Utilization of Ulos as Creative Economic Potential for Communities
in Indonesia
Namira Ufrida Rahmi
, Widya Sari
, Winro Eko Maruis Tamba
, Tazari Putri Afrilyani
Economic Departement of Universotas Prima Indonesia, Medan North Sumatra, Indonesia
English Department of Universitas Prima Indonesia, Medan North Sumatra, Indonesia
Keywords: Cultural heritage; Economy Creative; Ulos.
Abstract: Indonesia has a lot of cultural heritage that it is decently called a multicultural country and cultural heritage
as a silent witness of local culture which is important in building awareness of local history and culture to be
national cultural identity. The existence of such cultural heritage has great potential in the development of
the creative economy. This research aims to the preservation of the value of ulos in strengthening the
cultural identity of Batak Toba societ the symbolic meaning of ulos in the implementation of the marriage.
This research focuses to have the efforts made by the community in preserving the value of civic culture and
to find out why the people of Batak Toba need to preserve the value of the civic culture. The researcher tried
to analyze whether the product quality policy was conducted by Weaving Factory. Then the production had
to be following the wishes of the community. Then it was interpreted that the company provided an
affordable price by the general public layer from the lower level to the upper level and consumer tastes were
satisfied. Those issues are influenced by the globalization era in which the development of lifestyle and
technology increases rapidly.
The term of creative word is debateable by many
scholars and practitioners at economy field. Firstly,
creative term is one of new approaches to develop
economy sector in developed countries like
European Union countries, or even in Australia by
which creative economy was exposured in 1997
when cultural industries were as commercial
activities (Hidayat & Asmara, 2017). Creative
economy concept has emerged as means of focusing
attention on the role of creativity as a force in
contemporary economic life, stating that economic
and cultural development are not separate but can be
a part of a larger process of development . Not only
in advanced countries, this concept can be currently
applied in developing countries. This policy is a part
of economy policies offering and providing new
economy opportunities in those countries to boost
and to accelerate econmy growth into emerging
high-growth areas as by which it is the same as
economy growth in advanced countries
Samosir Ulos Weaving Craft Centre is a staple of
the Batak tribal handicrafts and is located in the
Samosir district which is also a place to buy and sell
Ulos weaving exhibitions. According to the Batak
concept, Ulos is an action infused with religious and
magical qualities. In Batak society belief, Ulos is
considered an object blessed by supernatural powers.
The design location is in Pangururan Sub-district,
LumbanSuhi-SuhiToruan Village, Samosir Regency,
North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. This sub-district
administratively consists of 9 Sub-Districts and 106
Villages. Ulos is a woven fabric, generally has a
width of about 50-150 cm and a length of 150-220
cm and is made of cotton fiber yarn. Ulos is clothing
in the form of cloth woven by Batak women with
various patterns and sells in some clothing market.
The craftsmen of Ulos in North Sumatera have
received support from the government and the
private sector, but not all them in the region get the
help well, because the government has limitations in
assisting 33 cities and districts in North Sumatra that
require attention in the development small and
medium business.
Rahmi, N., Sari, W., Maruis Tamba, W. and Afrilyani, T.
Utilization of Ulos as Creative Economic Potential for Communities in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010330500003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 515-521
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1. Samosir Island
Research on the craftsmen Ulos done to find the
obstacles that are still faced by these craftsmen.
Based on observations and interviews, there are
differences in the priority of problems faced by
Ulos North Sumatra.
Figure 2. Ulos
Developing a creative economy is believed to
respond to the challenges of economic problems
such as low economic growth, unemployment,
poverty, and lack of industrial competitiveness. In
the era of prosperity and self-improvement,
creativity and innovation of creative workers to
create unique and interesting ideas is one thing that
needs attention. The behavior of creative workers in
realizing their creative works in the traditional
industries in Indonesia, especially North Sumatra
has not been well identified. Focusing on the the
production culture indicate how culture is
contigently operationalised through processes that
can be termed culturalisation (Richardson, 2019).
Creative economies do not rely heavily on natural
resources which means that their negative impact on
the climate is relatively weaker than in the case of
other industries (Fazlaig, 2019).
This is caused by the absence of a valid and
reliable instrument to measure and identify the
behavior of creative workers. Indonesia has a
diverse cultural heritage. It includes aspects of art,
beauty, social, empathy, ceremony, and others. It
signifies the high creativity of Indonesian people in
their specific skills and talents. Cultural diversity is
also supported by ethnic diversity in Indonesian
society. It shows that Indonesia has a very strong
supporting factor in developing a creative economy.
Ulos should be the basis for the development of
creative industries.
The uniqueness of each region must be
maintained. Therefore, local culture-based potentials
need to manifest themselves in the creative economy
program. This is where the creative economy can
begin. The creative industry developed is in line
with the potential resources available in the local
region. The creative economy is seen not only in the
economic context but also in the cultural dimension.
The results of this research conclude that Indonesia
has great potential to develop creative industries. r.
In the Markets/Users element, most orders come
from a neighbouring country and are for imitation
products to be sold at much lower prices compared
to the original brands this will be a threat to our own
culture if we do not maintain and promote it (Satari
& As’ad, 2018).
The development of regional economic conditions
can be seen from the macroeconomic indicators as
well as the regional economy. The definition and
associated measures of the economic contribution of
these sectors towards national GDP, employment
and exports pushed towards their complete
separation from the arts and cultural field,
supposedly to be more socially and community
oriented (Comunian, 2020). This separation has
caused a rift in the understanding how creativity
works favouring two different business models (CIs
as private/for-profit industries and arts and culture as
made up by not for profit/public companies) rather
than an ecological complexity perspective
(Comunian, 2019) The economy of a region cannot
see the regional economy, the national economy of
the global economy. There are economic factors
that cannot be controlled by the regions, such as the
policies of the central regional government, the
monetary sector, or the real sector. Then the
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
influence of the global economy, such as the effect
of fluctuating world oil prices, and foreign currency
exchange rates, and the last is the effect of the global
financial crisis which resulted in layoffs and
sluggish export markets.
Preparation of Integration Plan Documents and
the Medium Term Infrastructure Investment
Program (RPI2-JM) in the Field of Public Works /
Human Settlements, Samosir Regency 2015 – 2019
Regional economic performance indicators are
Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB), inflation
rate, contributions from each sector, investment
levels (including PMA and PMDN), exports, and
regional economic development indicators available
in the regions.
Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) is a
measure of a region's macroeconomic performance.
To see the growth of real economic fluctuations
from year to year, it is presented through the GRDP
at a constant base price according to business fields
periodically. The GRDP of a region describes the
structure of the regional economy, the role of the
sectors, and their shifts based on GRDP based on or
based on constant prices.
The economic growth of Samosir Regency in
2012 as measured by the increase in Gross Regional
Domestic Product (PDRB) at 2000 constant prices
was 6.07%, an increase compared to 2011 which
was at 5.96%. Meanwhile, the estimated GRDP
growth in 2013 in Samosir Regency is 6.52% and
the estimated GDP growth in 2014 is 6.83%.
The dynamics of the Samosir Regency
macroeconomy during 2012 have shown a shift in
roles between sectors. This can be seen from the
comparison of the distribution of the proportion of
GRDP based on prices in 2011 and 2012. The
sectors that experienced an increase were the
electricity, gas, and water supply sector, the
construction sector, the trade sector, hotels and
restaurants, transportation and communications, the
financial sector, and the service sector. The sector
whose role is decreasing is the agricultural sector
and the construction sector and the sector which is
permanently moving is the mining and quarrying
Growth was achieved by the construction and
electricity, gas, and clean water sectors, namely
10.55%, followed by the financial, leasing, and
corporate services sector at 10.27%, the mining and
quarrying sector 8.59%, the transportation and
communication sector. 7.24%, the trade, hotel, and
restaurant sector 6.75%, the services sector 6.74%,
the agricultural sector 5.66%, and the manufacturing
sector 4.04%.
The prediction of changes in the structure of the
PDRB in Samosir Regency tends to shift from the
primary sector to the secondary sector and services,
although it is still dominated by the primary or
agricultural sector, which is then followed by the
service sector, trade sector, hotels, and restaurants.
The estimated change in GRDP from the agricultural
sector from 2013 amounted to 58.36% to 57.44% in
2014. Followed by the service sector at 26.68% in
2013 to 27.73% in 2014, while the trade, hotel, and
restaurant sectors in 2013 amounted to 9.78% to
9.69% in 2014.
1. The Marketing Mixture Each company that
produces goods or services faces difficulties
or problems in selling their products.
Therefore, a combination of factors affecting
marketing is needed. In reaching the
marketing target, normally, a company applies
a marketing theory called ‘marketing mix’.
2.1 Marketing Strate
Marketing strategy is an integrated and integrated
plan integral field that guides the activities
undertaken to achieve the marketing objectives of a
marketing. Market orientation emphasizes the
organizational culture that generates the behavior
neede to create superior value for customers.
Empirical research has found activities at companies
are engaged in new product development activities,
linked to their market orientation level (Wahyuni &
Made, 2020).
2.2 Understanding Product Quality
Every industrial company as a producer will always
try to produce products that can meet the needs of
the community or costumers, then the product must
be following the wishes or needs of the community.
Therefore, every company is not possible to meet all
the needs and desires of consumers as a whole. Also,
the company must first determine what products will
be produced, which if appropriate following the
ability of the company and consumer desires. The
product has an important meaning for the company
because, without the product, the company will not
be able to do anything from its business. Buyers will
buy the product if they feel fit because the product
must be tailored to the desire or the needs of the
buyer for successful product marketing. . The most
common operational definition posits quality as the
customer's perception of product and service
excellence. In today’s competitive environment,
quality is the key to an organization’s success and
Utilization of Ulos as Creative Economic Potential for Communities in Indonesia
survival. Intense global competition has highlighted
the increasing importance of quality (Hoe &
Mansori, 2018)
This study was conducted in January 2020. In this
study, the population was the product of Ulos. This
research approach is descriptive qualitative. The
purpose of descriptive research is to produce an
accurate picture of a group, describe the mechanism
of a process or relationship, provide a complete
picture in either verbal or numerical form, present
basic information on a relationship, create a set of
categories and classify research subjects
(Sugiyono,2020). Meanwhile, the action research
classified, detailed and identified the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of
the value chain of the creative economy ecosystem
in Samosir island. This research uses two methods
namely direct observation in field and literatures
review. Those methods are linear to how data was
collected to complete this study. Direct observation
was data which were derived from interview and
data collection in field, as while literatures review
was data which were derived from
researches/studies results, books, scientific journals
and articles, acts, and supporting documents.
3.1 Data Collection Technique
a. Interview
Conducted by a question and answer activity
directly to the respondent about the data
needed. We interview ulos weaver on the
Samosir island with a total of 10 weaver.
b. Documentation
This method was used to obtain data about
company or community profile, corporate
organizational structure, and other data. The
documentation method used in this research is
the result of interviewing researchers with
ulos weavers, image documentation during the
interview process and some literature rievew.
Figure 3: Documentation with ulos weaver.
In this part of the analysis, the researcher tried to
analyze whether the product quality policy was
conducted by Weaving Factory. Then the production
had to be following the wishes of the community.
The purpose of doing product quality was to
increase sales. Then it was interpreted that the
company provided an affordable price by the general
public layer from the lower level to the upper level
and consumer tastes were satisfied.
4.1 Analysis and Discussion of Product
Quality in Increasing Sales
It had been described above that the purpose of the
role of product quality was to increase sales. In
reality, it was known that in fact, the market was
heterogeneous for one product. Profitable sales were
the goal of the marketing concept. This means that
profits were obtained from consumer satisfaction.
With this profit, the company could grow and
expand, have greater capability, could provide
agreater level of satisfaction to consumers, and
could strengthen the overall economic condition.
With the policy of improving the quality of
Weaving, the sales amount was greatly increased.
The number of sales each year changes, this was
caused by the level of purchasing power and
consumer consumption, as well as competition from
similar products that change every year. Given the
increasing competition while the seller's income was
decreasing then the seller could not control the price
because of the similarity of their products. Similarly,
weaving the factory of Toba Samosir District which
has a rival like other weaving plant businesses. So
by seeing this reality, the seller began to
acknowledge the added value of applying the policy
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
of product diversity that directly affected the level of
sales volume of the product itself. if the quality of
the product is in accordance with consumer
expectations, then consumers can feel satisfied and
will return to buy or promote the products we sell to
others. thus the sales volume will increase, and with
the increase in sales volume it will increase our
income, so that maintaining the quality of the
products we sell is one of the focuses that must be
done by ulos weavers on the island of Samosir.
maintaining quality can be done by still using
traditional methods because by using traditional
techniques, the resulting fabric will be better and the
culture we want to preserve is maintained.
4.2 Analysis and Discussion of
Marketing Strategy
Based on the SWOT analysis following the analysis
of the marketing strategy of Ulos.
Table 1. Product Marketing Strategy Formulation
Strength (S)
1. Unique Citizen
2. Many Product
3. Price is
appropriate and
1. Samosir
has a visit
high travel
2. Many
3. Broad
1. Integrated
2. Direct
3. Online
a Target
2. Build
Threats (T)
1. Products
from regions /
2. Export
Strength – Threat
1. Maintain
2. Increase insight
– Threats
Creating a
Based on a SWOT analysis and the formulation
of the strategy above, it is possibleoutlined the
marketing strategy for creative economy products
for citizens learn as follows :
4.2.1 Strength – Opportunies (SO)
Is a strategy with use force to take advantage of
opportunities. Some strategic steps that can be taken
as follows:
1. Promoting print media.
Print media promotions include advertising in
magazines or newspaper. Promotion with print
media must pay attention to the target market
of the product to be sold.
2. Doing direct promotions.
Direct promotion can be done by spreading
brochures or direct sales. Brochure or
sales can be made in tourist atraction or
promotions to the store souvenirs, art shops
and souvenir centers scattered in Danau Toba.
Promotion in a direct way too done by
following exhibitions on time certain, such as
Exhibition Development in the order of the
day independence or festivals and a show or
tourist attraction annual, such as; Danau Toba
3. Doing online promotions.
Promotion through online media such as
website, facebook, and Whatsapp (WA) or
social media
other. Using social media as above will make
it easier promotion and marketing.
Advantages online marketing is possible reach
a very wide market, and is not limited. Online
marketing not time bound, however requires
an understanding of technology
adequate. Online marketing can be done
between regions and between States, but
requires readiness of production capacity,
especially related product insights export and
language skills foreign to communication.
4.2.2 Weakness – Opportunies (WO)
Is a utilization strategy opportunities by coping
weakness is there. A few steps strategic that can be
done between other;
1. Establish a target market.
Despite the potential for the handicraft market.
Establish a target the market is the first step
must do in doing product marketing.
Understanding and election against the target
market will be creating efficiency and
effectiveness in product marketing, because
promotion and marketing can done in focus
and with clear target. When stipulation the
target market isn't done, then will create
Utilization of Ulos as Creative Economic Potential for Communities in Indonesia
confusion and in efficiency in doing
2. Build marketing partnerships.
Partnership is very important for citizens who
just started a business craft, because partners
will helping citizens to increase insight
regarding design, product, packaging and
marketing promotion. Intertwine partnership is
not an easy one, because citizens generally do
not learn understand access to be partner with
entrepreneurs. To the role of college and
government is badly needed for make it easier
for residents to obtain access to partner
4.2.3 Weakness-Threat (WT)
Is a strategy that is stick around and try to minimize
weakness and avoiding threats. Strategic steps that
can be taken among others;
1. Creating service excellence.
Excellent service necessary strategic steps
residents do to guard existence and consumer
loyalty. In the early stages of service either
can be translated as
timeliness and maintain quality, because with
quality and precise time for the product to
arrive consumers, will grow consumer
confidence in producer. And trust is main
capital in business and capital efforts in
maintaining and maintain sustainability an
2. Giving rewards for customers.
Rewards for consumers can be price discounts
or product bonuses. Bonuses and discounts
can be given to that consumer loyal to that
product produced by the manufacturer. Giving
bonus will maintain loyalty consumers to buy.
In addition giving bonuses, especially bonuses
new product form is very good for the
promotion of these products.
4.2.4 Strength – Threat (ST)
Is a strategy to use the power to overcome threats.
Strategic steps that can be taken as follows;
1. Maintain the uniqueness of the product.
Improve product quality and maintain product
uniqueness very important for citizens to
creating competitive advantage or competitive
advantage. Losing the uniqueness of the
product can be cause to turn away consumers
on a competing product has advantages and
uniqueness more. Excellence or uniqueness
the product is the core competence or core
competence who can make that product
produced is unique and has a competitive
advantage, so that maintain and improve the
uniqueness of the product is must to acquire
excellence in marketing
2. Increase insight about product.
Product insights include design, raw materials
and technology. Insights about products especially
handicraft products are very important to be able to
penetrate the export market. Every importer country
or country export destinations have rules and set
different conditions for incoming goods his country.
Rules about dye handicraft products for the State
ASEAN is different from the rules in European
and American countries. America apply high
standards for coloring craft products. Craft items
using chemical dyes and color solvents containing
mercury or lead and resin are not permitted enter
America. Meanwhile in ASEAN countries no
coloring agents too much attention. Difference the
standards set demand citizens as producers for have
insight regarding marketing of products to other
countries. Ignorance of this may cause a loss high
for weavers.
From various information and discussion above, it
was concluded:
a. Marketing strategy with the implementation of
product quality policy was one of the added
value for Weaving Factory Toba Samosir in
face competition.
b. Analyzing a good market and applying a
product quality strategy that has different
characteristics thanthe previous product was
an attempt to attract interest and desire from
the company's product market.
c. Improve quality begins from customer needs,
the satisfaction of desire and so those who
should determine the quality of the product,
customer perception of quality is a
comprehensive assessment of the superiority
of a product. Need to improve service delivery
to consumers, such as maintaining
d. Creative economy has begun to do as leading
component of economic growth, employment,
and innovation in advanced countries. At
conceptual stage, creativity and innovation are
absolutely closed to improve people income
through new creative economy strategy in a
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
region. Recently, this concept is emulated in
developing countries through creative city
policy offering new economy source
opportunities to leapfrog into emerging high-
growth areas of world economy. It is
worthwhile to show that regional innovation
system is appropriate approach to answer how
creative cities run in several region. In
Indonesia, many local government initiates
creative cities using regional innovation
system to run creative economy as sustainable
program recently
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