The Effect of Ethanol Extract of Lingzhi Mushroom (Ganoderma
lucidum) on Caspase-3 Expression in Oral Cancer Cells
Irfan Dwiandhono
, Fadli Ashar
Arsa Hadiyatama Waskito Aji
and Meta Anjay Firmansyah
Department of Dental Medicine, Jenderal Soedirman University, Jl. Dr Soeparno, Purwokerto, Indonesia
Keywords: Lingzhi mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum, caspase, KB CCL-17 cells.
Abstract: Oral carcinoma is cancer found in the mouth, lips, palate, gingiva, mouth floor, and cheek mucosa. Oral
carcinoma is a common cause of death in Indonesia. The development of cancer cells in the oral cavity is
affected by the loss of caspase-3 expression. A treatment using lingzhi mushroom is known to increase
caspase-3 expression in cancer. This study aimed to know about the effect of ethanol extract of Ganoderma
Lucidum on caspase-3 expression in oral carcinoma KB CCL-17. The samples were oral carcinoma KB CCL-
17 cells with five treated groups 8.49μg/ml (P1), 4.24 μg/ml (P2), 2.2 μg/ml (P3), 11.55 μg/ml (cisplatin), and
one control group (K). Caspase-3 expression was analyzed using the immunocytochemistry method by
counting the percentage of caspase-3 expression cells. The data were statistically analyzed using One Way
ANOVA and Post Hoc LSD. The results of caspase-3 expression on each groups were 5.21 % (P1), 2 % (P2),
0.96 % (P3), 9.67 % (cisplatin) and 0.41 % (K). Ethanol extract of Ganoderma Lucidum increased caspase-3
expression in KB CCL-17 cells along with the increase of the dosage. The dosage of 8.96 μg/ml showed a
higher increase of caspase-3 expression than the dosages of 4.24 μg/ml and 2.12 μg/ml. An effect of ethanol
extract of lingzhi mushroom on caspase-3 expression in oral carcinoma KB-CCL17. The study using lingzhi
mushroom should be more developed to determine the anti-cancer effect through various pathways.
Cancer is one of the deadly diseases that provides
17.2 million cases worldwide and 8.9 million deaths
in 2016. Cancer cases increased by 28% between
2006 and 2016 (Global burden diseases, 2016).
Indonesia has a cancer prevalence that attacks all ages
of 4.1% or an estimated 347,792 people (Riskedas,
2013). The importance of oral cancer was
underscored in a recent publication on the burden of
cancer on member countries where oral cancer was
the fifth most common cancer among ASEAN
member countries contributing to 50% of all new
cancer cases (Cheong et a, 2018). .95% of cancer
cases in the oral cavity are oral squamous cell
carcinomas which appear in the form of lumps, white
or red ulcers that often attack the lips, lateral tongue,
gum, palate, and floor of the mouth (Scully & Kirby,
2014). Cancer cells can develop because molecularly
they have interference with cell death or apoptosis
program. One of the proteins that regulate the course
of apoptosis in cells, namely Caspase-3, these
proteins have become a target in cancer therapy
development. The management of oral squamous cell
cancer generally consists of surgery, radiotherapy,
chemotherapy, or a combination. However, the
actions needed to overcome this malignancy have
various shortcomings that can harm patients.
Therefore alternative cancer cell treatments are
currently being attempted through various studies.
Many studies have been carried out using natural
ingredients, all of that aim to produce medicines to
support the health care program. Also, the use of
natural ingredients used as medicine rarely causes
adverse side effects than medicine made from
synthetic materials. One of the natural materials that
Dwiandhono, I., Ashar, F., Waskito Aji, A. and Firmansyah, M.
The Effect of Ethanol Extract of Lingzhi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) on Caspase-3 Expression in Oral Cancer Cells.
DOI: 10.5220/0010487600520057
In Proceedings of the 1st Jenderal Soedirman International Medical Conference in conjunction with the 5th Annual Scientific Meeting (Temilnas) Consortium of Biomedical Science Indonesia
(JIMC 2020), pages 52-57
ISBN: 978-989-758-499-2
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
have an anti-cancer effect is the Ganoderma Lucidum
Research proved that the ethanol extract of
Ganoderma sp. mycelium Banyumas 1 isolate can be
an anti-cancer in HeLa cervical cancer cells.
Ganoderma sp. contains several bioactive compounds
that can be used as medicine with anti-cancer
properties (Hidayati et al, 2014). These compounds
include triterpenoids and polysaccharides (Kao et al,
2012). This study aims to determine ethanol extract
of lingzhi mushroom on apoptotic activity and
caspase-3 expression in Oral cavity cancer cells.
2.1 Ethical clearance
Ensuring that the research is conducted in a
responsible and ethically accountable way leads to
beneficial outcomes. The ethics committee approved
this research's ethical clearance, Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman with registered
number 335/KEPK/VIII/2019.
2.2 Preparation of Ganoderma
Lucidum Ethanol Extract
Extraction of Ganoderma Lucidum fungi by
maceration with 96% ethanol. Maceration involved
soaking plant and material in a stoppered container
with a solvent and allowed to stand at room
temperature for a minimum of 3 days with frequent
agitation (Azwanida, 2015). The fungus is thinly
sliced and dried using an oven at 70OC for 2 hours,
then mashed using a blender to become a powder. The
powder was put in a 500 ml beaker and put into 96%
ethanol, the ratio between the powder and the solvent
was 1:5 then stirred and closed tightly with
aluminium foil. The soaked powder was left to stand
for 3 x 24 hours. The filtrate obtained was put into a
rotary evaporator at 50OC until a thick extract was
obtained and weighed.
2.3 Preparation of Test Extract and
Control Solutions
For preparing the extract, ethanol was used as a
solvent to obtain pharmacologically active
compounds from the mushroom (Kumar et al, 2018).
Ethanol extract of 2 mg Ganoderma Lucidum body
fungi was dissolved with 1 ml of DMEM containing
10 μl DMSO. Solution with a concentration of 500
μl/ml was obtained. The test solution was then diluted
once to obtain a concentration of 250 μl/ml, then used
in serial dilutions for treatment group to obtain a
concentration of 500; 250; 125; 62.5; 31.25; 15,625
and 7.8 μg/ml.
2.4 Culture Activation of Oral Cavity
Cancer Cell (Kb CCL17)
Freezing is the most effective method of maintaining
a stable supply for various cell types for long term
storage (Miyamoto et al, 2018). The isolated cells
were taken from the liquid nitrogen tank and diluted
in a water bath with a temperature of 37°C for 12
hours and sprayed with 70% alcohol. Then the cells
were put into a centrifuge tube containing 10 ml of
DMEM-serum medium (DMEM was added with
10% FBS, Penicillin Streptomycin 3% and Fungizone
1%) in a laminar airflow room, then was centrifuged
for 10 Minutes at a speed of 1200 rpm, Then the
supernatant was removed, and the sediment that was
formed was added with DMEM-serum then left to
stand for 20 minutes. The cells were again centrifuged
at 1200 rpm for 10 minutes, and the supernatant was
removed, leaving 1 ml for resuspension. The cell
suspension was inserted in a tissue culture flask
(TCF) with a growth medium containing 20% FBS
and was observed under an inverted microscope. The
living cells looked round, shiny and clear. TCF was
incubated in an incubator at 37OC and 5% CO2 for
24 hours with the lid loosened.
2.5 Culture Harvesting of Oral Cavity
Cancer Cell (KB CCL-17)
Cells were taken from the CO2 incubator and
harvested after 80% confluent using Trypsin-EDTA
0.25%. The media was discarded with a sterile
Pasteur pipette, and the cells were washed twice with
PBS. Next, 50 µL of Trypsin-EDTA added as much
as 50 µL was added evenly over the cells, and then
the cells were incubated again for 2 minutes. Trypsin
inactivation was carried out by adding 2-3 ml of
DMEM-serum, trypsin is a serine protease, was
applied to cells to separate them from each other and
the underlying substratum so that they can be
transferred to a different vessel for re-plating (Sharma
et al, 2019) after then the cells were transferred into a
sterile canal. The cells were counted on a
The Effect of Ethanol Extract of Lingzhi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) on Caspase-3 Expression in Oral Cancer Cells
2.6 Immunocytochemistry Assay
Immunostaining in the process of detecting specific
antigen-antibody interaction and an indirect method
using secondary antibody tagged with various labels
such as enzyme is commonly used (Kim, 2016). Cells
were distributed into the chamber slide as much as
100 μl with a density of 2 x 104 in each well and were
incubated for 24 hours in a 5% CO2 incubator to
adapted and stuck to the well. Each well then was
added with 100 μl of the test extract solution with a
concentration of 500; 250; 125; 62.5; 31.25; 15,625
and 7.8 μg/ml. then was incubated again for 24 hours.
Control used to control media in the form of a mixture
of 100 μl of culture medium with 100 μl of cell
suspension and 100 μl of DMSO. The preparation
was then soaked in a peroxidase blocking solution at
room temperature for 10 minutes. The preparations
were incubated in the prediluted blocking serum at 25
O C for 10 minutes. Then it was soaked in 25OC anti-
caspase 3 (NCL-CPP32p) monoclonal antibody for
10 minutes. The preparations were washed with
phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 5 minutes.
Incubation of preparations with secondary antibody
At 25 OC for 10 minutes. Furthermore, the
preparations were washed with PBS for 5 minutes.
Furthermore, the preparations were incubated with
peroxidase at 25°C for 10 minutes. Then the
preparations were washed with PBS for 5 minutes.
The preparations were incubated again with
chromogen Diaminobenzinidine (DAB) at 25°C for
10 minutes and with Hematoxylin Eosin for 3
minutes. The preparations were washed, cleaned, and
dripped with mounting media (Canada balsam) and
terminated by closure with a coverslip under the
running water. The preparations were observed under
a light microscope at 200x magnification. Positive
protein expression results were stained with a
brownish nucleus and cytoplasm, and cells without
protein expression were stained violet-blue. The
active p53 protein was in the cell nucleus, while the
Bax and caspase 3 proteins were in the cytoplasm
(Prokhorva et al, 2018). The count of stained cells
was expressed as a percentage.
This research began with a cytotoxic test of the
ethanol extract of the Ganoderma Lucidum fungi,
which will be used as the treatment group (TG) and
cisplatin as the positive control group (PCG). The
method used in the toxicity test of oral cavity cancer
cells in KB CCL-17 was the MTT Assay method. The
results were read on 96 well-plates using an ELISA
reader to obtain data in the form of optical density.
The absorbance results showed that the living cells
could react to the reagent to create a colour change in
MTT. The results of the MTT Assay can be seen in
Table 1.
Table 1: Inhibition percentages of KB CCl 17
No Groups
1 TG1 1.95 53.94%
2 TG2 3.9 59.21%
3 TG3 7.8 63.08%
4 TG4 15.62 64.13%
5 TG5 31.35 67.42%
6 TG6 62.5 71.52%
7 TG7 125 77.49%
8 TG8 250 86.52%
9 TG9 500 92.38%
10 TG10 1000 89.45%
11 PCG1 1.56 8.89%
12 PCG2 3.125 18.26%
13 PCG3 6.25 24.09%
14 PCG4 12.5 58.41%
15 PCG5 12.5 84.4%
16 PCG6 50 94.33%
17 PCG7 100 95.11%
18 PCG8 200 70.85%
Table 1 presented the data as percentage
inhibition of cells on every Ganoderma Lucidum
fungi ethanol extract (TG) concentration and
Cisplatin (PCG). The data used to calculate the IC50
value. The IC50 value was a compound parameter
with cytostatic properties that inhibits cancer cells'
growth by 50% were obtained from the probit
analysis of the percentage of cells inhibition using the
Probit Table so that the IC50 value was obtained. The
IC50 value of the Ganoderma Lucidum fungi ethanol
extract (TG) obtained at 8.49 µg/ml and cisplatin at
IC50= 11.55 µg/ml (PCG). However, IC50 of
Ganoderma Lucidum extract on oral cancer cells from
recent studies by Syairah et al (2017) was 310 µg/ml,
on HL60, K562, and SGC-7901 cells were 440 µg/ml,
390 µg/ml and 900 µg/ml (Chen, 2016). Different
IC50 in every study has commonly occurred,
although the MTT-dependent IC50 errors analyzed in
this study were focused on the system consisting of
Ganoderma Lucidum extract, cisplatin, and oral
cancer (KB CCL-17), the obtained knowledge
concerning the reasons for the inconsistency in IC50
JIMC 2020 - 1’s t Jenderal Soedirman International Medical Conference (JIMC) in conjunction with the Annual Scientific Meeting
(Temilnas) Consortium of Biomedical Science Indonesia (KIBI )
values is of practical importance for many other
chemotherapeutic agents and cancer systems. Indeed,
regardless of the agents or type of cancer cell lines
involved, the uneven proliferation of the control cells
at different seeding densities variations will yield
systemic errors in IC50 measurements because all of
the MTT analogue assays rely on the OD reads from
the control cells for the IC50 calculations (Haris et al,
2016; Hafner et al 2016).
Each treatment's IC50 value becomes the standard
for determining the concentration dose for the
Caspase-3 expression test. The treatment group of
ethanol extract of lingzhi mushrooms on the
expression of caspase-3 in oral cavity cancer cells
were three concentrations below the IC50, namely 8.
49, 4.24, and 2.12 µg/ml while the cisplatin group
was one concentration IC50, namely 11.55 µg/ml.
The results of the data on the expression of
caspase-3 can be seen in Figure 1
Figure.1. Caspase 3 expression on each group
The expression of caspase-3 in Figure 1 was
brown, while normal cells are blue. The caspase-3
expression was calculated by dividing the number of
positive cells by the number of all cells and
multiplying by 100 per cent with Image J software
analysis to obtain the average caspase-3 percentage.
The research data was carried out normality test
using the Shapiro-Wilk test in this study was not
generally distributed of 0.00 (p<0.05), therefore the
data was transformed with log10 so that a significant
result was obtained of 0.19 so that the data was
normally distributed (p> 0.05). The homogeneity test
was carried out. A significant value of 0.56 (p> 0.05)
was obtained. The data's variance was homogeneous
and could be continued to the parametric test—the
One Way ANOVA parametric test was carried out.
The results of the One Way ANOVA test, the
expression of caspase-3 on KB CCL-17 cells between
the ethanol extract treatment groups of lingzhi
mushroom (G. Lucidum) concentrations of 8.49, 4.24
and 2.12 μg/ml with the cisplatin group and control
had high significant differences with a p-value of
0.000 (p<0.01). Furthermore, the post hoc Least
Significance Difference (LSD) test was carried out,
aiming to determine the difference in the average
percentage of the caspase-3 expression in each group.
The Post Hoc LSD test results showed a highly
significant difference in the percentage of caspase-3
expression in each treatment group with the control
group. The difference in each group was highly
significant because of the significance value was
The apoptotic process that arises in cells is mediated
by a molecule called caspase. Caspase is a molecule
that functions to carry out apoptosis in cells. Caspase
can be divided into initiation groups and execution
groups. Caspase 3 is an example of the caspase
execution group. Caspase is activated in the extrinsic
(death ligand) and intrinsic (mitochondrial) cell
pathways (Mc Arthur & Kile, 2018). The zymogen
form caspase 3 is necessary because if it is not
regulated, caspase activity will kill all cells. In this
study, the expression of caspase-3 was strongly
expressed in the cell cytoplasm by showing a
brownish colour. Strongly expressed in the cell was
supported by the research that the apoptosis process
in KB cells is likely to be induced via extrinsic
pathways through caspase-3 activation in the cell
cytoplasm (Hutomo et al, 2014).
The apoptotic activity and expression of caspase-
3 in this study frequently increased with the addition
of the ethanol extract concentration of lingzhi
mushrooms related to the content.
Of lingzhi mushrooms which have an anti-cancer
effect. Lingzhi mushroom (G. Lucidum) contains
triterpenoids, polysaccharides, and ganoderic acids
known to cause DNA damage effects on cancer cells
to trigger apoptotic signals cells that are exposed to
lingzhi mushroom extract (Wu et al, 2013; Gurovic et
al, 2016). The content of polysaccharides in fungi
plays a role in decreasing the mitochondrial
membrane's permeability (Tian et al, 2016). This
decrease causes cytochrome c to exit the
mitochondria into the cytoplasm (Kole et al, 2011).
Cytochrome c in the cytoplasm then binds to Apaf-1
which can activate procaspase 9 to become caspase 9.
Caspase 9 will activate procaspase 3 to become
caspase-3 which acts as an effector in carrying out
apoptosis in cells (Ponde et al, 2019).
Caspase-3 can enter the nucleus through the pores
that have been made by caspase-9, removing the
substrate that causes DNA degradation. In the
nucleus, there are skeleton components in the form of
The Effect of Ethanol Extract of Lingzhi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) on Caspase-3 Expression in Oral Cancer Cells
lamin A and fodrin. The breakdown of lamin by
caspase-3 will cause chromatin condensation, while
the breakdown of fodrin triggers the formation of
apoptotic bodies (Ponde et al, 2019; Zhao et al, 2020).
The chemotherapy agents' administration using
cisplatin in this study obtained the highest average
expression of caspase-3, of 9.7. Chemotherapy is
mostly via an apoptotic mechanism that involves
many proteins and genes. The most important
proteins are p53 and caspase-3 (Moningka, 2019).
The use of herbal materials as anti-cancer therapy
aimed at reducing the destructive effects of using
chemotherapy agents. Lingzhi mushrooms as herbal
plants are known to suppress cancer growth through
the apoptotic mechanism. Further research needed
regarding the effect of ethanol extract of lingzhi
mushroom in inducing various apoptotic molecules.
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The Effect of Ethanol Extract of Lingzhi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) on Caspase-3 Expression in Oral Cancer Cells