Generative Modeling of Synthetic Eye-tracking Data: NLP-based
Approach with Recurrent Neural Networks
Mahmoud Elbattah
, Jean-Luc Guérin
, Romuald Carette
, Federica Cilia
and Gilles Dequen
Laboratoire MIS, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France
Evolucare Technologies, Villers Bretonneux, France
Laboratoire CRP-CPO, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France
Keywords: Eye-tracking, Machine Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks, NLP.
Abstract: This study explores a Machine Learning-based approach for generating synthetic eye-tracking data. In this
respect, a novel application of Recurrent Neural Networks is experimented. Our approach is based on learning
the sequence patterns of eye-tracking data. The key idea is to represent eye-tracking records as textual strings,
which describe the sequences of fixations and saccades. The study therefore could borrow methods from the
Natural Language Processing (NLP) domain for transforming the raw eye-tracking data. The NLP-based
transformation is utilised to convert the high-dimensional eye-tracking data into an amenable representation
for learning. Furthermore, the generative modeling could be implemented as a task of text generation. Our
empirical experiments support further exploration and development of such NLP-driven approaches for the
purpose of producing synthetic eye-tracking datasets for a variety of potential applications.
The human eyes represent a rich source of
information not only reflecting on the emotional or
mental conditions, but also for understanding the
functioning of our cognitive system. The eye gaze
serves as an appropriate proxy for learning the user’s
attention or focus on context (Zhai, 2003). In this
regard, the eye-tracking technology has come into
prominence to support the study and analysis of gaze
behaviour in many respects.
Eye-tracking refers to the process of capturing,
tracking and measuring the absolute point of gaze
(POG) and eye movement (Majaranta and Bulling,
2014). The eye-tracking field notably has a long
history that dates back to the 19th century. The early
development is credited to the French
ophthalmologist Louis Javal from the Sorbonne
University. In his seminal research that commenced
in 1878, Javal made the original observations of
fixations and saccades based on the gaze behaviour
during the reading process (Javal, 1878, 1879).
Subsequently, Edmund Huey built a primitive eye-
tracking tool for analyzing eye movements while
reading (Huey, 1908). More advanced
implementations of eye-tracking were developed by
(Buswell, 1922, 1935). Photographic films were
utilized to record the eye movements during looking
at a variety of paintings. The eye-tracking records
included both direction and duration of movements.
The technological advances continued to evolve
towards the nearly universal adoption of video-based
eye-tracking. Video-based techniques could be
classified into: 1) Video-based tracking using remote
or head-mounted cameras, and 2) Video-based
tracking using infrared pupil-corneal reflection (P-
CR) (Majaranta and Bulling, 2014). Further, recent
developments discussed the use of Virtual Reality-
based methods for eye-tracking (e.g. Meißner et al.,
2019). Eye-tracking has been utilized in a multitude
of commercial and research applications. Examples
include marketing (e.g. Khushaba et al., 2013),
psychology (e.g. Mele and Federici, 2012), product
design (Khalighy et al. 2015), and many others.
However, the scarce availability or difficulty of
acquiring eye-tracking datasets presents a key
challenge. While having access to image or time
series data, for example, has been largely facilitated
thanks to repositories such as ImageNet (Deng et al.,
2009) and UCR (Dau et al. 2019). The eye-tracking
literature still lacks such large-scale repositories.
Elbattah, M., Guérin, J., Carette, R., Cilia, F. and Dequen, G.
Generative Modeling of Synthetic Eye-tracking Data: NLP-based Approach with Recurrent Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0010177204790484
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2020), pages 479-484
ISBN: 978-989-758-475-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In this respect, this study explores the use of
Machine Learning (ML) for generating synthetic eye-
tracking data. Our approach attempts to borrow
methods from the Natural Language Processing
(NLP) domain to transform and model eye-tracking
sequences. As such, the eye-tracking records could be
represented as textual strings describing series of
fixations and saccades. A long short-term memory
(LSTM) model is employed for the generative
modeling task. In summary, this paper attempts to
present the following contributions:
Compared to literature, the study explores a
different NLP-driven approach, which models
eye-tracking records as textual sequences.
