Analysing the Effect of Platform and Operating System Features on
Predicting Consumers’ Purchase Intent using Machine Learning
Ramazan Esmeli
, Alaa Mohasseb
and Mohamed Bader-El-Den
School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, U.K.
Purchase Intention Prediction, Purchase Behaviour Prediction, Browsing Behaviour, Classification, Machine
Predicting future consumer browsing and purchase behaviour has become crucial to many marketing plat-
forms. Consumer purchase intention is one of the main inputs used as a measurement for consumer demand
for new products. In addition, identifying consumers’ purchase intent play an important role in recommender
systems. In this paper, the effect of using different platforms on users’ behaviours is explored. In addition, the
effect of users’ platforms and their purchase intentions behaviours are investigated. We conduct computational
experiments using different machine learning algorithms in order to investigate the using users’ operating sys-
tem and platform types as features. The results showed that the users’ purchase intentions and behaviours are
correlated with these features.
Predicting future consumer browsing and purchase
behaviour has become crucial to many marking plat-
forms. Knowing customers need plays an impor-
tant role in identifying potential customers (Christy
et al., 2018). Moreover, prior information and expert
knowledge is an important aspect to obtain reliable
and consistent solutions (Mohasseb et al., 2019).
Consumer purchase intention is one of the main
inputs that marketing managers use to forecast fu-
ture sales and to determine how the actions they take
will impact consumers’ purchasing behaviour (Mor-
witz et al., 2014),(Esmeli et al., 2020). In addition,
these intentions are used as a measurement for con-
sumer demand of new products, in which marketing
managers could use as an in indicator of future de-
mand for their products, and to assess how their mar-
keting actions will impact that future.
Furthermore, identifying consumers’ purchase in-
tent play an important role in recommender systems
when determining which users will be receptive to
specific product recommendations (Korpusik et al.,
2016), (Esmeli et al., 2019).
The most common approach taken by many recent
studies is to identify the next buyer or the buyer in-
tent using machine learning algorithms such as deep
learning (Salehinejad and Rahnamayan, 2016), (Ko-
rpusik et al., 2016), other works such as (Kim et al.,
2003) used multiple classifier while authors in (Qiu
et al., 2015) and (Raphaeli et al., 2017) used unsuper-
vised learning such as association rules. Moreover,
consumers buying behaviour is analysed using differ-
ent methods such as statistical methods (Gupta and
Pathak, 2014) and hidden Markov model (Norouzi
and Alizadeh, 2016) to identify and recommend a
given product or service (Mart
ınez et al., 2020),
(Raphaeli et al., 2017), (Bang et al., 2013) (Wang
et al., 2015), (Kaatz et al., 2019) and (Liu et al., 2019).
In this paper, the effect of using different plat-
forms and operating systems that users browse web-
sites on users’ behaviours, is explored. In order to
achieve this aim, the following objectives are defined:
1. Analysing customers buying behaviour and their
intent when using different operating systems.
2. Creating a framework to analyse the purchase pre-
diction performance when different operating sys-
tems and platform types are utilised as features.
3. Investigating customers buying behaviour when
different machine learning algorithms are used.
4. Evaluating the performance of different machine
Esmeli, R., Mohasseb, A. and Bader-El-Den, M.
Analysing the Effect of Platform and Operating System Features on Predicting Consumers’ Purchase Intent using Machine Learning Algorithms.
DOI: 10.5220/0010176803330340
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 333-340
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
learning algorithms on the prediction and the clas-
sification of customers intent when using platform
types and operating systems users are using to
connect to different websites.
The paper is organised as follows: In Section 2,
we discuss related work on consumer behaviour
analysing and purchase prediction. Section 3 de-
scribes the details of the datasets used in our proposed
method. In Section 4, we give experimental results
and discuss the performance of the proposed meth-
ods. Finally, in Section 5, we conclude the paper and
give a new research direction.
In this section, we review the existing literature on
consumer purchase prediction using different meth-
ods. Recent studies used machine learning algo-
rithms. In (Kim et al., 2003), authors proposed a Ge-
netic Algorithm (GA)-based multiple classifiers com-
bining method for the prediction of the customers’
purchase behaviour. The proposed approach com-
bines individual decisions by multiple classifiers. The
experiment for a case from a leading Ecommerce
company in Korea showed that the proposed com-
bined method outperforms any individual classifiers.
