Analysis of Womenpreneur Activities and Business Motivation on
Competence and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises
(MSMEs) in Batam City
Shinta Wahyu Hati, Ely Kartikaningdyah, Rahmat Hidayat, and Fedia Restu
Department of Business Management, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Jl. Ahmad Yani, Batam, Indonesia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Batam, Indonesia
Keywords: Womenpreneur, Motivation, Business Competence and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis results of womenpreneur activities and business
motivation on the Competence and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Batam City.
Research data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The population of this
research was women entrepreneurs at the scale of micro, small and medium enterprises in Batam City. The
sample in this study consisted of 195 respondents. The analytical method used in testing the hypothesis was
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using Partial Least Square (PLS). From this study, it was found that the
activities of womenpreneurs and motivations, both had a significant effect on business competence with the
T-statistic value of 9.649 and 2,142 respectively. In addition, it was also found that business competence had
a significant effect on the performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises with a T -statistic value of
The era of globalization that characterized by free
trade cannot be avoided by any nation, including
Indonesia. The development and intense business
competition in today's business world has led to
extraordinary changes in marketing, human resource
(HR) management, handling of exchange
transactions between companies and customers as
well as against other companies, suppliers,
shareholders, governments, and other stakeholders.
Planning, control and decision making also
contribute to providing more challenges for the
business world today due to increased
environmental uncertainty.
Data obtained from ( states that
many industrial companies in Batam City have gone
bankrupt. Data from the Manpower Office added that
in 2015, 54 companies were forced to stop operating,
as many as 67 companies in 2016 and around 23
companies in 2017 also experienced the same thing.
In total, there were 144 companies that closed during
2015 - 2017. The number of companies that closed
would certainly increase the unemployment rate in
Batam City. The Batam City Manpower Office
recorded the number of unemployed people at 40
thousand people.
According to an economic observer at the
Maritime University Raja Ali Rasyid (2017), several
factors causing the decline in industrial performance
in Batam City are the weakening of global economic
conditions due to the decline in crude oil prices and
global mining prices. Other causes include tax
incentives and the ease of investment offered by
neighboring countries such as Vietnam and Johor
Bahru Malaysia which also reduce the number of
investors in Batam. From these data, it can be seen
that job competition in Batam City continues to
increase. The lack of employment has meant that the
number of job seekers has never decreased, while the
availability of existing jobs is in fact insufficient
where the unemployment rate in Batam is still high.
The problem of unemployment and limited
employment opportunities can be overcome by the
role of MSMEs. One of the important roles of micro,
small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in
supporting economic growth is their ability to create
jobs which in turn can reduce poverty. Business
Hati, S., Kartikaningdyah, E., Hidayat, R. and Restu, F.
Analysis of Womenpreneur Activities and Business Motivation on Competence and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Batam City.
DOI: 10.5220/0010353700120020
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2020) - Shaping a Better Future Through Sustainable Technology, pages 12-20
ISBN: 978-989-758-517-3
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
fields that can develop and be consistent in the
current national economy are Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). UMKM is a good
place for creating productive jobs. The number of
unemployment data according to data from the
Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2017 was 7.01
million. The growth of MSMEs can be said to be very
fast, so that the need for job creation can be met little
by little. Thus, the unemployment rate can decrease
with the existence of these MSMEs. According to
Schiffer & Weder in Hermanto (2010), to help
overcome the problem of unemployment, this small-
scale industrial development will be of great help,
especially in providing employment and business
opportunities which in turn can encourage regional
and rural development.
During 2018, there were more than 4 thousand
Batam residents who were unemployed, where
women dominated this unemployment rate. The
causes are various, from failing the test to the
existence of other policies from companies that
require workers with certain conditions
According to Hati and Irawati (2015), at the age
of 25, there will be termination or termination of
employment according to the contract. Industrial
companies consider that this age is no longer suitable
to work in the manufacturing industry because of the
problem of physical decline and decreased work
productivity. This condition is a trigger to increase
women unemployment in Batam. Therefore, it takes
the efforts of all parties in Batam to encourage
women to become entrepreneurs (womenpreneurs).
