Readiness and Role of Notaries in Making Electronic Deeds towards
the Industrial Revolution
Felicia, Heriyanti, Yanti Agustina, and Elvira Fitriyani Pakpahan
Masgister of Notary, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Jl. Sekip simpang Sikambing, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Notaries Roles, Electronic Deeds, and Industrial Revolution.
Abstract: In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 it is predicted that the role of the notary will erode. So it is
important to create a notary with quality in the future, especially in the midst of the invasion of technology
and information. In the development of abilities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the readiness and
role and legal provisions of notaries in the 4.0 era. Type of research using a comparison of the rule of law
with primary and secondary material sources. With research techniques using literature study and
interviews. The data analysis was done qualitatively. The results of the research are the legal provisions
regarding electronic validity, namely the legal requirements of an agreement itself listed in the Civil Code,
Law No. 2 of 2014 concerning notary officials and Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to law
number 11 of 2008 concerning electronic information and transactions. The readiness of notaries in facing
the 4.0 industrial revolution, namely having the ability to socialize, cognitive abilities, creative abilities,
having knowledge of corporate law, data protection and liability. Regarding the role of a notary in the era of
the industrial revolution 4.0, it is hoped that he will have a more responsive ability as a notary in exercising
his authority.
In this era of industrial revolution 4.0, people no
longer recognize agreements based on mutual trust.
Every agreement made by the community will
inevitably lead to a notary as a means of the validity
of the agreement they do. For this reason, the
position of a Notary is becoming increasingly
important in times like now (Saputro 2018). In
carrying out his position, the Notary plays an
important role in every legal relationship in
community life which includes various business
relationships, banking, land affairs, social activities
and others (Samsaimun 2018).
Changes in technology are getting more
advanced, triggering the notary to grow well in the
openness of the methods that have also developed.
People find it difficult to use existing technology if
they don't have existing knowledge. The notary
participates in developing existing human resources
to increase the community's needs for legal services.
The development of technology and science is
developing rapidly, so that notaries are far behind
the use of current technology. For this reason, the
Notary makes changes in legal services in the
community to keep up with existing technology.
Based on the laws and regulations regarding the
position of a notary in Indonesia, it can be seen that
the notary's duty is not only as the legality of the
transaction but also as a witness and also the
enforcer of the transactions carried out (Makarim
2014). However, in a notary position, it is only
regulated according to the provisions of the law
where every agreement made by a notary must be
made before a notary because it has been regulated
by law so it is not yet known how the handling or
arrangement of online deeds may occur. The notary
has the authority to only do or work according to his
position, namely in a regency or city that is within a
province where he is domiciled. The state gives the
notary public to exercise their authority very much
related to and influenced by information technology
at this time. The central question to be discussed is
whether by the use of constitutional rights in
contract law something substantially new can be
gained for the protection of the weaker contractual
party in comparison with the well-established
contract law concepts such as duties to inform. The
answer to this question will become crystallized in
Felicia, ., Heriyanti, ., Agustina, Y. and Pakpahan, E.
Readiness and Role of Notaries in Making Electronic Deeds towards the Industrial Revolution.
DOI: 10.5220/0010304100003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 105-112
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the course of analysing three cases which arose in
three different legal systems at the beginning of the
1990s and in which the same results were attained,
though in different ways (Cherednychenko, 2004).
Article 18 paragraph (1) of the Law on
Information and Electronic Transactions states that
the transaction of any electronic agreement that
occurs is binding on the parties, this is in accordance
with the clause in the Civil Code which must be in
accordance with the valid terms of the agreement as
well as the principle of Post Servanda. So that the
agreement that occurs in an online agreement or
contract is actually very clear binding to the parties.
