The Effect of User Experience and Quality of Products on Customer
Loyalty of Guna Bhakti Credit Products in BJB Batam
Mardiana, Maryani Septiana
Applied Business Administration, PoliteknikNegeriBatam
Jl. Ahmad Yani, Batam Centre 29461, Indonesia
Keywords: User Experience, Product Quality, Customer Loyalty.
Abstract: This research to examine the Effect of User Experience and Product Quality on Customer Loyalty for Guna
Bhakti Credit Products at BJB Batam. Respondents from this research were customers of the BJB Batam who
have used credit products for devotion at least 2 times. The population in this research were customers of
credit products for the service of BJB with a total sample of 80 respondents. The sampling technique here
uses purposive sampling method. In this research, data were collected through questionnaires given directly
to respondents as well as through structured interviews to respondents by submitting several questions directly
that had been prepared. The data analysis method used is a descriptive statistical analysis using multiple linear
regression. The results of this research are two independent variables, namely user experience, and product
qualitypartially and simultaneously affect customer loyalty.
1.1 Background
user experience is a person’s perception and response
to the experience of using a product, system, or
service. The user experience felt by customers is an
impact of the quality of the products provided by the
bank. Where product quality is the overall features
and characteristics of the product or service that affect
its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.
Product quality will emerge when customers have
gained experience from the products that have been
used. If the product is of good quality for users, it will
provide a good experience for users. With the user
experience of each customer, as well as the quality of
the products that support and provide good value to
customers, it will create an attitude of loyalty to the
use of the BJB products that have been offered.
The attitude of customer loyalty to always use the
products offered by BJB will appear if customers
experience a different service after using the product.
The services provided are that BJB officers provide
convenience in the credit application process, serve
responsively, and so on. With this service, it will
create a loyal attitude of customers to use BJB
products. Because customers feel the best quality
service provided by BJB.
Currently, BJB offers credit products that have
been widely used by people who are interested in
these products. The credit product is in the form of
guna bhakti credit, which this credit can help the
community in meeting user needs. Guna bhakti credit
is a credit facility provided by BJB for debtors whose
salaries are payroll or non-payroll and agencies that
already have cooperation with BJB
( Guna bhakti loans
are addressed to prospective debtors who have jobs as
government employees, BUMN, BUMD, TNI /
POLRI. Based on the background description, the
title in this study is "The Influence of User Experience
and Product Quality on Customer Loyalty in Guna
Bhakti Credit Products at BJB Batam".
2.1 Theoretical Review
2.1.1 Service
According to Kotler (2002) services are actions or
activities that can be offered by one party to another,
Mardiana, . and Septiana, M.
The Effect of User Experience and Quality of Products on Customer Loyalty of Guna Bhakti Credit Products in BJB Batam.
DOI: 10.5220/0010357101250132
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2020) - Shaping a Better Future Through Sustainable Technology, pages 125-132
ISBN: 978-989-758-517-3
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
which is essentially intangible and does not result in
any ownership. Its products can be attributed or not
associated with a physical product. eight fundamental
aspects differentiate between services and physical
goods, which are as follows:(1) The service products
consumed cannot be owned by consumers. (2) A
Service product is a performance product that is
intangibles or intangible. (3) In the service production
process, consumers have a greater role to participate
in the processing compared to physical goods. (4)
People involved in the service process play a role in
the formation of services. (5) In terms of
operationalizing inputs and outputs, service products
are more varied. (6) Certain service products are
difficult to evaluate by consumers. (7) Service cannot
be saved. (8) Time factors in the service process and
service consumption are relatively more considered.
2.1.2 User Experience
User Experience or commonly called UX is the
perception and response of a person who is based on
the use or anticipation of the use of the product,
System, or service (Wiryawan, 2011). The user
experience also explains how users experience
enjoyment and satisfaction after using products,
viewing, or holding products.
To get a good User Experience, then a product
must have suitability between the product features to
the needs of the user. This will determine whether the
product is valuable or worth it later if it is easy to find
and easy to use the first time, it can make the user's
feeling happy when using it. Products must be easy to
use to complete or do things that users want. In user
experience there are 4 elements according to Frank
Guo (2012) consisting of: (a) Value (Valuable),
Features that exist on the product according to user
needs. Even though a product is easy to use, if it does
not fit the needs of users, it does not have valuable
value. (b) Ease of access (adoptability), if a product is
valuable and has value but is not easy to obtain, the
product cannot be said to have a good user
experience. The product is easy to process so users
can easily borrow from the product. (c) Usability
(Usability), users can easily make the desired loan
through the product. For example, when a user wants
to lend a loan for Bhakti, the user is only required to
submit collateral in the form of an Employee Decree
(Certificate). (d) Desirability related to emotional
attractiveness. Users feel a pleasant experience when
using the product. If the product meets four elements;
the product has a good user experience
2.1.3 Product Quality
According to Kotler and Amstrong (2015), product
quality is the ability of a product in demonstrating its
function, it includes the overall durability, reliability,
accuracy, ease of operation and repair of the product
also other product attributes in evaluating the
satisfaction of a particular product, service, or
company, consumers generally refer to various
factors or dimensions. Here are eight dimensions of
product quality revealed by Tjiptono (2000) in
Mahmudi (2015), among others: (a) Performance is
related to the functional aspects of an item and is the
main characteristic that the customer considered in
buying the item. (b) Features, are a useful aspect of
forming to add basic functions, with regards to
product options and images. (c) Conformance to
specification (conformity to specifications), this is
related to the level of conformity to specifications that
have been predetermined based on customer desires.
(d) Durability (durability), which reflects economic
life in the form of a measure of durability or the
lifetime of the goods. (e) Perceived quality
(impression of quality) consumers do not always have
complete information about product attributes.
However, consumers usually have information about
the product indirectly.
A product can be said to have good quality if the
product is covered by these dimensions. With the
existence of these dimensions in a product, it is
expected that the product has more value than
competing products.
2.1.4 Customer Loyalty
According to Tjiptono (2011) in Paendong, et al
(2017) loyalty is a repurchase behavior solely
regarding the purchase of the same specific brand
repeatedly because it is indeed the only brand
available, the cheapest brand and so on. Meanwhile,
according to Jill Griffin (2015) in Nugraha and
Rusmin (2019), customer loyalty is a buying behavior
as a nonrandom purchase that is expressed from time
to time by several decision-making units.
Griffin (2005) in Lestari and Yulianto (2018) put
forward several indicators of loyalty as follows: (1)
Transaction habits, how often customers make
transactions. (2) Repurchase, the customer's
willingness to make transactions by utilizing various
other services provided by the operator. (3)
Recommendations, verbal communication about the
customer's experience to others in the hope that the
person is willing to follow it. (4) Commitment, the
customer's ability to continue to utilize the services
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
provided by operators in the future and are reluctant
to stop as a customer
2.2 Conceptual Framework
Sugiyono (2014) defines that framework thinking
will theoretically link a research variable between the
dependent variables and the dependent variables. The
thought frameworks in this study are as follows:
2.3 Hypothesis
Hypotheses are suspected or provisional answers to
the research results that researchers will do.
Hypotheses in this study include:
H1 = Allegedly user experience affects the loyalty of
Guna bhakti credit customers at BJB Batam.
H2 = Allegedly the quality of the product affects the
loyalty of Guna Bhakti credit customers at BJB
H3 = Alleged User Experience and product quality
simultaneously affect the loyalty of Guna Bhakti
credit customers at BJB Batam.
3.1 Research Design
In this study using quantitative descriptive methods
through case studies by taking population samples at
BJB Batam. Data collection was carried out using a
questionnaire survey on credit customers to measure
respondents' perceptions based on customer
experience and product quality when interacting with
Guna Bhakti credit products at BJB Batam.
3.2 Population and Sample
The population in this study were customers who
used the Guna Bhakti credit BJB Batam at least 2
(two) times, totaling 350 (three hundred and fifty)
customers. In this study, the sampling technique used
the Slovin and Husein formula with a sample size of
80 respondents.
3.3 Data Collection Technique
Data collection techniques used in this study are:
1. Questionnaire
The questionnaire is a technique implemented by
providing a question or written statement to the
respondent to be answered (Sugiyono, 2011). Every
question or statement in the questionnaire will be
measured using a Likert scale. In this case, the scale
used is:
1. For SS answers, agree strongly, given a score=4
2. For S answer, agree given a score = 3
3. For TS answers, Disagree, given a score = 2
4. For STS answers, Strongly Disagree given a
2. Interview
Collecting data sourced from parties related to the
issues raised in the study by conducting a question
and answer directly. In this study, the parts related to
both the company and with users especially those
who have used Guna Bhakti Credit Products? BJB
Batam at least 2 times. In this study, the interview
technique used is structured interviews where the
interviewer submits several questions that have been
3.4 Method of Data Analysis
The methods of analysis used in this study are:
1. Descriptive Analysis
Descriptive statistical analysis is used to support the
analysis and provide a general description of the
research variables. In this descriptive analysis, it will
be investigated how the perception given by
respondents through a questionnaire on each
statement item, measured using a Likert scale. The
results will be displayed in the form of a frequency
distribution table of research variable items
consisting of the frequency of respondents' answers.
2. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
This multiple linear regression analysis is used to
determine the effect of the linear relationship. In this
study, researchers used Multiple Linear Regression
analysis techniques to test the truth of the hypothesis,
namely whether there is an influence of user
experience and product quality on customer loyalty
for Guna Bhakti credit products at BJB Batam.
The Effect of User Experience and Quality of Products on Customer Loyalty of Guna Bhakti Credit Products in BJB Batam
3. Hypothesis Testing
Regression coefficient testing is intended to test the
significance of the influence of independent variables
(X), namely user experience and product quality.
Both jointly (F test) and individually (t-test) onb the
dependent variable (Y), namely customer loyalty of
Guna Bhakti credit product BJB Batam. Thus, it will
be known together whether the independent variables
affect the dependent variable in this study.
4.1 Research Result Descriptive
4.1.1 Characteristics of Respondents
Respondents in this study were customers to Guna
Bhakti credits, which used the product at least twice,
amounting to 80 respondents. The characteristics of
respondents including gender, age, job status,
education, and long-time use of the product.
Respondents by sex consisted of 36 women and 44
men. Respondents by age showed that most of the
customers of the BJB Batam were aged 41-50 years
old, as many as 37 people. While a small proportion
of customers come from the age group> 51 years,
which is as many as 2 people. This shows that most
respondents are in the productive age category.
Respondents based on employment status showed
that most customers had employment status as PNS
as many as 42 people, while a small proportion had
BUMD employment status of as many as 6 people.
This is because one of the requirements for credit
loans at BJB Batam is to work as a civil servant and
have a decree that can be pledged to the Bank.
respondents based on education showed that most
customers had S1 education, namely as many as 55
people, while a small proportion had S2 education.
This is because Bachelor / S1 education is a
requirement of PNS acceptance. So that most users of
Guna Bhakti Credit products have Bachelor / S1
education and already have jobs as PNS. Respondents
based on the length of the product have shown that
the majority of customers who use the product for 5-
10 years, as many as 51 people, while for customers
who use the product for 11-15 years, as many as 29
people. This is because the majority of BJB customers
who use Guna Bhakti Credit twice as many times are
customers who have used products 5-10 years have
felt the benefits provided by these products so that
customers make repeated loans at BJB.
4.1.2 Respondents Responses
The results of the responses of respondents in each
questionnaire on each research variable will be
analyzed and sought the average value of
respondents'answers so that it can be seen by
respondents' perceptions as a whole on the variable
user experience, product quality, and customer
1. Respondents’ Responses to User Experience
The results of respondents' responses to the
questionnaire used to measure user experience
variables and the results of the average value of
respondents' answers showed that respondents'
ratings of user experience were quite good, with an
average value of 3.21. The results of the respondents
'statement showed that the highest respondents'
ratings were given regarding Guna Bhakti credit
products that had a good function / use and by my
needs which got a rating of 3.35. good and by the
needs of customers., while getting the lowest rating
contained in the statement in lending Guna Bhakti
credit my data is kept confidential, so it makes me feel
safe with an assessment of 3.13. This can be
interpreted that the customer considers the product to
have provided a fairly good experience.
2. Respondents' Responses to Product Quality
The results of respondents' responses to the
questionnaire used to measure product quality
variables and the results of the average value of
respondents' answers showed that respondents'
ratings of product quality were quite good, with an
average value of 3.25. The results of the respondent's
statement show that the highest respondent's rating is
contained in the statement I chose to do credit at BJB
Batam because the interest given was low compared
to other banks that received the highest rating of 3.35
and included very good. This shows that customers
assess products with very good quality are products
that have low interest compared to others. While the
lowest valuation is in the statement, I feel that the
Guna Bhakti credit can be used for more than 5 years
to get a pretty good rating with a value of 3.15. This
shows that product quality is a factor that influences
customers in deciding the use of the product.
3. Respondents' Responses to Customer Loyalty
The results of respondents 'responses to the
questionnaire used to measure customer loyalty
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
variables and the results of the average value of
respondents' answers showed that customer loyalty is
quite good, with an average value of 3.22. The results
of the respondent's statement indicate that the highest
rating contained in the statement I intend to provide
personal information about the performance of credit
products/services for BJB service to my closest
relatives who get the highest rating of 3.35 and is very
good. This shows that the customers feel comfortable
with credit products for BJB service so that the
customer intends to provide personal information
related to the performance of credit products/services
for BJB Service. While the lowest rating is on the
statement, I intend to add credit nominal or top up the
credit platform on the BJB, with a value of 3.05 and
is quite good. This shows that customers have
different needs. So that not all customers will top up
the platfo2rm or increase the nominal credit.
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. To test the
hypothesis proposed in this study using multiple
linear regression, it is to know the influence of two or
more free variables to its variables. In this study free
variables include user experience and quality of
products. The dependent variable is customer loyalty.
Based on the results of the multiple linear regression
analysis test, the equation of the multiple linear
regression values can be obtained as follows:
Y = 3.311α + 0,219 X1 + 0,308 X2
Y = Customer Loyalty (Dependent Variable)
X1 = User Experience (Independent Variable)
X2 = Product Quality (Independent Variable)
From this equation, it can be described as follows:
a) α = constant number of the unstandardized
coefficient which in this study is 3,311. This
figure is a constant number which means
that if the value of the variable user
experience and product quality is equal to 0
(zero), then the amount of customer loyalty
is 3,311 or it can be interpreted as customer
loyalty for credit products to serve BJB has
good loyalty.
b) b) The value of the variable regression
coefficient user experience (b1) positive
value of 0.219 is that it can be interpreted
that every user experience increases by 1
unit, it will increase customer loyalty of
0.219 units assuming another independent
variable is fixed.
c) c) The variable regression coefficient of
product quality (b2) positive value, which is
0.308, can be interpreted that every product
quality improvement is 1 unit, it will
increase customer loyalty of 0.308 units
assuming another independent variable
value is fixed.
Hypothesis Testing
1. Significant Test Results t (Partial)
The T-Test is a test tool to see whether individual
independent variables affect the dependent variables.
To test T-Test, the hypothesis used is as follows:
H1 = Allegedly user experience influences the loyalty
of Guna Bhakti Credit customers at BJB Batam.
H2 = Allegedly the quality of the product affects the
loyalty of Guna Bhakti credit customers at BJB
a) User experience variable
From the calculation result, the T value is 3,421 with
a significance value of 0.001 <0.05, while the T table
value is 1.991. This means that the value of T count
is greater than T table. Thus, it can be concluded that
the H1 proposed in this study is accepted, meaning
that there is an individual influence of the user
experience variable on customer loyalty Ghuna
Bhakti credit products at BJB Batam
b) Product quality variables
From the calculation results obtained t value of 4.408
with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05 while the t
table value of 1.991. This means that the calculated t
value is greater than the table t value. Thus, it can be
concluded that the H2 proposed in this study was
accepted, meaning that there was an individual effect
of product quality variables with customer loyalty for
Guna Bhakti credit products at BJB Batam.
2. Significant F Test Results (Simultaneous)
The F test is a testing tool to see whether the
independent variables jointly (simultaneously) affect
the dependent variable. The hypothesis is as follows:
H3 = Alleged User Experience and product quality
simultaneously affect customer loyalty Guna bhakti
credit at BJB Batam.
From the calculation results obtained F value of
30,930 with a significance level of 0,000. while the F
table value of 3.12 means that the calculated F value
is greater than the F table, besides that the
significance value also shows a number below 0.05.
So, it can be concluded that H3 is acceptable, which
The Effect of User Experience and Quality of Products on Customer Loyalty of Guna Bhakti Credit Products in BJB Batam
means that there is a simultaneous influence on the
variable user experience and product quality on
customer loyalty of Guna Bhakti credit products on
BJB Batam.
4.2 Discussion
4.2.1 Effect of User Experience Variable on
Loyalty of Guna Bhakti Credit Products BJB Batam
Based on the formulation of problems and hypothesis
testing results found that the user experience
calculated T 3,421, while the table T is 1,991, which
means that the table T Count > T (3,421 > 1,991) and
the significance of < 0.05 (0.001 < 0.05) so that H1 is
accepted which means there is an influence between
user experience variables (X1) partly on customer
loyalty credit
This research has supported the research
conducted by S. Paendong et al (2017) under the title
research Effect of Product Usage Experience, Product
Quality and Promotion of Customer Loyalty at Bank
Kawangkoan Bri Unit with the results of his research
that the product experience variable has a significant
effect on customer loyalty Bri Bank Kawangkoan
Unit. The results of hypothesis testing have been
proven that the experience of using the product has a
t count of 3.073 with a significant level of 0.003
<0.005 so it can be concluded that Ho is rejected, and
Ha is accepted, which means the experience of using
the product has a significant effect on customer
4.2.2 Effect of Product Quality Variable on
Customer Loyalty of Guna Bhakti
Credit Products BJB Batam
Based on the formulation of the problem and the
results of the hypothesis testing found that the value
of the calculated product quality T is 4,408, while the
table T value is 1,991, which means t count > T table
(4.408 > 1.991) and the significance of < 0.05 (0.000<
0.05) so that H2 is accepted which means there is an
influence between product quality variables (X2)
partially towards customer loyalty.
This research has supported the research
conducted by Prabhata (2017) with the title Effect of
Service Quality and Quality of SME Credit Products
on Customer Loyalty of PT BPR Kerta Raharja
Bandung with the results of his research that the
product quality variable significant effect on
customer loyalty, which means the product quality
variable has a strong influence on customer loyalty at
PT. BPR Kerta Raharja.
Proven results of testing the hypothesis that has
been done that the product quality has a significance
value <0.05 (0.00 <0.05) this shows that the product
quality factor has a strong influence in relation to
customer loyalty at PT. BPR Kerta Raharja.
4.2.3 Effect of Variable User Experiencer,
and Product Quality Simultaneously
on the Customer Loyalty of Guna
Bhakti Credit Products BJB Batam
Based on the problem formulation and the results of
the hypothesis testing found that there is an influence
between user experience variables and the
simultaneous product quality to customer loyalty of
credit products to Bhakti BJB Batam. This is
reinforced by obtaining a Fcount of 30,930 and a
Ftable of 3.12 meaning Fcount> Ftable (30,930>3.12)
so that H3 in this study was accepted because Fcount>
Ftable is 30,930>3.12.
The value of regression calculations known from
the coefficient of determination obtained in 0445
means that the user experience relationship and
product quality to customer loyalty is 44.5% and the
rest is influenced by other variables not examined in
this study.
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the results of research on the Influence of
User Experience and Product Quality on Customer
Loyalty of Guna Bhakti BJB Batam Credit Products,
the conclusions of this study are as follows: (1). User
Experience affects customer loyalty, the user
experience variable partially influences customer
loyalty of guna bhakti BJB Batam credit products.
This is evidenced by the t count of 3,421 with a
significance level of 0.001 <0.05, which means that
the better the user experience the customer gets, the
better customer loyalty to the product. This can be
seen from the functions and uses of credit products
according to user needs, thus making customers loyal
to the product. (2) Product quality affects customer
loyalty, the variable product quality partially affects
the customer loyalty of the credit product guna bhakti
BJB Batam. This is evidenced by the t count value of
4.408 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05, which
means that the better the quality of the product
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
provided, the higher the customer loyalty will be.
This can be seen from the low-interest rates given by
credit products that make customers loyal. (3) User
experience and product quality jointly affect
customer loyalty. Guna Bhakti BJB Batam credit
products. This is evidenced by the F count value of
30,930 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05,
which means that if the two variables are
simultaneously increased, customer loyalty will also
increase. This can be seen from the function and
usefulness of the product and the low interest given
by the Bank. So that it will increase customer loyalty
to the product.
5.2 Recommendation
Based on the conclusions above, it is suggested
several things as follows:
A. Practical Recommendation
(1). User Experience towards guna bhakti loan
customer loyalty to BJB Batam is good enough, so it
is expected that the guna bhakti BJB credit product
and bank officers can maintain and improve the
service and quality of the product. (2) The quality of
the product towards the customer loyalty of guna
bhakti credit to BJB Batam is quite good, so it is
hoped that the product of BJB guna bhakti credit and
bank officers can maintain and improve the service
and quality of the product. (3) BJB Batam must make
innovations by the times and technology in a
pandemic situation like this in product development
and promotion because in the Batam area various
types of new banks have started to emerge.
B. Theoretical Recommendation
The independent and intermediate variables in this
study are very important in influencing customer
loyalty so that it is hoped that the results of this study
can be used as a reference for further researchers to
develop other research by considering other variables
that can affect customer loyalty. As well as using
other research objects. This aims to obtain more
varied research results.
Acknowledgments are addressed to Batam State
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