Such approach for generating synthetic eye-
tracking data has not been proposed yet, to the
best of our knowledge.
In a broader context, it is practically
demonstrated how NLP methods can be
utilized to transform high-dimensional eye-
tracking data into an amenable representation
for the development of ML models.
The literature is replete with contributions that
introduced methods to synthesize or simulate the
human eye movements. Those methods could be
broadly classified into two approaches. On one hand,
the larger part of efforts sought to craft algorithmic
models based on characteristics driven from the eye-
tracking research. On the other hand, ML-based
methods were developed to this end. Though the
present work falls under the latter category, we
provide representative studies from the both sides.
The review is unavoidably selective rather than
exhaustive due to the limitations of space.
2.1 Statistical Modeling for Generating
Synthetic Eye-tracking Data
In an interesting application, it was proposed to
synthesize the eye gaze from an input of head-motion
sequence (Ma and Deng, 2009). Their method was
based on statistically modeling the natural
conjugation of gaze and head movements. Likewise,
(Duchowski et al. 2016) developed a stochastic model
of gaze. The synthetic data could be parameterised by
a set of variables including sampling rate, micro-
saccadic jitter, and simulated measurement error.
In similar vein, there have been numerous
contributions for developing gaze models to generate
realistic eye movement in animations or virtual
environments. To name a few, statistical models of
eye-tracking data were implemented based on the
analysis of eye-tracking videos (Lee, Badler, and
Badler, 2002). The models were aimed to reflect the
dynamic characteristics of natural eye movements
(e.g. saccade amplitude, velocity).
Another framework was proposed to automate the
generation of realistic eye and head movements (Le,
Ma, and Deng, 2012). It was basically aimed to
separately learn inter-related statistical models for
each component of movement based on a pre-
recorded facial motion dataset. The framework also
considered the subtle eyelid movement and blinks.
Further contributions could be found in this regard
(e.g. Oyekoya, Steptoe, and Steed, 2009; Steptoe,
Oyekoya, and Steed, 2010; Trutoiu et al. 2011).
2.2 Machine Learning for Generating
Synthetic Eye-tracking Data
In contrast to the above-mentioned studies, recent
efforts experimented purely ML-based approaches.
Eye-trackers typically produce abundant amounts of
eye-gaze information. A few minutes of operating
time would output thousands of records regarding the
gaze position and eye movements. With such large
amounts of data, ML could be an ideal path to
extrapolate algorithms from data exclusively.
For instance, a fully Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) was used for the semantic
segmentation of eye-tracking data (Fuhl, 2020). In
conjunction with a variational auto-encoder, the CNN
model was utilized further for the reconstruction and
generation of eye movement data. Using a
convolutional-recurrent architecture, (Assens et al.
2018) developed a framework named as ‘PathGAN.
With an approach of adversarial training, the
PathGAN presented an end-to-end model for
predicting the visual scanpath.
In another application with Recurrent Neural
Networks (RNN), a real-time system for gaze
animation was developed (Klein et al., 2019). Both
motion and video data were used to train the RNN
model, which could predict the motion of the body
and the eyes. The data was captured by a head-
mounted camera. Likewise, a sequence-to-sequence
LSTM-based architecture was applied to generate
synthetic eye-tracking data (Zemblys, Niehorster, and
Holmqvist, 2019).
NCTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
The dataset under consideration was collected as part
of an autism-related study (Elbattah et al., 2019). Eye-
tracking methods have been widely utilised in the
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) context, since
abnormalities of eye gaze are largely recognised as
the hallmark of autism (e.g. Guillon et al., 2014).
The eye-tracking experiments were based on a
group of 59 children. The age of participants ranged
from 3 to 12 years old. The participants were
organized into two groups as: i) Typically Developing
(TD), and ii) ASD. The participants were invited to
watch a set of photographs and videos, which
included scenarios to stimulate the viewer’s gaze. The
average duration of eye-tracking experiments was
about 5 minutes.
They used a SMI Red-M eye tracker with 60 Hz
sampling rate. The eye-tracking records contained
three categories of eye movements including fixation,
saccade, and blink. A fixation is the brief moment of
pausing the gaze on an object while the brain is
performing the perception process. The average
duration of fixation was estimated to be about 330
milliseconds (Henderson, 2003). While saccades
include a constant scanning with rapid and short eye
movements. Saccades include quick ballistic jumps of
or longer, which continue for about 30–120
milliseconds each (Jacob, 1995). The output sequence
of fixations and saccades is called a scanpath.
The original dataset was constructed over 25 eye-
tracking experiments, which produced more than 2M
records stored in CSV-structured files. Table 1
provides a simplified snapshot of the raw eye-
tracking records. The records describe the category of
movements and the POG coordinates over the
experiment runtime. Specifically, each row
represents a point in the experiment timeline. As it
appears, the eye-tracker’s timing was 20 ms roughly.
Due to limited space, many variables are not included
in the table (e.g. pupil size, pupil position).
Table1: A snapshot of eye-tracking records.
Pupil Diameter
(Right, Left)
8005654.06 Fixation 1033.9,
8005673.95 Fixation 1030.3,
8005693.85 Saccade 1027.3,
8005713.70 Saccade 1015.0,
8005733.58 Saccade 613.76,
As alluded earlier, the fixation-saccade sequences of
eye-tracking records were basically considered as
strings of text. As such, a set of NLP methods were
applied in order to process and transform the raw eye-
tracking dataset. The following sections explain the
procedures of data transformation.
4.1 Extraction of Sequences
The raw dataset represented long-tailed sequences of
fixations and saccades. Each sequence represented
the output of an eye-tracking experiment for one of
the participants. The dataset originally included 712
sequences. Raw sequences were very high
dimensional including thousands or even hundreds of
thousands of fixation-saccade elements. For example,
considering an experiment of 5 minutes, with an eye-
tracker of 20 ms resolution, would produce about 15K
records (i.e. (5*60*1000)/20).
The initial procedure was to transform the raw
sequences into a representation that can reduce that
high dimensionality. To this end, the sequences were
intially divided into smaller sub-sequences of fixed
length (L). It was aimed to produce sequences of an
adequate length, such that the LSTM model training
could be more tractable. Eventually, the sequence
length (L) was set as 20. All sub-sequences were
labelled as the original full-length sequence.
4.2 Segmentation of Sequences
The extracted sequences can be merely viewed as text
strings based on a binary set of words (i.e. fixation or
saccade, and excluding blinks). To simplify the
representation and processing of sequences, they
were partitioned into fixed-size fragments. This can
be more efficient for the tokenisation and encoding of
sequences. The segmentation of sequences was partly
inspired by the K-mer representation widely used in
the Genomics domain (e.g. Chor et al., 2009). In
comparable analogy, very long DNA sequences are
broken down into smaller (k) sub-sequences to
simplify the modeling and analysis tasks.
As such, a (K) number of fixations and saccades
was grouped together to form fragments. For
example, considering a sequence where L=20 and
K=4, the sequence would be divided into 5 fragments
(i.e. 20/4). Each fragment represents a combination of
fixations and saccades occurring in a particular
sequence. The fragments could be conceived as
words as in a text sentence.
Generative Modeling of Synthetic Eye-tracking Data: NLP-based Approach with Recurrent Neural Networks
Figure 1: The pre-processing pipeline of raw eye-tracking data.
4.3 Tokenisation
The segmented sequences were in a suitable form for
tokenisation, as commonly applied in NLP. The
Keras library (Chollet, 2015) provides a convenient
method for tokenisation, which was used for pre-
processing the sequences.
Using the Tokenizer utility class, textual
sequences could be vectorised into a list of integer
values. Each integer was mapped to a value in a
dictionary that encoded the entire corpus. The
dictionary keys represented the vocabulary terms.
4.4 One-hot Encoding
Subsequently, tokens were represented as vectors by
applying the one-hot encoding. It is a simple process
that produces a vector of the length of the vocabulary
with an entry for each word in the corpus. In this way,
each word would be given a spot in the vocabulary,
where the corresponding index is set to one. Keras
also provides an easy-to-use APIs for applying the
one-hot encoding. As such, the sequences eventually
consisted of fragments of binary digits.
4.5 Word Embedding
The final step was to apply the word embedding
technique, which is a vital procedure for making the
sequences tractable for ML. The one-hot encoded
vectors usually suffer from high dimensionality and
sparsity, which makes the learning vulnerable to the
curse of dimensionality. In this regard, embeddings
were used to provide dense vectors of much lower
dimensions compared to the encoded representation.
Keras provides a special Neural Network layer for
the implementation of embeddings. The embedding
layer can be basically regarded as a dictionary that
maps integer indices into dense vectors. Based on
integer inputs, it looks up these values in an internal
dictionary, and returns the associated vectors. The
embedding layer was used as the top layer of the
generative model. Figure 1 illustrates the pipeline of
pre-processing procedures.
Using L=20 and K=4, the dataset consisted of about
44K sequences. However, the experimental dataset
included the ASD set only, which accounted for about
≈35% of the dataset. Ideally, the generative model
would be utilised to generate synthetic samples of the
minority class, which is the ASD in our case.
The LSTM approach was applied. LSTM models
provide a potent mechanism for predictive and
generative modeling as well. They learn data
sequences (e.g. time series, text), and new plausible
sequences can be synthetically generated. In our case,
the goal was to learn text-like sequences of fixations
and saccades, as explained before. Basically, the
model was trained to predict the next word based on
a sequence of preceding words.
The core component of the model was an LSTM
layer of 50 cells. The LSTM layer was followed by a
dense layer. The model architecture was decided
largely empirically. The model was implemented
using the CuDNNLSTM layer of Keras, which
includes optimised routines for GPU computation.
Figure 2 sketches the model architecture.
Figure 3 plots the model loss in training and
validation over 20 epochs with 20% of the dataset
used for validation. The Adam optimizer (Kingma
and Ba, 2015) was used with its default parameters.
As it appears, the model performance levelled off
nearly after 10 epochs. Using the test set, the model
could achieve about 75% accuracy of prediction. The
experiments were run on the Google Cloud platform
using a VM including a Nvidia Tesla P4 GPU, and
25GB RAM. The model was implemented using
Keras and TensorFlow backend (Abadi et al., 2016).
NCTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Model architecture.
Figure 3: Model loss in training and validation sets.
The generation of synthetic sequences was
experimented as follows. Initially, the trained LSTM
model was saved. Keras allows to save the model into
a binary HDF5 format. The saved model included the
architecture along with the set of weight values.
After loading the model, a set of words were used
as a seed input. The seed words were randomly
sampled from the test set. Based on the seed input, the
next word can be predicted. As such, the LSTM
model could be used as a generative model to produce
synthetic sequences. The process can be iteratively
applied according to the desired sequence length. The
experiments along with the model implementation are
shared on our GitHub repository (Elbattah, 2020).
This paper presented an NLP-based approach for the
generation of synthetic eye-tracking records. Using a
sequence-based representation of the saccadic eye
movement, eye-tracking records could be modelled as
textual strings with an LSTM model.
The approach applicability was empirically
demonstrated in our experiments, though using a
relatively small dataset. It is conceived that the lack
of open-access eye-tracking datasets could make our
approach attractive for further studies. For instance,
the generative model can serve as an alternative
method for data augmentation in a wide range of eye-
tracking applications.
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NCTA 2020 - 12th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications