Wireless Network Slicing: A Survey
Dheyab Salman Ibrahim
, Hassan Hadi Salih
and Israa Mishkhal
College of Information Technology, University of Babylon, Hilla, Iraq
College of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Diyala, Diyala, Iraq
College of Science University of Diyala, Diyala, Iraq
Keywords: 5G, SDN, NFV, Network S, Edge Computing.
Abstract: Network slicing has developed as a method to deal with the difficult management of these future nets. These
methods splits the wireless network into solitary virtual slices below specific managing, needs. Wireless
network slicing is good method to solving the problems of quickly growing needs in mobile data services
associated to 5G cellular networks. In this study we survey the studies that focused on the network slicing,
architecture, motivations and challenges. Also give definition for some concepts that enable Slice process
such as software defined network (SDN), Wireless Network Virtualization (WNV), Network Function
Virtualization (NFV) and Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) which can support 5G networks. We highlight the
future research directions regarding network softwarization and slicing using SDN and NFV in 5G networks.
New digital changes allowed by developing
technologies: “Edge computing”, “cloud computing”,
“network function virtualization” (NFV), “Internet of
Things” (IoT), and “software-defined networking”
(SDN), that are consider smart services for
consumers. Smart services need more and more
connectivity. Network slicing enables connectivity
for the smart services with diverse requirements via
multiple logical networks over the top of the physical
network infrastructure as show figure1 (latif and
ibrar, 2020). With high consumption of services, the
demand of high-quality services from customers
require important change for administer networks. To
understand this idea in 5G network, the physical
network must be divided into several virtual parts of
network with different sizes and structures that
provides dissimilar kinds of services. Softwarization
is defined by using SDN and NFV in 5G networks
that are predictable to give more control and
management for resources of network (Alcardo, et al.,
2020). Network slice (NS) is a whole virtual network
with sharing computing, storing and infrastructure of
network. (loe, 2020).. Fifth-Generation (5G) and
beyond networks can be provide many services with
different conditions. “Network slicing” is a major
technique to enable 5G networks with many services
(Ibrahim et al., 2018). Each one slice with
heterogeneous communication network has special
task that related a set of operation metrics (Xuemin,
2017). “5G” architecture, generally recognized as
“network slicing”. “5G” networks are necessary work
with/ emerging “heterogeneity” services,
performance (Wireless Networks, 2020). This
technique involves dividing the network into slices
with set of resources. But this splitting is needs to
NFV and SDN technologies. Slicing allow these
functions mostly by SDN, NFV, edge computing
(Saleh, et al., 2017). Newly, the “Wireless Network
Virtualization” (WNV) idea has played to achieve
reducing operational costs (Mishkhal. et al., 2019)
Virtualization is every shape as splitting set of
resources, and giving it to customers (Marcos , et al.,
2019) and (Davit , et al., 2019).
Network slicing has been defined by various
standard development organizations in numerous
ways. Network slicing refers to all the attempts of
enabling availability of the networks-as-a-service
according to user demands. Network slicing can be
enabled mainly by NFV, SDN, cloud computing, and
edge computing (Asma, et al., 2018). NFV offers the
use of generic hardware for cost efficient
implementations of network functions, while SDN
enables separation of the control plane from the data
plane to offer efficient and flexible resource
management. Therefore, NFV and SDN-based
network slicing can be considered as an indispensable
networking technology for fifth-generation (5G) (S.-
M.Ahsan et al., 2019).
Figure 1: An overview of network slicing in enabling smart
“Network slicing” will perform significant task in
improving the flexibility for the existing networks
and for cellular networks in the future. With the
“network slicing”, the physical of the “cellular
network” is separated in several virtual networks also
called “slice” with has heterogeneous abilities. Then,
each “slice” operated to perform the tasks for the end
user (Hashem, S. H. (2015). The slicing is building
the virtual network that may permit flexible and
powerful capability to making several “logical
networks” on upper the physical infrastructure as
explained in Figure 2. Slicing for networks supported
by NFV and SDN to making of “slices” of different
types of applications (Alcardo et al., 2020). A “slice”
is a logical sub network from physical network to
provide particular service such as services of
“Internet of Things” (IoT). By “logical network”
achieving several goals such as: availability,
reliability, capacity, efficiency, and latency. The
network contains of three elements: “core network”,
“transport network”, and “radio access network”
(Ioannis et al., 2020).
