Modeling of Image Copyright Protection using Discrete Cosine
Transform Hash and Blockchain
Carles Juliandy
, Ronsen Purba
, Roni Yunis
, Darwin
Information Technology Master Department, STMIK Mikroskil, Medan, Indonesia
Information System Department STMIK Mikroskil, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Discrete Cosine Transform Hash, Blockchain, Copyrights Protection, Images
Abstract: Protecting copyright is an important issue because now such works as an image can be sold online for
making income. With the rapid development of distribution media, a centralized management system cannot
protect copyrights properly. Because now some research about image plagiarism can detect image
modification as plagiarism, but cannot detect rotated image as plagiarism. Application of Discrete Cosine
Transform (DCT) hash with adding looping steps can detect rotated images as plagiarism. Uploaded image
we looped it rotate 22,5
and saved the hash value from DCT hash each time rotate until 180
and then
compare each hash with the first hash to get the rotating plagiarism image. After that, a combination with
Blockchain which is a decentralized management system is a solution to protect copyrights now, with the
application of Blockchain and digital signature, making it difficult for other people to make changes to the
data which is stored in the block. This research results showed that the use of DCT hash can reach accuracy
until 99,67% to detect rotating image as plagiarism, and the mining time of the Blockchain with 10.000
blocks and difficulty target 5 needed 1591204,671 seconds.
Protecting copyright was an important issue because
copyright was an appreciation of the work and
creativity of the author. Currently works such as
images can be sold online for income. Copy of the
media that easy to do has an impact on the
modification of media that is easily done too (Cho
and Jeong, 2019; Mehta, 2019; Ravindran, Zacharia
& Roy, 2018). Image plagiarism was used or
modified some or whole parts of the image without
any permission and give credit to the author (Aghav
et al. 2014; Ovhal et al. 2016). To detect an image
modification, the use of a cryptographic hash can
cause an avalanche effect, which was the effect
where a small change of input value can lead to a
drastic change of output value that can make it
difficult to detect if there was any modification of
the image. Perceptual hash was hashing algorithm
that differently from the cryptographic hash, that can
keep away from the avalanche effect, which is a
small change in input value will affect some or none
bit change (Mehta, 2019; Drmic et al., 2017).
Recently centralized management system can’t
protect the copyright as well as the decentralized
management system. Blockchain as a decentralized
management system that is immutable, integrity,
traceability, and transparency can protect it better
because Blockchain doesn’t need a centralized
server and interference from network members (Cho
and Jeong, 2019; Kibet, Simon and Karume, 2018).
The used of Blockchain to protect the image
copyright has been done by several researchers.
Knirsch (Knirsch et al. 2018) researched the use of
Blockchain and smart contracts using the concept of
digital signature to provide private key and public
key to the proof of possession and can be forensic
evidence when claiming the copyright of the image.
(Mehta, 2019) research the use of Blockchain and
perceptual hash, where the Blockchain and smart
contracts are used to record all transactions at the
image marketplace. Perceptual hash and hamming
distance are used to detect the similarity of two
images. In this research, the perceptual hash can
detect any modification as plagiarism, but it can’t
detect the modification of 90
rotation image as
The use of perceptual hash to detect the image
similarity has been researched by some researchers
before. Aghav et al., 2014 researched the capability
Juliandy, C., Purba, R., Yunis, R. and Darwin, .
Modeling of Image Copyright Protection using Discrete Cosine Transform Hash and Blockchain.
DOI: 10.5220/0010304600003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 128-134
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of perceptual hash to detect the rotation image as
plagiarism. This research generated a hash value
every time rotate the image 22,5
and then compare
it with the real hash value of the image in the
dataset. Rivas et al., 2017 researched the use of
perceptual hash to detect similarity images when
uploaded on social media. Drmic (Drmic et al. 2017)
compared each well-known algorithm in perceptual
hash such as average hash, differential hash, discrete
cosine transform (DCT) hash, and wavelet hash.
