Legal Remedies toward Default in Frontliner Work Agreement
Patmawati, Azharuddin, Chris Anggi Natalia Berutu and Elvira Fitriyani Pakpahan
Magister of Notary, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Jl. Sekip Simpang Sikambing, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Default, Temporary Work Agreement, Front liner, Legal Remedies.
Abstract: Work contract issues that bind parties between workers and employers in business are frequent occurrences.
Both parties enter into a work agreement. In the agreement, an effort that can be done by the government is
to carry out supervision to prevent bias in the contract (which is still happening in now day). The purpose of
this study is to observe and analyze work contracts in terms of rules using the empirical normative juridical
method. The findings show that until now there are still many disputes that are only resolved by litigasti or
non-litigation but have not been clearly regulated in the labor law that is currently in effect. It can be
observed that regulations on how to minimize an agreement that is burdensome to a party in an industrial
relations contract are still lacking.
In Indonesia, especially in the business world, it
cannot be denied that workers and employers or
employees and companies are inseparable. If
someone wants to do business, then manpower is
needed to help him build and manage the business.
Both parties must sign an agreement which is called
a worker agreement. A work agreement is the
beginning of a bond between employers and workers
in an employment relationship. A work agreement in
a work relationship is an important part because a
good work agreement will create a harmonious work
relationship and increase optimal work productivity
which has functions, goals and benefits.
Employment agreements can cover various types
of work, all work requested by the employer.
Judging from the terms of the work agreement, an
employer can make a work agreement for a certain
period of time earlier or not. However, to provide
legal certainty for workers and employers, the work
agreement related to this term is divided into 2 (two)
types of work agreements. The factors that are
thought to contribute to the public and private risk
positions are evaluated. In addition, the relationship
between private buyer-supplier risk position, public,
contract duration, supplier side investment is
discussed. Results show that a well-structured long-
term contract can: 1) provide the risk mitigation
mechanisms needed for both public and private
actors, and 2) facilitate supplier-side private
investment (Hartman, 2020).
In the legal review, there are 2 (two) types of
work agreements, namely temporary work
agreements, contract workers and non-special
temporary work agreements, for example permanent
workers. Permanent workers are workers who are
bound by a work agreement with the company for a
period of up to the retirement age as stipulated in the
Collective Bargaining Agreement. Temporary
workers or commonly referred to as contract
workers are workers who are bound by a work
agreement for a certain period. Time with the
company based on applicable laws and regulations.
For contract workers there is no trial period and no
age limit applies. Facilities and benefits that apply to
permanent workers, do not automatically apply to
contract workers unless stipulated in the provisions.
Nowadays, it cannot be denied that in the
banking world many people use temporary work
agreements because it is more profitable for the
company, both in terms of employees who are
always productive, and the company does not need
to spend more money to pay severance pay when
employees stop working because the contract
expires. Many other situations arise in practice
where clear legal procedures do not apply. In this
note, attention is paid to the importance of
structuring the details of claims and the
consequences for which employee claims are
Patmawati, ., Azharuddin, ., Natalia Berutu, C. and Pakpahan, E.
Legal Remedies toward Default in Frontliner Work Agreement Contract.
DOI: 10.5220/0010313100003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 426-434
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
formulated incorrectly. Remedies that may be
available to employees in terms of common law and
statute are investigated (Barnard, 2010).
If the bank has thousands of branches, it is sure
to look for employees who are still young and have
just finished their schooling who are prioritized as
frontliners. Unfortunately, what is the fate of
Customer Service and Tellers getting old? They
cannot be placed directly in the back office because
the bank does not need a lot of manpower. One
possibility is to split ownership and management
rather than assets. The history of antitrust law is full
of firms organized as single entities under company
law, but functioning as competitors and being
treated as such by antitrust laws. This allows
productive assets to remain intact, but forces
decision makers to behave competitively. Finally,
this study looks at the acquisition problem of
nascent enterprise platforms, where the greatest
threat is not from horizontal mergers but from
complementary acquisitions or differentiated
technologies. The tools currently used in the merger
law are inappropriate(Hovenkamp, 2020).
