The Current Limitations of Blockchain Traceability:
Challenges from Industry
N. S
1 a
, M. Mejias Risoto
1 b
, J. M. Ramos-Cueli
2 c
, T. Wojdy
3 d
D. Lizcano
4 e
and J. Torres-Valderrama
1 f
University of Seville, ETS de Ingenier
ıa Inform
atica, Web Engineering and Early Testing Research Group, Seville, Spain
Soltel Group, Department of Research and Development, Leonardo da Vinci, 13, 41092 Seville, Spain
School of Banking and Management, Cracow, Poland
School of Computer Science, Madrid Open University, UDIMA, Madrid, Spain
Blockchain, Traceability, Model-based Software Engineering, Common Information Model.
Blockchain technology is a chain of cryptographically linked blocks. It was designed to be immutable, so
that the identity and traceability of the information entered would be guaranteed. After analyzing several
traceability solutions, in the context of a Spanish company project, it was found that in order for a traceability
solution to be efficient and agile, an additional layer is necessary in the blockchain. Since this need originated
in the industrial sector, the subject has awakened considerable interest in the research community. This paper
explains why the extra layer is essential and why it should ideally be totally independent of the information
that is recorded on the blockchain network. Although data in a blockchain network is immutable, the paper
also outlines the need for additional verification mechanisms capable of determining whether the raw data was
correct. Finally, it includes planned future work.
Blockchain technology has evolved a lot since the in-
troduction of Bitcoin in 2008. This cryptocurrency
invented by an unknown person, or group of people,
using the name Satoshi Nakamoto (Nakamoto, 2008),
first appeared in 2009 (Joshua, 2011), when its im-
plementation was released as open-source software.
Engineers and researchers are now realizing the ben-
efits of blockchain technology and looking for ways
to integrate it into their infrastructures in numerous
sectors, from finance and supply chains to health (Al-
Saqaf and Seidler, 2017). Due to its decentralization
and reliability, blockchain technology is potentially
beneficial to businesses, its enhanced security, greater
transparency, and easier traceability opening up many
new opportunities (Song et al., 2019).
Traceability is one of blockchain’s biggest advan-
tages over other solutions. Blockchain networks have
intrinsic mechanisms that facilitate both external and
internal audits (Westerkamp et al., 2020). Moreover,
blockchain networks were designed to be immutable,
so that the identity and traceability of the informa-
tion entered would be guaranteed. Although several
different techniques can be applied (Cleland-Huang
et al., 2014), blockchain offers additional functional-
ity in terms of data security, and this is very interest-
ing for certain businesses where it is a prerequisite to
have a secure, reliable record in which information
remains unchanged and traceable.
After analyzing several product/service traceabil-
ity solutions, in the context of Common Information
Model for Traceability Project (Soltel Group’s CIMT
Project is currently under development), it was found
that a flexible traceability module is required: a mod-
ule totally independent of the information registered
in the blockchain network and one which, depending
on the user case, does not need to be reimplemented
and allows the tracking process to be applied to dif-
ferent components at the same time.
Sánchez-Gómez, N., Risoto, M., Ramos-Cueli, J., Wojdy
nski, T., Lizcano, D. and Torres-Valderrama, J.
The Current Limitations of Blockchain Traceability: Challenges from Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0010213503730380
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2020), pages 373-380
ISBN: 978-989-758-478-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The CIMT Project is part of the SERVICECHAIN
initiative, which is co-financed with FEDER funds.
The main objective of this initiative is the industrial
research, in blockchain technology, to solve the chal-
lenges of the Spanish companies in the management
of digital identity, reliability and traceability of the
goods and services transactions against the require-
ment of digital transformation and existing regulation.
Soltel Group is part of the consortium and has the re-
sponsibility to develop the technology that allows the
traceability of the product’s life cycle, from its man-
ufacture to the acquisition by the final consumer and
subsequent transactions, until its disposal (at the end
of its useful life). This process is mainly oriented to
Industry 4.0 and energy.
This need, first identified in industry, has aroused
the interest of the research community. Also, al-
though data on the blockchain network remains un-
changed, industry also recognizes that additional ver-
ification mechanisms should be introduced in order to
show whether raw data is correct.
Blockchain technology can be applied in many
different healthcare contexts. It can be used, for ex-
ample, to manage Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
or in the tracking research methods used in clinical
trials to make drugs safer (Shahnaz et al., 2019). At
a high level, blockchain application can be thought of
as a two-layer EHR. One layer handles all changes: it
is a live medical record that is updated, for example,
when the patient visits the doctor. The second layer
just monitors and tracks changes, creating a note of
the ”who, when and where” associated with all the
changes that take place as the patient’s records evolve.
Blockchain networks add changes to this layer and
prevent any editing or changes, creating a secure, per-
manent record that is validated by all stake-holders
with access to the data. Although the data stay im-
mutable, the blockchain does not have a verification
mechanism to prove whether the raw data were cor-
rect, making it necessary to have an intermediate layer
to facilitate such mechanisms.
Since blockchain has the potential for many use
cases and is applicable in numerous industries,using
Blockchain-as-a-Service (Singh and Michels, 2018)
would also allow companies to easily integrate
blockchain technology and additional functions into
their businesses without disruption to their daily pro-
cesses. Therefore, in future work it will be necessary
to address the proposed architecture.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Technical background is introduced in Section 2. Sec-
tion 3 discusses the suitability of using blockchain in
the context of product or service traceability. Sec-
tion 4 analyses and proposes an additional layer for
blockchain traceability, and Section 5 provides a set
of conclusions and outlines future work.
2.1 Blockchain and Smart Contract
Blockchain technology, based on distributed ledger
technologies (DLT), is a chain of cryptographically
linked blocks. It provides a distributed shared data
store and a computational infrastructure. As a data
structure, blockchain only allows data to be inserted.
It does not allow any existing data on the blockchain
network be updated or deleted. This is to prevent tam-
pering and revision. Blockchain technology has only
a very limited capability to support programmable
transactions and only allows small pieces of data to
be embedded in transactions for other purposes: for
example, to represent physical or digital assets.
This technology currently provides a general
purpose programmable infrastructure, and a ledger
that stores the computational results generated from
that infrastructure. Smart contracts (Alharby and
Van Moorsel, 2017) are programs deployed and run
on blockchain networks. These programs can execute
triggers, rules, and business logic (Mohanta et al.,
2018) to enable transactions. In such a decentralised
environment, blockchains can also assure traceability
of transactions, and thus achieve a high level of trans-
parency and reliability in the ledger.
2.2 Blockchain Applications
Financial entities, governments, enterprises and star-
tups are now exploring the applicability of blockchain
in their domains. Application examples include, but
are not limited to, digital currency, international pay-
ments, securities registration and financial sector set-
tlements, registries, identity and taxation as govern-
ment services, Internet of Things (IoT) storage, com-
puting and management, and industrial supply chains
(Zheng et al., 2018). Supply chains and health-care
are considered a particularly promising area for the
application of blockchain (Wang et al., 2019) (Bell
et al., 2018).
In all these sectors, traceability is important for
one reason or another (Dessureault, 2007):
It makes it easier to prove compliance with reg-
ulations in audits, thereby reducing exposure to
regulatory risk.
It improves stock control in terms of reducing
wastage, managing expired stock, safety issues,
APMDWE 2020 - 5th International Special Session on Advanced Practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
and increasing profitability.
It helps prevent counterfeit goods or fraudulent
products from entering the market.
It is beneficial for brands in that it helps build trust
with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.
It improves efficiency in supply chains, interna-
tional trade, chains of custody, healthcare chains,
2.3 Blockchain Oracles
Blockchain networks, or more specifically smart con-
tracts, are limited insofar that they cannot access
the external data which might be needed to control
the execution of business logic. Smart contracts are
stored on the blockchain network and can only receive
data from external services through so-called oracles
(Beniiche, 2020). These can collect information from
different sources. For example, they can monitor the
status of a product to determine whether it has arrived
and then write that status on the blockchain network.
The change in product status could then be detected
by the smart contract, which would trigger payment
following the purchase of the product.
Some blockchain-based applications have re-
cently become more complex, incorporating concepts
like smart contracts, oracles and Decentralized Au-
tonomous Organization (DAO). A DAO is a dis-
tributed application implemented to make it possible
for multiple parties, either human or machine, to in-
teract with each other (Buterin et al., 2014).
In practice, blockchain oracles are crucial to the
correct execution of a smart contract, since the inser-
tion of incorrect information may lead to actions that
are not easy to revert (e.g., certain types of money
transfer). The blockchain oracle workflow is typi-
cally executed between three types of participants:
data feed providers, oracle nodes/network operators,
and blockchain operators (Al-Breiki et al., 2020).
Data feed providers enable different APIs (Applica-
tion Programming Interfaces) to read and provide data
from different data sources such as sensors, stock
markets or even adhoc solutions to oracle nodes.
To illustrate this idea, Figure 1 shows an API
server made up of different REST APIs (the most
widely used web service technology).
2.4 Model-based Software Engineering
Model-Based Software Engineering (MBSE), also
known as Model-Based Engineering (MBE), Model-
Driven Engineering (MDE), Model-Driven Develop-
ment (MDD), Model-Driven Software Development
Figure 1: Blockchain network using external APIs
omez et al., 2020).
(MDSD) etc., is a software development paradigm fo-
cused on the application of visual modeling princi-
ples and best practices throughout the Software De-
velopment Life Cycle (SDLC) (V
olter et al., 2013).
MBSE commonly uses multi-user repository-based
modelling tools (Friedenthal et al., 2007) which pro-
vide an environment where a precise, unambiguous
view of a system’s components, including their be-
havior and interactions, can be defined and managed.
The MBSE paradigm is model-based to the extent
that the visual modeling artifacts it generates are suf-
ficiently precise and complete to serve as a software
or systems blueprint for improving SDLC efficiency
and productivity. It is model-driven to the extent that
it at least partially automates - that is to say, it drives
- the SDLC via requirements that are precisely and
completely specified as part of the system model, and
which can be fully traced across the SDLC. MBSE
is therefore the formalized application of modeling to
support requirements gathering, analysis, design, ver-
ification and validation activities.
To illustrate this paradigm, Figure 2 shows the ma-
jor MBSE activities.
Models can be either abstractions or representa-
tions of reality that facilitate the understanding of its
complexity. The MBSE approach has four main ac-
tivities. The primary activity is to specify software
requirements. Unified Modelling Language (UML) is
commonly used to do this (Schumacher, 2018). Af-
ter specifying requirements, different model transfor-
mation techniques have been used to obtain the out-
put model of choice for further verification and val-
idation. The two most common transformation ap-
proaches are Model-to-Model (M2M) transformation
and Model-to-Text (M2T) transformation (Zhu et al.,
2019). The verification activity is carried out to eval-
uate the correctness of the model-system. If a model
fails to satisfy the verification requirements, alter-
ations are introduced to rectify the design errors, as
shown in Figure 2. The model-system is validated
through simulation. It is common practice to gener-
ate the source code using the model transformation
technique, which is then used for simulation (Rashid
The Current Limitations of Blockchain Traceability: Challenges from Industry
Figure 2: The major MBSE activities (Rashid et al., 2015).
et al., 2015).
Figure 3 illustrates how the MBSE is integrated
across domains.
Figure 3: The MBSE Integration Across Domains.
In brief, MBSE is a term that predicates the use
of modelling to analyse and document key aspects of
the SDLC. This paradigm is a model-centric approach
providing a single pint of truth which is reflected in a
set of living artifacts (Hart, 2015).
It is important to emphasize that technological
progress requires increasingly flexible, sustainable ar-
chitectures. In recent years, this has triggered greater
interest in such new model-based paradigms. These
alternatives have proved to be enormously robust,
flexible and scalable compared to traditional strate-
gies. Moreover, they feature concepts like reuse
and platform independence (Rodrigues et al., 2012).
MBSE designs for platform architecture can be reused
to add more functionality and/or change the target ar-
2.5 Common Information Model
The Common Information Model (CIM) (Uslar et al.,
2012) is an open standard that defines how managed
elements, in an IT environment, are represented as a
common set of objects and the relationships between
them. This standard formalism was developed by the
Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), as part
of its WBEM (Web-Based Enterprise Management)
proposal (Arora et al., 2004) (Alexander et al., 2004).
The CIM standard includes the CIM Infrastructure
Specification that defines the architecture and con-
cepts of CIM, and CIM Schema, a conceptual schema
which defines the specific set of objects and relation-
ships between them that represent a common base for
the managed elements in an IT environment. Some
current proposals for formalizing structural diagrams
through UML are easily adaptable to CIM diagrams
(McMorran, 2007).
Product or service traceability, for example in supply
chains, is the connection of all business processes in-
volved in the commercialization, generation and dis-
tribution of goods, from raw material to finished prod-
ucts and end consumers (Xu et al., 2019). Traceability
enables consumers to track products during produc-
tion and distribution (Grover et al., 2018).
To illustrate this concept, Figure 4 shows a supply
chain traceability system for blockchain technology.
Figure 4: Supply chain traceability system for blockchain
APMDWE 2020 - 5th International Special Session on Advanced Practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
Governments also use traceability systems to dis-
play relevant information (e.g. origin, location, etc.)
and issue certificates. In healthcare, traceability acts
as a point of convergence for numerous needs (Lo-
vis, 2008). In recent years, not only has traceabil-
ity or tracking become increasingly important in the
healthcare sector, but the application of blockchain
technology is also being explored to improve the in-
teroperability of patient health information between
healthcare organisations while safeguarding data pri-
vacy and security (Eryilmaz et al., 2020).
Traceability systems used in these sectors typi-
cally store information in databases controlled by the
same entity, but with such centralized storage there is
a risk that data will be interfered with. In a collab-
orative environment like blockchain, the security of
this type of system is important, especially in fields
like accountability and the processing of forensic in-
Traceability is particularly interesting for those
entities that want to adapt to new production models
currently in development or pilot phases, and also for
entities with quality certification, where it is an essen-
tial requirement to have a reliable, secure logging sys-
tem, in which information remains unchanged. Once
data is stored in the blockchain network, it can be con-
sidered secure and immutable (Sartori, 2020).
Research conducted so far suggests that using
blockchain technology is advantageous for achieving
traceability (Aung and Chang, 2014) . Although the
same activities can be carried out using other tech-
niques, blockchain technology adds additional func-
tionality to data security (Li et al., 2020), something
that entities find very appealing.
Data transparency is desirable because stakehold-
ers want to check the authenticity of information. And
it appears that traceability systems can benefit from
the digital nature of blockchain without being affected
by blockchain’s current limitations
Basically, any workflow can be fully reflected in
blockchain technology and can operate across multi-
ple entities, similar as a collect data. Each step of the
process can be registered and, depending on the inter-
vals at which new blocks are added to the blockchain,
the block creation timestamp shows the time and date
when the information was recorded. In fact, one of the
main advantages of using blockchain traceability in-
stead of traditional solutions is that it is a mechanism
that facilitates external and internal audits (Suzuki
and Murai, 2017). Thanks to its immutable record-
ing of information, the authenticity of the data can be
irrefutably guaranteed for the different stakeholders.
In other words, anyone can easily check what each
stakeholder has registered and when. This also facil-
itates the detection of possible incidents (even auto-
It appears, therefore, that an entity no longer
needs to do anything else to guarantee the traceabil-
ity or inviolability of data in the face of possible au-
dits (it would have to do a great deal of monitor-
ing if the information were stored only in a standard
database). However, although its data remains im-
mutable in time, the blockchain does not have a verifi-
cation mechanism to prove whether the raw data were
correct (Galvez et al., 2018), making it necessary to
have an intermediate layer to facilitate such verifica-
tion or validation mechanisms. If a piece of data is
altered, the blockchain will not detect it. Also, as will
be detailed below, it is essential for the traceability
solution to be completely independent of the dataset
recorded in the blockchain network. This way, de-
pending on the user case, it would not be necessary to
implement it again and it would be possible to apply
the traceability process to different components at the
same time. That is to say, a product or service could
be monitored using a common dataset and the exten-
sions needed for each business case.
As already mentioned, there are two aspects which
need to be improved in blockchain traceability. Ver-
ification mechanisms need to be adopted to check
whether the raw data is correct and the traceability
solutions need to be completely independent of the
dataset recorded in the block chain network.
From our point of view, for a blockchain traceabil-
ity solution to be efficient it must take into account the
possible granularity of the information to be recorded,
the cost of operations and, above all, the agility of
the traceability monitoring. In view of these require-
ments, it is therefore necessary to have an additional
layer in the blockchain, so that the best possible bal-
ance may be obtained between them.
One of the challenges involved is that for each
application it is necessary to develop specific smart
contracts that provide not only the traceability ser-
vice, but also all other services associated with the
blockchain platform. It is also essential for the new
layer to have a flexible design, offering added value
to stakeholders, and to be totally independent of the
information to be recorded in the blockchain net-
work. In other words, it must be a layer that needs
no redeployment to be able to apply the tracking pro-
cess to different components at the same time, taking
advantage of the tracking properties intrinsic to any
The Current Limitations of Blockchain Traceability: Challenges from Industry
blockchain network.
To address these issues, the first objective was to
design an architecture for blockchain traceability so-
lutions with pre-established smart contracts, as shown
in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Architecture for blockchain traceability solutions.
The pillars of this puzzle are the blockchain oracle
and the external APIs. Thanks to the blockchain ora-
cle, smart contracts can be invoked in different ways,
using specific parameters or information in a data in-
terchange format such as the JSON format (REST
The second objective was to design a base meta-
model which, thanks to extensions, is capable of ac-
commodating new data models without the need to
re-implement the platform.
Here, MBSE and CIM would allow independence
from the destination platform and facilitate the estab-
lishment of a base model that would make the solution
independent of the information to be processed, thus
making this service transparently and reliably acces-
sible to any client.
For the definition of the CIM model, it is therefore
necessary to define a series of types, characteristics
and basic operations which allow native types of in-
formation to be established (at the meta-model level,
interrelations, classes, values, etc. are also indicated).
In other words, this meta-model is a meta-structure
that can be used to define the information model, es-
tablishing a series of general restrictions that allow
the model to be structured and its scalability managed.
In this case, the service layer could be defined at the
meta-model level, and would therefore not need to be
modified if the information model is an extension of
the meta-model (since the service layer exchanges in-
formation at the instance level, regardless of the type
of object involved).
It is important to note that the models must com-
ply with a number of requirements. On the one hand,
specific data types, properties and methods must cor-
respond to the needs of the use cases and program-
ming languages involved in the development. Once
these have been defined, correspondence with those
defined in the meta-model must be indicated. On the
other hand, the extensions must be derived as classes
of subclasses, preserving the predefined scheme, and
must therefore always provide a detailed description
of the elements added.
CIM.jpg CIM.jpg
Figure 6: CIM meta-model diagram.
In brief, if the CIM model is used as a starting
point (as illustrated in Figure 6), its extension will
make it possible to cover one of the needs identi-
fied. For example, entity class ”Address” represents
the address information of the user or organization. In
blockchain, an address is similar to an email address.
It is used to receive and send data on the blockchain
network (just as an email address is used to send and
receive messages). If ”Address” is an extension of
entity class ”Class” (this entity class is shown in fig-
ure 6), ”Address” will have all the same features as
the original, plus something more than ”Class”. That
is to say, the CIM meta-model diagram can be easily
extended without modifying the original metamodel.
Since the blockchain networks can support many
use cases and are applicable in numerous industries,
many companies are beginning to use Blockchain-
as-a-Service. One example is the CIMT (Com-
mon Information Model for Traceability) Project. In
this Project, developed by Soltel Group, a hybrid
blockchain platform called ”Blockchain platform as
a Service for Traceability (BaaS-T)” is used to over-
come all the limitations (see Figure 7).
The CIMT Project uses the Ethereum network
of Alastria (an association that promotes the digi-
APMDWE 2020 - 5th International Special Session on Advanced Practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering
Figure 7: Blockchain platform as a Service for Traceability
(BaaS-T). Source: Soltel Group.
tal economy through the development of blockchain),
and Oraclize (Ethereum) to bring data from the out-
side world into an Ethereum smart contract. Soltel
Group Project is defining tracking processes, stake-
holders, and traceability data models in order to apply
specific extensions to any business case. On the other
hand, MBSE and M2T transformations, are being ap-
plied to define three generic smart contracts (services)
that (i) will initialize any process of product or service
traceability, (ii) register possible changes, both com-
mon data and possible extensions, and (iii) perform an
advanced search to determine the evolution of a prod-
uct or service in each of its stages and to be able to
check if the raw data is correct.
Blockchain technology allows all stakeholders to
check the entire history and (for example) the cur-
rent location of a product. This technology also cre-
ates transparency for all stakeholders. In fact, by irre-
versibly storing data, it creates a unique level of cred-
ibility, and allows stakeholders to strengthen their re-
However, two aspects of blockchain traceability
need to be improved. Verification mechanisms need
to be adopted to check whether the raw data is cor-
rect and traceability solutions must be completely in-
dependent of the dataset recorded in the blockchain
network. This paper describes a possible way to over-
come these limitations.
Firstly, it proposes an additional layer or module
of traceability that takes advantage of the characteris-
tics of blockchain oracles and APIs. Secondly, it de-
fines an extendable meta-model that can store trace-
ability information independently of the information
that is stored in the blockchain.
Planned future work includes implementing the
proposed architecture and designing the meta-model
that will facilitate the agile monitoring of product or
service traceability in blockchain networks.
First of all, we would like to thank all the experts
for their participation and for sharing their valu-
able knowledge. We would also like to thank all
the participants in our pre-tests for their collabo-
ration. This research was partially supported by
the NICO Project (PID2019-105455GB-C31) of the
Spanish Government’s Ministry of Science and In-
novation and Trop@ Project (CEI-12-TIC021) of the
Andalusian Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowl-
edge,Business and University.
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APMDWE 2020 - 5th International Special Session on Advanced Practices in Model-Driven Web Engineering