Personalised Recommendation Systems and the Impact of COVID-19:
Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges
Rabaa Abdulrahman and Herna L. Viktor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Recommendation Systems, COVID-19, Machine Learning, Cold Starts, Grey Sheep.
Personalised Recommendation Systems that utilize machine learning algorithms have had much success in
recent years, leading to accurate predictions in many e-business domains. However, this environment expe-
rienced abrupt changes with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic centred on an exponential increase in the
volume of customers and swift alterations in customer behaviours and profiles. This position paper discusses
the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Recommendation Systems landscape and focuses on new and
atypical users. We detail how online machine learning algorithms that are able to detect and subsequently
adapt to changes in consumer behaviours and profiles can be used to provide accurate and timely predictions
regarding this evolving consumer sector.
Recommendation Systems have been widely utilized
in e-commerce settings to guide users through their
shopping experiences. A principal advantage of these
systems is their ability to narrow down purchase op-
tions and market items to customers. Specifically,
personalised recommendation systems based on col-
laborative filtering recommend items that have been
rated by other users with preferences similar to those
of the targeted users. Intuitively, the more informa-
tion that is collected about users, the more accurate
the recommendations put forth by such systems will
Creating accurate and timely recommendations
for new or atypical users is an active area of research.
In the literature, new users are referred to as cold
starts, while atypical users are categorised as grey
sheep. Recently, machine learning (ML) algorithms
have had much success in improving the accuracy of
recommendations for these user categories that are
difficult to pinpoint’. For instance, (Abdulrahman
et al., 2019) combines cluster analysis, deep learn-
ing and active learning, or the so-called user-in-the-
loop system, to yield accurate recommendations for
cold-start users. In another recent study, (Abdulrah-
man and Viktor, 2020) employs one-class learning in
order to address the grey sheep challenge.
Although personalized recommendations have
been discussed in the literature since the 1990s, they
have only been widely adopted by e-businesses re-
cently. According to (Chen et al., 2014), a per-
sonalized Recommendation System should include
data collection, data warehousing, data mining, and
data applications. Data mining techniques
can make
predictions without accessing users’ profile infor-
mation and items; hence, they have been used to
improve recommendation performances (Yoon-Joo,
2013) (Lucas et al., 2012). Many successful busi-
nesses have implemented personalized approaches.
For instance, Amazon created a personalized recom-
mendation list for each user and was followed by
other businesses, such as, which helps the
user come to a decision based on a pared down sug-
gestion list (Oestreicher-Singer, 2013). Furthermore,
studies have shown that using these approaches in-
creases profits (Li and Karahanna, 2015). However,
the e-business landscape changed abruptly with the
onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This position pa-
per presents some thoughts on the current state of the
field and suggests some perspectives with regards to
the future.
This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 fo-
cuses on the above-mentioned challenges that person-
alised Recommendation Systems are currently fac-
ing. In Section 3, we discuss the current impact of
We use the terms data mining technique and ML algo-
rithm interchangeably. However, we wish to note that data
mining focuses more heavily on the discovery of patterns,
often by using ML algorithms.
Abdulrahman, R. and Viktor, H.
Personalised Recommendation Systems and the Impact of COVID-19: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0010145702950301
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2020) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 295-301
ISBN: 978-989-758-474-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
COVID-19 and highlight future research directions.
Section 4 concludes the paper.
Consumers face information overload every time they
access the Internet to make a purchase. In today’s
fast-paced world, they have neither the time nor the
patience to explore all these suggestions. Therefore,
the main idea behind Recommendation Systems is to
address the above-mentioned problem and aid users
in narrowing down their list of choices through an un-
derstanding of their preferences and personalising the
experience, as depicted in Figure 1.
Generally speaking, Recommendation Systems
use content-based filtering (CBF), collaborative filter-
ing (CF) or hybrid approaches (Abdulrahman et al.,
2019). These systems rely on two basic inputs: the set
of users in the system, U (also known as customers),
and the set of items to be rated by the users, I (also
known as the products) (Kumar and Thakur, 2018).
The systems employ matrices based on past purchase
patterns. With CBF, the system focuses on item ma-
trices, whereby it is assumed that if a user liked an
item in the past, he or she is more inclined to pre-
fer a similar item in the future. Therefore, these sys-
tems study the attributes of the items. On the other
hand, CF systems focus on user-rating matrices, rec-
ommending items that have been rated by other users
with preferences similar to those of the targeted user.
Thus, these systems rely on historic data consisting of
user ratings and similarities across the user network.
As hybrid systems employ both the CBF and CF ap-
proaches, they concurrently consider items based on
users’ preferences and on the similarity between the
items’ contents. In recent years, research has trended
toward hybrid systems. Another growing trend is the
use of ML algorithms to identify patterns in users’
interests and behaviours, including supervised, unsu-
pervised and one-class learning algorithms.
In essence, the recommendation process con-
sists of three main phases, namely, information col-
lection, learning and recommending (Kumar and
Thakur, 2018). During information collection, as the
name suggests, the aim is to learn more about the
users. As many authors have noted, the accuracy of
the recommendation is highly related to the quality of
information about the users in the system. This infor-
mation enters the system in the form of users’ feed-
back. There are three types of feedback that could
exist in the system: explicit feedback, where the user
provides a rating through the system interface; im-
plicit feedback, where the system monitors user be-
haviour, history, and purchases; and hybrid feedback,
which is a combination of explicit and implicit feed-
back. During the learning phase, an algorithm is ap-
plied to learn the users’ preferences. Finally, the sys-
tem turns out predictions in the form of prediction
scores, where a particular prediction score measures
how likely it is that user U
will be interested in item
, or recommendations, each of which list the top N
items that might be of interest to a specific user.
As noted above, recommendation systems have
been highly successful in tracking existing customers
with typical profiles. However, when clients are first-
time users of e-business systems, as is the case with
the surge in online shopping during the COVID-19
pandemic, their preferences are unknown. Further-
more, an increasing number of users have unique and
exotic tastes, which makes it harder for the system to
match their interests with the current customer base.
These two categories of users may also overlap, lead-
ing to inaccurate or nonsensical recommendations.
2.1 Cold-start Users
Recall that a cold-start user refers to a new user with
unknown preferences. In recommendation systems,
users’ preferences, historic data regarding what they
like and dislike and their item ratings and reviews are
used to match them with other users. In cold-start
situations, such information does not exist, which
makes it difficult for the system to calculate similar-
ity scores. Indeed, the tremendous increase in the use
of e-commerce websites during the current COVID-
19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of, and
difficulty in, providing accurate recommendations to
many first-time users (Argaman, 2020).
To address this problem, some researchers use
CBF systems, in which information about the items is
used to find the best match (Lu, 2015). Other systems
simply present these users with a predefined recom-
mendation list. Although these solutions may be suc-
cessful with some users, they often result in redun-
dant lists being presented, which causes these users
to lose interest. Another solution is to use conver-
sational learning models, where the new user is pre-
sented with a list of questions to build a preference
profile (Lamche et al., 2014). Doing so might also
drive them away due to the time it takes to build the
profile or privacy concerns. Recently, (Abdulrahman
et al., 2019) proposed the Popular User Personalized
Prediction (PUPP-DA) framework, which combines
active learning, ML, and deep learning algorithms to
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: Personalised Recommendation System.
accurately recommend items to new users.
2.2 Grey-sheep Users
As mentioned above, grey-sheep users are difficult to
identify or characterize. These users are often willing,
to some degree, to share their feedback. However,
their preferences typically do not match the majority
of preferences in the system. In contrast to cold starts,
the system might have the information it needs to cal-
culate similarity scores and produce recommendation
lists. However, such lists may not be accurate due
to their unique tastes and characteristics. Typically,
grey-sheep users are treated as outliers and removed
from the system (Srivastava et al., 2020). Other re-
searchers move them to a separate system where their
preferences can be better matched with those of oth-
ers (Zheng et al., 2017). However, doing so is not a
realistic option in large and online systems, as identi-
fying and moving users/items to a secondary system
is time consuming. (Abdulrahman and Viktor, 2020)
presents the Grey-Sheep One-Class Recommendation
(GSOR) framework, which is designed to create accu-
rate prediction models while considering both regular
and grey-sheep users. The GSOR framework utilizes
one-class classification, whereby the learning process
is accomplished with information from the majority
class, while predictions are made for the minority
class, i.e. the grey-sheep users.
Recently, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic,
many businesses have turned to e-commerce solutions
in an attempt to not only survive but also thrive in
the post-pandemic world (Goldstein, 2020). When
COVID-19 appeared in late 2019, governments were
forced to develop plans for facing the virus when it ar-
rived in their countries. In many countries, lockdown
procedures were implemented immediately, leaving
citizens with little choice but online shopping.
As the World Bank Group (Ungerer et al., 2020)
notes, e-commerce is emerging as a major pillar in
the COVID-19 crisis. Before the pandemic, for many
users, e-commerce was used to import unique items
unavailable in local markets or to provide the luxury
of shopping from the warmth and comfort of home
during cold winters. However, for many, the pan-
demic transformed e-commerce into a tool for sur-
vival. In many countries, even if a complete lock-
down was not enforced, physical distance measures
were encouraged. Thus, as infection rates climbed,
people started to turn to online ordering to avoid con-
tact with other people. In addition, the movements
of the vulnerable and elderly were restricted, lead-
ing a large portion of these individuals to turn to e-
commerce for the first time. Furthermore, in many
countries, most non-essential businesses closed until
further notice. In order for these businesses to sur-
Personalised Recommendation Systems and the Impact of COVID-19: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges
vive, they needed to reach out to customers through
web-based or social media stores, for instance, the In-
stagram and Facebook markets.
In terms of general e-commerce, online shopping
has shifted from being a convenience in terms of time
and location to being a necessity. In fact, as the United
States started lifting its partial lockdown and opening
up the economy again, a survey of consumers’ inten-
tions regarding the return to old shopping practices
was conducted (Post, 2020). The results showed that
24% of those surveyed did not intend to shop in a mall
during the next six months, while another 16% stated
that they did not intend to do so for the next three
months. We believe that the same observations hold
true in Canada.
The current shift in consumers’ habits stresses the
importance of meeting customers’ demands. Further-
more, it confirms the significance of catering the right
products to the right customers, including cold starts
and grey sheep, to avoid losing them to other busi-
nesses and to also streamline supply chains. On-
line competition is at its peak, and a significant per-
centage of businesses must address this challenge.
Several studies have shown the importance of e-
commerce, along with personalised Recommendation
Systems, during the pandemic across all sectors. For
instance, this shift is also relevant to the health care
sector, where healthcare providers have moved to e-
commerce to provide tailor-made care and treatments
(Ungerer et al., 2020).
In January 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau of the
Department of Commerce reflected on the growth
of e-commerce and noted that, in the United States
alone, sales were expected to top $4.2 trillion USD
in 2020 and that 2.1 billion customers would have
shopped online by the end of the year (Winkler,
2020). These numbers and expectations were based
on data previously collected for 2020. However, on
April 30, 2020, Amazon released their first-quarter fi-
nancial results, which described their total earnings as
“exceptionally” strong, as Amazon had made an esti-
mated $33 USD million an hour in sales for the first
three months of the year (Kaplan, 2020). In North
America alone, sales increased by 29%, i.e. by about
$46.1 billion, compared to the same period in 2019.
3.1 Addressing Cold Starts and Grey
The implications of this trend for the Recommenda-
tion System research community are manifold. In-
deed, as the number of users increased exponentially,
many new users were added to systems. Another as-
pect of note is that, even for existing users, there has
been a shift in their preferences. Since the pandemic
started, many users have switched preferences from
“what to buy” to “what is needed,” which has resulted
in previously popular and frequently rated items be-
ing ignored. Furthermore, considering the current sit-
uation we live in, many businesses have decided to
maintain work-from-home practices until the end of
2020. Consequently, many consumers have changed
their clothing preferences from formal dress, for in-
stance, to comfortable lounge wear.
Another challenge centres on cold-start users, as
many of these individuals have turned to e-commerce
for the very first time. This influx poses a challenge
for Recommendation Systems, since there substantial
gaps exist in what is known about these users. It may
well be that a substantial portion of these new users
are indeed grey sheep who typically would not use
e-businesses during normal times.
Considering these challenges, let us now illustrate
the current situation with some examples from the
Canadian perspective. As discussed earlier, the shift
in preferences causes data sparsity, which is a princi-
pal challenge for Recommendation Systems. Accord-
ing to Statista (2019), the lowest two categories by
household type who shopped online in Canada prior
to the pandemic were singles who cohabitated with
other adults (e.g. parents or roommates) and single
parents (Statista, 2019). These groups represented
12% and 3%, respectively, of all users. Within these
groups, there are users that have never shopped on-
line before or are currently using e-commerce now
for different types of demands. In Canada, Millen-
nials and Baby-Boomers produced the highest per-
centage of online consumer sales during 2019 (Post,
2020). Today, preferences have turned towards order-
ing what is necessary for homeschooling or entertain-
ing children. A 2019 report by Canada Post indicated
that 62% of Canadians shopped for clothing apparel,
whereas 41% shopped for computers and electronics
using e-commerce. After the pandemic hit, a report
by Cision (2020) showed that all e-commerce sales
increased, except for clothing (which had the lowest
increase of 21%). Meanwhile, the sales of electronics
increased by 160% (Absolunet, 2020).
In 2019, it was reported that Pre-Boomers, i.e.
those aged 73 and older, as well as Gen Z, i.e. cus-
tomers in the 18–23 age group, constitute the lowest
percentages, 5% in each category, of online shoppers
in Canada, as depicted in Figure 2. These customers
represent two very different generations and are thus
often difficult to target. For a business to thrive on-
line, it must understand its customers’ behaviours and
characteristics in order to expand its customer base.
Gen Z, for instance, is considered to exert the main
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 2: Online Shopping by Age in Canada in 2019 (Statista, 2019).
influence over buying decisions for families (Gold-
stein, 2020). According to Forbes (2020), technol-
ogy is crucial for enhancing the Gen Z shopping ex-
perience and providing them with instant and qual-
ity services (Goldstein, 2020). In Canada, it is ex-
pected that by 2026, 21% of the population will fall
into the 73 years old and older category. Older cus-
tomers often fall in the grey-sheep category and, as
discussed in (Insider, 2020), they have a preference
for products that provide them with improved quality
of life. As noted by Retail Insider (2020), this group
of customers prefers to view products physically be-
fore buying them (Insider, 2020). For instance, as the
pandemic lockdown started in Canada in mid-March
2020, many grocery stores dedicated special hours to
senior shoppers. However, a recent study by Statis-
tics Canada indicated that a large portion of such cus-
tomers turned to online shopping, with 45% of people
aged 75 and older indicating that they did so (Post,
2020). The question here is how to target these cus-
tomers and, as many have turned to e-commerce for
the first time, how to keep them in the customer base
when life returns to normal. Next, we explain how on-
line ML algorithms can be used to address this chal-
3.2 Adaptive Machine Learning
ML algorithms have been used successfully in in-
creasing the accuracy of personalised Recommenda-
tion Systems. The earliest works focused on using the
k-nearest neighbours technique (Kumar and Thakur,
2018), where a recommendation is provided by cal-
culating the distance between a user U
and all others
in the database in terms of user characteristics that
are described by a number of features F = { f
, ..
}. Next, the k nearest neighbours {U
, .. U
} of
user U
are determined using some distance measure,
such as Euclidian distance, and their preferred items
are suggested to user U
. This approach is based on
the assumption that consumers are easily grouped into
neighbourhoods, and the accuracy of the approach is
highly dependent on the available features and the
distance measure. Other recent methods employ ad-
vanced algorithms, such as ensembles, cluster analy-
sis and deep learning algorithms, to improve the qual-
ity of predictions (Abdulrahman et al., 2019).
A major drawback of most the above-mentioned
algorithms is that they are unable to detect and adapt
to changes. Such changes can be gradual, incremen-
tal, re-occurring, seasonal or abrupt, as illustrated
in Figure 3. Abrupt change occurs when customer
behaviours and/or customer profiles change over a
very short time period. Gradual change occurs more
slowly and less radically. Gradual drift can be incre-
mental, with many intermediate steps between the ex-
tremes, or dispersed, whereby new trends appear in
increasingly more instances. It is also possible for
previous patterns to reoccur through time. For exam-
ple, seasonal patterns might reoccur each year but not
necessarily at exactly the same time. Formally, let us
assume that a set of features F = { f
, .. f
} is utilised
to recommend an item I
from the item set I = {I
, ..
} to user U
. A concept drift has occurred if there
is a change in the probability P(I
), i.e. the proba-
bility that item I
will be preferred by user U
, who is
described by a feature set F
Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic constituted a
major and abrupt change in consumer behaviours. In
addition, the presence of numerous new, and atypi-
Personalised Recommendation Systems and the Impact of COVID-19: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges
Figure 3: Drifts in consumer behaviour (adapted from (Gama et al., 2014)).
cal, users led to a further recommendation challenge.
Traditional ML algorithms are not able to automati-
cally detect and handle such changes in user prefer-
ences and profiles. Rather, a decrease in the accura-
cies of their predictions will indicate that the mod-
els are incorrect, leading to the realisation that new
models need to be built; this typically happens after
some delay. On the other hand, online or incremen-
tal learners, such as adaptive trees and ensembles, are
highly suitable for learning in such changing environ-
ments (Bifet et al., 2018). These incremental learn-
ing algorithms update their models upon the arrival of
new data and may ”forget” old concepts using local
replacement, in which irrelevant subsections of the
model are discarded and replaced with subsections
trained on recent data. This process made possible
by the incorporation of drift detection into their de-
signs; thus, these algorithms are able to dynamically
and seamlessly adapt their models to changes in user
preferences. Although such explicit concept drift de-
tection is not necessary for incremental algorithms to
adapt to drifting concepts, as they often do so natu-
rally by continually updating and forgetting, it does
afford several advantages. For example, if concept
drift occurs abruptly, the model can detect and adapt
to it more quickly. Concept drift detection also pro-
vides insights into the mechanics of the generation
process in order to facilitate the modelling of future
re-occurring or seasonal changes in customer profiles
or purchase patterns.
In terms of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is too early
to say whether a second or third wave will occur. It
is also not possible to predict consumer behaviours
in the unfortunate event that these waves occur. How-
ever, the authors are of the opinion that any such event
may potentially lead to another abrupt drift or the re-
currence of the patterns observed in mid-March 2020.
The use of online learning algorithms that incorporate
drift detection algorithms appears to be a promising
research direction, helping to ensure that e-businesses
are able to adapt rapidly and efficiently to changes in
their customer bases and purchase patterns (Ungerer
et al., 2020), while facilitating interactions with cold
starts and grey sheep.
Recommendation Systems are crucially important for
the economic growth of businesses engaged in e-
commerce. With the recent abrupt shift in their lives,
many consumers currently depend on e-commerce for
essential items. The challenge is accommodating this
entire customer base, including loyal customers, new
users, and those with unique tastes, as the pandemic
continues to ebb and flow. This position paper illus-
trated how online ML, by incorporating change de-
tection in the design, can be potentially utilised to ad-
dress these challenges.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a shocking,
yet eye-opening experience, with a wide impact on
e-commerce, technology, and Recommendation Sys-
tems. This impact has, however, not been all negative.
For instance, Shopify, a well-known Ottawa-based e-
commerce business, recently became the most valu-
able publicly traded company in Canada in May 2020,
even topping the stock value of the Royal Bank of
Canada (Simpson, 2020). Shopify’s financial results
for the first quarter of 2020 increased by 47%, an
KDIR 2020 - 12th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
increase in total revenue of $470 million USD com-
pared to the same period last year. In the mer-
chant solutions component of Spotify, which houses
its Recommendation System, there was growth of
57%, as reported by (Simpson, 2020). Indeed, the
Shopify case study reconfirms the value, importance
and growth of intelligent personalised Recommenda-
tion Systems.
Incremental ML approaches will continue to of-
fer crucial insights into evolving consumer bases, and
our current research focuses on this aspect of ML. We
plan to utilize drift detection algorithms from the on-
line learning research community (Gama et al., 2014)
to build adaptive predictive models. Our future work
will also include a study of the world-wide impact
of shifting consumer habits on the Recommendation
Systems landscape, with a focus on cold starts and
grey sheep.
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Personalised Recommendation Systems and the Impact of COVID-19: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges