Patient Preferences on Decisions of Choosing Obgyn Polyclinic
Kendy Gunawan, Ermi Girsang*, Sri Lestari R. Nasution, Chrismis Novalinda Ginting
Faculty of Medical, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: Patient preferences, Obgyn Polyclinic, Service Quality, Service Selection Decisions.
Abstract: Patient preferences can be interpreted as the tendency of patients to choose health services according to
percaeived perceptions. Based on the survey results it can be seen the average difference in the number of
patient visits between hospitals. The difference in the number of visits indicates there are factors which
according to the patient play a role in the selection of Obgyn Polyclinic services. This study aims to evaluate
the influence of patient preferences on the decision to choose Obgyn Polyclinic services. The type of research
was a quantitative survey using a cross-sectional approach with accidental sampling techniques.
Determination of the samples number was done by using the proportional allocation formula on 280 patients
so that a sample of 63 respondents was obtained. Data were analyzed using logistic regression tests. Based on
the results of the analysis it can be seen that on average about 51-89% consider factors of the role of family,
service quality, promotion, price, and place affect patient preferences in service selection decisions. Based on
the multivariate final model the variables of family role, service quality, promotion and location are the
biggest predictors in service selection decisions. Meanwhile, service quality, price and place variables are the
biggest predictors in service selection decisions.
The development of science and technology has led
to many choices of goods and services in all sectors
including the health service sector. Health is a service
sector that has a fairly rapid growth rate in the service
business. This can be seen by the increasing demands
of the community for quality medical services, thus
making the community more selective in the selection
of health services. One health facility which is
considered the most rapidly developing hospital. At
this time the direction of hospitals in Indonesia has
shifted towards profit oriented, this is due to
Indonesia's entry into free market competition which
requires the public to change the way of viewing
hospital services. The increasing number of hospitals
is what makes each hospital compete with each other
to get customers.
In marketing its services, every hospital must
know how perceptions or forms of consumer behavior
(patients) in order to win the competition. A company
needs to identify the forms of consumer behavior and
the factors that influence purchasing decisions. Philip
and Kotler (2015) argue that consumer behavior is the
study of how individuals, groups and organizations
choose, buy, use, and how goods, services, ideas, or
experiences can satisfy their needs and desires. The
model of consumer behavior is caused by marketing
stimuli (products, prices, places and promotions) and
other stimuli such as economics, technology, politics,
and culture which can shape the preferences of
According to Kotler (2015), the decision to buy is
a step for users who already have a choice in carrying
out transactions with a commitment to make
payments with the right to own or use service goods.
According to Peter and Olson (2016) purchasing
decisions are a step of combining knowledge to assess
many alternative behaviors and select them.
Consumers have a target or which behavior will be
implemented in order to reach the target in the
decision making stage. It was also explained that
problem solving is a continuous reciprocal flow that
occurs between environmental factors, cognitive and
affective steps and behavior. The initial stage is to
understand the occurrence of the problem, then an
assessment of the available alternatives and the
selection of steps is deemed appropriate. In the next
stage, the transaction is realized in action, then the
product will be utilized and the consumer will
Gunawan, K., Girsang, E., R. Nasution, S. and Ginting, C.
Patient Preferences on Decisions of Choosing Obgyn Polyclinic Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0010286600420050
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical (HIMBEP 2020), pages 42-50
ISBN: 978-989-758-500-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
reassess what he has chosen, this is what is often
referred to as the preference of the customer.
Patient preference itself can be interpreted as how
the patient's tendency in choosing health services
according to perceived perceptions (Basteimejer,
2019; Turnip et al, 2020; Wijaya et al, 2019).
Understanding of patient preferences is what is
considered important to know every hospital in order
to improve the quality of service so that patients feel
satisfied and loyal in making service decisions.
Stella Maris Hospital is one of the hospitals
located in Medan. The hospital has a number of
integrated polyclinics that help treat patients' health
problems. One of the hospital's mainstay polyclinics
with the highest number of visits is the Obgyn
Polyclinic. As a hospital that focuses on maternal and
child care, Stella Maris Hospital has maternity
services with operating room facilities, delivery
rooms, ICU, NICU, perinatal room, healthy baby
room and laboratory for examinations.
Within the last 7 months in 2019, Obgyn
Polyclinic at Stella Maris Hospital was recorded as
having a very high number of visits, this can be seen
from the number of visits in January alone which
reached 2413 patients, in February as many as 2170,
March as many as 2395 patients , in April there were
2100 patients, in May there were 2600 patients, in
June there were 2138 patients, and in July it reached
2593 patients. From these data it appears that indeed
very many patients who choose to use either
maternity services or treatment at the Obgyn
Polyclinic Stella Maris Hospital.
Besides Stella Maris Hospital, also has several
hospitals that provide Obgyn Polyclinic services, one
of which is Sarah Hospital. Unlike the Stella Maris
Hospital, data on patient visits coming to the Obgyn
Polyclinic service at Sarah Hospital experienced
fluctuations. This can be seen from the number of
patient visits in the last 7 months in 2019. In January
the number of patient visits was 651 patients, a
decrease in February was 555 patients, and increased
again in March by 665 patients. Back down in April
as many as 597 patients, up again in May as many as
653 patients, but decreased in June which only
reached 481 patients, and in July last rose again
reaching as many as 579 patients.
Based on these data, it can be seen that there are
differences in the average number of patient visits
between Stella Maris Hospital and Sarah Hospital.
The difference in the number of visits indicates that
there are indeed factors which according to the patient
play a role in the selection of Obgyn Polyclinic
services in a hospital. Therefore, the hospital is
considered necessary to know and analyze the factors
that influence the behavior of patients in making
Understanding of patient behavior is useful to be
able to reach patients, serve patients effectively and
efficiently and provide input for hospital marketing
strategies going forward, so that the number of patient
visits can increase.Mosadeghrad (2014) found that
the choice of patients for a hospital in the UK was
influenced by several reasons including the type of
hospital, service rates, facilities, and reputation of the
hospital. Patient preference in recent years has also
become an interesting topic of discussion at the Asian
level. Ryu et al (2017) argues that the characteristics
of health institutions and the sociodemographic
characteristics of patients are the aspects that most
impact on the sick in deciding to choose certain
hospital services.
Research conducted by Widyasari (2005) found
that patient preferences are influenced by service
quality, building cleanliness, and service rates. The
results of Umayya's study (2017) state that service
quality and rates have an impact on patient
preferences. Rahmat (2013) found that the image of a
hospital had a positive effect on the preferences of
sick people in choosing health services. Patient
characteristics such as social, demographic,
environmental, and economic have a significant
impact on patient preferences in choosing hospital
Ryan (2018) in his review of several literature
found a fairly strong relationship between the
psychological influence and the patient's situational
environment on the choice of health clinics. Becker
(2019) added that hospital rate is the main predictor
of the decision to choose private hospital services.
This is associated with differences in social and
economic classes in society. Leutner (2017) also
concludes that socio-cultural factors including
family, coworkers, and culture play a role in the
selection of one's health services. Other studies have
found that personality and lifestyle factors of patients
influence the reasons for choosing a hospital to give
birth to their baby (Bouce, 2018). De las (2019) and
Brahman (2020) argue that the role of the family,
especially the mother-in-law, is very large in the
decision to choose which hospital to choose as a place
to give birth. While Miller (2019) found the
experience of peers and social class to be the top
indicator of the selection of beauty clinics. Smith
(2017), Morrow (2018) and Hashimoto (2019)
conclude that marketing strategies also have a strong
influence on the reasons consumers choose health
Patient Preferences on Decisions of Choosing Obgyn Polyclinic Services
From the results of previous studies no one has
examined patient preferences from the combined
aspects of sociocultural and marketing strategies. For
this reason, this research will discuss in more depth
how much influence the preferences on service
decision making at two different hospitals.
The design of this study uses a cross sectional method
that is research that emphasizes the measurement time
or observation of independent and dependent variable
data only one time at a time. The location of the study
was conducted at the Obgyn Polyclinic at Stella Maris
Hospital and Sarah General Hospital, which was
conducted from July-September 2019. The
population in this study was 3172 people. The
sampling technique uses accidental sampling
technique with the inclusion criteria of patients who
are undergoing treatment at the Obgyn Polyclinic.
Determination of sample size using the formula
sample size in a limited population and obtained the
number of samples in this study was 343 people.
Determination of the number of samples in each
hospital was carried out using the proportional
allocation formula so that the number of samples for
Stella Maris Hospital was obtained as many as 282
people and Sarah Hospital as many as 63 people.
The independent variable in this study was patient
preference which included, family role, reference
group, culture, service quality, promotion price and
place. While the dependent variable is the decision to
choose a service. Primary data collection is done by
using questionnaires and interviews. The research
questionnaire contained questions about patient
preferences and service choice decisions, which were
assessed using the Guttman scale. If a positive answer
or yes is given a score of 1, while for a negative
answer or not given a score of 0. If the score is
converted in percentage it can be translated for an
answer yes score 1 = 1 x 100% = 100%, while the
answer is not given a score of 0 = 0 x 0% = 0%.
Interviews were conducted based on a
questionnaire that had previously been tested for
validity and reliability. Where from the 45 question
items the results of the validity test each question item
has a value> 0.361 so that all questions on this
questionnaire are declared valid. Likewise with the
data reliability test, it obtained an Cronbach alpha
value of> 0.60, it can be concluded that the
questionnaire was reliable and could be distributed to
respondents to be used as research instruments.
The data were analyzed using the chi-square test
to see the relationship between the independent
variables and the dependent variable. Followed by a
logistic regression test to see the overall effect of the
independent variables on the dependent variable. The
research scheme can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Research Schema
3.1 Univariate Analysis
Univariate analysis basically aims to describe each of
the variables including the characteristics of the
respondent, the independent variable and the
dependent variable using the frequency distribution
Table. Frequency distribution of respondent
characteristics based on demographic data which
includes gender, age, education, occupation and
Based on its characteristics, the observed 282
respondents, the majority of respondents aged <30
years there were 180 respondents (63.8%), had
tertiary education about 165 respondents (58.5%),
types of self-employed were 87 respondents ( 30.9%),
with income> Rp. 3,000,000 about 243 people
The 63 respondents observed, majority of
respondents aged <30 years old were 35 respondents
(55.6%), had tertiary education about 39 respondents
(61.9%), other types of work were 24 respondents (
38.1%), with income> Rp. 3,000,000 there were 52
respondents (82.5%).
3.2 Bivariate Analysis
The next stage of descriptive analysis was bivariate
analysis. Bivariate analysis was performed using chi
square test with significance level (α) = 0.05. The
purpose of this analysis was to observe whether there
Data Validity and Reliability
Data Input and Coding
Analysis of Statistical Data:
Chi Square & Logistic
Research Proposal
Primary Data
Research Result
Identification of Problems:
(The difference in the number
of patient visits)
Independent Variable:
Patient preferences, family role
reference group, culture
service quality, price
promotion, the place
Research Design:
Cross Sectional Analysis
Population and Sample:
3172 and 343 Respondents
Research Sites:
RSIA Stella Maris & RSU
Dependent Variable:
Obgyn service selection
Conclusions and Recommendations
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical
is a relationship between the independent variable and
the dependent variable. The results of the chi square
analysis can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Chi square Analysis Results
Stella Maris
Family Role
Reference group
Service quality
Based on the analysis results, it can be seen at
Stella Marris Hospital, family role variables, service
quality, promotion, and place have a value of p <α,
then it can be concluded that there is a significant
relationship between family role variables, service
quality, promotion, and place with patient
preferences. Whereas at the Sarah General Hospital
service quality, price, and place variables have a
value of p <α, it can be concluded that there is a
significant relationship between variables of service
quality, price, and place with patient preferences.
3.3 Multivariate Analysis
Further analysis of chi square was multivariate
analysis with logistic regression. The purpose of
multivariate analysis is to find out which independent
variable most influences the dependent variable.
Variables that can be carried out by multivariate
analysis are variables which in the results of bivariate
analysis have p values <0.25. Multivariate analysis
used was multiple logistic regression analysis with
prediction models, the results of the analysis can be
seen in Tables 2 & 3.
Table 2. Results of Logistic Regression Analysis at Obgyn
Polyclinic at Stella Maris Hospital
Variables B S.E
Family Role 0,2
Promotion 0,9
Location 0,2
1 0,00
Based on Table 2, it can be seen the final model
of the influence of family role, service quality,
promotion and location variables on patient
preferences in service selection decisions. The results
show that all variables have a value of p <0.05 and it
can be concluded that the role of family, service
quality, promotion and place significantly influence
patient preferences in service selection decisions.
Prediction of service selection decisions that are
influenced by the role of family, service quality,
promotion and place can be explained as follows: the
role of family regression coefficient (𝛽) or OR is
positive, meaning that the better the role of the family
has the opportunity to increase patient preferences in
service selection decisions by 3.003 times more
positive when compared with the role of the family
that is not good. On the service quality variable the
value of the regression coefficient (𝛽) or OR is
positive, meaning that the better the quality of
service, the chance to increase patient preferences in
service selection decisions as much as 5.292 times
more positive when compared to poor service quality.
In the promotion variable, the regression coefficient
(𝛽) or OR is positive, meaning that the better the
promotion has the opportunity to increase patient
preferences in service selection decisions as much as
4,769 times more positive when compared to
promotions that are considered less good. In the place
variable the value of the regression coefficient (𝛽) or
OR is positive, meaning that the better the place has
the opportunity to increase patient preferences in
service selection decisions as much as 2.303 times
more positive when compared to the less good place.
Table 3. Results of Logistic Regression Analysis in Obgyn
Polyclinics at Sarah General Hospital
Variables B S.E
Location 0,8
1 0,01
Next, in Table 3 the final model can be seen from
the influence of variables of service quality, price and
location on patient preferences in service selection
decisions. The results show that all variables have a
value of p <0.05. This means that all independent
variables (service quality, price and place)
significantly influence the dependent variable
(patient preferences in service selection decisions).
Patient Preferences on Decisions of Choosing Obgyn Polyclinic Services
Prediction of service selection decisions that are
influenced by service quality, price and place can be
explained as follows: on service quality the value of
the regression coefficient (OR) or OR is positive,
meaning that the better the quality of service the
opportunity to increase patient preferences in service
selection decisions by 3,622 times positive when
compared with the quality of service that is less good.
In the price variable the value of the regression
coefficient (𝛽) or OR is positive, meaning that the
more appropriate price, the opportunity to increase
patient preferences in service selection decisions as
much as 5.475 times more positive when compared to
prices that are less appropriate. In the variable place
the value of the regression coefficient (𝛽) or OR is
positive, meaning that the better the place has the
opportunity to increase patient preferences in service
selection decisions as much as 1,281 times more
positive if compared to the place considered less
Table 4. Differences in Factors Influencing Patients'
Preferences in Obgyn Polyclinic Service Selection
Decisions at the Stella Maris Hospital and Sarah Hospital
No Variables
Obgyn Polyclinic Hospital
Stella Maris
Role of
3 Culture
5 Price
6 Promotion
7 Place
Based on the Table 4, it can be seen the
differences of the factors that influence patient
preferences in the selection of Obgyn Polyclinic
services. The analysis showed that at Stella Maris
Hospital there are four variables that influence patient
preferences in service selection, namely the role of
family, service quality, promotion, and place.
Whereas at Sarah Hospital, there are only three
variables that influence patient preferences in the
selection of services in terms of quality of service,
price, and place.
3.3.1 Influence of Family Roles with Patient
Preferences in Obgyn Polyclinic
Service Selection Decisions
Based on the analysis results it can be seen that the
comparison according to family role variables, where
there is a difference between the role of the family
between patient preferences at Stella Maris Hospital
and Sarah Hospital. At Stella Maris Hospital it was
found that from 282 respondents who were observed,
there are 213 people who assess the family role with
194 people (91.1%) of whom have positive patient
preferences, while 19 people (8.9%) the rest have
negative patient preferences. Furthermore, there were
69 people who rated the family not playing a role with
42 people (60.9%) of whom had positive preferences,
while 27 people (39.1%) the rest have negative
patient preferences. While at Sarah Hospital, of the 63
respondents observed, there were 31 people who
rated the family as having a role with 17 people
(54.8%) of whom had positive patient preferences,
while the remaining 14 (45.2%) had negative patient
preferences. Furthermore, there were 32 people who
rated the family as not playing a role with 21 people
(65.6%) of whom had positive preferences, while the
remaining 11 people (34.4%) had negative patient
For most consumers, family is the main reference
for various attitudes and behaviors. The family is the
main target market for most products and product
categories. Like most basic urban groups, family is
defined as two or more people, who are linked by
blood ties, marriage, or adoption who live together.
There are three types of families, including husband
and wife, nuclear family and extended family.
In a family, the term socialization function is
known as the main function of the family. Other
family functions include providing economic and
emotional support, and the lifestyle of family
members (Schiffman, 2015). Members of a family
assume a special role in carrying out their daily tasks,
which role or task can extend to the area of decision
making to buy as a service user. The key roles of
family members as service users include people who
influence, decision makers, buyers, people who
prepare, service users and regulators. The role of the
family which is illustrated in this case is the time
when the patient uses Obgyn polyclinic service in the
hospital which is always accompanied by the family.
In addition, after observing, it turns out the
patient's family is not just to accompany or look after
the patient. But more than that, the family acts as an
influencer that influences patient decisions in the
choice of hospital services. Relatives or families who
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical
have used health services at the hospital provide an
overview and information related to the services
provided at the hospital so that patients become
convinced to choose the hospital.
Decisions in service selection can be influenced
by several factors, one of which is an internal factor.
The influence of internal or personal factors can take
the form of perception, motivation and involvement,
knowledge, attitude, learning, age group, lifestyle and
family. This factor is considered to have played an
important role in consumer decision making related
to hospital service selection. The role of the family is
a factor that has a high involvement in the selection
of services. This is based on the fact that within a
family between one family member and another
family member has a large influence and role when
making daily purchases is no exception in the
selection of hospital services (Sangadji, 2013).
Some opinions related to marketing, many
recognize that a person's attitude and behavior in
using a product or service is mainly influenced by his
family. When choosing a poly obgyn service at a
hospital, patients who have never previously used
services at the hospital will usually seek some
information or opinions from other families who have
used services at the hospital. Opinions from other
families allow patients to get a more complete and
reliable picture of the services obtained from the
hospital. The results of this study are in line with the
results of Rahmania's research (2014) which states
that the families considered to have a greater chance
of influencing the decision to choose a hospital.
Research conducted by Flatley (2013) found that
recommendations from families who have never used
a health service affect patient preferences in choosing
that health service.
3.3.2 Influence of Service Quality with
Patient Preferences in Obgyn
Polyclinic Service Selection Decisions
In the results of descriptive analysis related to service
quality variables at Stella Maris Hospital shows, of
the 282 respondents observed, there were 252 people
who rated good service quality with 221 people
(87.7%) of whom had positive patient preferences,
while 31 people (12.3%) the rest had negative patient
preferences. Furthermore, there were 30 people who
rated service quality as poor with 15 people (50.0%)
of whom had positive preferences, while the
remaining 15 people (50.0%) had negative patient
preferences. Similarly, the results of descriptive
analysis related to service quality variables at Sarah's
Hospital showed that, of the 63 respondents observed,
there were 50 people who rated good service quality
with 31 people (62.0%) of whom had positive patient
preferences, while 19 people (38.0%) the rest had
negative patient preferences. Furthermore, there were
13 people who rated the service quality as not good
with 7 people (53.8%) of whom had positive
preferences, while 6 people (46.2%) had the
remaining negative patient preferences.
Kotler et al (2015) formulated that quality is a
dynamic condition related to products, services,
people, processes and the environment that meets or
exceeds expectations. Parasuraman (1994) suggests
five dimensions of service quality. The first
dimension is reliability, that is, the ability to deliver
the promised service accurately and the ability to be
reliably reliably, especially providing services on
time, in the same manner as the promised schedule,
and without mistakes. The second dimension was
responsiveness, which is the willingness or desire of
employees to help provide services needed by
consumers. The third dimension was assurance which
includes knowledge, ability, friendliness, courtesy,
and trustworthiness from personal contacts to
eliminate the nature of consumer doubts and make
them feel free from danger and risk. The fourth
dimension was empathy, which includes the attitude
of personal or company contacts to understand the
needs and difficulties, consumers, good
communication, personal attention, and the ease of
communication or relationships. The fifth or final
dimension was physical products (tangibles), and
others that can and must be in the service process.
3.3.3 Influence of Price with Patient
Preferences in Obgyn Polyclinic
Service Selection Decisions
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen the
comparison according to the price variable, where
there is a difference between the prices between
patient preferences at Stella Maris Hospital and Sarah
Hospital. At Stella Maris Hospital it was found that
of the 282 respondents observed, there were 156
people who rated prices according to 143 people
(91.7%) of whom had positive patient preferences,
while 13 people (8.3%) had the remaining patient
preferences negative ones. Furthermore, there were
126 people who considered the price to be
incompatible with 93 people (73.8%) of whom had
positive preferences, while 33 people (26.2%) had the
remaining negative patient preferences. Different
things are shown from the results of descriptive
analysis related to price variables at Sarah's Hospital
showing, of the 63 respondents observed, there were
Patient Preferences on Decisions of Choosing Obgyn Polyclinic Services
45 people who rated prices according to 24 people
(53.3%) of whom had positive patient preferences,
while 21 people (46.7%) the rest had negative patient
preferences. Furthermore, there were 18 people who
rated the price as incompatible with 14 people
(77.8%) of whom had positive preferences, while the
remaining 4 people (22.2%) had negative patient
Price is an element of the marketing mix that
contributes revenue or income to the company as well
as a flexible marketing mix element, which means it
can be replaced immediately. According to Kotler
(2015), price is the amount of money that becomes an
obligation for consumers to be paid to get a product
or service that is needed or desired by consumers.
Price is the amount of money needed to be exchanged
for a product or service that can meet consumer
needs. Price has the main function on patient
3.3.4 Influence of Promotion with Patient
Preferences in Obgyn Polyclinic
Service Selection Decisions
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen the
comparison according to the price variable, where
there is a difference between the prices between
patient preferences at Stella Maris Hospital and Sarah
Hospital. At Stella Maris Hospital it was found that
of the 282 respondents observed, there were 256
people who rated good promotion with 236 people
(92.2%) of whom had positive patient preferences,
while 20 people (7.8%) had the remaining patient
preferences negative ones. Furthermore, there were
26 people who rated the promotion as not good with
0 people (0.0%) of whom had positive preferences,
while the remaining 26 people (100.0%) had negative
patient preferences.
Different things are shown from the results of
descriptive analysis related to promotion variables at
Sarah's Hospital showing, of the 63 respondents
observed, there were 29 people who rated the
promotion well with 15 people (51.7%) of whom had
positive patient preferences, while 14 people (48.3%)
the rest have negative patient preferences.
Furthermore, there were 34 people who rated the
promotion as not good with 23 people (67.6%) of
whom had positive preferences, while the remaining
11 people (32.4%) had negative patient preferences.
Basically promotion is all types of marketing
activities aimed at encouraging consumer demand for
products offered by producers or sellers. The purpose
of promotion was to modify consumer behavior,
inform or inform the product to consumers, and
persuade and motivate consumers to want to buy the
product offered, and finally remind consumers about
the product so they do not switch to another product.
There were 4 types of activities in the promotion of a
product, among others, advertising, individual sales,
sales promotion, and publicity (Sangadji, 2013).
In relation to hospitals, publicity is the activity
that should be most highlighted in a hospital's
promotional activities. Publicity activities that can be
carried out, for example, are health seminars that
invite the general public, where activities can be
informed about hospitals, services and facilities.
Social service to the community around the hospital
can also be an effective means of publicity. Hospital
website optimization by adding health information
and online consultation can also be an alternative
The results of this study support the results of
previous studies such as the Mosadeqhrad (2014)
study which found that promotion is one of the factors
that influence patient preferences in choosing
outpatient services in a hospital. Schuldt (2017) found
that in Germany patients made the decision to choose
hospital services based on information obtained from
the hospital's website. The patient compares the
information he gets from several hospital websites so
that he can decide which hospital is providing the
most appropriate service for him.
3.3.5 Influence of Location with Patient
Preferences in Obgyn Polyclinic
Service Selection Decisions
In the results of descriptive analysis related to the
variable place in Stella Maris Hospital shows, of the
282 respondents observed, there were 237 people
who rated the place well with 226 people (95.4%) of
whom had positive patient preferences, while 11
people (4, 6%) the rest have negative patient
preferences. Furthermore, there were 45 people who
rated the place as not good with 10 people (22.2%) of
whom had positive preferences, while 35 people
(77.8%) had the remaining negative patient
Similarly, the results of descriptive analysis
related to the variable place in Sarah's Hospital
showed, of the 63 respondents observed, there were
44 people who rated a good place with 24 people
(54.5%) of whom had positive patient preferences,
while 20 people (45,5%) the rest have negative
patient preferences. Furthermore, there were 19
people who rated the place as not good with 14 people
(73.3%) of whom had positive preferences, while 5
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical
people (26.3%) had the remaining negative patient
Location or place was an easy access and
appearance and overall condition. Location of service
facilities is a crucial factor that influences the success
of a service because it is highly related to the
formation of customer perception. Customers'
perceptions of a service can also be influenced by the
atmosphere formed by the exterior and interior of the
relevant service facilities. The elegant atmosphere
often gives rise to a perception of certain social
statuses, a warm atmosphere generates a perception
of comfort, and a professional atmosphere creates a
perception of security and trust among customers.
Based on the results of the analysis it can be seen that
on average about 51-89% consider factors of family
role, service quality, promotion, price and place to
influence patient preferences in service selection
decisions at the Obgyn Polyclinic. Based on the
multivariate final model, the variables of family role,
service quality, promotion and location are the
biggest predictors in the decision to select Obgyn
Polyclinic services..
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