Analysis of LSB Algorithm Modification with Bit Inverse and
Insertion based on Length of Message
Fahrul Ikhsan Lubis
, Saib Suwilo
and Poltak Sihombing
Magister Informatics, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, 20155, Indonesia,
Department of Informatic, Universitas Sumatera Utara, 20155, Indonesia
Keywords: Steganography, LSB Algorithm Modification, Bit Inverse, Length of Message, LCG Algorithm, Text
Message, Image Massage.
Abstract: Steganographic demolition using the LSB Algorithm is increasingly being carried out by researchers for
modifications as needed. Previously, the LSB algorithm has been modified by doing a bit inverse where the
message is inserted into the container image and then modified by looking at the 2nd and 3rd LSB bits. If the
two bits are different then the inverse of the entered message bit (bit 1 LSB) is performed. However, if the
two values are the same then the entered message will not be inverted. This modification is considered good
but still lacks in the pixel position of the image that is inserted with the message (modification is done by
inserting sequential images in an image). To cover this weakness, in this study a modification of the LSB with
insertion based on the length of the message was carried out. Message insertion was carried out on random
pixels of an image using the LCG algorithm and the number of message bits that were inserted varies
according to the message length. Moreover, the modifications made should produce a better stegoimage than
before, as evidenced by calculating the PSNR of a stegoimage. From the modification test results, it was found
better results than before both in text message archiving (66.29 dB > 61.8 dB) or in image messages (54.20
dB > 50.01 dB).
The insertion of messages into images using
steganography techniques has experienced rapid
development. The researchers competed to make their
own modifications according to their knowledge and
experience of the insertion. This occurs because the
basic theory of message insertion is considered to
have been overused and tried to modify the method.
Previously, the algorithm (LSB) has been
modified by inverse bit where the message will be
inserted into the container image first. Furthermore,
the 2nd and 3rd bit LSB is scanned. If the two bits
have different binaries then the inserted message
binary will be converted to the inverse binary that was
inserted. If the 2nd and 3rd bit LSB are the same, then
the inserted message does not change (Bharwaj and
Sharma, 2016).
Previous research has produced a good message
insertion, but the modification only inserts one
message bit in each pixel and the insertion position is
done on consecutive pixels in an image. This
modification has gaps to be recognized because if a
more detailed check is carried out, the reduction in
taste quality in certain parts in sequence will be
detected. To cover the weakness of the previous
researchers, the second modification inserts messages
on random pixels in an image and the number of
message bits inserted is adjusted to the message bit
length. If the length of the message in modulo 2 is 0,
then 2 message bits will be inserted at each image
layer at positions 1 and 2 LSB. Meanwhile, if the
result is 1, the insertion of 1 message bit on each
image layer at position 1 LSB is carried out. Thus the
insertion will be difficult to detect because the
insertion of random messages using steganographic
techniques will increase the security of the message
(Sitompul et al, 2018) and the number of bits inserted
can change according to the message length.
Steganoimage of the two LSB modifications will
be tested by calculating the Peak Signal to Noise
Ratio (PSNR), Mean Squared Error (MSE), and the
time required to insert the message.
Lubis, F., Suwilo, S. and Sihombing, P.
Analysis of LSB Algorithm Modification with Bit Inverse and Insertion based on Length of Message.
DOI: 10.5220/0010333500003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 522-529
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Steganography was a process to embed data to cover
object. The cover object might be image, text, audio,
or video. Cover object were a container to hidden
data or secret messages and they were the main
material of steganographic systems, where some of
their characteristics were altered or manipulated to
conceal a confidential message. However, these
modifications or manipulation that occurred during
the process of concealing should rest unnoticeable
for anyone not participating in the process of
communication. The ability of files used as a cover
for embedding confidential data depends on the
availability of redundant or unimportant areas inside
these files, so the cover file size might be larger than
the message size to include (Shtayt et al, 2020).
Image steganography was the most widely used,
compared with the other types of steganography. This
popularity was because the images have a large amount
of redundant information. Image steganographic
techniques were evaluated by three principles: (i)
Capacity, The amount of information was hidden
inside the cover file; (ii) Imperceptibility, The
invisibility of the hidden data was in the cover file
without destroying image quality; (iii)Security, How
could a stego file resist the different steganalysis
detection attacks. (Al-Aidroos and Bahamish, 2019)
The terms in steganography were: (-) Embedded
message or Hidden text: secret message to be
inserted; (-). Cover-object: the object of the message
insertion (embedded message); (-) Stegoimage or
Stego-object: objects that had been inserted secret
messages (embedded message); (-) Embedding or
Encoding: the process of inserting a message into the
Cover object; (-) Extraction or Decoding: Stegoimage
extraction process to issue an original message
(embedded message) (Gunawan and Sumarno, 2018).
Steganography techniques were divided into
Spatial (time) domain and Transform (frequency)
domain technique: Spatial Domain Technique, uses
the pixel values of images directly for encoding the
secret message. This class of technique was Least
Significant Bit (LSB) replacement technique in which
firstly binary representation of the image’s pixel
value was calculated then bits were used to hide the
secret messages. Initially, for a 24-bit image, each of
the red, green and blue colour components of bit
could be used, as each was represented by a byte. In
other words, one could store 3 bits in each pixel. This
technique hide the secret message bits into the 3 LSB
bits of the cover image.
Transform Domain Technique, These transform
domain techniques mainly included Discrete Cosine
Transform (DCT), Discrete Wavelet Transform
(DWT) and Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). This
technique used DCT and Blowfish algorithm in which
the LSB of each DC coefficient replace with each bit
of secret message. This algorithm was proposed to
increase the security of hidden message. (Singh et al,
2.1 Least Significant Bit (LSB)
LSB algorithm was modifying the last bits in the
cover object in every byte of color in a pixel with
replacing each last bit with the secret bits of
information (Sari and Siahaan, 2018). In the using of
LSB algorithm, firstly the message and the cover
image must be converted to binary, after it completed,
one bit message would be added to each layer in the
cover image pixel. The procedure was as follows:
Suppose the message binary was 010 and the
binary of one pixel image in each layer was:
01010111 01010011 01010111
If the message and binary image were known,
subtitute the message at the end of the binary or the
LSB binary image as follows:
01010110 01010011 01010110
After the pixel binary completed it would be
converted into a matrix and made into an image again.
2.2 Image
Image was a photo or two-dimensional dwasplay that
could describe the vwasualization of objects. The
image could be grouped into print or digital form.
Digital images could be converted into an array of
numbers, while printed images must first be
converted to digital if they want to be processed
Digital image was a collection of thousands of
very small dots and each of these dots has a certain
color. The small boxes were called pixels, the number
of pixels in an image could also determine the size of
the image. Resolution was the number of pixels per
certain. If the pixel could determine the size of the
image, the resolution could determine the image
quality. Intensity was the number of colors contained
in an image. Intensity also has many terms such as:
256 colors, black and white (black & white), high
color, grayscale, and 16 million colors (true color).
Analysis of LSB Algorithm Modification with Bit Inverse and Insertion based on Length of Message
The maximum number of colors in an image
depends on the file type (extension). File types with a
jpg extension could accommodate a maximum color
of 16 million colors, files with a .gif extension could
accommodate a maximum color of 265 colors
(Prabowo, Abdullah and Manik, 2018).
2.3 Image RGB
Color was identified in three-dimensional color
space, For types of hardweare-oriented color space
include RGB (Red Green Blue), CMY (Cyan
Magenta Yellow) and YIQ, while user-oriented color
space types include HLS (Hue Saturation
Luminance), HCV, HSV (Hue Saturation value),
HSB, MTM, CIE-LAB, and CIELUV .Most image
file formats (JPEG, BMP, GIF) use the RGB color
space. RGB color space was defined based on the
values of the axes R, G and B.
There were millions of colors in this nature. If
calculated based on variations in the value of R, G and
B that were owned by a color, then there would be
256 x 256 x 256 pieces of color. Each value of R, G
and B which was owned by a color varies between 0-
255. (Karma, 2020).
2.4 Image Quality Testing
Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean
Squwere Error (MSE) was the most common
parameter used to measure the image quality testing
(stegoimage). PSNR told the similarity between the
original image and the image from the insertion and
was the opposite of MSE which was the damage value
of a stego-image. Mathematically PSNR in
formulated (1) and MSE in formulated (2)
𝑃𝑆𝑁𝑅 𝑑𝐵10𝑙𝑜𝑔
Which was:
P = maximum pixel value,
R = number of pixel in each row,
C = number of pixel in each column,
i ,j = row and column numbers,
= original image
= stego-image.
Analysis obtained results showed that PSNR was
reduced when secret information size was increased
because of more pixel in cover image was changed
(more Noise) (Shehab and Abdulkadhim, 2018).
2.5 Linear Congruential Generator
(LCG) Algorithm
Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) algotrithm was
a simple pseudo-random number generator which
used to determine the next random number based-on
previously generated one. This approach had a
potential repetition on the generated numbers
whenever the numbers selected as parameter values
were not appropriately chosen (Sitompul et al, 2018),
Mathematically LCG will shown in formulated (3):
Xn = (a (Xn-1) + b) mod m
Xn-1 = previous random number
X = i-th random number
A = multiplier constant
B = constant increase (increase)
M = modulus constant
The period of LCG algorithm was not greater than
the modulus (m), the modulus was the maximum
threshold for randomizing numbers. So, the larger the
size of the container image, the more messages could
be inserted. (Hernandes, et al, 2019).
The two LSB modifications have something in
common where the modifications are made based on
input. The first modification of the LSB is carried out
based on the container image, especially on bits 2 and
3 of the LSB. While the second modification is
carried out based on the length of the message to be
inserted into the image. The difference between the
two modifications is the position of pixel that are
inserted message, and the number of bits that are
inserted on insertion process.
3.1 Position of Pixel
In LSB modification with bit inverse, message
insertion is done on successive image pixels
(resulting in a decrease in image quality in a certain
area). LSB modification based on the message length,
the insertion is done at random pixels using Linear
Congruential Generator (LCG) Algorithm where the
constant modulus value is the number of pixels in an
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
image and the multiplier value with an increment of
random numbers between 1-100.
Sitompul et al (2018) have conducted a study on
random message insertion with a smaller MSE yield
and a larger PSNR. Figure 1 is an illustration of the
pixel position inserted with the message:
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Illustration of the pixel position inserted with the
message on LSB Modification with Bit Inverse (a) and LSB
modification with insertion based on the length of the
message (b).
From Figure 1, it is clear that the sequential
insertion of messages makes a decrease in image
quality in a certain area whereas random insertion
results in only a slight decrease in image quality
(inconspicuous and easily recognized by people
without access rights.
3.2 Insertion Process
3.2.1 LSB Modification with Bit Inverse
First, insert the message using the LSB algorithm then
the prepared message is in the inverse bit. If bits 2 and
3 LSB are the same then inverse is not required. The
insertion process is carried out in the following
stages: First, change the message and cover image to
binary, if the message bit is 010 and the image pixel
01010111 01010011 01010111
then the message bit in the last binary of each pixel
layer is inserted or position 1 LSB:
01010110 01010011 01010110
After the insertion is complete, the 2
and 3
bits will
be visible. If the bits are the same, the message (bit 1
LSB) will not change, whereas if the bits are different,
the message (bit 1 LSB) will be inverse, like:
01010010 01010110
After checking each pixel where the message has
been inserted, the cover image binary will be
converted back into an image.
3.2.2 LSB Modification with Insertion Based
on Message Length
The first step in the modification is to calculate the
length of the message then convert the message into
binary form before the inverse binary message is
carried out. The length of the message is modulo with
2, if the result of modulo is 0 then 2 message bits will
be inserted at each pixel layer, whereas if the result of
modulo is 1 then 1 message bit will be inserted. After
the message has been processed, determine the pixels
to be inserted using the LCG algorithm, according to
the results of Zyaraa (2017) research use Linear
Congruential Generator (LCG) Algorithm will
increase the security of stegoimage.
Then convert the pixels into binary form. An
example of this modification if the result of modulo
is 0, the message bit is 101 and the binary of the
selected image pixel is:
01010011 01010011 01010011
The message will be inverted first to 010 then
insert 2 bits at once in each pixel layer at positions 1st
and 2nd LSB, then the insertion results are:
01010001 01010010 01010011
Meanwhile, if the result of the message modulo is
1 then insertion of 1 bit will be carried out in each
pixel layer at position 1
LSB so, the insertion result
will be:
01010010 01010011 01010010
After all insertion is complete, the binary of the
container image will be changed again and the image
will turn into a composite image and secret messages.
In the experiment, the message used in the form of
text or images must be determined before inserting
the message. The requirement in testing is that the
message length cannot be greater than the cover
image (the resolution of the flax image used is 512 x
512, with lena (i) baboon (ii) and pepper (iii)). Image
2 is the image used in the study:
Analysis of LSB Algorithm Modification with Bit Inverse and Insertion based on Length of Message
Figure 2: Cover Image.
4.1 Text Message Insertion
Following are the results of inserting a text message
with a character length of 2.110 and a number of bits
of 16.880. Modification of the LSB with insertion
based on the length of the message insertion is done
as much as 2 bits per byte, the second experiment was
carried out with a character length of 2.109 and a
number of bits of 16.872, where the LSB
modification with substitution based on the length of
the message insertion is 1 bit per byte. Then the
message is tested on the three cover images. In this
study, a system where after the message and cover
image are entered, it will automatically generate
MSE, PSNR, and insertion time has been developed
as in Figure 3:
Figure 3: Encoding process for text substituion in system.
MSE, PSNR and running time from figure 3 will
collect and analys, there would be a reduction in
image quality and This could be seen from the Mean
Squared Error (MSE), so the higher the MSE in an
image, the lower the quality of the resulting image
and the lower the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR),
the image the resulting would resemble the original
image. The results of the MSE and PSNR results can
be seen in Table 1:
Table 1: Comparison of stegoimage Quality of Text
Message Insertion.
Based on Table 1, it can be seen that if each
experiment LSB modification with subtitution based
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
on mesaasge length is better than LSB modification
with bit inverse, it means that the use of Linear
Congruential Generator (LCG) Algorithm has a very
significant impact on the development carried out.
Furthermore, Table 2 also shows the time required to
insert the message.
Table 2: Comparison of Encoding Time on Text Message
From Table 2, it can be seen that the time required
for LSB modification with substitution based on the
length of the message looks longer because the
modifications made must do pixel randomization
before message insertion. Meanwhile, LSB
modification with bit inverse does not need to
randomize pixels and only inserts so that it takes less
4.2 Image Insertion
Image insertion is not much different from text
insertion, so that in the experiment, an image length
of 100 and a number of bits 240000 where LSB
modification by insertion according to the length of
the message was carried out 2 bit each layer pixel.
The second experiment was carried out with an image
length of 105 and the number of bits 264600, where
LSB modification by insertion according to the length
of the message was carried out 1 bit each layer pixel.
Then the message is tested on the three cover
images. In this study, a system where after the
message and cover image are entered, it will
automatically generate MSE, PSNR, and insertion
time has been developed as in Figure 4:
Figure 4: Encoding process for image insertion in system.
The comparison of stegoimage quality as
evidenced by calculating mse and psnr will be shown
in Table 3.
Table 3: Comparison of stegoimage Quality of Image
Message Insertion.
From Table 3, it can be seen that the quality of the
message inserted 1 bit has a higher PSNR. This
happens because the resulting image reduction is
quite small, only 1 bit compared to 2-bit insertion
which gives more image degradation. Even so, the
LSB modification substitution based on the length of
the message with are still better than the LSB
modification with bit inverse. The time will be shown
in Table 4.
Analysis of LSB Algorithm Modification with Bit Inverse and Insertion based on Length of Message
Table 4: Comparison of Encoding Time on Image Message
The time is not much different from the insertion
of text, only a little longer (because the modifications
made must randomize the pixels before inserting the
message). Meanwhile, LSB modification with bit
inverse does not need to randomize the embedded
pixels so that it takes less time.
4.3 Result Analysis
Based on the research that has been carried out, the
modification made by the author with the insertion
based on the length of the message provides better
stegoimage quality to LSB modification with the
inverse bit. This is evidenced by the average Peak
Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) as a variable which
states the similarity between the original image and
the higher stegoimage, both at the time of text
message insertion (66.29 dB> 61.8 dB) or image
insertion (54.20 dB> 50.01 dB). In the use of
steganography techniques, comparison of image
quality before and after message insertion is very
important. If a stegoimage file has a large enough file
size and the image quality is too bad, other people
who know about the use of steganography techniques
will be suspicious of the image.
The LSB modification by insertion based on
message length has the advantage of stegoimage
quality. This is because the used of Linear
Congruential Generator (LCG) Algorithm in
randomizing the pixels to be inserted into the
message. From those results, it can be concluded that
the developed modifications were very satisfactory as
seen from the higher quality of the stegoimage. While
deficiencies were found only during processing,
however, they are still within reasonable limits.
The use of the LCG algorithm in LSB modification
with message length insertion has a very significant
impact (as evidenced by the higher PSNR value than
LSB modification with the inverse bit insertion) both
at text message insertion (66.29 dB> 61.8 dB) and
image insertion (54.20 dB) > 50.01 dB). For further
research, the authors plan to compress the stegoimage
to facilitate the sending of images containing secret
messages. Experiments carried out on the condition
that the decoded stegoimage must not delete
messages with exactly the same order as the original
message. Furthermore, a given stegoimage tolerance
to noise will be tested.
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Analysis of LSB Algorithm Modification with Bit Inverse and Insertion based on Length of Message