Analysis of the Company's Financial Performance before and after
the Company Conducts an Initial Public Offering
Humera Asad Ullah Khan
Management,Bahaudin Mudhary University, Jl. Raya lenteng 10, Sumenep, Indonesia
Keywords: Current Ratio; Quick Ratio; Debt Ratio; Debt Equity Ratio; Return On Investment; Return On Equity
Abstract: This research was conducted on the basis of knowing the company's financial performance before and after
the company conducted an IPO. IPO is an alternative source of corporate funding to develop its business so
that company performance can increase. The benefits of the company doing an IPO are obtaining new
sources of funding available in large quantities, improving the company's image and increasing company
value. The focus of the problem in this study is whether there are significant differences in financial
performance before and after the company conducted an IPO in 2018. The results of this study indicate that
the current ratio (0,7461), quick ratio (0,7901), debt equity ratio (0,8851) has increased level after
companies do IPO. Debt ratio (0,6157) return on investment (0,7209) and return on equity (0,15323) has
decreased after companies do IPO, This can be seen from the results of statistical tests which show that the
value of t is greater than t table, which means that H0 is rejected. There is no difference in the debt ratio
before and after the company has conducted an IPO. This can be seen from the results of statistical tests
which show that the value of t is greater than t table, which means that H0 is accepted.
Judging from the number of companies that have
gone public in Indonesia, this indicates that
Indonesia has experienced a significant
development. This is certainly a sign that people are
starting to implement an open economy and are
ready to compete. One of the intermediaries that is
often used is the capital market as an official stock
trading venue (Chughtai, Asma Rafique; Azeem,
Aamir; Amara; Ali, 2000). The main reason for a
go-public company is to offer its shares which are
driven by the company's capital needs, where the
capital is used to meet the company's operational
costs. But the most important reason why a company
offers its shares to the public is, the desire of the
company to grow the company. This is of course
accompanied by a large capital requirement as well
(Sha, 2017).
The activity of a company to sell its shares to the
public through the capital market is usually called a
public offering. When a company sells its shares for
the first time it is called an Initial Public Offering
(IPO) or by another name Go Public(Husaini, 2012).
Companies that are going to go public are required
to fulfill a number of mandatory requirements for
information disclosure of the period before and after
the Initial Public Offering (IPO). Corporations may
raise capital in the primary market by way of initial
public offerings (IPO). The IPO are a type of public
offering in which shares of stock in a company
usually are sold to institutional investors that in turn
sell to the general public, on a securities exchange,
for the first time (Seng, Yang, & Yang, 2017). The
main IPO methods are book-building, auction
method, and public offer. IPO literature and assert
that many factors are related to the uncertainty of
IPO pricing. the level of underpricing is determined
by various firm specific attributes (Gumanti, Lestari,
& Abdul Mannan, 2017). These implicit and explicit
attributes that could reflect the firm future prospect
amongst others include ownership structure, industry
membership, length in operation, size of the firm,
issue size, reputation, the quality of management, etc
(Abdulla, Dang, & Khurshed, 2016).
An IPO can be viewed as an information-
releasing event that changes the information
structure of a company, especially with regards to its
relationship with lenders. One of the most important
motives for firms to go public is to gain access to
external financial markets. As a result, research has
examined the impact of a firm’s listing
Ullah Khan, H.
Analysis of the Company’s Financial Performance before and after the Company Conducts an Initial Public Offering.
DOI: 10.5220/0010305800003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 179-184
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
decision on its financial policies post-IPO. For
example, it is well-documented that immediately
after going public firms rely less on debt financing
because they can raise capital in the equity markets
However, little attention has been devoted to the
question of how a firm’s debt maturity evolves after
the IPO. This is a significant omission because debt
maturity is also an important capital structure
decision jointly determined with leverage (Djaddang
& Ghozali, 2017). It is important for the
shareholders of an IPO firm to know whether there
will be a change in the debt maturity structure post-
IPO for there are costs and benefits of switching
between debts of different maturities. For instance,
while short-term debt typically has lower interest
rates, is relatively easier to negotiate, and requires
less collateral than longterm debt, it exposes the firm
to the refinancing and liquidity risks (Abdulla et al.,
The choice to make a company go public is
accompanied by both benefits and consequences.
The benefits obtained are that there is a large amount
of new funding sources available, increasing the
company's image which also affects the company's
value. As for the consequences borne by the
eminten, the company is obliged to become a
transparent and professional company and must
comply with all applicable capital market
regulations by regularly reporting the company's
annual report (Rimbani, 2013).
Whether or not the company's performance can be
assessed from its financial performance, financial
performance has a very important role. This means
that if the financial performance is good, it will
attract other investors to invest. Financial
performance interprets the achievement of the
company's success for the activities that have been
carried out. Company Performance Can be done by
analyzing company performance through financial
statement analysis using financial ratios (Erna
Alliffah, 2018).
