The Use of Geogebra Software in Improving Student’s Mathematical
Abilities in Learning Geometry
Antonius K. A. P. Simbolon
, Lasma Melinda Siahaan
Lecturer in Department of Accounting, Universitas Prima Indonesia
Universitas Quality Medan
Keywords: Geometry, Geogebra, Mathematical Ability.
Abstract: Learning geometry has not paid attention to aspects of mathematical ability maximally so that learning
outcomes are not optimal either. Technology has been developing rapidly, one of which is the emergence of
geogebra software version 6.0 which can help the learning process of mathematics but has not been used in
learning. This study aimed to determine the magnitude of the increase in mathematics learning activeness and
achievement in geometry material using geogebra software. This research was conducted in class IX SMP
Negeri 2 Tanjung Morawa, totaling 210 students. The method used is a class action research method which
consists of two cycles, the analysis used is descriptive comparative by comparing the data between cycles.
Geogebra is used to visualize geometric objects that will be transformed. Through the visualization process
students try, reason, and finally find the concept of transformation. The results showed an increase in student
activity during learning. The test results for each cycle showed an increase in the number of students who
achieved minimum completeness (KKM). At the end of the cycle, students who completed learning reached
85.24%. Based on this, learning using geogebra software can improve mathematical abilities.
21st-century learners are familiar to the pictorial
culture of learning mathematics as well as other
contents via wide access to internet site and various
applications that are related to mathematics. In this
regard, the traditional lecture-based method of
teaching mathematics is not working as expected by
mathematics tutors. This could be most of the
mathematics teaching and learning which is not
aligned to the pictorial culture. The central obstacles
in teaching mathematics could be concepts without
adequate illustrations (Dahal, 2019).
In Indonesia’s curriculum, geometry is one of the
essential materials that taught from elementary school
until college. It allows people to understand the world
by comparing shapes, objects and their connections
(Jelatu, 2018).
In facing the challenges of the 4.0 industrial
revolution era, an increase in human resources is
needed to be able to compete in the international
realm. One area that we can use as a bridge to improve
quality human resources is education (Adelabu,
2019). One branch of science that plays an important
role in education is mathematics. Mathematics as one
of the areas of learning in schools is an area that gets
attention in the development of learning.
Mathematics in junior high school, for example, tends
to be abstract. This causes mathematics to be a subject
that is considered difficult for students. One part of
mathematics that is abstract is geometry.
The need to visualize concepts and support the
materials in Mathematics learning by forming the
pictures or by using existing draw, becoming what is
needed by the students in improving their
mathematical development and understanding.
GeoGebra can combine dynamic visualization of
geometry and the results of mathematical calculations
simultaneously (Sur, 2020).
Technology developments rapidly bring new
challenges in education. New technology has
capability to make change in education. Many people
already use and explore the new and existing
technology for greater benefit of education. Putra
(2012) in his book stated that it's not chalk and talk
anymore, but (more) to school approach to
developing student's digital literacy.
With the progress in the technological change
process in the education field, we ought to admit that
the mobile education is a part of a new scene. It
Simbolon, A. and Siahaan, L.
The Use of Geogebra Software in Improving Student’s Mathematical Abilities in Learning Geometry.
DOI: 10.5220/0010311800003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 352-360
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
provides personal distant learning, non-official
learning and automatic learning through the use of
mobile devices by students of all ages and
backgrounds. It enables them to interact, cooperate
and learn through different ways (Alkhateeb, 2019).
Long before, in year 2002, UNESCO has
advocated the use of technology in education. This
trend is still continuing until today, as recently Leung
(2016), Oktaviyanthi and Supriyani (2015), Loong
(2014) and Saadati (2014) exploring the use of
technology in regard to learning and education.
Specifically, Fathurrohman and Porter (2012)
advocate the use of technology for mathematics
teachers. Recently in year 2017 they explain the
teachers’ real and perceived of technology
availability for teaching and learning, while Hatlevik,
Throndsen, Loi and Gudmundsdottir (2018) explain
the students believe and their actual achievements in
regard to ICT experiences. Vongkulluksn, Xie, and
Bowman (2017) argues on teacher belief as one of
important factors in technology integration.
Karadeniz and Thompson (2018) proposed the use of
calculator, and Wares (2018) argues on the use of
dynamic geometry, while in particular, Martinovski
(2013), Quinlan (2016), Segal, Stupel, & Oxman
(2016), States & Odom (2016) promoting GeoGebra
as a tool for technology use in mathematics teaching
and learning.
Either science or technology is believed can
provide a great opportunity for students to do a deep
exploration of their understanding about a certain
concept. Some technology-based learning tools that
usually used during university level mathematics
learning such as Maple, Matlab, GeoGebra, SPSS, or
Fluent, the needs to find effective and efficient
software to assist them in doing a better
understanding still become educators’ top concern
(Safrida, 2018).
One of mathematics concepts is geometry. Atiah
in Hoherwarter and Jones (2007) said it is important
to learn geometry and algebraic geometry. Geometry
concepts and the ideas of geometry have been
introduced to students since their study in elementary
school level, for example for the introduction of line,
plane and space. However, many geometry concepts
and ideas in high school level presented in the abstract
concept for students, not in concrete as before. This is
one of the reasons why the students still get some
difficulty when learn geometry. Quadrilateral is a
mathematics concept in geometry for junior high
school level. Quadrilateral topic consists of concept
and definitions of abstract geometry that is required
to solve problems related with geometry use in daily
life. It is acknowledged that the students' cognitive
development at the stage of junior high school age is
the formal-operational stage. At this stage, the student
should have the capacity to use abstract principles, so
that students must be able to learn abstract learning
materials such as Quadrilateral. Kabaca (2017)
provided classroom note for understanding geometry,
however it is not enough for this case.
Written in the Regulation of the Minister of
National Education No. 16/2007 emphasized that one
of the pedagogical competencies that SMP / MTs
mathematics subject teachers must have is to be able
to utilize information and communication technology
for learning purposes. Meanwhile, for professional
competence, teachers must be able to take advantage
of Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) to communicate and develop themselves. The
main application of technology in learning
Mathematics is the integration of software (software)
for learning Mathematics. This has led to a lot of
software being developed and utilized.
According to Sumeda (Bawono, 2015)
mathematics is generally defined as a field of science
that studies the patterns of structure, change and space
of life, because in every daily activity, whether it is
based on it or not, we definitely use mathematics.
Mathematics equips students to be systematic, critical
and creative, therefore mathematics must be mastered
by everyone.
However, based on the 2011 TIMMS report,
Indonesian grade IX students occupy the 38th
position among 42 countries participating in the math
test with an average score of 406 while the
international standard standard score is 500. The
TIMMS survey results regarding the mathematical
abilities of Indonesian students are not much different
from the results of surveys from other institutions
such as PISA (Programme International for Student
Assesment). Based on the results of the 2012 PISA
survey, Indonesian students' mathematical abilities
rank 64 out of 65 countries with an average score of
375, while the average international score set by PISA
is 494.
The domain of the question content in the PISA
test is geometry. The content sub-components tested
are changes and linkages, space and form, quantity,
uncertainty and data. Many geometric problems
require visualization in problem solving and in
general students find it difficult to construct
geometrical spatial shapes, as experienced by
students at SMPN 2 Tanjung Morawa.
One of the efforts to visualize mathematical ideas
so that mathematics can be understood by students,
especially on geometry material, is through more
innovative learning strategies. Among them are
The Use of Geogebra Software in Improving Student’s Mathematical Abilities in Learning Geometry
innovative media with the use of advances in
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
in the form of geographic media as a learning
resource and learning media.
Computer programs can be used as an alternative-
effective solution. One of the computer programs that
can be freely used is GeoGebra. GeoGebra is Non-
Commercial Free Software for use by mathematics
educators (teachers and lecturers) in Indonesia. The
use of GeoGebra in mathematics teaching and
learning enable students to draw geometry objects in
fast and specific. Enable to animate and manipulate
visual to understand geometry concept, evaluating, to
study geometry object (Syahbana, 2016). Many
researches show positive effects of teaching and
learning with GeoGebra, such as Zengin, Y (2017)
and Hähkiöniemi, M., (2017).
Geogebra is software designed to solve geometry,
calculus and algebra material as well as applications
fordesigning spaces and buildings (Saputra, 2019). It
can serve for development of instructional materials
in mathematics in many different forms, types and
styles, and for all levels of mathematical education. It
is free to be downloaded form a website, while
nothing but a Java 6 platform is necessary for its full
operation. GeoGebra seems to be particularly easy
and intuitive to learn. Files can be saved in “.ggb”
format, or as dynamic web pages. GeoGebra can
output files as pictures (.png) or as encapsulated
postscript for publication quality illustrations.
GeoGebra user interface offers a rich graphics
menu for drawing various objects, while the complete
construction protocol is saved and it appears in any
chosen language from the available 45 versions,
therefore no translation is necessary and free sharing
of developed instructional materials is genuinely
supported all over the world. Users are encouraged to
visit GeoGebra webpage and GeoGebra user’s forum
GeoGebraWiki, a free pool of teaching materials for
this dynamic mathematics software where everyone
can contribute and upload materials. GeoGebra has a
built-in Cartesian coordinate system, and accepts both
geometric commands (drawing a line through two
given points, a conic section determined) and
algebraic ones (drawing a curve with a given
equation). Among its more interesting features is the
ability to draw tangent lines to algebraic and even
transcendental curves at given points, while equation
of this tangent line is available immediately too. This
double representation: the geometric-synthetic one
and the algebraic-analytic one is one of the greatest
advantages of GeoGebra software that mostly suits to
didactic aims of full comprehension of basic
mathematical concepts.
GeoGebra software can be installed on a personal
computers, android devices, and direct use on the web
anytime and anywhere. In addition, the '.ggb' file
extension, as outcomes of the learning process using
GeoGebra, can be stored and disseminated for the
next session of learning. This output file is commonly
called the GeoGebra Applet. This is one of features in
GeoGebra that can be used, modified, and/or
developed by educators for dynamic and interactive
mathematics teaching and learning.
Publications, there is no GeoGebra Applets
closely linked and aligned to the Indonesia national
curriculum in accordance to the mandated approach.
The availability would be benefit for mathematics
teaching and learning and the implementation of the
national curriculum. In addition, various discovery
learning activities can be carried out, by using the
GeoGebra Applet. For that reason, there is a need to
develop GeoGebra Applet closely linked and aligned
to the Indonesia national curriculum, in this case is to
facilitate the mathematics teaching and learning in
quadrilateral concept, in accordance to the scientific
GeoGebra separates mathematical objects into
free objects and dependent objects. Where the
dependent objects are defined by an explicit
construction (algebraic or geometric) the construction
steps can be encapsulated into a tool. Once the tool
has been defined a new button appears on the tool bar
and a corresponding function name is available to the
user. Such tools are essentially functions, and may
operate with geometric objects such as circles, lines
and points. The tools function within GeoGebra is
interesting because it allows geometrical functions to
be defined, which illustrate a key mathematical
process: encapsulation or compression. Using these
tools it is possible to extend the software in natural
ways, just as mathematical domains are extended
during normal teaching.
The Indonesia national curriculum, called year
2013 curriculum, mandates the essence of scientific
approach in teaching and learning, including for
mathematics. Through a scientific approach
(observing, questioning, associating, experimenting,
and networking stages), the students are directed to
establish the ability to thinking scientifically that
emphasizes inductive reasoning rather than
deductive, and guiding the students to research,
instead of being told. At the time of research project,
checked through available
According to Aliviah (2012) during this time the
learning of geometry in the classroom was only
taught using whiteboard media and not yet utilizing
learning media such as computers. The submission of
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
material that is often done by the teacher is
conventional learning such as lectures, so that there
are students who have difficulty understanding the
material presented. For this it is necessary that other
media can help students understand the geometry.
One of the technology-based mathematics learning
media that can help students to represent
mathematical problems is GeoGebra software. One of
the learning media that can represent a mathematical
model or represent a linear equation of two variables
into the form of graph using the help of GeoGebra
software media. According to Hohenwarter et al
(2008) GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematical
software that combines geometry, algebra, and
Meanwhile, according to Wulandari (2015)
GeoGebra is an easy-to-use mathematical software,
both on geometry, algebraic, and calculus material.
From some of the definitions of GeoGebra above it
can be concluded that GeoGebra is one of the
mathematical software that can be used in learning
mathematics that includes material geometry,
algebra, and calculus. GeoGebra serves as a math
learning medium that can visually help students to
understand abstract mathematics material. Not only
that GeoGebra can also help students in
understanding the concept of straight line graphs in
more detail with a varied and interesting look. In
addition to the teachers themselves, GeoGebra can be
used as a math learning tool to create interactive
learning that allows students to explore various
mathematical concepts that are abstract.
Furthermore, according to Preiner (2008),
"Computer algebra systems, dynamic geometry
software, and spreadsheetsare the main types of
educational software currently used for
mathematicsteaching and learning. Each of the
programs has its own advantages and isespecially
useful for treating a certain selection of mathematical
topics orsupports certain instructional approaches ".
Geogebra Software is one of the technology
products that are widely used in mathematics
learning. This Software is widely utilized as a tool to
construct, demonstrate or visualize abstract problems
in mathematics that can not be resolved manually
especially in the field of geometry.
Apart from the standalone application, GeoGebra
also allows the creation of interactive web pages with
embedded java applets. These targeted learning and
demonstration environments are freely shared by
mathematics educators on collaborative online
platforms like the GeoGebraWiki. The number of
visitors to the GeoGebra website has increased since
2004 from 2000 per month to over 300,000 per month
coming from over 180 countries.
The International GeoGebra institute has been
established, coordinating the work of thousands of
volunteers all over the world in the structure of
accredited national GeoGebra institutes in different
countries. GeoGebra dynamic spreadsheets enable to
produce interactive presentations directly on the web
serving as electronic instructional sources for e-
learning solutions in the form of dynamic cognitive
tools. These html pages can be used directly from
Internet and are presentable in all common web-
browsers, while there is no need to install GeoGebra
software in the user’s computer. The only necessary
prerequisite in addition to the web-browser is the
installed Java support that is essential.
Based on exposure to background problems, the
problem is obtained in this research activity is,
whether the use of software GeoGebra media can
improve the mathematical ability of class IX students.
From the formula above, the purpose of this research
activity is to know whether the use of media software
GeoGebra can improve the mathematical ability of
junior high school students 2 Tanjung Morawa class
Understanding geometry is important to yourself and
to understand other areas of mathematics. Geometry
is the study of the relationships between points, lines,
surfaces, angles, and shapes. So naturally, drawing
diagrams is a must! The relationships, properties, and
theorems will be easier to understand when you have
a diagram! ... Just be sure to pay attention to the
proportion of lines and angles. When you start
studying geometry, it is important to know and
understand some basic concepts.
Geometry comes from the Greek meaning ‘earth
measurement’ and is the visual study of shapes, sizes
and patterns, and how they fit together in space. You
will find that our geometry pages contain lots of
diagrams to help you understand the subject. When
you’re faced with a problem involving geometry, it
can be very helpful to draw yourself a diagram
(Pamungkas, 2019).
Geogebra is one of software to visualize and
demonstrate mathematical concepts, especially
geometry and algebra. Geogebra is recommended to
be included in the school curriculum because it has
potential in mathematics education. For this function,
students can use algebraic and geometrical functions
The Use of Geogebra Software in Improving Student’s Mathematical Abilities in Learning Geometry
simultaneously with interactive dynamics that will
enhance their cognitive abilities (Zetriuslita, 2020).
Various benefits of computer program application
in mathematics learning is expressed by Kusumah
(2003). According to him, computer programs are
ideal to be used in learning mathematical concepts
that demand high accuracy, repetitive concepts or
principles, precise, fast, and accurate chart
completion. Furthermore Kusumah (2003) also
suggested that the innovation of learning with
computer assistance is very good to be integrated in
learning mathematical concepts, especially those
involving the transformation of geometry, calculus,
statistics, and graphs of functions.
Computer utilization in mathematics learning is
intended to support and facilitate students in
understanding mathematical concepts. Thus,
understanding the concept of students should get a top
priority instead of only increasing the mechanistic
ability of students in utilizing computer programs. In
this case teacher teaching is indispensable to associate
a variety of animation or application of computer
programs produced by students with relevant and
underlying concepts. In many ways, understanding
the concept must precede various computer program
utilization. However, within certain boundaries,
computer programs can be utilized in the process of
the concept of constructlifing by students. Although
based on its functionality, computer learning media
can be applied to enhance students ' mathematical
skills, and to construct concept mastery skills.
Hohenwarter (2008) said the GeoGebra program
is very beneficial for both teachers and students.
Unlike the use of commercial software that usually
only bias used in schools, Geogebra can be installed
on personal computers and utilized when and
anywhere by students. For teachers, GeoGebra offers
an effective opportunity to create an interactive online
learning environment that allows students to explore
various mathematical concepts.
This research was conducted in SMPN 2 Tanjung
Morawa, Class IX with 210 students. This research
method is Classroom ation research. The subjects of
the study were students of class IX 1-year semester
2020/2021 lessons of 210 students. The Data
examined in this class action study is the guidance of
student learning and the mathematical abilities of
students in the learning process. Data is collected
using a document technique from the pretests result
as an initial condition. The guidance of learning is
derived from the students' mathematical ability to
solve geometry problems through phase I cycle test
and cycle II. The data that has been collected is then
analyzed using two ways: quantitative data of
learning results Analyzed with comparative
descriptive, which compares the value of learning
outcomes in initial conditions, cycle I, and cycle II.
Qualitative Data of the learning process as a
description of student percentage in the mathematical
skills of students are analyzed with qualitative
descriptive. Qualitative Data compared between
initial conditions, cycle I, and cycle II. The research
procedure can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Research procedure Diagram.
Based on Figure 1 shows that the research process
is conducted with two cycles that contain aspects of
planning, action, observation, and reflection.
Planning research activities include identifying
issues, drafting a learning Implementation plan for
each action activity, student worksheets, evaluation
and media tools, tools and materials needed in
learning, and forming randomly-generated groups.
Action includes preliminary, core and closing
activities. Observation of learning activities is
conducted during the implementation of teaching and
learning activities to know the course of learning. At
the end of the cycle ends with tests. Based on
observation and test result, the next stage can be done.
Data gathered from observation results include study
results data, learning process data in the classroom,
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
and observation data from completion of student
worksheets in view of students ' mathematical skills.
The reflection in this class action study is an
attempt to assess what has happened, or that has not
been completed in a previous step or attempt. The
results of reflection were used to take further steps in
an effort to achieve research objectives. Data
obtained from the observation, analyzed and
evaluated with the teacher observer. The findings
may still not be maximized, need to get noticed for
the next meeting. Reflection activities include
knowing the number of students who have a value
below the minimum completeness criteria,
constraints experienced by students and teachers and
the possibility of increasing the level of
4.1 Initial Conditions
Prior to the commencement of the research, the
learning carried out only used the lecture method and
only occasionally used the discussion method.
Teachers often explain all material orally without
using other learning models, teaching aids, and
software used in mathematics that can arouse student
interest in learning. Students not interested in learning
mathematics resulted in students being less active in
the learning process. The inactivity of students is
caused by students only listening without being
actively involved in the learning process.
Students only take notes without asking many
questions so that their level of understanding is not
known. At the end of the lesson each material is tested
and the results are many students whose scores are
below the KKM as shown in Figure 2 below:
Figure 2: Pretest Students Math Skills.
This is because students memorize more material
so that most students are unable to solve math
problems correctly. Learning using geogebra
software will be easier for students to solve geometry
problems. The discovery of geometric concepts in the
previous year was mostly done manually. The
application of the lecture model was felt to be less
attractive to students' interest and activity. Thus
learning has not met the desired standards, corrective
steps are needed.
The learning outcomes showed that 21 out of 210
students (10%) had completed their mathematical
abilities, while 189 other students (90%) had not yet
reached the KKM. In graph 2, it can be seen that the
results of daily tests are directly proportional to
students' mathematical abilities in the learning
process. Learning outcomes will increase if students
are taught using geogebra software in the learning
process of geometry material.
4.2 Description of Research on Cycle I
After the learning action carried out in cycle I, the
researcher identified the problems that were found
during the learning. Based on the results of
observations and observations of researchers during
the learning process, there are several things that are
considered by researchers so that they become
material for improvement for the next cycle, namely:
a. Students did not understand the use of geogebra
software after teaching in cycle I, so it is
necessary to re-teach using the geogebra
The Use of Geogebra Software in Improving Student’s Mathematical Abilities in Learning Geometry
software, so that students are able to solve
geogebra questions correctly.
b. The mathematical ability of students in solving
the problems in the first cycle that had not
reached the completeness level was 97 students
or 46.19%, while the students who had reached
the completeness level were 113 students or
53.81%. Thus it can be said that the class has not
finished solving geometry problems, namely
that there are not ≥ 80% of students who have a
complete level of mathematical ability in cycle
The following is presented in graph 3, the students'
mathematical abilities in cycle I are as follows:
Figure 3: Student mathematical skills on the I cycle.
4.3 Description of Research on Cycle II
After carrying out the learning action in cycle II it was
found that the students' mathematical abilities had
improved from before. This can be seen from:
a. The mathematical ability of students in
solving problems in cycle II with a very high
level of ability was 35 students or 16.67%,
high ability levels were 46 students or 21.90%,
medium ability levels were 98 students or
46.67%, low ability level as many as 16
students or 7.62%, and very low ability level
as many as 15 students or 7.14%. Meanwhile,
students who have reached the completeness
level are 179 students or 85.24%. Thus it can
be said that the average grade IX student has
completed solving geometry problems,
namely there are ≥ 80% of students who have
a level of completeness. Mathematical
abilities in cycle II can be seen in the graph
Figure 4: Mathematical abilities of students on cycle II.
b. From graph 4 can be seen that there is an
increase in the number of students who reach
the level of completeness on geometry
material using geogebra software in cycle II
is 85.24%, whereas in cycle I the level of
completeness of students' mathematical
abilities was obtained at 53.81%. So the
increase in the completeness of students'
mathematical abilities from cycle I to cycle
II was 31.43%.
Some students are still not able to solve the given
questions, but the number of students who have not
been able to solve the questions has decreased from
before. This can be seen from the results of students'
mathematical ability tests in cycle II.
From the results of data analysis, it can be
concluded that students' mathematical abilities have
increased and students have reached the expected
level of learning completeness. This shows the
success of learning action in cycle II.
Based on the explanation above, from the initial
conditions to the final conditions in cycle II, many
students were active in following the learning process
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
due to the use of geogebra applications in solving
geometry problems.
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the results of the research and discussion,
the conclusion is that: Learning using Geogebra
software can improve students' mathematical abilities
and the number of students who have reached the
KKM on geometry material after using geogebra
software from initial conditions to cycle I and cycle I
to cycle II increases.
Therefore, geogebra software can be used in the
learning process on the subject of geometry and other
subjects that have the same characteristics.
5.2 Suggestion
From the results of this study, the advice that I can
give to school principals and mathematics teachers at
SMP Negeri 2 Tanjung Morawa, should be in the
teaching and learning process of mathematics
teachers also use mathematics learning software to be
able to improve students' abilities in learning
The researcher humbly expresses his gratitude to the
Research and Technology / Head of the National
Research and Innovation Agency (RistekBRIN) for
grant assistance for Junior Lecturer’s Research (PDP)
Year 2020 under in the Announcement of Receipt of
Research Funding in Non-PTNBH Colleges in 2019
No: B / 87 / E3 / RA.00 / 2020 and Amendments to
the Single Year 2020 Budget Year Research Contract
between Region I Higher Education Service
Institutions (LLDikti Wilayah 1) and Prima Indonesia
University, No: 282 / LL1 / PG / 2020.
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