In this study we give introduction for the slicing
technique. Other sections of the study are structured
in the following: Section (2) we presented the relation
between 5G and “network slicing technique”. Section
(3) explain the concepts (WNV, SDN MEC and NFV)
that are enablers for the execution of slicing. In
section (4) shows the archi tecture based on slicing
Figure 2: Network Slicing.
technique. Section (5) discussion some the
motivations for applying slicing technique within
wireless field. Section (6) presented some challenges
that are faced for implementing network slicing
techniques. In (7) lastly, we give some concluding
and future works.
Increasing use of multimedia facilities, more needs of
services with high-quality by clients initiated major
challenge. So, to provide more control for networks
we use some concepts: partitioning networks,
separate control, planning, management properties
for service. The professionals in networks consider
the 5G as next generation of the future networks. To
achieve this idea, sliding network in many virtual
networks in different volumes. Network
softwarization is a method that includes using for
manage services. Network softwarization goals to
provide 5G services with better performance and
lower cost. “Softwarization” use SDN and NFV for
networks in 5G to more control and management for
resources (NAJMUL et al., 2017). Three new
concepts: fundamental for the wireless slicing
1. SDN: a method used to carry flexible
programmable 5G networks can be able best
controlling services. SDN creates a virtualized
control plane. Basic defined forSDN is
isolated data from control planes, and move
control to a central position. SDN Enabler for
Slicing: “sliced” wireless network is a difficult to
using and management, SDN is the crucial tool
for enabling this task. Show figure 3 (Nadia et
al., 2017).
2. NFV: making Network Functions (NFs) can be
simply used and allocated dynamically. It
performs network functions (virtual functions) in
virtual machines on servers to provide flexible
and scalable networks (Saleh et al., 2019). Basic
Figure 3: General architecture of network slicing.
defined for NFV is decoupling of “functions”
from the “devices” through running. “NFV”
Enabler of “Slicing”, It enable creation and
management to perform their functions. NFV is
the virtualization of network functions (e.g.,
Fire- walls, TCP optimizers) on top of
commodity hardware devices. NFV envisages
the instantiation of VNFs on commodity
hardware (Xenofon et al., 2020).
3. MEC: “Mobile Edge computing” is technology
that permits developing 5G” services via
provide capabilities of cloud close the user
equipment to solving basic challenges for
“traditional cloud”, for example latency and
vulnerable in security. Mobile cloud computing
(MCC), as an integration of cloud computing and
mobile computing, has provided considerable
capabilities to mobile devices and empowered
them with storage, computation, and energy
resources offered by the centralized cloud. The
main purpose of MEC is to address the
challenges that are hailed from MCC systems.
MEC empowers MCC by deploying cloud
resources, e.g., storage and processing capacity,
to the edge within the radio access network
(RAN). This provides the end-user with swift and
powerful computing, energy efficiency, storage
capacity, mobility, location, and context
awareness support (Saleh, H H 2019). Show
figure 4. (a) and (b).
Figure 4: Present cloud computing (a) without edge.
(b) with edge.
This unit gives the general architecture of network
slicing. Because several challenges, the next-
generation wireless networks NGWN architecture
must have the some properties: Flexible and scalable.
Open and modularized, to support modified slices
(Mishkhal, et al. 2020). The main working parts and
relatives for matching to the architecture in Figure 4.
Figure 5: 1 Slicing in next-generation wireless networks
(NGWNs) (Alcardo Alex Barakabitze, et al., 2019).
The centralized SDN controller is responsible for
“slice”. The infrastructure include all physical
network that consist some parts: “RAN nodes”,
devices, “transport network”, “storage”, and
“computing nodes”. A control plane summarizes the
“logical network” behaviours that “control slice”. The
“service plane” consist services for each vertical
market that slices are “designed”. Overall NGMN
architecture is split into three layers: infrastructure
resource, business enablement and business
application (Zbigniew et al., 2018).
