Explainable Sentiment Analysis Application for Social Media Crisis
Management in Retail
Douglas Cirqueira
1 a
, Fernando Almeida
2 b
, G
ultekin Cakir
4 c
, Antonio Jacob
3 d
Fabio Lobato
2,3 e
, Marija Bezbradica
1 f
and Markus Helfert
4 g
School of Computing, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Engineering and Geosciences Institute, Federal University of Western Par
a, Santar
em, Brazil
Technological Sciences Center, State University of Maranh
ao, S
ao Lu
ıs, Brazil
Innovation Value Institute, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland
Sentiment Analysis, Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Digital Retail, Crisis Management.
Sentiment Analysis techniques enable the automatic extraction of sentiment in social media data, including
popular platforms as Twitter. For retailers and marketing analysts, such methods can support the understand-
ing of customers’ attitudes towards brands, especially to handle crises that cause behavioural changes in cus-
tomers, including the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with the increasing adoption of black-box machine
learning-based techniques, transparency becomes a need for those stakeholders to understand why a given
sentiment is predicted, which is rarely explored for retailers facing social media crises. This study develops
an Explainable Sentiment Analysis (XSA) application for Twitter data, and proposes research propositions fo-
cused on evaluating such application in a hypothetical crisis management scenario. Particularly, we evaluate,
through discussions and a simulated user experiment, the XSA support for understanding customer’s needs,
as well as if marketing analysts would trust such an application for their decision-making processes. Results
illustrate the XSA application can be effective in providing the most important words addressing customers
sentiment out of individual tweets, as well as the potential to foster analysts’ confidence in such support.
Crisis management and monitoring in social media
are essential for retailers to understand their cus-
tomers’ needs (Mehta et al., 2020). A crisis in this
context is defined as the negative reaction of cus-
tomers towards particular products or services of a
company, which can happen through their comments
and messages on social media platforms (Vignal Lam-
bret and Barki, 2018). That adverse reaction can im-
pact organizations’ reputation, as customers are in-
creasingly adopting social media to reveal their opin-
ions and sentiment on brands (Cirqueira et al., 2018).
Industry reports reveal the demanding profile of
consumers on social media in 2019, for instance, with
78% of those who complain about a brand on Twitter
expecting a response from the company within one
. Furthermore, the number of users consuming
information over social media is increasing, which
was also noticed during the current coronavirus cri-
(Sharma et al., 2020). Such a context highlights
the need for retailers to interact with their customers
and attend to their needs (de Almeida et al., 2017;
Cirqueira et al., 2017). Furthermore, customer behav-
ior has drastically changed with the corona pandemic,
which can be classified as a moment of crisis (Donthu
and Gustafsson, 2020).
Therefore, the question remains on how retailers
can understand their customers’ sentiment and needs
in such scenarios. Sentiment Analysis (SA) methods,
based on machine learning (ML) models, can sup-
Cirqueira, D., Almeida, F., Cakir, G., Jacob, A., Lobato, F., Bezbradica, M. and Helfert, M.
Explainable Sentiment Analysis Application for Social Media Crisis Management in Retail.
DOI: 10.5220/0010215303190328
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2020), pages 319-328
ISBN: 978-989-758-480-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
port such understanding (Hasan et al., 2018). How-
ever, those methods are usually black-boxes (Adadi
and Berrada, 2018), and provide only a score or label
for a document being classified as positive or nega-
tive. Retailers would need more and understand what
factors impact customers’ opinion and their attitudes
towards their brands (Micu et al., 2017).
Explainable AI (XAI) aims to develop explanation
methods, which enable transparency and understand-
ing of ML models while keeping their good learning
performance (Miller, 2019; Cirqueira et al., 2020).
Indeed, researchers have considered the intersection
between SA and XAI research, generating Explain-
able Sentiment Analysis applications (XSA), support-
ing stakeholders in understanding the sentiment and
reasoning behind predictions for enhancing the inter-
action between decision-makers and SA applications
(Mathews, 2019).
Among social media platforms, Twitter is a valu-
able example and recognized for revealing the real
state of word of mouth globally (Jansen et al., 2009;
Vo et al., 2019). However, there is a lack of investiga-
tion on the adoption of XSA for supporting retailers
dealing with crisis management on Twitter. Research
shows the value of that platform as a data source for
social media analytics and insights, which could also
support the handling of crises and to react to con-
sumers’ needs (Stieglitz et al., 2018). Nevertheless,
the assessment of XSA in this context is essential as
retailers would need to trust and rely on such technol-
ogy for their decision-making and strategies.