Financial Ratio is defined as the activity of
comparing the numbers written in financial
statements by sharing one number with another . In
analyzing financial ratios, it can be used as a
reference for company development, which is seen
from if the financial condition has decreased, the
company must evaluate and improve its performance
in the future. This means that if the company is
good, then the company is able to settle its debts and
can improve efficiency in processing assets that
increase company profits.. The financial ratios used
in this research are Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Debt
Ratio, Debt Equity Ratio, Return On Investment,
Return On Equity (Lili Sari et al., 2013).
2.1 Current Ratio
Current Ratio can be determined by comparing
current assets with current debt . Current Ratio (CR)
is a ratio that measures the ability of a company's
current assets to meet short-term liabilities with
current assets owned. If the Quick Ratio is used, the
number 100% is considered to have shown good
short-term financial conditions (Erna Alliffah,
2018). Quick Ratio (QR), namely the ability of
current assets to pay current liabilities. This ratio
provides a better indicator of the company's liquidity
compared to the current ratio, due to the omission of
elements of inventory and prepayments as well as
substandard assets from the ratio calculation. Quick
Ratio is a ratio that shows the company's ability to
meet its liabilities or current liabilities with current
assets regardless of company value (Kurniawan,
Arifati, & Andini, 2016). The current ratio is a
liquidity ratio that measures a company's ability to
pay short-term obligations or those due within one
year. It tells investors and analysts how a company
can maximize the current assets on its balance sheet
to satisfy its current debt and other payables
(Someshwari & Mahadevappa, 2013). The current
ratio compares all of a company’s current assets to
its current liabilities. These are usually defined as
assets that are cash or will be turned into cash in a
year or less, and liabilities that will be paid in a year
or less (Chughtai, Asma Rafique; Azeem, Aamir;
Amara; Ali, 2000).
2.2 Debt Ratio
Debt ratio measure how much company assets
financed by creditors . This debt ratio can be used to
test how far the company uses the money it borrows.
The use of the amount of the company's debt
depends on the success of revenue and the
availability of assets that can be used as debt
collateral and how much risk is assumed by
management (Tumandung, Murni, & Baramuli,
2017). The results of the DR calculation, creditors
prefer a low debt ratio because the lower the debt
ratio the greater the protection against creditors'
losses in the event of liquidation.. It is different with
shareholders who want more leverage to increase
their expected profit. Companies with debt ratios
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
above the industry average are a danger sign because
it will be difficult for companies to borrow
additional funds without having to raise equity first
(Asmirantho & Yuliawati, 2015). an increase in the
leverage ratio should result in lower agency costs
outside equity and improve firm’s performance, all
other things being equal. From the analysis above,
there is an inverse relationship between leverage
(DR) and firm performance (Anarfo, 2015).
profitable firms are capable to raise their debt ratio
morethan those less profitable companies. The
leverage theory demonstrates that the problem is
dichotomous because earnings as well as risk
increase with increasing debt
ratio. While earnings are something positive risk
is regarded as a negative consequence. Or we want
to maximise profit and minimise risk. M & M’s
propositions depend on perfect capital markets, but
borrowing is costly and inconvenient for many
individuals. The most serious capital market
imperfections are often those created by the
government like taxes (Svendsen, 2003).
2.3 Debt Equity Ratio
Debt Equity Ratio Adding debt to the balance sheet
if the cost of debt is lower than equity is expected to
increase profitability and increase share prices,
thereby increasing shareholder welfare and
increasing company growth (Raharjo & Muid,
2013). The conservative vertical financial rule
stipulates that the amount of foreign capital cannot
exceed own capital by a ratio not exceeding 1: 1. For
creditors, the greater the DER value, the greater the
risk of failure that may occur in the company. For
companies, the lower the DER value, the higher the
funding that comes from the owner and the greater
the safety limit for the borrower in case of loss or
depreciation of assets (Agustine, 2013).
2.4 Return on Investment
Return on Investmentis the net earning power ratio.
Return on Investment is the ability of capital
invested in all assets to generate net profit. ROI is a
measure of the company's overall ability to generate
profits with the total number of assets available in
the company. This increase in profit has a positive
effect on the company's financial performance in
achieving the goal of maximizing company value
which will be responded positively by investors so
that the demand for company shares can increase
and can increase the company's stock price
(Priatinah, 2012).