The key aim of this paper is to provide a latest idea of
the network slicing, definitions, architecture,
motivation, challenges. This study analyses main
concepts that enabler network slicing by surveying
previous studies on this topic. This study display
several advantages of slicing technique to support 5G
smart networks. A number of researchers concerned
the basic requirements for 5G networks such as SDN,
NFV, and MEC technologies that much research
lacks an impaired organization, which leads to;
inappropriate research activities. A number of
research has been conducted on wireless networking
of networks from a primary perspective, while other
research has focused on developing 5G capabilities.
This paper gives a clear research framework and
management complex networks as 5G networks, so
this provides researchers with important research
ideas related to challenges and solutions in this field.
This study gives students and academics various
directions for choosing a topic related to network
slicing with enabler techniques (Saleh H. H., 2018).
Slicing for network consider as an architecture for
virtual network via operating the similar rules for
“SDN” and “NFV” for static networks. Several
reasons for applying “slicing” technique within
wireless area (Saleh H. H., 2020).
1. Heterogeneous Services: Many different
services and devices working in wireless networks,
so, slicing becomes good method to separate different
requirements concurrently. On sharing resources,
slicing will allow to find best features of “QoS”.
2. Network Management: Manage unlike
applications can be done via slice technique. It is
permit to split setting for the networks “edge-to-edge”
and describe tasks for each situation. Slicing deliver
flexibility through helping with “NFV” and “SDN”.
3. Infrastructure Sharing: Any slice can be applied
using different worker. Slicing can help the
management and give separation among different
4. Flexibility for New Services: Network slicing
will support give novel events with same costs. This
can let deliver service that 5G needs to do.
Biggest challenges is actually understanding how to
generate those slices and then manage, identifying
these slices. 5G networks have large challenges than
earlier versions of mobile networks. Large
requirements addressed to be suited for the entire
network includes bandwidth, latency. This is the idea
of dividing a real network into multiple logical
networks (Saleh, H. H., 2019). The following some
challenges that are faced network slicing with 5G
Technology Agnostic Solutions: The big
challenge to find a method can perform
allocation for resource and separation wireless
network into several slices freely. This may be
difficult when splitting a heterogeneous network
into slices.
Dynamics and Time Limitations: The existing
parameters for transmission on the slicing
techniques are differs over time dynamically,
many standards of wireless choice the greatest
transmission parameters for the existing
Real Deployments: With wireless area, achieving
a real employment is essential for the estimate of
solutions. Using slice technique can share many
“BSs or Aps” to get novel problems for example
the interference among slices.
User Mobility: Mobility of users is a specific
attribute of wireless networks which produces
new problems to “slicing”. Wireless networks
deals with managing of user mobility and try to
find and handle the location of the user.
Compatibility: Well-matched with New
Technologies is also big challenge because
increasing needs of future wireless networks.
Security: Main characters of “slicing” is the
abstraction, when the “slice” is seen as whole
network. The elasticity bring large threats to
wireless networks (Saleh et al., 2020).
A. Conclusions.
In this study, we present new technologies that
enabling IoT-based smart environments via network
slicing, requirements, and challenges. We concluded
that network slicing is absolutely necessary to enable
a wide variety of 5G and beyond systems. Network
slicing is important enabling method to change the
existing cities to smart system that uses new
technologies in order to enhancing our life. We need
control for network traffic via good management
using “network slicing” that divided complex
network within several virtual networks. Each piece
created needs different service. “Slicing” is model of
architecture as “virtual network” based on concepts
for “SDN” and “NFV”. In this study we try to give
survey for 5G networks and big problems faced them
and present the solutions for these problems such as
network slicing, SDN, NFV and MEC (Saleh et al.,
B. Future Recommendations.
Our key recommendations for future research are as
follows: “5G networks” offer wide diversity of smart
services. So, several restrictions are faced it from
heterogeneous Internet of Everything (IoE) services.
For example, high-reliable and low latency
communication in “5G” networks. The problems that
affected of “5G” research actions. The “slicing” is a
main technology to support 5G networks. Three-
dimensional (3D) cellular networks includes user
devices and BSs that may be support of “6G” cellular
networks. So, it is recommended to use slicing for
“3D cellular networks”.
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