Therefore, this study introduces the following re-
search propositions (RP):
1. RP1: An XSA application can support retailers
and analysts in managing social media crises by
understanding customer sentiment and needs on
2. RP2: Retailers and analysts would trust an XSA
application for decision-making, which can be
evaluated based on XAI evaluation frameworks
This study presents prior research to support the
given propositions, and develops an XSA application
to be evaluated in the context of crisis management
on Twitter. The study illustrates a hypothetical cri-
sis management scenario for a retailer dealing with
customers’ negative attitudes via Twitter. The two
research propositions are reflected based on discus-
sions and a simulated user experiment, leveraging the
XSA predictions for customers’ sentiment on a Twit-
ter dataset.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 provides related work within the core themes of
this study; Section 3 describes the crisis management
scenario adopted in the study; Section 4 details the
development of the Explainable Sentiment Analysis
application; Section 5 discusses the research proposi-
tions and evaluation of the XSA application; Section
6 presents final remarks and future work directions.
2.1 Crisis Management
Crisis management is a critical process, and compa-
nies need to undergo in cases of unprecedented and
disruptive events, potentially harming the existence of
whole organisations (Bundy et al., 2017). Organisa-
tional competence requires the ability to detect sig-
nals early in order to sense potential threats and act
accordingly (James and WOOTEN, 2005). For in-
stance, the COVID-19 pandemic represents a typical
crisis event, especially for the retailing sector (Pan-
tano et al., 2020).
Social media can play a crucial role in detecting
disruptive threats and understanding changing con-
sumer behaviour (Saroj and Pal, 2020; Mehta et al.,
2020). Therefore, researchers have highlighted so-
cial media platforms as a fertile ground for crises.
Some have performed empirical investigations and
manual analysis of customers’ emotions online to ob-
tain insights for mitigating threats to their brands (Vi-
gnal Lambret and Barki, 2018). Others have focused
on the challenges and opportunities enabled by those
platforms, and emphasized the need for solutions that
help in sensing and decision-making and usability to
support crisis managers (Zhu et al., 2017; Stieglitz
et al., 2018).
2.2 Twitter as a Source of Opinions
Researchers recognize twitter as a valuable source of
the current state of word of mouth globally (Vo et al.,
2019). The platform is known for being dynamic and
for the speed in which tweets are generated, spreading
the message and attitudes of users towards a wide va-
riety of topics (Steinskog et al., 2017). For instance,
the latest statistics on Twitter usage point out to 6000
tweets being sent per second
. Political parties, fi-
nancial institutions, and policymakers have already
explored this platform’s potential to understand the
public and forecast the behavior of a population or
the market (Bovet et al., 2018; Pagolu et al., 2016).
Companies and marketing teams also realized the
need for a presence on such a platform, where users
WUDESHI-DR 2020 - Special Session on User Decision Support and Human Interaction in Digital Retail
present their opinions on other users and brands and
their services (Rathan et al., 2018). Researchers in
Social Customer Relationship Management (Social
CRM) also discuss this network’s potential for inte-
grating customer engagement on social media within
traditional CRM platforms (Lobato et al., 2016).
The platform features also facilitate the investigation
through its data, based on Application Programming
Interfaces (API) and friendly access to developers
(Liu, 2019).
2.3 Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Analysis methods and techniques aim to
automatically detect the sentiment, opinion, and po-
larity present in textual datasets (Liu, 2012; Cirqueira
et al., 2016). SA methodologies are diverse, and in-
clude, for instance, dictionary-based and ML-based
methods, the last being widely explored and recog-
nized as efficient in the field (Medhat et al., 2014).
SA supports a wide range of applications, including
the retail sector, especially in the domain of social
media monitoring, where user-generated content can
reveal trends and customers’ attitudes towards brands
and companies (Hu et al., 2017).
2.4 Explainable AI
Explainable AI (XAI) researchers aim to keep the
learning capacity of ML models, while enabling their
transparency and understanding for its users (Miller,
2019; Holzinger et al., 2020). Such understanding
is enabled through explanations, which can be intrin-
sic to transparent ML models, such as decision trees,
or provided by model-agnostic and post-hoc methods
(Molnar, 2019).
Within the disciplines of computer science and
ML, the development of model-agnostic explanations
has been popular. Examples include LIME (Ribeiro
et al., 2016) and SHAP (Lundberg and Lee, 2017).
Both methods enable the visualization of feature im-
portance and impact on predictions of AI models,
which has proven to be useful for decision-making in
a diversity of scenarios (Slack et al., 2019). Such ex-
planations can be provided at a local level, when ex-
plaining a particular prediction, or global level, when
explaining the whole logic of an AI model (Adadi and
Berrada, 2018).
2.5 Explainable Sentiment Analysis
These studies aim not only the extraction and pre-
dictions for the sentiment, but also explanations for
why a particular polarity is attributed to a textual
dataset instance. Such applications have supported re-
searchers and decision-makers to consider a human-
in-the-loop perspective to enhance SA techniques,
and evaluate existing explanation methods through
SA applications (Zucco et al., 2018; So, 2020; Hase
and Bansal, 2020; Silveira et al., 2019).
Regarding Twitter data, researchers have investi-
gated XSA support in understanding the behavior of
voters (Mathews, 2019). Others have explored the
adoption of explanation methods for mining tweets
topics and automatic text generation (Islam, 2019;
Ehsan et al., ). However, the case of XSA for sup-
porting retailers in understanding customers on Twit-
ter is rarely observed, especially in crisis management
We develop a hypothetical scenario, inspired in previ-
ous references and case studies (Saroj and Pal, 2020;
Mehta et al., 2020; Vignal Lambret and Barki, 2018;
Zhu et al., 2017; Stieglitz et al., 2018). The context
represents a crisis management scenario, where a re-
tailer or marketing analyst needs to undergo through
tweets discussing issues on their products. In the
case of the adopted dataset for this study, tweets
are about electronic products, including laptops and
smartphones of a big company.
Companies usually have a department focused on
monitoring the reputation of the brand. That depart-
ment is composed of professionals aiming to provide
retailers with the feedback and needs of brand con-
sumers (Tsirakis et al., 2017). In the hypothetical
scenario, there is the release of a new series of elec-
tronic products, and customers have been discussing
the new features. A Twitter dataset representing such
a scenario has been identified, and employed in the
experiments within this study
However, as expected, not all the comments and
tweets are positive, and the company needs to react
to the negative observations of customers, and iden-
tify their reasons. Consumers’ negative comments are
known for influencing customers’ attitudes searching
for information on a particular brand or product (Baek
et al., 2014). To keep a good image and reputation is
vital for the company in this scenario as well.
Therefore, in this scenario, marketing analysts
would have two tasks: to analyze customers’ senti-
ment on those tweets and understand their particular
needs. In the end, they would report their findings
Explainable Sentiment Analysis Application for Social Media Crisis Management in Retail
back to the responsible department with their com-
pany. Such an analysis could hardly be performed
manually, given the large number of tweets available.
Therefore, those professionals would have the support
of an XSA application.
The XSA application automatically provides the
scores for sentiments that can be detected on cus-
tomers’ tweets, as well as explanations for the predic-
tions. However, for relying on such predictions, those
professionals need to rely on and trust them (Zhang
et al., 2020). Therefore, the next sections present the
development and evaluation of an XSA application,
regarding the two tasks of those professionals in this
scenario, which are aligned with our research propo-
The development stages of this research follow a
CRISP-DM methodology, composed of the following
steps: business understanding, data understanding,
data preparation, modeling, evaluation, and deploy-
ment (Wirth and Hipp, 2000). For business and data
understanding, it is reviewed the literature in XSA and
explored available datasets within the Twitter domain,
which could represent a crisis management scenario
for a particular retailer.
Therefore, a dataset of tweets discussing electron-
ics products is identified, which is considered repre-
sentative of our context and mentioned in Section 3. It
is adopted positive and negative instances out of this
dataset, resulting in 375 positive and 1092 negative
tweets, a total of 1467 instances. For data prepara-
tion, it is regarded literature of preprocessing steps
for SA applications (Cirqueira et al., 2018; Krouska
et al., 2016). The implemented preprocessing steps
are lowercasing, stopwords removal, stemming, spe-
cial character removal, punctuation removal, numbers
removal, and emojis removal, widely explored in SA
literature. The character ”#” for hashtags is removed,
and the hashtag content is kept. Mentions and Twitter
handles are also removed.
For modeling, we use the mentioned dataset to
train and test the ML models of Support Vector Ma-
chines (SVM) (Steinwart and Christmann, 2008),
Random Forest (RF) (Breiman, 2001), XGB Boost
Classifier (Chen and Guestrin, 2016), and Neural Net-
work Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) (Popescu et al.,
2009). Those are well regarded as good perform-
ing in the field of SA (Luo et al., 2016; Al Amrani
et al., 2018; Jabreel and Moreno, 2018). We perform
cross-validation with 5 folds (Browne, 2000), and ob-
serve the MLP model performs the best regarding the
F1 score (Zhang et al., 2015). Table 1 illustrates the
MLP performance compared to the other tested mod-
els. Our MLP model contains one hidden layer with
150 neurons, and an output layer with two neurons for
the positive and negative sentiment classes. There-
fore, for the next development steps, the MLP model
is adopted.
Table 1: Average F1 Scores for 5-Fold Cross Validation on
the Twitter Dataset.
ML Model Average F1 Score
SVM 0.75
RF 0.74
XGBoost 0.79
MLP 0.81
Furthermore, to provide explanations within our
XSA application, LIME and SHAP’s explanation
methods are employed, given their well-documented
material and wide adoption in research and industry.
Therefore, this study assumes such methods reflect
the current state-of-art and practice in XAI research,
which guarantees our application is up-to-date in this
regard. Therefore, based on results in Table 1, we
selected the MLP model to be trained and explained
based on the Twitter dataset and selected explanation
methods. For training the chosen MLP model and
providing explanations, we preprocess and split the
data in train and test (85/15 ratio). It is assessed again
the F1 score obtained, which is 89%.
Figure 1 depicts the main components of the ap-
plication developed, from the training and testing of
AI models to the explanation of their predictions.
5.1 RP1: An XSA Application Can
Support Retailers and Analysts in
Managing Social Media Crises by
Understanding Customer Sentiment
and Needs on Twitter
Figures 2 depicts the explanations provided by the se-
lected explanation methods for the sentiment of cus-
tomers on Twitter, and that an analyst can visual-
ize out of our application. The support for research
proposition one is discussed based on how retail-
ers could leverage such explanations to understand
their customer needs during a crisis. First of all, an
WUDESHI-DR 2020 - Special Session on User Decision Support and Human Interaction in Digital Retail
Figure 1: Explainable sentiment analysis application.
XSA application will reduce retailers’ or marketing
analysts’ burden to manually assess users’ and cus-
tomers’ opinions online. Furthermore, the application
automatically provides the scores for sentiments that
can be detected on customers’ tweets.
In the example of Figure 2, a customer com-
plains about a particular feature of his recently bought
smartphone, following the pattern described in the
scenario presented in Section 3. It is fundamental
for the manufacturer to identify the reason for this
complaint, and react whether through its internal pro-
cesses or provide the customer with some support or
feedback. The complaint might have the power to in-
fluence other customers’ willingness to buy the same
product. In this example, the customer complains that
his device does not include the latest software update,
although it is a brand new product.
Regarding the support of explanation methods,
Figure 2.A illustrates explanations of local feature
importance (LFI XSA), enabled by the LIME tool.
With these explanations, a retailer would be able to
analyse which words within a tweet are the most im-
portant for predicting sentiment. With this explana-
tion, retailers might increase their confidence in an
AI partner for SA, as they would be able to review if
the words selected as important by an AI model for
positive or negative sentiments are in line with their
own experience concerning customers’ feedback. In
this case, the explanation method detects as nega-
tive words ”without”, ”stupid”, ”stuff”, ”software”,
”sent”, ”iphon”, and ”latest”. From these words, it
can be noticed that the method says the most impor-
tant negative word is ”without”, which can already
give a clue to the marketing analyst on what type of
problem a customer refers to, and the lack of a soft-
ware update in this case.
In Figure 2.B, a retailer would perceive the most
important words and keywords being used to provide
them with predictions (GFI XSA). Those are enabled
by the global feature importance method, which is in-
stantiated through the SHAP tool. With this expla-
nation, retailers have in their hands the words they
should pay attention to whenever analysing the com-
ments and tweets of their customers online. They can
think of particular strategies and prioritize customers’
support, based on the usage of those keywords in their
feedback and interaction with the company.
Finally, in Figure 2.C, retailers can perceive the
impact of words pushing predictions for positive and
negative sentiments (FI XSA). It also shows if words
not present in the tweet can impact the prediction.
In our case, the method reinforces some of the im-
portant words for a negative prediction as ”with-
out”, ”stupid”, ”stuff”, ”software”, which echoes the
method in Figure 2.A. This explanation can support
those retailers in confirming if the words selected by
AI models for particular sentiments match their expe-
rience and the impact those have on such predictions.
Retailers can consider such output for detecting the
particular needs of their customers. In this context, it
would be highlighted for a marketing analyst the need
to look into issues with the customer smartphone soft-
ware. Furthermore, customers can complain about
particular product features or aspects of a previously
received service.
5.2 RP2: Retailers and Analysts Would
Trust an XSA Application for
Decision-making, Which Can Be
Evaluated based on XAI Evaluation
Besides discussing the potential of XSA in support-
ing marketing analysts, it would be important for
those experts to trust such support. To evaluate our
XSA concerning that aspect, we discuss the evalua-
tion of explanations and explanation methods in XAI,
which is still an ongoing researched topic. However,
the work of (Doshi-Velez and Kim, 2017) provides
Explainable Sentiment Analysis Application for Social Media Crisis Management in Retail
Figure 2: Explanation methods for analysis of sentiment on Twitter.
a robust methodology for the evaluation of explana-
tions, based on three strategies. First, a functionally-
grounded evaluation of the interface, in which a re-
searcher defines proxy tasks for assessing how good
an explanation is in achieving its goal, without human
participation (Sokol and Flach, 2020). In the context
of XSA in retail, it would be essential to assess retail-
ers’ level of trust or confidence towards explanations.
Therefore, a simulated user experiment to evaluate the
level of trust can be performed. This approach has
been previously adopted and accepted for evaluating
explanation methods in XAI literature (Ribeiro et al.,
2016; Weerts et al., 2019; Nguyen, 2018; Honegger,
Second, a human-grounded evaluation of XSA.
In this case, real human participants would be re-
quired, but simple tasks could be established to be
performed by the participants. That opens opportu-
nities for the recruitment of users that are not real
retailers, who could be immersed in a social media
monitoring scenario for retail. The last evaluation
approach by (Doshi-Velez and Kim, 2017) is named
application-grounded. In this case, real human par-
ticipants should go through real tasks for a particular
domain. In the case of XSA for retailers, it would be
required to account for their real tasks when monitor-
ing social media customers.
For this study, we adopt a functionally-grounded
evaluation strategy. That enables the development of
our simulated user experiment. The aim is to estimate
the confidence of users on the explanation methods
provided by our XSA application. Therefore, follow-
ing a validated simulation approach (Nguyen, 2018),
for the explanation methods in Figure 2.A and 2.C,
we estimate the user confidence based on the average
switching point (ASP) for a prediction, when deleting
words in their order of importance. The importance
is given by the explanation methods. Thus, the lower
the ASP, the better, as it proves the methods were able
to detect the most important words to an expert assess
tweets sentiment and needs. The results compare the
deletion by order of importance to a random selection
of words to be deleted. Table 2 shows the average re-
sults of this experiment, over ten runs with different
random seeds for deleting words (LFI XSA Random
and FI XSA Random).
We have different scenarios based on different lev-
els of confidence of the ML model on predictions. We
wanted to evaluate how the ML confidence might in-
fluence on the ASP, and user confidence. We also fil-
tered out tweets with less than three words, given our
analysis is focused on their removal, and with fewer
words, results could not reflect the benefit of XSA
feature importance against a random selection.
Table 2 shows that the ASP is always lower when
deleting words based on their order of importance
WUDESHI-DR 2020 - Special Session on User Decision Support and Human Interaction in Digital Retail
Table 2: Results for Simulated User Experiment and Average Switching Point when Deleting Words and Checking Predictions
(0.0 - 0.14 = 1 word / 0.15 - 0.24 = 2 words / 0.25 - 0.34 = 3 words / 0.35 - 0.40 = 4 words).
ML Model Confidence
Average Switching Point
95% 0.16 0.33 0.14 0.40
90% 0.15 0.30 0.15 0.38
85% 0.13 0.22 0.13 0.37
80% 0.12 0.30 0.09 0.25
provided by explanation methods compared to a ran-
dom deletion. Notably, an average maximum of two
words would need to be deleted for changing the pre-
diction when doing so. When deleting words ran-
domly, we need to delete a minimum of 3 to 4 words
to change the prediction, except for the scenario with
85% of ML confidence, where the LFI XSA Random
scores 0.22 ASP. That shows retailers and marketing
analysts would be provided with the most important
words by explanation methods on average, reflecting
the importance of which aspects they need to consider
for identifying consumer sentiment and needs.
Second, for evaluating the explanation method in
Figure 2.B, we follow a similar approach as adopted
for 2.A and 2.C. However, given the important words
by this method are valid for the full set of predictions,
we delete the words by their order of importance from
all the test data instances, and check the impact on the
F1 score for the complete test dataset. However, Fig-
ure 3 shows no significant difference when randomly
deleting words compared to deleting words by their
order of importance, providing F1 scores of 0.84 and
0.88, respectively. Therefore, for this method, fur-
ther experiments and a bigger dataset would be sug-
gested for evaluating its feasibility in estimating user
trust within a crisis management scenario. We also
believe that a fine-grained approach could be under-
taken for evaluating this explanation method. For in-
stance, tweets could be clustered based on their par-
ticular topics and keywords, for which this evaluation
could be performed separately, according to the top
important and impactful keywords identified by ex-
planation methods.
Therefore, we argue that a retailer and marketing
analysts might trust, from an estimated confidence
perspective, the predictions and explanations out of
the XSA application, given the low ASP provided
when relying on the importance and impact of words.
However, further experiments are needed, which can
have as impacting factors the size and types of expla-
nation methods adopted.
This study develops an Explainable Sentiment Anal-
ysis application and provides two research proposi-
tions regarding the adoption of the application in the
context of Twitter and crisis management for retail-
ers, and assesses the support for those propositions
through discussions and simulated user experiments.
We presented an application that could be adopted
to provide retailers with explanations and insights on
their user needs during social media crises.
For researchers and practitioners interested in the
field, we discussed a use case demonstrating how this
relationship between XSA and retailers could be de-
picted, and the potential of XSA support. Further-
more, the simulated user experiments highlight the
potential impact on user confidence for working with
an XSA when assessing user feedback on social me-
dia. Moreover, to consider a user in the loop perspec-
tive, and feeding the XSA system back with misclas-
sifications, could help in investigating the impact of
a human-centered perspective for XSA in crisis man-
Although we discuss and conduct simulations, the
adoption of user experiments based on the two strate-
gies discussed by (Doshi-Velez and Kim, 2017) of hu-
man and application-grounded approaches, could be
useful to assess the impact of an XSA on the daily
decision-making of marketing analysts. The elicita-
tion of a crisis management scenario with marketing
analysts would also enrich future studies in the area.
As future work, from the perspective of exper-
iments, we point out simulations with bigger and
multiple datasets in crisis management. Experiments
could also be performed with Recurrent Neural Net-
works and word embeddings, enhancing ML predic-
tions’ performance, and potentially the estimated con-
fidence on explanation methods results.
Furthermore, the research propositions could be
turned out into hypotheses or tested through user stud-
ies for their assessment. A user-centric and informa-
tion systems perspective could also be considered for
developing an XSA, by first performing requirements
Explainable Sentiment Analysis Application for Social Media Crisis Management in Retail
Figure 3: Results for Feature Deletion by Global Feature Importance and Random Selection.
elicitation of users for deploying explanation meth-
ods attending to their needs and tasks for SA. With
such elicitation, requirements might emerge to differ-
ent methods, such as case-based explanations. A liter-
ature review on the capabilities of explanation meth-
ods to SA would also be a further avenue within those
disciplines’ intersection. Finally, a research agenda
could be derived from research gaps and opportuni-
ties in the intersection of SA and XAI research, em-
phasizing the decision-making support to end-users,
domain experts, and developers.
This research was supported by the European Union
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement
No. 765395; and supported, in part, by Science Foun-
dation Ireland grant 13/RC/2094.
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WUDESHI-DR 2020 - Special Session on User Decision Support and Human Interaction in Digital Retail