Forecasting Maternal Satisfaction with the Quality of Pregnancy and
Childbirth Services using the ANFIS Method
Angel Jelita, Ermi Girsang, Sri Lestari R. Nasution
Faculty of Medical, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: Quality of Service, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Maternal Satisfaction.
Abstract: The decrease in the number of patient visits to a hospital allegedly due to dissatisfaction because of the
unexpected quality of service. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the quality of pregnancy
and childbirth services on maternal satisfaction. Evaluating and modeling variables on 18,782 respondents
with 200 samples were conducted. Supporting analysis of the questionnaire data using univariate, bivariate
with chi-square test, and multivariate with multiple logistic regression at the 95% confidence level ( = 0.05)
was chosen. The results of modeling using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) method
showed satisfactory results with an accuracy of 92.3%. While statistically there was the influence of physical
evidence, reliability, quick response, and empathy to patient satisfaction p <0.05. The variable that had the
greatest influence on maternal satisfaction was responsiveness with a good chance of 7.9 times higher toward
the less good.
The success of maternal health efforts can be seen
from the indicators of Maternal Mortality Rate
(MMR). This indicator is not only able to assess
maternal health programs, moreover it is able to
assess the degree of public health (because of its
sensitivity to improving health services, both in terms
of accessibility and quality) (Ministry of Health
Republic of Indonesia, 2015). WHO defines maternal
mortality as a death that accurs during pregnancy or
within a period of 42 days after the pregnancy ends,
which is caused by all caused to or aggravated bu
pregnancy or its handling, but not due to
accident/injuries (Askar, M. 2019). The 2012 IDHS
is 359 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. AKI
again showed a decrease to 305 maternal deaths per
100,000 live births based on the 2015 Intercensal
Population Survey (SUPAS) (BPS, 2015). This
achievement is still far from the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) target in 2030, reducing
maternal mortality to below 70 per 100,000 live births
(Ministry of Health, 2017).
Most cases of maternal and perinatal mortality
occur in women who do not receive antenatal care
with more than 99% that women living in developing
counties (Dauletyarova, M. A, 2018). Data from the
North Sumatra Province Health Service shows that
maternal deaths in 2016 were 175 cases. The maternal
death was caused by eclampsia factors, such as
seizures, edema or swelling of the body, the presence
of kidney leakage and the most severe, namely
hypertension totaling 38 people. Bleeding factors,
such as maternal anemia 47 cases, infection 10 cases,
parturition jams 3 cases, abortion 3 cases and others
70 cases. The highest number of maternal deaths in
Deli Serdang Regency is 27 people, North Nias is 22
people, Asahan is 21 people. However, Labura and
Nias have not received the data (Provincial Health
Office, 2017).
AKI in North Sumatra reached 194 people in
2017. The number has decreased from 2016 which
was 240 people. Although maternal mortality and
infant mortality rates have declined, the health sector
has SDGs indicators (Medan City Health Office,
2018). Based on the health profile of North Sumatra
Province in 2016, the ratio of specialist doctors,
including obstetric specialists to 100,000 residents
was 19.80, while the ratio of midwives to 100,000
residents was 139.53. This shows that there is still a
lack of specialist doctors and the distribution is also
uneven in 33 districts / cities (Provincial Health
Office, 2017).
Maternity period is important and crucial in the
life of women. An array of services is provide to
Jelita, A., Girsang, E. and R. Nasution, S.
Forecasting Maternal Satisfaction with the Quality of Pregnancy and Childbirth Services using the ANFIS Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0010291401330140
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical (HIMBEP 2020), pages 133-140
ISBN: 978-989-758-500-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
pregnant women during this period. These service
include prenatal care and counselling, skilled
delivery, assistance recourse to caesarean sections.
Developing world have high risk of maternal
mortality. 1 in 38 women as compared to 1 in 3700
women, leading to increased number of women
seeking maternal helath (Konlan, K.D, 2018).
Lari and colleagues define that patient satisfaction
as the extent of an individual’s experience compared
with her expectations or what patients’ and the
population need to receive from health care service.
WHO encourages the presence of skilled doctors at
each birth to reduce maternal mortality and
recommends that women satisfaction be assessed to
improve the effectiveness and quality of health care
(sayed et al, 2018). Bramadat et all (in Ajayi, A. I,
2019) defined satisfaction a “positive feeling” or
“effective response” to an event. Srivastava et al (in
Ajayi, A. I, 2019) that women satisfaction with
maternal health care services, three dimensions of
care are structural, processes and outcomes. The
structural includes good physical environment,
cleanliness of wards, theatres and toilets and adequate
human and material resouces. The process aspect
relate to interpersonal and emotional support received
from doctors or midwives, privacy and promptness.
While the outcome aspect relate to connotes the
health status of the mother and the baby.
Services for pregnant and childbirth women are
carried out by health workers, professionally will be
done as well as possible so that pregnant women feel
satisfied with the services provided (Varney, 2015).
Many factors can influence a person to feel satisfied
with services in health facilities such as clinics, health
centers, and hospitals such as the experience of
midwives and doctors during the examination
process, complete facilities, ease of location of health
facilities that are easily accessible, competitive rates,
speed Dauin conducting examinations friendliness of
midwives and doctors in ANC and childbirth services
(Baety, 2015).
Based on Amu, H & Nyarko, S.H (2019) research,
a few issues were considered to asses maternal
satisfaction with services provide. These included
satisfaction with head-to-toe examination, health
education, services relating to drugs and delivery
serives. Accros the maternal healthcare continue, the
assessment of maternal satisfaction has basically
focused on physical environment, available of
services, hygiene and accommodation conditions,
interpersonal relationshipwith healthcare
professional, the organization of work, and the
competence and skilled of healthcare professional.
In terms of service, health workers will make the
best effort in services such as increasing inspection
facilities that do not yet exist, improving facilities
such as waiting rooms, and parking spaces for
visitors' vehicles, increasing the level of skills of
health workers such as attending health training or
seminars on ANC issues and childbirth (Spiritual,
2016; Turnip et al, 2020; Wijaya et al, 2019). Health
facilities such as clinics, health centers, maternity
hospitals, hospitals are required to be able to provide
quality services that can meet the needs and desires of
clients (Prawirohardjo, 2013). Health facilities can
have better services than others, for example in terms
of providing motivation to clients, hospitality
services by providing smiles, greetings, and
greetings, providing low prices, especially for the
lower middle class. The quality of health services in
good health facilities is maternity homes that are truly
quality and able to compete (Barata, 2014).
Quality must start from the needs of the patient
(client) and end on the perception of the patient
(client). This means that a good quality image is not
based on the viewpoint or perception of the service
provider, but based on the viewpoint or perception of
the patient (client). Zeithaml, Berry, and Parasuraman
in Tjiptono stated that service quality consists of
tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and
empathy (Tjiptono & Chandra, 2015). Perception of
quality maternity services differed significantly by
the type of facility used by women. Based on Konlan
K. D etal (2018) researchin Nepal, women considered
the private hospital to provide quality meternity
services due to the avaibility of amenities and
equipment as well as good midwife-client
relationship. In addition, attitudes and behaviors of
maternal health care providers influence health care
seeking and quality of care.
Mindaye & Taye's research in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, concluded that from 406 research
respondents that respondents were satisfied with
laboratory services (physical / direct evidence) with
an average of less than 30 minutes. Respondent
satisfaction is more influenced by the complete
facilities so as to facilitate service to patients
(Mindaye & Taye, 2012). Hermanto's research
examines Midwifery Inpatient at Dr. H. Soemarno
Sosroatmodjo Bulungan East Kalimantan in 2010
found that the factors related to patient satisfaction
were maternal perceptions of reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and direct
evidence (Hermanto, 2010). Likewise Kahar's
research at the Barru District Hospital in 2017
showed that there was an influence of reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and direct
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical
evidence. Reliability variable is the most influential
factor on inpatient satisfaction (Kahar, Palu, &
Raodhah, 2017).
Getting good and proper quality health services
were the desire of every individual who wants to do
care and treatment. This concerns about individual
satisfaction in receiving services through health
facilities that aim to maintain and improve health and
cure disease.
Stella Maris Hospital in Medan is included in the
category of special hospitals that provide services for
maternal and child health problems, ranging from
maternal, reproductive and children. Integrated
services at the Stella Maris Mother and Child
Hospital are carried out by a dedicated team of
Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialists, Pediatricians,
Neonatologists and nurses. Stella Maris Hospital
provides high-quality health services for all matters
related to fertility, pregnancy, menstrual problems,
menopause, pelvic infections, cancer in women, and
health care for infants, children and adults.
Based on interviews conducted by researchers in
an initial survey of 15 visiting mothers, 9 people were
satisfied with the services provided during pregnancy
and childbirth. While 6 other people feel less satisfied
with the quality of pregnancy and childbirth services.
The dissatisfaction felt by the mother was related to
the presence of some doctors and nurses who are not
friendly, waiting in line for a long time due to the
large number of patients that must be treated,
communication with nurses was less intertwined,
there were some nurses who less responsive when
asked for help by patients, and lack of empathy.
This type of research was a quantitative analytic
study with a cross sectional study design. The study
population was 18,782 people, and samples were
obtained about 200 respondents. The research
sampling technique was accidental sampling.
Univariate data analysis, bivariate using chi-square
test, and multivariate using multiple logistic
regression tests with a confidence level of 95% ( =
Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)
method is a method that uses artificial neural
networks to implement fuzzy inference systems. The
advantage of fuzzy inference systems is that they can
translate knowledge from experts in the form of rules,
but it usually takes a long time to determine the
membership function. Therefore it takes learning
techniques from artificial neural networks to
automate the process so that it can reduce search time,
this causes the ANFIS method to be very well applied
in various fields (Turnip, 2018). Similar to artificial
neural networks, there are also layers in ANFIS but
the number is an average of five layers as shown in
Figure 1. In general, the mathematical form of ANFIS
IF x is A1 AND y is B1 THEN f1 = p1x + q1y + r1
IF x is A2 AND y is B2 THEN f2 = p2x + q2y + r2
Figure 1: ANFIS processing scheme with input and output
In the Figure 1, the first layer functions to convert
crisp numbers into fuzzy numbers by using fuzzy sets.
In the second layer, each input goes to the same layer
to find out firing strength. In the third layer
normalization calculations were carried out before
applying to the fourth layer. Normalization was the
process of re-weighting to obtain a total / max of one.
On the fourth layer, the process was continued by
multiplying with functions that involve inputs (x and
y) to produce output that was already in the form of
CRISP. The final step was to accumulate the results
of the fourth layer (for the two rules). While for the
learning method, backpropagation with the principle
of minimizing errors that occur in the form of mean
absolute percent error was used (Kusumandari et al,
2018; Turnip et al, 2018).
In this study, the independent variables in the
form of appropriateness, change efficacy,
management support, and personal fit are used as
inputs and the independent variables in the form of
accreditation sustainability as an output were used in
the modeling using ANFIS method. About 40% of the
measured data from queries are used as a data training
and the last part were used for data testing.
Characteristics of respondents involved in the study
can be seen as in Table 1.
Forecasting Maternal Satisfaction with the Quality of Pregnancy and Childbirth Services using the ANFIS Method
Table 1: Characteristics of Research Respondents.
Age (years):
a. <20
b. 20-35
c. ≥35
Education :
a. Midble high
b. Diploma
c. Undergraduate
a. House wife
b. Official staff
c. Private
d. Entrepreneurs /
Childbirth of:
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
e. Fifth
Based on the results of the bivariate analysis, all
independent variables were found to be significantly
related to maternal satis faction. The complete
Chi-Square statistical test results can be seen in Table
Table 2: The Relationship of Each Independent and
Dependent Variable.
The results of multivariate analysis with multiple
logistic regression tests showed that from the five
candidate model variables, four variables were found
that affect maternal satisfaction, namely tangible,
reliability, responsiveness, and empathy. The most
influential variable was the responsiveness variable
with the value Exp (B) / OR = 7.985 (Table 3), which
means that mothers who expressed good hospital
responsiveness, had the opportunity to feel satisfied
with pregnancy and childbirth services by 7.9 times
higher than those of not good.
Table 3: Multiple Logistic Regression Test Results.
95%CI for
3.1 Tangible Effect
Tangibles was the ability of a company to show its
existence to external parties. The appearance of the
office and employees, the ability of physical facilities
and infrastructure, and the surrounding environment
were tangible proof of the services provided by the
service buyer. Appearance of services was not only
limited to the physical appearance of a magnificent
building but also the appearance of officers and the
availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure.
Tangible dimensions are the appearance and ability of
reliable physical facilities and infrastructure.
Tangible includes the comfort of inpatient rooms,
environmental cleanliness, appearance of medical
personnel, and completeness. The quality of a health
service is closely related to the will in meeting the
needs of the users of health services, the more perfect
the fulfillment of these needs the better the quality of
Based on the results of multivariate analysis with
the results of the study indicate that there is an
influence of physical evidence (tangible) on maternal
satisfaction, p = 0,000 <0.05. Variable physical
evidence that has a value of Exp (B) / OR = 7.598
means that mothers who state good hospital physical
evidence, have the opportunity to feel satisfied with
pregnancy and childbirth services by 7.5 times higher
than mothers who state that hospital tangibility is not
Based on the results of this study prove that
tangibles significantly influence the satisfaction of
mothers who receive pregnancy and childbirth
services. Mothers who stated that the quality of
services based on good physical evidence dimensions
tended to feel satisfied, and conversely mothers who
said that physical evidence was less good tended to
feel dissatisfied.
It was assumed that the satisfaction felt by the
mother as a respondent relates to a clean and
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical
comfortable pregnancy and maternity examination
room, equipment, clean and well-maintained
bathroom. Likewise, the appearance of health
workers (doctors, midwives, nurses) must be clean
and neat. The things that are visible to the eye and can
be assessed directly cause patients to be able to
provide an assessment in accordance with what is
perceived. If the physical evidence that was felt and
seen exceeds what is expected then the patient will
feel satisfied.
3.2 Reliability Effect
The perception of the reliability of midwifery services
can be viewed from the ability of officers to provide
services properly, such as the ability of doctors to
diagnose illnesses, heal or hospital obligations, all
hospitalized patients must be given medical care,
nursing care or midwifery care regardless of the class
of care. In general, midwifery inpatients stated that
the reliability of inpatients was good. Respondents
who stated that the reliability they received was good
was due to a series of examinations the doctor was
able to immediately know the patient's illness and
they were given drugs and injections according to
Based on the results of the study indicate that
there was an effect of reliability on maternal
satisfaction, p = 0.029 <0.05. The reliability variable
has a value of Exp (B) / OR = 3.049, which means
that patients who state good hospital reliability, have
the opportunity to feel satisfied with pregnancy and
childbirth services by 3 times higher which was not
good. The results of this study prove that reliability in
pregnancy and childbirth services has a significant
effect on patient satisfaction.
Reliability was assumed to be related to officers
providing information about the results of pregnancy
examinations and childbirth actions and routinely
receive doctor and midwife/nurse service visits.
Health workers must answer all patient complaints
about pregnancy and childbirth and explain the results
of the examination that has been done. Reliability is
also related to the actions taken by health workers in
conducting a thorough examination. The reliability of
health workers is an important concern in the quality
of pregnancy and childbirth services so that patients
become more confident.
3.3 Responsiveness Effects
Responsiveness was one of the determining factors in
the progress of a hospital. Satisfaction was a
condition when the needs, desires, and expectations
of patients can be met through the consumed products
/ services. The quality of health services is generally
associated with satisfaction of health services. Based
on the results of the study showed that there was an
effect of responsiveness on patient satisfaction, p =
0,000 <0.05. The responsiveness variable has a value
of Exp (B) / OR = 7.985 which means that patients
who state that the hospital's responsiveness was good,
have a 7.9% higher chance of being satisfied with
pregnancy and childbirth services.
The results of this study indicate that
responsiveness in pregnancy and childbirth services
has a significant effect on satisfaction.
Responsiveness was assumed in increasing patient
satisfaction related to the readiness of health workers
to come immediately if called and asked for help.
Health workers also routinely carry out checks and
respond to complaints felt by patients. The
responsiveness of health workers was also related to
examinations carried out according to schedule so
that patients are not aware of the conditions they are
experiencing. In this study shows that responsiveness
was the variable that has the biggest effect on patient
3.4 Empathy Effects
Based on the results of the study showed that there
was an empathy effect on patient satisfaction, p =
0.002 <0.05. The empathy variable (empathy) which
has a value of Exp (B) / OR = 4,719 means that
patients who state that the hospital empathy was
good, have the opportunity to feel satisfied with
pregnancy and childbirth services by 4.7 times higher
than the less good ones.
Indicators of patient satisfaction in hospitals can
be applied by improving service management so that
patient satisfaction can be realized such as empathy
or attention from health workers. In addition, the
quality of empathy dimensions of service can be a
factor in choosing a quality hospital. The empathy
service variables measured included nurses serving
regardless of social status, providing guidance about
illness and its prevention, communicating with
patients well, introducing themselves to patients and
giving attention. Responsiveness is one factor the
results of this study prove that the quality of service
in the empathy dimension significantly influences
patient satisfaction in pregnancy and childbirth
Empathy can be done by getting patients to
communicate effectively about the conditions of
pregnancy and childbirth. Hospitality and courtesy in
dealing with patients are also evaluated where health
workers must be friendly and polite. Health workers
Forecasting Maternal Satisfaction with the Quality of Pregnancy and Childbirth Services using the ANFIS Method
must also provide opportunities for patients to express
health problems they face, and express feelings
during pregnancy, childbirth and also after childbirth.
All of that was delivered in language that is easily
understood by patients so that they feel satisfied and
also states that the quality of service was on the
empathy dimension.
Stages of the implementation of the Adaptive
Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System method in forecasting
maternal satisfaction based on the quality of
pregnancy and childbirth services is making a
flowchart design, conducting data clustering using
fuzzy C-Mean, determining the neurontiap of each
layer, looking for parameter values using recursive
LSE, then determining error calculation using a sum
square error and deciding on a model of forecasting
maternal satisfaction.
After the system was designed and used as a
system of forecasting maternal satisfaction with the
quality of pregnancy and childbirth services, the
system's accuracy level must be tested. In this study,
the involved 200 respondents' data from
questionnaires, where 2/3 of the overall data is used
as training data (150 data). The first step when
running a program for forecasting maternal
satisfaction is to enter data (150 training data) into the
training form as shown in Figure 2 (a) input the
required values that include tangible data, reliability,
responsiveness and target output in the form of
maternal satisfaction and then continue filling
training data Figure 2 (b). Training data here was
class, maximum epoh, error, learning rate and
momentum. Training data for class was 5, maximum
epoh was 40, error tolerance was 10-6 (Fig. 3 (a),
learning rate was 0.9 and momentum 0.6. By using
hybrid learning methods, ANFIS can map input
values towards output values based on knowledge
which is trained in the form of fuzzy rules.
Figure 3 (b) shows how the relationship of 150
data checking taken randomly from 200 data, with
FIS output was ANFIS learning outcomes from 150
training data. It can be seen that from the 100th data
up to 145 data distributions began to spread and
differs from the first 150 which tend to be converging.
This was because ANFIS has never recognize the
provided so it makes the accuracy in ANFIS method
decrease. After updating the rules about 1024 which
the variables are interconnected, the prediction model
design was obtained as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4
above is also called ANFIS Architecture which
consists of 5 input variables, each of which has 4
classes and the rightmost layer is the output in the
form of maternal satisfaction. Membership function
for input variables as a combination of membership
functions was triangular representation (trimf). Fig.5
is a comparison between satisfaction output measured
from the questionnaire towards ANFIS learning with
accuracy level of 97.48%. Those accuracy level
indicates that the designed predictive model could
predict the mather’s satisfication level with an error
value of 0.0251.
Figure 2: (a) Membership function and (b) Training data.
Figure 3: (a) Taining error about 10-6 and (b) Checking
data: FIS output.
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical
Figure 4: (a) Deigned Model ANFIS for Mother’ s
Satisfication prediction.
Figure 5: (a) Classification accuracy about 97.48%.
Physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, and
empathy affect patient satisfaction, while the
guarantee variable has no effect. The most influential
variable in this study is the responsiveness variable
which has a value of Exp (B) / OR = 7.985, which
means that patients who state good hospital
responsiveness, have the opportunity to feel satisfied
with pregnancy and childbirth services by 7.9 times
higher than the less well.
After conducting an experiment by entering the
class variable is 5, the maximum epoh is 400, error is
10-6, the range of learning rate values is 0.6 to 0.9,
and the range of values of momentum = 0.6 to 0.9.
The results that showed the smallest SSE were
learning rate 0.9 and momentum 0.6 with SSE
0.0251. The accuracy of the results of forecasting
maternal satisfaction with the ANFIS method is
97.48% with a relatively small error. These results
indicate that the design of a predictive model can be
used to predict the level of satisfaction of mothers
giving birth at a hospital based on quality criteria for
pregnancy and childbirth services.
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