Visualising Trade-offs of Objectives in Omnichannel Management:
A Mental Model Approach
Gültekin Cakir
Innovation Value Institute, School of Business, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland
Keywords: Omnichannel Management, Mental Models, Trade-offs, Channel Integration, Visualisation, Customer
Abstract: The retail industry is undergoing a major transformation process and retailers struggle in implementing a
sustainable omnichannel strategy. For retailers, it is of crucial importance to achieve channel integration in
order to generate a seamless customer experience. At the same time, balancing profitability while undergoing
transition into omnichannel retailing poses a major challenge for many retail managers. These trade-offs can
increase complexity and additional difficulties in decision-making. Mental models help to understand
complex systems and behaviour and can support managers in decision-making processes. This paper proposes
early work and an initial concept of a mental model arranging three critical objectives in omnichannel
management: channel integration, customer experience generation, and economic value creation. Through a
Venn Diagram approach, the relations between the objectives along with various scenarios of their
achievements are illustrated, representing different states a retailer can undergo while following a transition
towards omnichannel. Recommendations for actions are outlined for each scenario which can help retail
managers to mentally depict dynamic relationships between objectives.
With the dawn of the digitalisation of the retailing
industry, the omnichannel phenomenon emerged and
customers today shop across channels and expect a
seamless customer experience (Hagberg et al., 2016;
Grewal et al., 2017; Brynjolfsson et al., 2013;
Verhoef et al., 2009; Verhoef et al., 2015).
However, for retailers, providing a seamless
customer experience across all channels represents
still a huge challenge (Hosseini et al., 2018). Channel
integration is key to achieve omnichannel retailing
and seamless transition across channels (Bijmolt et
al., 2019). Following an omnichannel approach can
be beneficial as studies show that channel integration
is positively related to retail performance (Pauwels &
Neslin, 2015; Cao & Li, 2015) – once realised.
While transitioning towards omnichannel
retailing, decision-makers are required to balance the
trade-offs in fulfilling customer-related as well as
shareholder-value-related objectives (Gademann &
Brandt, 2016; Zhang et al., 2010).
Mental models help to understand complex
system behaviour and can support decision-makers in
making appropriate judgements and conclusions,
especially for trade-off scenarios (Kaplan & Norton,
1996a). This paper proposes the idea and initial
concept of a visual mental model approach
understanding the dynamic relationship and trade-
offs between omnichannel objectives. The aim is to
develop a heuristic approach in aligning “Channel
Integration”, “Customer Experience Generation” and
“Economic Value Creation” understood as critical
objectives in achieving transition into omnichannel
With a Venn Diagram approach, various
mechanics of the mental model are shown and
implications for different scenarios discussed, giving
potential practical guidance for retail managers for
goal achievement towards omnichannel retailing.
Also, from an HCI perspective, visualisation via
mental models can further contribute to the
development of HCI systems (Li et al., 2016),
relevant in the retailing sector.
Cakir, G.
Visualising Trade-offs of Objectives in Omnichannel Management: A Mental Model Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0010214002910298
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2020), pages 291-298
ISBN: 978-989-758-480-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. The
next section outlines the basic understanding of
“omnichannel retailing”, the current phenomenon in
the retailing industry, along with its critical objectives
and the notion of trade-off relationships to consider.
Thereafter, the concept of “mental models” is
explained. The subsequent sections outline related
work and the methodological approach, followed by
the proposition of a conceptual mental model,
visualised by Venn Diagrams. Descriptions along the
visualisation with various mechanics and scenarios of
the model are shown. Finally, the last section
concludes the paper, stating limitations and future
research of this work.
The following section describes the concept of
omnichannel retailing along with its critical
objectives as well as the notion of mental models.
2.1 Omnichannel Retailing and
Trade-offs in Objectives
Omnichannel retailing refers to the concept of
seamless and simultaneous use of all channels by
customers (Shi, 2017). Verhoef defines the
management of omnichannel retailing as the
synergetic management of the numerous available
channels and customer touchpoints, in such a way
that the customer experience across channels and the
performance over channels is optimized.” (Verhoef et
al., 2015, p.176). For this, digital technologies such
as smart mirrors, beacons, VR/AR, IoT, fog / edge
computing (e.g. Mosquera et al., 2018; Iftikhar et al.,
2019; Zimmermann et al., 2019); AI and AI
applications (e.g. Cirqueira et al., 2019a; Cirqueira et
al., 2019b; Mora et al., 2020) as well as consumer
oriented concepts such as personalisation (e.g.
Wetzlinger et al., 2017; Bielozorov et al., 2019) are
Realising an omnichannel approach implies the
ability to integrate and align all existing channels
(Bijmolt et al., 2019; Zentes et al., 2016; Rigby,
2011). Channel integration is defined as the degree
to which different channels interact with each other
(Herhausen et al., 2015; Bendoly et al., 2005) in order
to provide a seamless customer experience. This
entails the integration on different levels such as
organisation (Saghiri et al., 2017) or operations
(assortment, inventory, pricing, logistics, etc.) (Zhang
et al., 2010), representing a crucial objective to realise
while undergoing omnichannel transformation.
Customer experience developed to the most
critical aspect in the retail industry today
(Brynjolfsson et al., 2013; Piotrowicz & Cuthbertson,
2014; Verhoef et al., 2015) and represents the leading
management objective (Lemon & Verhoef, 2016) as
well as is a strategic objective of non-financial nature
(Cakir et al., 2019). It is defined as a
multidimensional construct focusing on a customer’s
cognitive, emotional, behavioural, sensorial, and
social responses to a firm’s offerings during the
customer’s entire purchase journey (Lemon &
Verhoef, 2016, p.71). It is of also crucial relevance
for the development of competitive advantage
(Kranzbühler et al., 2018).
Conflicting goals represent a trade-off problem
where a decision-maker is confronted with trading off
the realisation of one goal against another goal
(Keeney & Raiffa, 1993, Figure 1).
Figure 1: Trade-off-relation between two objectives
(simplified, based on Keeney & Raiffa, 1993).
Each decision (shown by x on the graph, Figure 1)
depicts a trade-off situation where the degree of
achievement of one objective is sacrificed against the
achievement of the other objective.
The aspiration towards the realisation of an
omnichannel strategy implies dealing with
conflicting objectives. Meeting customer-related
goals (represented by the objective “customer
experience”) can conflict with existing shareholder-
value-related business objectives (Gademann &
Brandt, 2016). Shareholder-value-related goals
usually represent economic value creation and
objectives of financial nature (e.g. profitability, return
on investment). As the transition towards
omnichannel retailing can pose significant shifts and
realignment in resource allocation as well as drastic
investments in digital technologies, overall
profitability is stressed as a consequence (e.g. Zhang
et al., 2010).
WUDESHI-DR 2020 - Special Session on User Decision Support and Human Interaction in Digital Retail
Of course, conflicting goals are true for any
business in general; however, in an omnichannel
context, realising customer experience is of particular
importance as the customer is the core of any activity
out of an omnichannel strategy (Gademann & Brandt,
2016). This is also evident through an increase in the
role of “customer experience” as a concept of interest
in recent retailing research (Cakir et al., 2019). More
importantly in this context, “channel integration is
key to align the above-mentioned objectives. The
assumption is, once channel integration is achieved,
superior customer experience along all channels can
be realised (e.g. Herhausen et al., 2015), postulating
a positive relationship between these objectives.
2.2 Mental Models
Mental models can be understood as mental
representations of external systems that are used by
individuals (e.g. managers) in order to describe,
explain, and predict behaviour of those systems
(Johnson-Laird, 1983). They are of subjective nature
and intend to support a decision-maker’s judgements
and decisions (Markman, 2013; Markman & Gentner,
2001) as they are created and adjusted through
interactions with real business systems (e.g. business
operations) they manage (Capelo & Dias, 2009).
They, therefore, involve assumptions and
expectations based on experience and knowledge on
system behaviour (Kaplan & Norton, 1996; Lant et
al., 1992). Meadows et al. state that “each person
carries in his head a mental model, an abstraction of
all his perceptions and experiences in the world,
which he uses to guide his decisions…” (Meadows et
al., 1974, pp. 4-5). Mental models are also used in the
context of teamwork and team performance. The idea
represents the ability to predict team member
behaviour and needs in order to improve coordination
and decision-making (e.g. Denzau & North, 2000;
Converse et al., 1993).
A well-known exemplary mental model is the
“Circle of Competence” developed by Warren Buffet
and Charlie Munger (Figure 2). With the help of an
Euler Diagram, the visualisation differentiates
between an inner circle “What you know” and an
outer circle “What you think you know” in an
investment context (Street, 2013). The concept aims
to show the boundaries of one’s own competence to
realise the limits in decision-making (“only invest in
those things you know about”). The idea is to respect
your own boundaries and make investment decisions
according to your knowledge sphere and not to follow
“what you think you know”.
Figure 2: "Circle of Competence" mental model.
Literature addressing the tension between achieving
different objectives while undergoing omnichannel
transition is scarce. Nevertheless, several studies
contribute to the discourse from different
perspectives. The following provides an outline of the
most relevant studies.
For example, Kumar et al. (2017) propose a
framework aligning strategies and actions from a
market, firm, store, and customer perspective,
influencing the overall objective “retailer
profitability”. Although not explicitly discussing
objectives and their relationships, the study shows
“customer experience” as a strategic aspect affecting
the overall objective “retailer profitability”.
Furthermore, the study is not specifically
demonstrating an omnichannel emphasise but covers
the notion from a higher industry level. Through a
qualitative grounded theory approach, Cao & Li
(2015) find out that cross-channel integration
stimulates sales-growth. However, a customer
experience perspective is left out. The study by Oh et
al. (2012) relate channel integration (enabled by IT)
to firm performance and takes into account human
resources. Empirically grounded findings postulate a
positive relationship and underline efficient offering
delivery and innovativeness in future offering
creation. However, customer experience is not
addressed explicitly, and the context can be regarded
as pre-omnichannel / cross-channel.
The concept of Venn Diagrams is used to visualise
the mental model, along with shared and overlapping
sections (Venn, 1880). Three circles represent the
above-outlined concepts
What you
What you
think you
Circle of
Visualising Trade-offs of Objectives in Omnichannel Management: A Mental Model Approach
Channel Integration (CI)
Economic Value (EV) Creation and
Customer Experience (CX) Generation,
resembling the three critical management objectives
to realise a sustainable omnichannel strategy (Table
Figure 3: Mental model visualised as a Venn Diagram.
The intersections depict the relationship between
the concepts of the model. The larger the overlap the
more complementary the two objectives are to each
other, reflecting their positive relationship (Figure 3).
Table 1: Description of omnichannel objectives.
ective Description
This objective is realised when
channels are integrated in such a
way that alignment and interaction
among these are ensured and
operational. Realisation is driven
through investments in e.g. digital
technologies, restructuring efforts,
or acquisition of relevant know-
This objective is realised when a
seamless transition along the
customer journey across all
available channels is ensured for
the customer. Reflects customer-
oriented ob
This objective is realised when the
retailer is able to generate financial
value (e.g. profitability). Reflects
-value ob
E.g. a high overlap of channel integration and
customer experience depicts a strong positive
relationship (“the realisation of channel integration
relates to the generation of customer experience”).
Theoretically, full overlap, evident by fully congruent
circles, would reflect a perfect harmonic relationship
between all three objectives.
For the approach in this study, trade-off
relationships are considered under certainty to
simplify and eliminate uncertain consequences
(Keeney & Raiffa, 1993). Furthermore, in line with
the subjective nature of a mental model (Markman,
2013; Markman & Gentner, 2001), the concept
follows a non-formalized approach (Keeney &
Raiffa, 1993) because of the same reason.
The underlying theory is provided by Gross et al.
(2016), which is based on the Attention-Based View
of the firm (Ocasio, 1997). The study discusses
founders’ mental models (and cognitive boundaries)
and how they influence business model configuration
/ innovation based on the specific decisions the
individuals make. For this, the authors decompose the
business model configuration into components
(customer value proposition, resources and
capabilities and economic logic) and reflect their
mechanics for business model configuration (Figure
Figure 4: Mental Models for Business Model Configuration
(Gross et al., 2016).
The mental model can reflect five basic constellations
and scenarios a manager might be confronted with
while pursuing an omnichannel approach.
(1) High CX Generation / Low EV Creation
This scenario shows the positive relationship between
the objectives CI and CX (Figure 5). However, EV is
not or barely achieved. This mental model
constellation can represent scenarios in which a
retailer is achieving a distinct customer experience
WUDESHI-DR 2020 - Special Session on User Decision Support and Human Interaction in Digital Retail
through effective channel integration but fails to stay
profitable while doing so. The priority lies in the
customer experience generation and thus can
represent retailers who are customer-centric and
follow a strong customer-oriented strategy. This is in
line with the omnichannel principle in aligning all
channels in order to generate positive customer
experience (e.g. Verhoef et al., 2015).
Here, it is recommended to exploit the high CX
achievement and translate the value created to
financial impact. In addition, improving cost-
effectiveness for CI activities can further increase the
achievement of EV goals.
Figure 5: High CX Generation / Low EV Creation.
(2) High EV Creation / Low CX Generation
In this constellation, there is a positive relationship
between the realisation of CI and the objective EV.
However, no substantial CX generation is achieved
(Figure 6). Here, ineffective channel integration
efforts are made making the business profitable but
failing at generating important CX. This might be
explained by ineffective but cost-effective CI
measures that favour meeting profitability goals over
CX goals.
The recommended action here is coordinating
channel integration activities towards CX (effective
CI) as well as considering investing in more CI
activities. Prioritising CX over EV while doing so
represents the appropriate rationale and direction in
achieving omnichannel transition.
Furthermore, it should be noted that this
constellation cannot be of sustainable nature if there
are no long-term investments towards CX generation
made as the industry and competition follows the
trend in providing a distinctive customer experience.
This constellation and constellation (1) represent the
typical trade-off problem current retailers are faced
Figure 6: High EV Creation / Low CX Generation.
(3) Low CX Generation / Low EV Creation
This scenario can be described as a pre-omnichannel-
stage as CI is not fulfilled as well as there is no CX
generation. As a result, no substantial EV is created
(Figure 7).
In this scenario, the business is deemed to fail in
achieving any critical objective and should reconsider
the current strategy immediately. It is recommended
to drive CI activities to generate CX.
Figure 7: Low CX Generation / Low EV Creation.
(4) High CX Generation / High EV Creation
but no CI Achievement
In this scenario, the business generated high CX and
is profitable at the same time (high EV creation).
However, this is a result of no CI activities as channel
integration is not achieved (Figure 8).
This constellation can depict scenarios in which
retailers provide a high CX without following an
omnichannel approach with integrated channels. In
those cases, it is important to realise that this strategy
does not lie on a sustainable ground as competition
successively follows an integrated approach, and
sooner or later the retailer will fall back (customers
will turn towards integrated retailers and EV will drop
eventually). It is recommended to make use of the
Visualising Trade-offs of Objectives in Omnichannel Management: A Mental Model Approach
high EV output and make sustainable investments in
CI activities.
Figure 8: High CX Generation / High EV Creation but no
CI achievement.
(5) Towards Omnichannel Approach
The intersection between all three objectives
represents a balanced constellation, harmonizing all
three objectives. Achieving CI leads to the generation
of high CX and high EV creation at the same time
(Figure 9). CI activities are effective. It represents the
ideal scenario and serves as a mental aspiration.
Once achieved, it is recommended to keep this
constellation and optimise further the balance
between the objectives. This scenario reflects a
successful direction towards a sustained omnichannel
Figure 9: Towards Omnichannel Approach.
The above-mentioned scenarios reflect a possible
setting while undergoing omnichannel
transformation. Especially, it is shown that the mental
model is able to
depict relevant and critical objectives in realising
an omnichannel strategy,
support decision-makers in realising the trade-off
relationships between those objectives, and
support decision-makers in realising implications
of certain scenarios and understand possible
actions to overcome shortcomings in their current
The challenge in realising an omnichannel strategy is
of major relevance for current retailers and demand
an understanding of trade-off relationships between
critical objectives. This paper proposes an initial idea
of utilising a mental model approach, relating the
omnichannel management objectives “Channel
Integration”, “Customer Experience Generation” and
“Economic Value Generation” and visualising
different dynamics and scenarios in their
achievements. With this, retail managers are able to
reflect the need for balancing financial and non-
financial objectives, realise the trade-offs while
achieving one objective or the other, and understand
and predict certain scenarios with the aim to act
towards omnichannel realisation.
This short paper is an early work and involves the
following limitations. It represents an initial idea and
is subject to be further developed. Currently, there is
no validation as the concept requires to be evaluated
by empirical means such as case studies. Another
limitation is given by the fact that the proposed
constellations of the mental model are not covering
all relevant scenarios. More elaboration would also be
necessary regarding the time perspective: e.g. how do
those scenarios relate to each other from a time
perspective? Additionally, reflecting upon an HCI
application perspective can further help to contribute
to the field and eventually develop towards a potential
instantiation (e.g. scorecard tool).
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant
agreement No. 765395, and was also supported, in
part, by Science Foundation Ireland grant
13/RC/2094 and co-funded under the European
Regional Development Fund through the Southern &
Eastern Regional Operational Programme to Lero
the Irish Software Research Centre (
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Based on a Literature Review. In International
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WUDESHI-DR 2020 - Special Session on User Decision Support and Human Interaction in Digital Retail