Overall Ranking of the Most Influential Causes and Impacts of
Variation Orders in Arab Construction Projects
Nehal Elshaboury
, Youssef Mohamed
and Ahmed
Construction and Project Management Research Institute, Housing and Building National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt
Construction Engineering Department, British University in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt
Keywords: Variation Order, Construction Projects, Influential Factors, Overall Ranking.
Abstract: Variation order involves adding, omitting, or altering activities from the original scope of work. It has a
multitude of negative impacts on the project’s duration and budget. The objective of this research is to
investigate the main causes and impacts of variation orders in Egyptian construction projects from the
perceptions of contractors, consultants, and owners. The relative importance indices of these factors are
computed by analysing thirty-three questionnaire surveys. Furthermore, the rankings of this study are
aggregated with other studies to determine the top five factors affecting and resulting from variation orders in
many Arab countries. The results showed that the most significant cause and impact of variation orders are
change in the country’s economic conditions and delay in project completion, respectively. This study aids
project managers and construction practitioners in identifying the root causes of variation orders to mitigate
and eliminate their negative impacts on the construction projects.
The construction industry is one of the largest sectors
which plays a major role in the Egyptian economy.
Furthermore, the construction sector has a remarkable
contribution to the employment growth (El-Sadek,
2016). Therefore, this sector is a basic building block
in the development of any country. The occurrence of
variation orders has become inevitable in any
construction project and the magnitudes of their
impacts vary from one project to another (Assbeihat
and Sweis, 2015; Wali and Saber, 2019).
Construction projects are often subjected to several
changes that might result from the involvement of
many parties in a project. This variation is either
regularized by the issuance of a change order which
describes its scope and impact or turns into a claim or
dispute which curtails the successful completion of a
project (Alaryan, 2014).
Several definitions were given to the term
change/variation orders. The variation order was
defined as an added or deleted work from the original
scope of work and it may affect the project’s budget
and duration (Ibbs, 2001). Osman et al. (2009)
defined variation orders as any change from the
defined scope and schedule of work. The variation
orders are generally unwelcomed by the project
parties such that the owners feel that they are paying
for others’ mistakes and contractors believe that they
disrupt the workflow and require additional efforts
and time. However, some contractors might benefit
from the occurrence of variation orders (Mohammed
et al., 2017).
The main causes of variation orders are listed as
follows: change in scope, schedule or specifications,
owner’s and contractor’s financial problems, poor
decision-making, obstinate nature of the owner,
change in design, conflicts among contract
documents, project complexity, inadequate working
drawing details, unavailability of equipment,
shortage of skilled manpower, poor workmanship,
inadequate design, poor procurement process, lack of
strategic planning, inefficient communication,
improper and ineffective integration, and
environmental changes (Memon et al., 2014;
Lokhande and Ahmed, 2015).
Regardless of the different causes of variation
orders, they often result in delays in completion,
additional costs, adverse quality, rework, logistic
delays, and disputes among the project parties (Assaf
and Al-Hejji, 2006; Memon et al., 2014). Improving
the projects’ performances could be achieved by
reducing and eliminating the main causes of variation
Elshaboury, N., Mohamed, Y. and Elsaid, A.
Overall Ranking of the Most Influential Causes and Impacts of Variation Orders in Arab Construction Projects.
DOI: 10.5220/0010358003310339
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2020) - Shaping a Better Future Through Sustainable Technology, pages 331-339
ISBN: 978-989-758-517-3
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
orders (Thomas et al., 2002). Therefore, this paper
aims at identifying and ranking the most influential
factors affecting variation orders in many
construction projects across the Arab countries.
This research is organized as follows: Section 2
provides an extensive literature review of the
previous studies that were conducted in this research
area. Section 3 presents the proposed model’s
framework and its major components. Section 4 is
related to the model’s development that guides the
implementation of the proposed framework. Section
5 covers the data collected to develop the research
framework. Section 6 illustrates the model’s
implementation and reports a discussion on the
obtained results. Finally, section 7 summarizes the
main conclusions and findings of this research.
The variation orders might occur in construction
projects for many reasons, such as errors and
omissions, change in scope, and unforeseen
conditions (Hinze, 2001). Assaf and Al-Hejji (2006)
pointed out that change order was the most common
cause of delays in Saudi Arabia’s construction
projects. Alnuaimi et al. (2010) discussed the causes,
impacts, and remedies of variation orders in
construction projects in Oman. The authors
concluded that client changes and lack of national
information and databases were the main reasons for
variation orders. Besides, it was found that the
contractor benefited the most from change orders
followed by the consultant and then the client. In
another study, Ijaola and Iyagba (2012) conducted a
comparison of causes, effects, and remedies of
change orders in the public construction project in
Nigeria and Oman using the relative importance
indices. It was reported that additional work
requested by the owner and design modifications
were the most important causes of a change order in
both countries. Besides, claims and disputes as well
as time and cost overruns were listed as the major
impacts of change orders in Nigeria and Oman,
respectively. It was pinpointed that the contractors
were the party benefiting the most from the change
order. Finally, the most important remedies were the
assignment of a specialized quantity surveyor/ cost
controller and project manager to large construction
project and assignment of a high tech consultant
company in Nigeria and Oman, respectively. Alaryan
(2014) ranked the most common causes of changes in
the public and private construction projects in
Kuwait. Besides, the effects and control measures to
address these changes were discussed from the
perspectives of owners, consultants, and contractors.
The importance index of each effect and control
measure was utilized to rank the collected factors.
The agreements among the means of the responses
were verified using the hypothesis testing. The most
common causes of change orders were identified as
a) plan changes by the owner, b) scope changes by the
owner, c) site problems, d) design errors and
omissions, and e) poor design and working drawing
Assbeihat and Sweis (2015) classified the factors
affecting change orders in public construction
projects in Jordan according to Drewin’s open
conversion system. The relative significance of these
factors was estimated based on the average scores of
responses received from the consultants, owners, and
contractors. The respondents stated that
modifications of design and specifications, additional
work, ambiguities and errors in specifications and
drawings, and inappropriate coordination among the
project parties were significant causes of change
orders. Finally, the solutions proposed to minimize
change orders leading to time and cost overruns were
recommended. In another study, Alshdiefat and Aziz
(2018) classified the causes of change orders in the
Jordanian construction industry into client-related,
engineering-related, and project-related aspects.
Then, the severity indices of these factors were
applied for ranking and analysis. The analysis showed
that the top three causes of variation orders were
changes requested by clients, design errors, and
conflicts between contract documents. Finally,
correlation analysis was performed to capture the
relationships between different categories of causes
of change orders. Lokhande and Ahmed (2015)
discussed the causes and impacts of change orders in
the construction industry of Yemen. The authors also
recommended some practices to manage and control
variation orders. Albhaisi (2016) surveyed the causes
of variation orders in the Gaza strip from the
perspective of owners, consultants, and contractors. It
was concluded that the most influential factors
causing variation orders were schedule change by the
owner, design complexity, lack of contractor’s
involvement in the design, late delivery of equipment
and materials, and site safety considerations. Finally,
the appropriate solutions to minimize and control
variation orders were proposed.
Senouci et al. (2016) investigated the causes of
change orders in residential and commercial projects
in Qatar. The level of association between these
causes and cost overruns was analysed using Pearson
correlation analysis. The analysis showed that design
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
errors, change in design, change in quantities of work,
change in plan or scope of work, and differing site
conditions factors had the highest correlation
coefficient. The analysis of variance revealed that
change orders in the design and construction phases
had the same cost overrun impact. A regression
analysis was performed to predict the cost overruns
concerning the project size/contract value. Finally,
recommendations were presented to tackle the
problem of change orders in the Qatari construction
industry. El-Sadek (2016) ranked the causes of
change orders in the Egyptian construction industry
based on their relative importance indices. The results
revealed that additional work, ambiguities and
conflicts in the contract documents, change of the
project’s schedule, and inappropriate communication
among project parties were listed as the most
significant causes of change orders. Finally, the
rectification methods that could be taken to mitigate
the probability of occurrence of variations were
presented. Sherif (2016) studied the causes and
consequences of variation orders in the repetitive
residential projects in Egypt. The relative importance
indices of these factors were computed to conclude
that change in plans or scope, schedule, and
specifications were the top three causes of variation
orders. Moreover, the level of agreement among the
responses of each party was measured using
Spearman correlation analysis. Finally, the non-value
adding activities associated with variation orders
were identified to enhance the construction projects’
Mohammed et al. (2017) identified the factors
causing variation orders in the building projects in
Sudan from the perceptions of owners, consultants,
contractors, and project managers. The weighted
average for each factor was computed to measure its
relative significance. The top five significant factors
were listed as follows: a) instable prices and exchange
rates, b) new imposed governmental regulations, c)
unavailability of manuals for construction projects, d)
design errors and omissions, and e) failure of owners
to make decisions or review documents at the right
time. The study showed an agreement among the
involved parties regarding the ranking of factors.
Khalifa and Mahamid (2019) studied the causes,
impacts, and remedies of variation orders in
construction projects in Saudi Arabia. The top five
causes of change orders from the contractors’ view
were: a) owner’s additional works, b) design errors
and omissions, c) lack of coordination among
construction parties, d) defective workmanship, and
e) financial difficulties faced by the owner. The
consultants agreed with the contractors on the top
three factors but, they ranked the owners’ financial
problems and differing site conditions as the third and
fourth causes of variation orders. Wali and Saber
(2019) applied the fishbone diagram to determine the
root causes of change orders in construction projects
in Iraq. Furthermore, an analysis of the collected
factors was performed using the relative importance
index. The analysis showed that the top five
significant factors causes of the change orders were
the poor project management, change in the country’s
economic conditions, lack of contractor’s experience
and mistakes during construction, poor cost
estimation, and quality assurance/control. This
research aids construction professionals in managing
and controlling the change orders.
The novelty of this research is the evaluation of
the significant causes and impacts of variation orders
in many Arabian construction projects from the
perspective of owners, contractors, and consultants.
This research is expected to assist project managers
and construction professionals in identifying the
causes of variation orders at an early stage of the
project for possible reduction or elimination.
The flowchart of the proposed model is presented in
Figure 1. It starts with reviewing the previous
research studies related to variation orders in the
construction industry in many Arab countries. Then,
questionnaire surveys are conducted to rank the
collected factors based on their relative importance
indices. Finally, the obtained rankings are aggregated
to acquire a comprehensive view of the most
significant causes and effects of variation orders in
Arab countries.
The objective of this research is to investigate the
most influential factors of variation orders in the Arab
construction industries. The relative importance
index establishes a mean rating point for each cause
of variation order as per Equation 1 (Wali and Saber,
2019). Therefore, it is applied in this research for
evaluating the significance of the assessed factors.
Overall Ranking of the Most Influential Causes and Impacts of Variation Orders in Arab Construction Projects
Figure 1: Model development framework.
Where, W represents the rating of each factor, A
represents the highest weight, and N represents the
total number of responses. It could be noted that a
higher value of this index indicates the greater
significance of this factor. The different rankings
obtained from different studies are aggregated to
obtain a comprehensive view of the most significant
causes and impacts of variation orders in many Arab
countries using Equation 2 (Zidane and Andersen,
Wherere ORI represents the overall ranking index, F
refers to the total number of research studies, i
represents the actual ranking of each variation order
cause, and Ni represents the frequency of each
factor’s ranking in all the research studies. It could be
noted that a higher value of this index indicates a
higher ranking of this factor.
The major sources of data collection in this research
are literature reviews and questionnaire surveys. The
preliminary list of variation order factors in
construction projects was identified based on an
extensive literature review. The collected factors are
evaluated by conducting thirty-three questionnaire
surveys among different contractors, consultants, and
owners in the Egyptian construction industry.
The structure of the questionnaire consists of three
parts: consent form, general information, and
questions about causes and impacts of variation
orders. The informed consent form informs the
participant about the purpose of the study and the
benefits of participation. The general information
section covers the participant’s occupation and years
of experience. The experts are finally requested to
state the relative weights of importance of the factors
collected from the literature review. The experts shall
express their preferences according to Likert scale,
ranging from “1”, which means not at all important,
to “5”, which means very important. The rankings of
the top five causes and impacts of variation orders in
many Arab countries are shown in Tables 1 and 2,
The construction industry is exposed to several
changes leading to the issuance of variation orders.
That is why, it is crucial to investigate the causes of
variation orders in order to manage and control their
negative impacts on the projects. The common causes
and effects of variation orders are mainly collected
from the literature review. These factors are
evaluated by conducting thirty-three questionnaire
surveys with experts in the Egyptian construction
industry. Measuring the reliability of this research is
crucial to ensure getting the same results if more data
is collected using the same procedure (Saunders et al.,
2009). The reliability of the collected responses is
measured by measuring the Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient. The value of this coefficient ranges
between 0% and 100% whereas, the higher values
represent more consistent values and reflect greater
reliability. In this research, the Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient of causes of change orders is 0.98, which
means reliable and consistent results. The frequencies
of importance levels of each cause and impact of
variation orders are shown in Figures 2 and 3,
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Figure 2: Frequencies of importance level for causes of
variation orders.
Figure 3: Frequencies of importance level for impacts of
variation orders.
The relative importance index of each cause of
variation order is computed as shown in Figure 4. The
analysis shows that the top five most significant
causes of variation orders are financial difficulties
faced by the owner, unavailability of a strategic plan,
change of schedule of work, unclear working
drawings, and financial difficulties faced by
contractors. On the other side, the least ranked factors
are the change of specifications of work by the
consultant, non-involvement of contractor in the
design phase, adverse weather conditions,
replacement of materials, and change in site
Figure 4: Relative importance indices of significant causes
of variation orders.
The relative importance index of each impact of
variation order is computed as shown in Figure 5. The
analysis shows that the disputes and conflicts, delay
in project completion, cost overrun, bad quality of
work, and rework are the most significant impacts of
variation orders.
Figure 5: Relative importance indices of significant impacts
of variation orders.
The overall ranking indices of the top five most
important causes of variation orders are illustrated in
Figure 6. The analysis shows that the top five most
significant causes of variation orders are change in
the country’s economic conditions, change of project
scope and plans, design errors and omissions, and
design modifications. On the other side, the least
important factors are modification in specifications of
materials, incomplete design, contractor’s financial
problems, unsafe site, and change in design by the
Overall Ranking of the Most Influential Causes and Impacts of Variation Orders in Arab Construction Projects
Table 1: Rankings of top five casual factors of variation orders in different Arab countries.
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Table 2: Rankings of top five impacts of variation orders in different Arab countries
Country Oman Kuwait Jordan Palestine Egypt Sudan
Authors Impacts
Ijaola and
Msallam et
al. (2015)
Staiti (2015)
Delay in project’s
1 3 1 1 1 3
2 Claims and disputes 2 3 2 4
3 Cost overruns 3 1 2 2 3 2
Delay in activities’
Increase in overhead
Difficulty of adopting
new technolo
7 Delay in payments 4 4
Bad performance and
al of
4 5 5 4 1
9 Demolition and rework 5
Additional cost incurred
y the contracto
11 Poor quality of work 6 5 5
Figure 6: Overall ranking indices of the top five causes of
variation orders.
The overall ranking indices of the top five most
important impacts of variation orders are illustrated in
Figure 7. The analysis shows that the top five most
significant impacts of variation orders are delay in
project completion, cost overruns, claims and
disputes among project parties, adverse impact on the
performance and moral of parties, and poor quality of
work. On the other side, the least important factors
are demolition and rework, delay in completion of
activities, excessive overhead expenses, difficulty in
adapting new technologies, and incurrence of
additional costs.
Figure 7: Overall ranking indices of the top five impacts of
variation orders.
These results were validated through an interview
with a professional whose experience is more than 25
years in the Egyptian construction industry. The
expert was asked about the most influential causes
and impacts of variation orders in the Egyptian
construction industry. The most influential causes of
variation orders were stated as follows:
Change in the country’s economic
conditions because of the instable economic
situation in Egypt.
Design errors and omissions which generate
variations and adversely impact the project’s
cost and schedule.
Change of project scope and
modifications/alterations due to insufficient
Overall Ranking of the Most Influential Causes and Impacts of Variation Orders in Arab Construction Projects
owner's knowledge in the project and lack of
planning in the initial stages of the project.
Change in design or specifications of the
project which frequently occurs in projects
where construction initiates before the
design is finalized.
On the other hand, the most significant impacts of
variation orders were described as cost and time
overruns, claims and disputes among project parties,
and poor quality of work.
This study investigated the variation orders in the
Egyptian construction industry. These factors were
analysed by conducting thirty- three questionnaire
surveys among professionals in the construction
industry. The significance of these factors was
determined by calculating the relative importance
indices of the collected responses. Furthermore, this
research explored the most important causes and
impacts of variation orders from previous research
studies in Arabian construction projects.
Furthermore, the most significant impacts of variation
orders were delay in project completion, cost
overruns, claims and disputes among project parties,
adverse impact on the performance and moral of
parties, and poor quality of work. This emphasizes the
importance of tracking the causes of variation orders
to mitigate their negative impacts on the construction
projects. This will lead to better planning and
management of resources, saving time and money,
and enhancing the projects’ performances.
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Overall Ranking of the Most Influential Causes and Impacts of Variation Orders in Arab Construction Projects