Identification of Parental Satisfaction Parameters to Re-utilize
Outpatient Services
Happyria Tarigan, Ermi Girsang*, Sri Lestari R. Nasution
Faculty of Medichine, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: Parental Satisfaction, Desire to Return, Outpatient.
Abstract: Based on a survey results on satisfaction in Indonesian private hospitals, it was found that outpatient
dissatisfaction was 60.7%, while in government hospitals it was higher at 74.96%. Hospital minimum service
standards state patient satisfaction must reach 90%. One of the dissatisfaction effects is a decrease in loyalty
or a desire to use the service again. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between parental
satisfaction and the desire to re-use outpatient services. A cross sectional study using a population of 5,879
respondents with a sample of 100 respondents were used. Data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate through
chi-square test, and multivariate through multiple logistic regression at a 95% confidence level ( = 0.05).
The results of the study showed that the variables that led to the desire to re-use outpatient services were S (p
= 0.016), service procedures (p = 0.003), and environment (p = 0.0026) while the unrelated variable was
comfort (p = 0.468), and service results (p = 0.411). The variable with the biggest effect was the service
procedure variable with the value Exp (B) / OR = 7.959. This value shows the opportunity to re-use outpatient
services by 7.9 times higher.
The more established hospitals, the tighter the
competition in serving and attracting the interests of
customers (Susilowati, 2017). Service quality, patient
satisfaction and loyalty data can be used in quality
management, thereby enabling service managers to
monitor and maintain service quality. Service
providers can better understand how various
dimensions and item affects averall service quality
and to desing service delivery progress efficiently. By
identifying servive quality strengths and weaknesess,
providers can allocate resources to service and
ultimately enhance their service quality. Hospitals are
required to provide quality services in accordance
with established standards and can reach all levels of
society (Kartajaya, 2016). Satisfied or not of the
provided services directly by the hospital can be seen
and felt by the community as users of health services
(Sari, 2015). Satisfaction felt by patients and families
is a measure of the level of quality of health services.
Based on the results of a satisfaction survey in
Indonesia, in private hospitals, outpatient
dissatisfaction was 60.7%, while in government
hospitals 74.96% was higher. Hospital Minimum
Service Standards state patient satisfaction must
reach 90% (Wijono, 2015). If a company or health
service organization such as a hospital is able to
create customer satisfaction, customer loyalty will be
created (Tjiptono and Chandra, 2015). Loyalty will
provide great benefits for the company, being the key
to success in the short and long term (Hasan, 2016).
The quality of health services felt by patients is
predicted to increase patient satisfaction. Good
Service quality will affect patients satisfaction as a
hospital costumer. The more quality the service
provided by the hospital, the more patients will feel
satisfaction with the services provided to patients will
be more loyal patients to the hospital (Priyono et
all,.2020) . Costumer satisfaction and significant
positive effect on costumer loyalty Balikpapan
Pertamina Hospital. These results suggest that
perceived costumer satisfaction by Pertamina
Hospital Balikpapan able to increase costumer loyalty
(Wulur, Lenny Meltha, et al., 2020). Service quality
and perceived value become measurement methods to
predict customer satisfaction. (Rusmana, Research on
the relationship of satisfaction with patient loyalty has
been conducted by several researchers (Fitri, Adelina,
et al., 2016, Fatima, Taqdess, Et.all, (2017). Loyal
patients will re-use the same health services when
needed again. In addition, loyal patients will invite
Tarigan, H., Girsang, E. and R. Nasution, S.
Identification of Parental Satisfaction Parameters to Re-utilize Outpatient Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0010296002290235
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical (HIMBEP 2020), pages 229-235
ISBN: 978-989-758-500-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
others to use the same health services (Sari, 2015).
Having loyal patients increases the selling power of
health care institutions (Supriyanto and Ernawaty,
2014). There is a relationship between service quality
and loyalty (Jayadipraja, Erika SekarNingrum, 2016,
Kim et al., 2017). Other studies have found results
that satisfaction with six dimensions of service
quality: service costs, hospital environment, services
provided, access to doctors and health care
institutions, provision of information, and hospital
environment have been identified as the factors that
most influence loyalty (Rostami et al. ., 2019).
Hasan's research, 2018 was conducted to analyze
patient loyalty from the perspective of service quality,
hospital image, patient value and satisfaction, analyze
patient loyalty and develop a model of increasing
patient loyalty based on hospital service quality.
Bahari, Chabib, et all. found that the marketing mix
strategy consist of product, price, distribution,
promotion, human resources, physical evidence, and
processes simultaneously had a positive and
simultaneous influence in determining patient
loyalty. Suasna, I Gede, et al., 2017 examined that
excellent service and customer relationship
management can lead to satisfaction and trust of
patients to come back. Service quality is positively
and directly linked to costumer satisfaction and
costume loyalty. The outcome suggest that
maintaining high quality of services in the hospitals
can significantly increase the perception of values
among the costumers, it can also be helpful in raising
the goodwill of the costumers in the form of loyalty
and can provide high level of satisfaction. (Dubey,
Pushkar, 2019; Turnip et al, 2020; Wijaya et al,
From the results of previous studies no one has
examined the satisfaction of parents using parameter
identification. For this reason, this paper will discuss
in more depth aboutthe influence and the most
dominant factors towards parental satisfaction with
the desire to re-use outpatient services.
A cross sectional study was conducted at Stella Maris
Hospital, Medan in November 2019. The selected
population was all parents who brought their children
to visit with an average monthly visit of 5,879 people,
and the sample was obtained by 100 respondents with
accidental sampling. Sampling was done by taking 3-
4 samples per day for 1 month. Data recording was
carried out with a questionnaire instrument that had
been tested for validity and reliability (sample of 20
respondents at Sarah Hospital). The results of all
instrument granules were declared valid and reable.
The used test was to determine the correlation
between the question grain and the total score of the
The used questionnaire consisted of 5 variables
(i.e., comfort, service officers, service procedures,
service results and the environment), which each
consist of 10 questions with 4 choices of answer
categories (1 = very dissatisfied, 2 = dissatisfied, 3 =
satisfied and 4 = very satisfied) for each question.
Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to
parents who took their children to the hospital during
an outpatient visit.
Tabel 1: Validity and reliability test results
No Variables r-
r-table Cronbach’
s Alpha
1 comfort 1-10 0,437 0,361 0,732
2 Officer
services 1-10
0,501 0,361 0,790
3 Services
procedure 1-
0,438 0,361 0,770
4 ResultsServic
es 1-10
0,506 0,361 0,803
5 Environment
0.605 0,361 0,877
The validity test was carried out at Sarah Hospital
with 20 samples. After the validity test valid, the
research begins. This study is an analytic study with
a cross-sectional design by accidental sampling.
Population is 5879 and 100 samples were taken. The
research was carried out in the Outpatient Department
of Stella Maris Woman and Children Hospital
Univariate and bivariate data analysis using chi-
square test, and multivariate using multiple logistic
regression tests with a confidence level of 95% ( =
0.05) were chosen. Multiple logistic regressionwas a
multiple regression model in case the dependent
variable is dichotomous data (categorical form with a
total of 3 categories). The chosen variables as
independent variables were comfort, service officers,
service procedures, service results, and the
environment, and as the dependent variable was the
desire to re-use outpatient services.
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical
Figure1. The Scheme of the research process
From the questionnaire completed by the respondent,
the characteristics of the respondent were obtained as
follows: the majority were aged > 27 years (53.0%),
aged <37 years (47.0%). Productive age has greater
demands and expectations. For gender, Female 75,
male 25, Male has greater expectations and demands
and tends to be dissatisfied. Education :
Undergraduate 52 , Diploma 25, high school, Patients
with low education more satisfied than patients with
higher education . Occupation: Private employee 35,
government officials 8, others 35, Someone who
works more demanding and criticizing service .
House wife 27. Respondents who have 3 children as
many as 49 have 2 children as many as 34, have 1
child as many as 17 people. Patients who have more
children have more experience that can make them
calmer. Based on immunization visits obtained as
many as 40, consultation and 60. The results showed
that the majority of respondents said they were
satisfied with the indicators of comfort, service
officers, service procedures, environmental service
results ranged from 73% -80%, while those who were
dissatisfied between 20% -27% . The variable of
desire to re-use outpatient services was about 75%
loyal and 25% non-loyal. The desire to re-use
outpatient services has a value of Exp (B) / OR =
5,080 meaning that parents are satisfied with hospital
services, the opportunity to re-use outpatient services
was 5 times higher than that of unsatisfied parents.
The service procedure has an Exp value (B) / OR =
7.959 meaning that parents were satisfied with
Hospital service procedures, the chance to re-use
outpatient services is 7.9 times higher than that of
dissatisfied parents. The environment has a value of
Exp (B) / OR = 4.459 meaning parents are satisfied
with the hospital environment, the opportunity to re-
use outpatient services was 4.4 times higher than
parents who were less satisfied with the hospital
Figure 2: Measured data of each variable from the
In Figure 2, we can see the total score obtained for
each variable in the questionnaire with 100 samples.
The dark blue is the total score for patient comfort.
The purple is the total score for service results. The
red is the total score for officer services, the light blue
is the total score for the environment and the green is
for service procedures.
Based on univariate analysis, it was found that the
majority of respondents said they were satisfied with
the indicators of comfort, who were satisfied about
79.0%, a small portion felt less satisfied about 21.0%.
Hospital staff services were 76.0% satisfied and
24.0% less satisfied, 80.0% satisfied service
procedures and the rest less satisfied, 73.0% satisfied
service results, 75.0% satisfied environment. Overall,
Informed Consent
Validity and Reability test
If valid and Reliable
Dependent Variable: Desire
to Reuse Outpatient Service
Result and Discussion
Data Analysis:
Univariate, Bivariate (Chi Square),
Multivariate (Multiple Logistic Regression)
Data Collection
Location: Outpatient
Depertement Stella Maris
Women and Children Hospital
Independent Variables:
comport, Officer service,
Service procedure, Results
Service, Environment
Location: Sarah
Hospital Sample : 20
Type of research:
Analytic Study
Design: Cross
sectional sampling
Technique: Accidental
Population : 5.879
Sample : 100 Peoples
Continue The
Identification of Parental Satisfaction Parameters to Re-utilize Outpatient Services
the uivariate value for each variable is given in Table
Table 2: Variable Frequency Distribution (n = 100)
n %
Less satisfied
Officer services
Less satisfied
Services procedure:
Less satisfied
Services Result:
Less satisfied
Less satisfied
Desire to Reuse Outpatient
No Loyalty
The results of bivariate analysis obtained all
independent variables significantly related to the
desire of patients to re-use outpatient services namely
comfort (p = 0.038), S (p = 0.014), service procedures
(p = 0,000), service results (p = 0.032), and
environment (p = 0.024). The complete Chi-Square
statistical test results can be seen in Table 3.
The results of multivariate analysis with multiple
logistic regression tests showed that of the 5 variables
as model candidates, 3 variables were found that
relate to the desire to re-use outpatient services,
namely service personnel, service procedures, and the
environment as shown in Table 4 (B is beta value, sig.
(significant), Exp (B) is exponential beta read as an
OR (Odds ratio) value, and 95% CI for exp (B) is a
95% confidence level for beta exponential values for
upper and lower limits).
Table 3: Relationship of Each Independent and Dependent
Desire to Reuse Outpatient
No Loyalty Loyal
n % n % N %
Officer services
100,0 0,000
Services results:
The most influential variable in this study was the
service procedure variable which has a value of Exp
(B) / OR = 7.959 meaning that parents who are
satisfied with hospital service procedures have the
opportunity to re-use outpatient services by 7.9 times
higher than parents who less satisfied with hospital
service procedures.
Table 4: Results multiple logistic regression test
Variables B Sig.
/ OR
95%CI for
Officer services
Services procedure
3.1 Officer Services
Based on the results of the study showed that there
was a relationship between service officers and the
desire to re-use outpatient services. Parents who were
satisfied with S hospitals, have the opportunity to re-
use outpatient services by 5 times higher than parents
who are less satisfied with hospital staff services, with
an OR value = 5,080.
The relationship between service officers was
related to the ease and speed of service with the reuse
of services by outpatients. Re-use of outpatient
services was basically caused by the patient getting
ease of service, the speed of service starting from the
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical
procedure for receiving patients, the speed of
examination, treatment until the time of discharge
from health workers. Satisfied patients will make a
repeat visit. The results in this study also showed that
the higher satisfaction felt by patients was related to
the reliability of health workers, the higher the level
of patient loyalty.
It is assumed that the child's parent's satisfaction
with the services of the officers was related to the
desire to re-use outpatient services. This was
supported by the studies mentioned above that
satisfaction with the service of the staff impacts on
the reuse of the services provided or the patient shows
loyalty to the health facility where he has been
The relationship between health services and
patient loyalty can be seen from health workers who
are skilled and agile in examining patients. Health
workers are also timely and patient in serving
patients, so that these patients are satisfied with the
service they receive and want to go back again for
treatment. Service officers, especially doctors who
show friendliness, always ask complaints felt by
children, doctors provide opportunities for parents to
ask about illnesses, doctors understand how to treat
children during the examination, health workers
(doctors and nurses) provide services quickly or not
wordy and conscientious. This satisfies the parents of
the child and if the child is sick the mother does not
hesitate to bring her child back for treatment to get
maximum service by the health workers.
Parents who feel unsatisfied with regard to their
comfort say that the location of poly children was
difficult to find. It was usually happaned to a first time
patient arrives so that it still has not adapted to the
location of an existing of child poly. In addition, some
parents feel uncomfortable in the administration of
child care administration. It was because parents
usually have to queue or wait for payments that make
parents and children feel uncomfortable.
3.2 Service Procedure
From the results of testing the variable service
procedure, it was found that there was a relationship
between the service procedure and the desire to re-use
outpatient services. Parents who were satisfied with
hospital service procedures have the opportunity to
re-use outpatient services at 7.9 times higher than
those who were less satisfied. Service procedure was
the biggest variable related to the desire of patients to
re-use outpatient services.
The relationship of patient satisfaction about
service procedures with service reuse can be seen
from the answers of the respondents who mostly
started from the officers providing fast services, the
outpatient service process from the administrative
counter to the polyclinic was easy to follow,
registration was open on time, patient calls were
based on the order number and polyclinic service
schedule was in accordance with the schedule posted.
From some respondents who were dissatisfied, it was
found that they tended to be satisfied with the service
procedures. From these results it can be concluded
that overall service procedures were sufficient to
satisfy the patient. It was because the service
procedures were not complicated when the
registration was not too long and easy. Service
procedures related to the service system and also
service standards. In this service procedure includes
patient registration at the counter and registration of
patients as well as information and service
instructions at the health center. Based on the
usedassumptions, the results of this study prove that
parental satisfaction with service procedures
influences the desire to re-use outpatient services
while 20% of respondents feel less satisfied. The
things that make the child's parents feel satisfied
because the service procedures at the Children's Poly
are done quickly and are not complicated, timely,
there was a readiness of health workers both doctors
and nurses in providing services to children.
The role of doctors and nurses must be able to
calm children who are usually afraid of doctors when
they will be examined or injected. The thing that was
felt unsatisfactory was that doctors and nurses lacked
explanations about things that had to be done when
the child was treated at home. Doctors and nurses
sometimes give advice on care at home but are less
detailed so parents feel less satisfied. Some parents
feel that the examinations carried out by doctors and
nurses are less thorough. It was because some parents
expect more examinations, especially if their children
were eager to quicklyrecover, but they assume that
the inspection services performed were not in line
with expectations.
3.3 Environment
The results showed that environmental variables
have a relationship with the desire to re-use
outpatient services. Parents who are satisfied with
the hospital environment, have the opportunity to
re-use outpatient services by 4.4 times higher than
those who are less satisfied.
Direct evidence / appearance of the physical
environment has a relationship to patient loyalty.
Some things that support direct evidence of good
Identification of Parental Satisfaction Parameters to Re-utilize Outpatient Services
service are the comfort of the overall care building
which is supported by adequate infrastructure and
in accordance with patient needs. Respondents'
dissatisfaction with the direct evidence / physical
appearance of the service felt by patients usually
occurs because of discomfort from the hospital
environment. It has been proven that the
availability of facilities and a comfortable physical
environment is one of the factors that can
encourage and motivate the community to utilize
health services or treatment efforts. However, if a
health service is not complete with facilities, the
environment is not comfortable then the
community will choose another more complete
hospital, (p = 0.001). Respondents who are
interested in reusing outpatient services are very
closely related to the comfort of the environment,
the completeness of the facilities provided, and are
supported by equipment that is functioning well
and officers maintain the cleanliness / sterilization
of the equipment used.
Users of health services through health facilities
and quality services, not only concerning the recovery
from physical illness but also concerning satisfaction
with the attitudes, knowledge and skills of the officers
in providing services and the availability of adequate
facilities and infrastructure. Hospital environment
also means the comfort of the environment associated
with the completeness of equipment that can increase
the desire of patients to return for treatment. In terms
of comfort is very influential on direct evidence
because when a patient feel comfortable with the
facility then they will return and will convey to family
or relatives.
Based on the results of this study indicate that the
majority of parents of children (75%) studied
expressed satisfaction with the environment and there
were still 25% of parents of children who feel less
satisfied with the environment. For respondents who
said they were satisfied because of the cool and
comfortable environment, a children's playground
was provided, the room was neat and clean, the
examination room was comfortable and facilitated
with wall decoration that made the child feel
comfortable and not afraid.
Parents who feel unsatisfied were caused by the
condition of their children who cannot take advantage
of existing facilities at the hospital, due to the
condition of the sick child despite being provided
with a playground. There were also those who were
caused by the fact that their children were still afraid
of the doctors or nurses who were considered as other
people that will hurt them. The role of the doctor in
making a child comfortable is very important during
the examination process. The doctor must make the
child feel at home in his own home and not be afraid
of the actions the doctor will take. In general, parents
who were satisfied with the environment tend to reuse
if their children got sick.
The findings in this study were parents feel less
satisfied with the comfort of the hospital by 21%,
service officers by 24%, service procedures by 20%,
service results by 27%, environment by25%. About
25% of parents were not loyal or will not return to use
hospital services. The results of multivariate analysis
showed that the desire of parents to re-use outpatient
services when their children got sick was related to
Service Officers, service procedures, and the
environment. While the variable comfort and service
results were not related. The most dominant variable
related in this study was the service procedure which
has a value of Exp (B) / OR = 7.959 by mean that
parents who were satisfied with hospital service
procedures, have the opportunity to re-use outpatient
services by 7.9 times higher than parents who lack
satisfied with hospital service procedures. So it can be
concluded in this discussion the indication of parental
satisfaction parameters towards the desire to re-use
outpatient services is the highest is the service
procedure where parents will return to take advantage
of outpatient care when the procedures performed at
the hospital meet or even more than the expectations
of patients and family. Although feeling dissatisfied
with other services, but feeling satisfied with the
service procedures, overall it is sufficient to satisfy
the patient and make the patient reuse outpatient
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Identification of Parental Satisfaction Parameters to Re-utilize Outpatient Services