The Utilization of the Valid Rubric to Improve High School Students'
Real-world Problem-solving Skills in STEM Education
Andinisa Rahmaniar
Department of Technology, Illinois State University
Keywords: STEM education, rubrics, problem-solving
Abstract: Nowadays, students confront challenges with high-level technology. Thus, they need to learn how they
can appropriately use technology. Students learn every subject, such as science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics at school separately. Then, when they must find a solution that requires to combine two different
subject matters, such as engineering and mathematics, they have difficulties to solve the problem because
they do not know how to combine two subjects as one discipline. If a school provides Science Technology
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education in their curriculum, students will learn how to apply their
knowledge to solve the problem. Besides, teachers still use the conventional method to teach students and
separate every subject as one independent subject. To analyze students' problem- solving skills, teachers use
a rubric to assess students' ability in problem-solving. Even though the teachers use a rubric, the rubric is
probably not valid because the rubric cannot analyze students' performance continuously. This research
explains the usage of a valid rubric to improve students' problem -solving skills in STEM education. The
researcher does a comprehensive literature review as a research method by using more than fifteen sources
about STEM education, problem-solving, and a valid rubric of problem- solving skills in the results of this
study indicate that students can improve their real -world problem-
solving skills in STEM education after
they getting feedback based on the proposed rubric.
High school students learn every subject, such as
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics at
school separately. When they must find a solution to
a problem by applying two different disciplines, such
as engineering and mathematics, they are asked to
solve the problem by integrating two different
subjects. Winarni et al. (in Widya et al., 2019)
examine that STEM education is an integrated
learning of science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics to improve students’ problem-solving
skill. STEM education has three principles; STEM
education should advance the learning, provide a
logical and authentic connection between and across
the individual STEM discipline and serve as a bridge
to STEM careers (Wilson, 2019). One of the STEM
education principles encourage students to have
problem-solving skills, which is providing a logical
and authentic connection. The goal of learning in the
K-12 curriculum is to gain students' knowledge and
ability to unravel problems by using an integrated
concept. Moreover, some researchers use a rubric to
analyze students' problem-solving skills. Doctor et al.
(2016) said that rubric need a proof of validity
because it should be able to give consistent value
when used by anyone and at any time. Therefore, this
research will explain how to create a valid rubric that
the teacher can use in STEM learning to increase
students' real-world problem-solving skills.
This paper uses the database from google scholar and
Milner Library (EBSCO) at Illinois State University
and the target is high school teachers. The researcher
divides the literature into three groups, such as STEM
education, real-world problem-solving skills, and
problem-solving rubrics. The keywords that the
researcher uses are "STEM education," "problem-
solving," "problem-solving rubrics”, and “valid
rubric.” There are five studies about STEM
education, one resource describes the STEM
education principle, and three types of research of
implementation of STEM education, three studies
Rahmaniar, A.
The Utilization of the Valid Rubric to Improve High School Students’ Real-world Problem-solving Skills in STEM Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0010357203790385
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2020) - Shaping a Better Future Through Sustainable Technology, pages 379-385
ISBN: 978-989-758-517-3
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
explain the problem-solving skills. Eight kinds of
research discuss rubric for assessing problem-solving
skills. Those groups of papers are combined to make
one conclusion of the literature review, which is the
criteria of rubrics that teachers can use for assessing
students' real-world problem- solving skills.
Williams (2011) reviewed the STEM education
research and produced a literature review about
reasons why STEM education has not been
implemented yet at school. For example, the teachers
already teach all subjects in one class, so integrated
STEM education is not essential. The article revealed
that STEM education developed from a non-
educational rationale. Besides that, elaborating
science, mathematics, and technology appears not to
be taken seriously. The author mentions that
integrating science and mathematics will reduce
technology use rather than engineering. In other
perspectives, STEM education is not successful
because teachers do not understand their content and
learning process design, and students cannot transfer
one subject to other subjects. Therefore, the teacher
should believe that interaction between disciplines
will improve students' learning. Other reasons why
STEM education is needed today is mentioned by
Bell (2016), he examined the need for teachers who
has high qualification professional people in STEM is
increased. The article explains that an integrated
STEM curriculum is needed because students become
aware of real-world relations. The author uses
phenomenography as a methodology in his research,
and it is a method by learning the phenomena. When
students learn STEM education, they should
understand how STEM is interconnected in the
implementation of different STEM disciplines to
solve the problems (Ejiwale et al., 2013).
Furthermore, there are three STEM education
principles described by Wilson (2019); STEM
education should develop learning, provide a logical
and reliable connection between and across the
individual STEM disciplines, and serve as a bridge to
STEM careers. According to those principles, STEM
education should provide a logical and reliable
connection, which means the technology can engage
creative thinking and real-world problem- solving. In
addition, integrated STEM education can guide
students to get knowledge for a suitable solution for
human needs. The researcher recommended some
actions, such as starting the STEM education for
elementary grades, engage parents' perception of
STEM education, implementing project-based or
problem-based learning, and encourage students with
STEM-focus, in and outside of school practical
learning occasions. Those principles can help
teachers to develop the learning process, which
improves students' real- world problem-solving skills.
For instance, English (2016) said that STEM
education should encourage students to use
knowledge and skills for multiple disciplines. The
authors explain STEM integration correlates with
Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and
Next Generation Science Standards. Besides that,
STEM education can be integrated from
multidisciplinary to interdisciplinary. The authors
describe an excellent development of STEM that can
make students get twenty- century skills, such as the
inquiry process, problem-solving, critical thinking,
creativity, and innovation. Therefore, students are
encouraged to create new and productive connections
in more than two disciplines. The researcher proves
that real- world problem-solving skills can be
advanced through STEM education based on its
Meyrick (2011) described STEM education gain
students' knowledge, make students learn the topics
more in-depth, and increase the skill to solve the
problem so that students will be more creative and
innovative. Zhang (2017) explained that students
could not solve real-life problems routinely, so by
involving a problem-based learning process, students
can study to solve open-ended problems. In addition,
Basu et al. (2015) explained that undertaking the real-
world problem can encourage students' problem-
solving skills and make them an independent and
competent learner. Moreover, Ferreira and Trudel
(2012) explained problem-based learning gives an
impact on problem-solving skills and a sense of
community in the classroom. The authors mentioned
that problem-based learning increases students'
analytical and reasoning skills to develop a solution
to the problem. Euefeuno (2019) described the four
steps to do problem-based learning in STEM
education, such as identify the problem, design,
evaluate, and communicate the solution. It helps
students to follow the learning process.
The problem-solving skills can be measured by
using a rubric of problem- solving. Docktor et al.
(2016) presented an assessment for students'
problem-solving skills in Physics. They said that
physics is a foundation of STEM education to teach
problem-solving. If students want to be an expert on
solving the problem, they must integrate their
knowledge with the problem- solving framework.
Assessing problem- solving skills is needed as a
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
rubric because it can be used for measuring different
scopes of performance and standards of achievement
for each of the ranges, and it has consistent scoring
rates. The researcher used Minnesota Assessment of
Problem Solving (MAPS), which is applied in the
classroom activities, such as written problem
solutions. There are requirements to make a rubric,
such as easy to use, usable in the authentic situation,
have evidence for its validity, reliability, and utility.
The rubric in their article has five criteria, namely
useful description, physics approach, specific
application of physics, mathematical procedures, and
logical progression. Moreover, Medina, et al. (2013)
described the rubric of problem-solving is designed to
evaluate four areas that is answer selection, answer
prioritization and defense, organization of the
respond, and evidence. The results showed that
students can improve their problem-solving skills
after they get feedback from the teacher based on the
problem-solving rubric.
Docktor et al. (2016) used a valid rubric to assess
students' problem-solving skills, and it is different
from Hull et al. (2013) who studied the development
of problem-solving assessment and rubrics which is
included physical situation and mathematical
description. The article mentions that they continue
the global rubric and modifying it by adding
mathematical procedures to the rubric. Another
possibility is adapting the comprehensive rubric to
build a rubric by engaging the conceptual and formal
mathematical reasoning. Therefore, this article
described that guiding students to blend both
theoretical and mathematical reasoning can improve
students' problem-solving skills. The problem-
solving rubrics can be useful for researchers or
teachers to teach students about the problem- solving
and how their works are assessed. In addition, the
researcher explained the problem-solving strategies,
such as visualize the problem, describe a problem,
plan a solution, execute the plan, and check and
In term of rubric validation, Mustapha, et al.
(2016) mentioned that a rubric should present
flexibility and consistencies among teachers or raters.
Eseryel et al. (2013) designed an article about the
validation of assessment for ill-structured problem
solving in interdisciplinary STEM education on
ninth-grade students. The researcher said that valid
assessment for problem-solving skills could improve
the progress of learning outcomes. They used two
methods for their research, such as problem-solving
rubrics and HIMATT (High Integrated Model
Assessment Technology and Tools). As a result, both
the assessment methods gave significantly difference
to student's learning outcomes after the students got
the treatment. HIMATT provided the indicator of the
quality of ill- structured problem-solving in complex
domains, such as STEM education. This article
prefers using HIMATT because it is more valid than
a problem- solving rubric. Memarian and Mccahan
(2018) explained that making the problem-solving
VALUE rubrics which presents high achieving
descriptor for the indicators through two steps, such
as creating the descriptor and mapping the descriptor
topics. Six faculty members validate the rubrics, and
they made a focus group discussion about revising the
description and indicators. The author found that a
rubric should have incorporate representation on the
problem and solution level, to be more specific to a
particular issue and increasing the level of the
Dahm (2014) created rubrics to analyze students'
outcomes, which has four indicators, and each
indicator has four different levels (Figure 1) in STEM
education. There was a proof that this rubric has
significant consistency for assessing students by
different evaluators. Moreover, Gray et al. (2017)
developed Quantitative Literacy VALUE Rubric
from the Association of American Colleges and
Universities to analyze students' works sample in a
STEM course. This rubric contains six skills, such as
interpretation, representation, calculation,
application, assumptions, and communication which
has four-point Likert scale each skill. Gray et al.
(2017) discussed that there is an issue to assess
students' performance because of the possible rater
bias and the differences score among rater; thus, there
should be a validation for the rubric. The result of
their study is the Quantitative Literacy VALUE
rubrics gives consistency score in analyzing students’
Figure 1. Sample rubric for the outcome “students will
demonstrate an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
science, and engineering (Dahm,2014).”
The Utilization of the Valid Rubric to Improve High School Students’ Real-world Problem-solving Skills in STEM Education
Nevertheless, there are threats to validate a rubric,
such as subjective and illogical coding rubrics
(Arffman et al., 2015). The distinction between the
criteria is uncertain but relied on subtle, subjective
difference, illogical, counteractive, and inconsistent
standards make biased grading of students'
performance. Then, Ge et al. (2011) who said that
rubric is needed to investigate the critical thing in the
process of problem-solving skills because students
have different abilities to solve real-life problems. In
the article, the author designed the problem-solving
rubric and validated through nine versions of rubrics
samples scoring and continuously testing. The rubrics
have two or three scoring criteria for two aspects
problem representation and generating the solution.
The scoring was done by two professors in the
same field and two raters from a different area. When
the assessors have different total scoring, which is
more than one point, they discussed it and made final
scoring. Another research from Lertyosbordin et al.
(2019) created a problem-solving rubric for
computing science. The author validated the rubrics
through five professors in computing science and five
raters. The results of grading are discussed and
summarized to be some standards, such as best,
average, and miserable.
The previous research describes the improvement of
students' problem-solving skills in STEM education,
but they did not explain what kind of rubric they used
to assess students and how to develop and validate the
rubric in different fields. Therefore, this literature
review only discusses the connection between the
utilization of a valid rubric and the problem - solving
skill in STEM education. From this literature review,
the reasons why STEM education is not implemented
yet at schools is because some teachers do not
understand the importance of STEM education and
the needed for professional people with high
qualifications in the STEM fields. Therefore, it is not
only teachers who need to understand STEM
education, but also the school administration and
students because students will gain their knowledge
from integrated subject. Based on the principles of
STEM education, which is STEM education logically
connect every subject, teachers can advance the
learning process in STEM education. Therefore,
teachers can improve students' problem-solving skills
through the learning process, which is developed by
the teacher using appropriate rubrics.
In addition, the literature review explains that
teachers should integrate their methodology of
teaching students in STEM education. The teachers
also should know how to approach students to make
students interested in learning and understand the
STEM field. The methodology can be problem-based
learning. As Ferreira and Trudel use problem- based
learning to teach STEM, they use a rubric to know the
development of students' problem-solving skills. The
result shows significant differences in students who
learn with problem-based learning. Therefore, before
teachers start to teach STEM education, the teacher
should make a rubric to analyze the students'
problem-solving skills. Thus, the teacher will know
the ability of their students and can increase students'
real-world problem- solving skills.
Moreover, the rubric should contain identification
of the problem situation, defining problem,
evaluation alternative plan, implementation of the
solution, communication of the plan. For instance,
STEM education uses the VALUE rubric to assess
students' performance. VALUE rubric has six skills
to be analyzed, which is the same with problem-
solving skills, such as interpretation, representation,
calculation, application, assumptions, and
communication. This rubric is valid because after the
rubric is tested for the validation, the results showed
that the VALUE rubric gives a consistency score for
Furthermore, the rubric should be flexible and
consistent because the raters have a different
perspective, and it will impact the result of students'
performance. According to the literature review, there
are some steps to validate the rubrics, such as teachers
need more than two experts from the same and
different field. After the teacher gets the result of
revision from the experts, they test the rubric to know
the validity and reliability. If the results say that the
rubric is reliable and valid, teachers can use it to
analyze students' problem-solving skills.
Teachers can assess students' performance based
on the component of their rubric. First, teachers could
know how students identify the problem. This
component analyzes students' critical thinking skills.
Second, the creativity of students could be assessed
by how students design the solution for the problem.
Then, students evaluate the solution to ensure that the
solution can be used to solve the problem.
Communication skills can be assessed when
students communicate the solution that they find to
solve the problem. In the end, teachers can be more
precise in analyzing students' performance and can
improve students' problem-solving skills in real-
world issues in STEM education.
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Students cannot solve real-life problems correctly
because they do not know how to integrate multiple
disciplines. STEM education can increase students'
problem- solving skills by applying integrated multi-
discipline concepts. This skill could be perceived by
using an assessment that are provided by a rubric.
Therefore, the teacher needs to have a valid rubric to
improve students' real-life problem-solving skills in
STEM education. Thus, the teacher can advance their
learning methodology to enhance students' problem-
solving skills.
A rubric should contain four components, such as
identifying the problem, creating a plan of solution
for solving the problem, evaluating the solution, and
communicating the solution. The steps of rubric
validation are a revision by more than two experts in
the same and different fields and testing the rubric.
Teachers can use the rubric after the rubric is proved
that it is valid and reliable to analyze students' real-
world problem-solving skills in STEM education.
In contrast, there is a lack of information about
how significant the impact of using a valid rubric in
STEM education to improve students' problem-
solving. Therefore, there could be future research to
measure the improvement of students' real- life
problem-solving skills in STEM education. It could
be research about the students' interest in STEM
education based on the results of the assessment by
using a valid rubric. The teacher can analyze whether
students can solve the real-world problem step by step
based on the correct rubric. After that, teachers can
give feedback to the students; then, students will
know their ability and increase their skills in problem-
solving. Without the rubric, the teacher could not
analyze students' problem-solving skills accurately
because there is no indicator of problem-solving
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