This research showed that DCT hash is the most
robust perceptual hash algorithm to detect similarity
In this paper, we introduced the model that not
only detected the similarity of the uploaded image
but can protect the copyright of the image that is
already saved. The proposed model combined the
use of Blockchain technology with the digital
signature and perceptual hash to (1) protect and
prevent the attempt to change important information
such as hash value, image owner name, image name,
uploader name, and image added date, (2) to detect
the similarity of modification image such as gamma
correction, resize, rotate, crop, and salt and pepper
noise that try to upload especially to detect rotation
of 90
, 180
, and 270
that previous research can’t
solve it, (3) with ECDSA digital signature it can be
an additional security to protect and proof the
possession of the received upload image.
As mention above about the proposed model, it
can be explained that the contribution of this
research is the use of looping steps for DCT hash to
detected the plagiarism image, especially for the
rotation image which cannot be detected by the
previous researcher model. The improved DCT hash
is combined with Blockchain technology and the
digital signature to improve the security of data, so it
cannot be changed once it is saved into the block.
The remaining paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 provides background research related to
perceptual hash and blockchain application. Section
3 presents research methodology or our approach to
detect the similarity of the uploaded image and
prevent the attempt to change important data about
the image that is already saved before and to proof
of possession with the use of ECDSA. Section 4
provided the result and discussion and Section 5
provided the conclusion of the paper.
Blockchain was a decentralized management system
invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and
implemented in 2009. Bitcoin is the first application
that implemented this technology to handle the
transaction of cryptocurrency. As a result, Bitcoin
did not need a third party to validate the transaction.
All transaction in Bitcoin is validated by together
agreement which is called Consensus. Blockchain
isn’t a standalone technology, it consists of
cryptography, mathematics, algorithm, economic
model, combine of peer to peer network (P2P), and
consensus algorithm which is agreed by everyone
who joined to the network (Wang et al. 2018). The
use of Blockchain is well known because it's capable
to secure data inside, it prevented other people who
want to change the data which is already saved in
the block. But this technology still has an
opportunity to be hacked, if the attack is offense
more than 50% (50%+1) of network members at the
same time. But this is something that almost
impossible to do because it needed many resources
in computing. (Lin and Liao 2017).
The related works about Blockchain and
perceptual hash have been done by some
researchers. In 2014 (Aghav et al. 2014) research the
use of DCT hash which is one of the perceptual hash
algorithms to detect rotation image modification.
This research generated the hash value every 22,5
rotation and then compared it with the hash value of
each image that previously saved before. Compared
the hash value is using a hamming distance if the
hamming distance value below the threshold image
will be rejected, if the hamming distance value
above the threshold it will looping rotate the image
and repeat the step before until the image rotated
clockwise and anti-clockwise. This research
model is when there is just one hamming distance
value below the threshold all processes will stop and
it will be considered as plagiarism image. Bhowmik
and Feng, (2017) researched the use of Blockchain
store the watermark of unique information that
consisting of transaction history and the hash value
of image which can be used to find a similarity
image. The result of this research is using history
transactions and the value of image hash, it can be
defined as the part of the image that is edited or be
changed. Knirsch et al., (2018) research the use of
smart contracts with digital signature to handle the
claim of copyright possession by generated private
key and public key. In this research private key is
kept by the author of image, and the public key is
used by another to verified the possession of image.
But the analysis of this research is focus on evaluate
the operational cost implementation of this methoed
indeed of evaluate the effectiveness of this method.
The conclusion of this research is if the more image
Modeling of Image Copyright Protection using Discrete Cosine Transform Hash and Blockchain
size than the more cost is needed to implement this
Jnoub and Klas, (2019) researched the use of
Blockchain to protect the image and the copyright
by register the ownership information and copyright
into the block of Blockchain. In this research, the
image is not stored in Blockchain, but just store tow
hash value of the image which is extracted directly
from the image, and the second hash value is
extracted using speed up robust feature (SURF).
This research efficient the storage of the Blockchain
because it just stored text value. Mehta (2019)
researched the use of perceptual hash to detect the
similarity of the modification image. Blockchain is
used in this research to record the transaction for
someone who uploaded the plagiarism image and get
a financial penalty because of that. In this research,
there is a problem when the proposed method failed
to detect the rotate image of 90
as a plagiarism
image. Andi, Purba, and Yunis, (2019) researched
the use of Blockchain to prevent plagiarism in a
scientific publication. This research uses the
combination of Blockchain, SHA-256, and ECDSA
to protect the publication data, so it’s nearly
impossible for other people who tried to change the
data. The benefit of this research is it can prevent the
reviewer or someone who handles the publication to
used, changed, or modified the paper which needs to
be published. Because the paper is already signed
with ECDSA and only can be changed with the
private key.
In this paper, we proposed the model to solve three
problems: (1) the use of cryptographic hash to detect
the similarity of two images can cause the avalanche
effect, wherewith the small change of input value
can cause a drastic change in output value, which
make it impossible to detect the similarity image, (2)
the implementation of perceptual hashing (DCT
hash) with looping step can detect other
modification as plagiarism, such as gamma
correction, resize, crop, rotate, and salt and pepper
noise. Which is for the rotation it failed to detect 90
rotated image as plagiarism in previous research, (3)
the implementation of Blockchain to protect the
copyright just used it to store the possession of
image, so it difficult for the owner to prove that the
copyright of the image is their image when the
image is too many.
This research used the same dataset as previous
research from (Mehta, 2019) the dataset is from
Berkeley Segmentation Dataset (BSDS 500) which
contained 500 images and then modified the dataset
with 42 modifications that fitted (Mehta, 2019)
dataset So at last, the dataset has 21.500 images (500
original images and 21.000 modified. The 42
modification of the dataset is consisted of:
Rotation (in degrees): 5°, 10°,15°,20°,25°
Gamma correction: 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0,
Salt and pepper noise: 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20,
0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60,
0.65, 0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.90, 0.95, 1.00
Crop (fixed aspect ratio mode): 5%, 10%, 15%,
20%, 25%
Resize (size reduction - fixed aspect ratio
mode): 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%
This research proposed a new model of
implementation of perceptual hash and Blockchain
to detect similarity and prevent the attempt to
change the data in Blockchain. The perceptual
hashing algorithm in this research is used the DCT
hash algorithm which is the most robust perceptual
hash algorithm (Drmic et al. 2017).
The DCT hash algorithm is a perceptual hashing
algorithm that concludes binaries value which
represented the image. This algorithm is based on
cosine transform which is first it reduced the image
into lower pixels than it transformed to grayscale
after that it got the DCT value from that reduced and
grayscale image. After that, it counts the average
value of that DCT value, and that compared it one
by one that DCT value with the average value to get
the binary number of an image.
The proposed model is shown in Figure. 1 below
Figure 1: Proposed Model of Perceptual Hash dan
The proposed model consisted of two big part
that can be explained below:
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
3.1 Front-end
In the front-end menu, the image owner or uploader
will fill the upload form that consisted of the image
name, image owner name, uploader name, and
upload date. After filled the upload form, before
submit, the uploader needed to check the plagiarism.
This check will process on the back-end that will
return the result if the image is considered
plagiarism or not plagiarism. If the image is
considered plagiarism the submit button cannot be
clicked, if the image is not plagiarism the submit
button will be available to click.
3.2 Back-end
On the back-end side after receiving the request to
check the plagiarism, the image will convert into a
hash value using the DCT hash algorithm and the
hash value will store temporarily in the array. After
that the looping process will start, it started to rotate
the image 22,5
until 157,5
clockwise after that it
will generate and store the image hash in the array
that was created before every time it rotated 22,5
After rotation is 157,5
image will rotate 22,5
clockwise until 180
and generate and store it again
in the array. Now we have 16 hash value of the
uploaded image (1 from original, 7 from clockwise
rotation, and 8 from anti-clockwise rotation). This
array with all that hash value will compare with all
image hash that is already in the dataset. To
compared this image hash we used a hamming
distance algorithm to compare bit per bit hash. The
hamming distance result will compare to a threshold
value that is already set. In this research, the
threshold value is 14 (based on previous research by
(Drmic et al. 2017)). If there is just one compared
result below the threshold value it will be detected as
a plagiarism image, and if all of the compare results
above of threshold result in it return a value as free
from the plagiarism act to the front end. After that, it
can press the submit button and can be continued to
submit. The submission process will store the data
that already fill in the upload form include the
original image hash and convert all that data with the
SHA-256 algorithm to create a new block and that
data will be signed with the ECDSA algorithm. The
private key will be store by the image owner as proof
of possession that the owner has that image. The
public key will be used by another member to verify
that the sign value is true and never changed before.
