Legal Position Agreement with Personal Guarantee at Bank Medan
Vincent Leonardo Tantowie, Willy Tanjaya, and Herman Brahmana, Elvira Fitriyani Pakpahan
Magister of Notary, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Jl. Sekip Simpang Sikambing, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Legal Agreement, Guarantee and Personal Guarantee.
Abstract: In providing credit facilities, all banks always refer to the Loan to Value of the credit value. The value of the
collateral provided is in the form of material guarantees, whether installed on a KPR, KPR, Fiduciary basis
or Pawn and Cessie. If there is a lack of guarantee value that is relaxed by the internal and external
assessment team, the Bank always asks for additional guarantees in the form of personal guarantees
(personal guarantees) or company guarantees (company guarantees). This must be watched out for by
bankers or legal officers of a finance company where if a company or individual has provided personal
guarantees for a debt from a certain debtor, then it must be given strict provisions, that the guarantor must
also be accompanied by a material guarantee.
Banks as a company engaged in finance, all banking
activities are always related to the financial sector,
so talking about banks is inseparable from financial
problems. Banking activities that are the first to raise
funds from the wider community known as banking
activities are funding activities. Raising or seeking
funds by buying from the wider community is what
is meant by fundraising.
The main activity of a bank is to raise and
distribute funds, while the bank's supporting activity
is to provide other bank services. Fundraising
activities include collecting funds from the public in
the form of demand deposits, savings and time
deposits. This can be done by providing attractive
remuneration such as interest and gifts as a stimulus
for society. Fund distribution activities are in the
form of providing loans to the community.
Meanwhile, other banking services are provided to
support the smooth running of these main activities.
Currently, it cannot be denied that in the banking
world many people use certain temporary work
agreements because it is more profitable for the
company, both in terms of employees who are
always productive, and the company does not need
to spend more money to pay severance pay (when
employees stop working because the contract
expires). Many other situations arise in practice
where clear legal procedures cannot be applied. In
this note, attention is paid to the importance of
structuring the details of claims and the
consequences for which employee claims are
formulated incorrectly. Possible solutions available
to employees in terms of both general law and
statutory are investigated (Barnard, 2010). If we
look deeper into the business activities of banks, in
carrying out their business, banks in Indonesia must
be based on the principles of economic democracy
that use the principle of prudence. In the nation-
building process, banks have macro and micro
functions, this is clearly illustrated through the bank
Factors that are thought to contribute to the risk
position of public and private actors are evaluated.
In addition, the relationship between the risk
position of public private buyer-supplier, duration of
contract and private, supplier side investment is
discussed. The results show that a well-structured
long-term contract can: 1) provide the risk
mitigation mechanism needed for both public and
private actors, and 2) facilitate supplier-side private
investment (Hartman, 2020). Banks have a very high
level of risk in lending in the form of credit, so it is
appropriate to take extra careful and objective
measures in approving or applying for credit by
debtors so as not to potentially harm the bank in the
future. To deal with this risk, Article 2 of the
Banking Law mandates the principle that banks in
carrying out their business activities must be based
Tantowie, V., Tanjaya, W., Brahmana, H. and Pakpahan, E.
Legal Position Agreement with Personal Guarantee at Bank Medan Branch.
DOI: 10.5220/0010312800003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 408-416
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
on economic democracy with the principle of
prudence. In providing credit, banks are required to
have confidence in the ability and ability of the
debtor to pay off his debt in accordance with the
agreement, if it is clearly written in Article 8 of the
Banking Law.
To minimize the possible risks that will occur at
the time of lending, banks must act prudently,
carefully, carefully and wisely or not carelessly in
raising funds and channeling them back to the
public. This is a precautionary principle that must be
followed and followed by banks in order to reduce
risk. Organizations can measure trustworthiness and
manage it to build trust and strengthen loyalty
intentions among its consumers. A possible
extension is to conduct longitudinal studies to map
the nature of trust and loyalty that develops over
time and stages of customer life. Virtue and
problem-solving orientation of FLEs and MPPs on
their belief in FLEs and MPPs and loyalty intentions
(Shainesh, 2012). The main function of a bank is as
a financial intermediary, meaning that all money or
funds obtained from public savings must be
channeled back to the community in the form of
loans / credits. Lending is the provision of money
lending by banks to members of the public which is
generally accompanied by the provision of credit
guarantees by the debtor (borrower).
The credit analysis process must be passed first.
When a customer wants to apply for credit to a new
bank, the customer will be given a decision to
approve or reject the credit. The most important
objective of the credit analysis process is for banks
to make good and correct credit decisions so as to
avoid credit decisions that lead to bad credit.
Households adopt contracts that rely on unverifiable
outcomes, which cannot be formally contracted
when the penalties for breach of contract are weak.
In contrast, households adopt contracts that rely on
legally contractable and verifiable results when
penalties are severe. This evidence is consistent with
the terms of the contract that is optimally selected
considering what can officially be contracted or not
(Michler, 2020).
The history of antitrust law is full of firms that
are regulated as single entities under company law,
but function as competitors and are treated as such
by antitrust laws. This allows productive assets to
remain intact, but forces decision makers to behave
competitively. Finally, this paper looks at the
problem of nascent enterprise platform acquisitions,
where the greatest threat is not from horizontal
mergers but from complementary acquisitions or
differentiated technologies. For this, the tools
currently used in the merger law are less suitable
(Hovenkamp, 2020).
In lending, Banks must have confidence based on
an in-depth analysis of the debtor's intention and
ability as well as the ability to repay credit as agreed.
Before credit is granted, to convince the bank that
the customer can truly be trusted, the bank first
performs a credit analysis. Credit analysis includes
customer or company background, business
prospects, guarantees provided and other factors.
The purpose of this analysis is to make banks
believe that the credit they provide is truly safe.
Providing credit without prior analysis will be very
dangerous for banks.
In providing credit, every bank has risks so that
lending must be carried out carefully with due
observance to the principles of sound credit by
applying the principle of prudence to ensure
certainty that the bank will get all debts from debtors
in the form of principal and interest (when the loan
falls. tempo). Relate to trust as articulated in the
organizational stakeholder trust model. Scholars in
marketing need to develop a more macro view of the
company that examines trust outside of customers to
reflect broader stakeholder focus and corporate
social responsibility issues. A reputation of trust and
a license to operate will be needed to restore and
maintain stakeholder confidence in the big banks.
Building a trustworthy bank is essential for social
and economic progress (Hurley, 2014).
To reduce this risk, the guarantee of credit
extension in the sense of confidence in the ability
and ability of the debtor to pay off the agreed
obligations is an important factor that must be
considered by the Bank. To obtain this guarantee,
before extending credit, the Bank must carefully
assess the character, ability, capital, collateral and
business prospects of the debtor. In this case, the
Bank must have and implement credit guidelines in
accordance with the provisions stipulated by the
Financial Services Authority Number 42 / POJK.
03/2017 concerning the obligation to formulate and
implement bank credit or financing policies for
Commercial Banks.
Certain temporary work agreements only apply
to certain jobs, which according to the type and
characteristics or work activities will be completed
within a certain time, namely after the work is
completed or temporary work which is expected to
be completed in less than a short time. Time and a
maximum of 3 (three) years, the work is seasonal
and work is related to new products, new activities,
or additional products that are still under trial or
investigation. This is clearly written in the
Legal Position Agreement with Personal Guarantee at Bank Medan Branch
Manpower Law. That moral outrage must be an
explicit solution and a philosophically informed
approach to judicial interpretation requires
expressions of moral anger from judges to address
ongoing injustice or threats of injustice aimed at
vulnerable communities such as women and
religious minorities in the current political climate
(Rudolph, 2020).
Lending is the provision of money lending by
banks to the public which is generally accompanied
by a credit guarantee by the debtor (borrower).
Acceptance of credit guarantees is linked to various
legal provisions of the guarantee. The loans
provided are always secured by credit guarantees
which aim to avoid the risk of debtors not to pay
their debts. The guarantee given by the debtor must
be made an agreement between the creditor and the
collateral owner (can be a debtor or other non-
debtor) which is called a guarantee binding
agreement. The lack of clarity about the validity and
adjustment of the new law has sparked disputes over
the implementation of the PKB. Based on the good
intentions of the PKB parties, changes can be made
through negotiations in accordance with the
mechanisms stipulated in the Legislation. The
position of PKB is an autonomous law that applies
to companies and is an important element in the
prevention and settlement of Industrial Relations
Disputes. Finally, settlement through bipartite,
tripartite, and the Industrial Relations Court is a
mechanism that can be carried out for disputes of
interest (Sudiarawan, 2019).
Lending is intended to give creditor confidence
to the debtor even though this trust carries a high
risk. Therefore, in providing credit, there are several
elements that are often referred to as the credit
element, namely:
Trust is a lender that gives assurance to credit
recipients that the credit given will be received back
within a certain period of time at a later date. Trust
is the belief in giving credit that the credit given (in
the form of money, goods or services) will actually
be received back at a later date.
Grace Period is the period between the period
of credit extension and repayment of credit. The
value of money at the time of granting credit (agio
value) is higher than the value of money that will be
received at the time of repayment of the credit at a
later date. Each credit given has a certain period,
including the agreed credit repayment period.
• Risk degree is the level of risk that will be
faced due to the time period that separates the
provision of credit and repayments of credit at a later
date. The longer the payback period, the higher the
risk level. Because there is an element of risk, the
credit agreement requires collateral. The risk that
there is a grace period for repayment will lead to the
risk of non-collection / default on credit. The longer
the credit the greater the risk and vice versa. This
risk is borne by the bank, whether it is an intentional
risk by a negligent customer or an accidental risk.
Risk is the risk that may occur during the period
between granting and repayment of credit, so as to
secure credit disbursement and cover the possibility
of default from borrowing customers, it is bound by
collateral and collateral.
Agreement, this agreement includes an
agreement between the lender and the credit
recipient. This agreement is set forth in an
agreement where each party signs its rights and
Credit basically has a purpose or use to meet
human needs. Judging from its nature, this credit can
be categorized as consumptive or productive credit
depending on the treatment. Each credit given has an
agreement that contains the ability to pay within a
certain period. The repayment period is usually
adjusted to the amount of credit given. This credit is
seen from the flow of funds provided between
borrowers and lenders and the mechanisms therein.
Credit is given to encourage economic activity in
certain sectors in order to increase production
productivity, which is usually intended for export
activities. To provide a sense of security in
providing credit, guarantees are needed so that both
parties have a sense of responsibility for their
respective obligations. Employees' freedom of
expression is threatened. To counter this trend,
privacy laws, recently surpassed in the EU by the
General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR, and
more generally the principle of proportionality, can
represent an effective instrument to prevent
technology from exacerbating the condition of
employee subordination (Punta, 2019) . By looking
at a person's financial capabilities or assets will be
the basis for determining the level and type of credit
to be given. Each credit given has its own
mechanism in the process of withdrawal and
The bankruptcy decision from the guarantor can
be fulfilled by the judge as long as the requirements
for the bankruptcy statement letter are met, namely
the debtor has more than one creditor and one of the
debts is due and can be claimed and the guarantor
has escaped from his privileges (Anisah, 2002).
Achievements given are achievements in the
form of goods, services or goods, services or money.
In the development of credit in the realm of Islam
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
what is meant by achievement in providing credit in
the form of money. Achievement or credit object is
not only given in the form of money, but also in the
form of goods or services. However, because current
Islamic economic life is based on money, credit
transactions involving money are what we encounter
in lending practices.
An extension of subpoena powers held by
agencies such as the SEC, FTC, and EPA and is the
lynchpin of a system that relies on private plaintiffs
to enforce our most important laws. By forcing
parties to disclose large amounts of information, the
findings prevent harm and most importantly shape
industry-wide practices and the core behavior of
regulated entities. This approach has various
implications for the scope of findings as well as the
cost debate. Therefore, scholars and courts must
grapple with the consequences of what I call
"regulatory discovery" for the entire legal system
(Zambrano, 2020).
Credit in banking activities is the main business
activity because the largest income from bank
business comes from income from credit business
activities. Giving bank credit will be very useful if
the credit provided is in accordance with the goals
and needs. However, the funds from credit
disbursement must be returned by the debtor to the
bank, so that the funds from credit disbursement
must be used wisely.
Meanwhile, guarantees in banking activities are
one of the elements in lending to banks. Collateral
can be in the form of something or goods that are
made an obligation in the form of a loan. Banks in
providing credit are accompanied by certain
guarantees. The existence of credit guarantees is one
way to reduce bank risk in lending. When a
customer provides personal guarantees to a third
party creditor, usually a bank or other business
lender, the customer agrees to act as guarantor of the
other party's debt obligations. That means if the
company defaults on the loan, the customer has
guaranteed to step in and pay in return.
Customer obligations are secondary to the main
obligations between the borrower and the lender, if
the borrower does not have payment due, the
borrower cannot be found in a position of liability.
Article 1131 of the Civil Code states that all
objects or assets of a person become collateral for all
debts. If the debtor does not fulfill his obligations,
the debtor can with certainty and easily exercise his
rights against the debtor by obtaining a higher
position than other debt collectors.
There are several types of material guarantees
and forms of guarantee which are binding under
Indonesian law. The form of collateral binding
depends on the type of object that is guaranteed to
move or not the object moves.
All guarantee agreement agreements are
accessoir, meaning that the guarantee commitment
agreement exists or exists depending on the main
agreement, namely the credit agreement or debt
In daily banking law practice, this guarantee is
used as a complementary guarantee (which
complements the provision of existing guarantees).
There is no mention in the individual Guarantee
regarding certain assets owned by the Guarantor
which are used as collateral for the repayment of
debtors' liabilities to the Bank. In providing credit
there must be two ways of repayment (way out), the
first method of repayment is cash (the first way out
of credit is cash), the second way, collateral (the
second way out of credit is collateral). The second
solution (guarantee) for creditors is an alternative
solution if the first alternative does not work as
Because with a guarantee agreement if the debtor
is negligent in performing, the guarantor is obliged
to replace the debtor's position to carry out the
achievement. In a guarantee agreement, the
individual guarantor is usually required to relinquish
his privileges to protect his position. The release of
this privilege causes the individual guarantor to be
responsible in the event that the debtor's wealth is
insufficient to pay off his debt (Susilowati, 2016).
In practice, the individual guarantee agreement is
less profitable because the creditor is only a dual
creditor who has to compete with other creditors to
fulfill the debtor's obligations, and because the third
party also does not bind certain assets in the
agreement, the third party often rejects the ability.
Agreement analysis is carried out on the
customary law of the agreement which becomes the
appropriate law so that it becomes material related to
evaluation, there needs to be improvements in the
supervision of the applicable regulations
(Rajamanickam, 2019). Individual guarantee is
someone's guarantee from a third party whose
function is to ensure the fulfillment of the debtor's
obligations. In other words, an individual guarantee
is an agreement between the debtor (creditor) and a
third party that guarantees the fulfillment of the
debtor's (debtor) obligations.
In the event of an execution in which the
Guarantor has to pay debtor's debt to the creditor,
the guarantor's debt to the creditor can be taken from
one of the Guarantor's assets, except those that have
been burdened with other collateral such as
Legal Position Agreement with Personal Guarantee at Bank Medan Branch
Mortgage, Pawn or Mortgage. However, the
implementation of this guarantee agreement is very
difficult because there is only the ability of the
guarantor, namely a third party or certain company
that is used as a guarantee. Without the support of a
material guarantee agreement that binds third party
individual guarantees cannot be executed. A bank
loan is a new form of guarantee that is not covered
by general guarantees and special guarantees. This
shows that the legal guarantee system in Indonesia is
no longer a purely closed system, but has begun to
shift to an open system.
This also happens to Bank X Medan Branch
where the Bank provides credit to debtors
accompanied by personal guarantees, so that in the
credit agreement there is a third party that
guarantees the creditor the fulfillment of the debtor's
obligations. When the debtor defaults, the third party
acting as guarantor pays the debtor's remaining debt.
But in reality, the execution of a third party is very
difficult to do because it is not accompanied by a
material guarantee by the Guarantor.
It should be noted that in providing credit
facilities, Bank X always refers to the Loan To
Value of the credit value against the value of the
guarantee provided, namely in the form of material
collateral, whether installed as KPR, Mortgage,
Fiduciary or Pawning and Cessie, and if there is a
lack of collateral value then it is loosened . Usually
internal and external assessment teams, banks
always ask for additional guarantees in the form of
personal guarantees or company guarantees.
The laws and regulations governing
accountability in articles 1820-1850, protection is
only given to the guarantor with several privileges.
Banks tend to be less protected because banks
cannot take steps to resolve the credit debtor
concerned. Whereas the underwriter is not
cooperative in carrying out the achievement of
defaulting debtors, the protection of the Personal
Guarantee creditors obtained through the clause in
the underwriting agreement is intended to provide
legal protection for creditors of the financial services
authority which regulates (that the guarantee
agreement must be authentic deeds and submission
of counter guarantees by the insurer and its
formulation) . The clause in the underwriting
agreement proposed by the researcher aims to
equalize the clause in the underwriting agreement as
a form of legal protection for creditors and so that
important clauses are not included in the
underwriting agreement (Wulandari, 2017).
This is what bankers or legal officers of a
financing company must be aware of, where if a
company or individual has provided personal
guarantees for a debt from a particular debtor, it
must be given clear provisions, that the guarantor
must also be accompanied by a material guarantee.
Supreme Courts, lower federal courts, and state
courts routinely handle disputes arising from the
multilateral nature of intergovernmental agreements.
The main framework that courts use to resolve such
disputes is private contract law, but they also adapt
the principles of such contracts - often in an ad hoc
manner - to accommodate public parties and their
public objectives. By drawing the cases together
across contexts, parties can see the doctrinal
patterns, jurisprudential conundrums, and theoretical
implications that stem from the dual character of
contract law and public law. A treaty law for
American federalism can be established (Fahey,
2020). In the banking world, the process of granting
and assessing credit between banks is not much
different. These differences are usually only in the
procedures and requirements that are set in each
bank, which varies according to their respective
These capital outflows will be associated with
low income volatility, while capital inflows will be
associated with high income volatility. The negative
effect of financial liberalization on income volatility
in developing countries is due to the fact that the
majority of these countries have capital inflows that
are larger than those of capital outflows. Therefore,
excess capital inflows in developing countries
increase pressure and vulnerability to crises
(Feriansyah, 2018). The process of providing credit
can generally be distinguished between individual
loans and loans by legal entities, and can also be
seen from a consumptive or productive perspective.
The process of credit analysis and approval will
be carried out in accordance with the Bank's work
guidelines and cannot be separated from the
provisions of Bank Indonesia which require each
Bank to apply the principles of prudence and risk
management in the context of providing funds
because lending (is the main activity of banks and is
the main source of bank failure. and contains a high
risk that can affect the soundness and survival of the
bank). Therefore, it is necessary to clearly regulate
the parties involved in the credit extension process.
There must be a clear separation between the
functions, duties and powers and responsibilities of
each work unit involved in credit processing.
Lending should not be arbitrary and will be
monitored. There are debtors who have experienced
a decline in credit quality but still have a fairly good
business prospect (according to the provisions of the
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
Bank Indonesia regulation that banks carry out credit
Credit restructuring is an effort to increase bank
credit activity for debtors experiencing difficulties in
fulfilling their obligations. Credit restructuring can
only be carried out by banks against debtors who
meet the criteria. The debtor has difficulty paying
the principal and / or interest on the loan. Debtors
still have good business prospects and are
considered capable of meeting obligations after the
credit restructuring. Credit restructuring cannot be
carried out for the sole purpose of improving credit
quality or avoiding an increase in the formation of
PPA without considering the criteria for debtors as
mentioned above.
The loan to be restructured must be analyzed
based on the debtor's business prospects and the
ability to pay based on cash flow income. Loans to
be restructured must be analyzed by an independent
financial consultant who has a business license and a
good reputation. Each stage in the implementation of
credit recovery and the results of the analysis carried
out by banks and independent financial consultants
on restructured loans must be completely and clearly
documented. This loan is one of the main studies
that will be analyzed and used as a reference in
accordance with the provisions of the Bank
Indonesia regulation that banks carry out credit
This study uses empirical legal research that comes
from field research with a comparison of regulations
and prevailing events compared to legal research
topics related to applicable regulations. Then a
comparison of the provisions to get a better change
value is found against the legal findings. As a source
of analysis, it is obtained from legal materials,
namely statutory regulations, journals, materials and
existing bank regulations.
This research looks at the rules governing the
legal position that becomes personal collateral in the
bank, both in company regulations and in applicable
state regulations. The results of this study will be a
comparison that produces helpful rules and becomes
a good result.
3.1 Legal Position of an Agreement
with Individual Guarantee
Article 1820 of the Civil Code up to Article 1848 of
the Civil Code regulates individual guarantees. In
practice, the form and material of the credit
agreement between one bank and another bank are
not the same. This happened in order to adapt to the
needs of each party. Thus the credit agreement does
not have a generally accepted form, it's just that in
practice many things are usually included in the
credit agreement (for example in the form of
definitions of terms used in the agreement, the
amount and time limit of the loan, determination of
loan interest and penalties). If a debtor is negligent
in paying his debts and other things that sometimes
benefit the creditor (because sometimes the debtor
loses money), it is necessary to make it difficult for
the debtor not to sign a credit agreement.
However, prohibition number 8 of 1999
concerning consumer protection in Article 18
paragraph (2) has also been regulated, which states
that business actors are prohibited from including
standard clauses whose location or shape is difficult
to see or cannot be read clearly or is difficult to
understand. In fact, according to Article 18
paragraph (3) of Law Number 8 Year 1999, the
agreement was declared null and void by law.
In practice, the bank applies the elements of a
credit agreement between the debtor, creditor and
guarantor, including:
In accordance with the agreement between the
debtor and bank which will be outlined in the credit
agreement where the bank promises to provide loan
facilities according to the needs of the debtor in
developing his business, accompanied by terms and
conditions that must be met by the debtor and the
debtor also promises to return all debts and interest
such as promised to the bank.
The debtor / guarantor who enters into a credit
agreement with the bank must have the ability to
take legal actions in accordance with the provisions
of the prevailing laws and regulations and is the
person who has the right to take action on the
collateral object that will be used as collateral (used
as collateral to the bank).
The credit agreement / guarantee agreement
must contain something that is the rights and
obligations of the parties between the creditor,
debtor and guarantor, if a dispute occurs in the
future, in this case what is meant is the obligation of
Legal Position Agreement with Personal Guarantee at Bank Medan Branch
the debtor / guarantor to pay debtor debt as
The credit agreement and guarantee agreement
made by the parties must not conflict with applicable
laws and regulations.
Because individual / company guarantees in
banking practice in Indonesia are only additional
guarantees and refer to more moral obligations, the
implementation of individual / company guarantees
is still very difficult. In an individual / company
guarantee, there is no certain part of the surety's
assets that is designated as collateral. This causes
credit to be in a dual position, which means that if a
debtor has obligations to several creditors, the
creditor has an equal position. Thus, the fulfillment
of the guarantor's obligations is carried out
proportionally in accordance with the debtor's debt
to each creditor. The action that has been taken by
the bank is to sue the individual guarantor through a
commercial court, namely by the bankruptcy of the
individual guarantor to immediately pay off the
remaining debtor's debt to the bank. Subsequently,
filing a bankruptcy suit against an individual
guarantor must be accompanied by at least one other
In general, the provision of credit by banks
always refers to the principle of prudence, and the
credit limit given is based on the loan to value of the
collateral value after being assessed by an internal or
external assessment team, and the credit limit for the
value of the collateral is around 70% - 80%. For
example, the debtor submits a loan of Rp. 10 billion
and after being analyzed it is feasible to be financed
with a loan value of 70% with a guarantee of Rp. 12
billion, so the total loan that can be given is only Rp.
8.4 billion. The difference will be given an
additional guarantee in the form of an individual
guarantee and if the debtor fails to pay, the bank
always prioritizes the implementation of the main
collateral then submits additional guarantees.
However, there are exceptions to the nature of
accessoire, namely that someone can enter into a
guarantee agreement and it will remain valid even if
the principle agreement is canceled (if the
cancellation is the result of an exception that only
concerns the debtor's personal). For example, an
agreement made by a child who is not yet an adult is
asked to be canceled, while the coverage agreement
remains valid.
3.2 Settlement of Individual Guarantee
of Credit Problems
Responsibility for personal guarantee (Personal
Guarantee) has joint responsibility for all personal
assets that are owned for sale or auctioned publicly
as repayment of all debtor debts as agreed in the
personal guarantee agreement made with the bank (if
there is a claim from the bank in default) .
Banks can demand debtors to conduct an auction
for the implementation of collateral for assets given
to banks that have mortgage or fiduciary powers that
have executive power and preference rights against
other creditors and make ordinary civil suits against
personal guarantor (to pay off debtor's debt
immediately where the debtor has failed to pay.
loans provided by banks).
However, due to the demands for personal
guarantees, the bank's position as a creditor is only
concurrent and no material guarantee is given to the
bank to bind the guarantor. In practice, the bank
always prioritizes the collection of the debtor in
implementing the material guarantees given which
have the choice of preference. The certainty of
payment of debtor debts from the auction results on
the material guarantees provided by the debtor is
still lacking to pay off all debtor deductions, so the
next step for the bank will consider billing or suing
the personal guarantor to pay debtor debts either
civil claims or bankruptcy claims from personal
guarantor if the personal guarantor denies promise.
The guarantor has special rights guaranteed by
law. Guarantee privileges are:
The right to request that the debtor's debt be
fulfilled by confiscating and then selling the debtor's
assets first. If it turns out that the debtor's assets are
still insufficient, the new creditor asks the guarantor
to pay the remaining debt that has not been fulfilled
(Article 1831 of the Civil Code).
Fulfillment of debts as referred to in Article
1430 of the Civil Code. The guarantor has the right
to fulfill the debt between creditors and debtors.
Thus, this causes the debtor's debt to creditors to pay
off because the debtor has receivables equal to the
amount owed to creditors.
At the request of the guarantor, the creditor is
not obliged to sell or confiscate the debtor's assets
(Article 1833 of the Civil Code).
In the case of a guarantor consisting of several
people or several companies, the guarantor has the
right to request settlement of the debt that is borne
together in accordance with their respective
proportions. If one guarantor is unable to pay, then
the other guarantor must compensate to fulfill the
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
guarantor's obligations by paying off the debt. If the
inability occurs after the debt is divided, there is no
obligation of the surety to fulfill the obligations of
the surety. The guarantor can settle the debt
fulfillment obligations at the initiative of the creditor
(Article 1837 and Article 1838 of the Civil Code).
The guarantor has the right to ask for
compensation from the debtor or be exempted from
his obligation to provide individual / corporate
guarantees to the creditor for the related debtor's
debt. This applies if the surety is sued before a judge
to pay the debtor's debt. There is an agreement
between the debtor and the guarantor that after a
certain period of time the guarantor will be released
from his obligation to guarantee the debtor's debt.
The credit agreement does not specify the length of
time the guarantor must bear debtor's debt to the
creditor. Guarantor can request to stop acting as
guarantor after the last 10 years, except for
guarantees related to trusts.
The guarantor has the right to file an objection
that the debtor can use to the creditor. Denial should
not only be related to the debtor's personal (Article
1847 of the Civil Code).
The guarantor has the right to demand the
debtor to fulfill his obligations to the creditor or ask
the debtor to release the guarantor from the
obligation to pay the debtor's debt to the creditor
(Article 1850 of the Civil Code).
This special right is actually a special right given
by law to the guarantor when the guarantor makes a
guarantee agreement. However, these rights in
practice can make it difficult for a creditor to
demand fulfillment of his obligations to the
guarantor when the debtor is in default. With this
right, the surety can avoid his obligations at all costs.
Therefore, almost all forms of individual
guarantee agreement usually have a clause that
refers to article 1832 of the Civil Code that overrides
all guarantor privileges.
Debtors who no longer have business prospects
and the ability to pay principal and interest on debt
are classified as bad credit and will specifically be
handled by a special team that works together with
lawyers to carry out the process of executing
collateral debtors in terms of security, fiduciary,
under lien with rights preference or against
individual guarantees such as personal guarantees
and corporate guarantees that have concurrent rights.
And the settlement of bad credit that is handled
by the collection team does not all have to be done
through the court, but the bank still prioritizes the
settlement of deliberations first (for example, still
giving the opportunity to the debtor or guarantor to
sell the guarantee in advance of the payment of the
debt and also provide a good discount on the
principal or interest to be paid to facilitate the
debtor's ability to pay off debts). If the steps as
above have been taken and the debtor is still not
willing to pay off his debt by deliberation, the final
step for the bank is to take legal action by
implementing a clear guarantee in general. The
auction proceeds can be used to pay off debtors' debt
if there is an excess. Through the court it will be
returned to the debtor or guarantor, and if the
auction proceeds are still not sufficient to pay off the
debt, the bank is still entitled to collectively collect
from the debtor to pay off the debt.
However, in practice it is not as easy as the
process in general. At Bank X Medan branch itself it
is rather difficult to carry out execution due to
tracking assets belonging to individual guarantor and
requires a relatively large fee. Until now, one of the
Medan branch banks in Medan has never
implemented an individual guarantee. However, at
PT Bank X another branch has indirectly become a
separatist creditor for the bankruptcy lawsuit filed by
other banks on individual guarantees in the Supreme
Court decision No. 8 / PDT-SUS-PKPU / 2018
/PNNIAGA.MKS. During the bankruptcy period in
accordance with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the
Bankruptcy Law, separatist creditors can exercise
their own executive rights as if there was no
bankruptcy within 2 (two) months from the
commencement of bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy lawsuit against debtors or individual
guarantor is a last resort or alternative taken by the
bank with the following considerations: Bankruptcy
is the general confiscation of all assets of the debtor
or individual bankrupt guarantor whose management
and settlement is carried out by the curator under the
supervision of the supervisory judge as referred to in
Article 1 paragraph 1 of Law Number 37 Year 2004
concerning Bankruptcy.
Credit agreement with personal guarantee at Bank X
Medan branch is an accessory agreement. The
purpose and content of the coverage is to provide a
guarantee for the fulfillment of the principal
agreement and the existence of the coverage in
relation to the main agreement serving the principle
agreement. Settlement of non-performing loans with
individual guarantees is carried out by Bank X's
Medan branch, namely prioritizing deliberative
settlement and if the debtor is still not willing to pay
Legal Position Agreement with Personal Guarantee at Bank Medan Branch
off his debt by deliberation, the bank's last step is to
take legal action by implementing debtor guarantees.
If the debtor's guarantee is insufficient to pay off his
debt to the bank, the bank will hold the guarantor
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