2.5 Return on Equity
Return on equityThe higher the income the company
gets, the better the position of the owner of the
company. Return on Equity (ROE) is a ratio that
shows how much capital contributes to creating net
income. ROE (Return On Equity) compares net
income after tax with the equity that has been
invested by the company's shareholders (Rusli &
Dasar, 2014). Return on equity (ROE) or also often
called by Return On Common Equity, in bahasa
Indonesia is often translated as Rentability of Own
Share (Rentability of Own Capital). Investor to buy
the shares will be attracted to this profitability ratio,
or part of total profitability that can be allocated to
shareholders. As known, shareholders has residual
claim on obtained profits. Profit obtained by the
company firstly will be used to pay any interest of
debts, then preference share, and then (if any) will
be given to common shareholders. Return on equity
(ROE) is the profitability ratio to measure the
company ability to generate profit based on share
capital owned by the company (Rosikah et al, 2018).
This research uses an event study research type
(event study). Based on the research objectives,
namely to describe the company's financial
performance before and after carrying out an IPO on
the IDX in 2018 seen from the current ratio, quick
ratio, debt ratio, debt equity ratio, return on
investment and return on equity. Researchers use
secondary data in the form of company financial
statements in the form of balance sheets, company
profile income statements and other data. Samples
taken based on purposive sampling technique
obtained 55 companies that conducted Initial Public
Offering (IPO) in 2018.
Descriptive statistical analysis technique aims to
provide a description of the research subject based
on the variable data obtained and the group of
subjects studied. Descriptive statistics in presenting
data through tables, graphs, pie charts, pictograms,
calculation of mode, median, mean, calculation of
data distribution through the calculation of the
average and standard deviation and calculation of
percentages. At this stage, the researcher will
Analysis of the Company’s Financial Performance before and after the Company Conducts an Initial Public Offering
conduct a descriptive statistical analysis by testing
the value of the current ratio, quick ratio, debt ratio,
debt equity ratio, return on investment, and return on
equity before and after the company conducts an
IPO (Initial Public Offering).
Normality Test The normality test is used to
determine the data used in the study to follow or
approach the normal distribution. If the data are not
normally distributed, then non-parametric statistical
tests are used. The criteria for testing the normality
test are as follows: The number of significance
(sig)> 0.05, then the data is normally distributed.
While the significance number (sig) <0.05, the data
is not normally distributed.
T test (Paired Sample T-Test) T test or paired
two-sample test is a parametric statistical test used to
test whether there are differences between two
related samples. Data came from two different
measurements or observation periods taken from
paired subjects. This study aims to determine
whether there are differences in the company's
financial performance before and after carrying out
an IPO (Initial Public Offering) in 2018.
Descriptive Statistical Analysis Current Ratio
(CR) before conducting an IPO, seen from the
standard deviation value, was 0.7107, whereas when
IPO had been conducted, it was 0.7461, this shows
the increase in the company's current assets so that
the company is better able to pay its short-term debt.
Descriptive Statistical Analysis Quick Ratio
(QR) before conducting an IPO seen from the
standard deviation value is 0.7296, while when it has
conducted an IPO of 0.7901 this shows that the
company's Quick Ratio Level after carrying out an
IPO is better than before the company conducted an
IPO, which shows an indication that the company is
able to pay its short-term debt which is fulfilled with
more liquid current assets.
Descriptive Statistical Analysis Debt Ratio (DR)
before conducting an IPO seen from the standard
deviation value was 0.6925, while when having an
IPO it was 0.6157, this shows that the Debt Ratio
Level has decreased when it has conducted an IPO.
Reduced risk for creditors if all debts are related to
all assets owned by the company.
Descriptive statistical analysis of the Debt Equity
Ratio (DER) before conducting an IPO can be seen
from the standard deviation value is 0.8056, while
when IPO has been carried out is 0.8851, this shows
that the Debt Equity Ratio level has increased. Based
on this explanation, the conclusion is that the
increased risk for the owners of the company's
capital can be seen from the amount of debt on their
own capital guaranteed by the company. The higher
the Debt Equity Ratio, the greater the financial risk
that is borne by the company.
Descriptive Statistical Analysis of Return On
Investement (ROI) before carrying out an IPO is
seen from the standard deviation value is 0.17312,
while when having an IPO it is 0.17209 this shows
that the rate of return on investment has decreased
because the proportion of the decline in company
profits is lower than the decrease in assets. company
Descriptive statistical analysis of Return On
Equity (ROE) before carrying out an IPO is seen
from the standard deviation value is 0.16362, while
when it has conducted an IPO of 0.15323 this shows
that the rate of return on equity (ROE) has decreased
so that it indicates a decrease in net income
associated with owner's equity. The higher the value
of Return On Equity, the greater the profit of being
the owner of the capital (Table 1).
Table 1: Classical Assumption Test Results, Normality
Test Results.
information Asymp. Sig
QR (before) 0.165
DR (after) 0.045
ROI (before) 0.178
ROE (after) 0.089
Source:Processed data
Based on the table above, the asymp sig in all
variables is greater than the predetermined level of
significance value, namely 0.05, thus it can be
concluded that the data is normally distributed.
Hypothesis Test Results, T test (Paired T-TEST)
between the average (mean) Curent Ratio in the first
treatment (before) IPO is 1.2229, while the average
(Mean) of the second treatment (after) IPO is 2,
2249 shows that the probability value (pvalue) of the
current ratio in the sig column (2- tailed) is smaller
than the predetermined level of significance (α),
which is 0.05. It can be concluded that H0 is
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
rejected, meaning that with a 95% confidence
interval there is a difference in the current ratio
before and after the company conducts an IPO.
The results of the paired sample test between the
average (mean) quick ratio in the first treatment
(before IPO) were 1.2315, with the average (mean)
quick ratio in the second treatment (after IPO) was
2.2295, indicating that the probability value (p- the
value) of the quick ratio in the sig (2-tailed) column
is smaller than the predetermined level of
significance (α), which is 0.05. It can be concluded
that H0 is rejected, meaning that with a 95%
confidence interval there is a difference in the quick
ratio before and after the company has conducted an
IPO. This shows that there is a difference in the
quick ratio after the company has conducted an IPO.
The results of the paired sample test between the
average (mean) debt ratio in the first treatment
(before IPO) were 0.5674, with the average (mean)
debt ratio in the second treatment (after the IPO) was
0.354, indicating that the probability value (p- value)
of the debt ratio in the sig (2-tailed) column is
greater than the predetermined level of significance
(α), which is 0.05. It can be concluded that H0 is
accepted, meaning that with a 95% confidence
interval there is no difference in the debt ratio before
and after the company has conducted an IPO. This
shows that there is no difference in debt ratio after
the company has conducted an IPO.
The results of the paired sample test between the
average (mean) debt equity ratio in the first
treatment (before IPO) was 2.2282, with the average
(mean) debt equity ratio in the second treatment
(after the IPO) was 1.2320, indicating that the value
The probability (p-value) of the debt to equity ratio
in the sig (2-tailed) column is smaller than the
predetermined level of significance (α), namely
0.05. It can be concluded that H0 is rejected,
meaning that with a 95% confidence interval, there
is a difference in the debt to equity ratio before and
after the company conducted an IPO.
The results of the paired sample test between the
average (mean) return on investment in the first
treatment (before IPO) were 0.0760, with the mean
return on investment in the second treatment (after
IPO) of 0.0579, indicating that the probability value
( The p-value) of the return on investment in the sig
(2- tailed) column is smaller than the predetermined
level of significance (α), which is 0.05. It can be
concluded that H0 is rejected, meaning that with a
95% confidence interval there is a difference in
return on investment before and after the company
conducts an IPO.
The results of the paired sample test between the
average (mean) return on equity in the first treatment
(before the IPO) were 0.565, with the average
(mean) return on equity in the second treatment
(after the IPO) was 0.085, indicating that the
probability value ( p-value) of return on equity in the
sig (2-tailed) column is smaller than the
predetermined level of significance (α), which is
0.05. It can be concluded that H0 is rejected,
meaning that with a 95% confidence interval there is
a difference in return on equity before and after the
company conducts an IPO. It can be said that there is
a difference in return on equity after the company
has conducted an IPO.
Judging from the results of hypothesis testing using
the t test, the t value of the current ratio, quick ratio,
Debt Equity Ratio, Return On Investment, Return
On Equity is greater than t table, meaning that there
is a significant difference before and after the
company conducts an IPO. So it can be concluded
that testing the hypothesis which states that there is a
significant difference in the current ratio before and
after the company has conducted an IPO can be
Judging from the results of hypothesis testing
using the t test, the t value of the debt ratio was
smaller than the t table, meaning that there was no
significant difference before and after the company
conducted an IPO. So it can be concluded that the
testing of the hypothesis which states that there is a
significant difference in the debt ratio before and
after the company has conducted an IPO is rejected.
For the company, it should be able to increase
the liquidity ratio and profitability ratio in order to
increase the profit that will be generated by the
company, and the company should be able to reduce
its debt ratio so that the company can guarantee all
its long-term debt with all the assets owned by the
company. For companies that have not conducted
Initial Public Offering (IPO), it is hoped that this
research will become a reference for companies to
conduct Initial Public Offering (IPO) as an
alternative for companies in improving the
company's financial performance. For future
researchers, it is hoped that they can make a better
contribution, for example by adding a research
period or research variables to measure company
performance before and after conducting an Initial
Public Offering (IPO).
Analysis of the Company’s Financial Performance before and after the Company Conducts an Initial Public Offering
For Investor Who wants to invest, they should know
about the real price of share, and how invest safely.
Based on these research findings, it can suggest that
it is necessary for any companies to pay attention to
the increased financial ratios, as a reference and the
basis of consideration for investors in investing in
the company.
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