Based on the facts, the unequal bargaining power
of the parties was found. Even though the agreement
has put forward the principle of freedom of contract.
Contract freedom is based on the assumption that the
parties to the contract have a balanced bargaining
position, but in reality the parties do not always have
a balanced bargaining position (Pakpahan, 2017).
This is the main reason workers cannot bargain with
employers. The workers can only fulfill the
conditions given by the employer. Whereas in a
good cooperative relationship there is no more
important party because employers and workers
need each other, where employers need workers to
work in their companies and vice versa workers
need employers to get wages / salaries for the
business to operate properly and smoothly.
Employees have high productivity and work
motivation, so the wheel rate will run faster which in
turn will result in good performance and
achievement for the company.
Organizations can measure trustworthiness and
manage it to build trust and strengthen loyalty
intentions among their customers. A possible
extension is to conduct longitudinal studies to map
the nature of trust and loyalty that develops over
time and stages of customer life. Virtue and
problem-solving orientation of FLEs and MPPs on
their belief in FLE and MPP and loyalty intentions
(Shainesh, 2012). Relate to trust as articulated in the
stakeholder trust organization model. Scholars in
marketing need to develop a more macro-view of the
company that examines trust outside of customers to
reflect a broader stakeholder focus and exclude the
corporate social responsibility, trusted reputation
and license to operate that will be needed to restore
and maintain stakeholder trust. in big banks.
Building a trustworthy bank is essential for social
and economic progress (Hurley, 2014).
The ecosystem in that country is then included as
a working rule maker, so that each party understands
their rights and obligations well. Because of these
rules, it is called the Manpower Act. As a law that
aims to provide protection to workers in realizing
the welfare of workers and their families, Law
Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower which
explains the guidelines for work agreements and this
Law becomes the legal basis for every work
Recovers damage from lost increases if the
employer fails to comply with the discipline code
requirements. But it is difficult to see what
contractual settlements will be available at that time
for the Mahkota to withhold a disciplinary transfer
on the grounds that the disciplinary proceedings are
carried out in violation of the rules of natural justice
(breaking the rules that apply). Usually in public law
courts show little desire to be applied in an
employment context (Ewing, 2009).
Temporary work agreements only apply to
certain jobs, which according to the type and
characteristics or work activities will be completed
within a certain time, namely after the work is
completed. Usually a maximum period of 3 (three)
years, the work is seasonal and the work is related to
new products, new activities, or additional products
that are still under trial or investigation. This is
clearly stated in the Manpower Law. Moral anger
must be a decisive solution and a philosophically
informed approach to judicial interpretations to
address ongoing injustices or threats of injustice
aimed at vulnerable communities such as women
and religious minorities in a political climate
(Rudolph, 2020).
These capital outflows will be associated with
low income volatility, while capital inflows will be
associated with high income volatility. The negative
effect of financial liberalization on income volatility
in developing countries is due to the fact that the
majority of these countries have capital inflows that
are larger than those of capital outflows. Therefore,
excess capital inflows in developing countries
increase pressure and vulnerability to crises
(Feriansyah, 2018). Households adopt contracts that
rely on unverifiable outcomes, which cannot be
formally contracted, when penalties for breach of
Legal Remedies toward Default in Frontliner Work Agreement Contract
contract are weak. In contrast, households adopt
contracts that rely on legally contractable and
verifiable results when penalties are severe. This
evidence is consistent with the terms of the
optimally selected contract given what can be
formally contracted or not (Michler, 2020).
The task of a frontliner (Customer Service), must
be able and clever to solve a problem or must be
good at finding a way out in solving a problem faced
by consumers or customers. Customer Service is
responsible for providing good service and
maintaining good relationships with customers or
clients. Customer Service also serves receptions,
communicators by providing information and
convenience to customers who need assistance,
providing information on bank products, serving
bookkeeping and closing customer accounts,
handling complaints to serving all forms of
complaints from customers, serving customers in
terms of services or products and implementing
tasks assigned by superiors. An extension of
subpoena powers held by agencies such as the SEC,
FTC, and EPA and is a lynchpin of a system that
relies on the private sector to enforce laws. By
forcing parties to disclose large amounts of
information, the findings prevent harm and most
importantly shape industry-wide practices and the
core behavior of regulated entities. This approach
has various implications for the scope of findings as
well as the cost debate. Therefore, scholars and
courts have to grapple with the consequences of
what I call "regulatory discovery" for the entire legal
system (Zambrano, 2020).
The task of a frontliner (teller) is to provide
banking services for customers and prospective
customers in a bank. The teller's function is very
crucial, because every day they are directly dealing
with customers. The teller is tasked with making
non-cash or cash payment transactions to transaction
customers and updating the transaction data on the
computer system, is required to provide a receipt slip
to the transaction customer and sign it as an
authentication signature, and is responsible for the
suitability between the amount of cash in the system
and the cash received. The law has three tools for
regulating the social costs of contracts: defining the
subject matter of which parties can bargain,
interacting with the parties as regulators and finally
interpreting and reforming in Courts. Post-hoc social
cost considerations are the least well-known, and
most uncertain, way of managing contract
externalities. These techniques are used as the basis
for specific applications of public policy contract
law. In practical terms, this Essay advises
negotiating parties to consider public health because
history teaches that at least for some time(Hoffman,
The problem is not the ease of cancellation after
a violation; on the contrary, the problem relates to
recovery after cancellation. This Article presents
arguments for liberal cancellation followed by
limited remedies. Reforms and modern proposals
seem to embrace the opposite route, limiting access
to temporary cancellations, allowing remedies.
Reform of the proposal is a real threat to contract
stability (Brooks & Stremitzer, 2011). Frontliners
job at a bank are not temporary or seasonal jobs, but
frontliners are generally temporary workers. This is
very interesting to research.
Aloysius Uwiyono, Professor of Labor Law at
the University of Indonesia, said the gap in the use
of contract employees is very open, because the
Manpower Law allows it. Enforcement of work
rules is weak, because the sanctions given to those
who violate are quite light. It is difficult to deny that
the reason banks use the contract employee system
is because of this. The work contract agreement has
a very important function, namely providing legal
certainty for the parties, both regulating the rights
and obligations of the parties, as well as securing
business transactions and regulating the pattern of
dispute resolution that arises between the two
parties. Thus, in the event of a dispute / defect
regarding the implementation of the agreement (non
performance of contract) between the parties, the
legal document will be used as a reference for the
settlement of the dispute.
The work contract agreement is intended to
ensure that what the parties want to achieve can be
realized in the work agreement. In this study, this
study looks at the legal aspects of the terms of
contracts made with employees by bank companies,
which mostly do not protect the position of
employees. In fact, a contract must be balanced and
not burdensome to either party. Therefore, in this
paper it is emphasized that what multiplication
should be between contract employees and the
company. Seeing the large use of contracted
frontliners in the banking world, of course the author
is very concerned. In addition, the author also works
as a contracted frontliner at Bank X. What is special
about this research from the others is that it sees a
contract from one bank that is related to Indonesian
law. Some of them look from the ways of respecting
to know what needs to be changed for the new legal
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
This research was carried out by using a normative
empirical juridical research type which means that
company rules are taken against secondary data
which is the basic material of the Indonesian Law
(Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower and
Law Number 2 of 2004 concerning Settlement of
Relationship Disputes. Industrial) and company
regulations for entrepreneurs. Information was
obtained from several banks in the city of Medan by
comparing Indonesian law which leads to
conclusions about laws affecting the future.
The company is a bank where employment
contracts are binding on employees compared to the
law. The consequences of default or breach of
promises in the contracts of bank frontline
employees must be compared and legal remedies
must be made to ensure that the rules are
implemented and create a new analysis of the
existing agreements. Furthermore, the suitability and
differences between bank regulations and prevailing
laws and regulations in Indonesia are compared and
3.1 Consequences for Front Liners
Who Defaulted the Contract in the
Work Agreement
Contract and covenant are the same term. Both have
the same core, namely the existence of an
agreement. There are two parties that agree to
cooperate, which regulates the things promised and
the obligations that must be obeyed when
implementing the cooperative relationship. For both
parties who agree to enter into a contract or
agreement, the content must be legally valid and
binding on both parties. The work agreement
becomes null and void and is deemed to have never
existed, if the work agreement is contrary to
statutory regulations.
Frontliner contracts are designations of job
positions in the company. In banking companies use
the term frontliner where the job position is bound
within a certain agreed period of time. Frontliner
contract positions may include Customer Service
and Tellers. The contract frontliner appointment
mechanism must be in accordance with the general
requirements for hiring employees and be based on a
specific period of service agreed by both the
employee and the employer.
The mechanism for appointing a contract
frontliner to become a permanent frontliner is based
on company needs. If the company needs it, it will
be confirmed with a Decree on the Appointment of
Workers to become permanent frontliners. However,
to become a permanent frontliner, a worker must
have served 2 (two) years as a contract frontliner.
If we look at frontliners in banks, it is clear that
frontliners' jobs are not temporary or seasonal jobs,
but main jobs. If it is related to a frontliner work
contract at a Bank, it is clear that the agreement is
legally canceled because it is against the law. Keep
in mind, that voids can be in the form of an
agreement as a whole or it can also be canceled only
articles or provisions in an agreement that are
contrary to law.
To be legally nullified means that the agreement
has never existed. So the reference returns to what
has been regulated in the Act. Based on the legal
basis, workers can submit to the company to adjust
the provisions in the work agreement with the
applicable laws so that the rights of workers / labor
as workers are not violated. In the event that there is
no agreement between the worker / laborer and the
employer, the worker / laborer can file a lawsuit at
the Industrial Relations Court on the basis of a
dispute over rights and request that the work
agreement be adjusted to the applicable provisions.
In implementing a work agreement between an
employer and a worker, an employment bond is
required. In the work agreement there is an
agreement between the two parties, which means
that both will fulfill their respective rights and
obligations and follow the contents of the
agreement. However, in its implementation,
sometimes there are disturbances or obstacles, such
as the contents of the agreement not being carried
out as determined (non-performance of contract).
And if someone commits an act against the law, then
the perpetrator can be given a sanction. The
contractual performance in the work agreement can
be in the form of:
Not doing what the workers are able to do,
Doing what was promised, but not exactly as
Did what was promised but not on time
Doing something under the contract you
should not do.
Against contract frontliners who are found to
have violated an agreement or regulation (non
performance of contract), the company has
consequences for workers based on Law Number 13
Legal Remedies toward Default in Frontliner Work Agreement Contract
of 2003 concerning Manpower. The consequences
can include claims for compensation, warning
letters, and even termination of employment
depending on the extent of the violation.
Termination of employment will be the last resort if
there is a dispute in the employment relationship.
The position of workers can actually be viewed from
two aspects, namely from a juridical and socio-
economic perspective. From a socio-economic
perspective, workers need legal protection from the
state against the possibility of arbitrary action by the
Based on the provisions of Article 27 of the 1945
Constitution, every citizen is simultaneously placed
in a legal and governmental environment. This
provision is further stated in Articles 5 and 6 of Law
Number 13 Year 2003 concerning Manpower.
Article 5, that every worker has equal opportunity
without discrimination to get a job. Article 6,
namely every worker / laborer has the right to equal
treatment without discrimination from the
entrepreneur. The position between employer and
worker is not the same, legally the position of free
labor, but socially and economically, the position of
labor is not free.
This unbalanced position causes workers to rely
solely on the energy inherent in themselves to carry
out their work. This situation creates a tendency for
employers to do arbitrary things to workers. Legal
protection for workers is needed because of their
weak position. Workers need to be protected by the
state through government interference. The form of
protection provided by the government is by making
regulations that bind workers and employers;
fostering and supervising the industrial relations
The making of an employment agreement in a
work relationship between workers and employers
aims to provide legal certainty and legal protection
to the parties. This is in accordance with the theory
of work agreement and labor law protection theory.
However, according to the results of the analysis the
authors found that, in the consequences and forms of
legal remedies, the non-performance of the contract
in the work agreement is more in favor of the
employer. The consequences of labor regulations are
more about the consequences that occur on the part
of the workers.
As for entrepreneurs, the consequences are not
explained. The consequences for the company will
only be penalized if they are violated, but the types
of sanctions are not explained in detail. So that this
can be used by employers to arbitrarily submit to
workers / laborers. The government issues a law, the
aim of which is to participate in protecting (workers)
who are weak from the power of employers, in order
to place them in a position worthy of human dignity.
This goal will be achieved if the government issues
laws that enforce and impose strict sanctions on
employers who avoid it.
3.2 Legal Forms toward Defaults of
Work Agreement Contract
Law is always attached to human life as an
individual or society. With various roles, law
functions to order and regulate social relations in
society and solve problems that arise in social life.
The main objective of the labor law is the
application of social justice and its implementation
is regulated by protecting workers from the
unlimited power of the employer. The subject of
labor law is a person consisting of workers / laborers
and employers. Overall, problems that occur because
one party does not respect what was promised, can
lead to disputes that must be resolved legally.
In the manpower sector, disputes between
employers and workers usually occur because of
feelings of dissatisfaction with the rights or policies
granted by the employer. UU no. 13/2003
concerning Manpower does not regulate the legal
remedies that can be taken by the parties if there is a
contract mismatch in the work agreement. However,
these legal efforts are regulated separately in Law
no. 2 of 2004 concerning Industrial Relations
Dispute Resolution. There are several forms of legal
action that can be taken by the parties in the event of
a dispute due to non-performance of the contract in
the work agreement, including through non-
litigation and litigation channels or what is more
commonly called legal channels.
3.2.1 Non-litigation Path
If the parties prefer to resolve the dispute in a good
manner, then the non-litigation route is highly
recommended because the problem solving
technique is carried out outside the court. One of the
ways that can be done to resolve legal disputes is by
conducting bipartite negotiations, mediation,
conciliation and arbitration. If there is a legal dispute
in the work agreement, this non-litigation route takes
precedence. The reason is, the technique of solving
legal problems is carried out in a friendly manner.
To resolve industrial relations disputes between
workers / laborers or groups of workers and
employers, the first step is bipartite negotiation. The
way bipartite negotiations work where all kinds of
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
disputes must be sought through deliberation. If the
negotiations reach an agreement, the collective
agreement is recorded at the Industrial Relations
Court. On the other hand, if the negotiations do not
reach an agreement, then one of the parties will
record the dispute to the agency responsible for
manpower in the Regency / City.
To carry out the dissemination, absolute
requirements are needed, namely in the form of
evidence or minutes. If the proof of negotiation is
not available, the record will be rejected.
Furthermore, given 30 (thirty) days to conduct
bipartite negotiations. If the negotiations are finally
brokered and an agreement is reached, a Collective
Agreement will be made which will be recorded at
the Industrial Relations Court. Negotiations do not
result in an agreement with complete evidence, the
parties will be offered a conciliator or arbitration
settlement. If the parties do not choose or instead
choose mediation, the dispute will be resolved in a
mediation forum. To resolve disputes over rights,
conflicts of interest, termination of employment, and
disputes between groups of workers within one
company, mediation negotiations are used. This
mediation is carried out through discussions which
are mediated by one or more neutral mediators.
To handle and resolve the four types of disputes,
the mediators in the mediation negotiations are
employees of government agencies appointed by the
Minister. Where the mediator has jurisdiction in the
Regency / City. Discussion is a dispute resolution
technique used by mediators.
The mediator must issue written advice,
negotiations do not result in mutual agreement. The
Collective Agreement will be recorded at the
Industrial Relations Court, the mediation
recommendation results in an agreement of the
parties. Conversely, if one of the parties rejects the
mediation recommendation, the party refuses to
submit a dispute to the Industrial Relations Court.
To resolve conflicts of interest, disputes over
termination of employment or disputes between
groups of workers in one company are used through
conciliation negotiations. This conciliation is carried
out through discussion mediated by a neutral
Handling disputes over interests, disputes over
termination of employment, and disputes between
groups of workers in a company. The conciliator in
conciliation negotiations is someone who is not an
employee of a government agency. But people who
have been legitimized and appointed by the
Minister, and have the same authority as mediators.
To resolve disputes over interests and disputes
between groups of workers in one company alone
are used arbitration negotiations. Arbitration is
carried out in writing with the consent of the
disputing parties. The arbitration is brokered by an
arbitrator and the arbitrator's decision is final.
Handling conflicts of interest and disputes
between groups of workers who will become
arbitrators, namely not employees of government
agencies but people who have obtained legitimacy
and are appointed by the Minister who has national
authority. The way the arbitrator works in
cooperation with other negotiations is to put forward
the settlement in the discussion. A Collective
Agreement will be drawn up and registered at the
local Industrial Relations Court and the parties agree
to peace. Conversely, if no agreement is reached, the
Arbitrator will issue a final decision. These
arbitration negotiations are voluntary. Industrial
relations dispute resolution through arbitration
institutions can occur because the two parties agree
to resolve the dispute through arbitration.
3.2.2 Litigation Path
The litigation line is also called the legal route. This
line is formed by the government to get equitable
cooperation where the role of government is very
important. There are several policies established by
the government in the context of manpower
1. Establish a wage system that every company
must follow. To support their family or
themselves, every worker / laborer has the
right to get wages from his work. The
government establishes a wage policy that
protects workers, namely Law Number 13 of
2003 concerning Manpower in Chapter 10
concerning wage arrangements with the aim
of creating a decent life for every worker /
2. Ratify Company Regulations and Collective
Bargaining Agreements. The Minister or the
appointed official is given a maximum period
of 30 (thirty) working days to comply with
company regulations since the company
regulation has been received. Applies The
Minister or the appointed official has not
ratified it. The minister or the appointed
official is obliged to notify the regulator in
writing that the company has not fulfilled the
requirements in order to improve the company
regulations. The employer is obliged to
convey the revised company regulations to the
Minister or the appointed official within a
Legal Remedies toward Default in Frontliner Work Agreement Contract
period of at least fourteen working days from
the date the employer receives the notification.
Employers and workers / labor representatives
agree that before the expiration date, changes
to company regulations can be made. The
results of these changes must have been
approved by the Minister or the appointed
official. The collective working agreement
comes into force on the day of signing, unless
the collective working agreement signed by
the party making the collective working
agreement is then registered by the employer
at the agency responsible for manpower
3. Supervise and enforce labor regulations. The
government is obliged to supervise and
enforce labor laws in order to realize industrial
relations. The responsibility is not only
government but also workers and employers.
4. In the implementation of construction, the
government fosters integrated and coordinated
elements and activities of manpower by
including employers 'organizations, workers'
groups and related professional organizations.
In accordance with applicable laws and
regulations, the government, employers
'organizations, workers' groups and related
professional organizations are allowed to carry
out international cooperation in the field of
manpower. The government will provide
personal or institution that has contributed to
the development of manpower in the form of a
charter, money, and / or other forms.
5. Labor inspection is carried out by employees
of the labor inspection. The employee is
appointed by the Minister or official. These
employees are required to have competence
and independence to ensure the
implementation of labor laws and regulations.
Labor inspection is carried out by a separate
work unit in the agency whose scope of duties
and responsibilities in the manpower sector is
in the central government, provincial
governments and district / city governments as
stipulated by a Presidential Decree. The work
unit of labor inspection as referred to in the
provincial government and district / city
government is obliged to submit a report on
the implementation of the labor inspection to
the Minister whose reporting procedure is
stipulated by a Ministerial Decree. Provisions
regarding the terms of appointment, rights and
obligations, as well as the authority of labor
inspection employees must comply with the
prevailing laws and regulations. In carrying
out their duties, every employee of the labor
inspector is obliged to keep all secrets and not
to abuse their authority.
6. The socialization of labor regulations is the
key to all the root problems that arise in work
agreements. Socialists need a budget. A
limited budget can affect and hinder the
socialization of labor regulations. The
socialization aims to make workers and
employers aware of labor regulations. This
aims to minimize violations that occur. The
functions and roles of the Government in
disseminating labor regulations are highly
Optimizing the role of the government in
manpower must be a priority scale because this is
the key and root cause of the labor turmoil that has
occurred in many regions. Hopefully everything can
be done well and in accordance with the
expectations for the creation of a healthy investment
climate and equal distribution of welfare for workers
as well as for employers themselves. The parties
prefer to settle disputes through court channels, so
this litigation route is highly recommended because
the problem solving technique is carried out legally
through the Industrial Relations Court.
The District Court which has the authority to
examine, hear and give decisions on industrial
relations disputes is the Industrial Relations Court.
On the recommendation of the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court, the President will appoint the
Chairman of the Industrial Relations Court. The
Chairman of the Industrial Relations Court is the
Chairman of the local District Court. The Panel of
Judges consists of one Chairperson of the Panel of
Career Judges, two Ad-Hoc Judges, each from an
entrepreneur and a worker. Career judges are
supreme judges who are active as judges in a judicial
body under the Supreme Court who are nominated
by the Supreme Court.
Ad-hoc judges are judges appointed on proposals
from groups of workers and employers'
organizations. Ad-Hoc Judges have the authority to
examine, adjudicate, and impose decisions on
industrial relations disputes. Based on Article 2 of
Law Number 2 of 2004 concerning Settlement of
Industrial Relations Disputes, the Industrial
Relations Court has the authority to handle four
types of disputes, namely:
1. Rights dispute, there are rights that cannot be
fulfilled in a work agreement, it is called a
rights dispute. There are differences in the
implementation or differences in interpretation
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
of the Law, Work Agreement, Company
Regulation or Collective Bargaining
Agreement, this will result in a dispute over
2. Conflict of interest, there is an opinion that
cannot be adjusted in a work agreement, so it is
called a conflict of interest. Because there are
differences of opinion regarding the creation
and / or changes to the working conditions in
the Work Agreement, Company Regulation, or
Collective Bargaining Agreement, it will create
a conflict of interest.
3. Employment termination dispute, one of the
parties does not agree with the opinion on
termination of employment, it will result in a
termination dispute.
4. Disputes between groups of workers,
mismatches of understanding between groups
of workers in a company, then disputes will
In accordance with Article 57 of Law no. 2 of
2004, the law applicable to the Industrial Relations
Court is civil procedural law unless otherwise
For frontliners, a contract that is proven to have
violated an agreement or company order agreement
(non performance of contract), the company will
have consequences based on Law Number 13 of
2003 concerning Manpower. The consequences of
labor regulations are more about the consequences
that occur on the part of the workers. Whereas for
entrepreneurs the consequences are not explained,
therefore it is necessary to optimize the role of the
government in employment. This must be a priority
scale because it is the key and root cause of the labor
unrest that has occurred in various regions as well as
a form of legal remedies that the parties can take if
one of the parties made defaults on the contract. In
work agreements, there are two types, namely
through non-litigation channels consisting of
bipartite negotiation, mediation, conciliation,
arbitration and through the litigation channel,
namely the industrial relations court. These legal
remedies are regulated individually in Law Number
2 of 2004 concerning the Settlement of Industrial
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