Prospects of Quantum Informatics and the Study of Its Basics in the
School Course
Liudmyla V. Lehka
1 a
, Andrii O. Bielinskyi
1 b
, Svitlana V. Shokaliuk
1 c
, Vladimir N. Soloviev
1 d
Pavlo V. Merzlykin
1 e
and Yelyzaveta Yu. Bohunenko
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54 Gagarin Ave., Kryvyi Rih, 50086, Ukraine
Quantum Calculations, Quantum Computer, Quantum Circuit, Quantum Algorithm, IBM Quantum Experi-
ence, Python, Jupyter Notebook.
The purpose of this study is to review the main points of the experimental content of the basics of quantum
computer science adapted for lyceum students, based on the prospects of the quantum approach to information
processing for ultra-fast calculations in modeling objects of complex dynamical systems. In addition, software
tools and Internet services are offered to organize effective training.
According to experts, the modern IT market is in
the initial state of another technological breakthrough
due to integration (interpenetration, convergence) of
1) nanotechnologies (the ability to control matter at
the atomic level), 2) biotechnologies (the ability to
manipulate genes and genetic information), 3) infor-
mation technologies (the use of communication and
communication tools) and 4) cognitive technologies
(the study of the fundamental essence of thought pro-
cesses and their mechanisms) (Sigov et al., 2019).
The capabilities of modern supercomputers
(“computers of classical architecture”, “classical
computer”) are no longer enough for efficient pro-
cessing of large amounts of data during modeling of
nanoobjects, biogenetic systems, cognitive processes,
and other phenomena. It is felt that the development
of transistor computers has almost reached its limit
and that Moore’s Law, which consists in doubling the
computer power every one and a half to two years,
will soon cease to hold since the size of transistors
will stop decreasing every 18 months (Rotman, 2020;
Fog, 2015; Al-Kilani and Umkeeva, 2016). A quan-
tum approach has a significant potential for data pro-
cessing (information), for increasing the productivity
of cumbersome and secure calculations, for reliable
storage of their results in scientific fields, in logistics,
safe trade, and finance, i.e. new computer science
quantum information science, or quantum informat-
Quantum informatics (as a new branch of science,
the subject of which is the theory and practice of
using quantum objects for transmission and proces-
sion of quantum information), in addition to quan-
tum information theory and quantum algorithms, in-
cludes physics and mathematics of quantum comput-
ers, problems of decoherence description, measure-
ment problems, issues of quantum cryptography, sim-
ulation modeling of quantum systems, quantum intel-
ligence, etc.
Leading IT companies, in particular, IBM (since
2016), Intel (since 2017), and Microsoft offer free ac-
cess to experimental models of next-generation com-
puters as an Internet service (IBM, 2021; Microsoft,
2021; Amazon, 2021) to all interested parties. How-
ever, school computer science course, which is up-
dated every 3–5 years, does not address at all either
the general principles of functioning of quantum com-
puters and the peculiarities of their management or
the fundamental principles of quantum computer sci-
Taking into account the prospects of quantum
modeling of complex systems of various nature,
particularly cryptographic, chemical, and economic
(Ackerman, 2021; YouTube, 2020, 2019), we con-
Lehka, L., Bielinskyi, A., Shokaliuk, S., Soloviev, V., Merzlykin, P. and Bohunenko, Y.
Prospects of Quantum Informatics and the Study of Its Basics in the School Course.
DOI: 10.5220/0010922900003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 1, pages 233-240
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sider it appropriate and possible to generalize, sys-
tematize, and adapt the basics of quantum informatics
for mastering it by lyceum students.
The study of the basics of quantum informatics
and programming is proposed to be organized either
within the framework of a new (experimental) sample
module of the same name – “Fundamentals of Quan-
tum Informatics and Programming” – a standard-level
program for pupils of 10-11th grades, or, in an ex-
tended version, within the framework of the same
elective course, the amount of study hours is 17 and
35, respectively.
The purpose of teaching the sample module (elec-
tive course) “Fundamentals of Quantum Informatics
and Programming” (table 1) there should be the devel-
opment of the components of computer literacy and
information culture of lyceum students through the
acquisition of basic theoretical knowledge and practi-
cal skills to manage quantum computers as new gen-
eration computers.
To achieve this goal (according to the content pre-
sented in table 1), it is planned to solve the following
to form the concepts of “quantum computer”,
“qubit”, “quantum superposition”, “quantum
logic gate”, “quantum algorithm”, “quantum cir-
cuit”, “quantum entanglement”, “quantum pro-
gramming language”, etc.;
to acquaint with the history of formation, the cur-
rent state, and development prospects of quantum
to introduce physical and mathematical founda-
tions of quantum computing;
to study the potential and determine the advan-
tages of quantum computers for solving individual
applied problems, modeling problems of complex
systems of various nature, etc.;
teach the pupils to implement basic quantum algo-
rithms in special and universal environments with
remote and local access.
The expected results of mastering the educational
material of the first three lessons – “Digital technolo-
gies: history of formation, current state, development
prospects”, “Basics of classical computer arithmetic”,
and “Basics of classical computer logic” are as fol-
student explains the concepts of digital technolo-
gies, classical computers, processor and mem-
ory of a classic computer; number system, num-
ber system alphabet, basis of the positional num-
ber system; binary message code, length of bi-
nary message code, units of measurement for the
length of binary message code;
student knows the quantum computer definition,
general principles of its structure and functioning,
and the peculiarities of its using;
student understands the typical architecture of a
classic computer and the general principles of its
student names the units of measurement of the
length of the binary message code (bits, bytes,
kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes);
student describes the general principles of opera-
tion of the processor and internal storage devices;
student is able to convert natural numbers from
decimal to binary and vice versa; determine the
length of the binary message code; arithmetic ad-
dition and multiplication of binary numbers; log-
ical operations not, and, or, xor over binary num-
student is aware of the role of existing (classical)
digital technologies and the significance of their
development prospects.
In particular, a quantum computer should be un-
derstood as a computing device which CPU is based
on the logic of quantum mechanics. Such a com-
puter is fundamentally different from a classical com-
puter (a computer of the von Neumann architecture)
and uses for calculations not classical algorithms of
the macrocosm, but algorithms of phenomena of the
microcosm of quantum nature, based on quantum
parallelism and quantum entanglement (connectivity)
(Bernhardt, 2019).
The expected results of mastering the learning ma-
terial of the next three lessons of the module – “Com-
plex numbers fundamentals”, “Working with objects
of linear algebra: vectors”, and “Working with objects
of linear algebra: matrices” should be as follows: stu-
student explains the concept of a complex num-
ber; vector, row vector (bra vector), column vec-
tor (ket vector), orthonormal basis, standard ba-
sis, linear combination (superposition) of vectors;
matrix, square matrix, unit matrix, orthogonal ma-
trix, unitary matrix;
student knows about the Euclidean and Hilbert
student is able to determine the real and imagi-
nary part of a complex number written in alge-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Table 1: “Fundamentals of Quantum Informatics and Programming”: draft content of the sample module (17 hours).
No Topics
1 Digital technologies: history of formation, current state, prospects of development
2 Basics of classical computer arithmetic
3 Basics of classical computer logic
4 Complex numbers fundamentals
5 Working with linear algebra objects: vectors
6 Working with linear algebra objects: matrices
7 Key concepts of quantum computing
8 Quantum circuits and their design environments
9 Quantum NOT gate
10 Hadamard quantum gate
11 Quantum CNOT gate
12 Quantum Toffoli and Fredkin gates
13 Basic quantum algorithms and peculiarities of their implementation using a programming language
14 Quantum teleportation algorithm
15 Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm
16 Shor’s algorithm
17 Grover’s algorithm
braic form; perform operations on vectors (addi-
tion, scalar, and tensor multiplication, determina-
tion of coordinates in a new basis) and matrices
(transposition, multiplication by a number, matrix
multiplication, inversion);
student understands the role of vector-matrix ap-
paratus in quantum informatics.
After propaedeutics of the basics of quantum pro-
gramming, it is the turn of the first main section
“Fundamentals of quantum computing using algo-
rithms implemented in circuits”. For 6 lessons stu-
dents should get the following abilities:
explain the concept of a qubit, spin, qubit state,
quantum superposition, qubit measurement, qubit
entanglement, quantum algorithm, quantum cir-
cuit quantum gate, purpose and content of basic
quantum gates (NOT, Hadamard, CNOT, Toffoli,
distinguish between reversible and irreversible
establish a correspondence between the matrix
operator and the quantum gate designation in
quantum circuits;
be able to build basic quantum circuits in a special
environment, use the necessary quantum gates
and interpret the obtained results.
In the first lesson of the section, students should
learn that the basis of quantum computing is a qubit
(quantum bit). To explain the concept of “qubit”, it
is necessary to use the method of analogy (with the
classical bit) and the ideas of quantum mechanics.
The teacher states that quantum particles have cer-
tain characteristics that can be used to describe their
behavior and that can be determined in practice (and
therefore implemented in quantum computers). In
particular, photons have a polarization, which is de-
termined by the behavior of the vector of their elec-
tric field; some microparticles have their own mag-
netic moment (spin), the projections of which on the
direction of the outer magnetic layer are found exper-
imentally (Bernhardt, 2019). The teacher recalls that
the concept of bit is used in traditional calculations.
It is based on the fact that technically only two states
can be realized: 0 and 1 for example, the current
flows or does not flow (that is, there is a charge or
there is no charge) (figure 1).
Figure 1: Qubit representation.
Talking about qubits, the teacher focuses students’
attention on the fact that a qubit may have not only
two states (for example, the spin of a quantum parti-
cle is located in the direction of the external field 0
or against – 1), but also their superposition, due to the
quantum nature of the phenomena of a microcosm.
The superposition of the qubit states is represented
graphically as a coordinate grid on a sphere, where
Prospects of Quantum Informatics and the Study of Its Basics in the School Course
each node corresponds to a certain state (see the cen-
tral part of figure 1).
If the base states of the qubit are denoted as
(ket vector with coordinates (1, 0), which describes
the spin direction of the quantum particle against the
external field) and
(ket vector with coordinates
(0, 1), which describes the spin direction of a quan-
tum particle along an external field), then any other
state from the set of possible states will be determined
by the relation (linear combination, superposition):
+ β
where α and β are complex numbers that satisfy the
= 1;
represent prob-
ability amplitudes of transition to the states
Qubits can be connected (entangled) with each
other. This means that a connection can be estab-
lished between them, as a result of which each time
changing the state of one of several qubits, the rest
change in accordance with it, and the set of entan-
gled qubits is interpreted as a filled quantum regis-
ter. Like a single qubit, the quantum register is much
more complex than the classical bit register. It is able
not only to be in all possible combinations of its con-
stituent bits but also to implement subtle relationships
between them, which significantly increases the com-
putational power of systems based on qubits.
In the state of entanglement and superposition,
qubits represent a quantum register. During calcula-
tions in the quantum register, the amplitudes of qubits
) are arranged in such a way that pos-
itive values of the amplitude of one qubit neutralize
the negative amplitudes of another qubit, and com-
putational errors are canceled (positive amplitudes of
qubits, on the contrary, amplify each other). This
is how the scenario of getting the correct answer is
Explaining the differences in the principles of
classical and quantum computers, teachers turn to the
problem of finding a way out of the maze, using the
example of which they illustrate and convince that the
classical computer consistently goes through all ways,
hitting a dead end once at once, but the quantum com-
puter can check all possible variants at once (Sigov
et al., 2019). Next, teachers focus attention and inter-
est, especially of bright and inquisitive students, on
the fact that the main engineering complexity of the
implementation of quantum processor registers is to
maintain the state of superposition and entanglement
of qubits during calculations (measurements) – coher-
ence time.
The calculations in a quantum computer are per-
formed using quantum algorithms. It is proposed to
be understood as an algorithm containing a finite se-
quence of unitary (reversible) operations/gates with
an indication of the qubits on which they need to be
performed. The correctness of the calculation result
using the corresponding quantum algorithm is deter-
mined with a certain probability. To increase the prob-
ability of getting a correct outcome in quantum algo-
rithms, the multiplicity of operations is especially in-
creased, which are selected in such a way that incor-
rect results are mutually destroyed with a high proba-
bility, and the probability of a correct result increases.
The last section – “Basic quantum algorithms and
their implementation on circuits and using a program-
ming language” is the second main section of the
sample module, because the expected results of mas-
tering it that the student:
knows the particularities of the implementation of
quantum algorithms in an environment with re-
mote access and a local one; the basics of the
syntax of quantum algorithm implementation by
a general-purpose programming language;
understands the basic concepts of quantum algo-
explains the step-by-step structure of basic quan-
tum algorithms;
uses the capabilities of remote and/or local access
environment to implement quantum algorithms in
the form of circuits and programs;
implements and executes basic quantum algo-
rithms in a special environment using a general-
purpose programming language and the graphical
is aware of the effectiveness of quantum comput-
ing in comparison with classical ones;
evaluates the compliance of the results of the pro-
gram with the task at hand;
follows the rules for writing readable code and
comments to it, explains the code to others;
checks, hypothesizes, critically evaluates, identi-
fies the shortcomings of the implemented algo-
Problems that can be solved with the help of quan-
tum computers can also be solved on the computa-
tional basis of classical computers. However, the ad-
vantage of quantum computers, or more precisely,
quantum algorithms (Zahorodko et al., 2021), is to re-
duce the time spent on solving the problem by par-
allelizing operations through the generation of en-
tangled quantum states and their further use. Such
cases are called quantum acceleration. The applica-
tion of quantum acceleration is the most advantageous
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
when solving problems of modeling complex dynam-
ical systems, mathematical search problems, in a par-
ticular search.
The main advantages of quantum computers and
algorithms in comparison with classical ones are the
effective solution of quantum cryptography problems
and problems of simulation modeling of quantum sys-
To master the training material of the mod-
ule/course, in particular, to acquire practical skills in
the field of quantum computing, students are offered
to work with universal and special software and Inter-
net services:
1) for building the quantum circuit using drag-and-
drop technology in remote mode Circuit Com-
poser from IBM Quantum Experience Lab (fig-
ure 2, (IBM, 2021));
2) to master the mathematical foundations of quan-
tum calculations and the implementation of basic
quantum algorithms in the local mode of Ana-
conda Navigator environment the manager of
packages and programming environments (fig-
ure 3);
3) for studying the mathematical foundations of
quantum calculations and the implementation of
basic quantum algorithms remotely using Collab-
orative Calculation and Data Science cloud-based
educational and scientific natural information en-
vironment (CoCalc).
CoCalc (figure 4, (CoCalc, 2021)) is an entire
computer lab in the cloud where:
each student works 100% online in their own,
isolated workspace;
you can follow the progress of each student in
at any time you can jump into a file of a student,
right where they are working;
you can use TimeTravel to see each step a student
took to get a solution;
integrated chat rooms allow you to guide students
directly where they work or discuss collected files
with your teaching assistants;
the project’s activity log records exactly when and
by whom a file was accessed.
The author’s team is developing a set of educa-
tional and methodical materials, which includes:
educational and methodical manual;
collection of educational presentations;
collection of educational video podcasts;
electronic workbook;
bank of test tasks.
After finishing the development of a set of educa-
tional materials adapted for students, it will be possi-
ble to move on to a large-scale experiment on study-
ing the basics of quantum informatics and program-
ming by the lyceum students.
A survey was conducted among computer science
teachers of general secondary education institutions
to study the expediency and readiness of teachers to
teach the course “Fundamentals of Quantum Infor-
matics and Programming” for lyceum students. 26
teachers of Computer Science, Chemistry, Technol-
ogy, and Mathematics took part in the survey, the vast
majority of them live in a city of regional subordina-
tion. The age of teachers who answered the questions
was as follows: 7.7% 25–35 years; 30.8% 25–
35 years, 42.3% 35–45 years, 15% 45–55 years;
3.8% – over 55 years.
100% of respondents supported the statement
that secondary education should provide up-to-date
knowledge and take into account modern achieve-
ments of the industry when studying the discipline.
All respondents indicated that they use cloud tech-
nologies when teaching their subject (65.4% al-
ways, 34.6% – during distance learning).
Only one survey participant disagreed with the
fact that the training material can and should be
adapted according to age.
96.2% of teachers indicated that they are happy to
accept the introduction of new sections and topics in
the curriculum of the discipline, especially if there is
sufficient and high-quality methodological support.
Responses from respondent teachers indicate that
88.5% of those who took part in the survey expressed
the opinion that they would like to personally take the
course “Fundamentals of Quantum Informatics and
Programming”, and 38.5% of them said that they had
met many publications on this topic and were inter-
ested. 61.6% of teachers said that you would offer
a course “Fundamentals of Quantum Informatics and
Programming” for applicants for education in your
institution. 23.1% refused because, in their opinion,
this course would not correspond to the profile of the
educational institution where they work. Only 3.8%
answered “no”. The survey shows that teachers fol-
low new trends in the development of the industry and
are ready to teach students in their institution modern
and relevant courses. Regarding the study of “Funda-
mentals of Quantum Informatics and Programming”
in lyceums, the interviewed teachers expressed their
support for the implementation of this course if there
is an appropriate course for teachers and methodolog-
ical support.
Prospects of Quantum Informatics and the Study of Its Basics in the School Course
Figure 2: Page with quantum circuit composer from IBM Quantum Experience.
Figure 3: Jupyter notebook page in local access.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 4: Jupyter notebook page in the CoCalc cloud environment.
1. The new branch of computer science quantum
computer science has significant potential for in-
creasing the productivity of cumbersome and se-
cure computing, for reliable storage of their re-
sults in scientific fields, in the spheres of logistics,
safe trade, and finance.
2. It is proposed to start studying the basics quantum
computer science and programming in the school
computer science course (obligatory-selective for
students of grades 10-11) within the framework of
a new (experimental) module (17 hours) accord-
ing to the lyceum curriculum of the standard level
or an elective course (35 hours) of the profile level
3. For effective studying of the training material, stu-
dents are offered to work with universal and spe-
cial software and Internet-services IBM Quan-
tum Experience, Jupyter Notebook using Python
programming language (in remote or local ac-
Ackerman, D. (2021). Transforming quantum comput-
ing’s promise into practice.
Al-Kilani, V. and Umkeeva, B. (2016). Budushchee vy-
chislitelnykh tekhnologii. Budet li rabotat zakon Mura
dalshe? (Future of computing technologies. Will work
on Moore’s law?). Internauka, 12(1):33–36. http:
// 2016 12%281%29 7.
Amazon (2021). Amazon Braket: Explore and experiment
with quantum computing .
braket/?nc2=type a.
Bernhardt, C. (2019). Quantum Computing for Everyone.
MIT Press.
CoCalc (2021). Collaborative calculation and data science.
Fog, A. (2015). Moores law hits the roof. https://www.\#417.
IBM (2021). Start coding with Python in Quantum Lab.
Microsoft (2021). Azure Quantum Documenta-
tion (preview).
Rotman, D. (2020). We’re not prepared for
the end of Moore’s Law. https://www.
Prospects of Quantum Informatics and the Study of Its Basics in the School Course
Sigov, A. S., Andrianova, E. G., Zhukov, D. O., Zykov,
S. V., and Tarasov, I. Y. (2019). Quantum informat-
ics: overview of the main achievements. Russian
Technological Journal, 7(1):5–37. https://www.rtj-
YouTube (2019). Quantum Cryptography — Science Ques-
tion with Alexei Semihatov.
ipZT Y.
YouTube (2020). Quantum Chemistry. Predictors The
Big Leap.
Zahorodko, P. V., Semerikov, S. O., Soloviev, V. N.,
Striuk, A. M., Striuk, M. I., and Shalatska, H. M.
(2021). Comparisons of performance between
quantum-enhanced and classical machine learning al-
gorithms on the IBM quantum experience. Journal of
Physics: Conference Series, 1840(1):012021.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology