Face Smile Detection and Cavernous Biometric Prediction using
Perceptual User Interfaces (PUIs)
Hayder Ansaf
, Sajjad Hussain
, Hayder Najm
and Oday A. Hassen
Imam Al-Kadhum College (IKC), Wasit, Iraq
Xi’an Jiaotong University, School of Software Engineering, Xi’an, China
University Technical Malaysia MelakaHang Taya, Melaka 76100, Malaysia
Keywords: Perceptual User Interface, PUI, Smile Detection, Smile Analytics, Face Recognition.
Abstract: Face identification and biometric analytics is a modern domain of study and enormous algorithms in this
aspect. Perceptual interface can be described as: highly immersive, multi - modal interfaces focused on normal
human-to - human interactions, with the purpose of allowing users to communicate with software in a similar
way to how they communicate with one another and the physical environment. It is nowadays quite effectual
in face smile detection. Smile detection is a two-stage process. First you feel a face and then wait for a grin
and in thousands of zones a motion detector splits the clip, Analyzing criteria like auto focus and facial flash
level. When a human smile, the camera identifies a facial defect by identifying various parameters, It involves
shutting your eyes, making your teeth transparent, folding your mouth, and lifting your lips. You should adjust
the camera parameters to increase the sensitivity of the Smile automatic feature. When participants (with
bangs, etc.) do not cover their faces, especially their eyes, authentic smile recognition is more successful.
Helmets, masks or sunglasses can also be obstructed. For your subjects, you should have a wide and open-
mouthed smile. When the teeth are open and clear, the camera can even detect a smile better. The presented
work focuses on analytics of face smile through Perceptual User Interfaces in biometric analytics for
cumulative results.
Graphical user interfaces have long been the dominant
medium for human-computer interaction (GUIs). The
GUI style has refined the usage of devices and
promoted the use of computers, particularly for
business software purposes which machines have been
used to perform tasks. Therefore, the approach we use
machines changes but more widespread computing, in
GUIs, the graphical interfaces needed to fulfil our
users' needs are not directly given.
It seems that identifying real and false emotion on
the human face is one of the toughest activities for the
brain once. The vision system of humans has a
remarkable capacity to distinguish a person's genuine
and false smile. Nevertheless, our brain is still not
talented enough to discern it clearly countless times.
But how does a computer vision system distinguish
between real and false feelings? For such questions,
there is no suitable reply to date. Nevertheless, in
order to find solutions to such difficult problems to
some degree, quite a few computer techniques have
been shown. In order to make these things
understandable, a well-known French physician
called Guillaume Duchenne from the 19th century
reserved the primary challenge to differentiate
genuine and false smile based on the muscles
involved in producing facial expressions (BRASOV,
2018). In this research we are using focuses on the
face smiles analysis of biometric analytics with the
PUIs for cumulative results.
2.1 Perceptual User Interface (PUI)
and Biometric Traits
A perceptual design enables a user to communicate
with the device without utilizing the usual desktop
computer. This interface was realized by allowing the
device to recognize user gestures or voice control.
Table 1: The PUI is having enormous components and
module in which a number of segments are analyzed.
Conceptual User
Perceptual User
System Key Functions
for the Interaction and
Manipulation by the
Response of System
similar to Human.
Human to Human like
Intelligent Interface.
2.2 Head Orientation
For certain visually impaired individuals, machines
are an important tool for connectivity, environmental
protection, schooling, and entertainment. Even so, a
person's impairment can make getting to the machine
harder. We aim to establish full advantage by
monitoring three noncolinear facial characteristics,
e.g., eyes and nose. Since we know the relative
positions of the features when the consumer stares
straight only at screen, we will estimate shifts in head
orientation if we know immediate locations of the
features. This differential direction may be used to
guide the cursor.
2.3 Gesture Input
In this section, we examined ways of manipulating
the cursor direction through head motions, primarily
through monitoring the nose: as you look upwards,
the nose travels upwards and the cursor follows.
To do this, we must find the nostrils. This is
rendered possible by first finding the mask, then two
nearby dark areas. Locating facial colored pixels will
find the facial.
Face color is determined by environmental
illuminating and skin pigmentation. Fortunately, the
change of skin color attributable to discrepancies of
pigmentation is reasonably minimal, but if we can
accommodate changes induced by discrepancies in
light, we should be able to distinguish potential skin
Several color normalization approaches were
proposed. The easiest is to have the red, green, and
blue components identical. A much more complicated
approach, but one that may provide better outcomes,
is to use log-opponent representation, as Fleck and
Forsyth say. We preferred uniform red and green as
this is computationally cheaper.
The following photos display intermediate
outcomes while analyzing details.
Figure 1: Analytics of Face Smile for Evaluations.
A bounding box on the input image will be
displayed in the final picture. There are also two
crosses that indicate where the nostrils are situated.
The average position for cursor driving is tracked.
With modest hardware, we were able to achieve
acceptable frame rates. This tracker will be integrated
into a regular function system in the next stages of
this research.
2.4 Gesture Analytics
We want a number of gestures to replace the mouse.
In order to work on applications without the mouse to
specifically, we would like to reduce the points as
well as click and point that drag operations. They
want a picture series to find and map the fingertip.
We'd like to infer what the consumer means. Magi
display intermediate effects while analyzing details.
This role requires evaluating the text the consumer
2.5 Analysis Patterns for Face Smile
and Biometric using PUI
We must switch to normal, automatic, responsive and
unobtrusive interfaces to respond to a wider range of
situations, positions, users and tastes. A latest MCI
concentrate, (Perceptual User Interfaces PUIs), aims
to make interactions among people and devices more
like interactions through people and the environment.
(El Haddad, 2016).
This chapter talks about the changing PUI domain
and concentrates on the segments of PUI Computer-
based vision policies that view applicable user
information visually (Vyshagh and Vishnu).
Figure 2: Key Segments in PUIs.
Figure 3: Integration of Face Detection with Assorted
Graphical user interfaces have been the main tool
for human-computer interaction (GUIs). Computers
were streamlined and simplified by the GUI-based
interaction style, especially for business software
requirements where computers have been used for
particular tasks (Phung, 2017). However, as
computation advances and computing become more
ubiquitous, (GUIs) can’t comfortably meet the
diversity of experiences expected to meet the needs of
your users. We need to switch to standard, automated,
versatile and discreet interfaces to accommodate a
greater range of situations, responsibilities, users and
interests (Au, 2020). HCI's target is to make human-
computer experiences more analogous to the way
humans communicate for one another and with the
world, called perceptual user interfaces (PUIs). This
article describes the emerging PUI field and focused
on three main (PUI) tasks: computer- based vision
strategies to demonstrate consumer awareness (Song,
There is no Moore law for user interfaces.
Communication between humans and robots has not
dramatically changed for nearly two decades. Most
users may connect by sort, point, and click their
computers. Most HCI work in previous decades has
been built to make interactive user interface users to
track and detect directly (Rizzo, 2016). These
properties will provide consumer with a basic model
about what commands and actions are possibly and
what their effects may be; they enable users would be
conscious of total and taking charge of interaction
with software solutions.
Although these attempts were common, their
WIMP (Windows, buttons, menu, pointer) paradigm
was a reliable global system face, Obviously, this
paradigm would not work into different machine
shapes and uses in the future. Computers are
becoming smaller and more common, and their
encounters with our daily life is becoming much
significant. Large displays are becoming more
popular simultaneously, and we are beginning to see
a convergence of computers and television. (El
Haddad). It is very important to connect with
technology in a more public and conjectural way in
all situations. Shortly, the way most people interact
with many computing facilities will not be as they
display, select and type, though still beneficial for
many computers’ solutions (Najm, 2019).
