A Software Product Line for Digital Libraries
Delfina Ramos-Vidal, Alejandro Corti
nas, Miguel R. Luaces,
Oscar Pedreira and Angeles Saavedra Places
Universidade da Coru
na, Centro de Investigaci
on CITIC, Laboratorio de Bases de Datos,
Facultade de Inform
atica, Campus de Elvi
na s/n, 15071, A Coru
na, Spain
Software Product Lines Engineering, Digital Libraries.
Digital libraries (DL) have become very popular nowadays. The most important libraries of the world currently
publish their collections online, properly classified and, in many cases, with access to the digital version of the
resources. DLs are very useful for the general public and for research groups in many fields, such as language
and literature. Developing these products is a complex and expensive task, and usually small organizations
have to conform with DLs with poor features or outdated. However, this kind of systems usually share most
of the features, and even the data model, maybe with little modifications depending on the kind of resources to
manage. In this paper, we analyse the domain of DLs using both the previous knowledge of the research group
and reviewing many existing products. The outcome is an exhaustive feature model that models the variability
of this kind of systems.
In the last decades, there have been many efforts to
create digital libraries (DL) to manage and put in the
web digital resources (and their bibliographic infor-
mation), either obtained from digitization processes
of literature and cultural heritage or native digital re-
sources. Non-profit organizations that own valuable
books, journals and pamphlets have seen the DLs as a
means to preserve and disseminate their heritage. Re-
search groups in Digital Humanities have created DLs
as a base to foster research that would be unfeasible
without their navigation and search capabilities.
The Database Lab, the authors’ research group,
has been involved in a number of successful multidis-
ciplinary projects of digital libraries, in collaboration
with experts in different areas of Humanities (Lan-
guage and literature, Arts, Pedagogy, etc.). In the next
section, we describe a selection of them that are rep-
resentative in their areas.
The development of a DL is a complex process
in many ways. Experts from Software Engineering
and Humanities have to find a common language to
understand each other. As a result of years of experi-
ence, we can conclude that the development of a DL
from scratch is too expensive both in time and bud-
get that can hardly be faced by non-profit organiza-
tions or research groups. However, there are a set of
characteristics that DLs have always in common and
hence a shared core of assets can be defined. Further-
more, even though each DL has its own particularities
in terms of data model and characteristics, they can be
analysed and defined using a formal language. There-
fore, the domain of DL is suitable for the application
of software product lines engineering (SPLE).
In this paper, we present the analysis of the do-
main of DLs following a specific methodology for the
application of SPLE, and we define a complete feature
model for DLs using the knowledge acquired by our
research group. Hence, this paper constitutes a first
step to achieve the generation of DLs automatically
from a simple specification of its requirements. We
also present an application example on how a partic-
ular DL can be defined from the feature model repre-
senting the variability of this domain.
The rest of the article is structured as follows: In
Section 2 we present background and related work.
In Section 3 we describe the domain and address the
first stage of the SPL definition, which includes prod-
uct planning and variability modelling. In Section 4
we present a case of use of the SPL, describing a real
application by means of features. Finally, Section 5
presents the conclusions of the paper and lines for fu-
ture work.
Ramos-Vidal, D., Cortiñas, A., Luaces, M., Pedreira, O. and Places, A.
A Software Product Line for Digital Libraries.
DOI: 10.5220/0010214903810389
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2020), pages 381-389
ISBN: 978-989-758-478-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Digital Libraries
The Library of Congress
is the largest DL in the
world, with millions of resources. It stores not only
books or printed material, but also photos, drawings,
newspapers, music, maps, and many other kinds of re-
sources. Its web page is updated frequently with new
collections and news. It provides a simple search en-
gine to search for simple keywords, but the results can
be filtered and sorted by many properties. The user in-
terface is very friendly and modern, and the resources
can be downloaded freely in different formats. This
DL is used by the congress of the US as its main doc-
umentation provider.