Based on Online Data System (ODS) data at the
Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and
Medium Enterprises (UKM), Batam has 81,486
MSMEs, where part of the data is women
entrepreneurs (womenpreneur).
According to (Zimmerer and Scarborough) in
Chistiana et al., (2014), it is explained that an
entrepreneur is someone who creates a new business
by taking risks and uncertainties in order to achieve
profit and growth by identifying significant
opportunities and combining the necessary
resources. to set it up. Therefore, an entrepreneur
must be able to create his own opportunities for the
creation of something valuable and can be used to
Ropke, quoted by Suryana and Bayu (2011),
stated that entrepreneurship is the process of creating
something new (new creation) and making
something different from what already exists
(innovation). It aims to achieve individual welfare
and added value to society. Thus, the presence of
entrepreneurship will greatly influence economic
progress and improve economic conditions in Batam.
The existence of this entrepreneurship will be able to
create jobs, increase income distribution, improve
the quality of life of the community, utilize and
mobilize resources to increase economic
productivity, and increase government welfare.
Surya and Bayu (2011) explain that successful
entrepreneurs are those who have high achievement
motives (High n acr personal). The characteristics of
high achievement motives are: (1) Having
commitment and responsibility towards work, (2)
Tending to choose challenges, (3) always being
observant of seeing and taking advantage of
opportunities, (4) Objective in every assessment, (5)
Always needing feedback , (6) Always optimal in,
unfavorable situations, (7) Profit oriented, and (8)
Having the ability to manage proactively. Meredith
et al., In Dhamayantie et al., (2017) states that
entrepreneurship is someone who can act in
accordance with entrepreneurial characteristics,
including self-confidence, task and result orientation,
risk taking, leadership, originality, and future
The benefit of this research is that it can provide
additional useful information for womenpreneur
entrepreneurs for consideration in improving
business performance more efficiently and
effectively so as to be able to develop their business.
The research results will provide information and
recommendations for the government in developing
MSMEs. The results of this study provide
information for steakholders in encouraging
opportunities for women to continue to develop their
2.1 Women's Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial activity is influenced by internal and
external factors. Internal factors are entrepreneurial
abilities and personal characteristics, while external
factors consist of opportunities and resources
(Bygrave and Zacharakis, 2010; Saragih, 2010).
Kuratko and Hotgetts (2007) see the business
activities of the establishment of a viable new
business which can be specifically seen from its five
activities, namely: (1) technical, related to the
feasibility analysis of products and services; (2)
market, relating to determining market opportunities
and risks; (3) financial, relating to financial and
Analysis of Womenpreneur Activities and Business Motivation on Competence and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises
(MSMEs) in Batam City
resource feasibility; (4) organizational, relating to
organizational capabilities (owners and employees);
(5) competitive, related to competitiveness. Thus, it
can be concluded that entrepreneurial activities can
be seen from marketing, organization, finance,
competitiveness and production power. In line with
Sari's research. Set, al (2015), it is known that the
higher the activity of entrepreneurial characteristics
possessed by entrepreneurial women, the more their
entrepreneurial activities will tend to increase.
However, in reality, women as entrepreneurs still
face gender bias issues in society.
According to Ardhanari (in Widowati, 2012),
women who are entrepreneurs in MSME have
several obstacles in running their business. Among
these obstacles are related to creativity, the ease of
obtaining capital as working capital, and gender
equality. Gender is not natural, can change and can
be exchanged between people depending on the
culture of a place (Puspitawati, 2013). There are
several salient differences between women and men
entrepreneurs. According to Alma (2001), women
entrepreneurs are tolerant and flexible, realistic and
creative, enthusiastic and energetic and able to relate
well to the community and have a medium level of
self-confidence. Meanwhile, the self-confidence
possessed by men tends to be higher than most
2.2 Business Motivation
Hasibuan (2003) explains that the notion of
motivation is the provision of a driving force that
creates a person's enthusiasm for work so that they are
willing to cooperate, work effectively, and are
integrated with all their efforts to achieve satisfaction.
According to Kreitner & Kinicki (2005), motivation
is a psychological process that enhances and directs
behavior to achieve goals.
Mc.Clelland in Hasibuan (2003) suggests the
following types of motivation 1) Achievement
Motivation is a desire to overcome or beat a
challenge, for progress, and for growth; 2) Affiliation
Motivation is the urge to make relationships with
other people; 3) Competence Motivation is an
encouragement to perform well by doing high quality
work; and 4) Power Motivation is the urge to be able
to control a situation and the tendency to take risks in
overcoming the obstacles that occur.
According to Gemina D. et, al (2016) that through
entrepreneurship, a person will be motivated to get
minimal rewards in the form of profit, freedom,
personal dreams that may come true, and
independence, in addition to having opportunities for
business development and controlling their own
destiny. According to the research results of Gemina
D, et, al (2016), it is explained that business
motivation has a significant effect on business ability,
where the higher the business motivation will be
followed by the business ability.
2.3 Business Competence
According to Suryana in Sihombing et al., (2013)
competence is defined as the knowledge, skills and
abilities of individuals who have a direct influence on
performance. According to Bird in Sihombing et al.,
(2013) Entrepreneurial competence is defined as
basic characteristics such as general and specific
knowledge, motivation, nature, self-image, social
roles and skills that cause birth, business survival and
business growth.
The importance of business competence is in
accordance with the results of Darya's (2012)
research which states that entrepreneurial
characteristics have a positive and significant effect
on business competence or vice versa. The results of
a positive relationship indicate that the higher the
business competence, the higher the positive effect on
the performance of micro and small businesses and
vice versa.
According to Suryana in Yullu Chistiana, et al.,
(2014), it is revealed that the competencies or abilities
that must be owned by entrepreneurs are in real terms
reflected in the ability and willingness to start a
business (start-up), the ability to do something new
(creative, willingness), and the ability to seek
opportunities (opportunity) the ability and courage to
bear risks (risk bearing) and the ability to develop
ideas and pool resources.
2.4 Business Performance
According to Mulyadi (2007), business performance
is the successful performance of personnel, teams or
organizational units in achieving predetermined
strategic goals using expected behavior. Mulyadi also
explained that the success of achieving strategic goals
needs to be measured. In forming the basis of
performance measurement, a strategy is needed to
determine the size and strategy of the initiative to
achieve these goals. According to Gaspersz (2011),
the Balance ScoreCard as a performance management
system provides a balanced emphasis on the financial
aspects from four perspectives, namely finance,
customers, internal business processes and learning/
growth. MSMEs have the ability to exercise
flexibility in facing various environmental
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
challenges. Among the strengths that exist in
MSMEs, some are the flexibility to create, the ability
to innovate and the ability to take actions that are not
possible for large entrepreneurs. Every activity that is
economically impossible to carry out by large
companies basically becomes the strength of small
businesses (Nitisusastro, 2009). However, from the
number of strengths that MSMEs have, it turns out
that small businesses cannot be separated from the
existence of weakness factors, including: weak
management skills, lack of competence in business,
and limited resources. The criteria for MSMEs are
regulated in article 6 of Law No. 20 of 2008
concerning business criteria based on two things,
namely the amount of wealth or the amount of sales
Ratundo & Sackett in Darya (2012) defines that
performance is all actions or behaviors that are
controlled by individuals and contribute to the
achievement of the goals of the organization. There
are 3 (three) major components of performance,
namely: (a) task performance; (b) citizenship
performance; and (c) counter-productive
performance. According to Gibson (2003),
performance refers to the level of success in carrying
out tasks and the ability to achieve predetermined
goals. In line with the research results of Gemina D.
et, al (2014), it is also stated that business ability has
a significant effect on business success, where the
higher the business capacity, the higher the chances
of achieving business success.
2.5 Hypothesis
H1: Womenpreneur activities have a significant
effect on business competence at MSMEs in Batam
H2: Business motivation has a significant effect
on business competence in MSMEs in Batam City.
H3: Business competence has a significant effect
on business performance at MSMEs in Batam
2.6 Framework
Figure 1: Framework
The research design used in this study was
explanatory research. According to Sugiyono (2009)
quantitative research is a research method based on
the positivism philosophy and is used to examine
specific populations or samples where the sampling
technique is generally carried out randomly with data
collection carried out using research instruments, data
analysis is quantitative statistics with the aim to test
the hypothesis that has been determined previously.
The population in this study were women
entrepreneurs in the scale of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises assisted by the Department of
Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises of the Batam
City Government. The sampling technique used was
purposive sampling, which is a non-random sampling
technique where the researcher determined the
sampling by determining special characteristics. The
special characteristics of the sample in this research
are women entrepreneurs who have been
entrepreneurs for more than 2 (two) years. The
number of samples in the study that fulfiled the
criteria were 195 women entrepreneur respondents.
3.1 Research Variable
The exogenous variables of this study are
Womenpreneur Activity (X1) and Business
Motivation (X2). The endogenous variables are
Business Competence (Y) and MSMEs Business
Performance (Z).
3.2 Data Collection Techniques
Primary data in this research was obtained through
distributing questionnaires to respondents. Data
collection techniques are carried out by giving a set
of questions or written statements to respondents to
answer them (Sugiyono, 2013).
3.3 Data Analysis Method
The data analysis technique used in this study was
PLS-SEM (Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation
Modeling) analysis. PLS is used as a prediction
model, does not assume a certain distribution to
estimate parameters and predict the causality
relationship. Therefore, the parametric technique for
testing the significance of the parameters is not
required, and the evaluation model for prediction is
non-parametric. The evaluation of the PLS model is
carried out by evaluating the outer model and innet
model (Jogiyanto, 2011).
Analysis of Womenpreneur Activities and Business Motivation on Competence and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises
(MSMEs) in Batam City
Table 1: Validity Test Parameters in the PLS Measurement
Validity Test Parameter Rule of Thumbs
Loading factor
Average variance
extracted (AVE)
More than 0,7
More than 0,5
More tha
Root of AVE and
latent variable
correlation of Cross
Root of AVE >
Latent variable
More than 0,7
in one va
4.1 Characteristics of Respondents
Figure 2: Busines Age
Based on the research data presented in Figure 2
related to the characteristics of women entrepreneur
respondents based on the length of time the business
was established, it can be seen that the average
business <3 years has a percentage of 40%, w hile for
MSME businesses that have been operated for 3 - 9
years has a percentage of 53%, 9 - 16 years have a
percentage of 4% and 16-22 years have a 3%
percentage and there is no business that has been
operated for> 22 years. The conclusion that can be
obtained is that the MSME business for women in
Batam City is dominated by the age of MSMES with
an age of 3 - 9 years.
Figure 3: Income Per Month
Based on the research data presented in Figure 3
above, regarding the income of MSMEs of food-
processed in Batam City, it can be seen that MSMEs
with an income of IDR 1,000,000 IDR 3,000,000
have a percentage of 4%. Meanwhile, MSMEs with
an income of IDR 3,100,000 – IDR 5,000,000 have a
percentage of 25%. Income IDR 5,100,000 - IDR
10,000,000 has a percentage of 43%, and income >
IDR 10,100.00 has a percentage of 28%. Thus, it can
be concluded that the income per month of MSMEs
is dominated by income ranging from IDR 5,100,000
- IDR 10,000,000.
4.2 Measurement Model (Outer Model)
4.2.1 Construct Validity Test
The construct validity test in general can be measured
by the loading score parameter in the research model
(Rule of Thumbs > 0.7). However, if there is a value
that is above 0.5 or 0.6 for research at an early stage,
then this value is still considered adequate and can be
used (Ghozali, 2014) by using the parameter Average
Variance Extracted (AVE)> 0.50 and Communality>
From the table 2, it can be seen that all AVE and
Communality scores have values above 0.50. Thus, it
can be concluded that the construct has good
convergent validity.
Table 2: Convergent Validity Test.
Based on the table 3, it can be concluded that the
root value of AVE is almost entirely higher than the
correlation value between constructs and other
constructs. These results indicate that all the
constructs in the estimated model meet the criteria for
discriminant validity. After testing the outer model,
the results show that all statement items are valid,
namely loading factor> 0.50, AVE> 0.50, and
Communality> 0.50 so that these results can be
analyzed further.
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Table 3: AVE Root Comparison and Latent Variable
4.2.2 Reliability Test
The reliability test is carried out by looking at the
Cronbach Alpha and the Composite Reliability value.
A construct can be said to be reliable when the
Cronbach Alpha value is > 0.6 and the Composite
Reliability value must be > 0.7 (Ghozali, 2014). The
comparison of the Cronbach Alpha and Composite
Reliability values can be seen in the table 4.
In the table 4, it can be seen that the Cronbach
Alpha value for all constructs is more than 0.6 with
the lowest value of 0.969 on the business motivation
variable (X2) and the highest value is 0.986 on the
womenpreneur activity variable (X1). Meanwhile,
the value of the business performance variable (Z) is
0.967 and the business competency variable value (Y)
is 0.969. The Composite Reliability value for all
constructs is more than 0.7 which indicates that all
constructs in the estimated model meet the criteria of
being reliable. The lowest Composite Reliability
value is 0.967 in the business performance variable
(Z). While the highest value is 0.987 in the
womenpreneur activity variable (X2) and the
business competency variable (Y) of 0.973.
Table 4: Comparison of Cronbach Alpha and Composite
4.3 The Structural Model
(Inner Model) Evaluation
The testing of the structural model (inner model) aims
to see the relationship between the constructs, the
significance value, and the R- Square of the research
model. Structural models are evaluated using R
Square for the dependent construct, while the path
coefficient or t-values for each path are used to test
the significance of the constructs in the structural
model. Assessment of the structural model with PLS
begins by looking at R- Square for each dependent
latent variable. The results of the R Square estimation
of the dependent latent variable obtained can be seen
in the table below:
Table 5: Value of R Square.
The table 5 shows that the R Square value in the
business performance variable (Z) is 0.029. This
shows that 2.7% of the business performance variable
(Z) may be affected by the business competency
variable (Y), while the remaining 97.1% is influenced
by other variables outside the one under study. The
value of R Square for the business competency
variable (Y) is 0.438 which means that 43.8% of the
business competence variable (Y) can be influenced
by womenpreneur activity (X1) and business
motivation (X2), while the other 56.2% was affected
by variables outside this research variables.
4.4 Hypothesis Results
The significance of the estimated parameters provides
very useful information regarding the correlation of
the research variables. The basis used in testing the
hypothesis was the value that has the following path
coefficient output.
Analysis of Womenpreneur Activities and Business Motivation on Competence and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises
(MSMEs) in Batam City
Table 6: Result of Path Coefficient and T-Statistics.
The conclusion obtained based on the table above
is that the first hypothesis is supported by a T- statistic
value of 9.649, which is more than the t- table value
of 1.96. These results indicate that womenpreneur
activities have a positive effect on business
competence. The second hypothesis is supported by
the t-statistic value of 2.142 where this value is more
than the t-table which reflects that business
motivation positively affects business competence.
Furthermore, the third hypothesis is also supported by
the t-statistic value of 3.105, which is above the t-
table value. Thus, it can be interpreted that business
competence positively affects the business
performance of MSMEs.
4.5 Discussion
4.5.1 The Effect of Womenpreneur
Activities on Business Competence
Based on the path coefficient table, it shows that the
relationship between the womenpreneur activity
variable on business competence is significant, where
the t-Statistics value obtained is 9.649. This value is
greater than t-Table 1.96. Thus, the first hypothesis in
this study which states that "Environmental
Uncertainty has a significant effect on Business
Competence" was accepted. The activity of
womenpreneurs in Batam City is a characteristic of
The results of this study are in line with research
conducted by Darya (2011) which concluded that
entrepreneurial characteristics have a significant
effect on business competence. In addition, the results
of the study are also in line with Sari, S. et al (2015)
research which shows that the activities of women
entrepreneurs are influenced by internal factors of
entrepreneurial characteristics. The entrepreneurial
activities of women entrepreneurs can be seen from
marketing, organization, finance, competitiveness
and production power. Therefore, it can be concluded
that womenprneur entrepreneurial activities can
increase the competency skills in managing their
4.5.2 The Effect of Business Motivation on
Business Competence
Based on the path coefficient table, it is known that
the relationship between the variables of business
motivation and business competence is significant,
with the t-Statistics being above the value of 1.96,
which is 2.142. These results indicated that the
relationship between entrepreneurial characteristics
and business competence is positive. Thus, it can be
concluded that the second hypothesis in this study
which states that business motivation has a significant
effect on Business Competence" was accepted. The
results obtained are related to the research of Nurani,
H et al (2013) which explains that business
motivation has been the background for MSME
business managers to open their businesses, with the
hope of getting a better future life and can provide
benefits. This research is in line with research by
Gemina, D et al (2016) which concluded that business
motivation has a significant and positive effect on
business ability.
4.5.3 The Effect of Business Competence (Y)
Variables on Business Performance (Z)
Based on the results of tests carried out on the third
hypothesis (H3), it shows that H3 is accepted. This
means that business competence affects business
performance. This shows that the t-statistic obtained
is 2.824 which is greater than the t-table (1.96). Thus,
the hypothesis is accepted, or in other words, there is
a significant effect of the business competency
variable on the performance variable. A positive
relationship shows that the higher the business
competence, the higher the business performance or
vice versa. In other words, business competence in
the form of ability (Ability) is defined as being able
to manage time efficiently and manage existing
resources well, where MSMEs that have run their
businesses with good business planning will be able
to improve their own business performance.
This research is in line with research conducted by
Dhamayantie et al., (2017) in the title Influence of
Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Competencies to
Improve MSME Performance, which states that
business competencies consist of knowledge, skills,
and abilities has a significant effect on business
performance. These results are in line with the results
of research conducted by Darya (2012) which states
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
that business competency variables have an influence
on business performance. Apart from that, the results
of this study are the same as the results of research
conducted by Gemina, D et al (2016), which states
that business ability has a significant effect and is
directly proportional to business success. In this case,
the higher the business capacity, the higher the
business success will be.
5.1 Conclusion
From the results of the research and discussion that
has been explained, the conclusions obtained are as
1) Womenprneur activities on business competence
had a positive and significant effect, which was
evidenced by the T-statistic value of 9.649.
2) Business motivation on business competence had
a positive and significant effect as evidenced by
the T-statistic value of 2.142.
3) Business competence on business performance
had a positive and significant effect, which was
evidenced by the T-statistic value of 2.824
5.2 Suggestion
Based on the conclusions and limitations of this
study, the following suggestions are proposed for
future research:
1) Womenpreneurs must improve their competence
in a sustainable manner to cope with
environmental changes that occur so rapidly,
among others, by increasing their knowledge,
skills, and abilities so that business competencies
will increase. Besides they need also to always be
up to date regarding changes in government
2) The government or the stakeholders can provide
stimulus in the form of assistance and support in
the form of capital and training so that
womenpreneurs can continue to be motivated to
improve their competence in entrepreneurship.
3) In running a business, entrepreneurs should pay
attention to business competence. Business
competence can be developed by following
trainings provided by the Office of Cooperatives
and Micro Enterprises, in addition to developing
businesses with creative ideas.
4) More research variables and indicators should be
added so that the research conducted can provide
useful information for Batam City's Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) so that the
performance of MSMEs in this case can increase.
5) It is recommended for womenpreneurs to gather
with a community or entrepreneur association, so
that their enthusiasm and motivation for
entrepreneurship will always grow. The gathering
of womenpreneurs into a business community is
expected to create a collaboration and partner
together in developing their business.
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