In this proposed model, we tried two different
testing methods that are qualitative test and a
quantitative test. In the qualitative test we test the
function of all proposed models, from testing the
DCT hash model to detect some modification
images such as rotation, crop, resize, gamma
correction, and salt and pepper noise. After that, we
tested the Blockchain model to protect the data in
the block, and next is to testing the ECDSA to verify
the data that already sign. In the quantitative tested
we test the accuracy of the DCT hash model to
detect the rotate image as plagiarism. The testing is
using 3 scenarios, try to upload 200, 400, and 600
images, and the second quantitative test is to test the
mining time of the Blockchain model if there is
someone who tried to change the data in the block.
Our testing show that this model is capable to detect
the plagiarism rotate the image and protect the
image data from the possible plagiarism act.
In this research, we build the application based on
the proposed model using node.js. In the testing, we
separate the test into 2 parts, qualitative test to show
the functionality of the proposed model from the
DCT hash to detect plagiarism and Blockchain with
ECDSA to protect the data that already saved. The
second part test is a quantitative test to show the
accuracy of the DCT hash model to detect the rotate
image as plagiarism and to show how the
Blockchain model to handle the attempt to change
the data.
For the qualitative test we try the DCT hash
model with upload the original image that doesn’t in
the dataset before, and some modification images
such as rotation, crop, resize gamma correction, and
salt and pepper noise. The result showed that the
functionality of the DCT hash model works well.
When uploaded the original image that doesn’t in
the dataset before, the model can detect it as a non-
plagiarism image and can continue to submit the
process. The resulted testing can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Successful Received Image
Modeling of Image Copyright Protection using Discrete Cosine Transform Hash and Blockchain
For the modification image, the model can detect
it well as a plagiarism image, we have tried it with
several modifications and all of them can be
detected as plagiarism. The result of this testing can
be seen in Figure 3. Below, Figure 3. is the rotate
Figure 3: Rotation Plagiarism Image.
Another qualitative test is testing the capability
of Blockchain and ECDSA to prevent an attempt to
change the data inside. For the Blockchain model,
we tried to change the block data. For example, we
tried to change the name of the image that was
already saved in the block. This change made the
whole block after the changed block become an
invalid block. This can be seen in Figure. 4 which is
a valid block with green color before any changed
data and in Figure. 5 below which is the invalid
block became red color with changed data from
image 2 to image 3.
Figure 4: Valid Block Before Change Data.
Figure 5: Invalid Block After Change Data.
This qualitative test showed that our proposed
model can protect the data well. It prevented other
people to change the value inside. To make it a valid
block it needed to mine block per block when on the
other hand it seems like something impossible for
the usual computer except supercomputer.
For ECDSA testing we try to change the hash
value of the image that is already signed before,
after that we try to validate the signed text with the
public key from the first signed. The result shows
that the public key can’t validate the data because
the data is different when it first signed. This means
that our proposed model of ECDSA can protect the
signed data well and prevent it from changing. The
result of ECDSA testing can be seen in Figure 5.
Figure 6: Fail Validation ECDSA.
For the quantitative test, we have tested the
accuracy of DCT hash with 3 different scenarios.
The first scenario is uploaded 200 images, the
second scenario is uploaded 400 images, and the
third scenario is uploaded 600 images. the
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
measurement of this quantitative test is using the
confusion matrix with the operator
True Positive (TP) for actually the plagiarism
images and the DCT recognized it as a
plagiarism image.
True Negative (TN) for actually the not
plagiarism images and the DCT recognized it
as not plagiarism image.
False Positive (FP) for actually the not
plagiarism images and the DCT recognized it
as a plagiarism image.
False Negative (FN) for actually the plagiarism
images and the DCT recognized it as a not
plagiarism image.
For the quantitative test, we have tested the
accuracy of DCT hash with 3 different scenarios.
The first scenario is uploaded 200 images that
consist of 50 original images that don’t in the dataset
before, 50 random images from the dataset and
rotated it with 90
, 50 random images from the
dataset and rotated it with 180
, and 50 random
images from the dataset and rotated it with -90
. The
detailed testing of the first scenario can be seen in
Table 1
(Rc is Received and Rj is Rejected).
Table 1: First Scenario Testing Result.
e 50 49 1 0 49 1 0
50 0 50
50 0 0 0
50 1 49 49 0 0 1
50 0 50
50 0 0 0
Total: 200 149 49 1 1
For the first scenario with a confusion matrix, it
gained 49 TN and 149 TP. In percentage, it gained
99% accuracy this is because there is one image that
not a plagiarism image, and the DCT hash detected
it as a plagiarism image. On the other hand that is
one plagiarism image and the DCT hash cannot
detect it as a plagiarism image.
For the second scenario, the image type is the
same as the previous scenario, but the difference is
the amount of testing image. In this scenario, we use
100 images of each image type. The total image of
this testing is 400 images. In this scenario, we get
100% accuracy with the confusion matrix. The result
of this scenario can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2: Second Scenario Testing Result.
Rc R
e 100 100 0 0 100 0 0
100 0 100 100 0 0 0
100 0 100 100 0 0 0
100 0 100 100 0 0 0
Total: 400
300 100 0 0
For the second scenario with a confusion matrix,
it gained 100 TN and 300 TP. In percentage, it
gained 100% accuracy this is because all of the
images detected like the images should be,
plagiarism as plagiarism, and not plagiarism as a not
For the third scenario, the image type is the same
as the previous scenario, but the difference is the
amount of testing image. In this scenario, we use
150 images of each image type. The total image of
this testing is 600 images. In this scenario, we get
100% accuracy with the confusion matrix. The result
of this scenario can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3: Third Scenario Testing Result.
Image 150 150 0 0 150 0 0
150 0 150 150 0 0 0
150 0 150 150 0 0 0
150 0 150 150 0 0 0
Total: 600 450 150 0 0
For the third scenario with a confusion matrix, it
gained 150 TN and 450 TP. In percentage, it gained
100% accuracy this is because all of the images
detected like the images should be, plagiarism as
plagiarism, and not plagiarism as a not plagiarism.
From three scenarios testing, we get the average
accuracy of this model is
(99%+100%+100%) / 3 = 99,67%.
For the second quantitative test, we test the
mining time of the Blockchain. Mining time was a
time to use for mine or to find a fit public key for
Blockchain private key. We tested mining time in
second by using the number different of blocks from
Modeling of Image Copyright Protection using Discrete Cosine Transform Hash and Blockchain
10, 50, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000 blocks with different
difficulty target (DT) from 1 to 5. The details of this
testing can be seen in Table 4 below.
Table 4: Mining Time Testing Result.
10 0,2 0,6 4,7 11,341 28,578
50 0,8 3,0 6,9 15,321 39,465
500 33,0 60,8 133,8 289,561 621,59
1000 156,1 412,0 865,5 1832,5 4120,5
5000 2.962,6 7167,5 15012,3 37891,5 81952,91
10000 75643,5 160824,5 340156,8 721051,3 1591204,6
The result of this testing showed that the number
of blocks and difficulty target is correlated to mining
time. It meant that the more blocks and the higher
the difficulty target you want to mine and use, the
more time you need. For example, we can see the
highest mining time to mining 10000 blocks with the
difficulty target is 5, it needed about 1.591.204,671
seconds, or in the day it about 18 days more.
This result meant that Blockchain is a robust
technology to protect the data that are already saved
Copyright is the same as giving a reward to the
author for their works and idea, that why protecting
the copyright of the image is important. Previously
researched image copyright protection using
perceptual hash and Blockchain can detect
plagiarism when uploading images, but for some
cases like the rotated image like 90 degrees. The
proposed model with the implementation of DCT
hash and Blockchain can protect the image
copyright. The DCT hash can successfully detect the
modification image especially the rotated image
with an accuracy of 99,67%. The implementation of
the Blockchain proved that is capable to protect the
data that already in the block. With the mining time
needed when in the largest difficulty target, it shows
that it was nearly possible to change the data. For
future research, it can be implemented using another
algorithm that can detect the modification images
easier and combined well with the implementation
of Blockchain so the new model can more efficient
in time consumption and more accurate to detect the
modification image.
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CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies