Immersive Technologies in Retail:
Practices of Augmented and Virtual Reality
Costas Boletsis
and Amela Karahasanovic
SINTEF Digital, Forskningsveien 1, 0373 Oslo, Norway
Augmented Reality, Customer Engagement, Retail, Shopping, Virtual Reality.
In this work, we examine the value that immersive technologies can bring to retailing through the retail prac-
tices they facilitate. To that end, a literature review is conducted resulting in the documentation of 28 aug-
mented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications from 38 publications. After analyzing the applica-
tions’ functionality and use in retail, the following AR/VR-enabled retail practices emerged: branding and
marketing; sales channel; after-sale customer service; virtual try-on; customer-as-designer; virtual training;
and workflow management. A principal observation from the analysis is that current AR/VR applications
are used mainly for customer-related innovation, with “branding and marketing” being a dominant practice.
Simultaneously, some practices are available to serve organization-related and support-related innovation. Fi-
nally, it was observed that AR is a popular technology in the retail environment and of high practical value,
being an ideal fit for the purchase journey and workflow management. However, VR is more difficult to im-
plement in retail, as it can be more expensive and complicated to integrate with the sales channel. However,
it can create strong emotional engagement due to high immersion and act as a useful tool for branding and
training. Therefore, these two technologies in retail and their strengths can supplement each other, thereby
creating promising innovation strategies when combined.
Immersive technologies, such as augmented reality
(AR) and virtual reality (VR), are increasingly used
in retail environments (Bonetti et al., 2018; Javornik,
2016; McCormick et al., 2014; Caboni and Hagberg,
2019). VR enables the creation of fully immersive
virtual environments that “replace” reality (Steuer,
1992; Boletsis and Karahasanovic, 2018) Recently,
major changes in VR systems have taken place, re-
viving the interest in the technology. VR has be-
come accessible, up-to-date, and relevant again due
to the low acquisition cost of VR hardware and the
rapid increase in virtual environments’ quality (Ol-
szewski et al., 2016; Boletsis, 2017; Boletsis and
Karahasanovic, 2018). On the other hand, AR is
closer to reality because its technical characteristics
enable the augmentation of the real environment (Mil-
gram and Kishino, 1994; Azuma, 1997). Advances in
the smartphone industry have allowed for the tech-
nology to become widely accessible, enabling users
to enjoy memorable AR simply through their smart-
phones’ screens (Billinghurst et al., 2015; Boletsis
and Karahasanovic, 2018). To fully exploit immer-
sive technologies’ potential in retail, one needs to un-
derstand the critical retailing areas in which their in-
novations can change the game (Grewal et al., 2018;
Boletsis and Karahasanovic, 2018).
The application of AR and VR in retailing has
been the subject of previous research. Caboni and
Hagberg (2019) formulated the various types of AR
applications in retail: online web-based applications;
in-store applications; and mobile applications. More-
over, the authors described the utilized methodology
for conducting a literature review of business-oriented
research around the use of AR in retail. Bonetti et al.
(2018) synthesized current debates to provide an up-
to-date perspective, incorporating issues relating to
motives, applications, and implementation of AR and
VR by retailers, as well as consumer acceptance. Fur-
thermore, in our previous work (Boletsis and Kara-
hasanovic, 2018), we documented several AR/VR ap-
plications used in retail through a scoping review,
and we adopted an innovation-centric approach, ex-
amining the generic types of innovation that they tar-
Boletsis, C. and Karahasanovic, A.
Immersive Technologies in Retail: Practices of Augmented and Virtual Reality.
DOI: 10.5220/0010181702810290
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2020), pages 281-290
ISBN: 978-989-758-480-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
get, based on the “Ten Types of Innovation” business
framework by Keeley et al. (2013).
In this work, we take inspiration from the afore-
mentioned studies, in order to move to a subfield
that has not been covered yet, i.e., examining the
value that immersive technologies can bring to retail-
ing through the retail practices they facilitate. To that
end, this work contributes to the field of knowledge
by: i) documenting AR and VR applications for re-
tail, based on related research, ii) synthesizing the re-
tail practices that AR/VR applications address, iii) in-
vestigating the differences between AR and VR when
applied in the retailing domain, and iv) briefly dis-
cussing the innovation types that the AR/VR-enabled
retail practices serve.
The present study’s methodology follows a linear
approach and it is based on a literature review to in-
vestigate the use of AR and VR in retail. The lit-
erature review’s search elements, initially proposed
by Caboni and Hagberg (2019), have been used suc-
cessfully to document business-oriented research ear-
lier (Boletsis and Karahasanovic, 2018). Therefore,
we used and further extended these methodological
elements here. Whereas our previous study (Bolet-
sis and Karahasanovic, 2018) investigated AR/VR in
retail from an innovation-centric perspective, this re-
search takes a technology-centric perspective, focus-
ing on the retail practices that AR and VR technolo-
gies facilitate and the value and functionalities they
can support. Naturally, our previous (Boletsis and
Karahasanovic, 2018) and current works supplement
each other, providing a more complete understanding
and overview of the topic from two different perspec-
tives. We aspire for this work to act as a guide for
researchers, developers, and practitioners in retail to
base their future decisions and designs around AR and
VR on existing theoretical and practical knowledge.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents the study’s methodology. Section 3 describes
the literature review process that was followed to doc-
ument the AR and VR applications. Section 4 theoret-
ically analyzes the literature review’s results, focusing
on the addressed retail practices. Section 5 discusses
the results, focusing on the AR and VR technologies,
with the paper concluding in Section 6.
This study’s methodology is enabling the transition
from specific practice to general theory by following
a bottom-up approach. The ultimate goal is to investi-
gate the use of AR and VR in retail through the analy-
sis of commercial AR and VR retail applications that
appear in the literature. At first, we document cur-
rent AR/VR-enabled retail practices through a litera-
ture review and axial coding. Then, we analyze these
practices and the characteristics of and differences be-
tween AR and VR in retail are discussed.
The reasoning behind the implemented methodol-
ogy is to examine current practices, as documented
and accredited by peer-reviewed literature; then for-
mulate related theory out of these practices, so that
future research and practice of AR/VR in retail can
have a better overview of the field and the necessary
theory to ground/analyze future contributions.
Certain methodological elements from the our previ-
ous preliminary literature review (Boletsis and Kara-
hasanovic, 2018) were also implemented and are
highlighted below. Despite being a scoping litera-
ture review, the guidelines for systematic literature
reviews (Kitchenham, 2004; Beecham et al., 2008)
were considered while constructing the review pro-
cess and its stages, to ensure a seamless expansion of
this scoping literature review into a systematic one in
the future, as described in Section 6.
3.1 Search Strategy
A literature search was performed in the Scopus aca-
demic search engine during December 2019 and May
2020. The Scopus search engine searches through the
databases of other publishers, such as ACM, Elsevier,
IEEE, Springer, Sage, Oxford University Press, Cam-
bridge University Press and many more. The key-
words used for the retrieval of eligible articles were
“augmented reality application” or “virtual reality ap-
plication” and “retail”. No publication-year-related
filtering was used. Eligible articles were also iden-
tified through backward reference searching, i.e., by
screening the retrieved publications’ reference lists
(Vom Brocke et al., 2009). Scopus, Google Scholar,
Google Search, and Web of Science were utilized
for the backward reference searching to run general
searches of specific references and to identify relevant
3.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
At this point, the inclusion/exclusion criteria of the
preliminary literature review (Boletsis and Kara-
hasanovic, 2018) were used. Therefore, peer-
reviewed articles with the following characteristics
were included:
WUDESHI-DR 2020 - Special Session on User Decision Support and Human Interaction in Digital Retail
1. written in English and accepted and presented in
peer-reviewed publications,
2. presenting, describing, or analyzing at any ex-
tent a commercial AR or VR retail application,
which is used by retail businesses in real life (e.g.,
being an application in an app-store, application
or service in a physical store, et al.).
Based on inclusion criterion #2, research prototypes
and conceptual descriptions of applications were ex-
The criteria’s formulation is based on the facts
that: i) the peer-review process adds to the credibil-
ity and reliability of the publications and the respec-
tive presented applications, and ii) the actual use of
the VR and AR applications by retail businesses en-
sures that the presented applications are existing, us-
able, and beyond the conceptual level (Boletsis and
Karahasanovic, 2018).
3.3 Screening Process and Results
The initial search elicited 243 articles. In total, 96
articles were identified as appropriate for inclusion
while 25 articles satisfied the inclusion criteria. Then,
backward reference searching of the extracted arti-
cles’ references took place, resulting in 13 additional
articles that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The au-
thors reviewed all 38 articles independently. The cat-
egories and themes of the review were shaped by the
authors/reviewers, based on the data extraction pro-
cess. A high level of agreement (>80%) between
the authors/reviewers was achieved, regarding the in-
clusion/exclusion decisions and the formulated cat-
egories and themes. Any disagreements were dis-
cussed and settled.
3.4 Data Extraction & Synthesis
The data extracted from each article included: the ar-
ticle’s full reference and additional descriptive infor-
mation regarding the AR/VR application, such as the
title, description, and/or use details.
The two reviewers jointly performed the data ex-
traction process. The descriptions of the AR/VR ap-
plications in retail were based on the descriptions
provided in the articles and/or other related publica-
tions. For demonstration purposes, YouTube video
links with the applications’ functionality were also
collected by querying the title of each application on
The themes of the review were conjointly synthe-
sized by the two authors, based on the data extraction
process. The AR/VR applications’ retail practices
were formulated based on the applications’ descrip-
tions and functionality, as presented in the reviewed
articles and the video demonstrations. Axial coding
of the documented AR/VR practices took place so
that each theme contains comparable and consistent
categories. The main themes identified in the review
and tabulated (Table 1) were:
the AR/VR retail applications,
their features, i.e., description, utilized technol-
ogy, and video demonstration, and
the AR/VR applications’ retail practices.
4.1 AR/VR-enabled Retail Practices
The literature review resulted in the analysis of 28 AR
and VR applications (AR/VR: 19/9). After document-
ing and analyzing their functionality and use in retail,
the following retail practices emerged:
Branding and Marketing: Even though these
terms are quite different from their scope, in this
case, they are operating together. AR/VR applica-
tions can be used i) in a short-term, tactical way
to engage/activate customers by fostering com-
pelling, emotional interactions and, at the same
time, ii) in a long-term, strategic way to estab-
lish a brand as technologically innovative and cre-
ative. Most of the times, the “marketing” use
of AR/VR has omnichannel functionality (e.g.,
L’Oreal Makeup Genius, Tesco Discover, IKEA
VR Experience, McDonald’s Track My Maccas,
etc.), containing connections to other marketing
channels, such as magazines, social media, ad
videos, websites, and physical stores to create
strong brand experiences and innovative multi-
platform offerings (Verhoef et al., 2015; Boletsis
and Karahasanovic, 2018).
Sales Channel: AR/VR applications can provide
an easy way to bring products or services to mar-
ket so that they can be purchased by consumers,
targeting to make immediate use of the cus-
tomer engagement that AR and VR can achieve
at a pre-sale level, e.g., during virtual try-ons,
customer-as-a-designer schemes, or various mar-
keting practices (Loureiro et al., 2019; Boletsis
and Karahasanovic, 2018). Therefore, they can
serve as sales channels, integrated into customers’
purchase journey through instant actions to buy
(e.g., Sephora Virtual Artist, IKEA Virtual Real-
ity Store).
Immersive Technologies in Retail: Practices of Augmented and Virtual Reality
Table 1: The reviewed AR and VR applications in retail.
Application Title Tech Description Demonstration Retail Practice References
Alibaba Buy+ VR VR application that allows customers to
browse and shop items in a virtual mall. Sales channel
Branding & marketing
(Jean, 2017; Mustafa et al.,
2018; Farah et al., 2019; Bolet-
sis and Karahasanovic, 2018)
Audi Quattro Coaster AR Mobile application for building a 3D track
and displaying a 3D interactive model of a
car. Branding & marketing (Boletsis and Karahasanovic,
Auto Bild AR AR AR application for the Auto Bild magazine
that displays 3D objects and scenes when
certain parts of the magazine are scanned. leU6 5Y After-sale customer service
Branding & marketing
(Rese et al., 2017)
Carrefour VR VR VR application which takes users for a
roller-coaster ride while showcasing sev-
eral products. l0 Branding & marketing (Loureiro et al., 2019)
DHL Vision Picking AR Application for AR glasses to facilitate or-
der processing, warehouse planning, and
training of warehouse staff. Workflow management
Virtual training
Branding & marketing
(Satoglu et al., 2018; Guo et al.,
2015; Miraldes et al., 2015; Bo-
letsis and Karahasanovic, 2018)
Dulux Visualiser AR Mobile application that allows users to test
paint colors on their walls using AR and a
mobile device’s camera. Virtual try-on
Branding & marketing
(Scholz and Smith, 2016; Bolet-
sis and Karahasanovic, 2018)
Hyundai Virtual Guide AR Mobile application that serves as a car
owner’s manual. After-sale customer service
Branding & marketing
(Poushneh, 2018; Hilken et al.,
2018; Avila and Bailey, 2016;
Boletsis and Karahasanovic,
IKEA Catalog AR Mobile application that allows users to
scan select pages and images from the
printed catalog to access extended AR con-
tent and display it on top of real space. Virtual try-on
Branding & marketing
(Baier et al., 2015; Rese
et al., 2014; Rese et al., 2017;
Dacko, 2017; Boletsis and
Karahasanovic, 2018)
IKEA Virtual Reality
VR VR application for users to furnish a vir-
tual room in real scale and then get a list of
all items selected with the unique reference
code and price list. Sales channel
Branding & marketing
(Loureiro et al., 2019; De Silva
et al., 2019)
IKEA VR Experience VR VR application for users to experience and
customize a VR IKEA kitchen. Virtual try-on
Branding & marketing
(Man and Qun, 2017; Edvards-
son and Enquist, 2011; Kemke
et al., 2006; Boletsis and Kara-
hasanovic, 2018)
L’Oreal Makeup Genius AR Mobile application that allows users to in-
stantly try on different styles of make-up. Virtual try-on
Branding & marketing
(Hilken et al., 2017; Hilken
et al., 2018; Boletsis and Kara-
hasanovic, 2018)
Lego AR Studio AR Mobile application that creates a virtual
Lego gameplay experience to be combined
with physical Legos. Customer-as-a-designer
After-sale customer service
Branding & marketing
(Moorhouse et al., 2018; Iyadu-
rai and Subramanian, 2016; Bo-
letsis and Karahasanovic, 2018)
WUDESHI-DR 2020 - Special Session on User Decision Support and Human Interaction in Digital Retail
Table 1: The reviewed AR and VR applications in retail (cont.).
Lego Connect AR AR application for the Lego catalogue that
displays 3D objects and scenes when cer-
tain parts of the magazine are scanned. Sales channel
Branding & marketing
(Miraldes et al., 2015)
Lego Digital Box AR AR application that scans the surface of a
Lego box and presents a 3D object of its
content. After-sale customer service
Branding & marketing
(Miraldes et al., 2015)
McDonald’s Track my
AR Mobile application for displaying 3D in-
teractive stories about a meal’s ingredients
and where the ingredients came from. After-sale customer service
Branding & marketing
s, 2014; Bresciani and
Ewing, 2015; Boletsis and
Karahasanovic, 2018)
Mister Spex
Virtual Mirror
AR AR application for users to try on various
pair of glasses. Virtual try-on
Sales channel
Branding & marketing
(Rese et al., 2017; Hilken et al.,
Mitsubishi Electric
AR AR application that serves as a virtual as-
sistant displaying instructions through 3D
models. After-sale customer service
Branding & marketing
(Miraldes et al., 2015)
NikeID In-store AR VR AR projection of customized shoe designs
on top of real shoes. Customer-as-a-designer
Branding & marketing
(Bonetti and Perry, 2017; Bolet-
sis and Karahasanovic, 2018)
North Face
VR Experience
VR 360-degree film about traveling experi-
ences. Branding & marketing (Dulabh et al., 2018; Boletsis
and Karahasanovic, 2018)
RayBan Virtual Mirror AR AR application for users to try on various
pair of glasses. Virtual try-on
Sales channel
Branding & marketing
(Rese et al., 2017)
Sephora Virtual Artist AR Mobile application that allows users to in-
stantly try on thousands of lip colors. Virtual try-on
Sales channel
Branding & marketing
(Mocanu, 2012; Yim et al.,
2017; Boletsis and Kara-
hasanovic, 2018)
Tesco Discover AR Application for scanning Tesco publica-
tions to reveal additional content and pur-
chasing products using buy links. Sales channel
Branding & marketing
(Bodhani, 2013; Baier et al.,
2015; Rese et al., 2014; Bolet-
sis and Karahasanovic, 2018)
Tesco Pele VR VR application for users to experience the
environment of a Tesco store and a football
field. k1vvc Branding & marketing (Loureiro et al., 2019)
Toms Virtual Giving
VR 360-degree film about a charity mission. Branding & marketing (Grewal et al., 2018; Boletsis
and Karahasanovic, 2018)
Uniqlo’s Magic Mirror AR AR application for users to try on various
clothes in front of an AR mirror. Virtual try-on
Sales channel
Branding & marketing
(Balaji et al., 2018; Zhao and
e, 2017; Boletsis and
Karahasanovic, 2018)
Volkswagen Virtual
Golf Cabriolet
AR Mobile application for displaying a 3D in-
teractive model of a car. Branding & marketing (Bodhani, 2013; Boletsis and
Karahasanovic, 2018)
Volvo XC90 Test Drive VR 360-degree experience about driving a car. Virtual try-on
Branding & marketing
(De Gauquier et al., 2019; Bo-
letsis and Karahasanovic, 2018)
Walmart VR
in Academies
VR VR application for training employees. Virtual training
Branding & marketing
(Carruth, 2017; Babu et al.,
2017; De Keyser et al., 2019;
Boletsis and Karahasanovic,
Immersive Technologies in Retail: Practices of Augmented and Virtual Reality
After-sale Customer Service: The fact that im-
mersive technologies can blend with reality pro-
vides the opportunity for immersive applications
to add virtual content to real-life use contexts and
offer additional customer value. AR/VR appli-
cations can provide various after-sale services by
offering complimentary product-related informa-
tion in use-context (Gryb
s, 2014; Boletsis and
Karahasanovic, 2018). This enables customers to
have their purchased products extended with new,
virtual content for several purposes (e.g., enter-
tainment content for Lego AR Studio, good pub-
licity content for McDonald’s Track my Maccas)
or to get useful after-sale customer support and
guidance (e.g., Hyundai Virtual Guide).
Virtual Try-on: AR and VR can visualize “what
could be”. Virtual try-ons (VTOs) visualize the
use of certain products as 3D graphics in AR or
VR space. These try-ons enable the customers to
get an idea about how the product would work
or fit them, at a pre-sale stage, thus attempting
to affect purchase decision (Boletsis and Kara-
hasanovic, 2018; Scholz and Smith, 2016; Hilken
et al., 2017; Hilken et al., 2018). The analy-
sis indicates a high concentration of VTOs ap-
plications. Customers can virtually try furniture,
clothes, and makeup products and more, as AR
3D models augmenting themselves and the phys-
ical space (e.g., IKEA Catalog, Uniqlo’s Magic
Mirror, Sephora Virtual Artist). VR VTOs im-
merse customers into VR spaces and try to com-
municate a sense of actually using the product
(e.g., IKEA VR Experience, Volvo XC90 Test
Customer-as-Designer: AR/VR applications can
be used to extend products’ value by involving
customers in the value-creation process. A com-
pany provides the AR/VR tools, and customers
can design the final product or formulate a dif-
ferent user experience with the product (Bolet-
sis and Karahasanovic, 2018; Moorhouse et al.,
2018). The “customer-as-designer” use can be
present at the pre-sale (e.g., NikeID In-store AR)
and/or after-sale (e.g., Lego AR Studio) stages.
Virtual Training: AR/VR technologies can facil-
itate the development of virtual environments and
simulated scenarios, offering users high immer-
sion and engagement levels (Boletsis and Kara-
hasanovic, 2018; Carruth, 2017; Babu et al.,
2017). Companies use these features for em-
ployee training in virtual settings (e.g., Walmart
VR in Academies).
Workflow Management: AR/VR applications
can practically affect the backstage way that retail
works and utilize the technologies to provide bet-
ter workflow management, e.g., regarding ware-
house planning and order picking (DHL Vision
Picking). The extra layers of information that
can be visualized through these technologies – in
real or virtual environments – provide several op-
portunities to annotate and organize retail work-
flow further (Boletsis and Karahasanovic, 2018;
Satoglu et al., 2018; Guo et al., 2015).
4.2 Frequency of AR/VR-enabled Retail
The AR/VR applications’ analysis produced 56 in-
stances of the seven AR/VR-enabled retail practices
mentioned above (i.e., an average of two retail prac-
tices per application, one always being “branding
and marketing”). The AR applications covered 42
instances of retail practices, while VR applications
addressed 14 instances. The overall instances of
AR/VR-enabled retail practices per technology are
presented in Figure 1.
In this section, we examine and discuss the follow-
ing issues: i) what types of innovation in retail do the
documented AR/VR-enabled practices address (Sec-
tion 5.1); ii) how do the features of AR and VR in
retail compare (Section 5.2); and iii) what are the lim-
itations of this study (Section 5.3).
5.1 AR/VR-enabled Retail Practices &
A main observation from Figure 1 is that current
AR/VR applications are used mainly for customer-
related innovation
. Branding and marketing is a
dominant practice, with all reviewed applications ad-
dressing it, along with potentially some additional
functionality (e.g., after-sale support service, virtual
try-on, et al.). Companies advertise their AR/VR
practices as an innovative feature and utilize the tech-
nologies to establish their brands and send the mes-
sage that they stand for innovation, exploration, and
creativity, thereby attempting to create loyal cus-
tomers (Boletsis and Karahasanovic, 2018). The
They are front-line innovations, including new product
lines, product categories, retail services, store formats or
channels to market (Hristov and Reynolds, 2015).
WUDESHI-DR 2020 - Special Session on User Decision Support and Human Interaction in Digital Retail
Figure 1: The number of instances of the AR/VR-enabled retail practices from the 28 reviewed AR/VR applications.
other retail practices that occupy that space con-
cern the use of AR/VR applications to provide added
customer value at different periods of the purchase
journey (Bonetti and Perry, 2017; Bonetti et al.,
2018): pre-sale (e.g., virtual try-ons, customer-as-a-
designer); sale (e.g., sales channel); and after-sale
(e.g., after-sale customer service).
At the same time, there is a limited number
of practices for organization-related
and support-
related innovation
processes, i.e., the virtual training
and workflow management retail practices. To tackle
this issue, the retail industry could apply AR/VR
innovation more intensively in support-related and
organizational-related processes. These innovations
could focus on organizing company assets – hard, hu-
man, or intangible – in unique ways that create value
and/or develop activities and operations that produce
a company’s primary offerings beyond the “business
as usual” stage. (Boletsis and Karahasanovic, 2018;
Keeley et al., 2013).
5.2 AR vs. VR in Retail
Apart from AR and VR retail practices, and the inno-
vation types they serve, we consider it useful to exam-
It mostly concerns business model innovation, which
might include new organizational structures, operating rou-
tines, or administrative processes (Hristov and Reynolds,
It encompasses information and communications tech-
nologies, supply chains and broader operational systems.
Such innovations are less visible from a customer perspec-
tive (Hristov and Reynolds, 2015).
ine the different elements that each technology brings
to the table to inform this work’s practical implica-
tions further. Three main differences were identified
based on the review presented herein:
5.2.1 Use
The fact that AR is blended with real life to scale pro-
vides the opportunity for applications to add virtual
content to the real-life context. This feels natural to
the shopping and product environment because it en-
ables virtual try-on sessions, product trials, and in-
teractions to affect purchase decisions (Boletsis and
Karahasanovic, 2018; Catchoom, 2017). Moreover,
AR applications can offer product-related informa-
tion in context, provide after-sale services, and offer
additional customer value. These enable customers
to have their purchased products extended with new,
virtual content or get useful after-sale support. At
the organizational level, AR applications can facili-
tate management processes that utilize and can bene-
fit from the aforementioned functionality, i.e., adding
virtual content to real-life context (Boletsis and Kara-
hasanovic, 2018; Catchoom, 2017). However, VR can
create fully immersive experiences in virtually simu-
lated spaces with high emotional engagement. At the
sales level, VR is presented as being used more as a
tool for branding and evoking the “wow factor” than
as a tool for creating customer value and/or support-
ing after-sale stages. At the organizational level, VR
can create high-quality training environments, sim-
ulating various scenarios that would be challenging
to recreate in real life (Boletsis and Karahasanovic,
Immersive Technologies in Retail: Practices of Augmented and Virtual Reality
2018; Catchoom, 2017; Biocca and Delaney, 1995;
Farah et al., 2019).
5.2.2 Technology Penetration
Figure 1 shows a much wider penetration of AR in
retail compared with VR. The main reason might
be that AR is easier to scale across users because
it can be experienced from many devices, such as
smartphones, tablets, desktop PCs, and AR glasses
(Catchoom, 2017). That scalability also affects the
cost of implementing AR projects in retail by keep-
ing costs low. However, VR is challenging to scale
because of the need for a specific user device (i.e.,
VR headset). Moreover, VR remains a largely under-
used tool due to its considerable high cost, the physi-
cal space needed for interaction, and user familiarity,
i.e., several users may not be completely familiar with
VR technology and the new devices, thus limiting
its target group (Boletsis and Karahasanovic, 2018;
Catchoom, 2017; Farah et al., 2019).
5.2.3 Sales Channels
The findings show that AR innovations can easily fa-
cilitate the integration of sales channels operating at
the pre-sale stage. These innovations can be inte-
grated easily into customer purchase journey through
scan-to-shop applications and instant actions to buy.
AR applications bridge the gap between physical and
online shops, providing the best of both worlds (Bo-
letsis and Karahasanovic, 2018; Catchoom, 2017).
However, VR is more difficult to integrate across sales
channels and, its direct impact on sales is more dif-
ficult to demonstrate because VR shopping remains
in its infancy. Nevertheless, important steps are be-
ing taken in this direction (e.g., Alibaba Buy+, IKEA
Virtual Reality Store) (Wu et al., 2018; Boletsis and
Karahasanovic, 2018; Catchoom, 2017). It should
be noted that both technologies – based on the afore-
mentioned current and scheduled advances – can pos-
itively affect the way people perceive shopping and
perform shopping activities, especially during times
or situations in which physical shopping may be a
challenging task (e.g., for people with physical dis-
abilities or during pandemics).
5.2.4 Summary
Overall, AR is widely used in the retail environment.
Its main advantage is that it can display digital infor-
mation on the real place, thus making it ideal for pur-
chase journeys and workflow management. Its imple-
mentation can be inexpensive and easily scalable at
the same time. Consequently, it can be said that AR is
of high practical value for retailing. VR is more diffi-
cult to implement in retail since it can be more expen-
sive and is cumbersome so far to integrate with
the sales channel; however, it can create strong emo-
tional engagement due to high immersion and can be
a useful tool for branding and training. Therefore, the
practices of these two technologies in retail and their
strengths can supplement each other, thereby creat-
ing promising innovation strategies when combined,
such as in the case of IKEA (Edvardsson and Enquist,
5.3 Research Limitations
This study contains certain limitations. The AR/VR
applications that were included and documented
herein were commercial applications, but they had to
have been presented in peer-reviewed research pub-
lications. As explained in Section 3.2, this method-
ological choice aimed to ensure that we included re-
liable AR/VR applications and not theoretical con-
cepts or prototypes. However, by introducing this
research-related criterion some applications that ex-
ist in the market but are not included in peer-reviewed
research publications may have been left out. Still,
the total number of reviewed applications (N=28) can
be viewed as adequate for providing a representative
overview of current AR/VR-enabled retail practices.
Moreover, the innovation elements that the two
technologies introduce are discussed briefly in Sec-
tion 5.1 because the technologies’ contribution to re-
tail innovation is analyzed and discussed at length
in our previous publication (cf. (Boletsis and Kara-
hasanovic, 2018)), utilizing the “Ten Types of Inno-
vation” business framework by Keeley et al. (2013).
As stated in Section 1, this study extends our previous
innovation-centric paper, focusing more on the tech-
nological contributions of AR and VR to retail.
Current work demonstrated that retail companies ac-
tively use AR/VR at different stages of the retail pro-
cess to achieve their business goals. The two tech-
nologies, despite operating on the same continuum,
can offer different values to retail practices, and these
characteristics were captured in this study. Therefore,
we consider that the theoretical knowledge produced
in this work can guide retail practice and shed more
light on how companies are using AR/VR in retail,
thus informing their future strategies.
Nevertheless, the work presented here is descrip-
tive and a prescriptive approach is needed in future re-
WUDESHI-DR 2020 - Special Session on User Decision Support and Human Interaction in Digital Retail
search. Future work will entail a systematic literature
review around the use of AR and VR in retail, map-
ping the reviewed AR/VR applications further by in-
troducing more aspects (wherever available), such as
cost and profitability. The goal of future work will be
the synthesis of novel theoretical knowledge, such as
design guidelines, process models, or decision frame-
works to inform retailers about the benefits from uti-
lizing AR and VR and guide them regarding the im-
plementation of AR/VR applications.
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