Project Gutenberg
is a huge DL that provides
over 60,000 free eBooks for online reading or down-
loading, mostly of old works for which U.S. copyright
has expired. The DL is maintained by volunteers who
digitize the content. Its interface is not very friendly,
and its search engine capabilities are limited (it uses
external search engines to search within the content of
the works), but it provides categorized browsing from
more general categories, or bookshelves, as the web
calls them, to specific domains. The eBooks are also
provided in different formats to facilitate the readers
its download and posterior reading.
Cervantes Virtual Library
is one of most im-
portant digital libraries in Spain. Its catalogue is clas-
sified into different areas, from literature and lan-
guage to american library or galician literature li-
brary. They support digital resources of many types:
pdf, web, images and eBooks. Also, they provide
metadata in MARC21 format (Library of Congress -
Network Development and MARC Standards Office,
2016), the physical libraries standard. The search en-
gine allows searching keywords in the content or the
metadata, and it allows filtering depending on the kind
of document.
Golden Age Digital Library (BIDISO)
is a por-
tal that includes in fact many DLs related to the Span-
ish Golden Age, with collections of four different
kinds: historical emblems, news pamphlets, erudi-
tion resources, and inventories and libraries. The web
page provides a search engine that can query all col-
lections simultaneously but also links to each one of
Library of Congress: https://www.loc.gov/
Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes: http://www.
Biblioteca Digital Siglo de Oro (BIDISO): https://
Figure 1: Screenshot of a resource webpage from Symbola.
Figure 2: Screenshot of location management from CB-
the related DL so the user can browse through its con-
tent. The user interface varies depending on the DL,
being some of them very old and without modern and
responsive interfaces, but other ones are quite mod-
ern and well design. Some of the DLs related are
is a DL specialized in historical devices or imprese
(e.g., jousting devices, heraldic badges), from whom
stands out its administration site management, includ-
ing their feature of offering static pages to model ad-
ditional information about the library itself, and the
user interface friendliness and styling (see Figure 1).
The latter, Catalogue and Digital Library of News
Pamphlets (CBDRS)
, is a DL of news pamphlets,
where their advanced search feature, enabling exhaus-
tive and restrictive filtering of the data, stands out, to-
gether with the geographical location management of
publication places, and the inclusion of maps for its
physical representation , visible in Figure 2.
The project Critical Edition
, based on the study
SYMBOLA Divisas o empresas hist
oricas: https://
alogo y Biblioteca Digital de Relaciones de Sucesos
(CBDRS) https://www.bidiso.es/CBDRS/
on en Galiza durante a etapa franquista: http:
APMDWE 2020 - 5th International Special Session on Advanced Practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
of the publishing industry in Galicia during the Fran-
coist period, was also taken into account. Protrudes
their intricate data model, an ambitious approach that
takes into account all different types of literary pub-
lications, them being editions, works, parts of works,
collections of editions, and modelling the different re-
lationships that can happen among them, as well as
their authorities, which can sign each work with a dif-
ferent pseudonym, and the organizations in charge of
executing the edition of each work. In this DL, the
collections do not have digital resources, but external
links to other DLs where the resources are located.
The project from the University of A Coru
Galician Virtual Library (BVG)
, the Galician Vir-
tual Library, is an old fashioned web site with a large
collection of Galician publications, with digital re-
sources in different formats: text, audio, video, and
images. It allows search by content using a strategy
based on Bounded Natural Language. The resources
stored in the database can have comments made by
the users. It also handles editions from the same au-
thor, even when written under different pseudonyms.
2.2 Software Product Lines
Software Product Lines Engineering (SPLE) is a field
of Software Engineering that focuses on reusing the
same software artefacts among different software sys-
tems from the same family trying to reduce develop-
ment costs and time to market such systems. This
is, when a software development team has to de-
velop a set of products that share most characteristics,
both functional and non-functional, instead of carry-
ing out the development of each one of them from
scratch, it is efficient to develop a Software Product
Line (SPL) and approach the development of all of
them together (Pohl et al., 2005). This way, the base
code of all the products is the same, and each of the
actual products to sell or finally publish includes the
share of this code that it needs depending on the ac-
tual functionalities it needs to provide. For exam-
ple, if our company specializes on e-commerce web
applications, some clients may need to have “tags”
on the products, while others do not. Then, “hav-
ing tags on the products of the shop” can be a vari-
ant feature that can be selected or not for a specific
product. The source code this functionality is im-
plemented will only be included in the final product
source code if the feature is selected.
Designing and developing an SPL is a costly task.
As we express in the above paragraph, it is more effi-
cient than developing each product in a one-by-one
basis, but however is also a more complex process
Biblioteca Virtual Galega: http://bvg.udc.es
Figure 3: Methodology for constructing a SPL (Corti
et al., 2017).
since the decisions made affect not only to a partic-
ular product but to the whole set of them. There are
different methodologies to follow when designing a
SPL. The authors of this work defined one in a pre-
vious work (Corti
nas et al., 2017), suitable when the
development team has access to both the source code
of existing products of the family and to experts in
the domain. This methodology divides the defini-
tion process in four stages, as seen in Figure 3: re-
quirements analysis, architecture design, architecture
evaluation, and derivation of a specific product. Re-
quirements analysis stage is divided into two steps,
domain analysis, which consists in analyzing both the
requirements and the related work of the domain, and
product planning, which consists on studying existing
applications of the domain or family, including prod-
ucts developed from the team who is designing the
SPL and products external to it. Architecture design
focuses on studying relevant product architectures for
the domain and prioritizing components, as well as for
deciding the technology stack for the products. The
output of both these stages is the input of the next one,
architecture evaluation, whose purpose is to validate
the models previously defined and to link the different
assets defined in them to support the future evolution
of the SPL. The last stage is the derivation of a spe-
cific product, which in fact takes part on a different
context, the application engineering, this is, the team
in charge of configuring a specific product is the one
in charge of this product, not the whole SPL.
This work focuses on the first stage of the method-
ology, requirements analysis, with the objective of
identifying the set of features that the whole possi-
ble products of a family could require in an exhaus-
tive way. The output of this stage is an artefact called
feature model, a tree diagram used to represent fea-
tures of a product or family of products. A feature is
a characteristic of a system relevant for some stake-
holder, functional (e.g., a concrete requirement such
as “user authentication”) or not (e.g., the database
management system to use) (Apel et al., 2013).
A Software Product Line for Digital Libraries
This section illustrates the first stage for the defini-
tion of a software product line (SPL) in the domain
of digital libraries following the methodology defined
in (Corti
nas et al., 2017). First of all, we describe the
domain. Then, we detail the two steps of this stage
(see Figure 3). Finally, we show and explain the fea-
ture model defined as the result of the analysis.
3.1 Description of the Domain
DLs are information systems where large collections
of information are stored in digital formats and of-
fered to the users through one or many interfaces.
This generic definition serves to give an impression
of how wide is the spectrum of information systems
that fit this domain. Usually, these collections of doc-
uments follow the traditional approach for publica-
tions. This is, there are authors, who write works,
published in particular editions. DLs provide an ex-
tensive number of functionalities to manage the col-
lections each one handle, and the different types of
elements that are related such as editions of a work,
collection of editions, parts of works, or standalone
works, as well as the authorities involved, let them
be writers, editors, printers or illustrators, to name a
few. There are DLs that only handle metadata, but
most of them also store digital resources linked to the
elements of their collections, such as eBooks, pdfs,
digitized pages or external links to other libraries.
In order to allow the users to search or navigate
through the information, the metadata of the elements
stored in a DL needs to be extracted and conveniently
classified. Usually, DLs are managed collaborative,
so there is a set of expert users in charge of handling
the elements and their metadata, and there may be
an internal reviewing process among different team
members to ensure that the data updated to the library
is accurate and of quality. This way, there are different
roles for the users, and there may be variable types of
registration for them, including registration through
social networks. Of course, there are DLs without any
users but a unique administrator who manages every-
The navigation of the web application can be done
through listings or by querying the database. The lists,
forms and detail views of DLs are much more com-
plex than the standard in web applications since there
is a lot of information from related elements involved
in, for example, an edition. Usually, searches area
also quite complex in DLs since the standard user
is normally trying to find something very concrete.
Therefore, the search engine should be able to filter
by any of the attributes of the elements. For example,
the user may want to find an edition of a work writ-
ten by a specific author, published in a range of years,
with some particular text within its content. At the
same time, the user interface needs to be as friendly
as possible, considering the profile of most users, spe-
cialized in literature. Therefore, the design of these
web pages is highly intuitive and transparent.
OAI-PMH is a protocol to share metadata be-
tween information systems through a harvesting pro-
cess done by a server, the harvester, to many clients,
the data providers. It is used to make libraries inter-
operable, allowing small DLs to aggregate their meta-
data collections into a web portal. There are examples
of these portals at different administration levels, such
as Hispana and Europeana. To provide the data from
a DL into one of these portals, called aggregators, the
library needs to support one or many metadata for-
mats. This is, the metadata for the stored collections
needs to be provided following some convection. Of
course, apart from that, the DLs need to implement
the client-side of the mentioned protocol.
There are some DLs in which the geographic
scope is important. To address this, some features
from geographic information systems may be added.
For example, the elements of the library can be shown
on a map viewer, and the users consulting the library
can do queries with filtering the results by some geo-
graphic boundaries.
As we can see, most of the characteristics of this
libraries are quite common, but there is some space
for variability that depends, first of all, on type of the
most important element the DL manages. For exam-
ple, there are libraries whose collections are focused
only on a particular author, like Valle-Incl
an Digital
, and therefore in these libraries there is no
point on showing and managing the set of authors;
however, there are also libraries that study the authors
of a particular period, such as the DL for the project
Publishing in Galicia during the Franco Era (1939-
, and then the main page of the library should
be the authors themselves, since they are the most im-
portant element of the library, and not their works.
However, apart from this kind of variations, the at-
tributes to record for the editions, or the authorities,
are mostly the same among DLs, and the components
to view or edit the information are very similar, except
for the particular web style.
Archivo Digital Valle-Incl
an: https://www.
on en Galiza durante a etapa Franquista: http://
APMDWE 2020 - 5th International Special Session on Advanced Practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
3.2 Domain Analysis
We classified the requirements of this domain in four
different groups: R1) Library objects, which includes
all the requirements related to which kind of elements
the library should handle (e.g., editions, collections,
kinds of authorities, etc.); R2) Library data expor-
tation, with the requirements regarding the ways the
data may be exported from the library (e.g., supported
formats, exportable elements, etc.); R3) User man-
agement, with requirements regarding the user roles
the application should handle, and the features asso-
ciated to each of these roles (e.g., reporters and col-
laborators, digital file access by anonymous users, the
possibility of registering in the application, etc.; R4)
Library access, which involves a huge set of vari-
ant requirements that involves the kind of navigation
the DLs should support (e.g., the most important el-
ements are editions, works or authors, the way the
users can use search engines, etc.). Besides these,
there is another requirement: the applications should
be in a particular language, which for the DLs is al-
ways the same language of the content of the library.
We modelled the required features for systems of
the domain of DLs with these requirements in mind.
The result is 162 features that represent most of the
relevant functionalities of these applications. Decid-
ing the grade of the importance of each one of these
features is done in the next step, product planning.
This list of requirements or features needs to be
compared to other SPLs for DLs. To the best of our
knowledge, there is not related work about software
product lines applied on DLs. However, there have
been some attempts to generate the software that im-
plements products from this family using other tech-
niques, so we can study these works as a reference.
Gonc¸alves et. al (Gonc¸alves and Fox, 2002) show
a domain-specific language (DSL) based a formal
model for DLs, that generates a DL application for
a particular system, MARIAN. Using XML, they de-
scribe all the procedures and elements that the DL to
generate requires, including, for example, the opera-
tions the system should handle, such as a search oper-
ation. This level of detail in the definition of the DL
was required back in 2002, but nowadays software has
evolved to a point where this is not required. Malizia
et al. (Malizia et al., 2010) use a model-driven ap-
proach to generate DLs as Java desktop applications.
Their models describe, as in the previous work, not
only the elements of the library but also the opera-
tions to a high level of detail. It is difficult to compare
the features these systems provide with our proposal
since both of them are very flexible when defining a
new product, so they can adapt better to fine-grained
specific requirements of a DL. This flexibility comes
at a great cost since the definition of a product in these
systems is much more complex than a selection of
features in a software product line.
Another interesting document is the DL reference
model (Candela et al., 2008). The European Com-
mission funded a Network of Excellence on DLs,
called DELOS
, whose main objectives were re-
search and technology transfer, although it was aban-
doned in 2009. On their last period, DELOS was
working on the development of a Digital Library Ref-
erence Model, designed to meet the needs of the next-
generation systems and a globally integrated proto-
type implementation of a Digital Library Manage-
ment System.
The research laboratory of the authors of this
work, besides working on specific DL as mentioned
in Section 2.1, have previously worked in projects tar-
geting improvements on the software supporting these
systems to simplify their implementation, always in
collaboration with researchers from the Digital Hu-
manities area. For example, one of the projects fo-
cused on enhancing the behaviour of compression and
search algorithms when the text is written in a ro-
mance language and, in addition, publishing the al-
gorithms and tools developed as open source. In an-
other project, major goals were the development of
advanced tools to facilitate the establishment of DLs
on the web, while improving the quality of their ser-
vices from a multidisciplinary point of view. In this
last project, two specific tools were developed: a first
tool for rapid prototyping of DLs, and a tool to feed
these DLs with XML extracted from documents.
3.3 Product Planning
The purpose of this step is to verify the requirements
extracted from the previous step with actual products
in production. Besides that, using these products we
can establish which features are common to all the
family of products, which are variant, what kind of re-
lationship exist between a feature and its sub-features,
and also to determine the constraints between the fea-
tures that are not related with the feature tree itself.
Last goal of this step is to priority the features in or-
der of importance, so the implementation of the base
code for the SPL can be useful to develop basic DLs
in early stages, and the development afterwards can
take advantage of the users of these initial products,
improving the quality of the final interfaces and func-
tionalities with their feedback.
DELOS Network of Excellence: http://delosw.isti.cnr.
A Software Product Line for Digital Libraries
As products that our laboratory has developed in
the past, and therefore we have access to the software
assets, data model, etc., we have decided to use four
products presented in Section 2.1: SYMBOLA, CB-
DRS, Critical Edition and BVG. These four products
are representatives examples which differ in their na-
ture, features, domain, and in their time of creation.
For example, BVG and Critical Edition have been de-
veloped long time ago, while CBDRS and SYMBOLA
actual versions are very modern, having responsive
interfaces to access from mobile devices. Another
point of variability is the way the content is thought to
be accessed. BVG and SYMBOLA designs are focused
on the navigation through categories and listings, and
particularly in the former there is not a search func-
tionality. Critical Edition and CBDRS main entry are
advanced search engines with many filters and fea-
tures. There are more points of interest about these
applications, such as the complete and complex data
model in which Critical Edition data is stored, or the
geographic features of CBDRS.
In order to confirm the completeness of the analy-
sis, we need to compare our set of requirements with
external products. We decided to use the Cervantes
Virtual Library as one of the more complete DLs that
we know.
3.4 Feature Model
The resulting feature model is shown in Figure 4.
Each requirement group described in Section 3.2
derived in a high-level feature: LibraryObjects,
LibraryDataExportation, UserManagement,
LibraryAccess, and Language.
LibraryObjects feature (35 sub-features) is
directly related to the kind of data the DL supports.
LO E ElementTypes sub-features includes a feature
to enable works, editions, parts of works and col-
lections (first two are mandatory since we have not
found a DL without this kind of elements). There
is also a feature to enable the capability of manag-
ing the locations where editions are published, in-
cluding setting the actual geographical coordinates in
a map or managing older naming for the locations.
LO E SchedulingPublication enables scheduling
elements for publication, instead of showing them the
moment they are created. LO E DigitalResource
includes sub-features to decide which kind of digital
resources are allowed. LO Authority includes sub-
features to define the possible roles of the authorities
managed, the possibility for authors to have aliases
or pseudonyms, and to store contact information for
the authors. LO Organization, which is optional,
enables managing the organizations, and it has sub-
features to decide if the director role is stored.
LibraryDataExportation feature (17 sub-
features) groups all the features related to exporting
data from the listings of the DL. The sub-features de-
fine the possible formats of the exported information
(pdf, excel, txt, etc.), where is the feature applied
(single elements or multi-element exportation), and
which kind of elements can be exported.
UserManagement feature (19 sub-features) en-
ables the user authentication module, which is manda-
tory since in every DL is required at least one user
with the administration role. There are features to
enable other three roles: reporter, which is the stan-
dard registered user role; collaborators, which is the
people that collaboratively digitizes the content; and
anonymous user. Other relevant features are related
to each role, such as allowing anonymous users to ac-
cess the digital resources or requiring the review of
an administration in order to publish some content.
Allowing using social networks account for authen-
tication is also another feature provided, as well as
allowing the anonymous users to register in the DL as
LibraryAccess feature (82 sub-features) is
composed by every characteristic of the DL related
to its user interface. It has two main sub-features,
PublicAccess and ManagementAccess, which en-
compass the features for the anonymous users and re-
porters, and for collaborators and administrators, re-
spectively. The two sub-trees are equivalent, describ-
ing the lists and search engines that the DL provides.
The public interface differentiates between two pos-
sible search engines: a simple one, which is accessed
through the menu bar from all across the DL, and an
advanced one which has its own specific link, and
which has options to enable searching by different
properties. Besides that, the listings of the DL can
have different types of pagination style (depending
on the number of elements expected), and also they
can be standard listings or grid views with thumbnails
of the elements. Management interface related fea-
tures are more simple, since there is only an advanced
search engine, with specific options such as filter ele-
ments not reviewed, or filter elements which are still
drafts, for example. Besides that, PublicAccess has
some sub-features that define which is the home page
of the DL, which can be a list of a particular element
kind (editions, authorities or works), the list of latest
publications, or a static page that can be managed by
the administrator (if the feature related to this capa-
bility is selected).
Language feature (3 sub-features) serves to se-
lect the language in which the generated application
user interface labels should be. For the libraries anal-
APMDWE 2020 - 5th International Special Session on Advanced Practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
ysed, three languages need support: English, Spanish
and Galician.
Besides the 162 features, there are 13 cross-tree
constraints that affect 22 features. Some of these con-
straints are natural, since for example the homepage
of the public access cannot be the lists of editions
if listings are disabled (PA N HP Editions implies
PA N L Editions, or “DL public homepage is the list
of editions” implies “DL provides the lists of editions
for public access”).
In order to validate our proposal, we have selected an
additional DL that was developed by our group and
we have tried to define it by means of our feature
is one of the DL part of the BIDISO
portal. It handles works published between XVI and
XVIII centuries that focus on encyclopedic knowl-
edge. Its target audience are students of literary,
iconographic and cultural production for the men-
tioned centuries, since having these works classified
and easily accessible is very helpful. The last up-
date of the web application was on 2011, so definitely
could use an upgrade to a version with modern tech-
nologies. Next, we describe the characteristics of the
DL, and we reference the features that support each
of them.
The main page of the library is the list
of the editions (PA
N HP Editions). There is
only one user who has the administration role
(UM UR Admin), so there is no need for any other
kind of users. However, anonymous users can
access the digital resources provided by the DL
(UM UR AnonymousCanAccessElementFiles). Ad-
ministration navigation is very simple, just a
list with all the editions (PA N L Editions and
PA N L E AsList), without pagination (around 140
editions stored currently).
Regarding the public access navigation, the list
of editions does have, in this case, simple pagi-
nation (PA N L P E StandardPagination). Apart
from that, the user has two different search engines.
The basic one searches by title (PA S S ByTitle),
author (PA S S ByAuthor), year of publication
(PA S S ByYear), and by lasts resources added to
the DL. The latter is the one characteristic of the
DL that is not supported by the set of identified
features for our SPL, since it was not defined as
Poliantea: Enciclopedias, repertorios de lugares co-
munes y miscel
aneas de erudici
on human
ıstica: https://
a common requirement for this family of products
in our analysis. The advanced search engine can
search by the same properties, but also by location
(PA S A ByLocation) or by date range instead of
a single date (PA S A ByDateRange). Finally, the
search results are the editions that match the query,
and they are shown in a list (PA SR Edition and
PA SR E F AsList).
The main element stored in the DL is, as we
can see for the characteristics mentioned so far,
the edition (LO E ET Edition), which in the case
of Poliantea can be a publication of a particu-
lar work (LO E ET Work), which is the standard,
or to be modelled with more detail and there-
fore composed by parts of works (LO E ET Part).
The elements can have two kinds of digital re-
sources: pdfs (LO E DR PDF) and digitized pages
(LO E DR DigitalizedPages) (which are collec-
tions (LO E DR Collections) of scanned images of
the work). This way, an edition can be com-
posed of several parts, each one with its own dig-
itized pages. The editions stored in the library
have an author (LO A RoleAuthor), and an editorial
(LO O RoleEditorial) (which in the current version
is a simple text field).
Summing up, the Poliantea DL can be defined by
means of features of our proposal, using specifically
55 features, which are the ones mentioned and the
higher-level features of the tree.
In this work, the first steps for the definition of a soft-
ware product line in the field of digital libraries are
addressed. We carried out an exhaustive analysis of
existent DLs, extracting common requirements and
identifying the set of features that support this family
of products. Afterwards, we established the relation-
ships between these features, and we identify which
ones are part of every product of the family, and which
ones belong to the variability of the product line.
The work presented in this paper is far from fin-
ished. According to the followed methodology, the
next stage is to design the adequate architecture for
the product line, using reference models or architec-
tures for proved successful DLs. After that, a valida-
tion process will occur in which the decisions made so
far are checked, and the two previous stages may need
to run again to make small adjustments for the consis-
tency of the whole design. Finally, the SPL needs to
be implemented, from the product generation mecha-
nism to the different components that provide for the
A Software Product Line for Digital Libraries
Figure 4: Simplified feature model (many features are collapsed).
features of the product family.
One of the main difficulties that will be managed
during the development of the SPL is that many fea-
tures directly affect the data model of the products,
and implementing that kind of variability changes is a
The final validation of the SPL will be carried out
by using it to generate new versions of the DLs from
the Aracne Network
, a platform that joins many
DLs from the Spanish territory in a joint effort, en-
couraging new initiatives to improve the communica-
tion, convergence and projection of the work in the
field of Digital Humanities.
Partially funded by: MICIU/FEDER-UE, MAGIST:
PID2019-105221RB-C41; Xunta de Galicia/-
GAIN Innovapeme: IN848D-2017-2350417; Xunta
de Galicia/FEDER-UE, ConectaPeme, GEMA:
IN852A 2018/14; Xunta de Galicia/FEDER-UE
BIZDEVOPSGLOBAL (RTI-2018-098309-B-C32);
78011-C4-1-R; MINECO-AEI/FEDER-UE Velocity:
TIN2016-77158-C4-3-R; CITIC research center
Red Aracne: http://www.red-aracne.es/
funded by XUNTA and EU through the European
Regional Development Fund- Galicia 2014-2020
Program, grant ED431G 2019/01.
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A Software Product Line for Digital Libraries