E-commerce has given a new dimension to the
business practices that are no longer bound by any
limitations of territorial boundaries and requirement
of physical presence at the same place. E-commerce
activities in the last 10 years have become a part of
day-to-day lives of Internet users. Thanks to e-
commerce that e-contracts have risen to ubiquity and
Internet users entering into e-contracts are fast
growing in number. Contracts have become so
common in daily life that most of the time we do not
even realize that we have entered into one. Right
from hiring a taxi to buying airline tickets online,
innumerable things in our daily lives are governed
by contracts. (Jain, 2016). Electronic documents can
be used as material for the preparation of authentic
deeds by a notary on the condition that these
documents have been proven as valid. Verification
of the validity of these documents can be carried out
through verification processes by parties who have
the authority based on the type of document. If the
electronic document is a copy or derivative of an
authentic document that has been processed
electronically, for example by means of a scan,
digital photo, or the like, the verification can be done
by presenting the original document.
Then find the ideal model of electronic contracts
as a form of e-commerce legal dispute resolution.
This study uses normative legal research methods,
with a legal approach and a conceptual approach.
Based on the research that has been done, the
influence of electronic contracts in electronic
transactions (e-commerce) in Indonesia has brought
about major changes by changing the model of non-
electronic (conventional) commercial transactions
into electronic (modern) transactions and inspiring
online dispute resolution. Then the ideal model of
electronic contracts as a form of e-commerce legal
dispute resolution in Indonesia, must contain 10
important things in the e-contract clause namely: 1.
Freedom of Contract; 2). Offers and Receipts; 3).
Good intention; 4). Use of Terms; 5). Risk Transfer;
6). Please Loss; (7). Emergencies; 8). Changing
Contracts; 9). Termination reasons; 10). Choice of
Law and Dispute Resolution online, as stated in the
e-contract of Indonesian Home Credits (Ilmih,
Likewise, in the light of the nature of internet
and websites there can be multiple locations
involved when acceptance takes place. Therefore,
determination of place of contract formation is
problematic. Precise place of formation of contract
cannot be determined. There is lack of rule which
can indicate specific place of formation of electronic
contracts under both the Uniform Electronic
Transactions Act 1999 and the Electronic
Transaction legislation of Australia. However, the
Australian legislation provides more precise criteria
and appears to be better. Traditional paper based
documents or even the documents saved on the
desktop are confined to a specific place they are not
scattered and stored over various servers as in the
case of cloud computing technology. Therefore
cloud infrastructure raises security concerns in
relation to writing and signature requirement.
Further, by means of new technologies such as mash
up, documents can be linked together raising
concerns regarding scope of the document. Both the
UETA and electronic transaction legislation has side
stepped these aspects while addressing the criteria
dealing with writing and signature (Tasneem, 2014).
Documenting digitally (storage media) and CCTV as
supporting documents for legal actions in the signing
of the contract agreement and as a Notary Protocol
can be done by using computer devices / devices and
/ or with a computerized system or using the
Internet. Computers are human tools in completing
daily work, both private work, in government and
private offices. Storage media tools / equipment to
declare archives that have been and are still used in
the form of diskettes, laser disks, CDs, DVDs, HD-
DVDs and BluRays, memory cards, memory cards,
flash drives. USB Flash Drive, Hard Disk, External
Hard Disk, and online archive data / document
storage known as Cloud Storage. CCTV can be used
as a supporting document for legal actions in signing
a contract agreement and as a Notary Protocol,
because CCTV can record activities that are being
carried out in the form of a video record, can store
documents electronically and can connect objects
with one another (Syamsi, 2019).
Technological developments are in line with
changes in the law which are quite rapid. Especially
it can be seen through the development of electronic
evidence as well as proof which is regulated in
positive law. Even now, the increasing number of
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
evidence from electronic media is valid evidence in
court. Both in social life and habits that have begun
to change so that they become part of evidence
which is considered important enough in court. Of
course in Indonesia itself is quite affected by these
things, one of which is in the civil sector. With this
happening, it is quite important to examine how
what happened in the era of 4.0 to a notary and the
existing obstacles so that they have readiness,
especially notaries and for the legal rules that apply
to the notary's own performance.
The need for an Indonesian notary association in
the implementation of responsibility for electronic
certification in order to guarantee security and legal
certainty for notaries because it maintains and opens
a way for electronic transactions to be carried out.
As well as the notary association as an
organizational forum which plays an important role
in improving the quality of human resources of
notaries so as not to be left behind by increasingly
advanced technological developments (Bahri, 2019).
Along with globalization, legal relationships
between parties are not exclusively domestic since it
also involves foreign element. As the result, it
affects the usage of different legal systems in
establishing a contract. Unlike commercial contracts
in which the position between parties is equal,
consumer contracts place the consumers unequally
resulting in lameness and disproportion among
consumers in terms of conveying a common will to
choose the clauses of contract. The existence of
injustice causes a key paradigm shift on contractual
freedom from” both-sided autonomy” to “one-sided
autonomy.” Additionally, legal uncertainty will also
appear particularly on the tug-of-use of the sea point
based on whether unilateral, multilateral, or
substantive choices of law. Such condition requires
harmonization as necessity along with the legal
context increasingly global (Ali, 2017). The rapid
progress of the industrial world in this era has made
notaries have to be prepared for progress in the legal
field with provision to be ready for existing
technological developments.Bringing up a notary
who is able to compete for abilities in the 4.0 era,
which is a new technological and industrial
development that is predicted to erode the role of the
Notary. In order to continue to have a good role and
opportunities, a notary must also have the ability to
search for information and so on. Notary is the
spearhead of the business world, the importance of a
quality notary to continue to maintain the role of a
notary in the midst of the invasion of technology and
information in the 4.0 revolution. With the
convenience, technological developments and data.
In accordance with the existing problem, it raises
several questions, namely how the legal provisions
regarding the validity of electronic deeds, how are
notaries prepared to face the development of
industry 4.0, and what is the role of the Notary for
the development of industrial technology 4.0.
This paper see a notary work that diference from
another paper was with interview with the notary.
And get some new point that not just with how
should do.
The research method used in this study is to use
normative juridical, where comparing the source of
legal materials and the rules occur. And in this
study, we do not forget to conduct interviews in
order to add information that will be strengthened to
test how ready the notary's role is for the 4.0
industrial revolution. This research was make some
interviews with nortary at Medan, North Sumatera at
Indonesia. That be relate that Indonesia Notary Laws
with some of the interviews words. So on this
research that get new info and how notary at
Indonesia thinking of new methods about electronic
deeds in this new 4.0 era.
3.1 Legal Provisions Regarding the
Validity of Electronic Deeds
The validity of law has a very big importance in the
approach in this research which is very close to the
positivist that is held by Indonesia. Whereas existing
laws have legal force and must be followed, in this
case written or regulated in writing in the Law, even
though there are unwritten rules such as customary
regulations. In the legality of the laws and
regulations, self-proof should be felt in order to have
power over belief by the community even if it is not
visible or invisible to the eye. The legal validity of
the existing rules must be real. Most of them are
written in the rules. Such as statutory regulations and
circular letters.
In the provisions of Article 1868 of the Civil
Code, contains a rule that makes notary's authentic
deed cannot be done electronically. This is because
there are preconditions that cannot be met. The
drawing up of a deed of the parties explains their
Readiness and Role of Notaries in Making Electronic Deeds towards the Industrial Revolution
wishes in front of a notary public then the contents
of the agreement are set forth in a notary deed. And
approved by then signed in front of as well as by a
notary along with the witnesses in order to have the
power of proof (Swandewi. 2015). Article 44
paragraph (1) of Law No. 2 of 2014 concerning the
Position of Notary Public, the parties must sign a
signature after completing the reading of the deed by
the notary. Furthermore, all incidents are listed at the
end of the deed (Sulihandari and Rifiani 2013).
The obligation to affix a thumbprint of the thumb
of his left hand on the authentic deed which is
regulated in Article 44 paragraph (1) of Law No. 2
of 2014 concerning the Position of Notary Public
can be interpreted that the use of a thumbprint as a
signature in the authentic deed in UUJN, the
existence of the thumbprint is actually not
recognized (Suwignyo.2012). Actually, the existence
of this thumbprint is a way to dissect and be of
concern so that notarial deeds can be arbitrary
(Mertokusumo 2009).
Article 1868 of the Civil Code, that notaries are
currently unable to participate in activities or the
ability to keep up with technological developments.
Thus, online deeds still cannot be done.
There are differences in the position of the rule
of law under the current circumstances. Notaries
have the obligation to be in their environment or
area of office. Where the situation for making this
electronic deed knows no boundaries because
everything is connected to the electronic media
This situation occurs by business actors but, it
creates confusion on how to carry out the obligations
of the business actor's wishes which are currently
getting easier. The truth of signatures has legal force
as long as it follows the norms stipulated in Article
11 of Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning Electronic
Information and Transactions (hereinafter referred to
as UUITE). That is, are blind; be careful, proper
when signing the deed or electronic agreement.
Legality Electronic signatures have legal force
and legal consequences as long as they meet the
following requirements based on Article 11 U of
Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning Electronic
Information and Transactions, namely:
a. The electronic signature creation data relates
to the signer only.
b. The data for the creation of an electronic
signature during the electronic signing process
is only in the power of the signer.
c. Any changes to the electronic signature that
occur after the time of signing can be known.
d. Any changes to electronic information related
to the electronic signature after the time of
signing can be known.
e. There are certain methods used to identify
who the signatories are.
f. There are certain ways to show that the signer
has given consent to the related electronic
The legal substance in making electronic deeds
has not been fully accommodated in Law No. 2 of
2014 concerning the Position of Notary Public and
UUITE which are the legal basis for Notaries in
seizing the opportunity to make deeds electronically
in accordance with the demands and developments
of modern society that occur today. However, even
though it is in Law No. 2/2014 concerning the
Position of Notary Public, Civil Code and UUITE,
making electronic deeds is not yet possible for
notaries to do so, but the opportunity for electronic
deeds is still open with the arrangement of electronic
deeds. Only in its implementation it cannot be
implemented, considering the juridical obstacles that
are still faced by the Notary.
3.2 Readiness of Notaries in Facing the
Industrial Revolution 4.0
The industrial revolution 4.0 is the fourth phase in
the historical journey of the revolution which began
in the 18th century (Kusnadi 2019). The extremely
fast Industrial Revolution 4.0 has had an impact on
technological and social change so it would be a
mistake to ensure the right results if it relies solely
on legislation and incentives from the government /
regulators. Society must understand the
opportunities and strengths they have to shape the
Industrial Revolution 4.0 and direct it towards a
future that reflects their shared goals and values as
humans.18 As technological innovation develops,
this fourth revolution is not just a discourse, but has
happened in front of our eyes. The industrial
revolution 4.0 is seen as a vantithesis of the previous
industrial revolution (Danrivantro Budhijanto 2019).
Changes in the world are now in the
development of industry 4.0 in information
technology that has become the basis of human life.
The Indonesian state must have prepared people or
human resources who are able to compete with
current technological developments because this is
an interest that must be prioritized for the future or
the position of the country in the future (Ayu 2019).
The development of the industrial revolution 4.0,
which has occurred to date, is marked by the era of
disruption, namely the emergence of online / digital
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
based industries. It's not just computers, mobile
technology is endemic and almost everyone is
connected online. In this revolution, the role of
innovation is the competitiveness of a product in the
market and it turns out that there is a deliberation
between industries that depend on innovation and
the readiness of labor (Wicaksono 2019).
For example, if the data is faked, can the
computer know because the computer works like a
robot, then it cannot think that there is something
suspicious so that it cannot be used, also to make
contracts by lawyers or lawyers and making
evidence by a notary is not possible to just enter
data. The task of the Notary is to make written
evidence, namely authentic deeds and other
authorities as referred to by the Law (Article 1
paragraph 1 of Law Number 2 of 2014) to guarantee
certainty, order and protection of the law regarding
the act of agreement, stipulation and legal events
made in the presence or by an authorized official. A
Notary is an honorable position because it adheres to
laws and regulations, is professional because it is
based on knowledge and professional ethics because
it is based on morals.
In the speed of development in globalization
over challenges in the era of the industrial revolution
4.0, graduates of notary must be able to adapt to
information technology and at the same time for
future learning patterns. Technological
developments currently affect many professions, one
of which is the legal profession which requires
creativity in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which is a
challenge to respond to future problems. Legal
professions such as lawyers and notaries are human
beings with the possibility of being irreplaceable
because they have experience and education that
may only enter data on computers and computers
can complete.
The opportunity for a notary in the industrial
revolution 4.0 actually exists if there are clear rules
regarding this cyber notary, there is adequate
infrastructure, the expertise of a notary in the field of
technology continues to develop. The challenge may
be on the quality of Notary's expertise in the use of
technology, not all are experts in technology. Notary
Dessy Hamrina, SH, MKn explained: "that the
readiness of notaries in the application of
information and communication technology in
making deeds, technically can be said to be
adequate, where in every notary office currently
available computer, printer, scan facilities. , fax, and
also the internet network ”(interview with Notary
Dessy Hamrina, SH, MKn, 2019). Notary Syafitri
Yanti, SH, MKn stated: "The readiness of notaries in
making electronic deeds is technically adequate, this
can be seen from the ability to use internet
applications, such as social media, email and others.
Most of the notaries currently available are able to
use internet applications (interview with Notary
Syafitri Yanti, SH, MKn, 2019).
Human resources as profession bearers must
have expertise that is pleasing to their knowledge,
especially in their fields, because every professional
must independently fulfill the needs of professional
services in their field and have a personality that is
fully responsible for their professional services.
Thus, the quality of professionals is reflected in an
attitude that upholds honesty, truth and justice, is
clean and respectful and is responsible for
exemplary behavior.
The presence of legal professionals (legal
consultants / lawyers) is needed by a new generation
for those who deal with all legal matters. During its
development, in the field of law, the availability of
artificial intelligence which accommodates all legal
algorithms to provide opinions on various legal
issues, for example: the availability of artificial
itellegencia, which is capable of compiling a
complete contract design by processing data input,
the terms and conditions of the parties; the
availability of access to legal material information,
even the diversity of legal systems in the world that
exist increasingly joining the large legal family
which increasingly consistently equates the
principles to the normative model, thus facilitating
communication to reach an understanding of various
legal matters or issues that occur across
jurisdictions. This makes service users look for
efficiency in their costs, so using the services of a
legal consultant / lawyer is no longer attractive
because it can be taken over by artificial
intelligence, only complex legal services still require
a 'human touch' (lawyers) .
Looking at the development of the digital era
which is increasingly increasing its penetration. It is
fitting for all countries in the world, especially
Indonesia to prepare various strategies in facing the
challenges this era will pose. It must be admitted,
Indonesia is currently not strong enough to be able
to follow the flow of industry 4.0 because Indonesia
is still struggling with the problem of the lack of
quality of existing human resources. Indonesia
actually has the potential to be able to make industry
4.0 successful (interview with Notary Yola Ardiza,
SH, MKn.)
Thus the authors conclude some notaries'
opinions about the readiness of notaries in facing the
industrial revolution 4.0 is that notaries are not ready
Readiness and Role of Notaries in Making Electronic Deeds towards the Industrial Revolution
in the development of information technology or the
rules in government are not sufficient so that
notaries have not been able to face the industrial
revolution 4.0. Therefore, the participation of the
government as policy makers and regulators must
also ensure the competence of human resources
whether it is in accordance with the needs of the
labor market with technology-based industries or
not. Therefore, government cooperation with
Notaries is very important and needed to maintain
and improve good service
3.3 The Role of the Notary in Facing
the Industrial Revolution 4.0
The task of the notary is to control the legal
relationship between the parties in a written form
and a certain format, so that it is an authentic deed
that he can make a strong document in a legal
process (Kie 2000). The main task of a notary is to
make authentic deeds, both those determined by
laws and regulations and by the wishes of certain
people and legal entities who need them (Supriadi
2006). Notaries have the burden of their position,
namely as an extension of the hands in the
government in order to make the community attain
legal certainty (Muhammad Adam 1995). The role
of the notary is in accordance with the procedure
according to Law No. 2 of 2014 concerning the
Position of Notary (interview with Notary Shandy
Izhandri SH., M.Kn, 2019).
The notary is authorized to make deeds as long
as the parties want them to or according to legal
regulations which must be made in the form of an
authentic deed. The making of the deed must be
based on legal rules relating to the manufacturing
procedure. A notary in carrying out his duties is
limited by the corridor rules. This restriction is
carried out so that a Notary is not going too far in
carrying out his practice and is responsible for
everything he does. Without any restrictions, a
person tends to act arbitrarily. For the sake of equity,
the government limits the work of a notary
(Koesoemawati and Rijan 2009).
A public official (openbaar Ambtenaar) is
obliged to assist the community in accordance with
the authority possessed by him, in carrying out
services for his obligations must compare his duties
in comparing what is legal and what is not legal.
Both of the obligations are in line with the principle
of order according to the practice that is carried out.
The role of a notary is very important for
people's lives, this is because many people need the
role of a notary for the sake of conducting
transactions in the business world. Among them are
related to the provisions that oblige the notary to
make a deed, and if this is done without a deed made
by the notary, then the transaction is deemed to have
no force in the eyes of the law. This shows that there
is a great relationship between notaries in terms of
civil and economic relations in community life. The
civil relationship of a transaction involving this
Notary Public has a large useful value which is
determined in the Notary's role. Such as data in the
form of documents in electronic form such as the era
of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which requires an
involvement role for relevant stakeholders, including
the state, notaries and the community itself.
In accordance with technological developments,
Notaries can play a role in the 4.0 industrial
revolution, as can be found in various countries,
both with the Common Law and Civil Law
traditions. Although technology allows the role of a
notary public online and remotely, legally it seems
impossible. Therefore, the function and role of the
Notary in the context of electronic transactions is
very important to be studied in depth, so that
Indonesian Notaries can play a global role.
The role of the notary public places the notary as
part of the component of the legal profession as well
as law enforcers, in accordance with the authorities
and obligations given to him in carrying out his
profession. As the bearer of the service mission, the
Notary profession is bound by a notary code of
ethics which respects the dignity (marwah) of
humans or the professional carer in general and the
dignity of a Notary in particular, therefore the
Notary profession has the characteristics of being
independent and impartial, not driven by self-
interest, always rationality in the sense of referring
to objective truth, functional specialties and
solidarity among fellow professions (Hairus, 2015).
The responsibility of the Notary profession
focuses on the work that is carried out requiring
technical skills and special expertise in the field of
making authentic deeds in a professional manner,
has undoubted quality of knowledge in serving
clients, is able to work independently, the legal
responsibility of Notaries in carrying out their
professional duties is bound by legal rules who set it
up; required to be able to master all applicable legal
rules (Herry 2010).
The legal provisions regarding the validity of
electronic deeds are listed in Article 1868 of the
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
Civil Code, Article 15 paragraph (3) of Law Number
2 of 2014 concerning Notary Position states that the
authority to certify transactions carried out
electronically (cybernotary) and Article 5 paragraph
(1) and (2) Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning
Electronic Information and Transactions has stated
that electronic information and / or electronic
documents and / or printed results are valid legal
evidence and electronic information and / or
electronic documents and / or printed results or for
the sake of authenticity and information or electronic
documents so long as the authenticity can be
accounted for, it is considered valid.
The readiness of a notary to face the 4.0
industrial revolution, namely having the ability to
socialize, cognitive, creative abilities, knowledge of
corporate law, tax law, data protection and liability
and being able to brand himself and his law office in
the world of digital technology and continue to learn
and adapt with existing changes (continuous
learning). Do not forget to strengthen the strengths
that you have, or hone your soft skills. A person
continues to upgrade himself in order to take
advantage of the various opportunities that exist.
Changes caused by technology cannot be prevented.
However, it still has to be dealt with and one of them
is by ensuring the development of expertise so that it
can keep up with changes.
Regarding the role in the 4.0 period, the notary in
his position still follows the applicable legal rules,
then it should not be arbitrary according to the
interpretation that other activities and activities are
fast as desired. However, it can be submitted up to
the level of information and training as well as the
prevailing norms so as not to overlap.
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CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies