximum consistent.
The biggest difficulties in the educational process
are caused by the observance of such requirements as
replication and mass nature. In other words, to en-
sure the veracity of results, the educational experi-
ment should be conducted several times using a suffi-
ciently large number of objects.
It is difficult to implement both the first and the
second condition in the educational process due to the
following reasons:
firstly, the temporal limitations of the educational
secondly, due to the inaccessibility of objects for
study in the required quantity;
thirdly, in the principle of inaccessibility of some
objects and processes for direct study, primarily
due to their objective specificity: either too small
(organic molecules, cells, viral particles), or too
large (populations).
Let’s turn our attention to these reasons, possible
ways of their elimination.
The Problem of the Limitations of the Educational Model Experiment on Population Genetics and Its Solution
We have conducted a survey among 52 high school students to ascertain their level of knowledge about the
essence of law of genetic equilibrium concentrations, its value for the understanding of the factors and directions of the
evolutionary process.
The tasks were as following:
1. Specify the mathematical equation of the law of HardyWeinberg (multiple answers are allowed):
A) p + q = 1;
B) (p + q)
= 1;
C) p2 + 2pq + q
= 1;
D) p2 + pq + q
= 1;
E) p + 2pq + q = 1.
2. Specify an equation describing the genotypic structure of the population (multiple answers are allowed): (see
the answers to the assignment 1).
3. Specify the equation describing allelic population structure: (see answers to the assignment 1).
4. What are the conditions of validity of the law of equilibrium gene concentrations. Students were asked to
solve three problems for the application of the law of equilibrium of gene concentrations.
The results of the survey are presented in Fig. 13.
Fig. 1. The results of the response to the first task
Fig. 2. The results of the response to the second task
Fig. 3. The results of the response to the third task
Figure 1: The results of the response to the first task.
We have conducted a survey among 52 high school students to ascertain their level of knowledge about the
essence of law of genetic equilibrium concentrations, its value for the understanding of the factors and directions of the
evolutionary process.
The tasks were as following:
1. Specify the mathematical equation of the law of HardyWeinberg (multiple answers are allowed):
A) p + q = 1;
B) (p + q)
= 1;
C) p2 + 2pq + q
= 1;
D) p2 + pq + q
= 1;
E) p + 2pq + q = 1.
2. Specify an equation describing the genotypic structure of the population (multiple answers are allowed): (see
the answers to the assignment 1).
3. Specify the equation describing allelic population structure: (see answers to the assignment 1).
4. What are the conditions of validity of the law of equilibrium gene concentrations. Students were asked to
solve three problems for the application of the law of equilibrium of gene concentrations.
The results of the survey are presented in Fig. 13.
Fig. 1. The results of the response to the first task
Fig. 2. The results of the response to the second task
Fig. 3. The results of the response to the third task
Figure 2: The results of the response to the second task.
Analysis of scientific literature in regards to the
experimentation in biology showed that since the end
of the 1980s, one of the actively discussed problems
became the problem of pseudoreplication in ecolog-
ical and biological research. In the classical varia-
tion, from the moment of publication of the first pa-
per on this topic, pseudoreplication was considered
as a negative experimental practice (Hurlbert, 1984).
Even now, one of the criteria by which reviewers eval-
uate the submitted paper for a journal indexed in the
authoritative international scientometric Scopus and
Web of Science databases is the true and pseudorepli-
cation of the experiments conducted (Brygadyrenko,
2017). Please note that at the moment the scien-
tific community is still not so categorical in regards
to pseudoreplication of experimental research. Dis-
cussions are being conducted on the issue of reality
and contrivedness of the problem (Rosenberg, 2019;
Kozlov and Hulbert, 2006; Rosenberg and Gelashvili,
We proceed from the assumption that the biol-
ogy teaching methods cannot stay on the sidelines of
the problems actively discussed in biological science.
Moreover, this question lies in the plane of the science
methodology. The mastery of methodological knowl-
edge and the ability to apply them is the basis for the
formation of a system of biological knowledge for se-
nior high school students. The author’s early works
were devoted to this question (Komarova, 2017). So,
we consider the question of to what extent in school
experimentation in biology it is necessary to take into
account the requirements that S. Hurlbert identified
as the problem of pseudoreplication of experimental
research in science, as definitively solvable in the di-
rection of their observance. At the same time, given
that the educational subject still differs from the ba-
sic science in that it is a didactically adapted version
of it, it is necessary to achieve a double effect in or-
ganization of a school biological experiment. The
first effect is that the results of the educational ex-
periment should be maximum consistent, obtained by
true replication. The second effect is that the use of
true replication should be maximum ergonomical. Er-
gonomic in time, cost and complexity.
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the
capabilities of a school model experiment in studying
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
We have conducted a survey among 52 high school students to ascertain their level of knowledge about the
essence of law of genetic equilibrium concentrations, its value for the understanding of the factors and directions of the
evolutionary process.
The tasks were as following:
1. Specify the mathematical equation of the law of HardyWeinberg (multiple answers are allowed):
A) p + q = 1;
B) (p + q)
= 1;
C) p2 + 2pq + q
= 1;
D) p2 + pq + q
= 1;
E) p + 2pq + q = 1.
2. Specify an equation describing the genotypic structure of the population (multiple answers are allowed): (see
the answers to the assignment 1).
3. Specify the equation describing allelic population structure: (see answers to the assignment 1).
4. What are the conditions of validity of the law of equilibrium gene concentrations. Students were asked to
solve three problems for the application of the law of equilibrium of gene concentrations.
The results of the survey are presented in Fig. 13.
Fig. 1. The results of the response to the first task
Fig. 2. The results of the response to the second task
Fig. 3. The results of the response to the third task
Figure 3: The results of the response to the third task.
the genetic structure of populations over time while
meeting the requirements of technical and biological
replication. Or, in another way, consider the possi-
bilities of solving the problem of the limitations of an
educational model experiment for the study of genetic
evolutionary processes in populations.
We consider it logical to state the essence of the de-
clared problem in the sequence of answers to the fol-
lowing questions: what is the essence of replication
in biological research? What is the essence of pseu-
doreplication in biological research, what is the his-
tory of the problem? How to ensure true replication
in a model experiment by studying complex ideal and
real biological objects in school biology (by the ex-
ample of genetic structure of the population)?
Main issue. Why should we conduct at school a
model experiment in study of the genetic structure of
the population?
Study of the issue of model experimentation with
the genetic structure of the population during 2015-
2020 convinced us that its goal is the obtention by the
students of a direct subject and mediated activity re-
sult. Subject result – 1) mastery of the essence of the
law of genetic balance and the conditions under which
it is consistent; 2) understanding of the mechanism
of influence of evolutionary factors, such as natural
selection, gene drift, gene flow, mutation process on
the genetic structure of the population; understanding
of the mechanisms forming the basis of micro- and
macroevolutionary processes. The fundamental sig-
nificance of the law of genetic equilibrium (Hardy-
Weinberg) is that it is the central law of population
genetics, it is based on the application of statistical
methods in genetics (Dodge, 2008).
Before developing a methodology for a model ex-
periment to study the genetic structure of a popula-
tion, we posed two auxiliary questions:
1. Is it necessary to conduct a model experiment
when studying the law of genetic equilibrium and
the conditions for its consistency?
2. Can a model experiment be replaced with other
educational methods?
The answer to the first question is: no, not neces-
sarily. It is possible to limit to the demonstration of
the multimedia presentation and video on this topic.
The answer to the second question is: yes, it is
possible. An alternative is familiarization with the-
oretical material on a printed basis about the factors
of change in the genetic structure of a population,
overlearning of Hardy-Weinberg equations, teaching
of the solution of problems on determination of the
genetic structure of a population.
The answers to both questions demonstrate that
in the alternative version, at the best, only one result
will be achieved – a subject one. Without performing
experimental actions, it is extremely difficult to form
such elements of methodological knowledge as a vari-
ant of experience, replication, sampling. In addition,
it has to be considered that the law of genetic equilib-
rium is a law, the substantial part of which consists of
abstract categories not attached to a specific biologi-
cal object (abstract homozygotes and heterozygotes,
dominant and recessive alleles, conditions for the ve-
racity of the law). And the law itself is applicable to
some really non-existent ideal object, or, conversely,
is not applicable to any really existing object (real
The abovementioned reasons are the answer for us
to the main question, namely:
1) model experimentation contributes to the mastery
by the students of abstract biological categories on
concrete material objects;
The Problem of the Limitations of the Educational Model Experiment on Population Genetics and Its Solution
2) allows to visualize the processes in an ideal popu-
lation non-existent in reality;
3) allows to simulate the changes taking place in real
populations over several generations. Thus, for
educational purposes, the time frame of the actu-
ally occurring processes is condensed;
4) allows to vary the replications and variants of the
experiment with minimal material costs;
5) allows to teach true replicates (replications) of the
experimental impact;
6) allows to artificially quickly change the conditions
(factors) affecting the population, including acting
stochastically (Pavlotsky and Suslin, 1994).
What is the essence of replication in biological re-
A person possessing a basic level of biological
knowledge within the scope of the school curriculum
of complete secondary education, the term “replica-
tion” is known as a process related to the molecu-
lar level of organization of a living being. In the
English-language scientific biological literature, the
term “replication” is used not only in the meaning of
the synthesis of new nucleotide sequences, but also in
the meaning of the replicate of experimental attempts.
In other words, the principle of replication in experi-
ment is the well-known principle of replication. The
last term is more widely used in domestic scientific
Replication in biological research can be technical
and biological (Starmer, 2017).
Technical replicates give us these things:
1. They give us an accurate measurement they give
this particular object.
2. If we want to tell more about this object or we
do not want to generalize the data and transfer it
to the population - a technical experiment is what
we need.
3. They will also tell us how accurately we per-
formed the measurements.
4. “If we wanted to publish a paper about how awe-
some our new method is, we’d use technical repli-
cates” (Starmer, 2017).
5. If the experimental technique is transformed, dif-
ferent samples are taken simultaneously from one
object, then technical replication will also take
place, since they tell us about an individual.
In the biological replicates each measurement
comes from different sample that comes from differ-
ent objects.
Biological replicates give us these things:
1. Biological replicates tell us about a trait that oc-
curs in a group. In biological replicates, each
measurement comes from different samples or is
obtained differently from one object.
2. You can mix biological and technical replicates,
but the wisdom of doing this depends on the type
of the experiment. Sometimes you get more bang
for your buck if you add more biological repli-
cates and ignore technical replicates.
So, the difference between technical and biolog-
ical replication is as follows: technical replicates
are just repetition of the same experiment on the
same person.
3. Biological replicates use different biological
sources of samples (i.e. different people, different
plants, and different cell lines) (Starmer, 2017).
When choosing the type of replication of a biolog-
ical experiment, it is necessary to proceed from the
purpose in view. If it is planned to describe a specific
object, whether it be an individual, a population, or
to research a method, it is necessary to use technical
replication. If the goal is to study a group of objects,
it is necessary to choose biological replication.
What is the history of the problem of pseudorepli-
cation in biological research?
The problem of pseudoreplication was raised for
the first time in 1984 by S. Hurlbert, who published
a critical analysis of 156 experimental scientific pa-
pers in English-language editions published in 1960–
1980s. He came to the conclusion that in 27% of
cases there was one of two variants: 1) the experi-
mental influence was applied in one replication; 2)
the experimental replications were not statistically in-
dependent. Such errors were called pseudoreplication
by S. Hurlbert. M. Kozlov notes that in Russian aca-
demic journals in 1998-2001 the part of papers based
on pseudoreplication turned out to be twice as high
(47%) than in the English-language periodicals for
1960-1980, i.e. before the publication of S. Hurlbert’s
paper. This situation was considered as non-normal,
at the same time it was pointed out that the reason for
the pseudoreplication lies not only in errors in exper-
iment planning, but also in the incorrect application
of statistical analysis to the results of a well-planned
experiment (Kozlov, 2003).
After the publication of S. Hurlbert’s paper in
1984 during the period from 1987 to 2001, accord-
ing to M. Kozlov: 1) the term “pseudoreplication”
firmly came into the ecological scientific lexicon of
foreign authors, the problem of pseudoreplication in
foreign ecological studies is actively discussed; 2) the
number of foreign publications based on pseudorepli-
cation began to decrease.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Back in 2003, M. Kozlov paid attention to the
fact that the concept of pseudoreplication is com-
pletely unknown to the overwhelming majority of
Russian ecologists. In addition, the author empha-
sized that S. Hurlbert’s work was never cited in
Russian-language periodicals, against the background
of more than 2000 references (2015 references as of
2001) in English-language publications. M. Kozlov
repeatedly published his works on standing up for
the position that the problem of pseudoreplication is
a problem of the world scientific community, which
should be treated with all possible seriousness (Ko-
zlov and Hulbert, 2006; Kozlov, 2003).
The English term “pseudoreplication” does not
have a direct analogue in Russian, since it primarily
denotes a process an erroneous choice of replicates
for assessment of intragroup variability in statistical
analysis (Hurlbert, 1984; Kozlov and Hulbert, 2006).
In this regard, direct translation of terminology is dif-
ficult enough; the authors provide English equivalents
of key concepts. “In medical experiments, where they
are designated to as “spurious replication”, “trial in-
flation”, or “the unit of analysis problem or error”
(Whiting-O’Keefe et al., 1984; Andersen, 1990; Alt-
man, Bland, 1997). Although the concept of “pseu-
doreplication”, which is most adequately translated
as “statistical analysis based on pseudoreplication”,
is not found in all works listed above, and we do not
agree with all the conclusions of the indicated authors,
all the cited studies are united by a serious approach
to the problem” (Kozlov and Hulbert, 2006).
Is pseudoreplication as scary as it might seem?
In Russian-language sources, the attitude to the
problem specified by S. Hurlbert and supported by
M. Kozlov can be characterized as far-fetched and al-
ready well-known and studied (V. Nalimov, A. Lyu-
bishchev, A. Bakanov, N. Plokhinskiy, T. Golikova).
The Russian-speaking authors agree that there are two
indisputable theses in the ideas of S. Hurlbert:
1) “it is not always correctly to extend the conclu-
sions, obtained in the study of private samplings,
to the entire general population;
2) assessment of the degree of factor influence may
turn out to be erroneous if the studied effect is
not properly localized, and the compared data
are taken from insufficiently randomized sources”
(Rosenberg and Gelashvili, 2008).
The conducted analysis of literary sources (Rein-
hart, 2015; Davies and Gray, 2015; Tatarnikov, 2005;
V. Veli
c, 2007; Hurlbert, 2004; Oksanen, 2004;
Heffner et al., 1996) on the problem allowed us to sin-
gle out the “pros” and “cons” of the consideration of
the problem of pseudoreplication as significant for bi-
ological research. The analysis results are presented
in table 1.
So, how to ensure replication in a model experi-
ment on population genetics? How to overcome the
limitations of the educational model experiment and
comply with the conditions for obtaining reliable re-
3.1 The Results of the Theoretical Stage
of the Study
The development of a model experiment methodol-
ogy aimed at the study of the essence of genetic-
evolutionary changes in the population by students,
and its improvement during 2015–2020, was carried
out by us in a staged manner. This was dictated by
the objective and subjective difficulties of implemen-
tation of a model experiment into teaching practice.
At the first stage, we used only material models of
gene alleles, created models of genotypes in a manual
way, and, respectively, models of parental and daugh-
ter populations in generations. Mathematical calcula-
tions were performed without the use of a computer,
the participants in the experiment manually calculated
the frequencies of genotypes and alleles in popula-
tions, and presented the results obtained in the graph-
ical representation.
At the second stage, we combined material mod-
elling and use of the computer. Work with material
models consisted of carrying out of the experiment it-
self, creation of a model of the parental population
in manual way, and combination of the gene alle-
les at random (this is how panmixia was simulated).
The participants entered the results of the experiments
into a table on the developed web pages. With the
help of a computer, the obtained frequencies of alle-
les and genotypes were automatically calculated. In
automatic mode, the results of the experiment were
optionally presented in the graphical representation.
We have developed a web page for entering,
processing and presenting graphical view of mod-
elling results of genetic and evolutionary processes
in ideal populations, which are not influenced by
the factors of changing its genetic structure (ac-
cording to the law of Hardy-Weinberg) http:// (Model ex-
periment 1. Study of the genetic structure of the ideal
population) and
index.html (Model experiment 1. Study of the genetic
structure of the ideal population (second option)), as
well as web pages to make for entering the results of
The Problem of the Limitations of the Educational Model Experiment on Population Genetics and Its Solution
Table 1: Pseudoreplication – a real problem in biological research.
“Pro” arguments “Con” arguments
1. Each object in the sampling is a func-
tional part of the whole, and not a
separate element of a set. In a num-
ber of studies, the results and con-
clusions obtained for discrete objects
apply to the entire population, which
does not correspond to one of the
requirements for biological experi-
mentation – consistency in essence.
2. During the experiment, there is a
multiple determination of reaction of
the same organism in the course of
sampled counts. As an alternative,
the same sampling is studied in dif-
ferent time intervals. In this case,
living objects (their populations) are
3. Two main problems of pseudorepli-
cation is an insufficient mass nature
of experimental objects and their ini-
tial incomparability with each other.
In the first case, the researcher re-
ceives insufficient data for the con-
sistent statistical result. In the sec-
ond case, the problem has an ob-
jective causality due to the initial
uniqueness of living objects.
1. Each object in the sampling is discrete and individual.
2. Factors acting independently on the sampling, act on a set of
separate biological objects, and not on an integral object. The
specificity of a biological experiment lies in the uniqueness of
the objects and, in certain cases, in the impossibility of repeating
the experiment in an accurate manner.
3. Living objects react to the actions of factors independently on a
physical level, and thus they are statistically independent. In a
majority of research variants, living objects are true replications.
4. The specificity of living objects in their uniqueness and origi-
nality. Some ecological research involves study of the reactions
of individuals or parts to the impact. In a number of studies, it is
not possible to repeat a unique biological object, whether it be
an individual or a population.
5. The problem of pseudoreplication is artificial, since technical
and biological replication is distinguished in biology. The at-
tempt to apply the goals and requirements of technical replica-
tion to biological is a prime cause of the issue of pseudoreplica-
tion in biological experiments.
6. According to one of the points of view, the attention of English-
speaking authors to the problem of pseudoreplication is ex-
plained by several reasons:
the desire to join the campaign of criticism and to incriminate
colleagues in pseudoreplication;
the attempt to divert the stigma of pseudoreplication from
their work and the work of colleagues;
as a warning signal to the reviewer that the author is ac-
quainted with the work of S. Hurlbert, therefore there should
be no comments on the paper (Rosenberg, 2019).
modelling of genetic and evolutionary processes in
populations, which are influenced by the factors of
changing its genetic structure
mod/exp3/en/index.html (Model experiment 2. Study
of the genetic structure of the population under the in-
fluence of natural selection),
mod/exp4/en/index.html (Model experiment 3. Mod-
elling the effect of gene flow on the genetic structure
of the population),
en/index.html (Model experiment 4. Modelling the
effect of random processes on the genetic structure of
the population, modelling the drift of genes).
The system for on-line processing of modeling re-
sults developed in 2015 can be used only if the num-
ber of model individuals in the population is insignif-
icant in the model experiment. The population size is
limited by the objective possibility of creating a cor-
responding number of chip patterns of the alleles of a
gene. Optimum number of chips 100. In this case,
the number of individuals is equal to 50. One can take
more or fewer objects. In the first case, the choice will
be associated with the growth of material costs for the
manufacture of model elements. In the second case,
the calculated values (allele frequency) will be signif-
icantly deviate from the pre-selected frequencies, and
the level of statistical significance of the obtained re-
sults will decrease.
Stages of modelling of the genetic structure of
populations are as following:
1. Modelling of the genetic structure of an ideal pop-
ulation with the use of material objects. Entry of
simulation results into a table on web pages http:// or http:
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Modelling of the genetic structure of an ideal pop-
ulation can be done using the possibilities of any of
the two web pages. The difference between them lies
in the methods of processing of the experimental re-
sults, namely in the methods of calculating the fre-
quencies of genes. In the first variant, the gene fre-
quencies are calculated automatically by the method
of extracting of the square roots of the frequencies
of the homozygotes AA and AA. In the second vari-
ant the gene frequencies are automatically calculated
according to the formulas: p = (D + 0.5H)/N, q =
(R + 0.5H)/N, where p frequency of dominant al-
lele, q – frequency of recessive allele, D – number of
dominant homozygotes, R number of recessive ho-
mozygotes, H number of heterozygotes, N total
number of members of the population. Both meth-
ods allow us to formulate the main conclusion, that
in ideal populations, the ratio of frequencies of genes
and genotypes remain constant from generation to
generation, and the sum of their frequencies is equal
to 1.
2. Modelling of population genetic structure, which
is influenced by factors of change in its genetic
structure natural selection, gene flow, genetic
drift. Entry of simulation results into a table
on web pages
Before usage of web pages for entering the results
of the simulation, high school students work with per-
sisted models of alleles of dealing a gene and create a
genetic model of the parent population. These mate-
rialized models can be checkers, chips, candies, balls
of different colours. The educational models of the
genetic structure of the population are the findings of
the experimental action with the model elements first
ratio of genotypes and ratio of frequencies of genes,
that is, the ratio of frequencies of genotypes and genes
in the parent population.
On each of the web pages there is an in-
struction for the sequence of actions that must
be performed concerning materialized objects, as
well as actions to enter the received results in
the tables for automatic calculation of genotype
frequencies and allele frequencies. The rows that
are highlighted in blue in tables for web pages,, or, are
filled manually by students on the basis of counting
of the number of the results obtained in the course
of the materialized models of alleles and genotypes.
The web pages provide automatic plotting of graphs
and charts, allowing, first, to reveal the results in
graphical form (figures 4, 5). Secondly, it allows to
effectively carry out their comparative analysis and
to formulate conclusions according to the algorithm
of the action plan.
Both diagrams show the genetic structure of pop-
ulations and according to the semantic content they
are identical. They differ in the way of the visibility
of the results. The teacher can draw the students’ at-
tention to one variant of a diagram with a proposal to
compare the genetic, genotypic structure of the pop-
ulation in generations. There is another, more com-
plicated version of the analysis of the constructed di-
agrams. For this the students choose their own chart
to analyze data and formulate conclusions.
Both variants have advantages and disadvantages.
In the first variant of the diagram, numeric data of the
results of the experiment are included in the corre-
sponding segments of each column. All the data are
displayed on the screen, so the student can quite eas-
ily compare the numbers.
In the second variant, the segments of each col-
umn are located one behind the other, and so that
the first, the most narrow segment corresponds to the
parent generation and the last, the widest one corre-
sponds to the last child generation. This way of pre-
senting data is liked by students because, not even us-
ing numerical data it is visually easy to compare the
size (height) of colored bars. Besides, when one aims
the cursor at the corresponding field the necessary nu-
merical information appears on the screen.
Analysis of the received data of the model exper-
imentation by the students is carried out on the basis
of the analysis of the built:
1) graphics of genetic and genotype structure of the
population in generations;
2) one of the diagrams of the genetic structure of the
population in generations;
3) graphs and diagrams that overlap.
A variety of graphic options allows to acquaint
students with the methods of their statistical process-
ing and presentation.
Testing of the developed web pages and work
on the proposed methods during 2015–2018 demon-
strated that the proposed options did not allow work-
ing with a large number of experimental objects. That
is, it was impossible to comply with the condition of
the mass scale of the experiment. In addition, the
question of the replicativity of the experiment also re-
mained open. The reasons are as follows:
The Problem of the Limitations of the Educational Model Experiment on Population Genetics and Its Solution
A variety of graphic options allows to acquaint students with the methods of their statistical processing and
Fig. 4. View of graphics on the web page that were built in automatic mode
Fig. 5. View of diagrams on the web page that were built in automatic mode
Testing of the developed web pages and work on the proposed methods during 2015-2018 demonstrated that
the proposed options did not allow working with a large number of experimental objects. That is, it was impossible to
Figure 4: View of graphics on the web page that were built in automatic mode
1. It is physically impossible in the course of the ed-
ucational process to explore a large number of ma-
terial model objects – homozygous dominant, ho-
mozygous recessive and heterozygous individu-
als. The work was accompanied by the enormous
time spent on manual modelling and counting of
randomly formed pairs of alleles. Such a calcula-
tion had to be carried out both within one genera-
tion, and in several replications. Note that in this
variant we are talking about the difficulties with
the technical replication of the experiment.
2. The use of material models was limited to elemen-
tary material costs for the manufacture of model
elements. The maximum number of individuals
whose genotype models were used in the experi-
ment was equal to 50. In the case of diallelic in-
heritance of a trait (as the simplest variant of in-
heritance), the number of alleles was equal to 100.
Let’s point to the fact that in the classrooms there
were carried out parallel experiments on the study
of influence of different factors of the dynam-
ics of the population genetic structure, the work
was carried out in small groups, each of which
worked with a separate set of elements for mod-
elling. There were 5 such groups. The first group
studied the genetic structure of an ideal popula-
tion in generations. The second group studied the
effects of gene drift. The third group studied the
essence of the gene flow phenomenon. The fourth
group studied the influence of natural selection on
the genetic structure of the population. The fifth
group studied the role of the mutational process in
the dynamics of the genetic structure of the popu-
lation. In total, at least a set of 500 material ele-
ments was needed for modelling.
We place the emphasis on the fact that even with
50 simulated members of the population, we obtained
results that allowed to illustrate the essence of genetic
transformations in populations in the absence of any
factors and in their presence.
In work on the improvement of the experimental
methodology, we tried to: 1) get closer in school mod-
elling of genetic-evolutionary processes to the real
process taking a course in populations; 2) take into
account significant differences and commonality be-
tween scientific and educational experiment. Particu-
larly, this was expressed in the fact that it was neces-
sary to:
1. Cover by the experiment the maximally large
number of individuals. It has been assumed that
the hundreds and thousands of individuals could
be the experimental objects.
2. Reduce the amount of routine work for students
on the calculation of the resulting genotypes and
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
A variety of graphic options allows to acquaint students with the methods of their statistical processing and
Fig. 4. View of graphics on the web page that were built in automatic mode
Fig. 5. View of diagrams on the web page that were built in automatic mode
Testing of the developed web pages and work on the proposed methods during 2015-2018 demonstrated that
the proposed options did not allow working with a large number of experimental objects. That is, it was impossible to
Figure 5: View of diagrams on the web page that were built in automatic mode.
alleles in one generation.
3. Simulate a larger number of replications (repli-
cates) of the experiment, which would increase
the veracity of results and their closeness to the
mathematical formula of Hardy-Weinberg. We
also set the task to provide the possibility for tech-
nical and biological replication of an experiment
on one topic.
Thus, we set the task to provide the possibility of
technical and biological repetition of an experiment
on one topic.
Taking into account the abovementioned tasks, we
have developed a web page
mod/exp6/en/index.html (Model experiment 1. Study
of the genetic structure of the ideal population (third
Using the tools of this web page, we can con-
duct an experiment on the modelling of a structure
of an ideal population in the absence of such fac-
tors as natural selection, gene flow, gene drift, mu-
tations. Note that this is the third variant for conduc-
tion of a model experiment on the stated topic. The
first two are displayed on the following pages: http:
// and http:
What is the difference between the proposed third
First. In two early variants, the number of indi-
viduals was limited by the physical ability to manu-
ally count the resulting pairs of alleles and the num-
ber of material elements for modelling. The studied
population in the proposed variant can be very large
several hundreds, thousands, millions of individu-
als. This contributes to the implementation of the first
of the tasks pursued by us an increase in the num-
ber of objects used in the model experiment. And in
this case, it can be considered as a step towards the in-
crease in the veracity of the experimental results. And
thus, the maximum convergence with the actually oc-
curring genetic and evolutionary transformations in
the population. For example, for an experiment, you
can take several tens of thousands of individuals and
several million (figures 6, 7).
Second. The user (student) can independently en-
ter the initial allele frequencies in the graph for the
parental population. In the first two variants, the al-
lele frequencies were calculated automatically after
data entering by the manual calculation of the ran-
The Problem of the Limitations of the Educational Model Experiment on Population Genetics and Its Solution
Fig.6 Results of a model experiment with a number of 20000 individuals, allele frequencies p (0,7) and q (0,3)
Fig.7 Results of a model experiment with a number of 2000000 individuals, allele frequencies p (0,7) and q (0,3)
Second. The user (student) can independently enter the initial allele frequencies in the graph for the parental
population. In the first two variants, the allele frequencies were calculated automatically after data entering by the
manual calculation of the randomly obtained genotypes. This function opens up an opportunity to demonstrate the
essence of biological replication of experiments. This function is especially remarkable in the lesson during the
simultaneous work of several groups of students with different populations in number and frequency of alleles
occurrence (Fig.6, Fig.8).
Figure 6: Results of a model experiment with a number of 20000 individuals, allele frequencies p (0.7) and q (0.3).
domly obtained genotypes. This function opens up an
opportunity to demonstrate the essence of biological
replication of experiments. This function is espe-
cially remarkable in the lesson during the simultane-
ous work of several groups of students with different
populations in number and frequency of alleles occur-
rence (figures 6, 8).
Third. The number of generations of the popula-
tion has been increased. In the proposed variant, it is
equal to 5. I.e. together with the parental population,
the total number of replications of the experiment is
equal to 6. In previous variants of the experiment, the
number of replications was equal to 3 (one parental
generation and two daughter generations). In addi-
tion, note that it is technically possible to increase
the number of replications by times. This will offer
an opportunity, first of all, to quickly get a picture of
the genetic structure of the population, without both-
ering students with mechanical work on mixing and
distribution of genotypes, since there is an automatic
distribution of genotype frequencies within the lim-
its of the ideal population. Secondly, it contributes
to the implementation of one of the tasks pursued by
us an increase in the number of replications of the
experiment within the limit of one sample (popula-
tion). This function opens an opportunity to conduct
the technical replication of experiments.
The visualized replication results are displayed on
the user’s screen by clicking the “Show graphs and di-
agrams” button. Note that in one session the user can
only see the results of technical replication, i.e. dis-
tribution of alleles and genotypes in generations with
initially specified parameters (number of individuals
and allele frequencies). The generations of the pop-
ulation will act as technical replications. In order to
simulate biological replication, it is necessary to load
the page once again without closing the previous one
and enter other initial data (the number of individuals,
allele frequencies). Within each session, generations
of a population in relation to each other will act as
technical replications, but in relation to the first pop-
ulation and its generations – biological replications.
3.2 The Results of the Experimental
Stage of the Study
In 2019/2020 academic year, the developed web page
was tested with the participation of 6 students of the
3rd year of the Institute of Living Systems of Im-
manuel Kant Baltic Federal University, in specialty
“Biology” and 12 students of the 11th form of the
Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution
General Secondary School “School of the Future”
of Guryevsky district of Kaliningrad Region (Rus-
sian Federation). The approbation took place within
the framework of carrying out by Municipal Bud-
getary General Education Institution General Sec-
ondary School “School of the Future” together with
the National Research University Higher School of
Economics of the conference “Effective High School”
(January 23–25, 2020). Within the framework of the
conference, there were organized practical classes for
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Fig.6 Results of a model experiment with a number of 20000 individuals, allele frequencies p (0,7) and q (0,3)
Fig.7 Results of a model experiment with a number of 2000000 individuals, allele frequencies p (0,7) and q (0,3)
Second. The user (student) can independently enter the initial allele frequencies in the graph for the parental
population. In the first two variants, the allele frequencies were calculated automatically after data entering by the
manual calculation of the randomly obtained genotypes. This function opens up an opportunity to demonstrate the
essence of biological replication of experiments. This function is especially remarkable in the lesson during the
simultaneous work of several groups of students with different populations in number and frequency of alleles
occurrence (Fig.6, Fig.8).
Figure 7: Results of a model experiment with a number of 2000000 individuals, allele frequencies p (0.7) and q (0.3).
students of 11th grade on the topic “Modelling of
the genetic evolutionary processes in the population”.
One of the proposed experiments for carrying out was
a model experiment “Study of the genetic structure
of an ideal population” according to the methodology
updated by us without using material objects.
In approbation, the participants were divided into
2 groups (3 students and 6 students). One group
was asked to start with an experiment at http://mybio.
education/mod/exp1/en/index.html, and then at http:
// Another
group was asked to click a link to the web page http:// (Model ex-
periment 1. Study of the genetic structure of the
ideal population (third variant) and simulate the ge-
netic structure of a population of any number more
than a thousand with an arbitrarily given combination
of allele frequencies. It was proposed three times to
the participants to carry out model experiment in the
third variant with different initial data (number of in-
dividuals of the population, allele frequencies). Each
of the participants of the approbation both in the first
and second groups in carrying out of the third variant
of the experiment worked separately. The participants
were asked to use the “Show graphs and diagrams”
function, and also to formulate conclusions at the end
of the experiment.
The goals pursued by us were as follows:
1. To find out the availability of understanding by
users of the tasks and results of experiments.
2. To find out the main difficulties faced by users
when working with a web page http://mybio.
During the oral survey of the participants in the
experiment, it was found:
1. Participants of the first group, when conducting
an experiment with material objects at the begin-
ning of work, hardly understood the essence of the
performed similar actions. Only after data enter-
ing into the table, calculation of the frequencies
of alleles and genotypes, the understanding of the
meaning of the uniformity of actions came.
2. Participants of the first group complained about
the routine of the performed actions, increased
fatigue during their performance. Participants
sought to complete the experiment more quickly,
which increased the error rate in calculation of the
absolute number of genotypes. The latter was dis-
played at the frequency of genotypes calculated
by the program. Thus, the obtained results in sev-
eral cases were erroneous, the experimental ac-
tions had to be performed over again.
3. Participants of the first group, after passage to the
second experiment, which, in fact, duplicated the
first variant, but did not require manual counting,
expressed great approval of the possibility to op-
erate only with numbers.
4. Participants of the second group completed the
assigned task more quickly. However, in both
groups, there arose questions about the purpose of
three-time replicate of the experiment (with dif-
The Problem of the Limitations of the Educational Model Experiment on Population Genetics and Its Solution
Fig.8 Results of a model experiment with a number of 200000 individuals, allele frequencies p (0,2) and q (0,8)
Third. The number of generations of the population has been increased. In the proposed variant, it is equal to 5.
I.e. together with the parental population, the total number of replications of the experiment is equal to 6. In previous
variants of the experiment, the number of replications was equal to 3 (one parental generation and two daughter
generations). In addition, note that it is technically possible to increase the number of replications by times. This will
offer an opportunity, first of all, to quickly get a picture of the genetic structure of the population, without bothering
students with mechanical work on mixing and distribution of genotypes, since there is an automatic distribution of
genotype frequencies within the limits of the ideal population. Secondly, it contributes to the implementation of one of
the tasks pursued by us an increase in the number of replications of the experiment within the limit of one sample
(population). This function opens an opportunity to conduct the technical replication of experiments.
The visualized replication results are displayed on the user's screen by clicking the «Show graphs and
diagrams» button. Note that in one session the user can only see the results of technical replication, i.e. distribution of
alleles and genotypes in generations with initially specified parameters (number of individuals and allele frequencies).
The generations of the population will act as technical replications. In order to simulate biological replication, it is
necessary to load the page once again without closing the previous one and enter other initial data (the number of
individuals, allele frequencies). Within each session, generations of a population in relation to each other will act as
technical replications, but in relation to the first population and its generations biological replications.
3.2 The results of the experimental stage of the study
In 2019/2020 academic year, the developed web page was tested with the participation of 6 students of the 3
year of
the Institute of Living Systems of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, in specialty «Biology» and 12 students of
the 11
form of the Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution General Secondary School «School of the
Future» of Guryevsky district of Kaliningrad Region (Russian Federation). The approbation took place within the
framework of carrying out by Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution General Secondary School «School
of the Future» together with the National Research University Higher School of Economics of the conference
«Effective High School» (January 23-25). Within the framework of the conference, there were organized practical
classes for pupils of 11
forms on the topic «Modelling of the genetic evolutionary processes in the population». One of
the proposed experiments for carrying out was a model experiment «Study of the genetic structure of an ideal
population» according to the methodology updated by us without using material objects.
In approbation, the participants were divided into 2 groups (3 students and 6 pupils). One group was asked to
start with an experiment at, and then at Another group was asked to click a link to the web page (Model experiment 1. Study of the genetic structure of the ideal
population (third variant) and simulate the genetic structure of a population of any number more than a thousand with
an arbitrarily given combination of allele frequencies. It was proposed three times to the participants to carry out model
experiment in the third variant with different initial data (number of individuals of the population, allele frequencies).
Each of the participants of the approbation both in the first and second groups in carrying out of the third variant of the
Figure 8: Results of a model experiment with a number of 200000 individuals, allele frequencies p (0.2) and q (0.8).
ferent number of population and allele frequen-
cies). Note that practically no questions arose
in both groups regarding the advisability of re-
peating the experiment in generations of the same
population. It follows that the essence and neces-
sity of technical replication is recognized and ac-
cepted by the participants.
With biological replication, the situation is differ-
ent. Its objectives were not clear to the participants,
most likely due to a lack of methodological awareness
of this type of replication.
Before the performance of the experiment, we de-
liberately did not focus the participants’ attention on
the goals of repeated replicate of experimental ac-
tions. This was done in order to find out whether the
participants understood the conditions for the verac-
ity of the results of the biological experiment. Since
among the examinees there were both students of a
biological specialty and students of graduating profile
chemical and biological classes. We assumed that the
participants already possess the necessary method-
ological tools for planning, conduction of biological
experiments and interpretation of the results. The re-
sults of approbation showed that teaching the method-
ology of a biological experiment should be started
with distinguishing between technical and biological
replication of experimental effects. We can only as-
sume that a lack of understanding of the differences
between them (for purposes, methodology) could ini-
tiate the spread of the problem of pseudoreplication
in biological research in principle. We believe that
in order to confirm this assumption, it is necessary
to conduct additional studies aimed at a retrospective
analysis of biological scientific literature, primarily
of scientific papers, conference materials containing
a description of the methods and results of experi-
ments. The question is, is it worth doing? Or to ac-
cept the fact that even if we consider the problem of
pseudoreplication as far-fetched, then the issue of dis-
tinguishing between technical and biological replica-
tions and teaching this in the secondary school and in
higher educational establishment definitely deserves
further study.
As a result of work on the topic of overcoming
methodological difficulties in conducting a model ex-
periment on population genetics, we came to the fol-
lowing conclusions:
1. Model experiment on the study of genetic-
evolutionary processes in populations by means
of computer modelling is ideal for demonstration
of the essence of technical and biological replica-
2. The use of technical and biological replication in
a model experiment makes it possible to take into
account the requirement of repetition and mass
scale of the experimental impact. This is neces-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
sary to obtain reliable results.
3. In the educational model experiment, it is impos-
sible to take into account all the requirements for
a scientific biological experiment, therefore, it is
necessary to rely only on its essential features.
Further work on studying the possibilities of a model
experiment in training of the students of 11 grade and
students-biologists in true replication, as well as the
essence of technical and biological replication, we
can see in the following. It is necessary to develop and
approbate web pages to model the structure of a very
large population under the influence on its numerous
generations of such factors as natural selection, gene
flow, gene drift, mutations.
The modelling of the genetic structure should
be fully automated. The initial platforms for
improvement of methodology will be the exist-
ing web pages
index.html (Model experiment 2. Study of the genetic
structure of the population under the influence of nat-
ural selection),
index.html (Model experiment 3. Modelling the ef-
fect of gene flow on the genetic structure of the pop-
html (Model experiment 4. Modelling the effect of
random processes on the genetic structure of the pop-
ulation, modelling the drift of genes
), providing one
of the stages of work with material objects.
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