What we need are networking approaches that are
well matched to how humans use computers. It does
not match anything from lightweight, portable
appliances to powerful machines installed into
homes, factories and automobiles. Will the nature of
such complex future HCI specifications exist? We
assume that it exists and that it is based on the
connection between the people and the natural
universe. PUIs are defined by interaction techniques
incorporating an awareness of human natural abilities
(necessary to conduct a range, motor, mental and
perceptual ability). Using the contexts in which
individuals communicate verbally with each other
and the environment, the consumer interface is more
normal and compulsive. Sensors must be clear and
passive with the software, and computers have to
interpret appropriate human communication
networks and produce a naturally known output. This
will include technological integration at various
levels, including speech and acoustic synthesis and
generation, computer vision, graphic design,
simulation, language interpretation, sensing and
suggestions dependent on touch (haptics), device
modelling, conversation and listening (De Oliveira,
2018; Oday A., 2017).
The figure below illustrates how research in
various fields requires PUI. Since the figure shows
the transfer of information within a traditional
machine form factor, PUI is also meant for new form
A perceptive user interface applies human sensing
skills to the device, such as reminding the computer
of the user's vocabulary or the user's face, body,
hands... Some interfaces use the input PC while
communicating between people, and engines are
used. (Taskirar, 2019).
Multimodal UI has strong links that underline
human communication skills. We use different
modalities that result in better contact as we engage
in face-to-face interaction. Much of the MUI function
concentrated on device inputs (for instance, by
speaking with pen-based gestures). The multimodal
performance uses multiple ways to interpret what is
viewed by individuals using auditory, cognitive, and
communication abilities, including visual
presentation, audio, and tactile feelings. In
multimodal user interfaces, various modalities are
sometimes used separately or even concurrently or
closely related. (Oday A., 2017; Ryu, 2017).
Multimedia UI, that has undergone tremendous
study throughout the past two decades, utilizes
perceptual abilities to understand the user's details.
Normal media is text, graphics, audio or video.
Multimedia study focuses on media, multimodal
study on human sensory sources. Multimedia review
is a multimodal branch of output testing from that
PUI incorporates perceptive, multi - modal, with
multimedia interfaces to bear on developing more
natural, responsive interfaces. PUIs can improve the
usage of machines as instruments or equipment,
improving GUI-based software explicitly, for
example, through taking into account motions, voice,
and eye gaze ('No, that'). Maybe more significantly,
these emerging developments would allow computers
to be widely used as assistants or agents who
communicate in more humane ways. Perceptual
interfaces would enable various input modes,
including such speech alone, speech and motion, text
and contact, vision and synthetic voice, any of which
could be suitable in different situations, be it web
applications, hands-free phones or embedded
household structures (Ugail, 2019; Ansaf, 2019;
Azez, 2018).
Pentland advocates sensory intelligence as
essential to interfacing with potential generations of
machines; it identifies two classes of responsive
sensor-based environments and technology expected
to help them. latest investigation about computer-
based sensing and interpretation of human behavior
in particular vision areas. They offer a wide view of
the field and explain two initiatives that, using visual
experiences, improve graphical interfaces. Reeves
and Nass discuss the criteria for a deeper
understanding of human cognition and psychological
in conjunction with technology interaction, and their
studies concentrate on human beings. Additional
knowledge on unique Perceptual User Interface
domains, that is haptic and computational effects
(Hassena, 2019).
Figure 4: Channel based Face Analytics.
A device able to recognize or verify an individual
from a digital picture or video source is a technology.
Many processes function, however overall, by
comparing a specified image's chosen facial features
with faces in a database. Different facial recognition
technologies exist. The program, which can recognize
an individual by analyzing patterns based on facial
structure and form, is also identified as biometric
artificial intelligence.
In the past, it has seen broader applications of
mobile platforms and other aspects of technology
including robots, though initially a computer
program. Currently used in access management
authentication schemes, it can be contrasted with
some other biometrics such as facial patterns system
(Ugail, 2019; Hassen, 2017).
Expression monitors are used in several industries,
like newspapers, one is the advertising business,
where it is essential for businesses to evaluate the
market response to their goods. Here we create an
OpenCV smile detector that receives web cam feed.
There are several simpler approaches to incorporate
our ideal smile / happiness detector.
Phase # 1: First, we must import OpenCV library.
Importing cv2
Move # 2: Include hair-cascades.
Hair-cascades are classifiers that used detect features
(in this case face-to - face) through superimposing
measures or procedures over facial segments and
utilizing them as XML data. In our template, we can
use haar-cascades profile, eye and smile to be inserted
in the working directory after installing.
The requisite hair-cascades were found here.
Face Cascade=.CascadeClassifier('haarcascade
CascadeClassifier('haarcascade eye.xml)
= .CascadeClassifier('haarcascade smile.xml)
Phase 3: Step 3
At this point, to detect the grin, we will enhance the
main function.
Frame by frame from the webcam/vid unit for the live
stream is analyzed. Where hair-cascades work more
effectively on it, we consider the grey image.
We make use of the following to detect the face:
Faces = Face MultiScale(gray, 1.3,
Detection(gray, frame):
Face = MultiScale Face(gray, 1.3, 5)
For face(x, y, w, h):
Roi gray = gray[y+h, x: x+w]
Roi color = frame[y+h, x: x+w]
Smile cascade.detectMultiScale(1.8,
Smiles (sx, sy, sw, sh):
color,(sx + sw),(sy + sh),(0, 0,
255), 2)
Return photo
Vid capture = PC2.VidCapture(0)
Whereas True:
# Captures frame vid capture
, vid capture.read)
# Capture monochrome image
Gray =
ame, computerview2.COLOR BGR2GRAY)
# Calls feature detect)
Canvas = detect(gray)
# Shows camera feed data
Computerview2.imshow('Vid, 'canvas)
# Regulation breaks when q is pushed
Where computervision2.waitKey(1) &
# Unlock capture during all testing.
Vid capture.release) (Release)
Figure 5: PUI with Face Smile Predictions.
Table 2: Evaluation Analytics.
0 95 69 77 84
1 93 66 79 85
2 95 65 81 87
3 93 69 81 81
4 97 64 94 79
The figure 6 shows the different categories
specificity, sensitivity, precision and accuracy.
PP = Truly Identified Positive data points
NF = Falsely Identified Negative data points
PF = Falsely Identified positive data points
NP = Truly Identified negative data points
= PP / PP+PF (1)
= NP / NP+NF (2)
Precision = PP / PP+NF (3)
= PP+NP / PP+NP+NF +PF (4)
The new MCI focus, recognized as PUIs, aims to
make the interaction between individuals more like
people's contact with the environment. In either case,
we concentrate on PUI and PUI motivated projects
emerging field: computer-based graphics techniques
for the visual thoughts of individual user awareness.
Figure 6: Assorted Patterns on Specificity, Sensitivity,
Precision and Accuracy.
While the precision of the face recognition method as
a biometric system is below iris recognition and
fingerprint recognition, it is commonly believed due
to non-invasive, contactless operation. Also, famous
recently as a method for commercial recognition and
Integrating Perceptual User Interfaces and
associated dimensions with meta-heuristics will give
biometric analytics a higher degree of precision and
efficiency on several aspects. Our experiment has
provided the best results so far and still we can
improve accuracy if we can train networks with real
and fake databases and also in future work, we are
planning to present an effective approach for
detecting smiles in the wild with deep learning. Deep
learning can effectively integrate feature learning and
classification into a single model, unlike previous
work that extracted hand-crafted features from face
images and trained a classifier to perform smile
recognition in a two-step approach.
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