Development of CRM Module on Application Backpacker to Manage
Customer Needs
Muhamad Ikhsan Laisa , Rachmadita Andreswari, Muharman Lubis and Arariko Rezeki Pasa
Information System Department, Telkom Univesity, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Application of CRM, Backind, Rapid Application Development (RAD).
Abstract: One of the best strategies to compete in the midst of business competition is to maintain good customer
relations. Therefore in providing services, each company is required to be able to maintain good relations in
harmony. BackInd is an application- based service company that focuses on the tourism sector and homestay.
This company has difficulties in getting new customers and retaining old customers. To overcome these
problems the development of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) module on applications is a
relevant solution to overcome these problems. The method used is Rapid Application Development (RAD).
The purpose of this study is how the implementation of the CRM module in the Backind application can be
effective in maintaining good relationships with customers. The output of this research produces 4 features:
Log activity features, promo features, complaint management features, and survey features.
At present information technology is experiencing
very rapid development and has entered almost all
fields including the business field. Every company
should take advantage of this moment so that it can
have added value so that it can continue to compete.
One of the added values offered is the aspect of
relationships with customers. Where when a company
has a good relationship with customers (CRM), these
customers will be loyal to the products and services
offered by the company. But in its development, now
many companies are oriented towards consumers, so
the products or services sold are tailored to the
customer's desires. This change raises a fairly tight
competition in the business world because the
products or services sold are more or less the same.
Kotler shows that there are three important business
orientations, namely products, production, and sales
(Buttle, 2007).
Startup BackInd is a company engaged in tourism
where Startup Backind facilitates tourists to choose
suitable tourist attractions and help tourism managers.
The Backpacker Management System is a product
built to facilitate the needs of tourists and business
managers. The Backpacker Management System
application is a website and Androidbased application
where tourists can access services through Android
and business managers through the website. The
Android service provided by the Backpacker
Management System application can survey tourist
attractions that you want to visit, if you have found
suitable tourist attractions, tourists can purchase
tickets to enter the tourist attractions. In addition,
tourists can also survey the closest homestays or
villas from tourist attractions through the Backpacker
Management System application. If tourists have
found a homestay place or villa that is suitable for
tourists in booking rooms through the Backpacker
Management System application. Business managers
can access services through a website where the
business manager is given the full right to process the
Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) products sold.
Related to building relationships with customers
Startup Backind has a system that covers all major
business processes. Startup Backind in its business
process activities has used the website for the main
admin and manager of tourism and mobile services
for customers. However, the system has not been able
to establish good relations with customers, such as
attracting customers to conduct transactions, and
complaints from customers cannot be channeled
properly or not managed properly by the relevant part.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a
process that can help manage all aspects of
Laisa, M., Andreswari, R., Lubis, M. and Pasa, A.
Development of CRM Module on Application Backpacker to Manage Customer Needs.
DOI: 10.5220/0010311300003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 346-351
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
interactions between companies and consumers.
CRM is a system of how companies work with
customers, solve problems for their customers, attract
customers to buy goods and services offered and
continue to make transactions. CRM that is built is a
system that can record any menu that is frequently
visited by users, help provide promo information to
users, the survey features to find out what are the
advantages and disadvantages of the homestay and
tourism visited, and can manage complaints from
customers. The system was built using the Laravel
framework, the programming language PHP, and
MySQL database using the Rapid Application
Development (RAD) method. The reason for using
the RAD method because it has several advantages
such as relatively fast application development time
focus on values that can be added value for software
quality that is tailored to the needs of the user and the
coding that is done so that it can be reused. With the
development of services by adding a CRM module,
it is expected to be able to attract prospective
customers to become customers and maintain good
customer relations in order to keep doing transactions
2.1 Customer Relationship
Management (CRM)
According to (Turban et al, 2015), CRM is a customer
service approach that focuses on building long-term
and continuous relationships with customers who can
provide added value for both customers and
companies. According to (Strauss, 2014), CRM is the
process of targeting, acquiring, transacting, serving,
maintaining and building long-term relationships
with customers. So it can be concluded that Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) is a process in
obtaining, maintaining and improving profitable
customer relationships with the aim of creating
customer value. It can be concluded that Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) is a process in
obtaining, maintaining and improving profitable
customer relationships with the aim of creating
customer value. There are 3 phases in building good
relationships with customers. Each phase supports
increasing company relationships with customers.
According to (Kalakota, 2001) there are three phases
of CRM, namely (1) acquiring new customers, (2)
enhancing the profitability of existing customers and
(3) retaining profitable customers for life.
2.2 Rapid Application Development
RAD is a software process model that emphasizes the
short life cycle of development. RAD is a rapid
adaptation version of the waterfall model, using the
component construction approach (Putri& Effendi,
2018). RAD is a combination of various structured
techniques with prototyping techniques and joint
application development techniques to accelerate
system/application development (Putri& Effendi,
2018). From the definition of the RAD concept, it can
be seen that application development using the RAD
method can be done in a relatively faster time. The
RAD method has 3 (three) main stages as follows
(Aswati& Siagian, 2016):
Plan Requirements ¬ At this stage, users and
analysts conduct a kind of meeting to identify
the purpose of the application or system and
identify information needs to achieve the goal.
Design Process - At this stage is to carry out the
design process and make improvements if there
are still design mismatches between users and
Implementation - At this stage, the programmer
develops the design into a program. After the
program is completed in part or in whole, then
the testing process is carried out on the program
whether there is an error or not before being
applied to an organization.
2.3 Black Box Testing
Black Box testing is a testing technique without
having knowledge of internal application work. It
only discusses the fundamental aspects of the system
and has little relevance to the internal logical structure
of the system (Khan, 2012).
Figure 1: Black Box Testing
(Khan, 2012)
Figure 1 illustrates that black box testing treats
software as a "Black Box" that is without knowledge
of internal work and only examines the fundamental
aspects of the system (Khan, 2012). When a tester
tests a black box, the tester must know the
architecture of the system. Black box testing has
sixteen testing techniques. But what is used in this
Development of CRM Module on Application Backpacker to Manage Customer Needs
study are four techniques, namely unit testing, and
integration testing.
Based on the system development process used is the
rapid application development method, as follows, an
explanation of the results of all phase based iterations:
3.1 Black Box Testing
The result of this stage is to get a user requirement,
namely the need for software development obtained
from the results of observations from existing
applications. Based on observations there are no
features that accommodate relationships with
customers. Therefore the application requires some
additional features. Additional feature specifications
can be seen in table 1.
Table 1: User Requirement.
Category Needs Description
Log Activity
The process of the
user looking for a
The process of
viewing promos on
website application
Create a
The process of
making a promo on
the website
The process of
updating promos on
the website
The process of
deleting a promo on
the website
broadcast process
through the website
The process of
Category Needs Description
through the website
details of
The process of
seeing the detailed
history of the
complaints process
through a website
and mobile
The process of
printing complaints
through the
website application
Process complaints
through the website
Make a
The process of
making a complaint
through a
mobile application
See the
The process of
viewing complaint
details through
a mobile application
See survey
The process of
viewing surveys on a
The process of
making survey
questions on the
The process of
updating survey
questions on a
website application
The process of
deleting a survey on
a website
The process of
answering surveys
on a
mobile application
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
3.2 Design Process
At this stage is to carry out the design process and
make improvements if there are still design
mismatches between the user and the analyst.
3.3.1 Designing CRM
To describe the data contained in CRM information
systems carried out structurally from the general
process to the process in more detail. The process is
presented in the form of Data Context Diagrams for
the most common processes, and Data Flow
Diagrams (Data Flow Diagrams / DFD) for detailed
processes (As, 2013).
Level 0 Data Context Diagram (DFD)
Data context diagram CRM Information
System Backind application has 4 external
entities related to the system. These entities are
Customers / Partners, Customer Service,
Admin, and Marketing Section. For more
details, the data context diagram can be seen in
Figure 2. Customers are people who receive
services from the Backind Application. While
Partners and Admin are people who receive
reports produced by the system, customer
service is the person who serves customers. In
addition there is also the Marketing Section,
which is the person who promotes the
customers, and the last is the Partner who is in
charge of entering new product data.
No dot should be included after the section title
Figure 2: Diagram Kontek Data Backind
(As, 2013)
DFD Level 1
In DFD Level 1 CRM Information System has
7 main processes (see Figure 3), namely: (1)
Customer registration process is a process
when there are new customers who have never
been registered in the Backind Application; (2)
Customer login process is a login process for
customers who already have a User ID, and if
they want to make a transaction in the Backind
Application, they must first log into the system;
(3) Marketing Program is a marketing process
carried out by the marketing department aimed
at marketing products to customers; (4) partner
registration program is the process by which
customers who want to become business
(5) The product filling process is the process of
entering data for new products from the
Backind Application; (6) Report Process is the
process of making reports from data in the
Backind Application database; (7) Customer
service process is a process carried out by the
customer service department, to handle
complaints from customers, such as complaints
related to service issues and so on.
Figure 3: DFD Pengembangan Aplikasi Backind
3.3.2 Section Titles
At this stage, the developer develops the design into
a program. After the program is completed in part or
in whole, then the testing process is carried out on the
program whether there is an error or not before being
applied to an organization. Application
implementation can be seen in Figure 4 and Figure 5.
Development of CRM Module on Application Backpacker to Manage Customer Needs
Figure 4: Diagram Kontek Data Backind
(As, 2013)
Figure 5: Tampilan Aplikasi Mobile.
3.3.3 Blackbox Testing
In testing the CRM module on BackInd, it is done
using black box testing, in this test a test is performed
on the performance of the user and super admin. The
type of test performed is unit testing and integration
testing. This can be seen from the overall functioning
of the website and mobile application Backind. The
results obtained are as follows.
In the log activity management process, it can be
seen that the success has been achieved 100%
because it has managed to get a list of activities
performed by the user. In the broadcast promo
management process, it can be seen that success has
been achieved 100%. The process of seeing promos,
creating promos, changing promos, broadcast promos
is running correctly, and the customer has
successfully received promotional emails.
In the complaints management process, it can be
seen that 100% success has been achieved. The
process of seeing complaints, making complaints,
seeing details of complaints, seeing details of the
timeline, sending and replying to messages, the
complaints process has gone according to procedure.
The design of CRM in the BackInd application is
designed using the Rapid Application Development
(RAD) method which includes 3 phases, namely (1)
Requirement Plan, (2) Design Process and (3)
Implementation based on existing business processes
BackInd companies engaged in Tourism and
Homestay fields so CRM modules are needed to
maintain and get new customers while increasing
company profits. CRM development in the BackInd
application produces 4 features, namely: (1) Log
Activity that is useful for recording user activities in
using applications, (2) Promos that are useful for
offering existing products, (3) Complaints that are
useful for reporting customer complaints to respond
and provide customer complaints solutions and (4)
surveys that are useful for getting feedback from
customers regarding the services that have been
provided. CRM development in the BacInd
application is divided into 2 website and mobile
platforms. The CRM system built on the website uses
PHP programming languages, phpstorm, and MySQL
code editors. While the CRM system built on mobile
uses the Java programming language, and android
studio code editor. Further research is needed to
analyze the successful of the promotion, so we can
evaluate promotion programme that have been
created. It is also needed to develop promo features
such as filtering users when sending promotions
according to the preferences of the log activity.
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
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Development of CRM Module on Application Backpacker to Manage Customer Needs