Dietary Intake of Obese Adult Men in Jakarta
Karima Yudhistina
, Erfi Prafiantini
and Novi S. Hardiany
Deparment of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Obesity, Adult men, Dietary intake
Abstract: Obesity is caused by excessive storage of fat reserves in the body due to an imbalance of energy stored and
energy expended. Excess and unhealthy eating patterns are associated with the incidence of obesity in
Indonesia. In Indonesia itself, the population with obesity was 21.8% in 2018, and the prevalence of obesity
was 29.8% of Jakarta population. The study aims to describe obese adult men's food intake as the preliminary
data that can be used for dietary education material. This research was a descriptive study conducted on 50
participants living in Jakarta. The participants were healthy adult men aged 19 -59 years with BMI ≥25 kg/m
Food intake was assessed through an interview with the 24-hour recall method implemented twice (once on
a weekday and once on the weekend). The average total energy per day was 1597 kcal/day, the protein was
64 g/day, the fat was 71 g/day, and the carbohydrate was 198 g/day. The amount of energy, carbohydrate, and
protein intake was still less than the recommended dietary allowance (RDA). These findings suggest that the
occurrence of obesity in adult men in Jakarta might be influenced by other factors, such as genetics and
physical activity
The incidence of obesity is continuing to increase.
Obesity is a significant risk factor for many chronic
diseases including metabolic and degenerative
diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and
cancer which increase the death risk (Jeon 20111).
Based on data from the World Health Organization
(WHO) in 2018, 39% of adults were overweight, and
1% were obese. In Indonesia, the number of people
with obesity was 21.8% in 2018 (Riskesdas 2018).
DKI Jakarta had the second largest prevalence of
obesity with 29.8% of the population can be
categorized as obese.
Obesity is a condition where there is an imbalance
of energy intake and energy expenditure resulting in
accumulation of fat in adipose tissue. (Kim 2019).
Dietary factors such as excessive food consumption
related to the risk of obesity. Dietary fat has been
known as the leading cause of weight gain. More
recently, other dietary composition factors such as
fiber, energy density, and eating patterns such as
eating frequency, snacking, or skipping meals have
been suggested to have a potentially significant
influence on energy regulation (Howarth 2005)
The increasing urbanization occurred in most
countries worldwide associated with an unhealthy
diet towards high fat, high energy-dense foods, and
sedentary activity. Inadequate dietary intake pattern
is one of the significant contributors to the
development of obesity and many non-communicable
diseases. As populations become more urbanised and
has better income, the consumption of sugar and fat
is increasing and replacing more conventional diets
of high complex carbohydrates and fiber. Traditional
cuisine and unique conventional food habits are being
replaced by fast foods, soft drinks, and increased
animal-based food consumption. Homogenization
and westernization of the global diet have increased
energy density (Swinburn 2004). A study conducted
by Khusun H et al. in Indonesia's major urban areas,
including Jakarta, found that men significantly
consumed instant noodles, egg, and sugar-sweetened
beverages (SSB) nonmilk (particularly coffee) more
often than women. This study also showed that men
Yudhistina, K., Prafiantini, E. and Hardiany, N.
Dietary Intake of Obese Adult Men in Jakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0010489901900193
In Proceedings of the 1st Jenderal Soedirman International Medical Conference in conjunction with the 5th Annual Scientific Meeting (Temilnas) Consortium of Biomedical Science Indonesia
(JIMC 2020), pages 190-193
ISBN: 978-989-758-499-2
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
significantly consumed fewer vegetables, biscuits,
and sweet foods. Frequent consumption was defined
as the number consumption of more than 13 times in
a month. The study population generally had very
high sedentary activities that lead to low physical
activity levels and low energy expenditure (Khusun
H 2016).
In this study, we want to describe the food intake
of obese adult men in Jakarta as preliminary data that
can be used to develop dietary education materials.
This study was a descriptive study conducted from
July-September 2020 at national companies PT.
Delameta Bilano and PT. Rekayasa Industri in East
Jakarta. The research participants were male
employees with obese nutritional status, aged 19-59
years, BMI ≥25 kg/m
, and had no history of chronic
diseases such as impaired liver function, impaired
kidney function, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes
mellitus. The data were collected through anamnesis
and examination physical. All participants were
agreed to take part in the research. There were 67
obese male individuals screened for the research, 14
individuals were unwilling to participate in the study,
and three individuals did not meet the study inclusion
and exclusion criteria. A total 50 individuals
participated in the research. All research participants
were subjected to characteristics interview, intake
interview, and anthropometric measurement. The
research participants in this study were recruited
consecutively. This study received ethical clearance
from the Ethical Committee Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Indonesia with reference number KET-
281/UN2.F1/ETIK/PPM.00.02/2020. All participants
signed informed consent to participate in the study
before data collection were done.
A registered enumerator or nutritionist performed
anthropometric measurements to all participants.
Bodyweight was measured using bioelectrical
impedance analysis (BIA) with an accuracy of 0.1 kg.
The body weight was measured two times and the
average of both measurements was used in the
analysis. Height was measured in centimeters with
accuracy 0.1 cm, in standing position with socks and
shoes removed using Shorrboard.
Nutritional status is measured by the body mass
index (BMI) which were calculated by dividing the
weight in kg by the height in meters. The BMI was
categorized into two categories which were on the
classification of the degree of obesity, namely obese
I and obese II according to international standard
(WHO 2012)
The food intake was assessed using the 2x24 hour
food recall method and measured two times on
weekdays and weekends. In the food recall method,
the subject is asked to remember and mention the type
of food consumed in the last 24 hours and is asked to
explain the food/drink's name, how to make it, the
ingredients needed, and the portion consumed using
the household size (Shim 2014). The data from the
food intake assessment were analyzed using the
nutrisurvey program.
The statistical analysis was conducted using
SPSS version 20. Data normality was tested using
Shapiro-Wilk. Continuous variables with normal
distributions were presented as mean ± SD, and those
with abnormal distributions were presented as median
(minimum-maximum). Categorical variables were
described as proportion and percentage.
The demographic and anthropometric characteristics
of the participant are shown in tabel.1. The
participants had the average of age 31.5 years. In term
of body weight of the participants, the average of
height was 168 cm while the weight and BMI average
were 87 kg and 30.6 kg/m
Table 1: Demographic and anthropometric characteristics
of subjects.
Variables Total subjects
Age, years 31.5 (19
ht, c
158 -187
ht, k
BMI, kg/m
30.6 (25
Level of education, n(%)
- Moderate
- High
14 (28)
36 (72)
Household income, n(%)
- Low
- Moderate
7 (14)
43 (86)
Type of work, n(%)
- Administration
- Field workers
- Others
20 (40)
14 (28)
16 (32)
Smoking history, n(%)
- No smoked
- Mild
- Moderate
- Heav
19 (38)
18 (36)
10 (20)
3 (6)
Dietary Intake of Obese Adult Men in Jakarta
Table 2 describes the dietary intake of study
participants. The average of total energy of
participants was still below the recommended dietary
allowance (1597±468.7). Similar findings were found
in the intake of carbohydrate (198±57) as well as for
protein intake (64±29). The dietary intake of fat was
slightly higher than the recommendation (71±98)
(AKG 2019).
Table 2: Description of dietary intake.
Total energy,
1597±468,7 2150-2650
71±98 70
64±29 65
Carbohydrate, g/day 198±57 415-430
This study was aimed to describe the food intake of
obese adult men in Jakarta which can be used to
develop dietary education materials. Findings from
this study showed that the energy and carbohydrate
intake of the participants were lower than the
recommended dietary allowances (RDA). The protein
intake was slightly lower than the RDA while the fat
was adequate according to the RDA.
In recent years, there have been medical and
nutritional recommendations for reducing the
consumption of saturated fatty acid (SFA) due to the
increase of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) as a risk
factor of cardiovascular disease. Population studies
have demonstrated that elevated LDL cholesterol and
apolipoprotein B (apo B) levels are directly
associated with the risk of atherosclerotic events.
Infiltration and retention of apo B containing LDL in
the artery wall are critical in initiating an
inflammatory response. Modified lipoprotein
stimulates macrophages to promote foam cell
formation, which is the hallmark of atherosclerosis's
fatty streak phase (Boren 2020). High-fat levels in the
body stimulate inflammation, which is the
pathogenesis of many chronic diseases. High-intake
of fat and carbohydrate contributes to increased
oxidative stress and also inflammation (Fortes 2020).
Dietary proteins influence body weight regulation
through several mechanisms such as weight
regulation, satiety, thermogenesis, energy efficiency,
and body composition. Protein ingestion results in
higher ratings of satiety than equicaloric amounts of
carbohydrates or fat. Protein intake also induces
higher thermogenesis than for other macronutrients.
The increase in energy expenditure is caused by
protein, urea synthesis, and gluconeogenesis. Higher
intake amounts of protein during dietary management
of obesity resulted in more significant weight loss
than with lower amounts of protein (Keller 2011).
The results of a study conducted by Mansoor et
al. suggest that variation in the ranks of carbohydrate,
protein, and fat consumed may affect obesity
(Mansoor 2016). Besides, various dietary
macronutrients were associated with metabolic
abnormalities that increase cardiovascular disease
and mortality (Kim, 2019). Research in South Korea
states that high carbohydrate intake is associated with
a decrease in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and
increase triglyceride levels (H.Choi 2012). The
identification of macronutrients in obese people is
essential to have an individual approach regarding an
appropriate diet (Kim 2016).
Obesity is a low-grade inflammatory condition.
The complexity of this chronic disorder becomes
more apparent, exhibiting a multifactorial etiology.
Besides lifestyle factors such as dietary patterns and
exercise, nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics also
contribute to the phenotype of obesity. Nutrigenetics
and nutrigenomics theory explain the genome's
interaction to regulate the development and
progression of obesity and its comorbidities. These
mechanisms explain differences in the obese
phenotype that vary both within and across the
population. (Joffe 2016). The results of this study
showed that most of the subjects were not smokers.
These results are similar to studies in Japan, where
non-smokers are at greater risk of obesity than those
who smoked (Watanabe 2016). Previous studies have
suggested that cigarette smoking itself, in particular
nicotine, could decrease body weight by appetite
suppression and increased energy consumption
(Filozof 2004).
This study found that energy, carbohydrate, and
protein intake of obese adult men in Jakarta were still
lower than the recommended dietary allowance
(RDA) but not for the fat intake. These findings imply
that other factors such as a genetic and physical
activity may contribute to the increased prevalence of
obesity in adult men in Jakarta. Further research is
needed to explore the contribution of those factors to
the increased prevalence of obesity particularly in
adult men population.
JIMC 2020 - 1’s t Jenderal Soedirman International Medical Conference (JIMC) in conjunction with the Annual Scientific Meeting
(Temilnas) Consortium of Biomedical Science Indonesia (KIBI )
This research was supported by the Ministry of
Research and Technology of Indonesia
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Dietary Intake of Obese Adult Men in Jakarta