Furthermore, two experiments were conducted. The
first experiment showed that the proposed algorithm
could improve the prediction accuracy of the purchase
propensity and the second experiment, showed that
this method has better performance than other com-
bining methods. Works in (Korpusik et al., 2016) used
deep learning techniques for predicting customer pur-
chase behaviour from Twitter data that recommender
systems could leverage. Authors collected a labelled
corpus of buy/not buy users and their tweets. A neu-
ral network-based classifier performed best at pre-
dicting whether a tweet is relevant to purchase be-
haviour, with an accuracy of 81.2% on mobile de-
vices and 80.4% on cameras. Results showed that
the use of a deep learning model that incorporates
sequential information performed better than ignor-
ing sequential information for the purchase prediction
task. In (Gupta and Pathak, 2014) authors proposed
a framework which combined different techniques of
machine learning, data mining and statistical methods
to predict the purchase behaviour of an online cus-
tomer by selecting an appropriate price range based
on dynamic pricing. The proposed framework has
been tested on a large dataset for an e-commerce firm.
While (Salehinejad and Rahnamayan, 2016) proposed
a customer behaviour prediction model using recur-
rent neural networks (RNNs) based on the client loy-
alty number (CLN), recency, frequency, and monetary
(RFM) variables. The experiment results showed that
RNNs could predict RFM values of customers effi-
ciently. This model can be later used in recommender
systems for exclusive promotional offers and loyalty
programs management.
Moreover, other studies used unsupervised learn-
ing, such as association rules. Authors in (Qiu
et al., 2015) proposed a predictive framework for cus-
tomer purchase behaviour in the e-commerce con-
text called CustOmer purchase pREdiction modeL
(COREL). Associations among products were inves-
tigated and exploited to predicate customer’s motiva-
tions, and customer preferences for product features
were learned and subsequently used to identify the
candidate products most likely to be purchased. In
addition, in this study, the authors investigated three
categories of product features and develop methods
to detect customer preferences for each of these three
categories. Experiments conducted on a real dataset
showed that customer preference for particular prod-
uct features plays a key role in decision-making and
that COREL greatly outperforms the baseline meth-
ods. While in (Raphaeli et al., 2017) authors used
clickstream to compare browsing behaviour in mo-
bile and PC sessions. Analysis has been conducted
to identify the differences in site usage characteris-
tics across different channels, in which the analysis
showed that user engagement in pc session is higher
than mobile sessions. In addition, sequential asso-
ciation rule mining was applied to the clickstream
data navigation patterns, which represent formal com-
binations of web page transitions. The final analy-
sis demonstrated that browsing behaviour tends to be
more task-oriented in mobile sessions compared to
PC sessions.
Furthermore, consumers buying behaviour is anal-
ysed using different methods such as graphical prob-
ability model. Works in (Wen et al., 2018) proposed
a graphical probability model that exploits the pay-
ment data to discover customer purchase behaviour
in the spatial, temporal, payment amount and product
category aspects, named STPC-PGM. As a result, the
mobility behaviour of an individual user showed that
it could be used to predict with a probabilistic graph-
ical model that accounts for all aspects of each cus-
tomer’s relationship with the payment platform. In or-
der to achieve real-time advertising, an online frame-
work was developed that efficiently computes the pre-
diction results. The experiment results showed that
STPC-PGM is effective in discovering customers’
profiling features, and outperforms the state-of-the-
art methods in purchase behaviour prediction. While
in (Norouzi and Alizadeh, 2016), a hidden Markov
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
model was used, in which authors proposed a hybrid
method based on hidden Markov model and multi-
nomial choice model to analyse customer choice be-
haviour. The proposed method was applied to the re-
tail store data set.
In addition, authors in (Mart
ınez et al., 2020) de-
veloped advanced analytics tools that predict future
customer behaviour in the non-contractual setting. A
dynamic and data-driven framework was built for pre-
dicting whether a customer is going to make a pur-
chase at the company within a certain time frame in
the near future. For that purpose, the authors pro-
posed a new set of customer-relevant features that
derive from times and values of previous purchases.
These customer features are updated every month,
and state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms are
applied for purchase prediction. Using a data set
containing more than 10, 000 customers and a total
number of 200, 000 purchases an accuracy score of
89% was obtained and an Area Under Curve(AUC)
value of 0.95 for predicting next month purchases on
the test data set. (Choudhury and Nur, 2019) pro-
posed an engineered approach to classifying potential
customer based on previously recorded purchase be-
haviour. Machine learning algorithms were applied
to find a pattern and predict potential customers by
using the classification results as ground truth. The
proposed approach achieved an accuracy of 99.4%.
Authors in (Bang et al., 2013) investigated con-
sumer browsing and purchase behaviour. The result
showed that the frequency and purchase time irregu-
larity was found to have a positive impact on mobile
commerce adoption. The results also suggested that
search cost influences the decision to adopt mobile
commerce. In addition, the consumers who search
multi-item or categories at a time, engaged in ac-
tive search, and conducted a thorough search, are less
likely to adopt mobile-commerce. Authors in (Wang
et al., 2015) used a dataset from an internet-based
grocery retailer to evaluate the changes in customers’
spending behaviour when M-shopping is adapted,
such as using smartphones, tablets and online. Results
showed that the number of orders placed per year in-
creased as customers adopt M-shopping. In (Carre
et al., 2019), the effect of exposing time to product ad-
vertisement on TV is investigated on users’ purchase
behaviours. They used machine learning models in
order to analyse the influence of purchase behaviour
from the advertisement. Results show that the effect
of advertisement on TV has a minimal influence fac-
tor on users’ purchase behaviours.
While, in (Kaatz et al., 2019), the different im-
pacts of different devices were examined, such as
desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones on the
success of various marketing channels dependent
on the device. This study demonstrated that desk-
top users should be approached by marketing chan-
nels which induce casual browsing behaviour (e.g.,
newsletter, social media, referrer, SEO). In contrast,
mobile users are more likely to use marketing chan-
nels that do not require an extended information
search, such as SEA or direct visits to familiar stores.
In addition, customer experience is important in im-
proving attribution outcomes (e.g., conversion rates)
by combining clickstream and survey data to under-
stand consumers’ decision processes. Finally, in (Liu
et al., 2019) authors explored whether consumers’
app adoption stimulates additional purchases and how
this change in purchase behaviour differs across cus-
tomers with different levels of spending share for dif-
ferent product categories and customer loyalty. Trans-
actional data from a Chinese online retailer were used.
Results showed that app adopters have higher pur-
chase incidence, buy more frequently, and spend more
in each order than non-adopters. Furthermore, results
suggest that apps are worth investing in despite their
similarity to mobile websites and can induce non-
loyal customers to purchase more and thus potentially
foster these customers’ loyalty.
In order to explore the effect of using different plat-
forms on users’ behaviours, six datasets were used
provided by a UK based content personalisation com-
pany. The dataset statistics are shown in Table 1
give information about the number of interactions, the
number of unique items and users. Also, the datasets
are analysed in terms of the statistics about which
platforms and devices e-shoppers are using to visit the
six e-commerce platforms.
Table 1: The statistics about the number of the items, users
and interactions in the dataset.
Dataset #user #item #interactions
dataset 1 148832 3835 551851
dataset 2 361330 33273 768999
dataset 3 478089 20480 456077
dataset 4 301089 9111 789059
dataset 5 215240 17431 519251
dataset 6 266871 34152 800985
Table 2 shows the the number of operating sys-
tems that users use to connect to each website. It can
be seen in Table 2 that in most websites IOS os has su-
periority over others except dataset 1 in which users
Analysing the Effect of Platform and Operating System Features on Predicting Consumers’ Purchase Intent using Machine Learning
mostly use Windows os to connect to websites. More-
over, we eliminated operating systems which have
less than 100 connections to the websites. The oper-
ating systems which have been eliminated are black-
berry, Fedora, Debian, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Win-
dows 2000, Windows Phone, Windows RT, Firefox
OS and Ubuntu.
Table 3 shows the number of interactions comes
from each platform. Except Dataset 1, in all other
datasets the number of mobile users has more than the
number of users from other platforms. Furthermore,
We analyse the dataset in terms of the distribution of
interaction and its outcome over weekday, day of the
month, operating systems and platforms. We select
only Dataset 6 since it has the highest number of the
interactions, also we have limited space to put other
datasets’ analysis.
Figure 1 shows the number of interactions over the
day of the week by the outcome of the interaction for
dataset 6. This Figure shows that Wednesday has the
most number of interactions among the other day of
the week.
Figure 1: User-Website interaction distribution over the
days of the week by outcome of the sessions for Dataset
Figure 2 shows the frequency of the interactions
on the hours of the day by outcome for dataset 6. It
shows that users mostly active after midday.
Figure 2: User-Website interaction distribution over the
hours of the day by outcome of the sessions for Dataset 6.
We also analysed the session outcome and user-
website interactions distribution for each operating
system for dataset 6. As seen in Figure 3, website
visitors mostly use IOS operating system.
Figure 3: Distribution of User-Website interaction for the
operating systems grouped by outcome of the sessions for
Dataset 6.
Finally, we analyse the dataset in terms of the
number of user interactions and platform types (Fig-
ure 4). As seen in Figure 4, most of the visitors use a
mobile platform.
Figure 4: Distribution of User-Website interaction for the
platforms grouped by outcome of the sessions for Dataset 6
In this section we give the details of the experiments
and results. Figure 5 shows the brief overview of the
way we follow for the experimental evaluation of the
proposed approach.
Three well-known machine learning prediction
models are used to explore the effect of users’ plat-
forms on their purchase intention behaviours. These
prediction models are K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN),
Decision Tree (DT), and Bagging classifier. The rea-
son of selecting three different classifiers is that they
have different ways of model learning. For exam-
ple, Bagging classifier is a type of ensemble learn-
ing models (Brzezinski et al., 2018),(Bader-El-Den
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Statistics about Operating Systems Users Use to Visit the Websites.
Operating Systems Dataset 1 Dataset 2 Dataset 3 Dataset 4 Dataset 5 Dataset 6
Android 7452 97126 217499 228532 195786 95151
Chrome OS 218 658 8002 3718 1609 3234
Linux 28456 2446 2189 864 19723 2008
Mac OS X 14250 47493 96197 57929 83075 95662
Other 31719 77735 2483 24025 19764 18437
Windows 21692 4888 7682 1976 6065 16312
Windows 10 141310 106667 103470 109707 163579 131327
Windows 7 66234 58595 28607 22115 87893 30549
Windows 8 674 343 560 523 484 315
Windows 8.1 10953 3073 6435 5613 54067 5394
Windows XP 911 272 500 443 874 270
iOS 12298 475057 370670 431394 210895 450333
Table 3: Statistics about the Platforms users use to connect
to websites.
Dataset Mobile Pc Tablet
Dataset 1 16191 317286 3562
Dataset 2 522675 303614 48467
Dataset 3 542152 259108 45921
Dataset 4 530621 229191 128246
Dataset 5 438576 304657 102158
Dataset 6 307616 298133 244454
et al., 2018). Furthermore, in order to validate the
proposed approach and evaluate the ability of the ma-
chine learning prediction models, we run experiments
with ten cross-validations. The F-score was used as
the metric to measure the performance of the models.
F-score reflects both precision and recall metrics (Zhu
et al., 2019) and common metric in order to validate
the performance of prediction models.
4.1 Feature Engineering
In order to train the classification models the follow-
ing features were selected:
1. Day of the Week: This feature indicates the day
of the week the user interacted with the platform.
This feature has an important indication of users’
purchase behaviour since most of the users prefer
to buy products on the weekdays
2. Hour of Day: Shows the hour that a user has
browsed the products. Statistical analysis shows
that users mostly buy products after working
3. Session Duration: Shows how many minutes a
session lasted.
4. Longitude: Longitude parameter of the location
that a user connected from to a website.
5. Latitude: Latitude parameter of the location that a
user connected from to a website.
6. number of previous purchases: shows the number
of the products a user purchased in the previous
7. number of previous sessions: indicates the num-
ber of times a user has visited the website.
8. number of pages viewed: shows the number of the
viewed pages in the session.
We have added operating systems and the platform
types as features to analyse their effect on the users’
purchase behaviour prediction.
1. operating systems (os): shows which operating
system is used to browse the website.
2. platform types (ff): shows which platform type
(mobile, tablet, pc) a user is using to browse the
4.2 Results
In this section, the results of the machine learning al-
gorithms are presented and analysed for each of the
six datasets. Table 4 shows the overview of the re-
sults for all of the datasets. In the following sections,
the results will be discussed in more details for each
4.2.1 Dataset 1
When comparing the performance of DT, Bagging,
and KNN, DT has a better F-score when the operat-
ing systems (os) and platform types (ff) features are
used. While KNN classifier has performed very sim-
ilar when these attributes are included and excluded.
In addition, KNN classifier shows the worst F-score
Analysing the Effect of Platform and Operating System Features on Predicting Consumers’ Purchase Intent using Machine Learning
Figure 5: Experimental design to analyse the effect of using operating systems and platform types as features.
Table 4: Performance of the classifiers (K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Decision Tree (DT) and Bagging with (+) and without
(-) using operating systems (os) and platform types (ff) as features.
Dataset 1 Dataset 2 Dataset 3 Dataset 4 Dataset 5 Dataset 6
ML + os, ff - os, ff + os, ff - os, ff + os, ff - os, ff + os, ff - os, ff + os, ff - os, ff + os, ff -os, ff
DT 0.593 0.588 0.838 0.835 0.709 0.699 0.828 0.820 0.816 0.806 0.857 0.852
Bagging 0.581 0.574 0.850 0.845 0.699 0.686 0.843 0.832 0.837 0.820 0.874 0.866
KNN 0.395 0.394 0.693 0.694 0.564 0.563 0.631 0.634 0.643 0.644 0.731 0.730
score among the other classifiers. Moreover, interest-
ingly, DT classifier has performed better than Bag-
ging. Also, prediction models have the worst F-score
comparing to the other datasets in all classification
models (DT:59.3 %, Bagging: 58.1 %, and KNN 39.5
%). Overall, using os and ff types as features has im-
proved the F-score of classification models.
4.2.2 Dataset 2
In Dataset 2, Bagging classifier has the best F-score,
followed by DT with 85 % and 83.8 % respectively.
While KNN classifier has the worst F-score. In
this Dataset, classification results show that ensemble
classifier has better performance in predicting users’
purchase intention. Also, adding the os and ff types as
features helped to get a better prediction score when
DT and Bagging classifiers were used.
4.2.3 Dataset 3
Dataset 3 performance results show the similarity
with the performance results of Dataset 1 in terms of
how the prediction models are performed. When os
and ff were used as features, all the classifiers per-
formed better. However, KNN classifier showed al-
most similar performance when os and ff used.
4.2.4 Dataset 4
Bagging classifier outperformed the other classifiers
with an 84.3 % when os and ff features are added.
Interestingly, we could not see any improvement on
KNN classifier, while Bagging and DT show better
F-score when os and ff are included.
4.2.5 Dataset 5
Similarly, in Dataset 4, adding os and ff did not help to
improve the performance of the KNN classifier, while
Bagging gives the best F-score with 84.3 % when os
and ff are included as features.
4.2.6 Dataset 6
Classifier models produced the highest performance
scores in this dataset comparing to other datasets.
Also, including os and ff as features helped to get bet-
ter performance in all classifiers. In addition, Bagging
has the best F-score, while KNN is the lowest, with
87.4% and 73.1% respectively.
4.2.7 Overall Result Analysis
DT and Bagging show the superiority over the KNN
classifier on all datasets for purchase prediction. On
the other hand, using os and ff as features does not
have the same effect as DT and Bagging for each
dataset. Generally, os and ff have an indication role
over users’ purchase intention and using these fea-
tures is useful to determine purchase prediction. In-
terestingly, KNN classifier did not show the positive
effect when os and ff are added as features to train the
classification models on datasets 2,4 and 5.
4.3 Discussion
The effects of adding new features that show the
users’ behaviours are investigated on performance im-
provement for purchase intention prediction (Mokryn
et al., 2019) (Carre
on et al., 2019). Authors in
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
(Mokryn et al., 2019) investigated the feature of prod-
uct trendiness on purchase prediction performance.
They found a significant difference when the prod-
uct trendiness was included. In addition, works in
(Wang et al., 2015) analysed the correlation between
devices that are connected to the users when visit-
ing an e-commerce website and their purchase be-
haviours. They found that there is a positive corre-
lation in their buying behaviour and the usage of mo-
bile devices to visit e-commerce websites. However,
they did not investigate the effect of using mobile de-
vices on purchase prediction using machine learning
algorithms. In our research, we conducted an exper-
imental analysis in order to analyse the effect of op-
erating systems and platform types on the prediction
of users’ purchase intention using machine learning
algorithms. The results showed that similar to con-
sidering product trendiness as feature (Mokryn et al.,
2019); there is a positive correlation on purchase pre-
diction performance in the sessions when the machine
learning algorithms are aware of users’ operating sys-
tems and platform types. The limitation of this work
is that we compared the difference of the machine
learning algorithms’ performance on purchase predic-
tion before and after adding both features however
one of the features(os or ff) could lead better corre-
lation result.
In this work, we investigated the effect of the op-
erating system and platform types that users use to
browse the e-commerce platforms on their purchase
behaviour. In order to identify their impact, we
run computational experiments with and without in-
cluding operating system and platform types as fea-
tures. The results showed that the users’ purchase be-
haviours are correlated with these features.
As future research, we will integrate the purchase
prediction results with session-based recommender
systems in order to improve personalisation when
users browse the products in a session.
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Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval