Role of Financial Services Authority and Deposit Insurance
Corporation in Settlement of Non-performing Loans on Book and Bill
Sindy Kartika Siregar, Elvira Fitriyani, Tommy Leonard, Azharuddin, and Heriyanti
Magister of Notary, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Jl. Sekip simpang Sikambing, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Credit Settlement, Book Write-off, and Bill Write-off.
Abstract: The problem faced by bank customers is in the credit sector. One of the problems that arise in credit is bad
credit. This paper uses an empirical juridical research method to examine by comparing existing events to
the applicable legal rules. The legal consequence for those who pay off bad loans by book and bill write-offs
is a decrease in the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). Supervision and special attention are carried out by the
Financial Services Authority on banks due to the decline in the soundness of the bank. If the soundness level
of the bank drops drastically, the bank will be categorized as a bank under special supervision and if it
continues, the bank will be closed or liquidated while the debtor has a black record registered in the
Financial Services Authority Debtor Information System. The role of the Financial Services Authority and
the Deposit Insurance Corporation in resolving bad debts on book and bill write-offs from banks in the form
of the Financial Services Authority restructuring problematic rural banks through the Bail in mechanism.
Banks are not something strange to people in
developed countries. Various types of banking
businesses are offered. The banking program that
most in demand by both individuals and business
entities is credit services. Credit that is given by the
bank in the form of cash which after receiving the
debtor will be used for personal gain, for example to
make ends meet, increase business capital, and so
on. On the other hand, banks feel the benefits of
lending which are very attractive to the public
because it will affect the soundness level of the bank
from the circulation of existing funds.
In Indonesia, banking is regulated in Act Number
7 of 1992 concerning Banking as and amended by
Act Number 10 of 1998. The definition of a bank in
article 1 number 1 of Act Number 7 of 1992
concerning Banking is: "Business entities collect
funds from the community in the form of savings
and distribute them to the community in order to
improve the standard of living of the wider
Banking law is a set of legal principles in the
form of jurisprudential laws and regulations,
doctrine and other sources of law regulating banking
as an institution and aspects of activities that banks
must fulfill. The definition of credit according to
article 1 number 11 of Law Number 10 of 1998
concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1992
concerning Banking, credit is "the provision of
money or equivalent claims based on a loan
agreement or agreement between a bank and another
bank. The party requires the borrower to pay off the
debt after a certain period with interest”.
From the previous explanation it can be
concluded that the legal relationship that occurs in
the provision of credit is the civil relationship
between the bank and its customers. Bank
agreements with customers to provide funds to meet
customer needs are generally set out in the form of a
loan agreement. Customers need direct evidence,
whether that comes from their own or others'
satisfaction with the goods or services provided, and
customers pay attention to external company
support, especially in Asia, where customers place a
strong emphasis on the company's reputation. The
measure of trust is influenced by cooperation,
behavior or opportunistic quality, sometimes
influencing customer experience so that it can
increase the influence of the company on its
products (Nienaber, 2014). For respondents 18 to 30
years old, the importance of technology innovation
Siregar, S., Fitriyani, E., Leonard, T., Azharuddin, . and Heriyanti, .
Role of Financial Services Authority and Deposit Insurance Corporation in Settlement of Non-performing Loans on Book and Bill Write-off.
DOI: 10.5220/0010312600003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 392-399
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
affects the level of attracting new customers and
retaining existing customers, such as types of high-
tech services such as Internet banking, SMS
banking, email banking and phone banking
(Hedayatnia, 2011).
The credit facilities provided by banks to meet
the needs of the public are grouped into three
categories based on their designation, namely
investment, working capital loans, and consumer
loans. Investment and working capital loans are
productive loans because they will be used for
business or business needs, either in the form of
working capital or investment in the purchase of
company assets so that they can produce in the
future. Meanwhile, commercial credit is used to
meet the secondary needs of the community
(Hermansyah, 2008).
In article 8 of Law Number 10 of 1998
concerning Banking, it is stated that:
"In providing credit or financing based on sharia
principles, Commercial Banks are required to have
confidence based on an in-depth analysis of the
debtor's customers' intentions and ability to pay off
their debts and return the agreed financing".
Therefore, before giving credit to debtors,
creditors must carry out economic credit analysis to
prevent the possibility of arrears or becoming bad
credit which causes a decline in bank health. The
economic analysis used by banks for potential
debtors is to use well-known banking principles such
as the 5C Principles and the 4P Principles. The 5C
principles consist of Character, Capital, Capicity,
Collateral and Condition. The meaning of 5C is
Character, which is the debtor's willingness to return
his credit according to the agreement. Capacity and
Capital in the form of a debtor's ability to repay his
credit. Collateral is collateral in the form of objects
or persons that a prospective debtor can provide.
These conditions are general economic conditions,
both national and international economies as well as
the economic conditions of prospective debtors
(Hasibuan, 2005). Meanwhile, the 4P Principles
consist of Personality, Purpose, Payment, and
Prospect. What is meant by 4P is Personality which
relates to the personality of a prospective customer,
such as curriculum vitae, family situation and social
status. Payment is the ability of a prospective
customer to repay credit, and Prospects are the
prospect's future expectations (Hasibuan, 2005).
That the important factors determining customer
selection are service quality and new banking
methods, bank innovation and responsiveness, staff
friendliness and trust in managers, prices and costs,
staff attitude and convenience of location and bank
services. The findings of this study reveal that bank
customers place more emphasis on factors such as
service quality, innovation in banking services,
employee behavior and attitudes and prices.
Therefore, the manager of a commercial retail bank
should seriously consider the above factors in
designing his marketing strategy. Banks classify
loans into two groups, namely non-performing loans
and non-performing loans. Non-performing loans or
also known as non-performing loans are divided into
two categories, namely loans classified as current
and loans with special attention quality, while non-
performing loans are loans categorized as non-
performing loans. because there are already arrears.
Non-performing loans or also known as non-
performing loans are grouped into three groups,
namely substandard credit, doubtful credit, and bad
credit. (Ismail, 2010). As for the impact of bad credit
that occurs as a result of the risks posed by debtors,
namely: "Bank profit / loss decreases", "Bad Credit
Ratio becomes bigger", "The cost of providing
credit-off reserves increases" and "ROA and
decreases ROE" (Ismail, 2010).
Associated with trust as articulated in the
organizational stakeholder trust model, scholars in
marketing need to develop a more macro-view of the
company that examines trust outside of customers to
reflect broader stakeholder focus and issues of
corporate social responsibility, trust reputation and
license to operate. This is needed to restore and
maintain stakeholder trust in large banks. Building a
trustworthy bank is essential for social and economic
progress (Hurley, 2014).
Various ways to resolve non-performing loans
can be done, namely through the existence of
"Rescheduling", "Reconditioning", "Restructuring",
"Combination", and "Execution" for debtors who are
unable to return the principal or interest. However,
in the current era, economic development was so
uncertain that efforts to repay credit were
unsuccessful, so that credit continued to become
bad, causing the bank's non-performing loan (NPL)
position to soar by 5 percent. So that what a bank
can do is to delete books or claims to protect the
health of the bank again.
Legal certainty is made by the government as an
effort to protect banks and debtors, while efforts that
can be made to resolve problem banks can be done
by reconditioning, restructuring and rescheduling. In
addition to the 3R as a problem solving loan model,
there are also problem-solving loan models such as
underhand collateral selling or takeovers. Keywords:
Alternative Settlement Models, Credit, Problematic,
Banking (Hakim, 2018). When the evidence is
Role of Financial Services Authority and Deposit Insurance Corporation in Settlement of Non-performing Loans on Book and Bill Write-off
legally insufficient to support either no answer or a
post-answer default decision, the appropriate
disposition is withheld for a new trial. In
determining eligibility for sanctions, the court may
not consider any matter that is not in the "notes,
briefs or other documents filed in an appellate court"
or the supreme court. Without evidence to suggest
that the appeal was made in bad faith, or, for some
courts, in lack of good faith, the penalty is not
appropriate (Hall, 2019). The "irreparable loss"
branch of the preliminary injunction standard, the
requirement that the discovery be proportional to the
needs of the case, and the due process rights of class
members in action for injunctions on indemnity. It
concludes that in each of these areas, courts and
commentators can do more to account for economic
inequality (Carroll, 2020). Based on Article 67
paragraph 1 PBI Number 14/15 / PBI / 2012
concerning Assessment of Commercial Bank Asset
Quality, it is stated: "Write-off and / or collection
can only be done for provision of funds that have
been supported by the calculation of Allowance for
Impairment Losses () of 100% and its quality.has
been determined to crash”. Accounts receivable
write-off is an administrative action taken by the
Bank on bank receivables that have not been
collected / collected. An administrative act is an
intracomtable deletion of books for later recordings
in an extractable manner. detention will be carried
out by parties who are considered strong until they
fulfill it accordingly (Zlotnick, 2020). This
receivable write-off does not eliminate the Bank's
right to collect debtors. Strictly speaking, at any
time, the Bank may collect written-off receivables, if
the receivables are eligible to be collected and have
not expired according to the Law, namely article
1967 of the Civil Code. Credit Analysis is
responsible for submitting write-off proposals to the
authorized official, for Bank credit / receivables that
have met the write-off criteria.
Banks are very burdensome if there are book and
bill write-offs. The bank can write off the
collectability of 5 or bad credit. Write-off occurs
because in efforts to save restructuring it is difficult
to do so that the write-off is a banking strategy to
avoid a decline in the soundness level of a bank
which can be seen from the financial performance of
a bank. Bad credit which results in poor financial
performance so that the elimination of bad credit
will be charged to the Provision for Earning Asset
Losses (PEAL).
Of course, bad debts do not disappear or become
write-offs, but they can still be billed to debtors for
repayment even though the results are not one
hundred percent, but in the future it can provide
benefits for bank finances. Write-off cannot be done
for part of the provision of funds, while write-off
can be done for part or all of the provision of funds.
Bad credit problems that resulted in efforts to
write-off books and write-off claims have occurred
at the research site and resulted in losses in the
banking sector, so that from the background
description above, a step can be taken to conduct
research related to the Role of the Financial Services
Authority and the Deposit Insurance Corporation in
Settling Bad Credit on Write-off. books and
accounts receivable from PT BPR EKA
In this research, the formulation of the problem
is formulated regarding the application of write-offs
and write-offs of accounts receivable in the
regulations of the Financial Services Authority
(FSA) and the Deposit Insurance Corporation (DIC),
legal consequences for banks that resolve bad credit
in writing, write off and write-off, and the role of
FSA and DIC in resolving bad debts in book and bill
write-offs from banks.
In this study, the empirical juridical method, which
is to compare the rule of law of the country to the
facts in the field was used. Comparison between the
banks of PT BPR Eka Prasetya (BPR or Bank
Perkreditan Rakyat), which is about book and bill
write-offs for non-performing loans that can cause
losses on existing financial books.
The analysis carried out by the financial services
authority and guarantee guarantee institutions in bad
debt was to compare the ways the two institutions
act to deal with bad credit in accordance with civil
law and applicable banking regulations so as to find
conclusions on the existing problem settings.
3.1 Application of the Provisions for
Book and Bill Write-offs
The Financial Services Authority is based on the
principles of good governance which include
independence, accountability, responsibility,
transparency and fairness. Institutionally, the
Financial Services Authority is outside the
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
government, meaning that the Financial Services
Authority is not part of the government's power.
However, it does not rule out the existence of an
element of government representation because in
essence the Financial Services Authority is an
authority in the financial services sector that has
strong relationships and linkages with other
authorities, in this case the fiscal and monetary
Write-off is an official mechanism that has a
legal basis, which can be carried out by banks in
general in handling non-performing loan portfolios
where the funds used for write-offs have actually
been prepared by establishing an Allowance for
Impairment Losses in accordance with the Bank's
provisions and Indonesian Regulations. However,
for banks, the issue of write-off is still a
consideration to be applied.
The elimination of bad debts consists of two
stages, namely: conditional write-off and absolute
write-off. The elimination of bad credit is a common
practice for national banks as a way to reduce the
level of non-performing loans (NPL ratio) in order
to improve bank health. The write-off is done by
removing the bad credit portfolio from the bank's
books, but the bank continues to collect creditors.
Meanwhile, in the write-off program, banks no
longer collect creditors (Hariyani, 2010). This claim
write-off includes write-offs that are deemed loss
and cannot be collected again. In this case the bank
actually bears the loss and the amount of credit to be
written-off will actually be written off from the
balance sheet (both on the balance sheet and off the
balance sheet). In other words, deletion is absolute
Write-off and / or collection can only be done for
provision of funds of problem quality. The write-off
cannot be done for part of the provision of funds.
Claim write-off can be done for part or all of the
provision of funds. (2) The elimination of claims for
part of the provision of funds as referred to in
paragraph (3) can only be done for Credit
Restructuring or Credit repayment.
Claim write-off and / or write-off can only be
done after the RB has made efforts to return the
Earning Assets given. BPR is obliged to document
the efforts to recover the Earning Assets given and
the basis for consideration of write-offs and / or
collect-offs. RBs are required to administer data and
information regarding Earning Assets that have been
written off and / or collected.
3.2 Legal Consequences for Banks
Settling Bad Credit on book and
Bill Write-offs
State-owned bank bankers are still afraid of legal
depreciation and these banks can be charged with
criminal acts of corruption because there is no
understanding between the bankers and law
enforcement officials as well as the BPK, DPR,
Attorney General and the Corruption Eradication
Commission (KPK) to resolve this problem and
there is a mismatch with prevailing laws and
Another levy imposed by BPRs is the collection
of bad debts in the affected areas. In implementing
these levies before PP. 33 of 2006, BPR has
implemented in accordance with the procedures and
requirements stipulated in PMK Number 112 of
2005, namely the distribution of credit before the
date of the disaster in the area concerned. The
procedure is also carried out in accordance with
those stipulated in PMK Number 112 of 2005.
However after PP. 33 of 2006 is in effect, so that the
collection in the disaster area is carried out by Bank
X based on the internal policy of the BPR.
The positive impact is that the write-off rate of
the bank's NPL decreases, so that the health of the
bank also improves. The quality of bank balance
sheets will also improve. Non-yielding credit
figures, credit arrears, and uncollectible interest have
been written off from the balance sheet. This causes
the quality of the bank's earning assets to be better,
thereby improving the health of the bank in the eyes
of Bank Indonesia and of course the public. The
impact on banks as creditors in providing credit is
that the elimination of collection rights held by
banks to collect receivables from debtors is not
written off. For banks, the complete elimination of
credit facilities results in the bank losing the right to
collect the credits it has collected. Partial collection
is carried out, the bank is still entitled to collect part
of the uncollectible credit facility. There are no
specific provisions regulating in detail about write-
offs and collection for commercial banks, how the
procedures are, and the criteria for doing so,
however these arrangements are scattered in various
relevant regulations in the banking sector.
Non-current, doubtful or non-performing loans
are categorized as non-performing loans which
require quick settlement so that bank liquidity is not
disrupted. Settlement was carried out through a
strategy to save problem loans and will be followed
up with write-offs or collectability if the rescue
effort is unsuccessful. However, the provisions
Role of Financial Services Authority and Deposit Insurance Corporation in Settlement of Non-performing Loans on Book and Bill Write-off
regarding the settlement of bad credit through book
and claim write-offs at BPRs were constrained by
the authorized agency to resolve them due to
disagreements regarding the definition of “state
assets and the legality aspect of the provisions that
change the housing institution”.
With the regulations listed in Article 29
paragraph 3 of Law Number 10 of 1998, credit
granting must receive internal supervision from PT
BPR Eka Prasetya so that people who are trusted in
making savings do not experience loss of trust due to
bad or problematic credit which results in book and
bill/ claim write-offs.
In addition, the legal consequences that occurred
at PT BPR Eka Prasetya following the results of
interviews with the Credit Analysis section and
Branch Managers of the Tandem Downstream
Branch Office which will also be attached are
receiving attention and supervision from the
Financial Services Authority because write-offs and
claim write-offs affect the health of the bank. If the
soundness level of a bank decreases drastically, then
the bank is categorized as a bank under special
supervision and if it is ignored, the bank will be
closed or liquidated by the Financial Services
As for debtors, the legal consequence received is
the existence of a black note in the Financial
Services Authority's Debtor Information System so
that debtors who were registered with black notes
will receive consideration when applying for credit
at other banks. In addition to write-off, if the debtor
does not make a payment, the bank will make two
summons and then an auction will be conducted.
3.3 The Role of the Financial Services
Authority and the Deposit
Insurance Corporation in
Settlement of Bad Loans on Book
and Bill Write-offs
The financial sector in Indonesia, both banks and
non-bank financial institutions, has experienced
rapid development. These developments have
triggered increased interconnections and transactions
between one financial institution and another. In this
situation, the loose or detached supervision of
financial institutions tends to lead to abuse that has
fatal consequences for the health of the financial
institution. Indeed, there are many options for
determining the financial industry supervision
model. However, each model basically has its own
advantages and disadvantages and leaves a gap for
deviation. Therefore, no model of financial industry
supervision in any country is perfect. There are at
least 4 (four) models of supervision that are applied
in various countries, namely the institutional,
integrated, twin-peak, and functional approach. Each
country that adopts a certain approach also adapts to
the characteristics of the financial industry in that
The integrated regulatory and supervisory model
introduced by the Financial Services Authority has
advantages, especially in responding to the
increasingly integrated trend of the financial
industry. Currently, for example, the phenomenon of
universal banking or a bank that can serve all types
of financial services has become a common
panorama. With the Financial Services Authority as
a supervisory agency, it is hoped that licensing,
regulatory, supervisory and policy issues will
become easier, because they are under one roof. In
addition, the Financial Services Authority as a
supervisory agency also allows the use of economies
of scale and economies of scope so that its
supervision becomes deeper. However, the Financial
Services Authority as a "supervisory agency" is also
experiencing weaknesses. With such a wide scope of
work for regulation and supervision as well as a
wide range of industries, the effectiveness of the
Financial Services Authority is a mainstay that
cannot be ignored if it is not supported by a reliable
system and human resources.
A bank is said to have a problem if the bank is
unable to fulfill its obligations as a third party,
because it experiences losses and as a result, public
trust in the bank decreases. Basically, a bank is
considered problematic if it faces problems in its
operational activities on an ongoing basis and
requires special efforts to resolve them. Once a bank
fails to fulfill its obligations to customers, the
reputation of the bank will waver and it may even
experience a rush (massive withdrawal of funds) by
the customer and in the end even though the bank is
large and healthy it can also close.
The Deposit Insurance Corporation handles
write-offs and collect-offs that have a systemic
impact after the FKSSK hands over the handling to
the Deposit Insurance Corporation. Furthermore, in
carrying out the settlement and handling of the
Failing Bank, the Deposit Insurance Corporation has
the authority to control and manage the assets and
liabilities of the Failing Bank. Then the Deposit
Insurance Corporation guarantees bank customer
deposits in the form of demand deposits, time
deposits, certificates of deposit, savings and / or
other equivalent forms. The value of deposits
guaranteed for each customer at one bank is a
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
maximum of IDR 2,000,000,000.00 (two billion
rupiah). The guaranteed value is expected to protect
all deposits held by small customers who are the
majority of bank customers in Indonesia.
In carrying out its function as a deposit insurance
company for depositing customers, the Deposit
Insurance Corporation has a different role. During
the bank restructuring stage, the Deposit Insurance
Corporation took over the management of the bank
at the behest of Bank Indonesia. Management was
transferred because the bank went bankrupt. In
maintaining the stability of the banking system, the
Deposit Insurance Corporation plays a role in
overcoming failed banks. If the bank fails to be
declared to have a systemic impact, the role of the
IDIC is to handle the failed bank, whereas if the
failed bank is declared to have no systemic impact,
the Deposit Insurance Corporation plays a role in
completing write-offs. and deletion.
With the passing of Law Number 9 of 2016, the
role of the Deposit Insurance Corporation has
increased. This law states that the Deposit Insurance
Corporation plays a role in the prevention and
resolution of financial system crises, namely by
becoming part of the Financial System Stability
Committee (KSSK). Apart from playing a role as a
member of the KSSK, the PPKSK Law also adds to
the role of the Deposit Insurance Corporation,
namely in dealing with the solvency problems of
systemic banks and non-systemic banks. Another
role given by the PPKSK Law to the Deposit
Insurance Corporation is in Banking Restructuring
in a Financial System Crisis. The increasing role of
the Deposit Insurance Corporation as mandated by
the PPKSK Law then results in the increasing and
broader powers of the Deposit Insurance
Corporation (Hasanah, 2017).
The implementation of book and bill/claim write-
offs in the Regulation of the Financial Services
Authority & the Deposit Insurance Corporation are
regulated in Law Number 9 of 2016 concerning
Financial System Crisis Prevention and
Management, Government Regulation Number 21 of
2018 concerning Procedures for Write-Off and
Allowance. Asset Claims from the banking
restructuring program and Financial Services
Authority Regulation Number 33 / POJK.03 / 2018
concerning Earning Asset
Quality and
Determination of Allowance for Earning Asset
Losses for Rural Banks.
The legal consequence of BPR Eka Prasetya's
settlement of bad debts by book and bill write-offs is
a decrease in the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). If
the amount of reserves for write-offs for non-
performing loans is insufficient to cover the amount
of written-off credits, it can reduce profits and
receive supervision from the Financial Services
Authority (FSA). The FSA gives special attention to
banks due to the decline in the soundness of the
bank. If the soundness level of the bank decreases
drastically, the bank will be categorized as a bank
under special supervision and if it continues, the
bank will be closed or liquidated while the debtor
has a draft.
The role of the FSA and the DIC in settling bad
debts on book and bill write-offs from banks in the
form of restructuring of problematic rural banks
through the Bail-in mechanism based on the
mandate of Law Number 9 of 2016 concerning
Financial System Crisis Prevention and
Management. The Deposit Insurance Corporation
makes payments for customer deposit claims starting
with reconciliation and verification of data on
customer deposits that are eligible to be paid and
which are not eligible for payment. The Deposit
Insurance Corporation will form a Liquidation Team
tasked with dissolving bank legal entities and
settling obligations to bank employees in liquidation,
settlement of assets and liabilities, termination of
liquidation, and accountability.
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CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
Indonesia Civil Code
Law No. 10 of 1998 concerning Banking.
Law No. 24 of 2004 on the Deposit Insurance
Law Number 9 of 2016 concerning Prevention and
Management of Financial System Crisis
Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 14/15 / PBI / 2012
concerning Assessment of Commercial Bank Asset
Government Regulation Number 21 of 2018 concerning
Procedures for Write-Off and Collection of Remaining
Assets from the banking restructuring program.
Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 33
/POJK.03/2018 Concerning Earning Asset Quality and
Establishment of Allowance for Earning Asset Losses
for Rural Banks.
Role of Financial Services Authority and Deposit Insurance Corporation in Settlement of Non-performing Loans on Book and Bill Write-off